The Mummy Trilogy - Caravan Of Garbage

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as the Invisible Man attempts to reboot the Dark Universe again let's look at the very first Dark Universe film but not really cuz it's also a reboot of the Mummy from 1932 we're talking about the mummy 1999 we came into this we came into the room to record this and I'm like why are we doing this again and I'm like I assume it's because Universal Pictures the owner of a bunch of pseudo public domain monster movies from back in the day that they've run into the ground they're attempting to do it again they to do it with Dracula Untold they tried to do it with the mummy 2017 they tried to do it with the mummy Tomb of the emperor Dragon which is the threequel to this they tried it with the wolf man they tried it with Bride of Frankenstein but I think this movie though is the reason they keep trying this cuz this was a huge movie it's part Indiana Jones part Terminator part Ray Harry Howen all Adventure Mason well here's the thing cuz this thing we do is called Caravan of garbage and do people leave a like normally they absolutely do on Caravan of garbage whether they enjoyed the video or not they just do it all right but maybe people are wondering why we're talking about the mummy and honestly this is one of the all-time greats in terms of like fun action movies if you if this movie were never released if this movie were put in a vault a tomb if you will and it was released now I think people would still enjoy it as an action movie I think there's only a couple of things that would let it down this year the visual effects have that sort of air of not quite Verity which is quite Comm but I think it was quite common in like the mid to late and speaking of Rachel vice's character has a serious case of turn of the millennial eyebrows I I was going to say the exact same thing practically non-existent she is very lucky they grew back oh absolutely I'm surprised she wasn't wearing like low slung like flar jeans in that era but anyway this movie is very good it's funny action-packed action-packed well you mentioned Rachel Vice she's terrific apparently she's the only one that was offered the role John Hannah's great apparently if we're talking Rick O Connell leading man Brad Pit was considered Matt Damon Ben Affleck Matthew mccon it was offered to Stallone Tom Cruz also had a look in who ended up being a bomby movie anyway when he signed on to that one he's like this is going to be exactly the same as the old one right and they're like yep uh DiCaprio was also offered the part and he wanted to do it but he was committed to the movie the beach I like that movie I think it's I think it's underrated but I think what they did do then was go okay can we get Brendan Fraser then and just give him lean out of DiCaprio's Titanic hair sure yeah Brendan Fraser is excellent in this movie agreed I think a few people have pulled off this Indiana Joneses Adventurer I think there's obviously Harrison Ford there's Brenan Fraser Nicholas Cage and National Treasure and National Treasure 2 and National Treasure 3 the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor I think Chris Pratt gets pretty close in Guardians of the Galaxy but I think it's one of those things where they keep trying to do and it's a very fine line between smug prick and confident and kind of a buffoon and he manages to walk that line because he's not incredibly bright like there's a moment where he shoots the mmy with a shotgun then later he's like I got him don't even worry about it they're like no he's Undead he's like no no I got him I shot him don't worry about but this is also the 30s yeah well that's true pretty sure you well mid 20s but then there's moments where he's like oh he doesn't like cats and then he you know he uses that to his Advantage so you know he's not a complete dummy he just takes a cat off his utility belt that's why I like this movie is cuz it's all the characters to one degree or another are terrible people even like John Hannah's like a he a scumbag he should be in jail with with a with a veneer of being a gentleman and so there's an additional thrill of this movie of like boy I sure hope that they escape the the clutches of the Mummy but at the same time it'd be fine if they didn't I've just written this thought down and I don't know why uh is it worth bringing up I've written I wonder what imep would think of the movie cats like would it melt him is that a topical current reference is that one reference well I don't think he'd recognize any of the creatures on screen as a cat but I mean if you put him in that room I think just the idea of a film would terrify him enough that he'd go on some sort of bloody Rampage sure yeah you know how uh renen Fraser is in the big chiro prison right yes there's a moment when they enter it and there's just a dude on a big wooden rat wheel just running stop powering anything he's no I looked I around it he's just having a jog is it an exercise wheel yeah that's interesting I don't know I mean maybe was that a common thing just a big wooden rat wheel that you had to be on so you went to the you went to the effort of researching whether the rat wheel was in fact in the movie and whether it was connected to anything but you didn't do any Research into Egyptian prisons of the 20s to see if if that was a common exercise technique for the prisoners look if somebody could do that research and talk about it below I'd really appreciate it because now that I think about it maybe it's something I should have looked into br oh God I hope we get an email from a guy and is's like I exclusively research Egyptian prisons in the 20s and I want to be clear this is the most accurate representation I've ever seen on film apparently also he was hung for real at that seene and had to be revived that also happened to yeah that happened to Michael J foxed Back to the Future 3 where they just accidentally hanging people on set like I think it was a thing that just used to happen sometimes cuz nor there's like a fake brace that they put them in but yeah I I don't know maybe you know what maybe that's act as humorous they're like hey uh you'll be fine in this right and they're like yeah yeah sure I'll be fine I'm a tough tough guy I worked on my abs I worked on my neck that's right well Brendon Fraser has even said more recently that these films kind of ruined his body doing these stunts like he's got permanent injury and by the third mummy film he was just held together by like tape and ice and if you see him in that movie like he's in good shape but he's broken well I mean that's you know we're in that era where the whole deal with movies now is you just get a funny guy you work him to the Bone and give him ABS right and that's not sustainable that's Insanity agree I say having not worked on my abs at all I agree that's the thread that I'm holding on to and not hanging myself with I also enjoy the uh the snively vill this played by Kevin j o Conor Benny I like the moment where he's like hey OK Conor nice camel and then you see later that he's also on a camel so I don't know whether that's a mistake or not but I just like the fact that he's just looking for anything to make fun of him about he's like nice camel slightly worse than my camel maybe well again if if you'd done your research you would know that there was some very very subtle but important distinctions between the two camels if we could get an email camel expert a camel expert from 1926 well exactly they have you know breeding has has shorten their legs significantly their humps are on the bottom now you know what quick question why would you give imep the high priest a super weird super involved curse that means he can definitely come back from the dead and reap Revenge knowing that if he did return Heise a walking disease a plague upon all mankind in addition to being an Unholy flesh eater with the strength of the ages with the power over Sands and the glory of invincibility why would you chance any of that is what I'm saying why would you just cut his throat and just put him in a bin well first of all that does sound very appealing but second of all you get to do the prank the prank of you wrap you you wrap the guy up yeah like a mummy yeah and then you're like hey don't worry we're going to let we're going to get out of this already cut your Tong off pretty pretty funny it's pretty funny and then you stick in with the psychop and you fill it with flesh eating beetles how funny is that I also they're not going to be around are they cuz they don't have the undead curse yeah uh so apparently there is an explanation behind those scarab beetles you know that are they're quite quick and they're everywhere and they're flesh eating apparently because they're in the coffin with him they eat him and he eats them and it's just this eternal kind of cyclical thing it's not mentioned in the movie but that is the explanation and that's when one like crawls into his face he just eats it like it's like a piece of popcorn okay right cuz it's just like a snack to him after being trapped for thousands of years he's like yeah big you mentioned the groundbreaking ilm special effects there's things like the giant sand face it's a bit chunky like nowadays but for the time they they sold it on that they'll like check out this giant sand face so I think it still holds up for the most part but then there's moments where like Rend Fraser has to fight a whole lot of fras is it frasia like frea it's not it's not but where he has to fight a whole lot of mummies and he does this kind of Baltic kind of sweep where the camera moves around him and he's kicking them and he's cutting them was this pre or post the Matrix cuz it's the same year same year I well they they wouldn't have known that ex but but if you look at the behind the scenes stuff and it's pretty obvious when you look at it none of those people or mummies are actually there and he's just swinging madly at nobody in the behind the scenes fo is quite funny yeah so the villain played by dark man 2's own Arnold voso that's right so the villain in this though it's mentioned multiple times in the behind the scenes uh by the director and others that look we don't just want some Shuffle bandage man we want real cool CGI stuff happening watch behind the scenes it's just them saying that again and again people are so used to guys wrapped in bandages you know and that's what I I wanted to get completely away from I don't want this to be like a mummy movie like we've seen in the past with the shuffling guy in bandages it's very '90s it's a a lot of CG work it's not it's not a guy wrapped in bandages he couldn't be wrapped up in bandages we knew that um the creature like I said he's not a guy wrapped in first of all George Romero wanted to make this movie during the 90s and he was going to have a more horror Style version with a more horrific mummy and because this is pg-3 and they tried to walk that line between he's horrific and you can kind of see through him and some of his organs and some of his skin and he slowly regenerates but he's it's never like bloody or messy in a way yeah it's more Dusty it's more like kindling but I think overall I think the effect works really well and for a mostly entirely CGI component for a lot of this I think that the detail in it still holds up except for the bit where he goes into the water at the end he goes doesn't doesn't look that good does it but I mean they've never perfected that have they I think they have I mean they did it in the thumbs down to this movie there yeah big big old thumbs down yeah so you would not be surprised by this but there's been a number of spin-offs and tie-ins and sequels and the like and I'm going to run you through some of them you of course remember that we looked at the video game adaptation of this oh my God is a clip look at the head on him look at his head oh man one of the worst things we've ever looked at would you is that inaccurate is that the one with a weird ronnell head he's like a block and his head's been pasted on it yeah okay yeah I remember that one yeah that's awful look at his flat face do you think they took a photo of his face and just pasted it on not even it does look at it look at it this is this is look oh no but also there were a number of sequels Steven Summers who directed this Universal phoned him the morning after this movie was released and then like we need another one which ended up being The Mummy Returns there's also the spin-off The Scorpion King and then the spin-offs from The Scorpion King that aren't starring The Rock there's the third one obviously uh there's the Animated Series squeeze me squeeze me yes never even heard of that that's right uh the mommy 2017 might also be in the same universe because one of because mummies obviously but also the book is in that oh the beautiful golden book beautiful golden book or the other book one of the books is in not watching the Mumy Get Right Out by uh and also Brendan Fraser also turns up in GI Joe which was also directed by Steven Summers oh okay and he's mentioned kind of look Loosely in Cannon let's just say that he's a descendant of Rick O Connell and he does say look I know you're fighting cobras but watch out for the mummy 1999 that's what he says yeah exactly so I just think it's really interesting that this universe it's spun off so much just from this one blockbuster that just really took off and has never quite being replicated I don't mind The Mummy Returns I wouldn't mind coming back and looking at it for this let us know if you want us to but Bo there's some ropey Scorpion King that mie there but I think a lot of the elements from that movie are just directly kind of brought back they're like oh im's back and he's of a big sand face is a water face Etc and so for you it's all that and I like the idea behind the third one that they're going to China and it's the Terracotta Warriors and it's a whole different kind of law behind it Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 syndrome exactly as in it's not a good movie regard we're going to Asia yeah but we're going to Asia look all in all I think look it's definitely of its time but it is that kind of gem that mostly holds up I think so yeah yeah like we said there's elements of it that you know it's clearly dated because it's a 20e plus old movie at this but again it's a movie about an Egyptian mummy coming back to life and kill a Scara beetles yes if you can hold on to that suspension of disbelief for that you can probably hold on to it for some of the CGI doesn't look so great yeah exactly cuz that's not what I feel is driving the movie I think it's what got people into theaters but it's not what makes it still interesting because otherwise people would be talking about wild wild west because that added CGI too didn't it no one remembers giant metal spider we'll probably never cover that for this because they never do another one of those are we are they Wild wob West I mean Never Say Never Never Say Never I guess you're probably right I'm curious though and I'm throwing this out to you specifically would you like to see a sequel to this returning cast members yes bearing in mind Rachel Vice didn't come back for the third one oh she's doing Marvel movies now you know definitely come back yeah but do you think it would play now do you think everybody's too old do you think she's willing to pluck her eyebrows to the sameel think definitely not I don't think so I didn't even think she did it for the second one yeah there you go yeah anyway would you would you see a sequel though absolutely I would do you think it would work I don't cuz I think it would no see that's the thing I think it' be very much Indiana Jones 4 kind of syndrome I mean I would very much like to just on the back of the movie the the one movie but given the huge number of spin-offs you've mentioned all of which are bad yes then I don't hold out much hope for it hey anything could be good anything could be good and if people want to see it I you know you never know do you something could be but generally things aren't good are they I'll watch a thing with Brandon Fraser in it me too mhm so we're back we're talking The Mummy Returns this was green lit the morning that the mummy opened cuz it was such a big hit people loved it and they like get this one off the ground and the directors and all the cast involved were like if we're going to do this we're going to do a bigger and better and they didn't that's the problem with the sequel is you have to go we want to recapture the magic but it's also got to be bigger it's what you liked but more and bigger yeah and in a shorter amount of time cuz it was 2 years after yeah right the thing about this video is it's going to be bigger and better than the first mommy did so we will accept a like from you for making it that way so this is the mummy light yeah right it's got pillars falling instead of bookcases instead of a sand face it's a water face you're reading a book but you can't work out what one of the things is in the book and you asking somebody what the thing in the book is the cast is also back they make that classic era of introducing a kid Phantom Menace did it but again Zoro sequel did it but what what are you going to do cuz this is set nearly 10 years after yeah about N9 or 10 years after after the original and so so Rick and eie they're married now and Grave robbin's done really well for them CU they live in this enormous Mansion they're so rich and they have they have a kid like a sort of snotty is little kid who he's both of them he both of them exactly and he's and he's a little bit anachronistic he's always like oh get a room you two you know like they said in the 1930s my God you know they did Rick O connell's kind of the same and Eve Eve's had a real glow up her eyebrows have grown back a few people pointed out that the reason also her eyebrows are like that in the previous movies cuz that was the style of the 20s I don't believe that it's a coincidence I feel like there's no way they like listen if there's one thing we get right in this movie it's that big rat wheel which was apparently a real thing and eyebrows yeah all if I can put the plot back together so it's quite similar Eve and Rick they find a golden bracelet and their son puts it on and that that was the bracelet of the Scorpion King and in putting that on that summons The Scorpion King in seven days and it's going to bring with him the the army of Anubis yep which is going to destroy the world but the followers of imotep want to bring back the mummy because if he comes back and he defeats the Scorpion King then he can take control of the army of Anubis and destroy the world instead and they want that for some reason yeah I feel like though you could just work for either of those guys right goal is quite similar isn't it so interestingly the son in this Freddy both his name was and is she's alive yeah he was such a huge fan of the Mummy that he was like on set he'd remind people working on it what happened in the first film and what we need to do in this and how ites and he actually chose to audition for this over Harry Potter there you go so he he turned down that completely to in Harry Potter though he's very multi-talented Bas you know what I don't like about this movie and there are some things that I do cuz I don't think it's terrible in rewatching it it's not as bad as I remember it being but I think what happens is when you leave a big action Blockbuster what sticks into your mind is the finale yeah which we I'm sure we'll talk about after this after the show's finished yeah after the show's finished we'll talk about it personally in our own lives but I think maybe that soured my whole experience but but you you you were saying well I was going to say say I don't like how they give everyone a destiny that's the first thing I going to say is the pharaoh's daughter or a Reincarnation of that the pharo that imotep killed in the first movie so she's out for Revenge somehow he doesn't recognize her for some reason in the first one I guess he's got different eyes also the eyes that he stole from the first movie that guy needed glasses so maybe that's why he maybe that's why he didn't recognize her and and Rick O Connell some sort of Guardian Magi does he have that tattoo in the first movie well he's got leather wrist bands okay perfect the other thing is they make him inetta Jones but a little bit better cuz they give him the Fedora at one point yeah right and there's also a couple of moments where he's fine with snakes he gets one thrown at him and he's just like snakes and he just is just not fuss by at all only a real coward would be afraid of snakes for any reason even childhood trauma even if you were massively traumatized by falling into a a train Carriage full of snakes as a child you are a coward you've got a coward's heart that's right I've just made this note it's not really relevant but after it gets to the snake thrown at him a guy throws a knife and he catches it like way off to the side like not even close he's like arms length away yeah right catch so what you're saying is that knife gu's a real he's a bad shot and he's got a coward's heart that's what I'm saying which I thought was going to come back late oh it does come back later he catches the spear at the end yeah he does yeah he's a good catch though like I assume that he was I mean if he wasn't he'd be dead a long time ago oh for sure 100% yeah uh also I feel like this movie it was inspired as all mov of this era was by the Matrix I think they're like let's do some Matrix style stuff without the kind of the technical prowess or expertise or equipment to do that so it's like we're going to do like long form martial arts battles without the actual long form kind of just we'll do it with we'll do it with Quick Cuts and nobody will notice we noticed we noticed apparently Rachel Vice trained for like 5 months to do those sequences that's mostly her so that's impressive but yeah maybe they should have filmed in a way where kind of got could tell that and it wasn't just stun people yeah yeah I think the one at the end is a little bit better you can kind of get a better sense of it MVP of this movie though I think it's actually an improvement or they build on it well arith Bay you know I think that guy is he's good in the first movie and he's expanded on in this movie not in the third because what does he know about China not nothing makesense that's right this though interestingly enough was The Rock's first motion picture he'd never seen a movie he didn't even know what one was at that point look how far he's come I know so it opens with the Scorpion King you know it tells all these story at how he's you know he's he's cursed and whatever and he wanders the desert and then he he bites a real gooey Scorpion and I really enjoyed that I'm like that's a gooey Scorpion and good job the rock it it foretells a sense of incredible visceral realism we're going to have with the Scorpion King for the rest of this movie right just if he's going to do something he's going to do it for real and we're going to feel it we're going to know yeah oh we'll definitely get back to that here's some good stuff though I like the chase through London I like how the mummy gets its legs cut off and it's like monkeying through the bus yeah that also felt very reminiscent I maybe it's a deliberate homage maybe it's just my brain Making Connections it felt very much like any number of T1000 Chase scenes in Terminator 2 he's got the lever action rifle he's shooting up like shooting up in the lift in the mental asylum in in Terminator 2 just watch them play him side by side you know it's just you want Ben to do that no I wouldn't put that upon the man to make an Incredible video comparison just just frame by frame it you know the other thing I like is I think the chemistry is still good between Rick and Eevee you feel like they like each other and they've been married you get the sense that their relationship has grown H I like the guy who's like this is CED that is Cur you know he makes that joke against that guy yeah I like that bit it turns out it was cursed killed them all where do you stand on pygmy mummies they kind of avoid the main characters a lot and just tear apart everybody else I think they just needed a new scarab beetle like a flesh eaing Beatle kind of situation they just flamethrower him in this yeah right exactly they're like we need something that's even more dangerous there's a moment in this where and again it's the bus Chase sequence I think where they're being pursued by the mummies from the previous movie and Rick o' connell's like oh these guys again and I'm like yeah me too ricko A lot of the The Supporting Cast was I felt a little bit BL like in the previous movie we had like the American rival adventurers and they kind of like we had Benny we did have Benny yeah uhhuh yeah we we do have the the the derable pilot who I like quite a lot but other than that it was just kind of like generic henchmen yep generic cultists yep little generic they had mred an echo from Lost what is hard as CGI isn't it seems that way yeah I kind of accepted it in the first one that they just survived the plane crash with the big sand face they crashed in some sand this they [ __ ] tumble out of the sky and they smash that ship to bits which he then repairs apparently yeah apparently he does yeah anubis' Army is not bad yeah pretty solid I think yeah there's a lot of them yeah that's right you cannot take that away from there's heaps of them some bits I also don't like though with the CGI the first bit where the jungle grows around the rock not great imotep after he sucks the life out of that first guy I think it's time though because the reason the Scorpion King doesn't look great is because excuse me again like I I feel like when I watched it back way back in the day that was my take away the Scorpion King when you when you it was never good when you have a big action movie you want that last action sequence to be memorable and I guess for me it always has been because it looks absolutely atrocious you didn't think about just getting the rock to to be on top of a big animated scorpion exactly what I thought just a big just a big animatronic dude it must have been they didn't have the time because has actually completed this 8 days before the film's released and maybe he wasn't available to do that because it's atrocious Corridor crew have actually gone back and tried to fix this and they've made some improvements who they they've got a YouTube channel they special effect St whatever you should definitely check them out but it's atrocious but my favorite moment is the moment where Rico Connell finally stabs The Scorpion King there's a pause then you see emot slide in and go no that's pretty great yeah yeah yeah moment where nothing is happening and then there's that oh yeah no that's very that's very enjoyable here's a segment of the show I like to call it's a new segment oh yeah rude stuff rude time trivia oh rude trivia that's hello yeah so Rachel Weiss's character nefti was originally called Nefertiti The Producers felt that uh people would make boob jokes about the name so they changed it to that of another Egyptian queen oh my God rude facts after dark you know it is the other rude fact is there is a Cameo by Steven Summers in the form of the director the director sorry yes he's back for this one in a big way the handprints in the Train's bathroom that's actually Steven Summers so that's him I guess who smeared [ __ ] all over the walls with his beheads wow so there you go see I told you visceral visceral real so look I don't know man it was a big hit a bigger budget 98 million it made 433 unlike you I didn't hate it at the time outside of the Scorpion King I thought this is fine and I think it's still fine but it's aged way worse than the old one yeah absolutely yeah what is what's the difference I wonder chemistry characters maybe but may well maybe it's the The Mummy even though you know it's not funny it's not funny and yeah maybe it's that the kid no he's not bad he's not bad that's the thing maybe it's the thing that they tried to make Rick too cool maybe it's that he's Indiana Jones they did change his name to Rick to cool exactly maybe that's it that was a rcod rick radical yeah Rick we looked into your records of the orphanage your name is Rick radical maybe it's because the you know even though the first one is said you know in all kinds of places in Egypt it's it is a smaller scale they didn't try to overreach maybe that's what it is it's just kind of every part of that movie is kind of solid whereas I feel like maybe this one has some kind of weak stuff that you could take out like again like the pygmy the pygmy mummies and and a derable that's going through some sort of PS2 CGI cut scene you know what I mean do you want to take out the where the guy puts his hand in the in the hole and then it chews off a lot of his hand and he takes his hand out and he's got a gooey hand no I kind of want to keep that in they were like listen before we tried out the Scorpion King people are going to hate that let's just do the realest thing that we can an old bony gooey hands that'll get people on board for this that's what people will take away from it I nearly forgot it is that how Corridor crew fix it like after the after the Scorpion King sequence is just a guy going like oh look at my gooey hand oo I don't know about this movie but I like the gooey hand at the end if I can quote the great rck Connell from this third mummy film here we bloody go again Mason with this [ __ ] and is this your Vibe very much so interesting I would say this I thought this was the second best of the series but bearing in mind it's a Trilogy that also makes it the second worst of the series I think it's better than the mmy returns yeah you might be right but there is a lot I feel missing at the heart of this which makes it less compelling saying that I did start watching this and I'm like this pretty good I'm I'm sad didn't see this earlier on but at one point I did pause and I saw that there was an hour left and I'm like oh I'll finish it tomorrow so you're right it is probably not as compelling especially you know compared to the first one absolutely oh if people could leave a like on this video that would be great because look we wrapped up The Mummy Trilogy as requested is that not worth something to somebody somewhere it's certainly worth a like I think thank you so of course Steven Summers left this project he was working on GI Jo I believe at the time Rob Cohen is on board as director he mentions in the behind the scenes after that this is edgier and bigger and all of those things it's certainly bigger yep there's more guns and people being like look at this gun look at this guy I feel it's also grayer was this the start of the era when they just color graded everything kind of gray and brown we're still in that era by the way but the color just disappeared of course he came hot off the back of the first Fast and Furious the tri XX franchise he's just wrapped up Hurricane Heist it's hit Cinemas that's right what was it who knows who knows were they stealing a hurricane the thing is though I do admire that it goes in a slightly different direction than the second one the second one is pretty much a flat retread yes and the idea of working in the Terra Cotta Warriors is a great idea yeah and bringing in jet Ley Michelle yo I think the CGI is better for the most part the bit where he's spewing up the Terra Cotta when he's transforming into the mummy look I really like the design I love the fact that he's been cursed to become this terra cotta Warrior and so he has this sort of expressionless clay face but if he wants to emote he has to tear it off his head then there's a lot of screaming and then it sort of regrows around his face I think that's fun I completely agree I think it's way better than bringing back imotep again cuz the story is of course it's essentially The Mummy bit in China a guy gets cursed for doing a thing and whatever I think it's a standard issue cursor if you're if you're an ancient ruler you step out of line somebody's going to curse you eventually and again I defer to my comments on the first movie the video we did for this just cut his throat don't give him the weird imortal curse where he comes back as a terrible monster where he can turn into both a dragon and a dog or something right just cut his throat yeah hit him with a brick hit him with a brick but so this one this one set in sort of 1945 1946 I think so it's post World War II and so Rick oconnell and Evelyn oconnell uh they're retired but they apparently we didn't see it but they spent some time doing some more adventuring participating in some World War II I didn't want to see any of that anyway Mason and I you know and and I think maybe one of the one of the missions required Evon oon to have massive plastic surgery to turn her into Maria Bellow what do you think of that it's jarring I think she does a good job but I think the chemistry is not there and that's also part of it cuz they're like we're not even banging anymore that's a that's a plot point they're both bored they're in a sexless marriage which is weird cuz they're both incredibly Attractive people which makes me believe that it's not that it's that they can only get horny over adventuring and like killing mummies and stuff we're trying to relive it exactly without some sort of horrendous monster to kill they got no they got no charge there's uh actually stories behind a few stories behind why Rachel Vice didn't want to come back one of them is she refused to portray somebody with a 21-year-old son I don't know whether that's true no that doesn't sound like her but we don't know anything about her that's true exactly yeah it could sound just like her Bas on my limited experience of the movies The Mummy wish is a nice character it doesn't sound like the actor Rachel Vice that I know uh rumors also circulated that Weiss didn't want to be separated from her toddler son at the time but she since made it clear that that had no impact on her decision whatsoever cuz she did also make films in that same year right and as also the story that the script wasn't enough to sign on which is probably the most likely you know what else I think though ronnell feels like an entirely different character in a lot of ways also and I think it's because he's lost some of his luster and by that I mean his Golden Tan it's gone it is he's very he's quite palad he's Ruddy in some sense I mean I guess he is he's living in England isn't he he's not getting that golden Egyptian son is he Al every day yeah but I I I also think that some of the appeal is disappearing from Rick O Connell in this movie because it's very evident they wanted to sh Focus from him to new oconnell Alex oconnell Luke Ford yeah because I even cuz I streamed this and the little description beforeand said Adventurer Alex o Connell travels to China and I'm like no no no no excuse me well there was going to be a fourth movie with him we can talk about that at the end sign up for three more movies that's exactly what happened yeah it's tough to follow up on Brendan Fraser as Rick O Connell in these movies because Rick O Connell has this like wide-eyed manic desperation the way Brendon Fraser sells it in this is that something broke in him in the desert and he has never gotten it back I get the feeling in a lot of the action scenes in all of these movies he's like I might die right here guns blazing I'm totally fine with that I absolutely I don't think Alex oconnell has that he's just like I'm cool and smooth and I'm prepared and I'm ready to do battle and everything's going to work out fine that's not what you want you want a guy to just run in like a lunatic and prob get run over by a horse I think also speaks to the fact that he clearly grew up in a nice H and nice thing which is fine good on you you're allowed to do that but r o Connell even in the first movie when we didn't get his backstory we meet him in a prison at one point he's just disheveled and they're going to hang him cuz he's a bad bloke it's just it's not the same you know what I me it's like a preppy kind of dude yeah with an unplaceable accent Australian for some of it a bad stamina some of it yeah speaking of voices though the moment where they're showing each other the guns that I mentioned yes Ben if you could play a clip what the [ __ ] is going on with Rico connell's voice in this what did you do now Rob an Armory sounds like a completely different character pretty anemic compared to the Peacekeeper there's like a Bluster and maybe an ad Arness to it where it's just it just kind of Spun my head around when I'm watching this I couldn't quite comprehend what was happening in that scene Thompson sub machine gun you go upstairs you blow up that gold Tower thing speaking of comparing manhood my favorite line from this movie is where Jonathan's butt gets lit on fire and then he yells spank my ass that's the problem with this movie as well there is not a good joke in this entire film there's a scene speaking of of Jonathan there's a scene there's a plane crash sequence where because of course there is well yeah but a yak throws up on him and he goes the yak yaked but you're right they it's all bad it's all bad jokes and at the same time I don't think there's as much stuff rre as the second one did but there's still like the mommy gets resurrected there's a Chase through the streets at the start Rick knows the best pilot who's also the worst pilot a main character gets resurrected from dying again which happened in's return yeah it's different but it's not different enough and the things that it retreads is not better than the stuff that it's done before except for the bit where the yetis come from nowhere oh yeah I about the ye they have a field goal with a guy puts his hands you know the yeti puts his hands up like a field goal refence that's a joke shades of whichever Uncharted game it was where you fight yetis for a while ab and it turns out they're just dudes in suits they're just dudes in suits not this time though when I watched this I'm like well the yeti CGI isn't perfect and I'm like ye he's come on really but then I realized I've been watching three movies about mummies and killer scar whatever it doesn't matter you got to roll with it at this point you definitely do so when Jet Lee went into the pool to resurrect himself M I did not expect a three-headed crap Dragon I've seen this movie and it completely blindsided me I also don't understand what is going on there because he can control the elements he can turn into a three-headed dragon and also a dog with a horn or something mhm it's very vague and Ill the is it right did those monsters exist in ancient times is he inventing them on the Fly Like It seems weird like you you'd think that he would start with something normal like he' turn into a giraffe or something I think the reason that they did it this way is because they didn't have jetly for a lot of this you notice he shows up in person at the start and then at the end everything else in the middle is a Terra Cotta Warrior or a dog or a dragon or a whatever's going on there so I think that's why they went okay He needs to get a to B but we don't have Jet Lee it's crap looking Dragon I guess A to B with Jet Lee no CJ okay here's two improvements that I would make to this movie first of all keep Michelle yo she's great she's terrific in that that's not an improvement that's just something I feel like I need to say she's terrific in this she's good in everything I would keep the sniveling British guy from the start alive till the end as payback because the guy who betrays them he gets murdered pretty early on and then it's just whoever it's like henchman and whatever also why here that's something that's just I've just remembered in that sequence like they're like here's the thing we promised you British guy and he's like now I'm going to kill you and give it to bad people just wait till they leave and then give it to bad people people they'd never have to know I thought of that it's because they he needed Evelyn to unlock it oh but I think anybody you could get anybody to read that you need somebody who can read ancient Chinese and you need someone pure of heart is that thing you can get some El of those people she done so Many Adventures you wouldn't get her cuz you know she's going to shoot you right that's all how pure heart are you you've shot you've killed so many people at this point you probably done some bad stuff in World War II the other thing they should have decided on was does jit Le have a beard or does he not have a beard cuz at the start he doesn't have a beard but then he gets old and he does have a beard he dies with a beard when he's in Terra Cotta it has a beard but then when he's back he doesn't have a beard if you dies with a beard you got to rise with a beard know everybody knows that but they didn't follow that rule did they so I don't know I just there's so many components that I think that are there to make this work and the thing is it made money it didn't make as much money as the other ones like it was successful enough but it was so critically maligned and also fanwise that they just went went we're not doing any more of these yeah I am going to talk about the fourth one but before I do that we mentioned briefly how what happened to the Brenan Fraser over the course of these movies and other action movies he was doing at the time because in this movie Mason they should have caught him bloody ripped o Connell am I right you see him shirtless jez's looking good isn't he but here's the thing he was heavily heavily injured during the making of This film from previous movies we talked about it but he's mentioned that when he was hung in the first movie he was actually properly hung he said they killed me for 18 seconds that's what they said that's what he said in the second movie he tore a spinal disc cracked a rib and injured his knee during production my knee by the time he did the third mummy picture in China this is a direct quote from him I was put together with tape and Ice screw cap ice packs and downhill mountain biking pads cuz they're small enough and light enough that you can fit them under your clothes I was building an exoskeleton for myself daily and his injuries led to multiple surgeries including a laminary a back procedure to relieve pressure on his spinal cord or nerves but the lumbar didn't take so we had to do it again A year later you also had a partial knee replacement more black surgeries to bolt compressed spinal pads Together vocal cord repair and other procedures Fraser said he essentially spent 7 years going in and out of Hospital uh for just pushing himself too far in these movies and then right at the end Maria Bellow blew him a kiss and the kiss like floated in the air and then it landed on him and then he exploded brutality ready for uh trivia time Big Time Yeah trivia time Big Time that's what this segment's called isn't it it's always been called that don't [ __ ] at me this is what it's called don't go back and watch any previous videos but do this is really the scene where it's like shut up we mentioned it that's what this cuz you know there's a lot of like actually you forgot in the comments but it's called trivia time Big Time that's right also if we miss something that you remember from this movie it's in the extended audio Edition definitely so just skip on over to there we definitely mention the thing that you're thinking off we even said your exact opinion it's in that but if you're listen to the audio version and it's not in there it's probably in the video version watch it again leave another like somehow so the crossbow traps in the Tomb scene were based in reality cuz according to Chinese archaeologists the excavation of the ter Army is progressing so slowly partially because it's still filled with similar traps goodness those are pretty hectic too uh originally Rob K was going to kill off Rico Connell entirely I I feel that the way it was going for a while yeah definitely arth Bay we mentioned this last video he didn't return because he doesn't know nothing about China so apparently he was asked and he was like I don't know nothing about China either my character or in real life I still would have liked to see him just to be like we need help with some Undead [ __ ] do you want to do this and he's like yeah sure I got a big curbed sword I'm ready to go I've been oiling this curved sword for ages somebody be like you want to swing that curved sword yes I do yes sir I'll wait Chinese mummies no I can't do it yeah good luck ediots uh and also of course the club owned by Jonathan is um Otep otep's CL it's it's after the other we saw it I mentioned it it's not interesting but it's in there I've said it haven't I that's right okay let's talk about the mummy four no not Tom Cruz is the mummy four which is technically maybe the mummy four a nuts I'm not interested then ah so rise of the Aztec was supposed to come out in 2014 also with Rob Cohen Bren Fraser Maria Bellow and Luke Ford had signed on as you mentioned Luke Ford was in for the trilogy in for a Trilogy in for a pound is that the expression mhm in for a Trilogy in for a Trilogy oh very good I'm never good at these things you're so good at them it's it upsets me I'm just rhyming words most of the time it doesn't even make any sense don't go back and think about it made sense though didn't it Scarlet Johansson and Bryce Dallas Howard there his a love interest but one of them probably him at some point uh Ling is dead or something his love interest from this needs that's why he needs a couple more love interests that's apparently the line in the movie as well Ling is dead or something uh Antonio Banderas would have played the main antagonist I know I like that that's a good that's an All-Star card and Jeremy Irons would have played a cursed Aztec Eagle soldier that is more fitting yes that guy can do any accent he can do German he can do regular he can do weird albino guy living Underground in The Time Machine movie remember that movie yeah I remember that movie anyways um I didn't like it it felt like a real drag if I'm honest kind of goes out with a whimper for me this Trilogy and I don't know if I do want to see any more of these at the start when we did the first one I'm like oh my God I love this movie see 100 more of these but to Wi no I think this is I look honestly having not seen it before I think this is worth watching I'm glad I seen it great from the director of The Mask Mason oh my God comes the 20 and two spin-off wait and eraser and the movie eraser the long forgotten Arnold schwarzer film eraser the one where he shoots an alligator and he goes bang bang you've been shot oh what we maybe you've seen different versions of that movie yeah yeah yeah yeah Arnold peaked at True Lies I feel that movie should have been called big guns that shoot that see and shoot through walls is what it should have been called cuz it's it's about a guy who erases people's identities but nobody remembers that bit they remember the bit where he shoots the alligator and they may remember the big rail guns that shoot through walls exactly well uh it's funny though because as Arnold was on the decline and then going into politics there was a new star on the rise who got his start in movies in a movie that we've talked about called The Mummy is back oh yes uh a minor role and then he turns up as a CGI scorpion man at the end we've talked about it oh this is caravana garbage leave a like because this week uh the rock of course is heading back to Egypt in cinemas but it's not his first trip to Egypt Mason oh my god did he go on a contiki tour no Mason places other than Australia have contiki to I don't know do do other countries other than ours have a trail of Drunk In Mayhem throughout foreign Nations on a contiki tour no doubt uh so this time around of course he's getting his own big spin-off movie he got a record amount of money for it which we'll talk about later and a record amount of ponytail that's true how do you feel about the rock it never comes out as well I I wanted the entire time I wanted to see him take the ponytail out and just have a big high forehead man you know absolutely well you know maybe in the sequel or reboot to this which we will talk about so uh actually um this feels right because after initial edits this movie was 70 minutes long and they went I going have to shoot some more movie for this with a lot of this doesn't feel like a movie it just feels like some tarps in the desert oh you think yeah but for people who don't know which is everyone except us but soon everyone after I finish this sentence this is the first time we've seen this movie cuz we've seen the mommy and the mommy returns and loved one of them but I never saw this when it came out in cinemas and I'll tell why I think I think it's because the CGI Rock Scorpion King in the previous movie was so atrocious that I'm like this cannot possibly be good even though I love the mummy yeah and so I just didn't see it but I think if I would if I were 15 when this came out and I saw it or even the age I was when it came out in 2002 16 uh I would have loved this I think I don't know I thought it was fun I kind of thought this was fun it's Conan the Barbarian light yes but that's what I don't like it and I feel like you know there's he's got a human friend and a camel friend I got some Camel facts you know the start before he busts him to beat up Sabertooth and his mates mhm like he's carrying that big rock up yes and then he throws the Rock and he and he jumps through the and he's the rock and then he shoots the arrows and the guys like fly out of the building and whatever all right that did not seem promising initially just all of that it's like I think that's the worst action sequence in the movie but I think it gets better yeah but he's Indiana Jones and Rico Connell except he's he invincible and Immortal and he's the biggest man in the movie it's like he ate them both he CED them both it's just boring though and I feel like also there's no ambiguity to him and you know if we're talking about the continuity of the mommy franchise Mason I know you've built a timeline of something I have which we will'll get into as well he eventually turns into like an evil warlord and eats a gooey Scorpion and we know that and you know and then he comes back as an immortal being and Etc and so forth but none of this leads into that at all it's like oh is he going to be a good guy or was he going to shoot the guy who's going to cut the kid's hand off or a different guy who's he going to shoot oh no yeah but James obviously his character and also the actor that plays him is going to change over the course of five to eight Scorpion King sequels which I don't think we're going to get to right no I don't think so there's going to be some circumstances that make him go evil but I thought of I you know what you know I enjoyed about this is that he is playing a character that he has pretty much abandoned you know for the last probably the last decade which is a character who is willing to take some hits over the course of the movie like he's not a character who's completely invulnerable and he's just a steamroller and he and he knocks everybody out of the way with absolutely no problems which apparently people love because they're the movies that do the best box offers for him but I think it's more interesting when he is a guy who who who will you know get knocked off his camel from time to time I will say that yeah I think the physicality that he brings to this as a guy this size moving that quick and obviously he's got a background in wrestling where you know so he can do all of that on top of he's just very charismatic so that's what gets this movie through because other than that I don't think there's actually a lot going on here that is very good or interesting okay do you like the movie Conan the Barbarian yeah yeah sure this isn't that really is it it's like mostly bloodless and yeah I know what they're going for here like you mentioned it's it's Conan light it's basically the same story look I love his big flips and jumps though he flips onto a table at one point that's cool yeah he flips onto his feet remember that bit where he flips up onto his feet at the end I do and go wow you flipped up your feet that's hard to do that's hard to do but I don't know like other things it's just it feels very underwhelming like you know when there's the big Sandstorm oh yes and we saw a big Sandstorm in the mummy it had a big face in it and there was an airplane and it was crazy whereas this it's just like this had a big face in it the Rock's face yeah that's true I also feel like they and planes weren't invented yet yes you're right you're right but I also so that would be a continuity area if you got what you wanted which is a big plane coming out of out of the sand you make like a big whirly gig cont could have got Leonardo da Vinci yeah I don't care when this is set just bring in Leonardo da Vinci it's fine I'm calling it an auto gyro you could say I'm British a weird big hot air flying machine you know F like they had The Mummy Returns I guess yeah but I think what's interesting about this movie compared to how we see him now it looks like they used to cast bigger around him he doesn't look that much bigger than everybody else and some people it's like yeah he's about the same size as Michael Clark D can whereas you know in the newer movies he's a foot taller than literally everybody they're cting small around him and he's a big guy obviously or is that or is he or does he demand that everybody else in Hollywood get the boxes removed from under their feet maybe that's it yeah I think a lot of Hollywood stars are you know they're they're standing on those on those shoe boxes you know well those was actually looking up his hot and it's currently uh registered on it's currently it's currently registered at you thinking about that that leg lengthening surgery no everybody lies like Jason STM is like 5 foot three right right but you know but he's always and wide and wide 5 fo three wide the rock is apparently 65 though in this on IMDb he's elicited as 6'3 so you know make of that you will do you think do you think he's so andm mused his feet that they've gotten bigger like The Souls of his feet got ther yeah maybe maybe you're right tell you what though there's a there's a there's a sorcerer in this and if there's one thing that The Rock loves doing in this movie it's busting into a room where there's a bunch of sexy ladies and they're like who's this this was a ban of year I think for Playboy Playmates getting getting uh sort of brief roles absolutely and brief costumes I must say true I mean credit to Kelly who as the sorcerer who had to do all the action sequences that The Rock sidekick had to do wearing no pants it's true must have been awkward and Sandy must yeah and it's also got the same uh Trope that we saw Jane Seymour's character have from Dr Quinn Medicine Woman Dr No that James Bond movie she's in what's the one Live and Let Die yeah where she's got future seeeing Powers unless you have sex with her and then they go away which is a which is a very strange Trope and I guess to this movie's credit at the end she's just like no I made that up that wasn't true actually yeah that's not very cool she just didn't want to side with the bad guy whatever his name is that guy who's like he can catch an arrow but sometimes I tell you what Mason can't he can't catch Arrow at the end he was puffed and he FES a big he spent years catching those and blocking those arrows and catching those arrows but then the end it's like you know what actually I'm puffed I'm going to let this one go through to the keeper by keeper I mean my heart do you think it's a situation where also sure you can catch an arrow in a controlled environment when you've got the rock who will shoot an arrow and a man will fly 400 ft that's a different situation for catching an arrow it's a different kettle of Egyptian fish as far as I'm concerned I thought Steven BR is is his name is mnon mnon the warlord I think that was I think he was I think he was well cast he's suitably menacing but not like over the top y I liked uh our favorite uh Peter fanelli as his uh as his spoiled rich kid son you will know him as carile from Twilight I also know him as the bully from Can't Hardly Wait of course yeah uh Michael Clark Duncan you mentioned oh sto the great just to die for just to die for absolutely just a bunch of snakes that are real snakes and then they're CGI snakes God damn man I was like look at these snakes look how they're changing from CGI to real snakes uh Mason but the real star of this and you mentioned it in briefly all the what we're talking about is fine and Etc and all these wonderful people but I love I I love the camel situation I love the play that camels get in this movie now apparently he rode two camels okay uh it's the same camel in the movie right but one of them was was old and wise and awesome and really kind and the other one was young and awful so see just a young buck that wouldn't want to play by the rules like a young Rock that's what I'm saying who so they also mentioned that he likes camels because uh even though horses are faster camels are smarter so I looked into this it's camela time everybody that's right yay so horses can run at 55 mph or 88 km uh camels can only run at 40 or 6 kmph but here's the thing camels are faster in the desert cuz they're built for it they've got those padded feet for it and they're better at a a Rubik Cube that's true they're also uh better in extreme because of all those puzzles in like pyramids and stuff of course yeah they always have to slide a block to get to a whatever don't they they're also better in extreme elements hot or cold a horse will fall apart like a piece of [ __ ] M camels are having a great time camels can also carry more than horses and survive longer as mentioned without food or water because of their humps if you got two humps if you're a two hump camel Mak say you were a two hump camel does that mean you've got twice the capacity to store things like caring two backpacks filled with water and food I think safe to say it is yes and snackies little snackies that's true I've a power bar yes I read a camel once did you know that no I don't think I can find the footage but I did once they get up backwards they get up he's an artist rendering we paid well for that didn't we I bet yeah uh also the other thing is as mentioned in terms of IQ or EQ which is what it is for Animals apparently camels have an EQ of 1.3 which signifies above average intelligence while horses have an EQ of9 so if you're a big horse fan out there your horse is dumb as [ __ ] mate that's right a camel could beat your horse at a Rubik's Cube that's probably true that being said and maybe you have this as part of green trivia camels did not get a shout out in the Jordan Peele movie nope the horses did that's true and here's an interesting fact the last one to to end on ties into what you said do camels forgive great question do you know the answer that oh that wasn't like an existential question I have I have the answers terrific what am I doing by the way why is this happening in the video I don't know it's fun facts about camels we don't see that many camels around you know it's true there's a bunch of wild camel they're unknowable you look in their eyes you're like what's going on with that guy is that Camel going to bite me yeah maybe who uh so if there was one animal that never forgives or forgets apparently it's the camel they have good memories and could hold a grudge against people who harm them wow just like a magpie just like a magpie or a camel that got pecked by a magpie wow and there's a joke in this do you remember he's got a little sidekick right sure there's a joke in this where we we catch the tail end of it and he says it's not the size of the hump it's the motion of the camel and that's obviously a play on like a a famous phrase Mason for sex for sex Mason so I looked up this joke I'm like what is the rest of this joke there isn't one well it's nothing yeah I looked far and wide I looked at I looked at Au the Australian version of the site look at rude Au I didn't know that might have been there the end battle though yes I'll give it this the Sorceress in this doesn't end up fighting like another woman often these movies end where there's a female henchman and she fights the the main henchman real cat fight situation real catfight situation it happens in the second mummy it probably happens in another one of the mummy movies or probably happens in a scorpion or prel uh but there is a moment where this movie is defying expectations all over the place I don't know why you like it you don't like it that much it's just not very interesting Mason but she does have like a brief little action sequence and then she just gets thrown on a table and smashes her head on a rock she does which is there I was like oo nobody's coming back from that this is an era where you you can't get an MRI and you'll die now cuz you've just got a fracture in your skull yeah yeah that's good stuff but like the whole time watching this I'm like what is the timeline of this in relation to the other Scorpion King movies and The Mummy Returns and it turns out that this is set 10 years before the rock eats the gooey Scorpion and The Mummy Returns okay sure right mhh uh and then we've got so that's time for 10 more years of Adventures exactly but if we're talking canonically the next movie in the series is the Scorpion King 2 rise of the Warrior from 2008 which is a prequel to this movie I see so we're two prequels deep here Mason I did not know that that's fascinating oh it's not now if you wanted to continue say The Scorpion King franchise you would then watch The Scorpion King the one we've just watched then you watch the Scorpion 3 Battle or Redemption then you watch The Scorpion King 4 quest for power from 2015 then you watch The Scorpion King book of souls assignment Miami Beach I didn't have time to get it in it's a shame I wish I could edit it in but I can't wait does this have the same number of sequels as the police academy series oh that's uh that's five that's from 2018 and then you watch The Mummy Returns which comes after that okay so that's six so that's city under siege which means The Mummy 2 is Mission to Moscow and then we're out of sequels I'm afraid to say I mean you could count the mummy three yeah mhm yeah but apparently and I I went down Reddit rabbit holes and I also went to did you ask script writer David hater also the voice of Solid Snake what's going on there I don't know but I'm glad he's got two careers that's F Well he did have the Solid Snake then they gave it to Kea Sutherland for some reason didn't they oh well then I'm glad he's got this backup career maybe he should do 24 just be like now I'm Jack Bower Keith you [ __ ] yeah I'm calling you Keith now that's what his name's keer isn't it I meant to say Keith oh sure sure sure sure Kei but apparently it doesn't answer none of these movies answer the question as to why he turned into this warlord that we see in the mommy returns like in this at the end he's like now I'm the best and the Sorcerer is like well nothing happens forever and he's like yeah nah I reckon I'll be the best forever I'm never going to eat a Scorpio eternity to an immortal Scorpio Warrior how about this long lost half brother yeah they could do that that's actually was a theory that was positive that this is actually the father or a descendant of the Scorpion King that we see interesting it doesn't line up I looked into it it's just nonsense it's a nonsense theory for idiots great that's what I'm aiming for every time do you like nonsense for idiots though yes I just said I did good cuz it's green trivia time I'm loving it yeah here we go now during the sword fight between Bazar and Maas that's the Rock and Michael Clark Duncan the sword breaks break Michael Clark Duncan and Dwayne Johnson turned their heads away from the shards in the special features m in the special features doubling down all right Johnson confessed that the swords actually broke and the very sharp shards could have hurt them they chose to keep it in as improvised incredible I know and then they space jumped and they were in a car wash they all these cars washed the May's coming to get him improv Mason this this is great so this is Bill obviously he's done a lot of things but more recently Barry he's he's been known for he's getting a lot of Kudos how does Bill ha tie into this well this was his last film as a production assistant this was his job for the longest time so he freelanced on several films and television projects and he quit working after 20 hours straight one day on the film's mystery Mesa set in California he was like I don't want to I hate movies I will not do movie this this movie stuff anymore yeah rney rney rney rney [Applause] [Music] R now in the DVD cometry which I definitely listen to The Rock incorrectly calls branc Richmond branscome Richards which is ridiculous because to his friends branscome Richmond is actually named Blue Harvest that's what they call him he was named after uh it's actually a fun little in joke I don't know if you know this but the working title for the original Star Wars it wasn't branscom Richmonds it was it was Blue Harvest and that happens to be how we got that particular name I'm fascinated to how you're going to keep this bit going for the rest of our lives I'll just get sick of it and stop doing it but then everyone will keep doing it in the comments yeah yeah yeah Dwayne Johnson remember we that's right remember we talked about salary he earned $5.5 million for this which was a Guinness Book of Records record for most money given to a Scorpion King guy for the highest salary well yes probably considering who they casted the later ones for the highest salary for a firsttime leading man interesting fantastic stuff Mason now you might be like what did this pay off of the box office sort of moderate hit Mason which is why they all went to DVD afterwards it cost $60 million all those tops and such uh but it only made 1806 which is okay yeah for the time these days flop yeah you if you made this and then made that money you'd have to kill yourself yeah that's how it works anyway do you wish there were more scorpion movies do you wish they were doing a reboot or a recel if you will this feels like a cursed monkey porw situation but yes I wish there were more sequels well in November of 2020 B said a rebate for the Scorpion film series was announced to be in development Jonathan Herman will serve a screenwriter with the plot taking place in modern day what they're Tom Cruz the mumming at Mason they the end of Dracula UNT holding it James they're bringing monsters to the present day Mason werewolves London that's right so they're bringing uh a contemporary adaptation of the Scorpion King to the world apparently the Scorpion kings are going to be drinking a Pia colada at traitor Vick his ponytail was perfect little reference to the song Werewolves of London tra his hair was very good my gift to you uh Dwayne Johnson it doesn't look like we'll start at this point because he's playing another like Egyptian esque kind of guy at the moment but will serve as producer M wow Mason now do you uh feel like that I stand alone in saying that I this isn't it's okay I thought it was a bit of fun prob I'll never watch it again but I'm like this was a bit of fun light entertainment what do you think about that yeah right good natured mostly yeah yeah I don't know it's just it just felt Toothless and kind of flat I think maybe it's cuz it was more like a like a it felt like just a just a fun times past Adventure that wasn't all grubby and gross Like A Game of Thrones or something like that just felt like breath of fresh air it was like oh we're having an adventure in the desert and there's not all the Game of Thrones stuff you know no stuff no one's getting their eyes slashed out anything okay fair enough great great great anyways this is Caravan garbage uh we actually do this too often every week don't we on a Tuesday Ben and Lawrence do the edit they do such a wonderful job and I just want to say if you want to see these early Mason you can if you head over to Big sandwich. where early videos go up there's we do bonus movie commentaries there's bonus podcasts a bunch of exclusive stuff but if you're like I don't want to pay for Jack [ __ ] and [ __ ] you yeah but I still want to hear but I still want to hear things that you say uh you can actually uh we got a podcast called the weekly planet comes out every Monday all right thanks everybody grab that Jim you guys we'll see you next week goodbye I a stand alone oh that's God Smack yeah yeah I was never familiar with God Smack as you know I'm a I'm a more of a stained guy I'm a stained man James it's been it's been a while since you've mentioned that look at all my stained t-shirts you you just spilt on them they're like pasta and coffee and still counts man goodbye everyone bye byebye
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Views: 347,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet
Id: 4PVhlLYEf14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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