I STEP BY STEP Create NFT Collection WITH NO CODE - How to Make NFTS in Photoshop

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today i'ma completely walk you through how to create nfts 100 from scratch and we're going to generate an entire collection absolutely no code needed and suitable for any beginner now i get a lot of questions and one of them is like bro how do i even make nfts how do i create nfts now most commonly nfts are just a variation of a specific character sort of a base character and then they have different variations of that character so whether it's eyes accessory mouth nose whatever it is most nft collections the collection itself is just variations of a base character and several different other elements right now some of the traits and characteristics of these nfts in these collections are more rare than others which drive up the value of said nft so honestly think of that like actual regular cards whether it's pokemon yu-gi-oh or even baseball cards you have a pack right just like a collection and then certain cards in that collection or in that pack are more rare meaning they're more valuable it's the same with nfts so let's talk more about the variations that i was talking about right so each one of those different variations the nose eyes mouth is basically a layer backgrounds base figures everything is just each layer and if you have a design background or know anything about image editing programs then you already understand the concept of layers we're about to hop on the computer and i'm actually show you exactly what that is now depending on how many different variations of each feature i should say you have is how many nfts you can generate using what i'm gonna show you today the more you have the more combinations that you can produce so let's say you have five backgrounds five base figures five sets of eyes five different maybe hat variations that's over 3000 unique combinations of nfts that you can produce so today what we're going to do is we're going to actually hop in photoshop and i'm going to show you how you can generate nfts 100 from scratch using photoshop and to go further i'm gonna show you how you can do this exact same thing using free assets and tools that are on the internet and show you how you can generate some nft so let's jump right into photoshop all right so this is the inside of photoshop if you're not familiar with it i'm gonna post a link basically i'm gonna show you exactly how to step by step set this up right so you basically gonna come over here to file you're gonna do new it's gonna bring this up i always do three thousand by three thousand and this is just pixels for my people who aren't here but if you just like i said if you follow this step by step you still gonna achieve the same result a three a three thousand by three thousand square document right i wanna jump over here to the web real quick just to kind of show you the type of free assets this is freepik.com there are several sites like this places where you can download free assets free graphics like any one of these type of eye designs as far as different mouth variations i believe you could use any one of these now keep in mind these are also going to be in vector format so i'm also going to show you how to take these from vector format kind of just copy and paste them into photoshop but you are going to need illustrator all right so i'm gonna post a link to the creative cloud suite but i promise you if you follow this step by step it'll be 100 easy for you to do as well you know some different hats and caps just to add to the variation because we're about to build this character out and i'm going to show you exactly how to do it right now all right so this is what my folder looks like right now went through and downloaded different variations because what i'm about to do is build out this character all right so first what we're going to do is we're going to come down here to this little box down here and we're going to create a new layer and what we're going to do is for like for my example i'm going to use the ellipse tool to make a circle all right so i'm going to recommend you a good photoshop course if you want to learn the rest of these but if you want to just get in here make something real quick follow along with this then this is going to be the easiest thing all right so we're just going to select that come over here drag and drop and then boom we have a circle all right now we don't want to stroke on it so we're going to come up here click this that's we that's not we don't want the black line around it and for the color doesn't really matter because i'm going to go ahead and change it a different color all right so we're going to leave that the you're going to select the key v in photoshop to get back to sort of the drag and drop mode get back sort of home is what i call it right so if you're on anything you just created that circle hit v after you hit it and you can get the pointer back all right so now i'm going to come up here to those three dots hit align to canvas because i want this directly in the middle so boom now it's in the middle i'm going to come over here to this layer i'm going to right click and then i'm going to do and i'm going to select group from late it's going to ask you the it's going to ask you the name and just put main figure that's what i'm gonna call mine all right so now this group if you toggle this i over here it's gonna make it disappear that's basically the visibility right so that's what that i is if you're curious but basically this is my main figure right so we're gonna select this layer right remember i talked to you earlier about layers that's all this is right so here's the here's the background i'll make the if i take the background away then it's just clear these squares basically always indicate transparent pixels right so if i select this turn that on then this layer is on well that's the group if i turn this on then this layer is on if i let's let's do let's do the brush and let's say red right i just drew a red little x on top of it and then another layer you make a new layer with this plus sign down here and then i do green see what i'm saying these are all layers on top of each other to create an image right so we're going to go ahead and delete those out by hitting the delete button or whatever we're going to turn this background back on for now so i'm actually going to go ahead and double click this layer the ellipse one and i'm going to call him main as well double click the main layer go to gradient overlay right and that's that's pretty that's a pretty dope color honestly but i'm sort of looking for like a yellow orange emoji type right that's what i'm going for right there so i'm going to select that i'm sorry i can't even see that i'm going to select that and then hit okay and then boom i got my main figure right it's already started because what my nft is gonna be is just this as a base figure he's gonna have different eyes background mouth all that different type of stuff all right so now let me show you how to get all the assets that you downloaded these backgrounds already come in jpegs so these are gonna be easy to put in so i'm gonna go ahead and do that i'm gonna put one two you know what i'm gonna put how many is it one it's gonna tell me when i draw it drag it we'll put all 12 of them back there all right so now that now that i got my backgrounds loaded in all 12 of those layers i'm going to go ahead and select the top one and then scroll down to the bottom one hold shift and click it right that's going to select all of them then you're going to right click it you're going to go to group from layers and you're going to call this one background remember what i told you about layers there's a hierarchy backgrounds is on top of my main figure so i need to drag it under and now you will see it on the back i'm going to go ahead and go in here and select all of these by once again selecting the top one hitting shift selecting the bottom one then having all them selected hitting command or control if you're on on the windows t ctrl t then i'm gonna just size this up so that it covers the whole background and that's actually going to take effect for all of those behind it too and so now we have our backgrounds loaded in all right so now we're going to talk about getting some of those assets that you downloaded getting them from their vector format in into photoshop all right so after we go from background we gonna load the eyes in first all right and so so you're basically gonna right click open these in illustrator but these are the different eyes so when you select them they're gonna be grouped you just select that right click you select that right click and then hit ungroup right and then you click away now each set of eyes is double so you're going to do the same process go through ungroup right now this is one set of eyes so you're going to copy right and before you do that you're going gonna make a new layer down here right layer one you're gonna select you're gonna right click that layer you're gonna group from layers we're gonna call this eyes and remember this goes above in the hierarchy so we can delete that layer out no leave it there and so now we can paste those eyes in and so it's going to ask you to paste them in i always select as smart objects so that they can retain their scalability and then they kind of paste it like this all right so what i'm going to do is actually scale them down by just selecting this but that's one set of eyes all right we can delete this layer now and then i'm just going to layer this one okay i'm gonna label that one sorry and then i'm gonna come back and re do the same process i'm gonna copy this one paste it in two and then do this method for all the sets of eyes all right so now that is six different variations of eyes 12 different backgrounds all right so we already got some crazy combinations coming up all right so now the next thing so next after eyes let's do mouths all right and it's the same thing you're going to select the eps is the basically the same as the illustrator file so you're basically in a situation like this since they're not grouped you're gonna go ahead you're gonna go ahead and just select it all right so we're gonna do the same process we're gonna copy and paste all the mouse over and first before we do that let's create our new layer let's right click our layer let's group from layers and let's do let's call it mouths and then do the same process go ahead and copy and paste them boys in we got six eyes 10 mouths 12 backgrounds so so far we got a pretty deep collection already on our hands but we're going to add more to it we're going to go ahead and add the hats as a final touch in their eps format so it's going to be the same process open in illustrator and rinse and repeat the same process however i don't think i'm doing all these hats bro i'll do three hats all right then the hat the ones with the hats are gonna be more rare so same process drag this to the top right click group and layer now that we got everything imported we actually are ready to generate an nft all right so what you're gonna do first is you're gonna go ahead and head over to this link that i will have in the description you're going to go here to code you're going to download the zip all right now once you unzip that file you're going to have a folder that says photoshop composition composer master all right there's going to be a jsx file in there that's the one you want but let's go back over to photoshop and show you so you're going to go to file scripts browse and then you're going to select that we were able to generate 2100 different combinations of this nft would you like to continue yes all right so now it's going to ask me where i want to save this which i definitely want to save it no we don't want the psd documents we just want the jpegs all right so now it's going through here and it's literally making every different variation of this of this nft what i might do i might give half of this collection away let me know in the comments if you would want to have this collection but it takes it it's gonna of course take it a little while depending on the specs of your computer all right so after taking a while it generated about generated about 608 of them different variations so here you can sort of see the different eye and mouth variations although most of them have that same hat but yeah essentially it's that easy to create an nft let me know in the comments if that works for you i'm gonna have all the links in the description please like this video it helps the video go up in the algorithm love everybody out there let's get it you
Channel: Rico Copeland
Views: 338,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make nfts in photoshop, create nft collection, create nft collection in photoshop, nfts photoshop, Rico Copeland, nft collection, how to make nft digital art, how to make nfts collection, how to make nfts beginner, nft for beginners, how to create nft collection, how to create nft digital art, how to create nft project, how to generate nfts, how to generate nft like cryptopunks, generate nft, generate nft in photoshop, generate nft collection mac, generate nft no code
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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