Kid Gets To BE IN CHARGE for 24 Hours, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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boy here comes he's about to say it so you see why does he always use that lion can you think of anything else i'm pretty sure it's on purpose i mean i also put on a t-shirt i guess we can ask him at the meet and greet on sunday what time is it out again uh 9am for nice want some heck yeah i wish my mom let me have ice cream before dinner i do what i want around here nice there you go thank you joey look you know the rules no ice cream before supper oh come on mom david's mom lets him right david so if i were to call your mom right now you're telling me she would say yes um exactly i'm sorry you already had too many sweets today you know your stomach starts to hurt when you eat too many that's not true i can eat way more here eat this it's good for your stomach i don't want a banana why do you have to be so strict all the time everything okay your brother he doesn't like having any rules [Laughter] what am i going to do with that boy anyway you need me to make you anything son no i'm gonna eat with jamie tonight okay but i'll take a banana wwdmd what would darkman do what are you searching on the new dartmouth app he just launched it it's the easiest way to watch his videos now have you seen this one yeah it's super scary it has an evil clown in it really it's not too scary is it okay fine i'll put it on oh yeah you guys aren't scared of clowns are you okay when the clown shows up that's it watch it joey gotta stop creeping up on me i don't know why you're scared i was just coming to tell that huh nice try i see yeah like that's gonna work hey we were watching that you know you're not allowed to watch scary movies at night that's how you get nightmares i'll be fine come on no the last time you did this you couldn't even sleep in your own bed you had to come and sleep with me no i've never slept with you just give me the remote back rules are rules you know that this is so unfair i'm sorry honey besides david your mom just texts she said she was pulling up you better get going and you better get going to bed and you certainly shouldn't be eating this popcorn oh why do you have to ruin everything [Applause] what are you doing it's past 9 p.m you're not supposed to be playing video games one second i'm about to beat this lover joey please don't make me tell you twice i will take your playstation away five four three two oh fine i don't understand why i have to go to bed anyway it's friday night and i'm not even tired i should be able to stay up as long as i want to if you don't get sleep now you're gonna ruin your day tomorrow honey now get up and go brush your teeth all right i'm out see you guys later all right bye how come he gets to go out and i can't even play video games you know the answer to that your brother's 17. it's different but even i have to be home by midnight thank you and as long as you both live under my roof you have to abide by my rules i hate this house and i hate these rules i can't wait to move on so nobody can tell me what to do wwdmd what'd you say oh it's something i saw on a flyer it it means what would darman do got it i'm pretty sure he has a video about this he has a video about pretty much everything yeah anyway see you later hey don't forget i know i know you don't have to remind me [Music] see you be safe i will good morning joey what's all this well today's your lucky day because you get to be in charge what are you talking about no more rules for the next 24 hours you have until 10 a.m tomorrow so have fun wait are you serious you mean i get to do whatever i want you got it i am not gonna tell you what you can or cannot do oh my gosh this is going to be the best 24 hours of my life we'll see about that now come on and grab some breakfast i made some eggs i think i'll have ice cream instead for breakfast just like you said i can do what i want suit yourself hey i'm headed to the whoa that's a lot of sugar yep i'm going to eat all of it wanna know why because you can't tell me not to that's true well i'm headed to the store you want to come nope it's about 1 p.m are you just gonna stay in your pajamas maybe if i want to i will i'll decide on my own all righty then i'll see you later oh um and david's about to be here he'll be sleeping over and just a warning we're gonna stay up all night playing video games and watching scary movies fine you can do whatever you want you're in charge you need anything while i'm out yeah more ice cream more ice cream man i can't believe your mom is understood this this is so awesome yeah this is the wow what's wrong it's just my stomach i probably shouldn't have eaten all that candy all right boys i'm going to bed david i left you some blankets out here on the couch thank you you need anything else before i go nope we're good and you sure you don't want me to make dinner you guys are going to get sick i said we're good okay well try to get some sleep and please make sure you brush your teeth don't tell us what to do man if i ever talk to my mom that way i don't even know what would happen like i said i'll do what i want around here yeah until tomorrow huh you can sleep wanna play what you can't be sleepy i'm gonna stay up all night you're sure that's a good idea are you kidding yeah okay yes i won david wake up man what time is it bruh it's not even 2 am come on you can't fall asleep i thought we were gonna watch scary movies sure we should just go to bed no we gotta make the most of this who knows if we'll ever be able to do this again okay fine bustling on all right let's finish what we were watching yesterday what are we gonna do i don't wanna die [Laughter] that was so scary did you even see that i'm sorry i can't stop i'm just gonna go sleep in the living room hold on wait are you sure you don't wanna sleep in here no i'm just gonna go sleep on the couch good night wait leave the lights on please don't be such a scaredy cat ah what was that [Music] hello hello [Music] hello hello are you planning on getting out of bed today joey were you watching scary movies yeah how late did you stay up i don't know like 3 30 am so much of your day is already gone come to the kitchen i made breakfast all right oh my stomach hurts hey have a seat i made your favorite pancakes no way i don't want to eat anything sweet ever again my stomach hurts so bad i tried to warn you oh what time is it just past 10 what you mean we miss a dormant mean great oh yeah the meet and greet totally forgot why didn't you wake us up i wasn't in charge you were remember oh i can't believe we missed it i've been waiting for this for weeks well maybe you boys shouldn't have stayed up all night playing video games and watching scary movies yeah that probably wasn't a good idea so i was thinking since you had so much fun yesterday maybe i should let you do it all over again today what do you think no way no way seriously oh my stomach oh oh no maybe you should have some more ice cream please i don't want to look at that ever again i'm gonna puke oh whatever you say boss so i'm giving you 24 more hours actually mom that's all right i now realize rules are important i'm sorry for the way i acted wow you really mean that okay well since i'm in charge again get dressed because we're going to the meet and greet hold on wait wait wait wait wait what are you talking about yeah i thought we missed it i got an email this morning saying it got pushed back to 11 a.m so you see you still get to meet darwin yes thank you so much mom you're welcome oh as a matter of fact can you give me a few i need to use depression first sure honey [Laughter] yeah what's up why do you always say so you see well so you see i'm so sorry you guys i gotta run but i'll come back and answer your question another day you guys got to get to class it was nice meeting you guys ugh now i'll never find out well actually i know what why so you see hey dar man fam i hope you loved that video the darman app that was mentioned is available to download right now for free on the apple store or on google play you can go ahead and click the link right here i'm going to be releasing all kinds of new exclusive content for the app so make sure you check it out thanks so much for watching and please remember that we're not just telling stories we're changing lives i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 37,498,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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