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today we're going to be busting 100 myths and 24 hours we asked you guys to send us some of the most insane myths to bust but before we bust the myths that you sent us we actually have one myth for you to bust and that is you won't watch this video all the way to the end first myth is that bowling balls are indestructible ready yup three two one there's this very common myth that if you run fast enough you can actually run on water so right now we're gonna let the fastest runner give that a shot here we go whoa you said fastest not fattest alan why don't you give it a shot [Applause] another myth is if you ride a bike fast enough you can actually ride on water [Laughter] hey we just ruined a bike if you guys hadn't noticed alex has been eating this whole time in the background and another myth is if you eat before you swim your stomach will explode is my stomach gonna explode let's find out something exploded but it wasn't a stomach it was impossible to ride a bike under water oh it's working [Music] i don't think that worked unless you count popping a willy i was riding a bike alex how's your stomach feel it feels great so it feels like it's not gonna explode well maybe explosive diarrhea and that's the next myth that you can't go in a pool when you have explosive diarrhea because we're both in here alex why haven't you gotten out yet because i'm busting the next myth that you can pee in the pool because there's chlorine in it all right i'm glad i got out oil prevents a balloon from being popped there is no way that just actually works if you like a tea bag on fire it will actually fly oh my goodness no no if you touch a string between two cups you should be able to hear what the other person is saying you ready sean yeah shawn likes bubble what'd i say sean like bubba if you scream at a high pitched volume you can actually break glass [Applause] another myth is if you walk under a ladder you'll have bad luck all right we'll see what happens if you break a mirror then you get bad luck for seven years we're gonna check back on this in seven years if you play with crutches you'll end up in crutches we're gonna check back on this one later checking back on that myth about walking under ladders well nothing bad has happened yet so i think that's myth busted crocs always land upright vans always land upright another myth that we're going to bust what are you guys doing today we're actually busting 100 mips in 24 hours to bust what what's the myth you guys don't hang out with your subscribers you guys know that's not true okay i have another myth for you to bust what's the myth oh they spit out the same time hey i'm not fat yeah you are but you're not skinny that's kind of me pat i have another myth little kids love james charles do you have one to say i like fashions okay let's put that to the top one two three he's a little boy that's myth busted one two three oh my god how old are you how old are you i love it the soap toys will never hit 10 million subscribers that's not true subscribe on both of my accounts i subscribe in every single lecture an umbrella actually works as a parachute i felt like i was floating for a second cats hate water wait oh oh wait what and the next myth is that dogs hate water yeah okay you can climb out a window use an only bed sheet uh-oh yeah oh my god it's working it's working [Music] you can actually climb a wall using only plungers well it didn't work but it might have looked like it worked we're going to bust four minutes at once right now we're going to see i assume can care spice we're going to see a milk and cure spice we're also going to see if wasabi can cure spices and then we're gonna see if toothpaste can carry spice we have the worst one you're supposed to eat the wing first oh my god oh my god oh my god okay it does help a little bit oh my gosh does it help it does oh these really are the spicy wins oh shawn is already digging in there come on [Music] [Laughter] you know which brings us to the next myth that bubba isn't a real person we actually have video proof the other week when sean thought he was going on a date with a girl he ended up getting catfished and meeting up with bubba at the fair i got catfished i've been talking to her for like three whole weeks diamonds are indestructible so the meadow is completely destroyed but the diamond is unaffected so myth confirmed you can't walk in a straight line blindfolded a grande drink with no ice can actually fill up two vintage drinks with ice when you're at starbucks just don't ask for ice i would say myth confirmed how do we get inside this bad boy oh no it's the plate here no there it is have fold a paper 42 times they'll actually reach the moon but you can't fold a sheet of paper more than seven times five oh my god literally impossible to photopass seven times theoretically if you can fold a sheet of paper a hundred times it actually covers up the entire universe eating sugar makes you hyper okay do you feel a little more hyper i feel pretty hyper how to do your intro eating an apple a day actually keeps the doctor away hey this is the easiest thing alex has ever done eating chocolate gives you acne we're each going to eat a little bit of this hershey's chocolate right here check back to see if we get acne or not an apple can charge your phone all right it's not charging a watermelon can charge a potato can charge your phone oh it worked oh never mind the next myth is chuck e cheese sells leftover pizza okay all right what the this looks like it's already been eaten look how uneven the slices are it's not even like fully round i don't care if it's been recycled or not that's for farting on me well that brings me to the next myth you can eat food that's been dropped on the ground as long as it's been within five seconds another myth is that you can't trap a fart hey dad you want to smell it real quick i've been working on this new cologne holy that is that's another myth confirmed if one twin gets in trouble the other twin automatically gets in trouble a bag of chips will shrink if you microwave it [Applause] it looks like a chip oh how cute if you put a mcflurry on top of a drink it's supposed to hold it we have a bunch of myths about eggs that we're gonna bust right now you can't break an egg with your body come on come on come on flex okay it doesn't work okay it really doesn't work if you put an egg in your mouth it'll break no matter what it's impossible to crush an egg with your hand okay all right oh my goodness you can't i can't really get this it's not breaking it's really not breaking it really is if you stand on two cartons of eggs it won't break myth busted no i just think you're just heavy the next myth is water alone cannot put out a fire and now we're going to try it with a fire extinguisher instead whoa oh they actually work fire turns sand into glass oh wait i don't think that actually works it is impossible to jump out of a pool [Music] i can't do it a very common myth about carrots is if you eat them you can see in the dark let's see if it works i feel like this is exactly how we normally see like in the dark so i don't think this works which leads us to our next myth if you shut the lights off and say bloody mary three times in front of a mirror bloody mary will come out bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary okay we'll give it a few more seconds but i don't think that works which leads us to the next myth that if you say candyman in front of a mirror three times with the lights off that he will appear candy man candy man candy man what the was that a very common myth about glasses is wearing glasses makes you smarter what's the capital of the united states santa monica god now we're going to see if glasses can fix that what is it you don't know san francisco yeah finally oh my gosh yeah myth busted because glasses don't make you smarter because that was not the right answer cat honey onions makes you cry [Music] my tears wait she's actually crying if you're allergic to peanut butter and you eat it your cheeks will swell up what's happening it's happening no if you sneeze with your eyes open your eyes will explode also it's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open [Laughter] that's a very interesting myth that just got busted but another interesting myth is if you actually subscribe to someone i actually gained two new subscribers so i'm gonna subscribe to our second account from our main account and right now we're at this many subs and let's see how many we're out right after we subscribe refresh we just learned 20 new subs so why don't you subscribe to our account and let us know how many subs you gained 100 balloons can make a human float letting go in three two one obviously that didn't work but i feel like if we had 300 balloons that definitely would have worked another myth is if someone farts on your face you get pink eye don't don't don't hey we'll check back on this one later if you put a paper towel over a cup of water that's completely full it won't spill no matter what there is no way this actually works this is so cool that's insane guys just to prove that we don't waste any water here yawning is contagious just thinking about it makes me want to go on [Music] even sean young so it's confirmed it's impossible to lick your elbow you really can you can't touch your nose with your tongue oh wait can you oh your foot is the exact same size as your elbow to your ribs you can't fit a fist inside your mouth come on i've seen you eat bigger food in your mouth than that wow myth busted cat cannot go one day without telling a fat joke you can't like and subscribe at the same time [Music] it's physically impossible try to like and subscribe at the same time you can like the video and subscribe and comment down below if that works for you or not it is impossible to swallow your own saliva more than seven times in a row one two three four five six seven eight eight eight times i just did it eight times i couldn't even do it past four nine you can't fart and burp at the same time or you die there we go if you hold it apart it's actually unhealthy no no no no no now that is a myth busted because i feel a lot better now i don't actually taller when you first wake up in the morning then you're at night here we go why is there a s at 12 inches whose s who wait have you guys seen my measuring thing he's five feet eight inches but counting the python six feet and nine inches six feet and one inch six one and a half six eight what a tall dude do we have here no she is five feet eight inches waking up after six hours of sleep makes you feel a lot more refreshed than waking up after eight hours of sleep alan tonight is gonna sleep for six hours and i'm gonna sleep for eight hours while cat sleeps for zero hours okay so i just got done sleeping for six hours and i feel all right but i'm gonna wake alex up he actually felt like two hours before me and i'm gonna see how he feels oh i feel like you overslept we're gonna go wake up shawn and cap so we can measure ourselves to see if we're any taller oh cat you're already up yeah let's go wake up sean so we can measure our heights let's see if we're all any taller okay [Music] no no no [Music] who makes coffee like that i was trying to add a little creamer to it you are five eight and a half six one and a half six two but you're still five eight maybe it's just a myth that works only for guys cats always land on their feet gentle from like a foot off the ground here we go and the most common cat myth is that they have nine lives okay here we go okay i'm kidding i would never do that to mr handsome i would never do that to him they are scared of cucumbers he is not scared at all he's trying to lick it so right beneath us is a 10 000 foot drop and it is a very common myth that all sky divers skydive at the same speed but the last time we went skydiving you can actually catch up to another skydiver by streamlining your body the next myth is that you can open a locked door using only a credit card so this door is locked right here and i'm going to take this card and stick it in between the cracks once it's here you keep pushing and then it should open a door by itself just like that just like that healthy teeth should be perfectly white i'm going to call up a very famous dentist and ask him to bust this myth for us total bit yellow is healthy yellow is normal all right another very common myth is that humans only have five senses so we have dr schenkelberg here who is actually the head scientist of human research at stanford university is it true that humans only have five senses that's actually false humans have closer to 20 senses such as pressure thermoception and time and one more question what got you into youtube editing instead honestly it pays better depending on the client wow you heard it right here the next myth is that parents love all their kids the same is that true dad do you love us all the same uh no who who do you love the most uh what do you like me or alex morgan i had to pick one save one life a new one baby dude you can make snow from baby diapers it's already working wow take a look guys that is some fresh snow and i guarantee you that's how snow is actually made cutting your hair makes it grow back thicker and faster so mark i'm gonna need you to go shave all right i'm back mark i thought i told you to shave i did oh okay twins have the same size yup versus canon we're actually wearing underwear so we kind of tell i was using this phone earlier to record allen underwater and it is not turning on anymore so i'm going to stick this in a bag of rice and see if it fixes it you guys remember how earlier we said we checked back to see if eating hershey's would break you out i think i'm starting to break out a little bit right here i'm breaking out right here yeah and right there oh my god earlier i was the only one who ate an apple and i honestly think an apple a day does keep the doctor away because i feel a lot healthier and in case you guys are wondering where tanner's at he's actually sick from not eating apples and he's currently locked up in his room earlier we tested a myth that farting on someone's face gives them pink eyes we both farted on cats so now we're gonna see if she has pink eyes we don't have pink eye or oh so it's a map she's got stink eye let's see if it fix it or not no it's not turning on for the past year sean has been saving up money so he can buy a computer to stream on twitch so instead we decided to surprise him with the best and most expensive gaming computer the best part about this pc is um it's actually uh it's actually not for us it's for you sean sean has actually been twitch streaming from his laptop and sean this is actually for you you guys are lying you guys lied you guys it's for you guys no it's for you sean get one tonight tomorrow this quality is gonna go up now that we busted 100 mips in 24 hours we actually have one minute for you guys to bust and that is this video can't get a million likes click here to watch me lose 100 000 calories so cat stops calling me fat no i didn't say that and click here to watch us spend 24 hours overnight in the world's biggest water park
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 97,888,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: busting 100 myths in 24 hours, busting 100 myths, busting myths, myth busting, mythbusters, stokes twins, airrack, Stokes Twins, Ben Azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, Amp World, amp, David Dobrik, Morgz, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, logan paul, James Charles, Loren Gray, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Faze Jarvis, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Preston, unspeakable
Id: IuWj5GAPdWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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