In-N-Out Animal Style Wagyu Burger

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today we'll be making in and out but there's only one problem i'm for boston and we don't have in and out here so in just one day we're gonna travel from boston to la pick up some in-n-out and come right back then we'll make a better version at home let's go up before i leave don't forget to toss a like and subscribe [Music] we are pulling into the airport it is 7 30 in the morning or so we got a flight at 9 30 to los angeles i'm hoping to get a little bit of sleep on the ride because this will definitely be one of the longest days we've ever spent filming we just got to the airport in boston we're going to travel further than anyone ever has to get into them [Music] we just landed in lax let's go get in and out [Music] we made it to the line and now check this out how long it is it's insane our flight's not till 10 pm so we got some time to get as many burgers as we want and bring them back home we actually flew all the way from boston to get these i'm not kidding to get this no joke we flew from boston for this video we're getting these right now and we're flying back tonight are you serious i'm telling you it's true yeah that's crazy is it worth it um yeah i mean i don't know i live here so i hope we didn't do this for nothing no you didn't do it for nothing we would love to do four double doubles please four double doubles would you like onion in the burger um yes please and then one um order of large fries thank you so much thank you have a good night thank you i have to be totally honest i am shocked by how busy and popping it is here there's people eating outside everywhere there's cars like crazy the entire inside is filled too and this is one of my first couple times in and out it's got the same kind of branding as mcdonald's which begs the question did they copy mickey d's that sign up there looks the exact same as mcdonald's exact same all the way up there the big yellow arches the big yellow arrow also where's the arrow pointing to i don't understand but again i'm no expert on this i'm not from california so let's see how this is i'm excited to try isn't the isn't the arrow for in and then out that's what basically that's what it means right might be one of the smartest things you've ever said to me manny i'll be the judge of that we flew all the way from boston can you believe that i'm being serious isn't that crazy i that's what i was asking is it going to be worth it i hope so i really hope so thank you so much me too what is this what is this picture they just gave me look what the is [Music] thank you thank you thank you so much have a good one oh what do you think manny [Music] first impressions this thing looks amazing i apologize for filming in the dark right now but like we said we took a mid-morning flight from boston and that landed us here this evening so this is the best we've got right now i don't want to spend too much time talking about the burger really i just want to dive in and see if it's as damn good a burger as people seem to say let's go honestly it's a good burger they have a proper amount of special sauce that's not quite enough complex for me with not enough of that spark that action that we're looking for when we have a special sauce or a secret sauce or whatever you want to call it what i can say is that the lettuce is extremely crisp and fresh looking as are the tomatoes though mine does look a little bit mealy if i'm being completely honest the patties are nice and thin and that cheese is perfectly melted around the edges i don't love the fact that the top of the bun seems to be flaking a lot i want my bun to be soft fluffy and hold together it almost looks as if it's been dried out on the top it's a bit brittle it does seem like they toasted the inside of the buns but not quite enough i can already see it's very soggy from the sauce here one more bite my last comment is that i actually like eating it out of this paper wrapping it's really cool for the branding and the presentation they give you if you're gonna eat it in the car is quite fun you don't have all these bulky awkward cardboard boxes that you're just gonna end up throwing away instead it's actually ready for eating on the go which fast food is meant to be that way before we head back to the airport to head home and break this thing down further to make a better version let's try out these fries i'll say this while i want to love them and aesthetically they look okay these may actually be the worst fast food fries i've ever tasted in my entire life and i'll tell you why there's nothing special about them they lack that crunch on the outside and that soft mashed potato fluffy texture on the inside think of a mcdonald's fry the iconic perfect golden brown crispy on the outside fry these are not that in fact these don't have any of that golden brown at all the only darker brown color i see is where the potato skins are which i'm happy that they left them on but that doesn't count for a golden brown fry before we head home here's my initial take if in and out could perfect their fries they'd be pretty high up there on my list but with all that said i want to see if we can break this burger down further in our kitchen at home and make the perfect homemade in-n-out burger let's head back to the airport you want to hear something crazy what we flew all the way from boston for this for a video and we're we're flying back tonight okay no you did don't tell me that one day trip oh okay that's cool that cool was your first time uh that double double with extra onions or extra grill like this oh yeah oh i didn't get girl like on regular oh okay rookie move yeah if you really want to go hard get an animal style animal sound yeah this just feels weird because we were literally here like three hours ago and now we're back it just doesn't feel right secured the bag but let's see how they make it through the flight home i feel like they're not gonna look like the perfect in-n-out burger anymore [Music] just landed from l.a back to boston honestly it's up like three hours on the flight but here's the important thing manny i would say fresh as can be honestly i would say freshers can be but it's really not either way let's take this back to the studio and make some in and out this is pretty early but importantly we got this i'm happy i'm tired but i really want to cook right now after traveling the entire day not really but we have to defeat in and out i'm gonna do it for the video i'm gonna do it for you we are back and we've got our burgers i know to you this bag right here might just look like an ordinary fast food bag but what i'm holding here is worth far more than the couple bucks we just spent an in-n-out i could probably turn around right now in boston and sell this back for 50 times what we just paid for it i mean many people from here have probably never even been to in-n-out and yet our beautiful double-doubles made it back home in one piece in fact i actually can't believe how good they look given how far we just traveled with these things with all that said i think it's time to make the perfect double-double at home let's cook to start with our buns we'll go in with one cup of lukewarm water about 110 degrees fahrenheit then one quarter cup of sugar and while whisking one packet of active dry yeast then we'll leave this for about five minutes to bloom once that yeast almost looks nice and fluffy that means it's bloomed so at this point we'll add in 1 3 cup vegetable oil then one egg and then just a little pinch of salt once again whisk it up now mixing slowly we'll add in three and a half cups of bread flour until everything comes together once our dough is complete we'll add a little bit of oil to a pan and drop it in then cover it up with a damp kitchen towel and let this rest about an hour at room temperature next comes a very important part of what we're about to make the meat what you're looking at right here is japanese a5 olive wagyu this right here has won the wagyu olympics several times if you're making this at home you don't have to use wagyu but i do it because of how obsessed you all seem to be with wagyu or maybe i'm the one that's obsessed i don't know we're also going to use this 150 olive wagyu tenderloin just like you it's the best of the best now time to get grinding [Music] i'm also going to add in 50 american wagyu ground up as well that'll give us a nice blend such that it holds together well for our patties you can't have a double double without caramelized onion so into a pan with some oil we'll add a bunch of chopped onions followed by just a nice pinch of salt and the best ingredient for perfect caramelization a generous handful of sugar [Music] once we've given our dough some time to rise it's dough time now flour the cutting board and lube up the dough at this point we'll slice our dough into a few equal pieces then take each piece of dough and pinch in from the outside until it looks like a soup dumpling then flip it over and roll it around until it's a perfect smooth bun just like that now cover up your buns again for about 15 minutes to let them rise again now finally paint those buns with some egg wash that's one or two eggs with just a touch of water as you can see the in and out buns don't have any sesame seeds so neither will ours place this in the oven at 4 25 fahrenheit for about 8 to 10 minutes while those buns bake it's time for some sexy b-roll for our animal sauce at least that's what i think it's called we're gonna start with about a half cup of mayonnaise followed by three tablespoons of ketchup [Music] two tablespoons of sweet pickle relish a fancy word for chopped cucumbers a tiny pinch of sugar one and a half teaspoons of distilled white vinegar a tiny pinch of our caramelized onions and just a touch of salt and pepper finally for our burgers drop them into a pan with some hot oil and press them down make sure you smash it [Music] now to top them off hit them with a big old hunk of american cheese [Music] everybody i want to be honest with you these are without question the shortest buns we have ever made in this kitchen these look like either way i'll be grateful that they still have that nice golden brown shine and are going to work for a really good burger i just think something must have gone wrong with the rising process but i'll be sure to put a working recipe in the description down below my goal here is to assemble the same way they do it in and out to start our bottom bun we'll follow this with a crisp piece of tomato then always salt your tomato to bring out that flavor then we'll go down with the crispiest iceberg lettuce we can find then some of that double double sauce then our first patty a few thin slices of yellow onion our second patty then a generous serving of that thick gooey caramelized onion the star of the show last but not least a bit more animal style sauce and then the top bun and that right there is how you make an in-n-out burger at home so here's the thing i don't know if you noticed but back at the drive-thru going through in-n-out i got all confused about what the logo meant so i thought i'd call up my friend emily who's been designing new logos for basically every company out there i thought she might have a clearer better design for in-n-out let's call her up hey hey what's up emily just critiquing logos oh yeah i mean that's your full-time job so i am calling actually because i hope i'm not serving you but i made in and out today and when we were going through the drive-through both myself and my camera guy here were extremely confused about the logo about what it not even meant it's awful but i just figured since you're the expert you might have an idea of kind of how to make it clearer i've been thinking about this logo for like months now you have are you able to show me any any ideas any concepts you have you want me to send you everyone that would be fantastic let's check it out so as i look at this first logo they're definitely confused about their identity they think they're mcdonald's and that's really unfortunate i said the same thing they think they have the golden arch design it's not working for me a new color scheme you think they need don't worry i took care of that this yellow arrow is pointing to nothing it's very mysterious to me i'm uncomfortable about that uh they spelled and wrong that's like one of the most simple words so i don't know how they messed that up super basic big oversight by the corporate team there i would love to see the new logo i'm itching to see the new logo so it's lime green now wow but yeah it's very bodacious very luscious and beautiful bodacious luscious and beautiful the arrows now pointing to a burger because that's their mission it just makes a lot more sense 100 okay so now there's [Music] i don't like their fries so i don't know how to feel about that we can take the fry out i think you'll realize um i took the the ant out and you're thinking about in and out as in like going into your body and then exiting your body yeah that's scary that's way deeper than i think most people think about logos which again is why you are the expert right now i like that a lot i think that's clever this is our burger so we've like really gone nuts and we've got the super nice caramelized onions we got the crispy iceberg their burger's looking kind of sad that's scary to me i don't know i just feel like it's a game changer uh circus pretty much the whole day same with the logo as you could tell it took you about the whole day yeah i thought about it emily i appreciate the logo this is fantastic i expect to see this on national menus and stores next week thanks emily have a good one this right here may be the sexiest burger we've ever made i mean just look at those caramelized onions falling down the side look at that crisp lettuce or those really well crusted smash patties without even biting into it i can tell you right now this burger right here is going to be a 12 out of 10. that's right i said it no more talking let's dive in one more bite i have a newfound love for burgers today and i'll tell you why i think it all comes down to these caramelized onions those soft chewy caramelized onions bring the whole thing together not only does it look aesthetically pleasing and extremely appetizing but it tastes so good those brown caramelized notes from those onions and that chewiness from the caramel and sugar in there totally transform this burger and it's something that in and out does really well something that nobody else out there does once again i'll remind you to toss a like on the video and subscribe because we flew all the way to la in one day and back for this video i got a burger to finish [Music] you
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 2,184,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: innout, fastfood, burger, doubledouble, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: 9cjVkiYwU8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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