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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching uh today we've got a [Music] call from a customer that has an in-dump trailer that either the product hung or something went wrong and the trailer rolled that's fairly common but the trailer is on its side the facility where he's at now is working on getting it emptied out the truck is not rolled over the driver is okay so we just have to unless they've already got the use the equipment to collapse the bed we'll have to collapse the bed or take the cylinder loose or something and then put it back on its wheels and hopefully it's not too bad of shape anyway here we go just real quick here before we get on scene some of my viewers might recognize this area a lot of different uh jobs along this stretcher road a lot of different stuff okay looks like i see it over here kind of hard to see with the sun but there it is go see what we got orange sir how you doing man yeah she broke off yes i was only on the second stage but it just hang on you or what the load hang yep see it was it was uneven okay again i was doing it on the second stage i'm trying to take it down right but i only made it to the service didn't have the stuff that came out yeah yeah yeah the main thing is you're all right yes sir they about got her unloaded though don't they oh yeah they've about got it they're just trying to get the tarp undone be ready maybe about 10 more minutes well i get i got to get somebody up here to help me get this uh all right well we got to get this thing undone uh get it out of here what we usually do is we'll set the we'll lift this and we'll set it off to the side then we'll set the trailer up and then we'll uh set this inside the trailer what we what we typically don't know okay so the cylinder is just resting on your frame then all right no problem there yeah i just need somebody in here to with some tools to help me get that undone you got some food i mean so we gotta get up in there and get get that yeah sometimes that plate comes undone real easy sometimes it does not just depends we can manage it though no worries but the cylinder's got to come out of the way otherwise it's not towable or anything it get it gets in the way trying to set it up okay i got this cylinder suspended there's his pivot pin have the driver go ahead and get out of the way i've got the cylinder clear for you if you don't mind move your truck lock the power divider in lock your power divider in lock your axles in back up just a little bit [Music] [Applause] there you go now go forward go forward hard there you go [Music] up all right actually i want it back just a little bit back past those uh back past these flimsy little pieces here okay well we'll probably we need a decent place to hook to what we need and we don't have no trailers ain't got much nope we may just have to grab a hold of the a-frame what i was planning on doing was taking a couple of the ratchet straps and stretching strapping the a-frame and then use this back towards the anchor point they're gonna have to replace the a-frame anyway yeah so we'll get get this back here a little further so i'll get i'll get on the other side and we'll just see-saw it back here good oh hold on mike i gotta come past a uh hold on mike [Music] all right good that ought to be good now we need another strap to connect to that one yeah yeah so we so that we're holding that thing up well another way we could do it is we could uh here instead of strapping it to hold it up we could take our other strap as a catch line what i'm going to do is we're going to spike the rear and this line here will just help roll it and just help roll it and then this one will help set it down i'll work off the side i'll back up over here close to it and then i'll use the drag winch to spike the rear down we'll use that blue line on the bottom to pick and roll and then uh the other one will run up here on this a-frame too right here by the hinge point close to as a catch follow we'll keep it simple that way it'll keep the the a-frame and we don't have to worry about these other straps okay okay so let's just get one of those 10-foot blues and get it around this uh a-frame here i changed plants wrap that a-frame close to that point as you can yep and then you're gonna have the cable or we'll just have it we'll just have a catch line nope kind of going out kind of holding it that way yeah the strap will go straight up on the boom so you can just take this and run it in a basket just you frame it uh view it right up here and then uh once we get the cylinder loose yeah you don't have to choke or just just do it you just do a basket just like that yep and then this will be our catch line hold on at least this thing ain't got a lot of weight now huh now we do need a way to connect that to that short chain or something yeah preferably back here around around this pivot so that it's solid okay just a small chain or something then we got to figure out how to hopefully that pin that pivot pin will drop down far enough to where we can slide it out well one thing in time let's get it rigged first or here if you want to work on that let me set this down let me set this down where it's loose and i'll work on getting that attached i'll bring my uh half inch battery in pack okay with a couple batteries for some reason battery impact won't do it right yep tom's gonna be up here in a few minutes anyway working on one out right yeah he's gonna drive through my uh i've got my stuff right here i think it's a 9 16 on that pin but i don't know that that top pin will ever come loose gotcha yeah well i've got a bar in there we can pry it up it slides up it it moves real easy uh i've got a bar over here too well that or yeah we gotta take the plate out and that plate that's what i was worried about that thing's so dang old and rusty that's what i was telling you earlier so all right and we get gonna work or not mike it looked like a 9 16 from out here but it is hard to see alright dinner yep sweet now if that panel dropped down enough watch yourself will it go enough to get to [Music] get the cylinder out though oh no not even if i lift the cylinder all the way ah darn it right now with it dropped yeah it is flush with the top of the oh you gotta be kidding okay so even if i raise the cylinder all the way well let's try it that's it's all the way up you'll see what you got i'm like you i'd i have my doubts i don't know why they do that you got to make that one comes out yeah it needs to be able to come free no it's still in there dang it okay what what size are those nuts see if you can while you're up there see if you can rip them loose three quarter or fifteen i can't tell the top side looked like a 15 16 so i don't know if my impact's strong enough to break those or not i'll get the wrench go around the other side i'll try to spin them first yeah try to spin it make sure we're not wasting our time we got to get that cylinder out of here though it's got to come out i mean it'll collapse up most of the way but the turning sounds like it is that one's not huh that one was that yeah good [Music] [Music] all right okay i'll go around the other side all right which one you want yeah hold on wrench isn't wanting to get on it try it hold on all right now try it where are you at okay where are you going all right got it nope all right [Music] of course we have to have one that's stubborn okay now we can get the cylinder out it's not that big of a deal from there on out yeah i got a good solid hold on it did you bring some pb well let's try it with your wrench first and let's see let's just go with that and see if it works i'm good they coming yeah okay sweet that's pretty bad wrench there's the bolts i'm sure they'll want to save those i'm gonna put everything in the trailer for now like here's his pivot pin yeah i get get our stuff out of there and get clear and i'll get that cylinder out the way might be time for an upgrade on my impact huh yeah hey look down there it's a little big though yeah that's the problem because the one i got there is perfect for drive lines and stuff because it's got that long narrow front oh we need to uh well you got that good impact back here we need to cage the brakes i'll have to go get some more out of them you don't have a cage breaking break cage socket do you oh no i thought i'd grab mine okay there's mine i should have some caging bolts up here oh because we got no air it ripped loose whenever the truck came undone either that or we can tap in hey mike if you don't want to fight that we can tap in right here on the red line look down right by your knee if it's well let's just do that we'll just tap in at the red line it's right there easy to get to yep right up here yeah we've got connectors here we'll just connect up to it whenever i got to move it they just want it moved over here anyway need help got it all right i need my socket we'll reset the truck after we get to get the cylinder out we'll reset the truck and bring this thing back on its feet i'd really like to get a strap around there but i think the way we've got it rigged it'll uh they'll stay anyway hey mike hey mike bring your truck around we'll just load this cylinder right on the bed of your truck and then dump it over there beside it they're sending another uh tow company to come pick it up so that way they're not having to fight it in the bed and we don't have to fight it into bed so ah let's take the block so that i can get my straps out of it [Applause] they want this thing parked just like this against that dirt berm over there okay facing towards us no no failure with the road no parallel with the way we're sitting right now okay all right just the way it's laying they want it upright and parked right along the edge of that dirt berm that way yeah i just take it over there and dump it off and i'll get reset you want to try to toss that in here do we think it'll fit away oh they are okay all right i just got that piece i told you bob okay no problem we'll help you here just as we get this thing set up we're just about ready to set it up getting that cylinder out was the big obstacle everything else is ready yes see i think i'd rather go with a clevis there uh thank you ugh uh [Music] uh [Music] all right mike i think i want to redo that strap so it's not pulling sideways on that arm let's get a small chain or something and do exactly what i did down there and go around that pivot pipe you know that way it's not pulling sideways on that arm it's pulling more on the pivot pipe so put a short chain or strap in [Music] yeah whenever i get swung over that's exactly what we'll do [Music] i just need a something to go from uh from here yep then we'll re-spool that thing whenever we get back to the shop again we don't need anything hefty mike okay that's it that's all you're gonna get bob as long as we got enough to help spike it down we'll be good just walking around the other side does not matter it do not matter one on this side one on that side so okay you take blue and i'll hold white over here then watch your step on that pile though it's loose it's on free spool [Music] good do it mike that would be best yeah here bring your tail end around it don't matter how long that is there you go there you go there you go all right stand clear let's get here do what i think it's good oh wow sun is bright [Music] all right good green coming [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] can you reach that other side yeah i don't know close just undo the do what yeah undo the hook and then there you go ah all right that okay nice guys you guys have done that before huh nice controlled roll that's what we want we don't like anything slamming down if we can keep from it it's pretty amazing thank you yeah oh you've never watched one brought back over oh yeah this is what we live for stuff like this not glad nobody's hurt but you know doing jobs like this and especially when in a safe environment you know not traffic whizzing by at 70 miles an hour yeah you can take your time and you can focus on safety rather than having to focus on watching your back right yeah you know as far as moving it just put it along that berm right there you want it this way the same way it's parked right now i would okay yeah that way it doesn't get in the way of your transport and your your dump wagons coming in yup your loaders and stuff almost right where the water is but yeah that's all right i got you uh man thank you thank you thank you very much i got the i had the rear axles the suspension chained up yeah because it's air ride i went ahead and just chained it all the way through that way we could spike it all right i'm gonna start bringing the winch lines in you good [Music] yeah what to re-spool that drag winch when we get back but that is nothing uncommon all right anyway she is back on her wheels we're gonna finish up we're just gonna move it from here over to there we're not taking it back to our shop so as you saw there's the truck and the driver the driver is perfectly okay this is for for those who watch my channel you've seen these stiff legs that aren't designed to lift a loaded trailer this is what's called a frameless in-dump trailer and they are designed to do exactly what this one do did is to break away in the event of a rollover so that it saves the truck and the driver from injury those aluminum arms break off so that you did exactly what it was supposed to do that right mike yep and rather than take the truck and the driver with it all right okay well he's going to take care of the tarpon stuff uh if you wouldn't mind just start putting that stuff back in and i'll get the boom wrapped up and then we'll get in front of it and hook up to it and move it over to that okay we'll watch this driver dump he also has a frameless dump trailer if you see it does not even have the legs in the bottom to be able to drop the trailer most of these trailers are generally what they call married to the tractor they they once they're hooked up to that tractor they generally don't get unhooked like i was explaining earlier the the frameless part of uh this trailer over here did exactly what it was supposed to do the load hung on him it got top heavy it trailer went over and it broke the aluminum arms on that uh what little bit of framework there is you'll see it better here in a few minutes whenever he oh he's still gonna untarp i'll carry on with my stuff here real quick i thought he was ready there he goes [Music] it pivots on that little uh a-frame [Music] [Music] there he goes now pull forward and finish emptying her out and let the bed down notice how he's going real nice and smooth see even even there that top of that trailer was wobbling just a bit anyway that's the frameless dump coming back into the cradle where it sits and really that's all that holds it all right there he goes all right ladies and gentlemen we're gonna finish up get the trailer moved and head on back to the shop as always thank you for watching and god bless [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 8,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P-Eokmab4h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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