Turning Point Podcast Episode 2 Danny Duncan

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Oooo when dud this podcast happen

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/IamAidenCarter 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's happening Spanish Mike teavee here Turning Point podcast Danny Duncan to my left what's up Danny something how are you take two okay are you take two yeah I'm good bro but then so uh wow what a masterpiece this this house is beautiful man thanks man Oh like how do you feel waking up here every day I feel like you're at a hotel or like yeah it feels pretty crazy it does huh yeah I'm like it wears off they're like everything so you just normal yeah I mean it's not yet but it will be in like a month yeah like everyone wants in your car and then they get in your car and then they sick of the new car you know after a month or two that's true I would be sick of living here too yeah now you know I mean no no no this is this is no this is awesome and I uh I was psyched to interview you because the day you came to visit me a diamond I was like yo man I haven't seen you in a while and I knew you were like stretching people out and doing the whole like sports thing and put all the skaters and it's funny I was like I haven't seen you since then and this I'm gonna sound like an [ __ ] but you remember you hitting me up on Facebook and I looked at my [ __ ] messages like a random time and I was like you texted me I was text me back and he's like yo we should do a skit I left you on red and I made a joke and I was like hey man you still want to do that skit I was like this dude's about the plague you're an [ __ ] you're like what up bro I'm gonna come by and skate and that's one thing that like I think it's funny it wasn't trying to be an [ __ ] I was just saying like you've always kept it like nothing's changed no matter how much money you make no matter how famous you get you still were the same person you know yeah it's cool I like I mean I like skating I try to just keep doing what I'm doing I got enjoy skating playing sports making money but I don't ever want to I don't ever want to turn into like a dick or like let it let it control me in any way and I think that's what happens to a lot of people I feel like when they become like successful it like changes them or they have to become what Dave like achieved it's more of like it just depends I guess yeah well most people - in general they just like they want they just want things for like the wrong you know like they want the car to impress people or they want the shoes to impress people that do they don't even know they just want to impress people they don't know or they just want they just want to feel accepted in all this [ __ ] like I don't know I don't really need anything I like the house I always wanted like a nice house I don't need it to impress anybody you know but like I was making like 150 grand a month driving like a shitty Honda Fit and I joined I was making like 150 mm 115 115 115 what like every month you don't want to get a new car you just felt out I wanted to I bought a house in Florida and I waited until I paid off my house to get it to get a nice car that's so crazy to me I was like going back with Abe too and I was like you know the first video is you instead of playing game escape yeah yeah it's never like some other ones but I do it do it like deleted oh okay I was trying to like I wanted something like you know kind of funny to be the first video so I like Billy's some [ __ ] ones and all they all the game is skaters service pony yeah yeah that dude is insane yeah it's so good never falls what made you get into you tubing like did you want it you just did it because you saw crit like when you well you know Chris or was it just like usual why knew you could do it and stuff so I was like doing the stretching and [ __ ] and then I made YouTube and I was just posting like yeah if you roll your ankle here's some tips on how to fix it so I was doing these type of videos and Chris Chris reach out to me on Facebook and he was also doing YouTube and and he was kind of like showing me like hey I'm making like this on YouTube and I was like it was crazy because I'll sit in Florida I remember exactly what sitting dude like the dining room table is sitting out like it's crazy like I can vividly like on the laptop like I remember exactly when we were talking for the first time like but he was like actually making money I was like holy [ __ ] this kid's actually making money on YouTube so then I was doing the whole stretching [ __ ] and stuff so I was already making videos but then yeah I went to LA and did the skater thing like stretching all the skaters and then I met Jason Lee and he was just like telling me like yeah if you ever you know if you do acting and stuff YouTube and Instagram if you have a following then it's like easier to get the the gig when you go to the audition if you have followers like cuz obviously they'll take you more serious so that was what when he said I was like funny and [ __ ] and I should try acting then I was like wow you know cuz I love sports but I would I mean he's like that dude so funny you know and he's like super successful and like really good at what he does so I was that gave me so much confidence to like actually like try it you know and I and I felt like if he thought I was funny I was like well then I must be funny a little bit so I was like I'll just do that instead you knew what you wanted to become eventually I feel like the stretching was like your thing but it was like when you met Jason you were just like alright I'm gonna yeah off it was really weird too cuz like I was like working with Jason and it felt like I felt like I hit that point where I was like wow like I felt like kind of successful in what I was doing like I'm working with that type of dude like I'm working with all these pros like skaters and we're gonna love their pro athletes so I felt like I was like actually like making really good progress but then I remember one night I was like man I feel like this isn't what I'm gonna be doing it just didn't and this was before Jason had ever said anything either I was like this it just doesn't feel like what I'm gonna be doing and I was doing really well what I was doing like with the athletes and everything and then yeah it ended up not being it but it was just weird because you know I always wanted to I always want to be rich my whole life I just like I don't know why but that was just like always a I mean every day I just think about money I'm not like a greedy person at all like not even a little bit but like I just think about making money like every day I guess so power to you I feel like when people do make money it's someone like you I see gives up give up a lot back I feel like that's the whole point of like becoming successful or making the money you make or people that make a lot of money like want to do that I feel like what some people get it they keep it it's like that's not the point the point is to get it to give to receive it's like give and take you know yeah well what it is basically if you have a greedy person who's broke but then gets rich he's gonna be a greedy person if you have someone who is a giving person and then gets rich is gonna be a good I mean even when I had no money I was still like I would give you know what I mean I mean lamont hole I know like some people don't like [ __ ] with him in skate industry but like me and him were just [ __ ] weed like sleeping a scar and eat peanut butter and jelly you know it was like I mean but I'll give him my ID like the bread I had you know and he would like give me [ __ ] but yet so it's like there's people there's people out there that like that are just always gonna give even though they have nothing really so like my mom's like that too I'm like that I would give anybody if I could help you know and I didn't need it that's right I'm not sick I'll talk to me now haven't seen that much but he's still yes and he's still killing it like he's still doing his thing I music for sure right yeah yeah I know he's doing means I see him every once a while but like I mean I just busy so you obviously don't you mean yeah when you get busy busy yeah no good to see or hang out with your friends as much cuz you're doing something oh yeah me and him and we slept in his car sometimes slept brand-new people's houses it was crazy he knows did I remember like making peanut butter and jellies in this car dude like wow it was insane yeah that's that shit's crazy like if you really think about it and then now I'm like I'm not gonna get a chef if I wanted yeah that's funny let's get one right now that's it but um yeah that's one thing I feel like people don't get to see like they just see you successful and then they don't see the journey what took you there and I always tell kids when they hit me up to like I want to be sponsored you'll send my video to this company or this person I'm like yo check it out love it first keep skating and everything will come it really will because that's what happened with me when I did my show I was a sight yo I'm so I have phoned my friends and then it just led me to so many different things because I was so passionate and I feel like everyone's like this is the cliche [ __ ] story but it's so true like how you said you want to become rich but like you there's more to just becoming rich I feel like yeah yeah there's more to that feel like yeah well your friends and doing so much for your family and like I feel like when you put your mind to it it really does come to life yeah I think I think there's just people that have that like I don't know any anything in life that I like want to accomplish if I just like think about it and I and I you know you know I mean like when there's something you really want when I get like that I'm just like it did I'm gonna for sure accomplish it like anything anything I've ever tried to accomplish I mean bringing stretching into skateboarding when I did that was super like I mean that's like a feat in itself like it I mean they just don't like that [ __ ] no one wants like skaters are so like like in like everyone call it calls themself like calls everyone like kook's you know mm-hmm they're I mean they're like a lot of them are just like in themselves but like they don't want like dudes touching them and [ __ ] and I brought that in a skateboarding like it worked really well and like I was trying to give back to the sport because I give back to I was like a triathlete and I ran and and I just learned so much about the body and stuff and I was like dude skating is [ __ ] insane like they're just like destroying themselves but no one helps them so that's why it was like my whole like mission was to do that but now it's like normal you go to the skate Don exactly but it wasn't like that back then it wasn't I remember this wild and now everyone has a [ __ ] like hyperbole or those guns they have foam rollers I mean that's what that's I mean I have the videos like you know the bands and [ __ ] I've like you know we're going on at the ankle and [ __ ] there's there's so much stuff that like they didn't know any of that it's pretty insane but it's good because obviously it'll help a lot of you a lot of these guys will last way longer now too with that do you feel like doing your own sports product now do you ever like want to be like oh you know what maybe I'll make a one-off I want to do I want to start building up some companies I'm working on like I work with cat nips it's like this like company idea but I want to do like like a like a protein bar putting pow I like whey protein and then like a pre-workout but like a healthy actual healthy [ __ ] that's it that's something I want to do but not like a not like an individual like product or anything like that just something that I'm trying I'm trying if I can become like a billionaire something so I don't know any like scale some [ __ ] like well when you become a billionaire we're gonna have to hang out again yeah I think billionaire Duncan yeah that'd be sick like that I think it rolls all nice so what keeps you busy nowadays what like what's your next I feel like you have a lot of besides becoming a billionaire there's more like just other things you have growing up in the works um I film videos try that gets hard after it's been like four or five years now so obviously you got to keep it original you know and keep it entertaining so that's like something I've been like working on just trying to make like good videos that are still entertaining I do that I hang all my family been doing [ __ ] with zoomies working on catnip so right now trying to make this a big year for that like getting into our like are you gonna like well I love make a movie will you make a Danny Duncan movie like an actual like yeah oh yeah I feel I am working yeah I'm we're gonna documentary because I've done to towards now so I'm working on a documentary that's like maybe like 25 30 percent of like the tour but then also like my whole come up on like how it happened and that's gonna be sick yeah so I have a lot of like good [ __ ] to talk about um so then I won't you think or yeah yeah me like a year so okay but I want to and I want to get that on Netflix so it's gonna be sick I think I think I can do that I'm pretty sure and then um they'll be cold maybe like a book to I want to work on like a book have you ever gone back to your school at all or do anything like you Rico talk I thought about it not talking that or talked no never huh no I went there and like film something stiff and they like kicked me out and like banned me but then I went back and talked to the principal any unbanned me that's time that was about it that's really cool yeah just chill I guess but no I don't think I've talked to anybody really not even people you went to school with oh yeah I've talked to I'm not like like speaking oh yeah yeah you haven't done any speaking type of stuff I don't know public school systems pretty it's pretty bad beside I mean the only thing that's good about school is like interacting with humans other than that it's pretty much bogus unless I mean proving to yourself you can accomplish something like finishing work and showing up I mean you really they lack so much stuff that they could teach you it's just you go to school so that they can put you into the society to work for something like it's for somebody yeah they just need those like you know what I mean they don't they're not the public system isn't trying to get people like you to make your own podcasts and stuff they don't they don't want that they want you to go to college and then get a job that's what they want you to do I know it's so crazy a lot of my friends just like followed the system then I was like I can't follow the system now I did it for like I don't know a couple of years I was like I worked at Party City out of where skeleton outfit that was out of the question I [ __ ] did groceries I was a produce like three to four years and I used to take trips back and forth to Tampa for to do videos and then my people who work they were like what are you doing like I would always take vacations and I was like getting the [ __ ] out of here like one day I didn't call I didn't call I put my two weeks and I just left many called me was like yo you come to California I took whatever money out of my bank account to my parents I'm leaving she's 20 years old and was like never coming back it's been like almost nine years that's awesome so it's like I know you're saying it but it's hard because we're built in a society where we have to follow like sort of a system and people are scared to take risk yeah yeah there are a lot of people but most people are [ __ ] in that's that's why I mean that's why you don't want to be a [ __ ] the school also discipline the people who are not like you know you mean there's like a [ __ ] jail dude it's like if you're like any different than with exactly what they want then like me I got disciplined all the time in school I got suspended so many times and I was like a bad kid or anything you know what I mean I was just like a hyper I guess but I mean I wasn't like a piece of [ __ ] I was I was doing anything to go to school now I don't know how it would be for a week like right and after like you know we're gonna put you back with everyone you went to school later go to school right now for one week that we kind of cool it I would be sick yeah you know a TV show they're like a billion dollars to fund it to get everyone to this one week like jizz my entire life savings just step on that someone out there wants the fun Danny billions one week school every let me see yeah no I mean what you're doing is awesome dude I think it's cool to see people just having fun making money and living life and giving back yeah cuz I I mean I can only do this for so long at least I think I'm gonna pretend that I will fall off eventually hopefully I don't but I'm just gonna I'm just gonna stick that in my head that way I keep you know working harder on other things but yeah just trying to invest my money it's it's hard to like do shits - sometimes like cuz I don't wanna like break my neck you know on something like the old Jay used to do but I just like force myself to do things but sometimes I'm like [ __ ] man oh I want to do this do you watch back into your old videos and be like how the hell did I do that sometimes I watch back I'm like I can't really I said that there's like so much [ __ ] like from back in the oh my god not that it's like that bad but it's just like I didn't and I don't even remember some of the videos I'm like I don't even like I literally don't remember that day like I remember saying that her filming that I'm like holy [ __ ] but it's pretty funny did you edit all their your videos in the beginning I do now I don't I have someone edit and they sent it to me and I just like cut a little [ __ ] out that I don't like and then post it Wow but yeah I don't I don't like filming or editing so I try to like outsource that or anything I can't outsource I try if it will be more efficient that's awesome and you film pretty much almost every day no no it's kind of planned out huh yeah I mean we'll do like three days in a row sometimes but we don't really film that much me like four days a week Thanks yeah I don't really do pranks anymore it's like blog type stuff so just trying to come up with good ideas you know over the prank thing huh pranks Raffaella I love I love pranks I just like it's like weird I need to either do a vlog or do a prank I'm like my brain is just like one or the other it's true or what I do sometimes is I'll go at a college in like film with prank and then when we're done I can like film a vlog you know but I'm like very like I need to just be focused on one or the other cuz I like doing the pranks a lot that's like my favorite [ __ ] but it's just like I like getting in the zone and then I like start going it takes me I got like warm up and [ __ ] social media platforms you feel like Instagram will die Instagram will be just a like how do you feel like where will posting stuff go like YouTube seems like forever I mean right now I feel like I don't see Instagram going anywhere Facebook owns Instagram I mean they do pretty good they have a lot of a lot of users on it I think is like a billion users on both of them I mean even Twitter still seems to be like doing fine tik-tok is like crazy because they just put so much money behind the ads dude I mean even I had to make one of those just like post little clips on it like I'm just old [ __ ] you know see you trying he was like you'll get on tik-tok do it and I was like what what the hell is that tick-tock and then I first I was like this is kind of weird I got a dance in front of the camera like so I just started putting skate cliffs up but yeah I feel a you but anything I just put random [ __ ] from videos like people really like thought out like think about it like yeah whoa like I got to meet these videos like this and I'm just like I don't know you have all day to do that yeah I don't like I don't even [ __ ] with it I just felt like if I post something on the if I post a video to Instagram I'll just throw the same [ __ ] up on tik-tok but but just the fact that I made it one means that they're obviously doing well you know they put a lot of money behind ads and they have a lot of a lot of people on this site or that app or you to had no filter to was like everything was out there and when you made videos they didn't care you can have any music anything I was like this thing is sick yeah then he started I was like playing my video Mike where's the rest of my songs gone what yeah and I've had videos just get deleted because of the song so wack cuz it blocked in like 30 countries when they started it they just had no there was no filter huh I was able to just do whatever they wanted when they first started and told like I mean I don't know I kind of got too late I fit the first video I ever saw was unforgivable you member that one so Roger Stanton he's like I went to Levine's just to get some paints from Yuma and he made like a bunch of them and they're like crazy viral is he still around I checked reaching out I'm not gonna get all of them if anyone knows him hit me up but he yeah he deleted all of his videos I think he didn't want to be known for that and like he wanted to like direct or something damn that guy's [ __ ] funny he's hilarious there's so many people on YouTube it's insane there's so many people just in general in the world but is there's so many people just just everywhere I don't know it's pretty easy I mean Justin Bieber discovered on YouTube is that for real though that's what I heard so much some found a video of him like I mean that that clip stolen YouTube supposedly the clip that discovered him he's like he's like playing guitar and singing unlike some stairs and then likes good run got it and then they I mean that's the most famous wanted like one of the most famous people in the world right now you guys should do a skit he's been skating in live you seen that is yeah he said you say have you met him no never Justin reach out to my man Danny right here - it was so good probably I mean bro anything in this in this world is possible yeah all happen eventually for sure we're very we're very similar he collects pokemon cards after I started dan he's riding unicycles after I was riding unicycles you know he started skating I don't know I don't know we just get it first but he's definitely skiing after making a game escape between you guys would be kind of sick yeah I'd [ __ ] love that I think you guys should really do a game of skate and then do like a pokemon battle off and then you need a cycle you need to get rid of those bulky shoes man I thought I'm skating it's like cuz it was s shoes oh Jesus are huge he probably likes the comfort of having his foot not happen yeah I don't know maybe like sore nostalgic that's who rocking him heavy yeah he's like he's like a child at heart and he wants to just live his life normal but he can't because every truck is running up to him after five seconds but I feel like this this Danny Duncan triathlon Justin Bieber unicycle Pokemon game a ski he doesn't happen right he knows how to ride a unicycle pretty good I've seen that would be hilarious I hope actually it does happen just so I can be there to watch it he sees this I think he will yeah Justin please the Danny and Bieber triathlon 2020 do you remember when everything changed for you like doing the YouTube and just becoming who you were it was super it was super slow and steady like I was living at my cousin's house I like slept on their couch or like I stuff in my little cousins room on the floor and I was like there for a while and then I remember yeah the Ute the YouTube money started coming in a little bit like dude I remember getting a check for like 2 grand from YouTube and be like [ __ ] dude I'm [ __ ] rich like it was like 2,200 I was like dude I'm [ __ ] rich like and then like the end of the month came and I had to spend all the money I was like what the [ __ ] a pittance hey where's the money so it's like like it's just wild and then uh but yeah I remember the YouTube money started like getting a little better you know and I was still it on my cousin's house and uh I think I got a brand deal where I signed with the YouTube networking got like a $5,000 signing bonus and and then right at the same time I also got like a brand deal with the JBL audio that like speakership for fun I mean they under the [ __ ] out of me hi I give the video got like 1.5 million and they gave me 5 grand it's like dude insane how [ __ ] I get I just got [ __ ] over but um but then I got that five grand in that five grand and that was like that was like a [ __ ] ton of money at the time I had like 10 grand I went and bought a Honda Fit put 5 grand cash down had like horrible credit because I didn't pay this some hospital bills go skate to actually hit my head got concussion oh so my credit score was like a five hundred got this Honda Fit 22% for the car payment was 22% it was like awful did that and then uh yeah I was I was scared to sell merch because it said on the thing how many there's a thing called teespring and you could like make your shirts and [ __ ] where you didn't have to like make it if 100 Hertz were ordered then they the campaign ends and then they print them all instant amount you know so it's like there's no overhead you'll have to do anything yourself you just throw it up kids buy and then they handle the rest so I like really wanted to like sell shirts and on the website it would tell you on your campaign like if you did a week campaign he would tell you how many shirts were sold so I never did it cuz I was like I didn't want to post it and be like six shirts sold you know oh I was like scared of that but yeah they got rid of that feature it smells like [ __ ] yeah so I like did it up made [ __ ] like 12 grand I was like no [ __ ] way house so I was what was the first shirt it was like a it was like a McDonald's ripoff it was like the Ronald McDonald like that with my face okay and so damn I put 69 and I was trying to get like two grand for like my apartment you know you gotta do the down paint or deposit yeah so I was like I was like man if I ever get like 2 grand I already had a little bit of money saved although I get like 2 grand for the down payment or deposit that'd be that'd be [ __ ] sick made 12 grand I was like holy [ __ ] it was insane and then uh yeah I waited like two more weeks and my friend was like yeah dude again I did it again and made like 10 grand and then I like stopped for like a month I was like yeah no one wants those shirts I was like no surely no one wants the shirt he undid it again like a month later made like 15 grand I was like what the [ __ ] happening so that would the merch is really what what like so your videos where you were doing your videos having fun and then you started doing the merch stuff and then all of a sudden a turning point of that was like holy [ __ ] yeah merch is what really used everything for me Wow for the like financially that was when it started and in when I started like me can actually merge money like when I had my website eventually I like finally got my own website and stuff and then it started going up and then YouTube did that whole like ad pocalypse [ __ ] so it was like this there's like my merchant like that and then the YouTube money just tanked so I was and that was right when I moved to LA so I was like like when I actually I know my own apartment I wasn't like couchsurfing so if if I wouldn't have been doing the merch I would have been [ __ ] that's why it's good to have like multiple forms of income to you know crazy but yeah merges shit's wild yeah Brant brains would hit me up and stuff like alcohol company and they'd be like 20 grand for a brand deal and I'd be like [ __ ] cuz I didn't have that was before the merge I didn't have [ __ ] and I was like dude I can't promote that though there's been like so many times like a company will hit me up but like 20 or 30 50 100 K and I'm just like nah cuz I'm not gonna [ __ ] for sure but what would be the right number that would make you promote [ __ ] but it is there right now whatever I'm just saying like let's say that same beer company or some was like we'll give you a million Tang dude or a post not ghetto and did two million it had to be like a lot I mean I don't have to do a no but I would just have to tell the fans like sorry guys that I'm a sellout 100 million I did this beer sponsor no I don't know I don't know the right number a million I wouldn't do it though because they were just I feel I could tarnish my brain completely yeah I make more than a million so I'm not but like maybe like 69 million 69 million I would definitely do it alright yeah for sure oh they come out I'm sorry I understand 69 million OVW is a docking net worth on Google okay 69 million Wikipedia sold out for a beer beer snot no yeah I mean you probably hit up all the time like you I mean you have to deny the ones you do like it's probably flattering for you you like oh thanks but now it's always the time it's not messaging or stuff you know air that I'll be like what's your budget that's all I say and they're like oh 50k I'm like oh sorry my my budget 69k I always say that and then that and then they'll come back Vic yeah the brand agreed to 60k I'm like aha dan was just 9k too short like [ __ ] like that like wow yeah I just like usually [ __ ] with him cuz the only brand deals I really do is like audible you know audible it's like it's like a audiobook it like reads it for you instead of oh yeah yeah like I think kids should read books like or listen to audio tapes like either one so I like promoting that and then just little things like that but pretty much I don't promote any brands just my own website that's awesome yeah what's uh what's your plan I'm just gonna have fun with this podcast I'm gonna do a my phone with this podcast keep making videos a diamond and just enjoying life I feel like I'm gonna just I just wanna have fun let's say that's what I'm doing I'm just trying to have fun spend time with my friends and family and give back that's it is really I don't really have much like Christmas and all that all these holidays I'm just like all I could think about is like I just wanted to be with my family all right wanna be my friends yeah like these last few holidays I've always just wanted to just spend time I think that's really mostly where I'm at spending time with family and friends is it creating good memories like stuff like this like I didn't start this to make money I started this to create memories that's really where I'm at I'm just like cool if money comes great if it doesn't doesn't matter yeah it really doesn't matter either like like I like I'm very after in my life like I hope people don't think when I say I think about money all day and like want to make more money that they think I'm like some [ __ ] HS I just do I don't know why I do it always have but like I I'm very happy and like no matter how much money you have it's never enough no matter what like it literally will never be enough that's why I tell people to be to do what makes you happy because if you make if you made like let's say a thousand bucks a month and then you start making five grand a month you're like [ __ ] yeah five grand a month it's like it feels good but then you make 10 grand a month hell yeah now five grand if you go back to five grand you're like [ __ ] that sucks you make 50 grand a month it's insane but if you keep making fifty grand a month for like six months anything less than 50 grand it feels like nothing and no matter what you think then you make 200 dude I used to make 150 grand a month it was insane I was like yeah if I just made a hunter green the rest of my life that's sick now I make a million a month anything less I'm million a month is like you know I mean it's like it's like as if you're failing so I but I know that and I'm fine with it it's like I don't I don't let it like it's not pressure for me at all I don't let it like bring me down I just know like it's never gonna be enough money you always gonna be happy with whatever you wherever you're at in life like when I was homeless or whatever I was still happy that's why a lot of people that's why they need to like not uh not go to college too because their parents make them you know they need to like do whatever the [ __ ] they want to do it and be happy because probably some of you depressed people too because they don't they're not doing what they want to do they following or being forced into this or the school system makes me do this kids are taking finals and like pulling their brains out you know I think people are just scared they're scared to take risks like how we took really exactly and it's and the thing is I feel like but but but the risk is there's no risk if you just do what you want to do you know any much true because it doesn't matter how much money you make because you're never gonna be you'll never be like oh this is the perfect amount of money I need it does not matter it'll never be enough I don't give a [ __ ] how much money you got a billionaire a [ __ ] billionaire like think of a million dollars think of a 100 million dollars he has that ten more times he is not satisfied unless he's some like hippy dude who's like there's no way that yeah normal person will never make enough money so none of it matters really that's why you just got to do what makes you happy you have to because you'll find a way to live you'll find a way to make it work you'll find a way to be alive and live your life but you can't yeah you can't chase the money too many people don't like do what they want to do they wait too long and then they're [ __ ] and then no and then they'll always like think back on life like man I should I should have done this or I could have done this yeah no sure that's why I have to give super thanks to both my parents because they were like hesitant but they won't they knew like my dad was like I gotta let this kid go like if he fails let him fail and come back because exactly he'll just know like he'll figure it out I left I didn't come back because I was like I'm this is what I want to do you know and it's just like I feel like parents should now should at least trust their kids it's kind of hard because we were growing up you're kind of scared to tell your parents everything now I'm super open to my parents I just like this what I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do they're like cool this is awesome yeah I feel like everybody should be able to just speak with their parents or whoever they have growing up you know a lot of people don't have both their parents or one parent whatever but the case may be whoever they have to go so somebody for guidance I feel like they should be able to let me like accept you know I feel like with your friends questioning your back I don't know if he do that he'll your friends like they should be like follow your dreams like go go for it yeah I'm right here with you like [ __ ] fail together you have to fill those yeah monk mall is the same super-supportive I could tell her anything so that I mean that definitely ups I know some kids don't have that like I know some kids have like both their parents against them but I mean dude your parents are gonna [ __ ] die dude so you gotta still do what you want to do you know what I mean you only got yourself really if you're not if you're not happy nothing matters if you're [ __ ] depress dude when I I rarely get sad but I've been sad like after making money in like when you and people say that like what you know people talk about like rich people being sad like oh if I had that much money I'd never be said you know yeah yeah dude when you have like money like I know I know compared to a lot of people I'm not I don't have that much money but I'm making pretty good money when I was like sad like maybe like back in March I was like really sad for like like a good few weeks dude having money made it so much worse because I felt like I was already at the like I've accomplished a lot you know yeah and I still feel like [ __ ] it's all like dude now what I do so it's like it almost feels worse like so that's why you have to like yeah you have to you got to be happy you got to make figure out your life and make yourself happy first that's like the most important thing for sure I think that well not right ends are right there I mean we you gotta be happy like just just be happy Danny said it here first I said it here just be happy do what you got to do to be happy yeah then the rest will come like you said facts you saw here first folks thanks for having me man absolutely thank you dude push it yep
Channel: Turning PointPodcast
Views: 7,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danny duncan, spanish mike, smtv, spanish mike tv, dannyduncan69
Id: h0h8DFCz8XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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