Rating Fast Food Chicken Nuggets

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chicken nuggets i love chicken nuggets in fact i love them so much that i have them in two different freezers in my apartment here they're a great snack and frankly i've had them ever since i was a kid all the time in just that freezer over there i have about 10 bags of frozen large chicken tenders and in this freezer over here i have a bunch of dino nuggets which arguably are the best out there what if you want to go get chicken nuggets at a fast food restaurant well just like we've already been to every fast food place around to find the best burger and the best crispy chicken sandwich which was quite filling but quite fun i've gotten a lot of requests so today we're gonna hit the road once again and drive all over creation to find the best chicken nuggets we can possibly find and at the end i'm gonna come back and rank them all for you so you never have to wonder again what are the best chicken nuggets out there next time you're on a road trip or next time you want to grab a quick little lunch i got you covered but just one thing before i say another word please go down and click that like button i cannot describe to you how much i appreciate you watching the videos but i also could never even explain how much this helps so i'll wait just a second while you go down and just click that like button it's super easy and i would so appreciate it now for our nuggets we're on route we're going to probably stop at chick-fil-a first cause frankly i'm just gonna get a sandwich there as well but we need to try their nuggets i've tried their nuggets before again like i do in all of these videos i'm gonna try to go into this without any opinions at all i'm gonna pretend i've never tasted any of these things in my life and frankly i don't even know what popeyes has to offer do they have nuggets do they not i don't know i actually don't know so i'm sure a lot of you watching do and you probably already know what's gonna happen when i ask for them but i think they probably have them so let's go figure it out i'm super excited we're gonna try pretty much every nugget out there in the world today so let's get the chick-fil-a here we go chick-fil-a we always come to the same one because as you know you know there's not that many chick-fil-as around here so we're back it looks like there's already a little bit of a crowd here this morning and i think chick-fil-a will be a good place to start off with in terms of getting nuggets because again i mean chick-fil-a they do chicken well but i'm not coming into this with any thoughts i'm not i'm ready to eat let's go it's early in the morning right it's early we woke up early got you out of bed early three of the five-piece chicken nuggets just like a bunch of chick-fil-a sauce on the side everybody this right here is the new card i mean we are going to be using this bad boy to buy more food than really you could ever imagine we had to get something with a knife on there because i just thought it fit really well with what we're doing so might as well have it being theme you know what i mean all right thank you so much chick-fil-a we've been here before we're here again now first thing i want to say as always i love their branding they do a fantastic job look at this cute little five piece nugget thing okay i really really like that no antibiotics this is fantastic okay they cook it in peanut oil that's top notch that's top notch okay one thing i love right away to dip or not to dip of course we're gonna dip first of all it's hot it's fresh it's the morning we're probably one of their first orders of chicken nuggets today these things look really good right you can see the strands of the chicken this is a real actual piece of chicken as opposed to a bunch of ground chicken put into a nugget form first i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to taste one plain all right i want to see what they're doing with seasoning here i want to see how hot it is all right one more bite with a little bit of crispiness look at that that is juicy right there see that juice oh look who just texted me anyone know google foods he's a good guy he just shot me a little texture that's nice i wish google foods was here to try the chicken with me he knows how to talk about meat right he's good at that stuff he's like the wagyu expert of the world right now this chicken seasoning right away i'll say actually kind of reminds me of the seasoning that they use at wendy's and i'm not sure why and we can try to compare this to wendy's later but it's got a unique seasoning to it it's actually really really well seasoned now actually we need some chick-fil-a sauce for this you already all know that i absolutely hate the way that their sauce packages are set up at this place they're impossible to open up once you got that beautiful chick-fil-a sauce and once we drench one of these nuggets because sauce is extraordinarily important that simply can't be beat you got that honey mustard you got that mayo it's creamy it's got all sorts of flavor it's fantastic so i'm gonna rate this pretty highly on the scale in terms of nuggets but we are only just getting started it's still early in the morning we have a lot of places to hit so let's head on to that next spot looks like we got mcdonald's coming up right here they are now hiring off you are fired all right guys i'm holding the camera myself i have once again fired manny he just dropped the mic which happens to be mine i was letting him borrow it so he is fired and this time it is real so i know a lot of people are starting to kind of catch feelings for him and stuff but i really don't i really don't know what to tell you you can only give someone so many chances so um i'm gonna try to do this pov style i'll try to get as much as i can and we should be totally good all right so manny came crying back to the car i let him back in i shouldn't have but this is the last time so let's order this mcdonald's two sets of the 10-piece chicken mcnuggets and then just a couple assorted sauces please i got a question we're driving around to every like fast food place trying nuggets today you got you have a favorite give me one second okay i think he's taking someone's order i like ours yeah ours are actually really good naturally you have to it's actually funny i asked one time here like someone working here and they said they listed every sandwich asked like what the best burger was they listed all them except for me i don't know why they didn't list mcdonald's i was the one with the chicken sandwich were you was that you that was me what was your finding i think the best one yeah popeyes i told 100 agreement that was him he's back did you see the video or no i did yeah yeah you did yes i want to see what you say about the chicken nuggets though yeah yeah i'll try them out thank you so much hey nice to see you again let's go baby let's go oh thank you have a good one yep okay substantial paper towels we can't complain we're going to need them today i asked for assorted sauce they gave me a bunch of sweet and sour very very different style clearly than chick-fil-a right if we just open that sweet and sour sauce it's very gummy and gooey and sticky okay i don't know if i like the consistency of sweet sour sauce but when i was a kid big fan in terms of the chicken nuggets obviously he's waiting for a review and i don't want to review it right in front of him because i don't know if he's the one that cooked it or whatever but he's clearly got some sort of devotion to this i'm not biased you know that i'm here to tell you what the best nuggets are i'm gonna tell you honestly straight up these look really crispy they're really hot they smell pretty good i know obviously that mcdonald's doesn't have that real you know chicken hunk that they put in there it's ground up chicken which is fine ground chicken nuggets that's how i make my chicken nuggets usually let's take a little dip in that sweet sour and let's just dive in you can see the inside i mean it's okay i definitely don't think it has that same seasoning that they have at chick-fil-a and we just obviously experienced a lot of seasoning there at chick-fil-a a relatively large amount of seasoning compared to this at least the weird thing is you can see these darker kind of black specks on the outside of these chicken nuggets which makes it look like they have more seasoning but in reality they really don't have that much and i don't want to be mean but not a fam i'm holding back a little bit actually because i really like that guy in there he's a nice guy he's cool and i know he's gonna see this video but i'm not gonna rate these ahead of chick-fil-a they're okay nuggets the sauce selection is not quite as good they don't have any sort of special sauce to my knowledge i don't know that the the interior is is lacking that meat is lacking i don't really know what to tell you man all right popeyes everybody this is a this is obviously a fan favorite often times when it comes to chicken i don't know what they have to offer when it comes to chicken nuggets i actually have no remote clue i see that they have fried pickles so if they can fry off pickles they clearly can fry chicken but let's see if they can make nuggets i i don't know if they have nuggets kobe oh oh yes hi um do you guys have chicken nuggets no something oh you have tenders two orders of five piece tenders one spicy and one mild please can we do ranch and barbecue please thank you have a good one number one i don't like the waste here there's two separate bags plastic bags or just two small little containers of chicken so popeyes i gotta say i'm not happy about that but with that said they don't toss nearly as many napkins inside there which is great first thing i'll say first impressions when i look at this it is a lot lighter than most popeyes chicken that i've gotten they need to fry this longer i don't think they fry this long enough in fact i go so far as to say this is like potentially undercooked i'm actually kind of sketched out right now let me open this up i mean popeyes what are we doing out here today guys come on this is like borderline like not fully cooked i'm a little bit confused too and it smells so freaking good and your seasoning is on point i think they might have just rushed my order those are insane too they're not chicken nuggets though unfortunately even though that tastes mind-blowingly good we're gonna have to disqualify popeyes because i don't think they have any chicken nuggets and quite frankly even if they did have chicken nuggets i don't know if these are cooked these ones are cooked look at the difference on these what is that what is that what is that that is the most pale chicken i've ever seen this over here popeye's looks great what happened here i'm actually genuinely concerned right now all right popeyes you are redeeming yourselves a little bit with this but i am not gonna eat that first one because i think it's legitimately undercooked all right but let's dive in with this because this looks like someone actually cooked it i'm gonna drop it in there and then i'm gonna show you guys all a little good trick here if you ever don't have special sauce from a restaurant make your own barbecue ranch you got that creaminess you got that tanginess same kind of thing that you get from a special sauce okay here we go it's a shame guys it really is oh these are the spicy ones maybe that's why they're dark it's a shame for a few reasons one that you guys don't have any nuggets that i can judge and two one of your orders of chicken that you just gave us was undercooked i mean i i don't really know how to say it that is disappointing popeyes you know i absolutely love you i'm not gonna knock this one on you you're just gonna get disqualified purely because you don't have chicken nuts so everyone if you're looking for quick little nugget bites popeyes doesn't really have them i wish they would bring them back or i wish they would create them but they don't have them so let's move on to good old burger king we are here right around the corner again at burger king i don't think we've been to this burger king before so yeah let's try out their chicken nuggets i feel like burger king always did a good job with seasoning i always appreciated their seasoning their burgers have that char barbecuey type grilled flavor which is really unique and i don't see it any other fast food restaurant and i'm hoping that their nuggets are gonna have that flavor that we're looking for evidently somebody bashed in the screen of burger king so they've taken matters into their own hands and they've created this little thing looks like a robot so and you can't even hear anything which is even better you can't hear a thing because there's a huge truck that they have can i help you two orders of 10-piece nuggets uh just a few sauces on the side please look at how cheap the nuggets are 149 per 10 piece so lord only knows what they put in these nuggets burger king usually doesn't screw around we've had a couple slamming doors in the past year burking but uh this one looks a little bit more tame thank you all right well we are headed to the next spot burger king does it a little bit differently they have these uh little bags that they give you and frankly these nuggets are large there are some big nuggets here they have that look on the outside to tell you and suggest that they have seasoning but the real question is will they have seasoning right and i don't really know the answer to that until i dive in so let's go ahead and grab one of these nights i will say right away it actually looks pretty good it's crispy it's got a nice feel to it you can tell that it's a solid nugget right here we go i'm so confused right now i don't really understand how to say this other than the fact that when i just bit into that if i close my eyes and didn't see what it was you could tell me that it was a donut and i would kind of believe you i really don't know what to tell you about it it tastes like i went to dunkin donuts it's kind of sweet it's not bad but it has something about it that's that's shockingly reminiscent to a donut i don't know what to tell you i think what it is is whatever fat they're using in these is a similar fat that they would use for donuts and i don't know if they're shortening in here i don't know what it is but there's some sort of combination of sweetness and shortening or fat that makes it taste a little bit like a savory doughnut so if you like sweet chicken nuggets that taste like donuts head on over to burger king everybody here reach into this bag right here i'm not gonna fire you i'm not gonna you're fired no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding okay give it a try oh my god you're doing a donut try maybe we got a weird batch i swear this is like a donut and right here we have arrived at kfc and if you remember from a previous video we did also visit this location i believe everybody was very friendly was it was it this location yeah i hope they have chicken nuggets do you have chicken nuggets i have a popcorn chicken oh perfect sure we'll just do a large popcorn chicken we're trying chicken nuggets like everywhere today oh really yeah it's a lot of nuggets though yeah you too thank you ah so hot whoa wow try to hold this this is hot it's so hot i think we got too that's so much i got two of them no wonder it took them like a while to cook this looks great how the game cut the camera when i talk about food i like to talk about temperature temperature is extraordinarily important when it comes to food whether it's a fast food restaurant or the finest restaurant out there three michelin star top of the line everything temperature is important this bite of chicken that i'm having right now out of this thing that's piping hot literally burning my hands is most certainly a better bite of chicken than i could have at some three michelin star restaurants out there and that is a fact in my opinion it's hot it's really really juicy if you can see that it's extremely well seasoned and it's actually just really good chicken but can you see this juice could you see it or no not really damn it this right here as far as what we've had today is the best chicken it hits all the boxes and i know i got a little bit lucky because i came here still early in the morning before the big lunch rush and they clearly made it fresh for me but i mean just look at that chicken right there that is some seriously bad ass chicken and this is more popcorn chicken than i've ever seen in my life but i'm not bad about it so right here i also didn't know that kfc has a kfc sauce so when i asked her for assorted sauce she gave it to me so let's see how this compares to chick-fil-a for instance i mean honestly it's kind of a carbon copy of chick-fil-a sauce if you put those sauces side by side i think i'd have a fairly difficult time telling them apart so kfc you are onto something my friends you are on to something we made it wendy's we're here they're gonna be good they're gonna be good i hope we have a pretty general sense probably in our heads of the ratings at this point and there have been actually some really good nuggets that we've already tried but we do have a few places left to check out and wendy's is one of them so i'm curious to see how this plays out yes hi um can i please do uh three orders of four piece nuggets can i just do one big uh water police as well that's it everybody i think that wendy might be here this person this person has fully red hair that's just inside the window and i think it might be wendy can you see her can you actually yeah i think that's wendy be cool thank you so much have a good one hey wendy no don't why would you say that wait what is this what the there's a lot of couple mice wendy what are you doing what is this what is this wendy it's a couple it was just a cup of ice what are you doing here wendy these nuggets they are piping hot okay they're literally piping hot look at them they look pretty good right they look pretty good and they smell pretty good let's just go for it i hope this is crispy it's either dead last or second to last i'm trying to figure out which one it is i'm gonna be honest because of the heat and you know i talked about temperature it's really important to me that it comes out hot i'm gonna rank this just above mcdonald's so you know what they're the same kind of nuggets and to be honest i didn't want to say it but coming into it i had the idea in my mind that these would be very similar to mcdonald's i mean they're fine they're okay nuggets they're not great nuggets they're fine but again i'm a little bit confused why wendy gave me a cup of ice i'm not gonna knock off points for that kind of a weird move by them so we're here raising canes we're gonna go get those chicken fingers chicken nuggets we might have to disqualify them too because they're technically not chicken nuggets so i'm not sure to say that guy just started blasting his music while we were filming so that's fine but we're gonna go inside all right canes never really has the fancy packaging but you know what we don't need that it's like a hole in the wall restaurant if the food's good who cares what it looks like you know what i mean inside of course everything looks nice and shiny golden brown not really sure what the whole craze with the bread is i get it if you're really hungry and it's not horrible but i don't really care so much about the bread i want that chicken for this chicken i'm gonna let you make the call are we gonna disqualify them for this honestly i hate to say it but i kind of think we have to disqualify them right off the bat before i even dive into it purely because these aren't chicken nuggets and we needed them to be chicken nuggets but with that said we at least owe them to take a nice bite holy crap that is so hot here's what i'll quickly say it's very hot almost too hot it's extraordinarily fresh and again i like this sauce because it's unique and it's tangy and it's it's really well seasoned i would say that they have the most advanced sauce out of all the fast food restaurants in terms of the seasoning and in terms of what a real chef would appreciate when it comes to seasoning and proper amounts of seasoning so all in all a really good chicken tender but these are no nuggets so keynes i'm sorry but i don't think we can put you on the list we're here at shake shack actually at my old stomping ground in harvard square let's go all right shake shack we got our chicken there chick all white meat why would you brag about that i have to say opening these up right away these chicken tenders they look extraordinary i'm gonna say that they're perfectly golden brown they're crispy they look awesome they smell great although they smell a little bit more oily than i would want fried chicken to smell if i'm being completely honest however it's time for us to take a little bite if it's all white meat what is that what is that on the chicken what the heck is that what are you laughing about all right i'm gonna give them another shot i'm gonna try again with another piece that was not all white meat whatever that thing was okay extraordinarily overcooked i mean they cooked it they cooked it some more and then they cooked it again and then they reheated it if you can look at that chicken right there you can see that it's very kind of dry and fibrous there's no fat there's no juice it's really really dry in fact i need a drink or i need some sort of sauce to eat this with so the chicken from the outside here looks fantastic and in fact if i was looking at them all from the outside and had to judge them based on the look of them i put this pretty high up but once i dive into this chicken i mean i'll try another piece here but really dry so shake shack i don't know what to tell you i'm sort of bummed out right now now that's a lot of chicken nuggets as we talk rankings here i want to start from the bottom to the top so drone roll please for the very dead last spot and coming from a place that certainly has other things out there that i love we have the mcdonald's chicken nuggets today i'm sad to say that they just fell short a little bit and don't get me wrong i'm a fan of mcdonald's and they make some pretty good stuff but these nuggets just didn't make the cut the actual chicken meat didn't have that much flavor and even though the guy at mcdonald's that we met was super cool and gave us some super honest feedback both this time and during our crispy chicken sandwich challenge i can't take that into account here sorry i just can't next up are two places that are quite similar to mcdonald's if you really just take a close look at all the nuggets side by side i'm willing to bet that most people would have a hard time telling these three nuggets apart and one's from mcdonald's one's from burger king and one's from wendy's i'm just bummed to say that they really didn't impress me and they had that kind of same thing as mcdonald's except they were really really warm and hot and to me like i said temperature's really important with food and mcdonald's just didn't have that really hot nugget next up for today and this is gonna come as a shocker to many people popeyes and yeah i'm sad to say it because they have a damn good crispy chicken sandwich and you know what maybe on a different day if i went to popeyes they'd fare a little bit better in these rankings but today they didn't but keep in mind not only can we not really rank popeyes we also can't really rank raising canes so canes and popeyes i'm sorry to say but you both kind of been disqualified though if you're gonna pull my leg and make me choose one right now i have to actually choose canes this popeye's just wasn't fully cooked and while i don't think i would have gotten sick from it or anything that chicken just needed more time in the fryer i know canes has a cult-like following and it's really good stuff definitely different than the rest but this bad boy right here as delicious as it might be it's not a nugget now ranking just a little bit above the ones we've gone over so far is shake shack again like i said the seasoning was good or at least it smelled pretty good but that chicken was just as dry as the sahara desert i mean i seriously needed water to eat these things i definitely wasn't gonna get that water from wendy's given they're giving out cups of ice now almost taking the win but not quite was chick-fil-a with these extremely cute little cases their chicken nuggets were delicious and like always i had to get a few of these sandwiches on the way through but they didn't quite have what it takes to win because today our winner also happens to be the place with the largest bag of anybody can touch fried chicken or good old kfc this old guy dancing really knows how to make some chicken and i ordered absolutely way too much but we can't disqualify them because popcorn chicken totally counts to me as chicken nuggets it's the same thing it's just a different name these nuggets were very very piping hot they had great seasoning and they were the juiciest nuggets we tasted out of anybody's which is really admirable to me given that they're smaller than a lot of the other nuggets which have more space overall to have that juiciness have that fat yet none of them seem to have i so badly wanted kfc to win in that crispy chicken challenge that we had before but it couldn't take down the behemoth popeyes so i'm really happy that they stepped up this time and took home the win well now you know next time you're driving around aimlessly wondering which of the many fast food places to go to get a good old hot set of chicken nuggets you got a much better idea of where to head and i hope this helped again please don't forget to like this video because it helps so incredibly much smack that subscribe button because you know what's coming up next right the best fries i have probably several hundred chicken nuggets to finish up so i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 6,039,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nuggets, chicken, fastfood, mcdonalds, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: VueEQ5KlYyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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