Turning A Big Mac Into A Gourmet Meal

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the question today is simple can the humble mcdonald's that we all know and love become gourmet well this one's simple because there's only one way to find out i'm gonna drive to mcdonald's right now and ask them for a mystery box when i go into the drive-through i want them to give me whatever they would like to give me and i will then take that food whatever it may end up being and see whether or not i can craft a dish that could be reasonably served at a high-end restaurant and today i want you to be the judges we will then tally up all of your votes in the comments below and in the pinned comment i will make sure to keep that score updated now toss a like on the video don't forget to subscribe and let's go we're on route to mcdonald's right now where we're going to get a mystery package or at least hopefully get a mystery package i want to see if we can find an employee who's cool enough to actually give us a random assortment of food or whatever they want us to turn gourmet but the slightly more important oh that guy just like gave us a wave that's funny no one has ever seen us doing our intro for youtube in the car here but that guy just freaked out on his bicycle and almost crashed but the more important question in my mind today is this can mcdonald's in fact be turned gourmet can we really break down the food that we get whatever it might be today in this mystery box and turn it into something that you could perhaps serve at a fancy high-end restaurant we will soon find out it is time for our mcdonald's and it's time to see if they're gonna give us this mystery box that we so badly want yes hi is there any chance you can just give us like a couple random things is there any way you can just give us like a few random food items can you just give us like a few random things off the menu okay is that all right yeah that's fine okay thank you that's great imagine they charge us 600 i hope we get nuggets hi thank you so much thank you have a good one oh look at this food so actually they didn't rack up a decently large bill for mcdonald's as you can see it's about 31 i would say that's on the higher end of anything i've ever spent at mcdonald's so again i'm not gonna say they took advantage of the mystery offer but you know they did rack it up a little bit the real question is what is inside these two bags right here now first things first thank goodness they gave us fries and i will say this these fries are perfectly golden brown and crispy i have a couple ideas in mind of what i can do with some fries but i want to see what the rest of the stuff is before we go ahead and make any decisions they also happen to give us enough napkins to kill an entire family of apes naturally of course we have a bunch of these little ketchup packets which i think will come in handy later and perhaps most exciting of all it looks like they've gone ahead and given us the good old big mac actually i'll be totally honest as a kid this was my favorite go-to meal ever now quite honestly they make my stomach hurt but i'm thinking we're going to be able to work with this pretty well and make something gourmet to be totally honest i want to lay everything out on the table first before we decide what to do but this is definitely not the easiest task in the world i mean this food is meant to be as casual as you can possibly get and to make it fancy is a tall order we are back with our mickey d's nuts manny i gotta talk to you first got the cam all right cut the cam manny if you keep doing stuff like that i know the firing thing's funny but i'm gonna actually fire you all right first things first let's pull out this assortment of stuff that we got as you remember the woman at mcdonald's gave us a mystery box and it looks so far that we've got three giant things of fries and evidently we've also gotten three big macs i'm gonna be honest i feel like she could have been a lot more creative with this mystery box but given that i am the one that's trying to make mcdonald's gourmet today it makes it a little bit easier on me and she also gave us a lot of ketchup packets i want this to give me a little reminder of my master chef day so we're gonna start our 30 minute timer now i want this to be a true mystery box challenge so to start i'm gonna go with just a little bit of heavy cream then i'll crank up that heat and with all of those fries into our heavy cream we go if you haven't guessed it we're gonna make a really fancy mashed potato or a palm puree that is going to be the base of our dish so we're essentially turning these fries which have of course been cooked closer back into their original form and making really fancy high-end mashed potatoes while that's going off to the side it's time to break down our big mac like i said i mean who doesn't love a good big mac just the smell alone gets you going look at that special sauce dripping down the side that perfect piece of cheese falling over the edge oh and if you're new to this channel i almost worked at mcdonald's out of college essentially as a food inspector a job i was actually really excited about so if i were gonna give this burger a rating i'd say it's a little bit sloppy probably a seven out of ten assuming it tastes perfect the big bat can be broken into several different parts and components up first we have that meat meat that if we're being totally honest isn't exactly top quality wagyu then we've got a few pickles not the best pickles in the world but not the worst either and hopefully we can find something fun to do with those i'll be honest this bun in the middle is super super soggy and i don't think it's gonna be so much use to us here but we're gonna save it for all that special sauce on the top and make a sauce that's gonna go with our dish later now of course we have yet another patty with a big hunk of cheese on top and last but not least our second bun which is also a bit soggy because of that special sauce but we're gonna save it purely for that sauce this bun here that was on the top of our big mac is gonna be used as the little toasty buns that we're gonna ultimately make our little sliders with but they're gonna be fancy sliders [Music] once we've separated out all those burgers i want to show you these potatoes this palm puree right here is already gooey it actually almost smells cheesy and you can see now that the fries have broken down enough that i can break them into mashed potato again we'll set this off to the side and come back in a minute to season them now that we have separated out all of our big macs we are ready to go many time check boom if you can't tell by now we're making really fancy mini sliders that are going to sit above a palm puree and have some other little fancy elements which i'm going to surprise you with later notice that these bottom buns here are absolutely perfect so i want to cut out corks and make these the bottom parts of our sliders we're going to cut out corks right out of the middle with our ring mold which i have to admit makes very very cute burger bottoms these sliders are going to be so cute and of course you are left separately with a perfectly good looking glazed donut manny eat the doughnut eat it eat it or your fire next up we've got our burger patties these aren't exactly the best looking patties in the world but if we season them up properly i actually think we could surprise you with them you know what i think these things are missing a little bit of smoke first let's base them in a little bit of brown butter and once that butter is nice and golden brown in go our patties we'll follow this with a pinch of sriracha salt which of course will give a little bit of spiciness as well as that basic salt seasoning that we desperately need and then we'll get them nice and coated now into a bowl with those patties we go and then we'll cover this up with plastic wrap toss in a small little handful of our hickory chips and then we'll whip out our flame thrower and light this bad boy up [Applause] in just a few seconds you'll start to see a bunch of smoke filling this entire bowl right here also who the hell uses a flame torch to light their smoker now we'll close up our bowl and let it sit and rest for a little while mini time check that's 12 minutes okay while that's going let's quickly take corks out of our top buns which i would argue look even cuter than the bottom buns and now the leftover fat from that butter and burger meat we're gonna go ahead and toast the bottom of our buns mcdonald's why were we not toasting our buns guys this is one of those simple but game-changing decisions mcdonald's could do to take their burgers to the next level once those have been nice and perfectly toasted we'll set them aside i'm sorry but i just have to show you how perfectly toasted this cute little mini bun is you cannot look me in the face right now and tell me this isn't gonna make the most amazing sliders we've ever tasted in this kitchen now that we have just five minutes left i want to go ahead and season up these potatoes with a little bit of garlic salt then mash them just a little bit more to get closer to that proper consistency i'll be totally honest i did not think we would get something of this consistency with just a bunch of fries for mcdonald's we're gonna go ahead and pour it into a really fine strainer and then we'll push it through our strainer to get only the smoothest creamiest mashed potato or pump puree we can possibly get and now with just three minutes left i want to chop up a few tomatoes and fresh lettuce no [Music] now the time has come with a minute and 30 seconds left and it's time to plate our fancy big mac sliders this is what i need you to pay careful attention to see if you think this can be served in a gourmet restaurant first things first we go down with some special sauce that we scraped off of those burger patties next to that i'll go on with some of my ketchup and then to make things nice and fancy let's scrape down our plate we'll place down our three bun bases then open up those hickory smoked patties and gently place each of those on the smell from these patties alone is incredible now we'll go on with our slices of pickle a few slices of tomato hopefully you like tomato our cute little discs of lettuce and i personally can't eat all that much cheese myself but i'll put a little piece of cheese on here for an honorary person in the crowd that loves cheese before i place on our buns i want you to hear how crispy they are that's perfection now onto our little sliders they go to finish things off i want to put a few dots of our palm puree as i mentioned it's a fancy word for potato puree all across our plate here as the person dining can feel free to have little bites of that beautiful creamy potato puree as they done but hold on we're not finished yet as i promised there'd be a little twist so i'm gonna go very gently on with some special edible gold nestled perhaps right up against this burger on the edge and across our potatoes to make that just a tad bit fancier and now that right there my little chefs is how you make mcdonald's gourmet but the real question i want you to answer is could this reasonably served in a high-end gourmet restaurant now frankly i don't know but that's what you're here to decide i do have to say i'm super excited to try these things out by the way it was moving very quickly at the end and i don't know if i mentioned but i almost ran out of that 30 minutes to try this i'll dip my little mini slider in a bit of the pond puree and then test it out i can't really make too many comments about this because again you're the ones that have to be the judges today i'm also going to let manny taste one right now and he's not going to be fired wow that's really good i don't want to bias people but this worked really well there's smoke but we also appreciate the crunch that you get from that soft fluffy yet very crispy butt on the bottom the mashed potatoes are fantastic super soft and creamy and you would never know they came from a bunch of french fries that smoked burger patty is chef's kiss i'm super excited to hear your thoughts about our gourmet mcdonald's so hop below in the comments and tell us your vote was that gourmet enough or no which place should i try to make gourmet next in and out chick-fil-a happy cooking [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 1,053,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcdonalds, fastfood, tasty, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: 4whnxa4fee8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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