Twin Prop Tator

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching today we've been called by a customer that has requested that we pick up some large propellers off of a trailer that were transporting the propellers and apparently a wheel bearing went out on the trailer and they tried to pull over and the trailer is stuck they're going to send another trailer so that they can get the propellers delivered not sure what they're going to do with the trailer afterwards but that's they called us to transport the prefer sorry transfer the propellers from one trailer to another this will actually be the worst job for our new traffic control / support vehicle [Music] I haven't shown a lot of it on Oh social media of any kind yet we're still in the process of setting it up but it is to the point where we can use it now we are going to be an Illinois so we can only use our average we had to change the patterns on the arrow boards to ember hallway we can only use the amber lights when we're an Illinois cannot use red and blue so anyway we're going to head over there hopefully the traffic control vehicle will be able to keep people off of us on this two-lane highway we may end up call the police department for resistance but we'll assess the situation go from there all right we should be getting really close just up around this curve so be the junction of new route 3 and old route 3 which is supposedly where he is to be like I said we're in Illinois so we are not allowed to run anything but our amber lights there is pull off on the shoulder here like look and see what we got girl connect surrounded awfully soft all right see what we got [Music] morning sir lace you're not on this road tires were at Nick's driveway down there on the left okay when they blow it up and welcome back up and I drug you don't have a beard to get it all through you both of them going on the same on the back axle mister just on this side okay folks all good okay all right but when the wheel come off it took the cap off because we're in a stop all the oil was still right and then what's behind there's a little bit on the wheel but they wasn't that much down here in the road right right and I stopped down here and then he'll be here shortly okay I told him to pull up just past the intersection get on that side so you can set up here and then he can back it alongside you yeah I think if I cuz he'll have wrecks on his trailer the pass-through side so when you pick them up and just turning around instead of okay so I can't go further out so well I could I could move you if we need it to all right so those they just pinned down this blade and skip board and then get that blade yep and then we have to come over this way a little bit to get them up off strike right yep get out now he's already been refurbished okay so we can wait to be worked on we could use chain or we could use straps either way then wouldn't hurt Jane wouldn't hurt him then oh okay good deal yeah yeah yeah yeah we've got half the inches these way the lady said around seven thousand so yeah that won't be any these don't have weight oh so I couldn't give the weight but then she also told you today's 102 320 that's fine but well we thought we were going to have to shut part of the road down I hope we don't yeah but let's try not to do that okay Mike I guess go ahead and you get set up closed up down that let's set the truck up set the signs and everything down there and just shut that down and then come up here and you can help me with the rigging and stuff what I'll do is I will swing wide and I'll wiggle around here but I'll get nosed in the same direction he is that way I can reach out and I'm not working over my nose yeah I can pick these up and swing them around and set him on his trailer and maybe give him enough room to where he can get off the main road too and not not walking it but let's let's go ahead and get yeah well the good thing with that the primary driver and he only Baker good joy well the good thing with that truck is we've got a lot of extension we've got travel on the boom there he is and it's it's not that difficult okay go ahead yeah that's a rotator it's easy too easy to manipulate oh really okay no problem yes sir let me get set up well I may be set up before he gets here even yeah it won't happen here it bravery of attorney that and so they got old on it me on that because it took a devil [Applause] [Applause] [Music] try to get lined up with his trailer but stay off the road all right [Applause] I'm gonna leave these for now until he get I'm gonna get myself set up [Applause] yes gotcha [Applause] [Applause] do what sir use only combing over oh that's all right Lauren and sir I'm Ron Jeff nice to meet you yes sir she's on better terms me too that's all right well we'll get you taken care of this nobody was hurt that's the main thing Tartaros big tire didn't hit anybody so I'm sure it was a little bit scary for him I don't need to take them all the way out because we're not dealing with that heavy of the way [Applause] [Applause] probably grab that back one first just get it out of the way [Music] [Applause] I've got my own chains if you'd rather me use mine my rigging that whatever y'all want to do guys if you guys got it go ahead I mean I that's fine [Music] David sit this one out here on the ground no I'll pick it up and then we'll pull you into position over here on the other side on me and I'll I'll pull it in close to me so I don't swing it out in traffic much I hate to take it over my cab but if we have to we will you know whatever whatever see if you thought you could stick this one on the ground and then get that second one pick it up that he'll let him pull out why not pull right here whatever is easiest I can do that I'm just uh I'm in the road I'm open if you want to do that well once I set it down I can pull my outriggers in it's not that heavy I can actually move over if you want to do that plan let me scoot over and I'll I'll stick my outriggers out a little bit farther and we'll just go that way I'm I'm good with that well even if you do get off a little bit not like I don't have enough gain enough to pull yeah okay well we'll just go like we are then ah well he's doing most rigging as a bad you can just leave that now we'll just don't use the one well I think that's what he's got in mind up there just use one strat or one point hook yeah do what [Applause] let me get it level [Music] yeah it's not gonna work do what my right now for right now you can let one lane go I wasn't sure how you're gonna do ok-hee he's at a beach in cattle country and working on the road Glaucus man but I got I got the sign blocking the road Engel yeah yeah which watch yourself at that weight is I got her all right everybody stand clear I'd like a good picture with it yeah put that only website hey Mike [Applause] I'm starving well you got [Applause] yeah and try not to get yourself under there [Applause] oh yeah definitely definitely well with [Applause] I did I'm not going to take much time to get one let's get this off the ground so we don't the chain doesn't slip you came up a little bit [Applause] we're going to take this and take it over as close to the road as we can set it down and lift that one out and pick him up yep we really needed a guy made a guy wire on it yeah I might have to bring it into me I can pull my under reach up and set it right here behind me give us a little more room will not be a problem [Applause] [Applause] I'm gonna bring it all the way in as close as I can that way it gives him room to swing [Applause] [Applause] yeah just go ahead and leave those on it [Applause] now all right just leave that one I want you to see it [Applause] and while we're in keidel now happy alright I'll go although your carriage back one make sure their heads are out of the way Oh [Applause] [Applause] and then get over the top of it hold on yeah let me see how the chains tightened up first and then I'll adjust it one on that side probably needs you gotta guys [Applause] perfect all right everybody stand clear and I'll swing it around [Applause] I'm trying [Applause] oh yeah it makes life a whole lot of these everyone don't get down on stuff like this it makes it [Applause] [Music] watch heads gentlemen let me get this in position full we worry about that place others give us a coffee I'd like to get it that are on the ground behind it on the food [Applause] I'm coming I always pick it back up that's how I stack and by clear okay we're good that way nothing's gonna fall and hurt anybody and also I can lift this up if you need well no it's hanging it's hanging there anyway it's not touching no it's not touching you might be able to pull forward out of it you just come up here to your stake pockets even go around behind the hub or the spring itself behind the spring bring it up down under under the axle and back up here to your I mean that's just a suggestion that's what we do all the time there you go [Applause] what I do it though they're gonna say what in the world you do that [Music] yeah Adina's a driver why of age sad you know if I put a monitor or so [Applause] he's got a small broken one who's got white both offered [Applause] [Applause] I'm glad we didn't have to shut down it's still bad working this close to it but later we don't have it shut down yep oh yeah yep people too busy in their phones or whatever else you know [Applause] oh yeah that book was written pattern would you just turn it on amber yeah I'd rather rather have it set before we get here though in Missouri we can run red and blues we come over here we change the pattern on our arrow board so your wife said would probably need traffic controls so we brought that truck over and it's got red and blue and amber on an arrow stick when we changed pattern over to only amber so that we wouldn't get in trouble when we got over here [Applause] yeah we can in Missouri because we're considered emergency vehicles over here in Illinois [Music] yeah [Music] yep that'll work I may need a mic I may need to lift that one he just straight trailer a play takes a wheel hold on let me get this one up off the ground well I can hover it over his trailer I want to get it away from the road [Applause] it this way watch yourself oh yeah no problem now we're gonna have to swing this out over the road now let me let me bring it up over this other one let me just let me just do that let me just bring it over this another one I really don't want to take it out in that road I'm good bye thanks too bad too big [Music] don't fall we didn't come back up [Applause] hello I'll get that one right there before gets road yeah whoa whoo talans trying to go I don't know what's going on over chopped you can try but I got no signal I got one bar I don't yeah I don't have enough [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] tag in Sikeston [Applause] trying to catch it when adults wing what Stalin me know what you guys yeah they'll pivot around this I'm taking it forward as I go or this way so that it meets the angle at the same time and fans got a little different angle filming all right we got her ain't no problem not a problem I'm just glad we could help this is why I've had to do this the first time was in the garden Sylar he went through shell house over one of the wheels was hanging off a Crowther about two inches ladies are out of service had you had to shift lows you know I had to hire record pick up wheel up and put on stands cuz I had to says fans saw full up you want me to get that second one yeah change I'm gonna get back over there Mike he's going to move the trailer forward a bit [Applause] here let it hang for a second you see about where I'm at it's actually pretty doggone close ain't it [Applause] yeah got her all right all right stand back of it it's probably going to want to spend watch back yeah that's why I'm pushing it out as I go we're gonna we got I push her out and it'll lift at at the same time we're good go ahead come on through yeah I don't want to hear Mike [Applause] yeah as which it quit spinning we need it we need a tagline on it's what we need but we don't got her now [Applause] people like this well maybe I I will [Applause] oh yeah I saw it believe me I'm watching I didn't have to look over and seen it so I roll I'm rolling the carriage forward and then five five foot of travel front to back yeah we started looking my wife got online she goes I found somebody cuz you've seen the picture the truck I said yes I think that'll bit you're not gonna yeah yeah and they work with it just a little bit to go dog you it's not learning out you ready now going around that way yeah like yeah there you go just start on the day you start coming down yep so much my hook whenever we let it down the hook did a spin and unfun it's all good that's all right Mike do i buddy which tells you what you probably didn't have it locked off completely dirt they're going to come around they're going to find a way around - impatience can't wait seems early yeah or just about there just about rope wrapped up here all right ladies and gentlemen there she sits all stowed and ready props transferred props to these guys for keeping it safe right here's the little town that National Guard was working so hard to save for anybody that watched the bus video they saw the lieutenant he gave the explanation of what all they're trying to do right here this road is still closed and gotten road closed sign in the sandbags and up in this parking lot there's big piles of sandbags piles of sandbags on my left they're everywhere so we would be driving through water right now back during that other video there were cars off the edge summers partially submerged on either side bus was somewhere in here we're coming out up hill down the bus was somewhere near where we ended up turn around and head back this side of the bridge was closed strikes on the other side bill Emerson Memorial Bridge Mississippi River the my name is any longtime truck drivers may remember the bridge that was here before this one I know I remember it was a little bitty narrow two-lane bridge with absolutely no shoulder I know I swapped mirrors on it once because it was just barely enough room for two semis to pass each other going opposite directions it was tight tight and tight I hated that bridge man I hated that bridge back in Missouri all right folks we're back in Missouri that gentleman's gonna go right down here to the dry dock and get those props unloaded as always thank you for watching and God bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so for those of you few diehards that stuck around until after the credits you didn't get to see much of the traffic control vehicle so I have a special surprise for you guys that nobody else will get to see if they didn't watch till the end of the video until we have a next code 3 response we finally got the cue who cut along the true very much looking forward to using that very very much looking forward to using that as always thank you for watching and God bless [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 672,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 7sec (3187 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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