Rollover Tanker!!! What a Load of Crap -py Water

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and as always thank you for watching today we got one right down the street from us an overturned tanker trailer we do not know if it's loaded or empty it didn't explode that's a good thing I head up here and see what we got there she said it doesn't look good [Music] don't know if it's loaded or empty I can't tell if we're going to stand back out of the way for now all right we have a tanker loaded with wastewater [Music] [Music] that I didn't owe its officer Valentine's gonna happen [Applause] [Music] hello how are you all right doing all right all right drivers just got a few bumps and bruises oh yeah placing the five a third major offense me all right I'm going for it yes sir [Music] I got some on either side what you need I got some on both sides [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I do okay I'll come around the other side right back down I want the the snatch blocks off of the outriggers down low and then grab ahold of the top tires to pull down bullet or no no no give okay no problem [Music] [Applause] we got it [Music] no in a spate forward more to just keep them off on me we're good appreciate it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] one here in each be smart enough so that when the front-right a still he's come forward about fourth yeah three four five foot forward [Applause] yes sir get some thought I'll be back you know where to take that's okay we got it we got it you do what everything do whatever you need to do we got this one arm and penny here yep and the other one faster to the both of pageant's fight yep correct yes sir right now I think we're just gonna flip it where it's at and I'll hold it because if we don't we're going to have trouble with it what we won't have to catch it this way because it's still gonna be kind of downhill we won't have to catch it it'll roll over nice and easy and then I'll hold it and boom forward as you guys pull it up [Applause] do I [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right Oh Mike I got an issue [Music] [Music] well yeah I guess just take that loose let me see take that try that one yeah take that loose put it up split it up here yes I really wanted it higher or lower but put that back in a Fannin [Applause] this will still work and hitting as low as I want but being heads down it'll help that's better all right yeah I need straps under here yeah I ain't playing around man hunting to get this done there I got tunker poles I want it double I want to double [Applause] remember how we did on that here yeah help me curl this yeah pull that down I'm guilty all right this will go in my hook these will be the anchor points will anchor one up here one on the bank all right [Applause] this goes under well flip it around alright that good now this end right here this will go to my home this gets anchored to one chain that gets anchored to the other tank so you see it right here underneath yeah this right here this goes under here I want this under the trailers I want both both bottom hands anchor to right here [Applause] unless I need a longer strip Johnny 26 instead of the 20 hold on guys I think we may need it may need the 26 instead of the 20s okay no I want I want one end on the back I've got a chain already back there yeah so that we're spreading the load out I've already got a chain back here right there yeah [Applause] now you understand boom over it right ah both ends are right there do we need a longer chain well I'll just put you yeah well shackle flatus is in it [Applause] [Applause] now what same thing here I want one in one end tied off to the dolly and another one tied off either around the fifth wheel or whatever we can get ahold of with that quarter fender well they're dead most the weights on the back now I've already got it coming up with the drag we just double it I think we just do it right here if he's working on the tractor there with that truck they put one strap right here the anchor could take it and widen it out on each side yes exactly take and put one side all over here once I upped our count one side over there we'll still double it [Applause] [Applause] got it dad okay all right I'll get under and get it hooked in hold it hold it okay Paul how long how that's well know what's gonna have to be redirected yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you go go I'm going right now with quail it would have been all right up there but that's okay [Music] [Applause] yes always [Applause] now I'm wondering if I didn't use that 20-footer if it's going to be too short I'm a foot another like an endless loop in [Applause] we're going to put another endless loop in there to be able to get that cable off the can there that hook needs to be turned around its points tipping towards it all right we need a block of wood or something to go there yeah we got some little bit I'm on preschool there we go [Applause] yeah go ahead I'm just going to get the get everything tightened up and we'll go through and double-check all our connections I don't think we're going to catch it being as it's uphill alright let's double check everything yeah I got it got it [Applause] I'm ready [Applause] Oh [Applause] I want to get out and get over it more to start lift go bring yours out [Applause] [Applause] I'll let you catch up [Applause] what wearing alright let that off No stand back right stand back Jane came loose wrong one dad hi we're coming over [Music] [Music] [Applause] more sliders back in over a little bit [Music] all right now I can I can let this down I can fold my outriggers in go ahead and break that other side down so I can bring my boom around and I'll bring them outriggers in and I'll slide this sail in back up further break my straps down on the boom fleet [Music] damn or sloshing and rocking move forward tank [Applause] Stowe today degrees here that one goes up and it hangs in that front compartment there Raymond on a strap [Applause] don't do what master they they're on the very front hook in that front overhead compartment and those go up here yeah you know where they go your wife do what we can do it you're right thank you [Music] there do I need to boom out and pull that fender out [Music] [Applause] [Music] has changed here learn it at the wrong spot [Music] all right what sorry Mikey [Applause] [Applause] going to their place down in the bottom you know where the bottom sex hands where I unloaded I'll lead you up there get it get it hooked up and I'll wait you up there [Applause] well Atlanta's picked up a long time crime in Harlem I think I hate you in here okay [Applause] favorite is that buddy right public working you right there yeah yeah no private matter though it's sucking it all back return no they don't not a problem would be glad to that goes that's right past the waste transfer station in it yeah you turn in the same and then it's just other pump yellow okay alright yes sir be glad to hey Talan slight change of plans they want to take the tank to the wastewater treatment plant first and unloaded huh right by the waste transfer station all again I know where we're going been there done that that's where I dump the trash air hold on it's an international dad there should be a port right here right here we can supply the whole thing yeah I've got a quick quick connect yeah all right give me Glen in give me your Oh your air hose with wet hands [Applause] all right supply emergency air we're good [Applause] yeah it's Belen coming in [Applause] just thanks y-bar good deal [Applause] all right Tyra we're ready go we're just about ready officer thank you I appreciate home appreciate you guys she going over there with us to dump it yeah yeah I'll stick with you I'll stick with you shouldn't me any problems from here on out but I'll stick with her shaken Oh anytime you know that always glad to help that's what we're here for you ready okay alright officer I'm gonna put my cones up and we're ready to roll no sir we'll wait for break in traffic will be good thank you brought drawer front Department right there all right thank you all right here okay we're rolling out [Applause] I'll be a mic yeah he's gonna talking about maybe ah whoo we're not done yet okay we are at the city's lot [Applause] might recognize that trailer it was what we loaded the trash container on the trash box that rolled off of the trash truck in the trash body is still down here talking to the gentleman a while ago they said that the insurance company finally got the trash body sold somebody bought it so we may be in within the next week or two to come lift it and load it onto a flatbed to haul for somebody to haul out of here they had to move a few pieces of equipment that move a trailer and then had to move a roll-off container so that we can get room to circle around and back this thing in Tallinn is going to have to back to the truck and trailer end which is not a simple task can be done but it's not a simple task you never ever swing there's this trash box off of the trash truck amantha take a couple of stabs at it straighter you can get with it to begin with better off you are going over here it's close to this little one as you can just wherever he can get it huh you'll get it it may take a stab or two but he'll get it [Applause] he's probably gonna pull it back and then bring it over some because you need that as a drive-through back there don't you [Applause] good real good bring it over one truck with a hippie can one truck with [Applause] [Music] now cut it left there you go get her all the way forward and straight small moves there you go now cut it back around there you go there you go now you got it [Applause] still need some room to push out with the underage no he'll need some room to push it out with the under each he's got about tun two and a half feet is that going to work for you Kevin [Applause] that going to give you enough room to get around it or do you want us to go ahead and drop the trailer and then put the truck here beside it we're gonna drop the trailer here and put the truck right here okay nobody so I'll make it I guess guys I can see them might as well Wow separately while we're here and we've got it under a power unit you might as well separate it yeah not a big thing thanks sir Oh they've already got trailer popped you already got the trailer air-popped okay [Music] all right I got lightbar got the air hoses you're good to go Danny's bold [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I pretty well know the big points on that one by now we'll be glad to yeah his his mom was in a bad crash last night I I got called to go work it and then Mike showed up they're taking her off in the ambulance and he starts grabbing chains trying to help me get his slump give me a second the world are you doing mine get back in your truck and go to the hospital bail your mom I said I'll get this hold on [Music] oh man no I wanted was broke there we go take it add towns paycheck [Music] Oh I don't either I don't either but we're lucky did ya driver you bitch [Applause] ladies and gentlemen there it all sits for how long nobody knows but driver walked away with just a few scratches all right ladies and gentlemen we've got everything back at the City Depot like they had requested got it separated out the truck and trailer the drivers survived with only minor abrasions to his face which is excellent most excellent my personal feelings he had a guardian angel looking out for him I know other people don't believe that I do but it could have been a whole lot worse and I'm really surprised that that tank being a smoothbore tank up all the way down at the bottom of that hill all in all job went well the customer was happy equipment damage yes but nobody gotten seriously injured that's the best possible outcome as always thank you for watching and God bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 313,757
Rating: 4.9105301 out of 5
Id: G-6zOCujTok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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