Turning Cheap Food Into Gourmet Ft Chunkz

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today we're going to be turning cheap Foods into a five-star gourmet meal at the end the Michelin star Chef will try our food and decide which one is better my opponent today is YouTuber singer and bad footballer chunks so let's get into the rules after finding out what today's cheap food is you'll have 5 minutes to prep 15 minutes to cook and you're only allowed to use these regular household products to transform your cheap food this is turning cheap food into Gourmet all right I'm joined by chunks how you doing very well brother thank you I know you're good in the kitchen today should be a good day it's I'm excited I can't wait AJ being my opponent now if you look history says I smoke him all the time so this is just going to be another walk in the park I don't understand why he keeps inviting me to these what's going on AJ this is light work let me tell you something about chunks chunks is the biggest triy hard when it comes to cooking but guess what I love being try hards I love seeing the guys who try their hardest lose makes me feel so good about it all right let's see what our cheap food is okay going to reveal in three two 1 cheap star this is St noodles I've never seen noodles for St what's going from your head what kind of munch don't wor about me what noodles I've had that on oh with a red onion you actually make it look growing up struggle M was a thing I have to try and sash it up to make it more alive so this is what I've been doing from a you I'm from Northwest L trenches if you guys don't know I'm from Northwest London one of the most dangerous places on Earth big foot was discovered here okay the first alien Landing was spotted here and we have people like chunks that just live there it is a dangerous place so been from there I've tried a lot of cheap food and I've turned into some nice Munch oh 5 minutes to start prepping starts right now let's get into this meat meat protein is good good good that's I need some of that got left to run fresh oil so what am I going to do soap okay cool there's no soap look at this try hard already taken everything for himself he said the IR were supposed to share we're supposed to share the products to make our food gouret we just had to take it for himself I can't you can't use I can't use none of that no let's see how you do without fing oil you all right so the game plan's simple I don't like the noodle aspect I don't I've never liked water in my past the whilst I'm eating it so I'm going to make a stir fry I'm going to cook the noodles invest into that egg stock onions yeah burger meat on top good to go man let me run you guys through what I've got okay I've got some proteins we've got some veg right here we've got ketchup right here got some SE seasoning we' got butter maple syrup lemons red onions let's turn this into Gade food I have an idea in my mind I really like Naruto and one of the things they eat in there's Ramen obviously we have noodles but I reckon I can turn it into one of those really cool Ramen bows all right guys listen I'm going to prep the onions don't take my knife you can't take my knife you have to ask first can I bur enough y guess what guys AJ hasn't wash his hands that's part flavors yeah mental whoever's tasting the food just no say you got no there's no one here you got dick infested food think about AJ when he prepares it's very chaotic it looks like he's just lit trying to bomb the whole kitchen and it's fun to watch I guess but it can't turn out good make sure you keep your stations clean y chill chill chill punks that prick tried to sabotage Me by throwing all this stuff on my food what a prick P missing penalty all right s just ch crack on your head man you actually hit me on your head hit I have no you can't I swear to God you can't oh my D what am I supposed to do yeah the way you cut onions is is frightening going to beat the eggs going to beat them up and I'm prepping for a egg fried noodles with onion I know you're not thinking real what CH knows I'm a fuing chef don't believe me ask AJ's mother what does my mom have to do nothing bro just ask her that's what I'm saying was a good day that day man I made the food we stay indoors oh just a joke it's a joke it's a joke why you crying for you're emotional don't worry about it it's just joking real ah I can't get a ball give me a no see the way he you can't touch none of my stuff and it starts you get a ball from that's did you not ask when I ask you for a knife yeah you you already put it in there put it out can I get it yeah thank where did the second B go I didn't taking them hey there's no no stealing stuff what did you take where the second bag go where the second and now look you ruined it B shut you you want to waste there we go chunk stealing again here's a quick Story Time back in the day around 2016 me and chunks obviously we didn't really have much money back then he used to steal from the shops he used to walk into shops I while I was paying for my stuff used to sneak things intock used to take Ching GS from the front I'm not snitching I'm just telling my channel what I've been up to all right is it been two not going to bit R but I think it's going to work out I reckon I want to smoke you here no genuinely I'm going to absolutely oit I I think you've lost already well I have I think I I think you preparation time done it's time for us to start cooking and we only have 15 minutes let's go all right it's time get off me it's time to start cooking okay listen what I'm saying yeah we got 15 minutes I'll give you an egg you give me a burger I feel like it one Burger is worth two eggs n i right buy this this looks horrible yeah mine looks terrible as well so chunks asked for a trade one egg for a burger if you notice just before I give him the burger I pressed my finger in it and literally just so childish but I loved every video cool so we have 15 minutes on the clock it's time to start cooking let's get into this a lot of people don't know about this yeah you want to start your soup with some smoked paika you were L incredible right once you get smoke there some Cay yeah yeah y y do this one going to drop this oh that yeah me out put the let it go in there and what it should add a zesty flavor nice place that in there oh look at that we haven't even added our actual package seasoning and this looks incredible there you go add that in there the flavor all right all the flavor is going to be in there you know okay guys so as you can see right now what I'm up to I am making sure that the pan is actually kind of hot cuz I want to prep these onions and the Egg together so it's like a egg fried noodles so I'm prepping the the eggs and the and the and the onions together right now and then we wait for them to come together pause listen make sure you subscribe to this channel also we're live on Twitch almost every single day so can you please follow me on Twitch I just started streaming please guys head over there show me some love Link in the description right you're flipping but all of you good all of you look at that trick all right guys we right now I'm just waiting for the noodles to cook once that gets through now you take this out I'm good to go oh my brother you know you know I I actually want to watch you for a bit man big fan of your work yeah oh that smells oh all the flavors it's not enough now that the onions are caramelized look at that now you must be wondering AJ what are you doing with the butter what are you doing with the butter guess what you egg right in the middle of the night oh this is looking good man I'm telling you guys this is the best Munch ever I'm actually gassed about how mine is starting to look oh my God Naruto might just randomly pull up to our yard and actually just start munching because guess what this is looking insane I think this might be the best cooking performance I've ever done in my life protein oh looking good protein is looking good oh look at that that is good yeah that look good that fried egg is looking perfect I am a bit concerned cuz I think I know he starting to do they Naruto joints and they have the noodles and you got the fried egg on top it looks good it can't taste good though surely wait hey no please don't touch it that's a very good fried egg though a very good egg need H I need H wor I need hurry I need to hurry I need to hurry go to this side here and drain you want to drain just a little bit of it not all of it okay guys as you can see I'm prepping the onions but I had a malfunction go my thing wer working look I know this is AJ's house so I purpose he gave me the right stove where both of them don't work he made my noodles cold I had to wait for his one to be done it's a bit of sabotage going on man up with the egg get some of the onions get some of the onions anyone in their right mind would usually say that's enough with the bags right but no we we are doing something special guys put back in there yeah yeah oh he knows what he's doing look this all right so what you want to do now we'll switch stations for a bit almost hit you with the knife we need to be quick though than your look like you can find it in a little shop you know yeah yeah you know me though here's a little secret the reason why I'm winning is cuz I bought a little little friend of mine come on keep working we're going to do this all right let's go I don't payt him as well oh wait where did you put it off bro it's baning off bro why did you put it off why you put down oh my God throw that on there yeah leave there it cooking look at that why is it going straight away what the is set man up you know ah I got set up to it there we go you know what I made this for [Music] myself oh that looks decent as you guys can see I'm trying to prep the noodles with the eggs and the onions ch's dish looks so dehydrated oh my goodness this famine has happened on his plate rain we need rain or something cuz this food is so dry I can't wait for the mission star shf to choke and die in our kitchen can't wait CH no one actually you know what kills it bro you know the way you lost today it's embarrassing whenever you're ready I'm done as you guys can see yeah take a look at that wow I've Gally outdone myself take a look at that now if I me to be honest that does look good I've come up with this this is like a cat Burger Curry Noles the cry minus the curry you know what I'm trying to say so obviously that's my situation going on right there three 2 One Time's done done done yeah very well we had we had a problem with it when it came to the stove I'll be honest that that is this what you did there we just finished making our starter I don't know why someone would eat all this for a starter but our Chef is going to try this and give both of them are R all right so we finished cooking and if I'm honest AJ's Food looks way better than mine but it's about tastes and I think that's where I Will trump him that's where I'll persevere and get the result all right boys the challenge is over it's time to find out who's the better chef and who's better at turning cheap food into Gourmet let's bring in the mission star chef all right we've turned cheap food into gourmet food now we have a chef here Michelin star who's going to taste both of our dishes and tell us which one is better by the way did you know we started today with just new I actually wouldn't have thought that I think the way you both crafted is absolutely incredible all right I brought my trusty for here een mini may mar ketchup out for this one get a bit of everything okay not terrible see with this one here you have lots of options M oh okay here we go take a bite that enjoy that all the flavors oh look at that all the flavors resting on your tongue just to make it fair dry no taste but I want to know what he's thinking you want me get brozen corns yeah yeah give some okay I like the difference between this one here on the right and this one here on the left this one here on the right is more of a stir fry kind of style that's why it's got the eggs the caramelized onion and the meat on top compared to the one in here which is more of a traditional I'm allergic to a food nice nice good good sport guys is so today these boys turned cheap food into gour food they're done a fantastic job as a mission star rated Chef like myself but today base off flavor the spice how it was all mixed in together I am going to have to give it to a he I think is the first time I've ever w a food challenge you know that [Applause] yeah your boy has won can't believe it shut the your boy has won okay can't believe I did this I just want to thank everybody watching I want to thank my parents I want to thank my dog my cat chunks everyone all right not you guys chill out I'm not done all right I've won now there minut you should B is this isass isass there was a prize for the winner there was a prize for the winner J me and um you know what today you're with me here I really enjoyed your company you're my guy I really just want to war this to man wow the sharpening kit with a knife wow oh my can I keep that yes my peoples there you have it we turn cheap food into Gourmet and AJ is doing it so please if you like the video make sure you like comment subscribe and click that Bell so you're notified when AJ next upload I've been chunks he's been AJ all right no come on you got to say all right get out of here man you've lost get the hell out of here look how upset he is he got destroyed all right got destroyed by a boy AJ who literally never Cooks I was playing around I was putting honey on lettuce and I still won what a easy opponent who do you guys want to you next
Channel: More Aj
Views: 1,622,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turning cheap food into gourmet, cheap food into gourmet, cheap food, gourmet food, turning cheap food gourmet, budget challenge, cheap foods, Cheap food gourmet, food challenge, beta squad, chunkz, ajshabeel, food, challenge
Id: QipUWXdG9Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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