The Ultimate Nick Saban Leadership Speech

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[Music] certainly a pleasure to be here today uh but you know i always look at these introductions and hear the introductions that i get and makes me always think back to how did this all begin and people don't remember some of the difficult times that you had like my first season in alabama nine years ago people don't remember that we lost to ulm do you even know what that stands for university louisiana monroe and it was most humiliating loss i think i've ever experienced we turned the ball over seven times we played horrible we had guys suspended for the game for behavior issues all the things that we were trying to do to establish a program seem to unwind you know in this particular game so this was a humiliating defeat so after this i always have to talk to the team i have to go in and speak to the press which i got hammered you know that day i do a tv show a radio show so do all these things i'm about as low as i've ever been ever in my professional career after this humiliating defeat so i finally two hours so after the game i get in my car and having gas in the car so now all of a sudden i'm gonna have to stop and get gas and i just want to get home and hide so on my home i stop at one of these self-serve deals and i go in pump my gas i go in and pay for the guy pay for the gas and i have my lsu national championship ring on because this is the first year we've been at uh at alabama and when i'm paying the guy he says man what what is that i said well that's that's a national championship ring and i said we're going to do the same thing here at alabama and he said we'll never do it as long as that nick saban's a coach so you know that they had bumper stickers out that says jesus loves you and everybody else thinks you're a jerk you know so i know how to get started in a tough circumstance and a tough situation all right but what does it take to win i think that's really what i want to sort of talk to you about today you know lots of people say you got to have a good game plan you got to have great preparation you got to have a full proof system in our case it's offense defense special teams recruiting you know all those types of things that we have to do that you can relate to what you have to do and you have to have ability to adjust those things to the circumstance that you're in but to me the real key to winning is all about mindset mindset in your organization right that's what's going to help you win because if you don't have the people think thinking and focusing on them what it takes to win you're going to really struggle to be able to do that and to me it starts with a you got to have a vision you got to have a vision for what you want to accomplish in your organization you know our vision is to create an atmosphere and environment where our players have a better chance to be successful in life because they were involved in our program through personal development student academic success being the best football players that they can be and investing in their future and and their their ability to be successful in the future so it doesn't really matter what your vision is could be to climb mount everest you know michael johnson spent 1 000 hours on affecting his time in the 200 in the 200 meter so he could win a gold medal in the olympics one thousand hours he invested so it doesn't really matter what you want to accomplish or what you want to do you have to have a vision for it and then you have to understand here's a defined process of things that we need to do to be able to accomplish this so i don't care again if you call mount everest right if you want to improve your track time you want to win a championship in football you want to have a more successful business it doesn't really matter but the most important thing and what where people fail the most is you have to have the discipline to execute it every day so what is discipline and i'm sure you've heard doing what you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it the way it's supposed to get done right thing right way right time all the time but really the way i define it and i think everybody in here can relate to this i know our players can relate to it because we all do it a hundred times a day and we've probably already done it at some point today here's something that i know i'm supposed to do that i really don't want to do can you make yourself do it and over here there's something that you know you're not supposed to do but you want to do it can you keep yourself from doing it well this sort of moral code i that we all make decisions and choices about every day is what helps us stay focused on the process of what we need to do to accomplish the vision that we have i mean it's easy to figure out let's just say the simplest example is i want to go on a diet i want to lose 10 pounds that's my goal that's my vision slim fast clearly defined everything that i'm supposed to do where do we fail after three days back to eating pie and ice cream all right so that's the issue is how do we get people to do the right things and execute the plan that we have all the time you know bill parcells told a story when he was speaking at our clinic about when he played high school basketball and how disciplined his coach was and his coach had a thousand wins as a basket high school basketball coach and they had one rule one rule you can never talk to the official you can never talk to the official they're playing their crosstown rivalry there's a loose ball he dives for it the other guy knocks out of bounds but they award it to the wrong team he jumps up and gets in the official space and gets a technical foul they make the baskets they end up losing the the the game by one point so when he came to practice the next day kicked him out of practice for three days then he told him to go down took him in the locker room and said undisciplined people do dumb things disciplined people do smart things which are you so this is really everything that we talk about is going to come down to how do you have the discipline to execute and do the things that you need to do to do your part and one thing that everybody has to overcome to be able to do this is am i going to do what i feel like doing or am i going to choose to do the things i need to do to accomplish the goal and the vision that i have this is a huge hurdle for everybody because how many times have you heard somebody say i don't feel like doing that it doesn't matter what you feel like you got to make choices and decisions based on what you want to accomplish and what you want to do you got to be committed to it and it's got to be important to you if you're able to do that the other thing that people get affected by so much is are you able to focus on the vision that you have or are you going to get affected by the circumstance that you're in all the time and i think one of the best examples of this is you know chuck pagano gave a speech to his team two or three years ago he's a head coach of the indianapolis colts was diagnosed with cancer may have been terminal but he was unable to coach his team for from the time camp started until they got into the playoffs about i don't know 12 weeks into the season they got into the playoffs so he came and spoke to the team in the locker room he may have heard the speech saw it on cbs but he talked to him about how proud he was right but he talked about the vision that he had for himself which was to see his daughters grow up so he could dance at their wedding and the circumstance that he was in which is he had cancer so that's a great example of am i going to be affected by the circumstances that i'm in or the vision that i have because you know when you're a part of a team which i'm sure all of you are trying to to build a team out there you know you have the right to fail each and every one of you have the right to fail and i tell our players this all the time you you have the right to make the choices and decisions to fail but you really don't have the right to make those choices and decisions that affect everybody else and cause them to fail so you have to be responsible for your own self-determination and doing the right things now but the individual makes the team what it is it doesn't go the other way you know it's not about some people think that alabama has a successful team so if i join that team i'm going to be successful that's not how it goes you know there's no i in team i know you've heard that many times before but there is an eye and wind and that stands for the individual who has the right intensity immediacy sense of urgency and intelligence to carry out and do the role that he needs to do so once you make this commitment once you make have this goal alright what sacrifices are you willing to make because you're certainly going to have to make some if you want to accomplish something of significance what skills are you going to have to acquire who are you going to have to work with to be able to acquire those skills what obstacles are you going to have to overcome and probably the biggest obstacle we all have to overcome is self-pity every time things don't go the way we think they ought to all right we get what i call the poor me's for me i'm tired for me i'm sore for me i don't feel like doing this today for me i got sick when everybody else had a chance and that i would have been able to succeed there can be no poor me you have to be positive about the way you go about the habits that you need to create to accomplish the goals that you have and because of that commitment will you make the choices to do the right things to be your best and to care about other people those are the things that i think are going to be very very important so if you're going to be a team and you're going to create a team everybody's got to understand togetherness is really really important together everybody's going to be able to accomplish more but what are the key factors in people working together the first one is respect the second one is trust you have to respect and trust the principles and values of the organization you have to respect and trust the standard i that people sit in the organization for everyone to work toward and you have to respect and trust each other which almost every issue we have on our team is because people don't respect the other guy something always happens so being a part of a team is is is the best feeling that i think you can ever have you know they did this thing on on tv the other day about before the super bowl about all these great players who played who are all having significant issues and i think it was about the chicago bears 1985 team and some of them are having significant issues now with dementia and things like that but not one gap not one gap for all of his suffering for all the pain that they're in for all the operations that they had not one guy said that they would give up the feeling that they had the camaraderie the togetherness that they had being a part of the team it's the thing i fear the most about retiring someday i've been a tough part of a team since i was nine years old i started playing a little late baseball now i'm 64 years old and i'm still part of a team and when a team accomplishes something of significance like this last year's team did because they had the right stuff they had the right psychological disposition right to keep doing things at a high standard even when things didn't go well so being a part of the team a team is one of the greatest feelings you're ever going to get jesse jackson came and spoke to our team when i was at lsu night once and i don't know if you've ever been to a game at lsu but when you run onto the field you can smell the bourbon in the air i mean this this is a celebration a party like you've never seen before when you play a game there but jesse jackson made the statement that saturday night and tiger stadium is closer to the kingdom of god than my church and i looked at him and i said really you got to be kidding me and he said no everybody's operating under the same rules everybody has the same goal the rules are clearly defined and everyone's together in spirit so those three factors when you think about it are probably the most important factors that you have to have to have a team to have a good team they seem so simple everybody's got the same goal rules are clearly defined everybody's together in spirit in other words what's happening in the game is more important than any of their individual deals might be so when i worked for bill belichick in cleveland he wasn't recognized as one of the best coaches but i could certainly see that he was because the one thing that he did is he clearly defined everybody's role in the organization then we had one sign only one sign no signs about win a championship none of that one sign let's do your job he defined the kind of players we wanted to bring to the team kind of size they wanted to have defined every coach's role in what they were supposed to do everybody in personnel what their job was define and then everybody had to be responsible and accountable to it well i don't think you can have a team if you don't get that on your team everybody's got to be committed to the same standard and the same principles and values you got to get the right people on the bus you got to get them in the right seats and you got to get the wrong people off the bus because mediocre people don't like high achievers and high achievers don't like mediocre people and if you let those two things coexist in your organization you're never going to have any togetherness because there's always going to be somebody looking over their shoulder saying i have to do something and that person over there doesn't have to do it or refuses to do it or doesn't do it so that respect and trust that i talked about it's not going to exist so you think you're doing yourself a favor you think you're doing yourself a favor by not making changes and not doing things that you need to do and you know it's harder to do when things are going well sales are good we want a lot of games we want a championship i see problems in our organization that i'm going to have to fix and it's hard to fix them because it affects people but it needs to get done and if you don't do it regardless of what's happening it's going to bite you in the butt it's going to get you it's going to get you down the road so you know this i that we have and when about the individuals the the standards that they have to have you got to get it you you're not going to be able to have good team chemistry and togetherness and your organization is never going to be as successful if you don't do it now look the best way to do this is i talk about individuals what i get every individual on our team to do all right you guys spend time you got to care about people you got to take time with them is i get them to tell me what their goals are and as soon as a player tells me he wants to graduate from school and play in the nfl i got him he's done because everything he does every behavior that he has i can always confront him with the goal and the vision that he that he created for himself what is your behavior doing to help you accomplish the goals that you set out and told me you wanted to accomplish tell me how this behavior is helping that and if the guy doesn't show the ability or the discipline to do those things on a consistent basis they really can't be part of the team because it takes a lot of positive energy a lot of positive energy you know and the word that i use a lot with our our players is what are you selling today you know my son nicholas is here and he heard the guy from the blue angel speak which we brought him in to have we have about 20 speakers a year speak to our team and he said these guys are going 700 miles an hour 18 inches apart with these wings all right and he said the first thing they say in the meeting every day glad to be here i mean i would never go they've asked me to go many times but glad to be here but you know if you say that to yourself i've gone i went out on the practice field many days derek henry every day and stretch i'd walk by him he'd say glad to be here coach it was but when you say that to yourself sometimes when you're feeling a little blue or you're down or you got some bad news about something it makes you think of the gratitude that you should have for having the opportunity to be where you're at so being where your feet are right here right now today it's all you can control so you need to take a positive approach to it you know there's a book out there you might want to read called the road less traveled i was at a a banquet in 1986 i remember this so well sitting by a priest a catholic priest and he said i'm going to give you the name of this book it's a spiritual development book and it's about having a positive attitude called the road less traveled so i get the book the first line in the book says life is difficult and i'm saying i'm not sure this priest wasn't lord may be crazy telling me that positive attitude book spiritual development book and the first line in the book is a negative statement right but the point of the whole book was if you expect everything to be easy if you expect everything to work out well everything that you do you're always going to be disappointed because it's never going to happen that way it's never going to happen that way if your expectation is things are going to be difficult there are going to be challenges and you look at those challenges as opportunities right to grow develop to accomplish something of significance then you're going to have a much better chance to keep the kind of positive attitude about things and look at it that way and the one careful thing i think that in your business because i see it when i don't have much to do with our dealerships but i see it everything is so goal oriented everything is so result oriented and i'm a process oriented guy that when you create these expectations for people sometimes those expectations affect them because it makes it much more difficult for them to stay focused on the process of things that they have to do to be successful because they're so worried about reaching a goal so the goal needs to be not something that's tangible all the time not how many cars you sell not how many games you win it needs to be focused more toward what do i have to do to win those games what do we need to do to sell those cars and that's where everybody needs to put their energy and they got to trust in it and believe in it right and but you got to create you know the sort of standard and operation that people can believe in which i think is really important but if you don't have positive people and one of the most things that i see out there most and question yourself about this don't judge other people and other things don't judge just go through one day and don't judge anything i hear all the time i don't like this guy because the way he wears his hair well who are you to judge that how about the kind of person he is how about the kind of things that he that he does all right don't judge be committed to the things that you need to do that you can control to be all that you can be and if you have any leadership you're going to try to affect that other person too which i'm going to talk about you know a little bit in a minute so to be a team everybody's got to buy into the standard you got to have positive energy and attitude about it and everybody's got to be responsible for their own self-determination which means accountability once you define all these things you've got to make people be accountable to it and if you think that not confronting people who don't do the right things is helping your organization you're absolutely wrong you're absolutely wrong you lose respect of the person who knows they're not doing it right and you're not confronting them and you lose respect of all the people who see you see it happen and you don't say anything about it and this is one of the biggest things that i i have to deal with with our coaching staff they want to be friends with the players they want to be buddies but if you don't make them do right and you don't make them do the right things on and off the field doesn't matter you're going to lose their respect because they know what they're supposed to do and and they have an expectation for what they want you to do now you don't have to be a jerk about how you do it but make it about them if you make it about them remember when i just said once they tell me they want to graduate from school and play in the nfl i can always make it about them you know rondo mclean was a great player for us plays for the cowboys now he was the eighth guy picked in a draft but when he was a freshman he had an incident where he was walking by the fraternity house guys were calling them names and yelling at them they were all drinking he wasn't doing anything wrong but he got upset and got mad and he went and got into confrontation with one of them the police came and he could have really got an assault charge against him but the police called me instead so i bring row in and i say you just can't do stuff like that you can't be a part of our team and do things like that you would have got arrested and it would have made everybody look bad and he said coach where i come from people don't call you those kind of names and you don't do something about it he was ready to fight me so then i said i'm going to take a little different approach here so i said to him i said you know ro you're a freshman you're starting you're going to be a first round draft pick and being a first round draft pick you're probably going to make 30 million dollars if you would have got an assault charge and they would have called the police instead of calling me a felony charge against you would make you a third round draft pick because they would penalize you at least two rounds based on your character so now you'd make about three million dollars so even though i agree that you did the right thing for 27 million dollars is it worth it to be right now his answer was coach you'll never have another problem like that out of me but my point is is the first approach was sort of about me about alabama football about the organization about the whole thing and and how he needed to be responsible to that but when i made it about him he was very understanding he got it because he had a goal to do something and the behavior was not going to help them do it in fact there are going to be tremendous consequences for that so you got to be responsible and accountable for your actions and you got to make people that way and everybody's going to have to work to execute what you want to do you know you're going to reap what you sow and it's going to take a tremendous amount of perseverance in your organization to have that team to be successful you know there's a commercial out there about michael jordan where you know he's in a limo and he's driving to a game and they say he's taken 26 game-winning shots and missed he's been in 384 nba basketball games and lost you think he's winning all the time and he's taken 2692 shots and missed and then he opens the door to the car and walks in the stadium and says but because i fail is why i succeed so failure is nothing but an opportunity to learn and grow and get better at what you do because if you can't overcome adversity in your organization just like us losing to ole miss this year i mean we got criticized we got killed i mean unbelievable but it was all about my statement to the team was how are you going to respond to a loss how are you going to respond to a loss you know there can be no great victories in life without tremendous adversity you know in 1981 or two whenever i was at ohio state we were going to play michigan and woody hayes was still alive and we had a senior tackle and we played at michigan and they were number one in the country and we were 17-point underdogs we had lost a couple games to some good teams but we still lost a couple games two too many at ohio state we're getting criticized a lot but woody wasn't the coach earl bruce was but he came and spoke at the senior tackle we had a horrible week of practice everybody was negative because they were getting criticized and when people get criticized you know everybody starts doing this you know pointing the fingers at the other guy it's not my fault it's his fault all right so there was a lot of that going on so things were not good and i'm thinking we're going to really get beat badly by this team that we're going up there and play at michigan 105 000 people snowing cold 17-point underdogs all this negativism on our team woody comes with senior tackle he makes the statement there can be no great victories in life without tremendous adversity he equates us going to play michigan at michigan being underdogs and all this bad weather and all this negativism that we're dealing with to the war in the pacific which is the greatest military victory of all times because of pearl harbor what we had to overcome so he gives this speech i mean and we go and and the whole attitude of the whole team went from fear of failure to what an opportunity we have to create something of significance by going up there and winning this game i mean and we kick the line and out their ass now i mean we we we beat them every way you could beat them they didn't score a touchdown they had they had the the largest um offense or the the most successful offense in the country they were number one and they didn't score a touchdown in the game but you know the interesting thing was woody went on trip with us they came in the locker room after the game i mean we played you know i mean way over our heads emotionally and all that for 60 minutes in the game and it was fun to see but he said that was the last game of the season he said i'm glad we don't have a game next week and i'm looking at him like hey we finally arrived man i wish we played anybody in the country now we'd beat anybody in the country we're the best team in the country he said because there's not a team in the country we could beat next week because he understood you know how hard the players played how emotional we were in the game so you know but the point here is there can be no great victories in life without tremendous adversity you have to be able to overcome adversity and if you're going to do that you have to be a relentless competitor you know i mean does anybody hear can you tell me one word that describes any horror movie that you watch what makes it a horror movie what makes you afraid what makes you afraid of freddy krueger and friday the 13th what makes you afraid can't kill the guy you can't kill him relentless you think you got him his hand comes through the wall and choke somebody and we're off to the races again we're scared to death so but this being a relentless competitor because you never know what the other guy's thinking you never know about what the competition is going through you only look at it from your perspective i think there's a boxing story that probably i may not even get the names of these two guys right because it's about 30 years ago but a toro freeman who is a rocky type boxer you know not very talented kind of a grinder hard worker you know not skilled not athletic and then cyclone heart fighting for the middleweight championship and cyclone heart is like sugar ray leonard muhammad ali very talented very skilled doesn't always train the right way doesn't always do the right things but he's really gifted in what he does and he's undefeated the other guy's a grinder he's lost a couple of tarou freeman so these guys fight for the championship and cyclone heart wore him out for the first four rounds of the fight i mean it was unbelievable because he hadn't trained he couldn't sustain all right so the grinder toro freeman keeps grinding right punch and punch and punch and punching and eventually wins the fight so crush cyclone hart who was a big favorite i had the opportunity to be the middleweight champ and didn't take advantage of it so they go in the locker room and there was only a curtain between the press and where cyclone heart was and in the press conference arturo freeman makes the statement that i was hurting so bad in the fourth round he had body punched me so much if he would have hit me one more time in the ribs i was going to quit one more time one more punch but he never hit me again and then i sustained so my point is is if you're a relentless competitor now cyclone hart really felt bad not only did he lose the fight he was one punch away from winning the fight because the guy was ready to quit but he didn't know it so you never know what the other guy's thinking you never know what where the competition is so for you to be able to play the next play not affected by the previous play not affected by the scoreboard but stay with what you need to do to be all you can be and be relentless to continue to play now every time we plan a national championship game everybody wants to talk about the national championship we got a chance to win the national championship we've been in five of them we won five times you know what i told every team before we played them i don't want anybody talk about the national championship we're not talking about that i don't want you to think about that what i want you to do is think about we're going to play you're going to play the best player you played against all year long and you need to go play against that guy for 60 minutes in the game and that's what you need to focus on and that's what you need to prepare for what do i need to do to dominate the competition which is the best i played against all year so let's go practice and let's go play and get ready to do that against the best we played against all year not thinking about the result but thinking about what do i have to do to get the result and that's something that i think is really really important in terms of being a relentless competitor now how do you get all this stuff it's called leadership and you know i think my job is basically about providing the leadership to develop the relationships to help people take advantage of their opportunities and make sure they have the discipline to do it that's basically how i define my job now if you're in any kind of managerial position i think you should define your job the same way provide the leadership to develop the relationships don't forget that part to help people create and accomplish the opportunities that they have and help them establish the discipline they need to do it so what is leadership if what i just said is true leadership is about helping somebody else affecting somebody else for their benefit not for your benefit for their benefit if you're doing it for your benefit it's manipulation and people can see right through them you got to do it for their benefit so you got to develop a relationship because they got to know you care hard to affect people if they don't think you care about them you you and and look how do i spend all my time how do you spend all your time you spend all your time if you're a manager with the people who don't do the right things that's what you do that's where you spend all your time i call them energy vampires we got five guys on our team they don't go to class all right they don't do the right thing in practice they loaf all the time everything we've talked about here they don't do those are the guys i meet with every day to try to get them to do the right thing they're energy vampires what about the other hundred guys on the team that are doing the right thing that you want to affect and they know you care about them so that you can continue to help them grow and develop to do the right things so i make it a point three times three guys i'm gonna meet with three guys who didn't do anything wrong every day to see how they're doing to make them sure they know i care about them their family and and what's happening in their life because i want to have a relationship with those people so that when i need to we need to affect them we have a chance to do it so people got to know your care if they think you only care about yourself and you're only trying to get them to do what you want them to do for them they're going to think you're just a manipulator and you don't really care about them and that's not really leadership and you're not really going to affect them in a positive way you got to serve other people and sometimes your presence is really important in being able to do that you know we had a tornado in tuscaloosa all right we built 16 houses rebuilt 16 houses we spent 1.1 million dollars out of knicks kids like buying stuff for people buying trucks so people could go to work 50 gifts or tickets at walmart for people that lost their homes but nobody talks about that because i used to go to the shelters and just sit with the guy and he'd tell me he lost his truck his pickup truck it's all people talk about that's all i hear about now i don't hear about the million dollars that we spent all i hear about is you went to the shelters and talked to the people your presence you know when george bush started going this way when he went over katrina and didn't land and he looked down and said there's nothing i can do here no there wasn't anything you could do there wasn't anything i could do to get the guy's truck back at the shelter either but your presence you're there you care you're trying to help someone you're serving somebody else i always ask people when it comes to serving somebody else and something we can all identify with pretty easily how do you pray because this is the difference do you pray to be blessed or do you pray to be a blessing if you're a blessing you're affecting other people you're doing the right things you're setting a good example you're being a good person so much more effective much more effective for you and much more effective and how you're going to affect other people all right so this is what leadership is to me and you know you never miss an opportunity to tell somebody how much you appreciate them don't ever miss that opportunity there's nothing that makes a person feel better about themselves is when you say i appreciate what you do i appreciate you more than you know and always say thank you all right but you know there's something that goes with the thank you that sometimes you don't think about in fact this is what i told our team when we beat florida in the championship game all right we have our banquet on sunday night and it recognizes all the people recognizes all of the players awards all that kind of stuff all right but what i did is i thank the team all right for their effort for everybody buying in for their commitment their hard work all the things that they did to overcome adversity i to be able to play harder for longer have the right character and attitude to accomplish what they accomplished i thank them for that for every guy's commitment on the team but you know with every thank you goes an iou you know when i was a kid growing up my little league baseball coach was helping me on the field my dad was watching picking me up after practice and so when i ran off the field i said thanks coach that really helped and when my dad put his arm around me he said you know that thank you has an iou that goes with it you vote you owe the coach to do your very best because he's trying to help you so every one of these thank yous and i told the team this is i have an iou i owe you our best as coaches to help you try to accomplish what you want to accomplish in this playoff game and in the championship game so i thank them all because i appreciated what they did and their commitment but i felt like at the same time there was an iou that went with that i owe them something too all right and you should feel the same way when you thank somebody for doing a good job in your company or for you you should say i owe them something i owe them my best to help them and affect them so they can get what they want so you know these are the kind of things that i think are important to being a good leader now you know there's lots of books written on how to be successful there's not very many books written on how to stay successful consistency and performance is the key to being successful all right but you know as people as people as football players on our team all right it's it's not human nature to be great it's not human nature to even be good it's not human nature human nature is to survive that's that's that's human nature that's the animal instinct that we all have all right so if you're going to win a championship if you're going to be best of the best or whatever you get in your organization that shows that you did a great job for that whole year and all parts of your organization or whatever it is if you're going to do that what what what does it really take it takes consistency and performance so what holds us all back from doing that as soon as we have a little bit of success what do we want to do relax take it easy it's called complacency right which is normal this is normal it's not it's not a bad thing it's it's how we are because we're here to survive we're not here to win a championship we're here to do what we got to do to get by so as soon as we have a pretty good week or a pretty good month we're ready to say what i'm supposed to take it easy now the reason i did this is so i could sit in my chair eat tostitos and dip them in cheese and drink a beer that's why i did it so why are you getting on me about wanting to take it easy well that's not going to help you have consistency in performance because success is not continuous just because you're having success doesn't mean you're going to continue to have success just because we won 13 games last year doesn't mean we're going to win the first game next year or win 10 games or 12 games or even nine games doesn't mean we're going to win any game and when you have complacency and you get satisfied it creates a blatant disregard for doing the right things so you start to resent the very things that god got you where you were we pride ourselves in hard work i resent that i resent the hard work that you're making us do why are we running sprints well we always random this is what we did exactly what we did last year on this day well i don't think we need to do that anymore like so you're always going to judge what what what what's what's happening why do i have to do this i just had a great month i just sold however many cars whatever i did we won so many games why do i have to do this success is momentary it's not continuous it's right then this is what you did that's over and done with all right you better be where your feet are and move on to the next one because when you are successful you just become the target you know when i go around and go to these high schools tennessee's got a thing up you know it's it's not about tennessee it's about beat alabama so you become the target you you're good you have a good product so you sell the most you do the most you have the best business people want to steal your people i mean look at us head coach of florida georgia um michigan state who who else we got um we have almost someone from our organization in every sec school stealing our people and every one of them is trying to hire my guys so does that make it harder or easier is that time to relax or is that time to put the pedal to the metal and keep going so you got to stay focused on the things that help to be successful you got to stay focused on the vision of what you have to do right because the the biggest challenge that we all have is just be the best you can be now they're giving me the wind up sign so i'm going to close here with this and then i'll let you answer some questions you know the i say this to every team and i give them this sermon every team in the beginning of the season because i want them to relate to this you know if you want to be happy for an hour eat a steak if you want to be happy for a day go play golf if you want to be happy for a week go on a cruise you want to have to be happy for a month go buy a new car but if you want to be happy in your life just ask yourself one question if i didn't show up here today would anybody miss my ass because then you know you accomplish something of significance and i always relate this back to if you could just be the best you can be and i always relate this because this has said the best and i'm paraphrasing this martin luther king this must have been 60 70 years ago gave a speech about the street sweeper but he started out saying there's a shoe shine guy in montgomery alabama at the green stamp store who is the only guy i'll let shine my shoes because the pride and performance that guy has in shining your shoes and the great feeling he has when you tell him he did a good job and he goes on to say if you're going to be a street sweeper be the best street sweeper in the world sweep the streets like michelangelo propane into sistine chapel like shakespeare wrote literature let him post a sign that says the best street sweeper in the world lives right here because if you do that you accomplish the best there is in life which is knowing you did your best to be the best you could be no matter what you choose to do now to me that says it all that says it as well as you can say it now the challenge is is that's not natural that's not normal what i said before human nature is to be what just to survive it's not to win the championship it's not to be special it's not to have the best business it's just to do good enough so that's a challenge that we all have that's that's what we spend all of our time doing it's trying to get from average to really good but you know we we should all do that with a certain degree of professionalism you never have to do it in a way that hurts anybody else you never have to be negative about what somebody else is doing you don't have to criticize anybody else you just have to focus on what you do in a positive way to be the best you can be you
Channel: Bean Millionaire Mindset
Views: 21,021
Rating: 4.9225183 out of 5
Id: H5w80JUmBIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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