Turn the EOS R5 or R6 into a baby Cine Cam

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so i promised you a video about rigging out your ears r5 or r6 to make it more into a baby cinema camera and today's this day but we are going to approach this video a little differently than i would usually do and this is going to be a little bit more relaxed because i got my second camera angle right up top and i'm going to do this a little less scripted and more live in front of you assembling everything talking about all these things because i have everything laid out right in front of me so without wasting any more time let's roll the intro start the video my name is damian cooper and welcome to marketing so since we only have so many cameras and i'm recording on the r6 for our top angle i'm going to display everything on the ears r5 but 95 of everything that i'm saying is true to the r6 as well and if it's not i will make a note on that and i will probably overlay this with a little bit of b-roll of the r6 in particular so if you're an r6 shooter don't worry everything stays true for the r6 as well so before we start rigging let's actually talk about why we would rig our camera in the first place and number one is that you want to add a little bit of weight to your camera to make the whole setup a little easier and more stable when shooting handheld and the extra raid actually helps a lot when it comes to stabilization because the euros r5 as well as the r6 there are really small and lightweight cameras so if you add a little bit of weight like a cage a top handle a monitor it really makes for more stable handheld shooting speaking of more stable shots if you have more options to actually grab your camera like a top handle for example that goes a long way for getting more stable handheld shots especially when you do a lot of low angle shooting having the options to grip your camera from the top handle instead of on the side really goes a long way for getting more stable footage and the next and one of the biggest things is more mounting options because the camera itself only has a cold shoe on top and that's pretty much it so if you want to mount an external monitor a microphone or even additional accessories there's really limited space so overall having a cage with the top handle that you can mount additional stuff to it is really great when shooting video and one more thing is security because when you mount your camera to a gimbal or a tripod you only have a quarter inch screw on the bottom when not using a cage but with the cage you actually have more mounting options on the bottom as well as a 3 8 4 inch thread so with this it's actually way more secure when mounting it to your tripod and it doesn't really shift around a lot which happens when you only use the quarter inch screw that is on the bottom of your camera so one thing to note before we start this video everything is my personal opinion and i'm not sponsored by anyone even though i will showcase a lot of different brands in this video but none of them actually paid for this video or have anything to do with this video at all so in my personal opinion what do we need to turn our ears r into a baby cinema camera and in my opinion like i already said we need to start with a cage to be able to mount more stuff to it to add a little bit of weight and security to it next up we need a top handle to get better grip and have even more mounting options other than that we also need a microphone to get way better sound and we also need an external monitor to judge our framing exposure and focus better and last but not least when shooting outdoors we also need nd filters so this is what i will be covering in this video today all right first up let's talk about the cage and i have two different options for you one is from small rig and one is from aids in and there's various other options out there but these are the ones that i could get my hands on and they're also the well better known brands out there so let's start with the one from ethan and this is a really nice and modern design it's also really high quality but it's also really expensive i paid 172 dollars for the entire setup including shipping and it doesn't come with the nato rail and i will be talking about the nato rail system a little later but for now i had to attach a nadir rail buy small rig on top of the 8 cent cage to make this work for me and here i will be showcasing this with the ears r5 first and i won't be mounting everything because i will take it off real quick afterwards and i like that it does have these rails on top that actually make for a really nice design and a really nice fit what i don't really like about it though is that it is somewhat blocking the mode buttons here you can still access these by just you know pressing your fingernail in here but it's overall not a really great fit for the euros r5 with the r6 you don't have any of these problems and it's a really nice streamlight fit and it also looks really good if it's worth the price i will be talking about it later when we're comparing this to the small rig but i think for the ears r5 it's not the best option just because you don't have access to this button over here which again isn't really a problem on the eos r6 because it doesn't have this mode button but for the r5 i don't think it's the best fit out there so my other option and that is actually my favorite is the smaller cage not only is it less expensive but i also think it has better features the build quality is also really great almost pretty much the same and it does come with nader rails all over the place it has a nader rail up top it also has one on the bottom and i think it even has a nadir rail on the side so if you have any of the nader rail accessories which i do have a lot this is definitely the better fit and one more thing that's really cool about the small rig cage is that it has these location pins so these actually fit very nicely into the bottom of your r5 body or r6 body and therefore it doesn't wiggle and it can't really shift around which might actually be the case with the one from eight sim alright so all we need to do is just put this in right here and then there's another really cool thing if you flip this thing around because you actually do have a tool built into the cage so if you're out and about and you don't really have a screwdriver or a tool set you can actually use this to tighten all your screws so let's actually do this real quick so align this and see if this is in focus if i'm actually seeing anything all right so and as we already said all these went into the location pins designed with the r5 and the r6 so this is actually really not going anywhere and it actually sits very nicely so now let's put on our lens so and here we got the cage from small rig and like i said this is a really nice fit also when you grab it on the side you hardly even notice that the cage is there and this is a really nice design and i can totally recommend this as opposed to our eight sim cage we can actually press this button use the wheel because everything sits a little higher than on the a7 cage so overall features of this cage we do have this tool built in which i think is really nice we also have a lot of screw mounting options on the bottom we do have a cold shoe on top we have nader rails all over the place and obviously we can also use our straps with it i still have them attached to the camera but if you want to you can have that so for me i would probably recommend the smaller cage for both the r6 as well as the euros r5 not only because it's cheaper but i also think that it holds more features so next up let's talk about the top handle and i think the top handle is a really important tool because this is where i grab my camera 90 of the times and i have four different options right here and they're all from small rig i haven't tried any from other brands because they're usually at least twice the price and i have really good experience with the small rig product so let's talk about the smaller things so first off this is a product that doesn't feature a nader rail so you have to screw this onto the top of your cage the cool thing about this is that it is rubber so it's really nice to grip and you also have a color tool for mounting a monitor overall i can definitely not recommend this even though it really feels comfortable i really wouldn't want to use this to screw on and off because then when i want to do some photography or if i want to mount this to a gimbal it's really tedious to get off so overall this is not a recommendation so if you're looking out for something like this i wouldn't recommend buying that then next up on our list is this one and i've been using this for a while and it's also not the most comfortable and it's also not the most feature-rich but it offers a nader rail so with this one you can easily attach it to your small rig cage and just tighten it with this screw and you don't need any tools for it at all the one thing that i do like about this top handle that makes it stand out from the competition is that it has mounting options on the side here and you can use this to attach a cold shoe mount from smallwig as well to use with a microphone so if you really want to have a quick run and gun solution where you have everything mounted to the top handle you can actually use this to mount the monitor on top right here with a cold shoe and then you put on another cold shoe on the side and you can mount your microphone to it and that way with one click you can actually take off pretty much everything and only have the bare bones camera afterwards and now let's talk about my two favorite options and this is the one that actually comes with the r5 when you buy the cage and they actually recommend this as a bundle and this has some couple really cool features one you have a cold shoe on top that you can actually lock via the security pin and that comes in really handy the next thing is that you have a 15 millimeter rod clamp and here you can actually use this to attach a follow focus or even a microphone or whatever you want to attach to it and this is really unique and comes in handy if you shoot a lot of manual focus and you want to attach a follow focus another really cool feature is that it comes with an alley wrench built in and you can never have enough alley wrenches on set and if you want to tighten your monitor mounts or anything this is really comfortable to have and you don't need to have it in your bag somewhere so i really do like this as well it also comes with a nader rail so you can quickly attach it and detach it and what i don't really like about this i don't really have the biggest hands but when using this sometimes i actually hit this wheel on the bottom to tighten it to your camera with my index finger and that is something that i don't really like again i don't really have the biggest of hands so if you're on the larger hand side this might actually be a problem if you have really small and thin hands then this wouldn't become a problem at all so my last option also from small rig of course is this top handle and that one i really like it also features a nader rail on the bottom but it has these screws so you can actually slide the entire thing to the front or the back and what's really cool about this is if you're still using your camera as a hybrid camera you can adjust it so that you can actually still use it and look through the viewfinder without this poking out an eye in the beginning i thought this was actually not really cool because that way it's really short and uncomfortable to hold but then when i discovered that it's way easier to just put your finger through here and hold it that way this is actually not only the most comfortable but also the most secure way to hold your camera and this is actually something that i've gotten so used to that when using any other top handle i'm really missing that feature so as you can see i already mounted a monitor mount to it and this one is from small rig as well and i mounted it to the front as i've already said and this way you can do it on this one as well as the one that i showed you previously and i really like that design because it's so easy to adjust the position of your monitor with it and you don't really have to screw or unscrew anything this top handle has one downside though and that is that there's no additional mounting options to actually mount a microphone directly to your top handle so you need to take your microphone and mount it to your camera body instead so now let's take this top handle and actually mount it to our camera body so you just slide it on here and the next thing you need to do is to tighten your screw and this in my particular case is a little bit less easy because i have that big of a lens attached to it but there it is so really quick and easy and if you can see it actually is not in the way when shooting um photos so you can adjust it a little bit more put it towards the front so that it actually is not in a way at all and that way you can use the camera still as a hybrid camera and just walk around with this when shooting pictures as well as videos so as i've already said next up on our list is the external monitor and i like shooting with external monitors for serious video work at all times because it's so much easier to frame your shots expose your shots as well as pull focus if you're doing this manually and i've been using different kind of external monitors with the eos r5 and the r6 including ones that actually are able to control your camera but overall i always got back to the field world lat6 because this is in my opinion the perfect companion with the ears r6 as well as the euros r5 and i also featured this monitor in various behind the scenes with the r5 and the r6 i also made a dedicated video about this so i won't talk about this in length but i think 6 inch is the perfect size for the r5 of course you can go 7 inch but that makes the whole rig a little unbalanced so overall i think 6 inch is the perfect solution when it comes to size as well as viewability honestly the overall build quality of the fieldwork6 could be a little bit better so when adjusting the monitor sometimes it does feel like the plastic could break in the future so i would recommend just grabbing it on the metal side and not only using it on a plastic side so of course when you want to connect our external monitor to our rig we need a cable and i found this on amazon it's a micro hdmi to full hdmi it's called it's small i never had any problems with it so this one i can totally recommend to add to our rig all right i forgot to talk about one more thing and i know you guys are going to ask and rightfully so and the question might be why am i not using an external recorder and that is a legit question so quite honestly when you're using the eos r5 or the r6 as your main dedicated video camera then the atomos ginger then an external recorder like the atomos ninja is probably a really good idea not only does it cut down on your recording limits but it also gives you a little bit more time before the camera overheats plus it also records in progress so you don't have these really hard to edit files that it usually shoots internally so that brings up the question why am i not using an external recorder and that has several reasons number one i don't like to have another point of failure and if you record externally via an hdmi cable there's always this extra added layer of failure that you might not record because you unplug the cable or something is wrong on the external disk whatever but that is definitely not the main reason the main reason is i just don't like the atomos ninja as an external monitor i think it's not bright enough to really pull focus or judge your framing and exposure when shooting in bright sunlight and i also think it's a little bit too small i think the six inch of the field world is the exact right size and when shooting on the c300 i'm always using a seven inch and i probably would use a seven inch on the r5 as well if it just wouldn't off-balance the entire rig because the 7-inch is too big so the 5.5 inch or is it even just a 5-inch of the atomos ninja 5 is just a little bit too small for me plus again it's not bright enough for me to work out in bright sunlight because i'm shooting a lot of manual stuff so for me i just don't like the monitor but if this was my only and main camera for shooting video i would probably invest into a ninja five as well so that just being said so now let's talk about the sound and i featured this microphone in pretty much all of my videos because it's my absolute favorite shotgun microphone for the r5 or r6 and that is the video mic ntg so i made a full review about this but quickly three things why i really like this microphone number one it has great sound quality for the price number two it comes with this gain meter on the back so this way you can actually attach it to the camera and you don't really have to go into the menus while shooting so when something changes while running and gunning you can quickly just turn this knob right here and this way it's actually way easier and way quicker than having to go into the camera itself and the third thing i really like about this knob is that now you can dial down the internal pre-amps of the r5 or 6 because quite honestly they're not the best and that way you can just adjust the gain on the microphone itself and that way get even better audio quality so this microphone has my 100 recommendation and also featured this windshield which is also a must-have if you're shooting outdoors at all and i will also link this in the description below and the combination of this actually makes for really great sound on location while running and gunning or even vlogging when combined with the years r5 but now we need to attach it to our setup and there is a cold shoe on top of our rig but unfortunately that doesn't work because now our monitor is slightly in the way so that won't work so we need to find another solution for this and i have one for you so what we need to do is we need to get ourselves one of these cold shoes and attach it to our cage and i highly recommend getting a couple of those on amazon because i always need those when i don't have them so i even ordered six more because i started losing them and i just want to attach them to everything they're really handy so the way i did it is i attached this to the side of my cage so right here i just put it right in the middle and you need to see where it fits the best so that it doesn't interfere with your microphone and headphone ins and outs but once you attach this real quick right here so let's actually do this right in the middle i don't know if this is the right spot or not all right so now that we have attached it we can use our microphone and just slide it in here real quick bam another really cool thing about this microphone is that the rycott mount is actually adjustable so if this is actually sitting on top of our ports we can now go ahead unscrew this right here let's actually tighten this microphone and just slide it to the front so now it's out of the way of our ports and we can actually use this and this way we actually have a shotgun microphone painted pointed to our subject and overall now we have everything in one place we have a top handle we have a microphone we have an external monitor and this way we just turned our ears r5 or r6 into a really capable dedicated video camera real quick but we're not entirely done here because i already mentioned that we need nd filters when shooting outdoors if you watched any of my videos i love the 28 to 70 because this is a great lens for video or photography but it has a 95 millimeter filter thread so it's not that easy to get nd filters for it but i found a solution and that comes from freewell so the filter that i'm using is a variable nd filter with hard stops from fero and that comes in 95 millimeters as well and i really like this nd filter for several reasons one is that it doesn't have any cross polarizations like you usually find on cheaper nd filters it also doesn't have any vignetting and the only thing that i don't really like about it is that it does have a slight green tint which really isn't a problem on the euros r5 because the ears r5 already leans a little bit towards the magenta so this is actually fixed with the green tint but on the r6 that is on the warmer side that even adds to it again you can fix this either in post or you fix it on set by setting your custom white balance so overall it's really not that big of a deal but i wish for this to not be there at all but again this is the best solution that i have found and they are really high quality nd filters and i haven't found any better they also come in different filter threads so if you really want to have a streamlined setup and you're using the 15 to 35 as well as the 28 to 70 for example you can get one 30 82 millimeter version as well as the 95 millimeter version and then you have everything covered the one that i have is a two to five stop and this is usually the range that i most of the times operate in but if you really shoot a lot in high noon and bright sunlight then you might actually want to get the other version with the higher stop count as well but if you're not using the 287d and you're looking for the highest quality possible they also have magnetic nd filters and we've been loving these and using these for all of our 82 millimeter filter thread lenses because they're so easy to just pop onto your lens take them off whenever you don't need them anymore and they have an amazing image quality no color casts and they don't have any loss of sharpness also no vignetting at all and you can stack them on top of each other so you don't really have to have six of them but basically for what we're doing two of them are fine so you have a two stop and i think we have a four top four stop and when you combine them you have basically six stops so this is the way that we've been shooting with those and unfortunately they don't have a filter thread size for 28-70 but if you're not using the 28-70 i highly recommend the magnetic nd filters because they're amazing so there you have it now we turned our ears r5 or euros r6 into a baby cinema camera with an external monitor a microphone a top handle a cage variable nd filters and now we actually turned our cameras into very capable dedicated video machines as i already said i'm trying to link all the stuff that i showcased here in this video down in the description below so check them out if you want to get yours furthermore if you're interested in more content about the euros r5 we shot a commercial recently with the euros r5 and the next video on this channel will be a full breakdown of this commercial including the budget breakdown what equipment we used and the editing so make sure to be subscribed and put your notification bell on as well so you can actually see it once i upload it and if you did help and if you find this video helpful then maybe consider giving it a thumbs up because it really helps the channel grow and we're so close to 25 000 subscribers and my goal is to hit those by the end of the year so if you haven't already make sure to be subscribed and i hope to see you on the next one foreign
Channel: Monkeypixels
Views: 44,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canon r5, canon eos r5, canon r6, eos r6, canon eos r, eos r, eos r5, r5 vs r6, canon eos, canon eos r6, canon r5 review, eos r5 cage, smallrig r5 cage, canon r6 cage, eos r5 cinema rig, eos r5 smallrig, smallrig r6, canon eos r5 footage 8k, canon eos r6 vs r5, canon r5 vs canon r6, camera gear, canon r5 cinematic, canon r5 overheating, canon r5 music video
Id: -sB0x4kw5vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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