PREGNANT Lady KICKED OUT OF HOUSE, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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so i know for a fact gary's seeing someone else now already why do you think that you know i'm the best detective he's storied something and the pillow on the couch is the exact same pillow his co-worker alexandra has and they've always had a thing for each other wait you know what kind of couch cushion his co-worker has i don't know jamie that seems kind of oh my gosh look at that lady that's heartbreaking she's pregnant and on the streets yeah that's awful but i'm sure she made a lot of decisions to get here i wouldn't feel too bad that's not nice to assume i'm gonna help her there it is here this is for you oh thank you so much god bless you god bless you too uh i'm sorry about your situation i'm krista by the way and this is my friend jamie hi i'm emily you have no idea how much this is gonna help me i i'm halfway to getting a hotel room for the night you sleep in your car uh no i sleep on the streets and i'll have a car do you have anyone you can call family friends sadly no it's a it's just me i used to live with my boyfriend timothy though um but you know he wasn't he wasn't really the nicest guy he hey hey it's okay you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to well we hope things turn around for you good luck with everything let's go i feel so bad for her you don't know if what she's saying is even true what are you doing being a good samaritan i'm gonna see if she wants to come stay with me krista stop you don't even know this person and i have heard some scary stories about helping homeless people let's go i feel terrible she's pregnant living on the streets i can't begin to imagine what that's like it's not your responsibility to take care of her this isn't a safe decision well we learned in church that you should always help someone in need you gave her 10 bucks that's a lot of help there's no need to do more of course hey let me ask you something how would you like to come stay with me for a couple days i know it might be hard for you to accept my offer are you kidding me yes oh okay great [Music] bye oh come with me i'm just parked on the street can i yeah okay just got your room all set is that my bathrobe yeah i hope it's okay that i used it i didn't want to stay in my old clothes uh sure that's fine are you looking for something a fork aha found it uh that's a that's my pasta i was gonna have that for dinner oh my gosh i'm so sorry i think my pregnancy cravings just took over it's okay you can have it you need it more than i do thanks i see your hairs but let me get you a towel oh i'm actually good uh i found one uh in the bathroom oh you're not supposed to use that that's just for decoration it's actually designer and very expensive whoops i i i had no idea um but i'll just i'll i'll put it back you know what uh just use it it's fine all right thanks uh your room's ready do you want to see it no i um maybe after i eat of course just let me know when you're ready gary storied him eating spaghetti bolognese at a restaurant and then in alexandra's story you can see she's also at dinner if you zoom in close enough what do you see on the other side of the table the same exact pasta gary's eating wow that's crazy you okay you seem a little stressed do i you know nothing gets past me what's going on talk to me maybe i shouldn't dig into these things too much but i'm just getting a weird feeling about emily what's she been doing it's been five days now she doesn't seem at all interested in leaving anytime soon i keep asking what her plans are but she dodges the question plus she's messy she uses my stuff and something just feels is she getting into your car gotta be kidding me and she's wearing my dress emily what are you doing oh uh i didn't realize you were home uh i need to go to a doctor's appointment um you know for my baby do you mind if i use your car yes i mind if something happened my insurance wouldn't cover you why wouldn't you ask me first i i didn't want to bother you sorry i didn't mean to overstep any boundaries i just i felt this pain and i i thought i should go in right away okay well i understand what you're saying i'll call you an uber how's that okay thanks [Music] um i'll put your key back inside please ask before wearing any more of my clothes oh okay will do you did not just let her get away with that i feel bad i'm just trying to help her out krista there's a difference between helping someone and being taken advantage of i think you're getting taken advantage of it's time you get her out how do i even do that just tell her straight up she can't say no it's your house [Music] what the she's getting her mail here now [Music] what oh you've got to be kidding me i can't do this anymore emily [Music] don't you knock what is that can you give me some privacy you've been pretending to be pregnant this entire time what is wrong with you i i can explain see this is right to me after everything that i've done for you taking you in feeding you letting you use my clothes ordering you coat please you are in your 30s with no husband or kids if anything i've been giving your pathetic life purpose for the past few weeks i've been waiting for this i want you out now uh no what i said no fine that i'm calling the cops go right ahead yes i'd like to report a trespasser hmm that's the cops are you sure you don't want to leave are you krista yes i am where's emily lady she's right in here uh what are you doing what does it look like i'm doing i'm washing the dishes silly oh hello welcome to our home i am so sorry about the state of our home right now my roommate has been having a little bit of a hard time remembering to clean up after her souls okay that is not at all true first things first i'm the realist what oh come on we used to always finish each other's sentences when we first moved in remember we never moved in together this is all her mess and she doesn't live here i do what are you talking about roomie we got into a little disagreement and now she's trying to kick me out it's not fair she's lying don't listen to her i want you gone now i don't understand you said that i could live here do you have anything that proves your resident here of course i mean what about all the bills i pay look i just got one today she got that delivered today without even asking me i found her on the streets she was pretending to be pregnant and homeless i invited her to come stay with me and now she won't get out please i need you to get her out of here krista relax breathe what did your therapist say you shouldn't make up stories about people she likes to fabricate things when she's off her meds clearly she's been here for a while which makes this a civil case not criminal what you're gonna have to take her to court if you want a round because she has tennessee rights if you allow her to live here and she has mail that's correct well don't you officers worry we'll work this out like sisters we always do in the meantime can i get you anything coffee tea we're good thanks please this is my home i want her out there's nothing else we can do good night good night toodles all right so uh why don't you go on and um finish up the dishes i'll be in the bath if you need me oh [Music] and if the doorbell rings answer it it may be my boyfriend timothy over my dead body i'm letting anyone else in this house oh yeah what are you gonna do call the cops [Laughter] this is not happening [Music] hey i need your detective skills i thought krista and i were friends i mean i look out for her i helped pay the bills i i cleaned the place that's my home and i don't understand how she could try to kick me out over a little disagreement i see do you have anything to add to that your honor everything that she's saying is a complete lie she hasn't paid any bills she's a complete slob and she has been manipulating me since day one when i met emily she was pretending to be pregnant and homeless i was taken advantage of emily isn't the victim here i am hmm do you have any proof of payment ms stern of any rent or any bills no i don't well then you have to side with the plaintiff you have 90 days to pack your things and go otherwise plaintiff can file for eviction 90 days according to the rental board that's how long a non-paying tenant has to vacate if she's not gone by then come back to court you can file for eviction they're usually granted within 30 days i'm sorry so so she has 90 days to leave and if she doesn't it will take me another 30 to get her out correct case dismissed since we're going to the same place maybe we should ride together roomie i don't think we're going to the same place you're going someplace far worse than me what are you talking about you heard what the judge said i have at least four months and after i pull a few tricks file for a motion to stay oh and claim inhabitability i am gonna be good to go for a long time but for once i'm one step ahead of you emily or should we say delaney [Music] how do you know that name thanks to my good friend and detective jamie we found out some things about you you see after you fooled the cops i was stressed out trying to figure out a way to know who you really are that's when jamie came up with the brilliant idea of checking my uber account to see where you went that day turns out it wasn't the hospital after all you went to see timothy at first he didn't want to talk to us but after we offered him a little incentive he spilled his guts and told us everything about you including your real name turns out this little stunt wasn't your first rodeo we read stories from so many people that you scammed we also found out you have a warrant for your arrest and the cops have been looking for you so we gave them everything they needed on a silver platter so you see delaney you won't be riding with us you'll be riding with them i thought you looked a little familiar when we came by we'll be looking for you for a long time you're under arrest you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law you have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one the court will appoint one for you no please don't do this i i thought you wanted to help me isn't that your whole thing helping people yeah but i realize now there's a difference between helping someone and letting them take advantage of you i'm done letting you take advantage of me she may not be your first victim but she's gonna be your last i promise you that let's go nope stop please well that was fun i still think we should have done this at the house instead of dragging it to court why now she'll have a criminal record and a civil record plus this was way more fun yeah that's true are you going to rock and roll at all yeah i love raw quaint i'm playing a thousand would love for you to come what do we have here we already have plans got us four front row tickets to the big hip-hop concert because i know how much my baby loves if not some don't want to be rocking
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 8,979,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 7QoI73qI9gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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