Tutorial: Make any 2D logo into 3D using Blender, Photoshop & Illustrator

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[Music] in this video i'm going to show you how to turn this logo into something like this in just a few minutes using blender adobe photoshop and illustrator let's get started first thing you want to do is hop over to freepik.com just give that a second to load so freepik is a website where you can download thousands of free files art files logos designs all those kinds of things you just have to credit the designer so we're going to hop over there the logo that i'm going to be using is called royal crown logo so you just type that in and press enter now we also just click on free and it'll bring up all of the free logos once that's done here we're going to navigate to the logo called royal crown click on that and then click on download obviously down here you can see that's the creator you can follow him share him and you're going to click on download free download and this is going to download into your downloads folder once that's done you're going to go to your downloads folder cut your file go over to your project file and we just create a new folder and name it resources we go in there and we're going to paste that in there and just extract your file here so right click extract here once that's done we're going to open the open the illustrator file let's just click on our logo here we're going to expand click ok scale this up by holding shift alt go over to edit click on copy and then you want to jump over into photoshop create a go ahead and click create new document you want to change the resolution to 300 dpi so change that value to 300 we can say times 5 to increase that width and times 5 to increase the height value then click create we're going to go to edit paste and click ok you can once you're happy with your size of your logo here you can hit the check mark to place it then we're going to duplicate this layer a few times so just click and drag it to your new layer setting and select both of them and do the same you just repeat this process to make a few duplications select all of them by holding shift and left clicking you want to merge them by right clicking hitting merge and then we're going to double click on the layer go to color overlay change the color to black and hit ok now we've got a nice black logo that we can use hide the bottom layer and go to export as once this is open you want to make sure that the png selected and the transparency is selected click export navigate to wherever you want to save this logo so i'm just going to save it in my downloads folder hop over into blender let's hop back into illustrator create a new document just select print change letter size to a 4 change the color mode to rgb and click create document over here we're going to just adjust the canvas size go to file place then go to your downloads folder and place the logo that we made we can deselect that and place your logo click and drag your size once you're happy we're gonna go to up there change this to trace black and white logo we're gonna click on expand move it over here right click ungroup your logo and just delete all of the white parts of this logo we are only going to need the black parts now once that's done you're going to select all by hitting ctrl a or you want to group your logo by hitting ctrl g let's uh right click on that say group you can do that as well and then we just move this to the center of our canvas and now we're going to export this by right clicking clicking on export selection change that change that name to royal crown and we're going to export this as an svg file change your export location to your blender project file and we're going to click select folder export asset now we have a svg file that we will use in blender to create this 3d logo all right great so let's hop over into blender the first thing i want to do here is just make sure you have blender kit installed if you don't know what blender kit is you can just youtube it it's a free add-on and it's extremely easy to install so you can just youtube that then we're gonna change to cycles gpu compute i'm going to go file import svg file i'm going to navigate to where i saved my svg file click on it and say import svg now it's very tiny we're going to just drag and select it scale it up by hitting s on the keyboard and just dragging your mouse right now there's our logo we're going to select all of these curve files here click click on the top one hold shift click on the bottom one and then we're going to go to object join so we have one curve file change origin to origin to geometry go to the top view and we just want to adjust the position yeah great to move your object around you can just hit g on the keyboard and move it around and now we're going to extrude this into a 3d um logo so we're going to use this svg file here so there's our logo you can see nice we're going to click on it make sure it's selected and we're going to go down here to curve settings open the geometry tab and then the extrude function we're just going to hold shift while we slide this out and get a nice thickness going there that looks good let's hop to materials just delete that material go back to curves and we want to play with the depth because we want nice rounded edges so we're going to add a depth of 0.2 that doesn't work so change zero points point zero zero three point zero zero zero three that's nice we got a nice rounded edge um i'm happy with that it looks more realistic than a sharp edge then we're gonna go to add mesh plane scale it up by hitting s on your keyboard and just moving your mouse outward nice and big we need a nice big plane once that's done here it's looking good let's hop over to illustrator again all right and then we want to just increase our canvas here we are going to be creating the background pattern so select your logo make sure it's grouped scale it down move it into the top left corner and we're going to duplicate this by holding alt or you can say you know edit duplicate so we can hold alt and just drag it now select both of those hold alt drag it out and just repeat this process and we're going to fill this entire canvas with these logos and just fill it out nicely and we're going to distribute them evenly by going here go align selection and distribute them evenly then hold alt and duplicate downwards group your first row group your second row then just duplicate out again select all duplicates select the last row duplicate and then select everything and distribute horizontally very nice or vertical distribution center that now we're going to select everything here go right click collect for export as a single asset so there we go we want a svg file change this to crown background very nice select and click export go to our just uh you can say crown background select svg click select folder go back to blender go file import svg file now we select this file that we just created and it's just going to take a moment to load we want to select all of those curve files like i said previously select the first one hold shift and click on the very last one to select all so there's quite a bit of them make sure they're all selected and we're gonna go object join now this may take a while because they are a large amount of individual files so once that that is done we want to just hit s on the keyboard scale this up nicely to fill our background set origin to geometry you just right click on it and say set origin to geometry give it a moment to load like i said it will be a little bit slow go to your top view hit g on the keyboard and move it right into the center there and then scale it up again perfect now we've got our background filled nicely you can just adjust it slightly by hitting g and moving it around then change your angles here by holding the middle mouse button and if you move around it'll change the angle of view now we also want to go down to our extrude function what way that we've selected these curves and this is going to be quite a slow process so you need to be exactly sure what you want to extrude it to so set it to 0.001 and enter and just give it a moment to think so yeah okay so extrude .0003 let's see what that looks like i just have to play around with it i won't suggest dragging that thing you you have to be specific you just insert the number and press enter then you leave it to think and to process so i'm thinking that this can work um we just want it to stand out a little bit from the background or from the plane um we don't want it to be a flat file we want to just give it a slight bit of depth so i think this might work let's have a look here all right i think it'll work nicely so let's just select our main logo hit g z and just move it up a bit increase the extrude to point zero one six move it up again by pressing g set because you want to move it on the z-axis select our camera go into our camera view here now we want to go to view lock camera to view and then now when we move around with the middle mouse button the camera is going to adjust automatically along with our movement here so we just want to set up a nice angle a bottom left angle here just frame that nicely so you've got some of the logos on the background you've got your main logo in sensor focus and it looks quite nice this can work well i think great now we're gonna go to rendered view so this is what we have currently we now need to now adjust the lighting and the textures select your light then change that to a higher radius just to give a softer shadow maybe a 3.9 change our intensity to 3000 watts or maybe one five we want a high contrast like dark and moody design yeah so we're going to go to blender kit here click on the i remember now as i said you go to preferences add-ons and then you're going to click on install select blender kit and then just activate it by clicking searching blender and clicking on it blenders are free done the blender gets a free download you can get you just download the file install it here make sure it's selected then you go to your site tabs here and you're going to go to blender kit now what we want to do is we use the materials go to click on that i there to open the materials material preview may take a while just to load a little bit so yeah click there cool now we're gonna click there and search for some nice textures to use let's search metal press enter and now we're going to now we're going to just scroll through these textures here and find something that we like and want to use so just move through here maybe this is nice metal black dixon that's a nice texture so select your plain background then click on this it'll automatically load it in or you can drag the material and drop it on the the model that you want to adjust the texture so now we've got that added in we're going to select our background logos by clicking on them going to my material tab remove this material by clicking on the minus give it a moment to load there all right go to object um quick convert to mesh let's just convert this to a mesh really really quickly it's going to take just a moment or two don't don't panic just just don't click anything else when it's it does this just leave it to think because as soon as you start clicking around your computer is going to freeze always remember to say to save your project files guys in case the power goes off or blender bombs out and stops working so we just want to save our project file here 3d logo we're gonna name it this save blender file all right now select our background logos create a new material change the base color all the way down to black then move the roughness slider to the left here give it some to make it nice and shiny so now you can see our plain background is a matte and if our background color logos are shiny so it's got a nice contrast going nice high quality finish we're gonna click on our main logo and search gold texture we're gonna go for a nice fine gold a very nice reflective gold we click on that and it's gonna load it up for us very nice this looks amazing already look at this just a few clicks and we've got something incredible here we're going to go to shift a add a light and we're going to add a area light all right so we're gonna just deselect our lock camera to view and let's zoom in here all right so remember now we said we want to add an area light just move it up by pressing g z move it upwards and we want to scale it by pressing s scale along the y axis so press s y then scale again on s and on the x axis we want to change that to 500 watts um because we want a nice highlight running through our design to really enhance the reflections and the matte we want to save that project file and i think we are ready to give it a quick render to see what we have so let's go to our render tab and then just adjust a few settings here change your percentage to 300 it's going to just increase the render pixel size to under render we want to make sure that the d noise is selected we want a denoiser and we want to change our time limit here just keep in mind i am using blender 3.0 and here you can select the amount of time a render takes so let's bring our max samples down from 4000 that's a little bit high we want to change that to 1000 samples and then we're gonna put time limit on zero make sure the noise is activated let's go to our light path settings change the fuse change all of these values to 12 all right and then we can just make sure our file is saved hit render image and just sit back and watch it come together and it's going to take a few moments depending on your computer hardware it might take a while to render but it's no biggie uh blender 3.0 is relatively fast in the way it renders it's really exceptional if you don't have the new blender i really suggest that you go and download it and use it the render times are a lot faster it's got a lot smarter denoising and render settings that you can play with so you definitely want to go and adjust those settings so go ahead download it follow this tutorial and then let's you hit render and let's render it out and see what we have and there you go guys there's your design there's your 3d logo your high quality royal crown design and this looks amazing you can do this for clients and what what's amazing about this tutorial or this way of creating these 3d designs with logos is you can literally use any logo you want and it's just going to take a few minutes and you're going to create something really incredible high quality looking and that you can pitch to your clients so if you're a graphic designer and you're creating a logo and you just want to present it to them in a different way than just putting a flat 2d image on a page you can take the logo follow this tutorial and within a few minutes you're going to have this really awesome 3d render now keep in mind you can do this with any logo and you can just very quickly and easily change the textures using blender kit and you can create a very light clean design with light colors lots of light and bright colors or you can do something moody with dark and gold there's really the the options are unlimited it's really up to you so i really hope that this tutorial was informative and it helps you guys a lot if you like this videos guys please just don't forget to hit the subscribe button if you're not subscribed i know i can see that 90 of the people that watch these videos aren't subscribed and it just takes two seconds to click subscribe and it really just helps a lot and supports us as creators so once again thank you for watching this video i hope it helped and i'll see you on the next one please subscribe to youtube channel thank you
Views: 48,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Tutorial, 3D, How to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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