Danny Duncan Interview | The AVNI Interviews 0031 with Mikey Taylor & Eric Bork

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alright guys welcome to the Omni interviews we're your hosts Eric and Mikey Taylor what up we're the co-founders of Omni a brand for entrepreneurs and influencers and creators today real quick before we enter our guests we're launching at the end of 2018 a collective four basically goal-setting it's called the mind share collective check it out at ovni digital calm Ford / mind share and let's jump right in right here our guest today was stretching athletes out doing physical therapy when he started making really entertaining videos and I watched a couple of them they were hilarious and his name's Danny Duncan Danny thanks for being with us thanks for having me thanks for thanks for holding these mics man I feel like we're doing stand-up comedy here and I'm getting nervous now all right dude so let's start with your story you do we start with physical therapy or where do we start well what was the dream when you came out to get you from Florida right yeah I'm from Florida so I was like working with skateboarders and stuff and the Tampa am kind of got my foot in the door and then Tampa Pro and then came to LA to like work with everyone cuz that's where all the pro skaters were what caused you to come out to LA it was this is just like the home of like if you wanted to be a pro skateboarder skateboarding yeah you go to LA and I had that like niche where I was just working with skateboarders was my prime focus so what were you doing with them because when I what the first time I have a seriously though I remember the first time I ever saw use at the barracks I'm skating I look over and you're in the corner with like a massage table on the corner I swear you were by the Mountain Dew machine by the gate right maybe behind the hover that's amazing no I thought is up on the thing and so I remember looking on Danny stretches skaters yeah okay so I did this thing called like active isolated stretching and basically there was like massage but it's not massage it's stretching so it's like you know supposed to help your like legs and everything better and I feel like skaters are just like killing their bodies but no one helps them so I was like [ __ ] I want to do this and like a long time ago I like wanted to do this and never I did it and then I saw Sian rights like Florida days part hit him up on Instagram and then he was like yeah I'm down to do that and I did like talk to his dad and stuff and then that's how I started working with first so we're right now we're like four stories up in downtown you were pretty close by here at one event tell us about that right next door yeah like I was out here and like there was a sixth in Mill at like Nike SB I think it was yeah nice used to have a private park right there and they were having some of that right yeah and so like when I came out here I remember I literally had $32 in like a ziploc bag like no joke not no like money in my bank account because there's negative so I came out here nothing and I remember going there with this guy Justin Williams and I was like waiting in this car cuz he was like you know he knows people and he was like trying to get me into it and then I wait in the car for a while and he came out with like a wristband so he got me in and I was like worked on like Daryl angel I think or like Trevor Colden a bunch of random people guy from plan B I think his name was Ryan and like they were the you know like throw me some cash right here like a TM like a TM name's not Ryan but yeah they like throw me cash and you know just do that and so so you were doing stretching out did you ever work like for a facility or do people like pay you private yeah I would just get tips like that's about it and then I got hired by a couple people huh okay is it enough to like like yeah I'm gonna be your path right like dude I'm crushing it like no yeah it definitely wasn't crushing it so I worked with have like a lot of clients in Florida so like where I got paid you know and I could I could survive fine in Florida it was like really easy like I made good money for where else from in Englewood but coming out here obviously I I it was like an all-new like slate of people so I was like building that up you mentioned though that there was something behind it like you want to help athletes out like there's kind of kind of some drive behind it yeah I like love sports still love sports and love being involved it was cool to like help people and like be a part of like you know kind of be a part of their success if someone was like hurt an ankle or whatever and then you help them get back up you know yeah and then so that I like that a lot if you do you have a background anything else other than skating like football basketball anything like that is a primarily skating yeah and I just skated her phone I wasn't like it that was like the yeah but I did a baseball track cross-country wrestled a little bit and then got into triathlon once I graduate high school so you've run triathlons before also yeah yeah that's why I used to do nice dude okay so you're out here in California so where does making videos come into play it's Chris all right Christian I'd reached out to me because he was actually in college for like like human movement type stuff yeah we interviewed Chris and he told us about that stage he was in college and kind of figuring his thing out yeah so he had messaged me and was like yo I like what you do we should do a collab like some type of like human body type type type thing and I was like yeah I'm down and he was like coming up on YouTube like and he was showing me like he was actually making money and stuff and I was like [ __ ] this is sick and I was I got hired by a Jason Lee he was like doing this TV show pilot and he wanted to gain some muscle so like I was working with him and he was like yo you're pretty funny like you should try acting out or something and I was like all right and he was like yeah dude you should just like get followers like because when you go to auditions if you have followers it's like way better chance oh I didn't know that I had no idea yeah so he said that so I was like okay yeah I'll do that for sure so I did like the YouTube and Instagram thing and then just started hustling that and then it couldn't have been overnight right no dude so I know that we talked about a little before the interview but I remember when you did so there's a video like if you go back in your history of videos the how to kiss a girl at that point or what I don't know if that's what it was cause like kissing girls for money at Venice right money yeah I don't know it was funny that Chris is on Chris's it was like skate tricks for a kiss skate really I can make trick then they kiss your skate tricks trick yes that was it and the thumbnail had like some like a plump booty and it got like six million viewers I yeah yeah so that that was a funny one at that point how many subscribers did you have yeah yeah very smart because I was I remember posting videos to YouTube about like three ways to improve like ankle strength oh that's how you launched it yeah 2,000 followers like I remember doing that and like I do to collab with Chris like like a 30 minute ad workout or something like with Christian you know or 10th 10 Tim at 10 ab exercises with Christian like we did a collab like that that's how I started I didn't know that that's Brad and so what you are like this isn't working or going a different path or did naturally evolve it was just like cuz I mean obviously obviously like most people and especially in skating like everyone's a big fan of Jason Lee and like when he and he's like hilarious and when he was like yeah I think you'd I think you'd do well he's like you're funny I was like well [ __ ] did I he gave me just so much confidence to like go for it you know yeah I was when I was just like I'm gonna switch okay because I was just like if it worked you know that mean that sounds like pretty cool yeah and so when did you step away from the stretching or training I had I was hired by him to like work with him for through this period ones that finished I just like went for the eat just fine yeah just making videos I want YouTube yeah yeah creator yeah so so basically you you helped him gain Jason Lee gain strength or put on weight for a movie or a role and then you were just like I'm doing this this is it yeah so basically I that we finished and then I think like right after that I had went back to Florida and I was just making videos in Florida because obviously I was just living at my cousin's house like sleeping on his couch and like did landscaping on the side to like make a little bit of cash and then I'll just making videos like dude I love it that it reminds me of like coming up skating like you just do it and it's so fun yeah and it's like at that time you're making no money right yeah are you making any money from YouTube at that time oh not as awful then like 100 bucks a month but it's just so fun you wake up you get into it's like you want to do it you meet different people okay so now I'm seeing like kind of where and that was around the time with the where you started doing these videos with Christian right yeah and I would basically I'd go back to Florida for like four months just recover make this landscaping money make my own videos like slowly growing you know I was always growing a little bit and then I'd come back to LA for like four months couch surf you know sleep where I had to make videos collab with him and whatever make my own video is also like do pranks on college campuses and then grow you know get a boost and then do like like when you're like having a fun place to sleep it's like the worst like me you don't know where you're gonna sleep so like that was what was hard so after like so long you'd have to like I would just have to go back to Florida because like I didn't like burnout and like just hate life so much so I would just keep doing that cycle where it's like yeah and when did you start to kind of see what was like the first like this actually is gonna work I know you so you had the confidence but when did you start to kind of feel like hey this is like could be like something that I do yeah I think when I was getting like a hundred subs a day I knew like is definitely gonna work and then I remember getting like a check for like 2 grand a month and then the next month was like 2 grand and I was like holy do this so much money no but then the month like ends and I was like broken I was like dude so we're like where was the like tipping point back then before this algorithm change like a hundred thousand subscribers and you're crushing two hundred thousand where you're making like significant money yeah no not really I remember well I remember when I hit ten case of Chris was like welcome to YouTube and then uh we were at like USC walking around 100k sighs I don't even remember what I was doing but uh like basically it was just no I just I guess flat out saying yet when did money's like when did you start making like real money I think when I was able to buy a car was like the first time I was finally like making money I'm like five grand in cash like which was kind of a lot and we got all through ad sales I would see like Adsense and then I was a Wasserman for a little bit you know that media company uh-huh so I was with them and he got me like uh we were working with like a network so he was gonna give me a signing bonus they were doing that whole deal and he and I was gonna use that to buy a car and then he got me a little brand deal with JBL audio and he gave me he's like yo I got you this money so you could buy a car seat we don't have to stress about this Network thing we can like take our time and get a good deal on it and then that kind of like that moment it was when I was like [ __ ] cousin I had like like somebody come in there and then I was getting this network signing bonus and I was like wow and Adsense you know yeah but I think when I made merch merchants went [ __ ] just like took off dude so how big of a problem was that for like how is the eaters or influencers right before you go there how many how many were there out there were like dude I'm I have a ton of followers my Adsense isn't enough for me were there a lot of people out there trying to figure out how to make money on it it was merged like the ultimate solution Adsense was good back then Oh was yeah yeah so people were just crushing on Adsense yeah and I was doing fine like so it wasn't like a solution to the algorithm changing no tor algorithm okay I'm Regan like 3.5 million views in a month and it making like 20 grand and I do now make like 20 million views I don't mean I don't even make 20 grand yeah it's just like [ __ ] yeah but yeah I remember getting like 3.5 million views in a month and getting 20 grand I was like it was like in December and I was like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude like it's not insane yeah that's the moment right there now 20 grand is like I just made that in a [ __ ] circle challenge like doing nothing like and it's it's like anyone watching dude it doesn't matter what you make like it'll never be enough yeah never so dude tell us I don't know if this was like long after that but one of uh I don't watch every YouTube video like I'll catch up but one of the videos I saw that was rad is you driving your sister's car into a lake yeah and anybody that knows you knows the video right but for people that don't know you like that was legit right she had no idea yeah everything on my channel is real so she had no idea yeah and she basically you took your sister's truck and drove it into a lake yeah so I like it so funny cuz she was on my insurance so like I had bought this car and didn't tell her and took her truck off the insurance and switched it onto the new car like day before and they were surprising her the next day so we were driving to my this was my mom had rented a house at the time so we were driving there to go do it and I was like [ __ ] dude like would it feel like because the cops are coming for sure once I Drive the [ __ ] into the lake you know yeah that I wanted to ask you I had to [ __ ] call Geico and be like yo we need to insure this car real quick because I didn't want to get arrested for driving without insurance technically so if we insured it real quick I just did it drove her truck into the water she came running out like my cousin helped me get her outside and stuff and then we had like parked her car the new car like right on the side it was sick she get in trouble for that no they let me go I think because of the kind gesture I did they were like cool about it and they leave it in the lake no I had that was the thing I had to get it out yeah so you had to pay for a tow truck to pull it out do that and they couldn't get it they couldn't find it it was like chan phan dude it was like 30 feet deep no yes 30 feet dude it's so funny watching your sister be like whoa gee I can't run what she said like what'd you do yeah and we had to we had to pay for the tow truck but we had to pay for a diver to come out in it go down there and hook the tow truck thing to it and then for them to hold out like what's the process for you for creating these videos just like some random thought or do you like to spend time putting together like a concept behind them no I usually would just go film an improv most of it oh really yeah I'm just like yo oh we do this real quick every day I find every time I film do you film every day no I just like like four days a week okay so you're kind of fearless dude that's one thing no he's not you wouldn't take the elevator up here nacho no tell everybody we go to get an elevator and he won't get an elevator and he's like I'm taking the stairs and the door was locked and I'm like yo it's mellow he was like imma going sorry so I literally can relate to that for me it's like that with water well that's my if I don't have control I can relate to that yeah so I'm scared of I'm scared of sharks like [ __ ] petrified dad don't go in the ocean really yeah like rarely I'm [ __ ] really scared of sharks and I don't like small spaces really yeah elevators I hate elevators but I was more afraid to people were you but now I would say you're kind of feelers with people where you like this but like did this help boost confidence or were you always just like not afraid to talk to people oh yeah always been like the same yeah you know like I'm sure you watch like CKY growing up yes like it's just like I always did all that stuff same stuff got you so like kind of like you'll see kids now I tagged me and stuff are they like copy me so it's like the same like I would just go out and do all this stuff CKY I did in like Florida I love it dude okay so here's here's the thing like how do you make so you make good money you don't have to talk about anything you don't want to but how did you turn this thing into a career so adsense and merch is that all you do or what else do you do now we hustle everything man I think people well I should ask young people no but like a lot of like even people my age or older don't think this is a reality to make money doing this there's two misconceptions we see all the time number one is you don't work for what you do dude like and I was gonna say this we kind of skipped over it I don't in a way like I know I worked but it's like dude working at Walgreens as a cashier sucks it sucks so bad and also if talking to Chris like Christian he mapped out his channel and one thing that he said and you were one of these friends he's like I had all these friends that were like doing videos and like they just stopped they didn't keep doing the work so that's misconception one misconception - I don't know if it's a misconception but something that's really cool when you do see is someone like yourself that's coming up how are you 26 26 you're you're making smart investments which is really cool to see and to me dude it's almost like you're like then like the new generation of like like punk rock bands like those guys made such psycho money and it's like what you're doing to me reminds me a lot of like the band's when I was a kid hearing what they would do so anyways back to the point you were saying he's just a little the most psycho tangent I was wondering where you're going with it well I was just saying it's cool that he's smart with is that he's doing smart things with his money because how many people do you see like I got money and they spend it all you know I like what Bam Margera did I think he's pretty sick yeah I like I know he that he got that guy got money so like I'm trying to look at what he does so that's what we were talking about - yeah at the TV show he did the merge he did like you know the hello element thing and he's killing it and I think he wasn't he selling like more boys boards than like any other person through element at the time of the show I don't know the numbers my 13,000 a month or something I heard the numbers back in the day I don't know why he had a shoe like 13 or 12 yeah yeah I mean he had a shoe like I made my own sandals like slides you did yeah so is me I'm a big influence for you yeah dude he's I mean he drinks [ __ ] I don't drink alcohol at all but like okay maybe if he was like sober have you been sober always yeah yeah I drank a couple times when I was like younger but I haven't drank since I was 15 okay that's rad yeah if he was like sober I'd be like him but not as ballsy he's deaf more badass but so what was the tour about that's what we were talking about different things you do yeah so yeah well ways I make money I did a tour and then uh I don't know anything about the tour tell me about the tour I did like 20 cities around the country it was like 25 days 26 days long and then we just I just came up with this show today because I didn't want because okay people in my position they they get these followers and did it's [ __ ] wack they just oh we're having to meet up meet us here they come they take their selfies with the [ __ ] people and then they dip it and they make money it's just stupid on it I didn't want it to be like that I guess so I tried to come up with a way for someone to come watch this show like have a cool experience and then leave like that was a [ __ ] best night of my life or like that was a really fun night you know so we just like came up with this thing and like I had like my friend Cameron you know he's her and then we had another they're like little people so like both of them would like they'd have like a dance-off and [ __ ] it was pretty funny we'd call like a mom on the stage like dance on her and stuff we did like I kind of took like they have like you know like [ __ ] wrestling so I kind of stole that in a way and we had like this ring and then I would look like Cameron and the other guy would be like wrestling and I would come out of nowhere it would like that stone-cold [ __ ] and like dropkick him and then just a bunch of stuff we'd I try to make it engaging for fans so they'd come up and like fighting it to me with those like Joss ting things yeah yeah choreographed like a five person dance I do this thing like the old man haircut something I did when I was a kid all the time we would give all the fans like old man haircuts and they'd like love it how many people would show up to each stop yeah we still like each venue was like 500 to like 1200 people so yeah and where did you have like one thing you did like boom boom Hawk jam or that was it like you would innovate as you went yeah I did the same like routine at each show but you know we didn't prop a lot of stuff - um I think yeah we throw out like merch there's tons of stuff but it was pretty cool so you do shows which that is really cool because I do see people doing like a lot of just like they'll show up and then like take pictures and leave yeah that's whack that would be a lot more fun like if I went to that and saw you doing all these things that would be a lot of fun yeah I just always don't want to be like that cringey person like you know like the Jake Paul type people like if a parent took their kid they're just gonna be like what the [ __ ] is this you know like dude this sucks so I have a lot of parents coming to me after beg that was actually pretty cool like I'm a fan now like you're sweet we just tried to crazy stuff you know and then like everyone would be pretty stoked so I just didn't want like even a parent to come and be like dude you suck like so I tried to make it as the best I could let's talk about your merch so you're sure Virginia rocks where you come up with all this stuff yourself I just saw a lot that is funny and it's made it better popularized that I guess virginity rocks the whole entire like brand or do you have multiple I just sell like random things like you know like what's Christmas Christmas what's his unsatisfied unsatisfied right so that's his merch yeah right so it's yours virginity Roxon its job changes right now I do tons of stuff oh it does I'm just Dany Duncan like I have danyoung a signature like so you come up with ideas and then whatever idea you come up with you put on your merge yeah yeah I just tell the graphic dude my own just let's do a shirt or like Karen's legalize eating ass just I saw like Eric Andre had like legalize ranch he like throws like you have a shirt legalize eating ass yeah any shirts do you sell legalize eating us on it oh yeah they sell out like how many feels like how many of you buy that I don't know thousands but like and then oh like I was on snapchat okay like this girl I know I was like watching her snapchat story and her friend had a shirt it just said like practice safe sex and I was like dude that's [ __ ] hilarious but the shirt was like practice safe sex on the back it said so go [ __ ] yourself or something like that and I was like dude that's a good shirt so I literally it was just like yo mock this up we just put practice safe sex on it did some colorways and I sold thousands of them because I also try to like promote like positive things like because a lot of kids are dumb and don't use condoms so I like genuinely try to promote that like we sell condoms - but like try to like oh you do it in yeah I saw I would sell thousands of condoms a month no yeah like endless endless condoms dude like I would just but like that's the thing dude kids kids are just they're not informed anymore dude they just all want to have sex and like not wear condoms and like I swear or even the Virginia rocks like we like it's like funny and stuff but we like kind of take it serious I don't make fun of Virginia in any way my god no I'm not laughs yeah no no no yeah no I know I'm laughing because I never would have thought condoms would be a part of merch yeah what I just try to make anything I know I know [ __ ] will sell so I just saw whatever fanny packs like anything only packs is rad on so so help do you have a team that helps you with all this oh I have like a filmer who edits and stuff and then I have like a graphic artist okay and and then I have like the company that does my merch like they help out as well and then I sign it with like CAA the agency yeah okay so we have the tour merch adsense is there anything else cuz that's a I mean you're doing pretty good man circle challenges okay tell us about this circle challenge it was just a challenge where you stand in a circle until I everyone leaves they ended it with four people me and three others so and how long did you stay in the circle it was like thirty two hours almost he stood there for 32 hours with wait on and if you win you get a hundred grand but like there were basically four people staying after 32 hours so you called it yes we called it the guy that does the video know you like make it you like do a little agreement and they're just like yeah everyone gets 25k it's a tie and I was like hey I don't lose I don't mind I just didn't want to lose so I was like a tie I don't I had lunch with him last week and he was telling me about this circle challenge right I'm gonna do a circle challenge I was like okay what's that mean he's like last one standing wins to 100 grand and I'm like okay I'm like so what do you do do you eat D what like where do you go the bathroom yeah how do you do that I just I'm I'm not gonna eat I don't need to go bathroom I'll just yeah yeah a bathroom they love to eat whatever it's pretty easy like it's just a wake up pretty heavy there's like 60 pounds on you so after like hours I didn't know about the weight but when he was telling me right he's like this I'm gonna win and I'm like yeah he goes no seriously though like no one will beat me I will win and he was so confident he's gonna win at the elevator right now he's like my lips are chapped I did the challenge that's great but yeah so yeah I make most of my money off merchandise adsense you know kind of pays like my filmer and [ __ ] I don't have to do any work like that graphic artists so yeah I got Adsense brand deals sometimes companies will pay yeah tell us what our brand deals do you do those at all yeah sometimes like uh like audible I like love reading books oh yeah so like they hit me up and they want to do Brandi I was like yeah that's good cuz cuz it's like super positive to tell kids to [ __ ] read books about making money and [ __ ] so it's like did that that was easy did another one with them so made a bunch of money and then just random companies I guess what is the sustainability in this like how long can you do this is anybody know yet uh I mean this is no one to really gauge it off right I feel like it's up to you like I think almost thing most of the time people just get tired of in 1d so amounts uh-huh so that's why I mean I think I could honestly like and I don't like think like this but I know like realistically if I wanted to just keep going and going I could yeah for sure do you think you had a point where you just I think people use is good I think I'll get over it at some point you know what you want to go for that go back in the sports medicine or no definitely not no I don't know not sure yeah sure yeah well I mean I'm just gonna keep I mean dude the merch just make so much money and it's like fun right now still so it's like I'm not gonna stop doing it not totally yeah yeah but I think as long as you post good [ __ ] then you're gonna just be fine yeah so it's like cuz why would people stop watching if you're still posting good stuff yeah I think it's like anything once you're if it's this once your content sucks or with its product if your product ever gets bad that's when you lose B yeah it's good if I was till I get older and I kind of lose what people like right now I feel like I'm very aware of like what people want to see and what people want aware so like I know that once if I was to just because there comes a point when shipped it's just cringy and it's not funny anymore and you see it like I see it I'm like yeah I do that's not funny like so it's like are there older people doing it they're like or just people that were doing YouTube that are kind of like there's older it's like skating it's like all of it it's like whenever you're doing something that's like connected with the youth you you get you eventually become not the youth right it's like I went through it was skating like you get to a point where you don't know what kind but it's like dan Bilzerian is like older but he kills it because he knows you know what I mean yes you just yeah and it's also I think a lot of it too is that just it's staying in touch with people are watching but they're like CKY like the funny stuff you're doing it never really gets old as long as you're doing stuff that's funny yeah which is kind of like athletics there's a major like 30 to 35 you're like when you hit that age it's hard to keep going you could keep if you wanted to yeah yeah you could keep doing funny [ __ ] for the rest of your life and if it's funny your audience will probably stay loyal to you even if there's some new platform they watch you on which I think that's the cool part about it like athletics you kind of like to me the worst career you could ever have I love watching MMA and boxing but it's the worst one one fight you're out you know yeah they get beat there and then it's like your whole reputation get it's like if you keep doing funny stuff I think people will keep watching which is yeah I think the whole image thing too is like important if your image kind of falls off in some way so like right now you know obviously like I'm doing fine everyone thinks I'm the [ __ ] or whatever you're like it's like it's like bam margera he does all that crazy or did all that crazy stuff it's like people respect that because he's [ __ ] crazy like if this stuff wasn't crazy or wasn't actually hard to do it's like people wouldn't really respect it I think but it was so gnarly that everyone was gonna respect it like for sure dude like I would know when to watch it I am and like a jaw or a giant Knoxville movie right now like if they're funny I'll watch it exactly and it's been 25 30 years since they started doing it not that long well hasn't been that long well bam started when he was like 15 I went to the CKY the first video ever it was at the ASR trade show and there was like ten people there that was and I started like all of it right the CKY which was the last video wasn't other thing and then made jackass Big Brother magazine first one ever it was CKY I think that and then it was CK y2k and that came out around 2000 so I think it would have been like 99 or 2000 when he put that out so today's teen years okay so you talk publicly about how much money you make yeah I wasn't gonna ask you tell us straight up like wala say why when we interviewed Christian we were like you can make living how do you make a living we're like interested in people are like you guys just care about money it's like no we're stoked you're like doing that no I mean I don't care like I mean what are they gonna [ __ ] Rob my money FDIC insured [ __ ] like or have it in stocks or whatever you know real estate so I mean it doesn't matter so you're doing really good yeah like I'll probably make like 3 million this year or so that's a good living man yeah it's crazy so what do you eat so so what are you doing with this money I know you do a lot with it bought a house but another house you're about to look at a property of buying and developing on it where'd you buy a house is that I bought in my hometown cuz like you know how this should come to an end I was like getting paranoid so I was like I just got a house paid it off in like in case something happens I can go live there and not have to worry about anything impound can talk so two houses in Florida yeah well my neighbor's house was for sale it's like five acre lots and that was for sale for like five five fifty I just I was like [ __ ] dude if someone buys this house gonna be pissed so I got it for I did my tour and then just put like two hundred down on it was got chief I got a five hundred so about that so what else he bought bought the house is what are you doing with your money Mike he's going somewhere about a shit-ton an Amazon stock but like nice I like 750 a share so awesome helps it out right now I think like 1680 it was at mm [ __ ] dipped really do you follow start working a lot yeah daily yeah just like those ones like I like Tesla too because it always fluctuates I'd love Tesla but I'm terrified of it at the same time I mean Jeff Bezos said that uh he's like one day a son will be bankrupt that said something like that but they say it's a common for like companies wait wait where he said one day Amazon her one day Tesla Amazon he was just like the someone was like because they always say Amazon's like unstoppable and stuff he's like no I truly believe one day Amazon will be bankrupt so you made a point I actually been thinking about this the whole time you said it right in the beginning you made a point that it's never enough you start making money it's never yeah never will be it's just like a game it's like progress is what I think people chase yeah I think you're right but do you have a number is or a goal you're trying to get to or is it just I just want like hundreds of millions yeah hundreds of millions yeah is is that the number 200 I mean I want a billion but like okay dude one I feel like when you're good there's so much to stem off what you're doing like when you're doing funny [ __ ] there's so many different ways you can go so you're doing good even though it's not like 200 million right now you're doing good one thing I want to talk about where do you want to stand guess on that before I move on one thing I want to talk about is for people looking to grow their channels for like kids getting started how did you grow your channels what were the things that you did and didn't do to work that what did and did not work like advice for kids who are watching that one you did it just what what you did because obviously did it different not really did I kind of did on my own like Chris was helped me in the beginning and then I just but you got to keep building it I just built it myself I didn't really do collabs at all like I've never collab so what do you think I could like I just I didn't know they think though like and not know cocky way in anyway like I was just like I can I was made to do this cuz it's like I can play any sport like football like at a high level too because like most people can't skate you know yeah I can do like you know what I mean tre flips and like 180 switch manuals and go down sets like but I [ __ ] suck is skating but like but I can do like everything like triathlons and like one-handed catches and like [ __ ] drop bombs in the baseball field like any sport or like high super high pain tolerance so it's like I can do all these super like all this stuff so it's like really easy for me to make content and people find me funny and I can go up to every single person and talk [ __ ] and then like I could fight fine if I needed a fight like you know what I mean yeah like for me it was just like a super easy I'd already been doing all this [ __ ] my life so was less about like strategies for you there wasn't like hacks you were just creating content yeah like Christian always says it to like post good content and that it's it's [ __ ] that simple it's like dude if you want to make money [ __ ] learn how to make money money you know I mean it's like super basic if you want to get fast at running go [ __ ] run so what you're saying is if you want it if you want to create good content create get call exactly they [ __ ] create get con like the Bruce Lee if you want to get good at kick kick yeah exactly exactly in too many people or it's like investing if you want to invest and [ __ ] get started like don't get started or don't do anything they just talk and sit and talk [ __ ] like I think that's good advice I did to create good content that's like I came to LA I [ __ ] then you know someone's like do you to vote so I [ __ ] did YouTube and then yeah it's like that simple and I mean dude like there's a lot of like skill verse talent but I mean you obviously couch surfed and like put in a lot of work - oh yeah yeah I didn't have a bedroom dude for like since I was 16 until I was like 24 so like eight years you know without even a bed which was pretty shitty so it's like I mean there's people worse than that you know that [ __ ] come up you know that don't even have anything like I at least had family you know you meals at their house like there's people that option that still succeed so it's like and people make excuses for no reason yeah I mean so yeah you definitely like we're putting in the work when you weren't making money couchsurfing and obviously it paid off what does your mom think of all this I don't know we just got a [ __ ] ton of animals now did you trip on this like she has to do cuz like I [ __ ] have like the BMW i8 and [ __ ] like the Tesla about 10 acres or like three houses on it we got my goats just had babies today like did we have like we have six goats a mini horse [ __ ] two pigs like all did is unreal a [ __ ] farm well yeah that was that was a big thing to was like I grew up on like my grandpa had this private road was like a dirt road and there was like yeah like land channels had land and my mom lost the house so that was like my whole motive just to make money to buy buy that [ __ ] house back and the guy wouldn't sell me the house back he said no no so it was like an acre and a third so I again I was the house I grew up in so I was like [ __ ] this I'm just gonna buy a bigger house in so I went and bought five acre lot with like I don't know for like 400 grand it was like the house so I was pretty cool tell us about the funny videos you make like I talked about the truck one what was one of the craziest ones you've made just give us one I used to like going to the campuses a lot and just like [ __ ] well no one likes a bully you know like you got a bully or an [ __ ] so like for me I could go to college campuses and like make fun of frat guys because everyone like hates on them so it was like a way for me to bully people without anyone talking [ __ ] and everyone loved it have you ever gotten a legit fight doing prank video no no I'm waiting we have the camera well people like always talk to you like because we have like a forty thousand dollar camera now so when we walk around people oh you oh how much that camera so we're just waiting right now to like for someone to do that dude every time I watch prank videos I'm like how do you not get in fights it's so fun we need to pray videos the camera guys right there with you know what they're hiding so how many times now like do you go and do a prank on somebody and the first thing you do is start looking for the cameras that happened a lot oh I rarely do pranks anymore I just didn't want at UCLA though it's pretty fun you don't do them doom that much just vlogs I guess like a lot that my did day kind of like the last one that we watched at a Medieval Fair yeah that's funny yeah that was funny well watch my UCLA one like the security guard Frank at UCLA I did on like a scooter okay it's good alright so spoil the the medieval video I had someone tried to steal your safe I'm gonna watch it anyway so my friends like ex-girlfriend was like there with him I was in Florida for like a few months and like she like in the middle of night tried like stealing my safe I'd like a safe there but it doesn't have [ __ ] money and I lost the key but I just like put it there I got a joke was she for real tried to steal it yeah like put on a towel pull it out the apartment put it on my back porch she had her friend in the car waiting Yeah right what did you film it no I was in Florida okay so basically the reason why it's in the video is because I was pissed because none of my friends told me they just like hid it from me so like I hate [ __ ] liars like more than anything yeah so like when someone lies to me or like betrays my trust it's like game over I [ __ ] hate you yeah so like I was pissed I started calling everyone I was like yo what the [ __ ] so I called like all these people and then I ended up getting in touch with the girl who stole the safe and like I talked to her on the phone it's pretty good and I in the video yeah yeah it's going what's next for it was nineteen yeah let's talk about that 19 I'm gonna milk this tour [ __ ] oh you're gonna have another tour yeah so I'll just hit different cities with the same show Oh sick kids who've missed out is it just you or is anyone else on our yeah Kameron skid key one actually do you know Omar used to work at a Diamond Supply Co I don't well him he's like my DJ he's cool okay and then like my film here comes with but it's like four of us on on stage how many a year you're gonna do I think this next I'm doing like 25 and then OH so I filmed it's on my last tour we could bought like a red like a camera and [ __ ] the red Gemini and like that's what you do your videos with there's a red now yeah now yeah but we documented the whole tour and then I'm documenting the next one in March or April whenever it is and then we're putting those two together into like a documentary like for Netflix and then okay so that should go on Netflix hopefully like May 20 2010 at will promote like a bigger tour I'll do in like 2020 of summer that's the plan at least that's awesome they may be like [ __ ] you but yeah but CAA seems there's no with it alright dude well that's that's that's those were the main things so are there is before we move on is there anything else as far as strategy if you want create content create good content what about like people that you worked with coming up like but we talked about Christian is there anyone else like that oh yeah with pranks I worked with Andrew Hales okay so I would definitely credit like Chris and him they were probably only few that really helped me okay it's gaining followers those two and then worldstar would post me up on Instagram and stuff worldstar posted you yeah yeah they like reached out to me this is dude Jason who works for them he's like dude you're [ __ ] hilarious like um let me help you like get bigger so he's like just send me any good videos you have or I'll find them and I'll post them so I think those people I guess would about it say that's right but I don't really like clavata I like the natural just like grow organically like yeah but that's my that's mom that's me and I've heard Casey Neistat say like quantity over quality but I think that's [ __ ] interesting dude tell us something that as far as Danny Duncan the person should I don't know I just try to do my best I guess okay try to be funny don't lie make everything real do crazy [ __ ] nice to make a lot of money I kind of like the whole like doing all the crazy stuff where people's like he's a [ __ ] idiot but then like you know like investing in like doing all that [ __ ] right yeah but people not a lot of people don't even [ __ ] have a clue but they just like when I would drive my Honda Fit with like the bull horns and [ __ ] to be funny like when we leaving people you know cuz everyone judges you or like if we're filming and they're like these kids are [ __ ] losers and we get into this shitty car and drive off but really I have like millions of dollars you know yeah I love that yeah whole thing and yeah it's just funny just I like that like dude yeah there's a total side of you that I had no idea about because all I've seen is like the pranks right that's all I've seen but it's rad that you basically started off in athletics and you're like basically trying to help people come up that was like your whole Drive was helping people come up yeah which is I thought was rat I never knew that about you well I think there's so much that you can do with what you have it's sick man so congrats thank you you're killing it we're working for everybody that doesn't know where can everybody find you what's the best way to find you at danyoung 69 is this all my hats oh they okay yeah I know that whitter snapchat Instagram Facebook okay I said YouTube alright dude well hey Danny came out today and he took time out of his day and Cameron they came out here to our little agency loft slash space so we appreciate you doing it man thanks guys thanks for having me
Channel: Avni Intelligence
Views: 28,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avni, avni intelligene, the avni interviews, mikey taylor, eric bork, danny duncan
Id: ELoBJ6D-8V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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