Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Caravan Of Garbage

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foreign welcome back everybody to another episode of Caravan of garbage where yes we're finally come around well maybe not come around in terms of we're finally covering the starburst prequels where what we watch those movies we said well we've started with this one at the very least we'll just we'll see how it sounds yeah James we watched every Twilight movie we're not going to stop Midway through the prequel Star Wars Trilogy that's how dare us for even contemplating that after what we've done uh leave a like if you could and uh I guess I've I've got a question and a statement I guess to start things right first of all it's all been said Etc and so forth will you hear anything new here I don't know I've tried to grab some like talking points that maybe people haven't heard of before some classic hits as well you know James let me tell you this did you know that the original working title for Star Wars was Blue Harvest did you know that we're not talking about Blue Harvest Mason oh I'm gonna go and watch a movie real quick then but look I'll say this I've come and I think a lot of people have like a long way on the prequels like I don't hate them as much as I used to but I'm certainly not one of those people that have come right around on them and I'm now like oh my God I get it now it's it's beautiful and real and yeah there has been a real Resurgence I think in terms of the the critical opinion of this now the last time we watched this movie uh we did a commentary on it we did but I don't think that was a fair evaluation of the movie because as we've done a lot of commentaries and as we've learned if you actually sit down and focus and watch the movie you stop commenting so we find it's best to skim the movie a little bit so the last time I really sat down and watched this movie properly before right now was when it came out in cinemas okay yeah and in watching it now I I came away with two sort of major observations about this movie uh that I wouldn't have had then and the number one thing is like it is genuinely it was then and it is now like a staggering achievement in terms of of like technical Innovation absolutely big budget production like obviously you know and we'll get into this but obviously you know just the idea of actors on set and their their movements are being uh you know recorded and rotoscoped and Etc they're wearing these Rigs and then they're converted into fully computer generated characters there's actors working against completely computer generated backgrounds and like even beyond that just just the idea and you you often see it in the in the making of just the idea of all these artists and animators and production crew who had to put together hundreds if not thousands of background characters and alien races and droids and spaceships and pod races and weapons and props and costumes and beautiful environments the idea of like we have to take the Star Wars universe and bring it back to what it was before it was this dirty horrible universe and just all these ideas and they had to do hundreds of variations of all of that sort of stuff it's like Ben Hur a scale of the whole thing and the idea that it came out at all is amazing and the second note I have is I hate this movie I didn't like it at the time when it came out I was mystified by the five-star review in the newspaper because we had newspapers at the time and I'm like I don't like this and I don't know why really but having re-watched it I definitively hate it and you're allowed to like it if you're out there I know once again I know there's been a big Resurgence in this thing and people are like oh I watched as a kid and I liked it and you know it's a big part of my childhood and it's like the it's like the original trilogy for a lot of people and and I actually could think it's quite you're allowed to have your opinion about this bad movie you're relaxed you're allowed to light this bad movie see here's the thing it's so we'll get him but oh my God the fact that it's completely computer generated and we're in this era where nobody has worked with that before none of these actors have worked against nothing before well that's and everybody's look everyone is talking like they're a block of wood yeah and everybody's recorded on different days like a lot of the time they'll have two takes of the same shot and then splice them together because George Lucas is obviously micromanaging a lot of this at the same time though this in terms of the prequels this does a lot of old school stuff like there is a lot of model making and there is a lot of actual set and costume design you know what I mean and all of these things kind of Fall Away in the in the followers they sure do yeah prequels but I think there's some as you mentioned like some beautiful design work and sets and you know there's real explosions and they visit real locations and you know they're modeling the palace inside and then it's like this incredibly detailed miniature on the outside and you know that the starships and the starfighters and everything's so shiny and Sleek yeah I think it's amazing and they had to literally go okay what is the aesthetic of an entire planet yeah like what multiple planets yeah well every time they did one they had to go okay well what let's base this on maybe like an Earth-like culture but now we have to do a new version of the entire fire the entire world like in every every Palace and every street in in the city and what everybody wears and all that sort of stuff and I think that's amazing okay I'm okay I'm going around on this all right maybe maybe you're good like turning me around look this is this is not new stuff but the opening crawl the the call to action and adventure of this movie it's like look out there's taxation look out okay let's talk about that because trade routes there's a blockade okay for one I just want to get into a little bit of the background of this just a just a fraction of it okay so George Lucas decided to both write and direct this on his own he hadn't directed since the first Star Wars movie he also had other people involved in all of those movies you know less so with these ones he actually asked Lawrence Kasdan to come back and help with the riding who helped write uh Empire Strikes Back exactly and he's also worked on some of the newer ones as well he wanted to get Spielberg to direct at one point Ron Howard was asked but he turned it down because he's like I don't think this is a task that I'm up for yet Clint Howard said he was interested and obviously the making of this movie itself that behind the scenes documentary fascinating it's way more interesting than this movie itself it just gives a whole lot of insight into the thought process behind this but here's the thing right George Lucas has talked about how this is designed to work silently this is designed to work outside of the dialogue that's why it appeals so much to International audiences as well because you could just really lock in and watch this and go this fight sense it's pretty that pod it's pretty fast isn't it that is in this in in a similar vein to uh the much later and and much celebrated Mad Max Fury Road yeah which apparently was designed to to always be in motion and you could you could understand it with the sound off and you know what tell you what if you told me about that yesterday I would have watched it with the sound off and I would have had a better experience quite frankly I'm I'm just stuck on the diet like I can't I can't well yeah the dialogue was very much a second thought and in addition to that performances and and also the relationships and the Charisma between the cast none of that mattered as much as it did in the original ones like they cast that core Trio based off their chemistry and here they just went uh you you and yeah you'll do you know what I mean and it shows can you do a uh can you do a an Obi-Wan Kenobi impression oh you can Natalie Portman you're in okay I also want to talk about you alluded to it the politics of it I know people talk about how you know Star Wars is like you know there's too much politics in it now and I think what people mean to say is like there's too much politics that I don't necessarily like Star Wars has always at its core being political these ones it's very much what they meant usually was uh I was too young to notice the politics in the early ones yeah absolutely and I think look at this through the lens of like a corrupt and ineffectual governmental system I think that's fascinating and there's some really obvious parallels which I which I'd love to talk about first of all ineffectual leaders creating International senatorial gridlock right oh yes intentional thing George Lucas did right James you are turning me around on this this is incredible really boring an ineffectual and distant police force you know who protected those in power and people out in the outer rim and you know lower socio-economic areas are just killing each other in the dirt you know what I mean and when finally one of those police officers finally goes and he meets those people and he's like wow I didn't realize this at the time he's like I'm gonna take one of you the good one not your mum though yeah you could stay in the dirt yeah also corporate interests ruining democracy also Newt gun ray is Newt Gingrich like that that is true lot Dodd who's his his mate you know you know the guys they're doing the voices I'm not going to do the voice but you know they're doing the voices he's an amalgamation of two former Senators Trent Lott and Chris Dodd Chancellor valorum is based on Bill Clinton and I love this quote from George Lucas he called Clinton a good man but he's beleaguered like that's wrong I understand what you're going for but he's not a good man he's awful it should be in prison okay but that character was excellent on the gizuma phone you know sure just laying down a gizmaphone solo Oh my God yeah so I think all of that we've seen senatorial gridlock we've seen what happens when corporate interests take precedent over what people actually want this movie predicted the future well I think it's just always been the way it is that's how it is um it's a pod race it sure is I've written this pod race is an absolute chore to watch again maybe it's better in silence well see I think I've always thought that it was too long but going back now I appreciate it a lot more I genuinely think that it is an amazing sequence the sound design is amazing like each ship has its own like particular junk you know what I mean uh the sense of speed is really good when a Pod racer crashes to the ground explodes yeah like I'm like I'm very impressed by the the debris yeah absolutely honestly I was like a lot of that stuff is you know well it's a mix it's it's real and it's CGI they did a lot of it for real uh which I think shows look I think maybe I've been praising this for too long because there's a lot of things that I don't like about this for one the character of Qui-Gon Jin right first of all you do the pod race why don't you do it you could just stop everybody from racing with your mind you could slam him into walls you could do that whole thing at 20 miles per hour you know what as a kid you know Obi-Wan to do it right it's like I don't flight you do fly we've seen you do it that's right as a kid this I think was one of those movies where I I watched it and it was unsatisfying to me narratively and I didn't know why but over the years I haven't learned anything about filmmaking but I have watched a lot of Screen Rant pitch meetings and I'll tell you what the reason this movie to me is narratively unsatisfying is because so many things happen in it because they need the movie to keep going you know there's a scene where Qui-Gon Jin as you mentioned he's very happy to Jedi mind trick uh wingsy snout or what's that guy's name into accepting worthless Galactic credits and then potentially ruining his business yeah but he draws the line at just stealing the bit he needs yeah exactly or sell your ship and get a different ship or get the bus which they do like we've seen that in the prequels they put Anakin and Padme on what is essentially a space Greyhound bus in the next movie you know what I mean you don't need this particular thing remember in the first Star Wars original Star Wars they're just like here's 10 grand take us to this place that's right you know I I do not get it like the whole Tatooine sequence and it is fascinating to see this side of Tatooine and fleshing it out more like I do enjoy all that World building and it's those slaves for some reason I guess but it's just like I I don't understand what I was a slave owner exactly kill him and take Anakin and and his mum yeah I complain I know but that's the thing wato needs to not be able to accept Galactic credits so we can have a pod race later and Anakin needs to be separated from his mother so he can fall to the dark side and she can get killed later and he can he can be sad and mad about it let's talk about Anakin okay okay I feel really bad for Jake Lloyd I'm going to start off with that none of this was his fault he has had a very difficult life as a result of this movie it was more recently diagnosed with schizophrenia he was horribly bullied at school no good and none of that is his fault it was George Lucas's decision I'm not saying George Lucas is responsible what happened to him like that's not what I'm saying bring on the bullies I've hired an assortment of bullies but what I mean is like he decides decided to cast him young because it's more impactful when you separate a child from his mother than like a dude who's 20 and it's like I'm just gonna go you know like it's different and that's why they decided to do it also and we've talked about this before if you watched behind the scenes he's not the best one in the audition are you an angel what an angel I've heard the deep space pirates talk about them there's a documentary on YouTube called in a galaxy far far away I was almost Anakin Skywalker it's about the guy who nearly got it yeah wow and just like his life as a result of nearly being in Star Wars still an actor I don't think he is no but he is he's fine so that makes a lot of sense actually yeah so he seems to be doing really well I feel bad and I worry about the kid who's just been cast as young Luke Skywalker in Obi-Wan I'm like they better look after that kid I think people have learned yeah I'd hope so have you seen the internet ever yeah but you know I think people are a bit more sensitive to yeah you know Child Actors and bullying and the effect that these things can have on people we'll talk about jar jar in a minute but one of the things I do like about the character of Anakin Skywalker is like any child that you'll ever meet they're just fascinated about this one thing and they can't let it go like everything's just like this is like pod racing did you know I'm a Pod racer I build a Pod racer I'm flying this ship into another this is like pod racing it's not like pod racing stop talking about pod race This Is War boy I enjoy that aspect of it I also liked how he was like I had a dream I came back to Tatooine and I freed all the slaves except you didn't that didn't happen also we know that because in Return of the Jedi Jabba the Hutt still has slaves oh that's true also the Princess Leia bikini is in this movie there's somebody standing next to him wearing it which means that person probably got eaten by a Rancor and then they hosed it off oh no how many people did it go through you know what I mean before I got to Princess Leia so you know uh do you want to talk about Jaja though like yeah sure see look I I get that he's annoying right but I would also say that if you take everybody who's in Star Wars probably about 50 of them are annoying and to some degree you know what I mean and your 50 might be different than another person's 50 right I do think though when you mention this up top he is an absolutely remarkable special effect including like the performance capture including the way that he interacts with scenes you never really question that he's not real and I don't think armored best or the team behind this they don't get any of the credit oh you know they do more so now but you know it's always like oh Gollum look what Golem did and gollum's amazing I'm not here to say that Golem is not amazing Mason I'm not here to do that I mean your tone suggests otherwise but all right but really he's also suffered as a result of being in these movies like he's come to terms with it now but he's a Pioneer he really is yeah it's pretty annoying though and I've written here um all these CGI creatures are cinematic marbles but I hate them and I hate them to this day and you know what I think is an element of that he's annoying to me in particular it's that you never quite catch what he's saying you have to think about it and that's annoying sure like Yoda spoke a certain way but you never had to be like excuse me what you know what I mean like he said actual words where he was like flippity Dippity blueberry yeah I'm like what maybe that's because a lot of his his backstory is quite grim and uh and if he spoke like a normal man you couldn't put that on a t-shirt I just like I I was banished from my underwater city because I stank what was the deal with like I actually figured it out so uh boss nass banished jar jar for crashing his personal hey blipper submarine there it is yeah it's actually in the movie but I I couldn't yeah I didn't catch it so a t-shirt with jaja's face and then it says I was banished for vehicular manslaughter you know he's been banished again for ruining the Senate as well absolutely yeah fair enough should have killed him um Ewan McGregor's wig you know the reshoots in this movie don't you yeah because you and McGregor looks completely different he's talked about that recently and also how like he was annoyed because he always knew that wig looked stupid and then the first poster he ever saw like you know out and about when he's driving around in Hollywood yeah he's wearing that and he's like oh no here's the thing about the character of Obi-Wan go on first of all he's hardly in it and I'll tell you why though he was supposed to do everything that Qui-Gon did Qui-Gon wasn't supposed to show up until they hit Coruscant ah so all the things that Qui-Gon does I feel like all that character development all that meeting of Anakin the pod racing this and that when I first met your father was a great pilot or whatever I don't understand why they didn't give it to him is it because Liam Neeson was more of the known actor at the time like he'd done Schindler's List is that what happened here yeah we needed a real Schindler's List fire for this children's movie yeah look I've got some opinions on Qui-Gon gin Mason I'm gonna do it right now at the very start of the movie Obi-Wan says to Qui-Gon I have a bad feeling about this and Qui-Gon says I don't sense anything wow great good work you didn't sense any of those battle droids or that the the poison gas should have put poison in the tea if you ask me close the doors leave him in there for like a year yeah right to not open that door yeah ever you know what I mean yeah let him die of old age jettison that bit into space um the villains Trade Federation sure how are you on battle droids I think initially I remember thinking at the time oh battle droids that's pretty cool and then those rolly droids come in with the force fields I'm like those are pretty cool what else more of that for two hours I guess yeah no it's it's yeah and I understand because you know you don't want them tearing shreds off human bad guys or whatever just uh just beheading a bunch of human men but uh yeah it loses its Sparkle very quickly doesn't it I think so but what one thing I do like about them is you get to see kind of the Jedi like move in their Prime but also like none of the Jedi I think and this speaks to also the larger narrative in the prequels that the Jedi are no good like they've clearly not been training properly because they can beat like they're essentially like broomsticks with guns right they can't shoot for [ __ ] they don't know what they're doing they bicker amongst themselves they trip over but then the second that something rolls up with a shield they're just like oh no and they just like they run yeah I mean like they're not ready for any of this but I like seeing Jedi just just card these things up it's a stupid thing to build and I think it's intentional you know what I mean to be like this is your army really yeah like this is the thing that you chose I I think the idea that the Jedi there they're no good it takes two of them to kill one Apprentice Sith and one of them doesn't make it through it they're not ready if any of this if only if only Obi-Wan had some sort of powerful Dash move that could have gotten him through that video game style yeah continually switching on and off force field wall if only there was some sort of if only I exhibited some sort of powerful Super Speed Dash move earlier in the movie now you only get one in your life oh man wow makes sense actually yeah okay somebody put that on Wikipedia that solve a lot of problems I think I should have said it in the movie you want to do the once in a lifetime Dash young Padawan sure do ciao I love all the lightsaber stuff like Nick Gillard who choreographed this I think seeing this bulletin version of fighting it's really cool and we hadn't seen anything like it and I know at times it does look very choreographed but at the time that's down I think even now and there's little moments where like the moment where they first saved the queen on Naboo like they dropped down and Qui-Gon like cuts through one and then he spins his lightsaber around and like hooks it on his belt and I'm like that's [ __ ] cool everyone does these jumpy double he does his jumpy double kid exactly they should add that into the special edition of episode four this is how Alec Guinness do a double jumpy kick and even you know when they go up against Darth Maul incredible Villain Like incredible design voice of Peter serafanowicz Ray Park is obviously doing the body work sure yeah which some would say is the most important part you know yeah but the idea of having a double-bladed lightsaber which means you can fight multiple Jedi at once did they spoil that in the trailer or were we all surprised in one of the trailers yeah I think that's really terrific and you know that whole sequence at the end the Jewel of the Fates just terrific and there's really cool little moments where for example there's a moment where Qui-Gon just lands a punch on him sure and I think that's great you know just like you can do that in a fight game is nuts but I can't remember where he hit him but in the face well that's where that race keeps their nuts yeah uh yeah but look I want to get back to the the Jedi Council okay what an awful pack of nerds yeah I know sure yeah it's terrible and like they bring this boy they're like Okay show us the kid just show us the kid right and then they're like What's this it's a ship what's this it's another thing whatever and they're like oh you're afraid are you oh you're cold are you she's like yeah I left I live on a sand Planet you I live with my mum and you took me here like oh you live with your mum did you haven't moved out eh and then they're just Mommy's boy lives with his mum hey and then they're just like nah kick rocks mate like you're not in it's bizarre yeah the point there is obviously they are they're a decaying institution despite their beautiful exactly they're beautiful Jedi Chambers and Etc it's like well they they've they've gone wrong and they need this big you know they need the destruction of the Jedi to really to to change their ways and whatever but it's like maybe just give him a little apartment keep an eye on him or something you know if you were just nice to him he wouldn't have killed you all and you know what I'm glad he did quite frankly I'm glad and I think it's really funny where before Qui-Gon finds out that Anakin is not to be trained Obi-Wan's like this is bad news what are you doing and qui-gon's like mind your business you've got a lot to learn and the next scene he's like oh you don't want to train this kid yeah I'll trade him and everyone's like what what and then he's like oh yeah he's ready for the trials I reckon previous scene is like you need to get it together but as soon as he gets into your apprentices like now you're out I got this new guy I reckon you'll be fine with fudge your numbers fudgy numbers and straw that's fine you don't have to do a reverse Park it's fine we'll skip that I think if the council liked Qui-Gon for one they would have let him train Anakin yeah and two they would have sent more than two Jedi to go to Naboo to deal with the war that was happening yeah you know I think they're just like we hate this guy let's yeah can we can we get him killed do you know about uh fake window in this no but it sounds great so the very unaware of the character of Mace Windu yes that's right so at the very end they all go to Naboo for a big celebration they hold up a big orb or whatever nice nice and all the Jedi like file out of the ship right and that's cool and there's a guy there who's dressed like Mace Windu and he has a shaved head like Mace Windu but it's just some guy interesting like I don't know whether they forgot to digitally replace him they clearly couldn't get Sam Jackson back so there's just this character and I'd love to know if like I probably should have looked into this whether he's got his own Wikipedia I mean James guy does exactly right is he like there is no way there is no way on Earth that somebody hasn't filled in the backstory of that guy and if they haven't they need to imagine there being a imagine there being any character main or supporting or just a background extra or mention who who hasn't had their own backstory filled in by now I agree that'd be amazing if he's the only one just quickly like I feel like we neglect this every time we do one of these go on the sound in this is amazing the John Williams score is like it's just always excellent Ben Burt's back for the sound design and he did a bunch of other stuff on this and just like things like the clickety clack of the droids you know what I mean they're strutting around I mean Jewel of the Fates just it's all it's all just really terrific right the end battle okay I'm listening and there's that famous sequence in the documentary where George Lucas is like I think I've gone too far et cetera and so forth um but what they've actually done here and I think this is fascinating it's too much right and there's a reason you're talking uh all the gungans and all that everybody versus the Droid the droid army and so forth yeah so it's it's that it's the gungun battle uh it's the space battle Yeah it's the throne room arrested Newt gun ray or whatever battle yeah yeah and there's Darth Maul right and the reason this happened I think is because in episode four there was one battle at the end it's a space battle in episode five there's two battles Luke is fighting Darth Vader they're running around Cloud City episode six it's three battles whatever happens in that movie so they've gone let's do four battles to four battles and it's it's too many battles I agree get rid of some of those or combine like the the gungans and the new gun ray thing together sure have them come to the outside of the city and they just like we're for a battle and all the droids run out and they're like nah and they leave and you don't need to do the battle you don't need to do any of the jar jar running around stuff gungans and gun ray together at last that's what I would have said I've just thought of something go on gungan style is that anything has anybody ever thought of that yes without looking it up yes absolutely no there's a fun video you've ever seen it I haven't seen it but I believe you it's really good it's not what you think it's just looking out it's really funny wow okay so is it a porno thing it's not a porno I mean there would be one but it's not that's not the one I'm talking about okay so I want to talk specifically about Jewel of the Fates and recently Dave filoni who does who's done a lot of work with George Lucas you know individually and on the Clone Wars animated series and all the way up to all the Modern Day stuff he's talked about the point of Jewel of the Fates why it's called Jewel of the face are you familiar with this uh Theory so basically I love it when the chorus kicks in that's a good bet yeah it's a good bit that's a good bet in fact I think the whole thing's a series of good bits put together so yeah I know music theory so that whole sequence I feel like I got I'll be too excited in this I need to bring it down you don't feel what you're feeling okay so I'm just gonna get stern look in me giving him a stern look well that's these movies isn't it just turn locks all around yeah yeah yeah it's Stern looks and Posh voices and I know it's meant to be like a beautiful Gilded Age and everything was everything was fine everything's been shine but everybody's weird and British and Posh they don't have to be nah what's what's this accent Natalie Portman well not condone a course of action that will lead us to war and I like it you need a guy people have said this but you need Han Solo to just go obviously we're not talking about the re the real Han Solo he was too busy just being a regular Han or whatever true but you you do need a guy you need a a guy who's like bro he's saying this bro it's crazy bro I hate this right I'm tired God stop being so Posh and weird what are you saying to me right now ah but I wonder if they had put in a Han Solo s character people would have been like oh this is okay yeah it's been done man yeah and you got it you gotta nail it yeah and also not everybody who not everybody they get to do a Han Solo guy is going to have Harrison Ford it's Charisma yeah and you'd be like God this guy's annoying who would they have gone Brendan Fraser I would have liked that a lot I mean for that 99 you're kidding me they wouldn't have got him though just just I don't know poorly sure probably sure why not okay so anyway Jewel of the Fates that whole sequence is about the fight for anime consult right because Obi-Wan Kenobi openly hates Anakin when he first hears about him he's like what have you found who is this and a replacement for me the coolest part of one there is look at my little rat's tail exactly and he's like you know he's he's gonna kill us all right like you know he's going to murder us all also the kid's standing right there like he's literally right there when he's saying that he's like this he's not right you know he's not right why have you done this this kid sucks yeah this kid right here this kid's so you know you suck Hey kid you know your scum but with Qui-Gon losing that battle that means that Anakin doesn't have somebody looking out for him that's true Obi-Wan only trains him because he has to sure because he's like all right I'm not oh God you know he's just he's not ready for it he's doing it out of pure obligation they don't like each other we see that in the next movie you know what I mean they're both resentful because their father figure is an idiot and got himself stabbed right so that adds a whole nother Dimension to that battle that battle and that result kicks everything off man you know if both of them had have died Anakin probably wouldn't have been trained and nothing would have happened you know what I mean that specific outcome ruined everything man yeah anyway are you are you ready for uh the Phantom men trivia yes or is it green trivia still green trivia yeah yeah it's excited last week at screen trivia okay terrific good good the green of a beautiful lightsaber yeah exactly uh also just quickly want to point out um look we haven't covered everything no I think we have no I'm pretty confident saying we've covered everything but I know some people like want to hear specific things they want to be like you know everyone he didn't have The High Ground this one he cut up Darth Maul you know yeah he's a he's a gross little puppy he looks weird in this one and they've CGI and they fixed it they fixed it later or whatever uh Kira Knightley's in in the movie yeah why not are we are we in are we in green trivia yeah no no this is just like this is a proposal okay right like we're not going to cover everything here's something I'm confident we're going to cover everything for example did you know that Yoda looked like a real freaky weird puppet and they fixed it yeah I've heard that yeah uh there's um there's some ETS in the Senate oh yeah that's fine I guess also there's a Maz Kanata looking like statue in Anakin's room I don't know what that's about so there's a little Greedo running around you've seen it I did say little Greedo it's a rhodian it's not Grado there is a deleted scene with Greedo where he gets in a fist fight and he still needs little greetings yeah and then they're like don't fight people Greedo you'll get shot nice you know that's literally the same yeah yeah not that if only he had lived that he would have lived in real life I agree there it is uh according to Jake Lloyd there was a six hour cut of this film that was screened for several people before the film was released and those are perfect too long like they said mind-bogglingly good well these days it would have been a six episode bloody Disney Plus show not run I would love to say that genuinely I don't think you would no I wouldn't it's true I think something you you might like I'd love to see a scene in the editor's room where he's given six hours of this whoever it is I don't know if it's and he's just like oh what yeah shave off how much my God but it'll ruin the net oh yeah I guess it doesn't matter yeah there's two bits of true information are we in trivia we're still in we're still in great trivia this is all great trivia okay this is great trivia now uh designer Tricia bigger an attempt created 1 000 costumes for this movie I bet makes sense yeah inspired by various cultures yeah second bit of trivia uh it's more of a personal opinion just for you I think watto's butt is filled with helium those wings are not supporting yeah whatever he is physiologically it's like a bee I think he's a balloon he's a little balloon a piece of balloon yeah he's a balloon right so so that's so so it's a balloon in his bath that makes him float but I guess the the wings of movement for movement yeah exactly sure sure it's like the Turtle blimp do you ever see the turtle blimples little bit more two in my time sometimes let me tell you this I know you had the turtle live I don't understand why you've never let me say it say it I don't know where it is I want it it's in it it's an adult instead of dump with bloody Darth Maul and his bloody brother you're you seem a little you seem real Darth Maul's brother jealous I am uh Michael Jackson campaigned for the role of Jar Jar Binks Ahmed best has talked about like meeting him back down to the concert and George Lucas decided against casting him because his star status would compromise the film absolutely that's a very good decision Warwick Davis he's in this for like he's in he's in jabbers he's one of Jabba's mate well he's in it few times there's a scene where Yoda is walking I think it's where he's coming off the ship that's Warwick Davis in the Yoda costume there's also a CGI Yoda later they're testing it for the for the later movies but also his character that's near jabber or whatever that character weasel also appears in Solo so he becomes a resistance fighter later on oh my goodness that's fun uh Joseph fines was a finalist for the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi you see related to Rafe fine yes they might be brothers terrific and one of them is an enemy at the gates and Shakespeare in Love it's that guy nice yeah anyways George Lucas's daughter reportedly expressed her dislike for him which cost him the role ouch that strings doesn't it yeah yeah I love that just two kids like nah nope you're out sorry mate this guy's Yak yeah anyways the budget of this movie it was initially supposed to be 50 million and they were going to shoot all three back to back starting in 1997 then 99 in 2001. it obviously blew out this ended up costing 115 million but it made 924 million just in 1999 that's a lot I agree especially in 1999 yeah but like I think there was some disappointment that many CD singles could he have bought for that oh so many oh yeah the Qui-Gon he was his death was spoiled in the thing there's a thing we haven't talked about it in the soundtrack yeah that's right Qui-Gon gets stabbed whatever it's called yeah I think it was a little bit disappointing to some because they were thinking like Titanic numbers you know what I mean oh I said the previous biggest movie to Titanic I think was still Star Wars or was definitely still up there and so it's like well Star Wars will take it back but I think initially it did very well and then kind of word of mouth and people like I don't I don't know 10 times opening weekend I don't understand how that man is just what's what is he doing I don't know what's his what is his brain let me see it it's not all right we just got a nail at it that's all I'm saying uh but then it was re-released in 3D in 2012 and it made another 102 million so there you go good it's definitely made its money back and in merch and the like speaking of I'm actually working on a video or it's out now I don't know it's a it's a lot of research on the marketing campaign for this movie oh interesting wow like it's as a piece of um a stunt video you said you're gonna you're gonna unearth one of those jar jar lollipops and French kisses I am I am doing something similar not to spoil it oh my goodness anyways this has been the Phantom Menace and this is really long yeah hell yeah I don't ah no Ben I'm sorry Lawrence I'm so sorry yeah and when and and as as a couple of George Lucas is here you cannot take anything else yeah absolutely we do Caravan and garbage here every week obviously we are coming back to do attack of the Clones next week speaking of if you do want to see that earlier you can actually head over to they always go up early there there's also movie commentaries we've done every Star Wars movie that's right uh We've also got bonus podcasts and I'll podcast the weekly planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows comes out there a day early on Sunday it's close to Monday this is podcast this is podcasting thank you very much yeah I'm at Mr Sunday movies on Twitter I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter give us your opinions on this movie let me tell you haven't changed my mind I know that I think that one of the first things you said was I hate this I did and I still do but I'm fascinated by the production of it I think the yeah if folks if you haven't Tracked Down do you think that the documentaries on Disney yes that's on YouTube all right track those down and uh you'll you'll you'll have a great time have a great time anyways thanks everybody uh grab that Jamie guys we'll see you next week goodbye
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 1,032,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, star wars, The Phantom Menace, episode 1, star wars phantom menace trailer, star wars phantom menace, star wars prequels, prequel trilogy, star wars trilogy, star wars episode 1, darth maul vs obi wan, darth maul kenobi scream, duel of the fates, duel of the fates theme, obi wan and qui gon vs darth maul, qui gon jinn death, qui gon vs darth maul death
Id: RRpF56sS3zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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