Twilight - Caravan Of Garbage

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welcome back everybody to another episode of caravan of garbage the first for the year and we thought to ourselves mason we thought to ourselves this is the thought process that we thought to ourselves i'm listening i'd love to know what my thought process is leading up to robert pattinson or rob at baton bat which is his official the batman name that's correct get a hashtag it's already trending but if you could just keep it directly keep it rolling forever yeah oh yeah leading up to him portraying the batman in the batman there isn't really a better time uh in media to cover what many people would consider to be the pinnacle of batman in film early 2000s fearsome creatures of the night my goodness well that's exactly right and of course the best place to start would be you know your batman begins so please leave a like for this video where we're obviously going to be looking at batman begins and bearing in mind it's very improper to take back a like after you've given it with that being said fake we're actually covering um twilight twilight and maybe all of the twilight movies we don't know this one does fuse-wise now you've seen twilight before this is the only one that i have seen and i saw it at the movies in 2008 and i've got a question for you mason go on uh it's not batman related so of all the men all of these that kind of you know were happening in the era and there were successes with young adult stuff but this is certainly like one of the most successful why did this succeed over like beautiful creatures or the host or red riding hood or the mortal instrument city of bones or divergence what is it about these movies that do you think can do it first of all i've heard of this one and none of the other ones so maybe that's it but i think maybe based based on my first viewing of this which was today yeah maybe it's because they took a classic monster a an evil creature from literature one of the most and folklore even you know one of the most you know famous evil beasts of of the darkest corners of human uh the human psyche and and society and they just strip most of it away yeah just like what if it was a cute boy it was a pretty cute see i think that's definitely part of it because obviously the the books you know what lent into that heavily and they kind of tweaked up a lot when i say a lot i mean all the vampire law but i think also despite what you think of these movies um you don't know what i think of these movies yes well i'm just talking in general what people think of them i think it's cast very well and i think that has proven to be true in the decade plus since we've got christian shoot we've got robert battenbach anna kendrick is in this that's right other people the guy who's probably going to be a werewolf later i'm pretty sure he's a werewolf guy he's aware does he get huge lydia doesn't seem that huge yeah he gets big he gets yeah yeah yeah if we're coming back next week talk about it next week uh so yeah 5000 people read for the role of edward baton bat he had uh an intellectual approach that was combined with uh i don't give a [ __ ] about this but i'm gonna make it sing that was from kristen stewart and she was like ugh same so i think i feel like that kind of sums up their chemistry now was there are those quotes from like the press tour or are they from years later it was like from years later okay right that wasn't they were they were being interviewed by you know mtv or something like that no what is fascinating about this movie is i was watching it the first time today and for the first like 10 minutes i'm like hey this isn't so bad this is like this sort of coming of age story like this girl goes this backward to yep she's she's meeting all these these you know the the the she's she's going to she's going to this new high school she's meeting all the nerds and i'm like this is all it's all kind of fun yeah this is all kind of you know i'm i'm liking their their their all their chemistry all together i think they're they they make a good kind of ensemble cast they've all got different haircuts and then edward cullen shows up and then kristen stewart and rob at battenbat zero chemistry you think so he's going out of his way to be unlikable this guy my my first note here is why is edward cullen so weird he's had a hundred years to learn how to not be weird you know what i think it is you know what i think you're missing here just just to be clear also this ground i'm i'm guessing is very well worn we are probably not going to come up with any incredible insights here but so this this vampire family yeah what do you think of the outfits for one that's my first point like the the their plan is that they want to they want to blend in a human society they don't want to stand out one and and one of the things is because they obviously don't age because that's the one thing that's the one vampire thing that remains yeah in these movies they move to a new town every few years just go back to the same town they enroll their their vampire brethren the ones that look most like children into school and they have to do school again but they don't go to any effort to look like children no you know what i mean they're wearing like weird avant-garde outfits well you know what i think it is i think i think what what you're missing is maybe a lot of that stuff was cool in 2008 for one and that's what they were oh they're like they're like but that's the thing they don't dress like little awful greasy children from that ear and just like band t-shirts and flannel shirts or whatever they're all wearing weird technical outfits yeah it is very just weird asymmetrical cardigans and all kinds of weird fashion stuff but but back to edward cullen yeah he's had 100 years to learn not to be weird but his whole deal is he's weird yeah have you noticed yeah he's so fully unprepared for any and all questions anyone has for him they're like would you like a drink and he's like i don't drink water that's very specific yeah i think that comes down to because of you know and i love the way they kind of play off each other in terms of they both act like they find the other one like the worst smelling person they've ever sat across from right like that's the vibe yeah which i thoroughly enjoyed and i think obviously you know like he's thrown by her because he can't read her mind is that that's the deal that's another thing that vampire power that some of them have sure some vampires can read mine some vampires more of a vibe they get yeah you know and that guy's got a cool vibe i'm gonna eat him vibe fire is that anything no call that out man cut it out but but i think you know part of this is base you know obviously this is more a why a romance than it is a vampire film obviously and and so they put in like why a romance tropes into it but what that leads to is just that you know that really outdated idea of like well if a boy's really mean and rude to you it means he likes you yeah no i hate all of that settle down but this but for this it's him literally being like ugh your smell makes me sick and that's how i know i love you is it settle down that being said i like his little volvo hatchback that he drives oh yeah he's looking good indeed one of the coolest casts of 2008 yeah we should also talk about her before i get back to uh i want to talk about the vampire law specifically oh that's where we're going to shine i think i think much like a sparkly vampire that's where we're going picking vampire law so there was a bunch of earlier scripts that uh director catherine hardwick threw out okay they basically didn't relate to the book at all and this as far as i can tell adheres very closely to that novel the original script and had bella on jet skis being chased by the fbi at one point excuse me things like that but you know i think you know she's uncoordinated and that's her number one character trait she slips over sometimes yeah exactly i mean do you think they did the slip on the ice thing maybe she slips on the ice then her dad's like don't slip on the ice get up idiots yeah do you think i'm just saying do you think it was do you think it was a a fake ground do you think it was a padded bus how do you think they did it i think she's a great actor probably did it with acting you're right yeah but you know it's so i think the idea is though they make her uncoordinated and relatable and then later presumably she gets vampire powers and they're like she's so coordinated she's so good at baseball now or whatever et cetera you know what i mean vampires famously love old-timey baseball yeah they would you know it's america's national pastime i was going to say around this era i remember there being a critical backlash against muse and i don't remember why no i think i know now you got it uh so okay now's a good time to talk about vampire law mason please um i don't actually have a problem with any kind of reinterpretation of what it means to be a dracula they change a bunch of stuff here no fangs they don't sleep uh they sparkle that's all fine to me because it gets reinterpreted all the time i think people are just mostly mad about the sparkling thing but i like the idea that like all the stuff that he's doing and that they're all are doing is like a camouflage and it's also a bad camouflage a bad camouflage but it's also supposed to be inviting so you see this and you're like this is a beautiful person i'm gonna get up close and give him a kiss and then he's like i'm gonna bite you i bit ya with my regular teeth cop this yeah this takes forever wow i wish we did have fangs do they not have fangs no they just have poisoned bites i mean the sparkling thing is strange because he's like you need to see you need to sell what i look like and he you know runs her up to the top of the mountain like a muppet like like miss piggy with kermit the frog on her back it's really funny uh and he's like yeah you need to see this and he's like and he's sparkling and he's beautiful and he's like look at me this is who i am i'm hideous and she's like oh no that's actually very pretty you're very pretty oh no no one's seen this before we should we should have checked with more humans you might want to know more about how they eat as well if you don't mind sure so in midnight sun do they have suckers on their fingers they don't have any of that much somehow they know many of you think another creature of the black lagoon i'm thinking who's in the black lagoon the creature who owns the black lagoon the landlord of the black lagoon red where's my rage he keeps bumping it up it's not cool the way he operates quite frankly no i won't fix all the black goo it's part of the lagoon it was in the lease when you signed it so there's a book called midnight sun which is basically twilight but it's from edward's perspective is this uh authorized yeah same authorized came out a couple years ago so apparently there's a moment in that where he has a bite of pizza and he thought to himself oh i'll need to cough this up later because we had pineapple on it yeah so it i like fried apple pizza james this is how we this is how we increase the comments the comments and the dislikes okay cool cool big debate the the big pineapple like pizza i like pineapple on pizza leave a like if you like pineapple on pizza for me and also leave a like if you don't like pineapple on pizza for mason perfect and then we'll know and tally them up at the end so yeah they can eat it's unpleasant and then they have to vomit later i'd rather be a human who yes bloody ass man hey green mason well you don't want to be a beautiful sparkling man no i'm gonna already am so that's i guess i'll hit the genetic lottery yeah that's a good point okay so the age thing though oh yeah so they move around they have they have a connection to the local tribe well what could it be oh who knows um just why are they like i'm 17. just say you're 18. yeah any of these people or 20 22 25 that's they all look about that any of these people could pass for 30. it's my technical jacket look how technical it is with a haircut and a mustache on all of them any of them could be like 35 to 40. i mean edward cullen's dad looks like the same age as edward cullen and he's a doctor or something he's a doctor or something it's just weird that they're like we'll start school at 16 and go through again it's weird yeah don't do it yeah i don't like it just dress dresses as chimney sweep so you hit your family chimney sweeps exactly to sweep the chimneys settle down but also it is weird isn't it yeah you ever ever tried to talk to a teenager no you had nothing to say i don't want to do that i don't want to do that now imagine you're a hundred you want to talk to a teenager i don't want to do that you don't want to do it but this guy's like hmm okay he's weird it is the thing here's how esl maybe you could justify it i don't know it's just the clown there we go there we go you could justify it not me i would never okay sure he can't read her mind see this is the movie that should have required that scene from transformers you know the one with the card oh yeah you're right you're absolutely right so he can't read her mind so to him that's interesting oh when you crack that mind nothing it's what are you doing you're 120 years old or whatever yeah strange so the the action in this is a lot of it is done practically it's a lot of motion blur that is for sure i've written here like our favorite scene has always been because this is the scene the only thing that i know you've seen where they run up the mountain there's a lot of that yeah fun funny stuff there is a moment where the character rolls rosalie uh angrily smashes a salad bowl i got a genuine laugh out of that i thought that was fun good bit of slapstick there that's great i think that was intentionally funny wasn't it [Music] but the villains yes so his name is james um he's he's that dude from the oc or whatever he's been around he's been obviously he's easily welcome to the oc [ __ ] guy welcome to the oc [ __ ] he might be a different guy no i think he's a different he might be a different guy he's a different guy no no no no no i i'm i have a very clear image in my mind of the welcome to the oc [ __ ] guy and it's a different guy now he gets a beat on balor and he's like oh i got a ponytail i'm gonna eat i'm gonna hate this girl yeah i'm loving this and so their plan is to take her take bella back to her dad's house and burn him so badly that he'll probably never recover like emotionally because she's just like you're sucking i want to move away yeah and you know if i don't get out now i'm just going to be stuck here like mom but then kill the vampire anyway yeah so maybe just kill him maybe don't do that whole thing where you go home and you you like emotionally scar your dad who's just trying to do his best and he's worried about you and your boyfriend is a weird sparkly creep maybe just put uh maybe just put bella in like a car for half an hour just whizz around the town for a bit yep kill a vampire kill the vampire get out of the car so they have they have a punch-up in a ballet theater and there's a rent a helicopter yeah that's have a fun have a fun little fun little uh helicopter tour of forks washington would you go near any of the tall trees i would go above the tall trees that's right yeah yeah yeah you're way above yeah like helicopter high like helicopter yeah yeah yeah they have a punch up in the whatever and you know they're kicking each other and then i think it was fascinating it's a fascinating choice james to set the big action finale in a room full of mirrors but not utilize the trope that vampires don't appear in mirrors oh my god i don't even think of that there's a couple of shots though yeah where like one or both of them don't appear oh mirror and i i think maybe so it's optional for this thing i think there's a setting there's a setting in their os you couldn't go to school if you're a vampire and you didn't appear in a reflection right it's just not it just wouldn't fly yeah but i'm thinking maybe on the day they're like the vampires sharpen mirrors don't know let's film some stuff and we'll decide later and they just never did i find it fascinating that they did a room full of mirrors and there wasn't a moment where they didn't know which one it was and they were smashing mirrors looking for it i'm surprised i didn't do a bloody room full of mirrors it wasn't filled with bloody bruce lee was in the room full of mirrors in the guy with the claw you're surprised that bruce lee wasn't i'm surprised they didn't just do the end event of the dragon yes that's what i'm surprised by i'm surprised by a lot of weird stuff what i liked is when uh so edward cullen finally wins the fight he gets there first because he's the fastest i'm like cool you established that that's good that's good work and so you know edward cullen's about to kill this guy and his father's like remember who you are don't do this don't kill him and then he lets go and then he's like right your brothers and sisters are going to tear this guy's head off and pull off his arms and legs and burn his body okay what what yeah remember who you are he's the prettiest guy yeah he is the prettiest shouldn't sully has pretty hands it's perfectly manicured hands yeah he bites her and whatever and he he's thank god he's got the emotion he can stop biting anyway um because he eats do you think this video will make any sense if the viewer hasn't watched twilight or great question isn't it though leave a comment below leave a like if this makes sense or doesn't let us know what you think the plot of twilight is based on what we've said here see if you can piece it together i think my favorite callback is like the foggiest jigsaw puzzle in the world yeah you're not wrong i think my favorite callback though in this movie is that bella is a character that's considered so clumsy that her family believed that she rolled down a set of stairs and out a window because that's the that's the excuse that she ends up in the hospital yeah i love that just like yeah that's probably what happened i reckon you you left with your boyfriend we've just met and then and then you came back later with a series of broken legs and you got defenestrated yeah yeah we're not suspicious of him at all he's got it yeah [Music] and now yeah now he should definitely force you to go to the prom against you will with a big boot on that's not going to affect your popularity at school why are they outside where the nice part of the prom is and no one else is did that was that like established that that was the private edward bella part of the prom don't know i'm just confused because inside a like regular school hall outside like a wedding and then she's like bite me i want to be a vampire and he's like nah let's just do kisses and i'm like all right good stuff anyways it's time for twy rivia what do you think no i like that a lot trivia yeah yeah nice trivia we can also reuse that if we do a star wars thing like twilight trivia that's very good yeah we'll save that up put that no put that in there put a pin in there we don't do star wars here though do we not really no yeah uh so the book was originally named fawkes before it was published publisher insisted that stephanie meyer could find part of the knives out trilogy could find another name for it and the word twilight was chosen henry cavill was the first choice for edward cullen when he was 25 at the time of shooting lily collins was considered for balor phil collins daughter that's right she got her own she was mortal instruments look at these bones or whatever she was in one of them the city one of the moving scenes no that was mortal that's mortal language of instruments yes um emily browning australia's own was the first choice but turned it down tom welling was wanted for emmett cullen uh so would it could have been caval dwelling whoa double superman get ralph and he can be a teenager i don't know stick up george reeves whatever we don't care anymore yeah so do you remember that bit where he caught the apple like the book he was holding the apple because the cover of twilight is holding an apple it's forbidden fruit and garden of eden maybe it's a metaphor oh yeah anyways do you think people stood up and applauded in the cinema [Applause] i just remember the baseball scene anyways it took 13 takes to catch this one out that's like when toby maguire had to catch all that stuff exactly but i say i say weak because he caught a full tray full of food yeah and he did it with a smile on his face that's true i didn't see a goddamn smile in this movie yeah uh speaking of what i mean from another perspective um the twilight crew probably hates uh robert pattinson less than the spiderman crew hates w a guys that is almost certainly true uh speaking of food uh the bite that edward cullen uh takes out of james's neck was made of ham and cheese ham and cheese that's right like a delicious james toasty and this one this is fascinating this is direct from uh imdb trivia it's hot it's so piping hot i brought it over my computer is literally sizzling yeah you got to get this trivia wrap before your computer melts down uh in the classroom scene where edward and bella are seated and share a desk edward is on the left and bella is on the right in the novel bella sits on the left and edward sits on the right whoa my computer's just shut down because it's too hot it's too hot to handle oh wait it's back up and we can talk box office oh because these make a fascinatingly large amount of money this one cost 37 million to make it made 407 and was the most purchased dvd of 2009 whoa yeah now aggressive as mentioned i honestly don't know at time of recording this what we are going to do next will we come back and do the twilight saga new moon 2009 will we trick you again and say we're doing batman will we just do batman i haven't decided how long i want to take this joke yet there's apparently four more movies you were saying in this in this if we just do the batman there's there's only three of those exactly anyways if you do have any suggestions for caravan of garbage please leave it below and if you want to know what's going on here you can actually see these early if you go over and sign up at where there's early videos bonus podcasts movie commentaries we recently did uh in honor of the batman we did nicholas cage's ghost rider 2007. oh yeah and there's a bunch of other stuff there including our podcast the weekly planet where we talk movies and comics and tv shows we're back there by the way that podcast has kicked off again hell yeah yeah thanks to ben and laurence for editing this video and coming back for another year and we'll see you guys in the next one grab that gm you guys we'll see you real soon twilight what a movie what a series maybe yeah yeah do you think i i'm i'm torn because maybe i'll be like this is a this is a hilarious thrill ride for more movies but maybe we get through like two more movies and i'm like i hate this now you got to see the baby though right you're telling me there's a baby yeah you got to see that baby all right thanks everyone okay bye everybody [Music]
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 604,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet, dc comics, the dark knight, batman v superman, the joker, batman (comic book character), batman begins, christian bale batman, christian bale batman voice, christian bale angry, dark knight, robert pattinson, heath ledger, return of the joker, the batman 2021, watch the batman
Id: VzCy0REnIq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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