Twin Blower Shaft Repair Part 3: Flame Spray Build-up, Turning & Finishing

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[Music] so so so okay we're preheated and we're ready to start spraying so so we got flooding material there that time so we are done with that side or that shaft i mean yeah that laid down quick it seems like it's more concentrated yeah i'm at 650 right there so i was shooting for uh 1.625 so we went about 25 now over what i was shooting for so that's plenty of build up right there that one is done so we'll go ahead and move over to the victor get set up over there and get that one sprayed as well all right we'll start with our preheat so there that was our uh lawn coat that's gonna be our build-up coat so just about there one more little path across there okay we're at 650 just like the other one that was built up don't forget to turn your bottles off as soon as you're done spray that looks pretty good we got the uh we got a little fan set up over here cooling it i'm gonna set this fan over here on this one and start cooling it down get the extension cord [Music] make a good use of my real craft extension cord over here all right i always like to spin it on low [Music] like that and we're just going to let them uh we're going to let them cool down get down to room temp where you can put your hand on it and it's not warm at all matter of fact whenever we're machining these that's where i like to keep them at is once i do my finished size they need to be just you know room temp not warm or not hot or anything like that so both of them are cooling i also want to point out we are running the fume extractor as well we're going to continue to run this and just let it run until it evacuates all of the smoke out of the shop right here it's extremely hot and humid outside that's why i don't want to open the door i got my air conditioner running but i got that turned off so that this will help you know clean the air out so we're going to let this do its thing and i'll be back whenever they cool down and we'll start machining them to size so okay so both of our shafts are now cool they're ready to be machined i wanted to point out a couple of things before we get started i want you to see the overspray that we got on the on the shafts here remember i was talking about the threads and we only masked this area here the taper you see how far over the spray is so this is our transition line right here okay you see how far over it got it really stops right about there right towards the end of the taper so on the threads there all we really have is just some of the dust i just want to point that out because you want to protect the parts that you're that you're uh don't want to build up but you see you only have to go so far it's not like this the over spray from the from the torch here is going to get all the way over onto this see there's not even anything on the center there all right by the way we're going to be changing this out we're going to be taking this one out and putting our other center back in and then rechecking everything once we clean up this journal all right there was concerns about overspray on the lobes here you see the overspray all it is is the dust it's the powder you know the powder from the dust is what i'm what i mean there on the sides it's just some dust a little bit of dust buildup right there see that just fell over i don't have any build up here along the edge along these lobes so no problems right there everything worked out good let's uh let's look at this one over here still got it in gear let me go around and take it out of gear alright so here's the one on the victor same thing no spray whatsoever over on the threads and by the way the the weld aid did really good covering this up right there as well now if i was building up if if say the threads were right here directly next to where we're spraying i would definitely coat the threads with the solution 103 the masking compound and then you got it even after that you still got to get there kind of clean them out but if you're that far away from those threads you should have no no worries with build up sticking to those threads there all right on our lobes same thing just a little bit of dust that's all this will all clean up that just brushes right off there our build up looks good looks beautiful these guys are ready to machine what i usually like to do before we start the turning before i move the the welding blanket here i like to go ahead and just clean them off get rid of any of the overspray and the dust from the part and just try to collect some of that down here on the welding blanket i go outside with this and just shake it out like you would a rug and then just take a wire brush and just go ahead and most of that masking will brush off at this point and just go ahead and brush it off just like that there'll be a little bit still on there but you once we finish our turning you know we'll be polishing it and you can whatever is left on there you can hit it with the emery get in there with the wire brush and get the corner radiuses get the end of the lobes there just like that i'm going to repeat this over there on the other shaft that's in the monarch i'm not going to show you that one but do the same thing you see how nice it cleans up right there so just do that before you go in there and start your uh turning this is the one in the monarch just showing you it cleaned up just as nice no problem with the threads no extra build up way outside of the build up zone lobes are nice and clean everything's good all right so i was putting the other centers back in there and then of course checking it with the indicator make sure everything was good this side over here i was getting i was getting run out over here checking this journal so i used the shim technique right there we've already got the shim installed but i'll show you another one that i got right here this guy right there you just take some shim stock and cut little triangles out of it and then put it on the side that is um that is low against your indicator there so you have to play with it kind of tweak it move it around a little bit and then you can usually manipulate this center and the shaft so that you can get your journal running the way you need to so i now have that it looks to be i would say about three tenths out of true which is going to be that's better than what i had it before you know before we even did the spray right there so we've got it close enough there now with our shim that we will be good to line up with this journal and the journal on the opposite end there that's running zero there as well a couple of tenths run out there i did a slight tweak on that as well so both of these should be running just nice and straight parallel in line with each other and we are ready to go on uh turning this side here all right we're over on the victor now i'm going to see if i can tighten this one up a little bit as well and see i'll go ahead and show you let's see if we can do this with the camera right here in front of us just like that let's see if we need to move it around a little bit that's looking pretty good looking pretty good right about there i'm going to tweak it once and see if that'll help back out just rotate it around a little bit try to push it in there a little more not as much as i was wanting it so i'm going to have to keep playing with this guy right here to get it the way i want it to move around half a thousandth right there i'm going to keep tweaking that one and seeing but that that shows you the the technique there of what i'm talking about on putting your shim in there to try to offset that center you know just ever so slightly okay we're gonna get started turning this what i'm gonna do is start on the high just find the high spot and we're going to turn from there we are spinning at 210 rpm on the the victor here this looks like a high on this side here whenever you're turning this stuff uh keep your depths no more than twenty thousand to pass and i'm feeding that uh five thousands per revolution there as well i like to even out the ends get it consistent all the way across there then i'll then i'll feed it from one side to the other by the way i am using the uh i'm using a braised dawn tool micro 100 a nicely honed radius on the end of that tool all right that kind of knocked the the high part off of it right there i just want to go ahead and give it a check and see how much we have to come off of this thing so we've got about about 35 thousandths to come off of it i'm gonna swap out this tool and we're gonna cut these ends off just a little bit more exactly what i wanted it to do right there to kind of eliminate the uh you know the overspray past our transition mark and i'm just manipulating the the controls by hand by doing this kind of like right there i was feeding in an angle and over here will feed in angle that way it's pretty close to the shaft there i don't want to cut into that taper so we're going to leave it just like it is right there man i'm telling you sometimes it don't matter how hard you try you still end up doing something that upsets you you know something wrong there i started making a one of our finished passes you can see this area right here and i stopped because i realized i was cutting into the actual shaft right there right at the very end of the taper and i must have bumped the control over here on the lathe and went in further than not than i had wanted didn't realize and started making the cut and had to back out there this will not cause a problem it's just it looks bad on my part that i did that right there but it's not gonna it's only gonna be a few thousandths difference on this one first little area the bearing journal that we're repairing actually sits right in here okay and that where it started cutting the taper was right at the very top end of the taper so it should be fine i just thought i'd point that out because now i've got a you know a journal here that i'm repairing that's going to have one little imperfection on that side right there which bugs me so i am making a couple of finish passes here this is this uh this pass is four thousandths and that should leave me four thousandths on my next pass to have enough to polish it down to our high side of the tolerance that's what i always shoot for is your high end of the tolerance in our case is going to be 1.5755 so i'm shooting for around one inch 576 or slightly larger than that on our finished pass give it a check here with our brown and sharp and see where we're at because this is going to be our last pass across there with the tool bit and we are at 580 and 2 tenths double check it so i'll be shooting for 4 thousandths on the dial 480 and two tenths [Music] that'll be our finished pass right there it's doing good you can see we're not cutting into the the original turn area of the shaft that means that i am above the tolerance that i want to be and we can polish this down and it should blend together perfectly so we're going to back the tool out and start our cleanup now with our polishing i'm going to come in here with a tool and see if i can remove any more of this overspray right in there but sometimes this is a little hard to get off you got to come in there with uh sometimes i'll use like a scale let me grab my scale up here and show you sometimes this works good too come in here with a scale like this and just very gently push on it and sometimes it'll see like that kind of like a paint scraper and sometimes you can just push it off there i'll keep working it getting it off and here's the other trick sometimes you come in there with your tool without the without spinning the lathe come in there and touch the build up area with your tool bit and you can knock it off that way without actually getting into your shaft move it over a little bit see if we can knock that side off i just use the uh i'm using the compound over here behind you and just ever so slightly moving the compound in just a little bit and getting in there and cutting that off all right getting the final polishing done we are down to just over a half a thousandths that we need to bring it down and that'll bring it down to our high side of the tolerance there so we're just over 576 right there been using some 120 emery paper just hit each side a little bit take a note of how warm the shaft feels it's barely warm right there to the touch at 576 so we've still got a half a thousandths to come down off of that and then before we get down to our final i'll make sure that it cools down and that it's not warm from the polishing that we're doing here because that'll throw you off and give you a different measurement there using some of the clean paper right here when i say clean unused that's kind of what i meant you can see that it it's going to be more aggressive on the fresh paper that you haven't used yet and it'll bring it down a little bit faster once you get it really really close you use that worn area yeah so we're within about four tenths on that end and that side's the same so we still got about four tenths i'm going to continue to polish it and we'll just show you what it looks like once we get to the end there all right we've got this this side finished up we've let it cool down a little bit just to make sure that it's at room temp and we'll go ahead and give it a final measurement here with the brown and sharp and see what we landed on on the back end right there getting 575 and three tenths and on the front end we're gonna get 575 and three tenths as well okay that looks really good i'm really happy with the way that it it nearly matches the original cast iron there of the shaft so looking at it right here you can just barely tell if someone was didn't know that this has been sprayed they would probably never see that color difference between the two but i really love when the transitions are hidden you know from the build up material over to the base material right there this right here you know this bothers me and you shouldn't see this that's just that whenever i turn it a few thousand undersize right there at the very start of the journal so it's about maybe 30 000 wide right there where it starts but we've got that polished and blended right there you can just barely see it this is not going to affect the function of the shaft the bearing journal sits back in this area right here so it's not even on that end so just a little bit of a pride thing you know when you do something like that but this looks good it's finished it's the size so we can move over to the monarch lathe and go ahead and repeat our turning process over there and get that other shaft finished up now all right guys got you on the monarch blade now so same exact process as before let's get it done may just end up finishing this one out using this mchnn tool i haven't decided yet but this should do a good job we'll start by trimming the ends off and then we'll start turning it down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] much better we did a good job on that one right there we've got the extra scraped off there and let's see where we finished it out at looks like 577 577 577 577 so we've got let's have so we got a thousandths and a half that we need to polish off of it i'm going to get some fresh emery cloth over here and get started on it every time i first start sanding like that i do it a little bit and i go ahead and check because that's when you're gonna you're gonna remove the most metal when you first start that especially when you're using a fresh piece of emery cloth because you're knocking those high spots down off the tool mark so you're going to reduce it pretty quick right then we took it down a half a thousandths is what we did and once you get it once you start getting it smooth like that it takes a little bit longer to get the rest of it down [Music] we still got a thousands to come off of it at this point right here you see the powder in there i like to try to use up most of the emery cloth when i can by coming down here close to the ends instead of just in the middle we'll go ahead and measure it again just want to make sure that we're not taking too much off not quite at thousands to come off of it [Music] i'll go ahead and flip it around and use this other brand new end so we should be getting down to about within about a half a thousandths or so of our target size which is going to be the high side of the tolerance what i say it was 5 75 and a half so we still got looks like we got six maybe six seven tenths to bring it down i'm going to go ahead and finish getting this thing polished down so right now i'm measuring two tenths check this again tell you make sure i'm telling you right right now i'm measuring two tenths over the high side of the tolerance okay and i've been polishing on it let's see that side's the same way so we need to bring it down two tenths now i usually just use the back of my hand there now it's not hot it's not even really warm but i can tell that this is a little bit warmer than that area in that area because i've been polishing on it so i'm going to wait until it cools down to measure it again and see if it'll drop down a little bit more because it will drop some but i'm going to go ahead let me put it back in gear here and let's go ahead and blend the other two areas now i'm going back to this 320 grit it's already been used so it's pretty smooth let's go ahead and finish polishing out this taper here make it look nice see now we're going to come down here to this side let's go ahead and get that blended in matter of fact let me uh i'm going to tear this a little bit so we can get more over on this area right here i want to make it all look good now i'm going to give it a few minutes and let this cool down a little bit so that it's all the same temp re-mike it and if we need to we'll go ahead and finish that out that last one or two tenths all right i think we're in for one final measurement we've been letting it sit here for a few minutes and uh let it get cool it all feels even right there so let's see where i finish this out at 5.75 and four tenths check this side here [Music] 575 and four tenths so we are nice and straight from end to end and we fell one tenth under our maximum tolerance right there 575.5 so this guy is ready to go we are done all i'm going to do i'm going to hit these threads a little bit with some scotch brite i always do that try to polish those up there i've already polished this opposite end down here this other bearing journal just to kind of clean it up some but other than that we're ready to take these out of the lathe all right these guys are finished up they're ready to uh crate back up and send back up to missouri to the customer there i wanted to set these up to show you how they work for the folks that are watching that aren't familiar with this and how they actually work so try to be gentle with them but if you was to imagine them in their housing in this configuration right here so they're running 90 degrees apart and these lobes fit down inside the inner part of this lobe here so when they rotate they're compressing the air pushing it on through there so that's about how they how they look whenever they're actually running and i'm sure that they run at a extremely fast rpm when they are so for the folks that that are unfamiliar we also had a question about balancing how do they balance these you see these holes here there's there's a hole drilled here on the bottom there's holes and on this bottom one here there's uh three holes drilled on each side there so that would be your balancing holes there from the factory whenever they machine these manufacture and machine them and balance them they drill holes in there to reduce the weight to get them balanced the way they should on the back side of this one here there's actually two holes drilled on this side of the lobe right there so that is how they balance them for those that were asking that and i believe i had mentioned it at the beginning of the video before we started you know what this is used for right here one of the things that i always have found interesting and uh being able to do especially at my previous job was was try to you know explain or show just what kind of industry is involved in order to bring you the everyday products that everybody uses for example when you go to the grocery store and you buy a big pack of toilet paper every single body buys it right nobody really gives a lot of thought as to what all is going into buying that pack of toilet paper you know from the harvesting of the trees to the paper mills that it goes through to the manufacturing cutting it wrapping it up packaging it up all that kind of stuff anytime there's industry involved in making a product there is so many things there are so many moving parts involved in order to help create that product that all of us come to want enjoy and usually need you know the this uh the customer sent me this the previous job i did for them was another blower type is another blower shaft for a centrifuge and then that particular centrifuge that we were working on went into the production of at the time they were they're extruding oil from i believe it was almonds i know it was a nut oil is what they were manufacturing all right and i want to say that this right here is probably has something to do with that same type of industry i could be wrong but they did not inform me on what kind of you know in product that they're making that this particular blower is uh you know helping to to create what i do know is that it's for a pneumatic conveying system so maybe that is moving products such as peanuts or almonds or any kind of you know shell type of nut this is going to be put together and it's going to be forcing air through a conveyor system which is pushing the product down the line all right so anytime you go into an industrial facility that is manufacturing product like that you're going to have thousands and thousands of pieces of equipment and rotating parts that are moving and working together to help create those products that we that we all use and that we all purchase at the store we me and abby we love watching shows on history channel and discovery about you know the factories we really love that show the foods that built america it's so informative on you know learning things that you just never even realized the existence of so anyway not tried to get off track right there but i wanted to try to paint a picture in the minds of my viewers of what a a system like this is used for most guys relate this to automotive uh roots blower systems that go on an engine that create boost you know and create horsepower in this case there's a lot of similar type of products that are for the industrial sector that are not made for high horsepower go fast applications this right here goes into a system that is helping to create food for the consumer that's uh that's what i wanted to convey to my viewers out there but uh this is done there was one more thing i was going to show you here i went ahead and grabbed a fresh can of the crc sp 350 so this is a great corrosion inhibitor that it sprays on wet and it kind of dries and leaves sort of a oily slash waxy film so this is what i'm going to spray on the shaft ins there i'm not worried about the center that is going to you know that little bit of flash rust in there it'll be okay they'll just wipe that back off but i want to protect the shafts the bearing fits so that they don't get any corrosion between here and missouri it's a it's summertime there's a lot of humidity in the air so i was just going to show you this you know this is some good stuff right there just spray it on just like that and then you just kind of let it it doesn't dry completely but it does kind of dry and it leaves it kind of wet so that's what i was going to do i just wanted to show you that this is some good stuff to use i love having this around and i also like the uh the sp 400 is more of a long-term corrosion inhibitor that out that i use for something that's going to sit long term in storage or if you're if it's sitting outside because it dries and leaves a waxy film on the surface where this kind of stays oily for a while all right so anyway that's about it guys i'm gonna go ahead and i gotta get these things crated back up and onto the the pallet out there get it strapped now i'm gonna wrap them up with some plastic strap them down to the crate and i gotta go take them down there to the freight company and get them sent out so anyway this was a fun project i always loved being able to use my flame spray system for metallizing and i always enjoy being able to share it with you here on the channel and seems like we always have a lot of interest and a lot of engagement anytime we show these types of jobs so i always enjoyed capturing it filming it and sharing it with you when i do so hope you guys enjoyed this job and we'll catch you on the next one [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 107,060
Rating: 4.9573336 out of 5
Keywords: Abom79, spray welding, thermal flame spray, flame thermal spray, Eutectic, Eutectic TeroDyn, TeroDyn 2000, metalizing, lathe, Monarch lathe, machine shop, job shop, blower shafts, twin blower shafts
Id: s0-EcpoG3YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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