Canon EOS R5 for Video after 4 months. Real-world review!

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after using the ears r5 for almost four months now shooting commercials fashion videos as well as a artist's portrait in italy using it on the eyes as well as shooting with it in a crazy hailstorm using it as a b cam to my c300 for various commercial jobs as well as shooting a nearly 60 minute one take with the ears r5 in 8k i can totally give you my opinion about this camera as a dedicated video shooter right now so like i already said i use the year's r5 for various commercial jobs in the past and i already did some behind the scenes here on this channel about these so check them out if you haven't already and as i also just mentioned we just shot a commercial that i just wrapped up this week with the ears r5 and i also will do a complete breakdown about this commercial including the budget and what the budget was for so if you haven't already subscribe to the channel right now if you're interested in seeing that and while you're at it just follow me on instagram as well and now we can actually start talking about the r5 for video so first up as always let's talk about the body in the design and i already talked in length about this in my r6 video so i will not repeat myself so go watch the r6 video if you're interested in that part because there's only minor differences between the r5 body and the r6 body and overall i can say i like the body i like shooting with it all the customizable options you have with it i would love for it to have a full size hdmi or at least a mini hdmi instead of the micro hdmi but overall for it being a mirrorless camera you can totally customize it to be a really great dedicated video shooter still i would prefer having a real cinema camera but for what it is it's actually a really amazing camera to shooting videos with if you rig it up a little bit which i always do when shooting video and i won't be talking about all the accessories i usually use like a cage top handle microphone etc because i will do a dedicated video on this probably next week comparing some different cages and giving tips on how to rig up the ears r5 as well as the r6 so again subscribe if you want to see that one thing i will do say about the euros r5 that i have said in many videos before is the use of an external monitor and i was always annoyed when using a canon dslr or dslm when shooting with an external monitor and i think although you do have a flip out scream that isn't even half bad me personally as a video shooter i always like shooting with an external monitor unless i'm really in a pinch and i want to go running gun or shooting on a gimbal where i can use an external monitor i always like having that option of a bigger frame to be able to expose as well as frame my shots and with the ears r5 that is somewhat of a pain because you can't really choose to have the external monitor working the same way the internal monitor is working at the same time you always have to choose to either have everything displayed on your external monitor or just have a complete clean feed on your external monitor and use the internal touch screen as well and that is kind of annoying because i want to at least see my focusing fields when having a clean feed on the external monitor because otherwise how do i know if my subject is in focus or not when using autofocus so for me i always use the external monitor only and that shut off the internal monitor so i couldn't make use of any of the touchscreen features and it's somewhat annoying when going through the menus etc but it's not that big of a deal but still something that i would love for future firmware updates or future models to have that i can use both screens at the same time in full capacity another thing that really bothers me when using the euros r5 with an external monitor is that the view assist doesn't work on the external monitor the view assist is basically a lap that the camera puts on top of your flat c lock image so that it looks a little nicer and what it would actually look like graded afterwards but for some reason it doesn't output to your external screen of course pretty much every modern external monitor has an sd card slot so you can use your own luts with it and speaking of luts there aren't really any dedicated luts for the euros r5 or the r6 on the canon website there are some for the original ears are but i found them to be way too punchy and not saturated enough there are some luts on our website dedicated for canon mirrorless cameras and there's also a rec 709 dedicated lut in there that you could use on an external monitor and that is the way that i use it but i would much prefer to just have it output from the camera directly to your external monitor another thing that the camera doesn't output to your external monitor is focus peaking and the focus peaking on the internal monitor is actually pretty good and i would love for canon to implement it that i can actually use it on my external monitor as well but that doesn't work so if i want to have focus peaking while using an external monitor i have to use the monitor's own focus peaking which most of the times works very well but one thing that always bothers me is that it also starts peaking on all your settings and that just isn't pretty to look at another thing i do like to mention real quick when it comes to body is the rf mount and i really do love the rf lenses we have the 15 to 35 we also have the 28 to 70 and the 28 28-70 is my favorite lens of all time it's so versatile it's sharp it has really nice bokeh and it opened up to 2.0 so i'm using this for basically everything i shoot on the euros r5 unless i need more wide angle so with this the r5 is a capable all-in-one machine for me with one lens that i can use for whatever i need it to so having said all that the last thing i want to talk about the body in this design is the audio inputs you only have a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack and for my initial behind the scenes on the ears r5 i wanted to use the pre amps so i took a rode ntg video mic and directed it directly into the camera via an extension cord and for some reason i got a lot of interference with it i don't know what it was maybe the cable was broken or which is more likely it picked up the wi-fi and the bluetooth from the camera and that started the interference but that was really annoying and that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the pre-m's fault but since you only have a 3.5 millimeter headphone jack and those extension cables usually aren't isolated enough for not to pick up any interference i would always recommend just recording audio externally as a matter of fact i'm shooting on a c300 mark iii right now and i'm also recording externally into my zoom f6 and it's really convenient unless you really need to do some run and gun work and just put a shotgun microphone on top of your camera and doing some dedicated video shooting for interviews or talking heads like this i always recommend just record externally and just save yourself all the hassle all right so now let's talk about the image quality because that is what it all comes down to in the end right so when i'm using the ears r5 i shot most of the things in 4k 50 or in 4k 25 and i used the hq mode for whenever i wasn't worried about overheating at all and the 4k hq mode looks absolutely spectacular we used this on the recent commercial that we shot because everything was filmed in 25 frames and it looked absolutely amazing it's tech sharp and it's even sharper than my c300 mark iii so whenever i'm using this for interview setups it's always great to have the 4k hq mode on the ears r5 pretty much all the other times we're using the euros r5 we shoot in 4k 50 and that is for our youtube behind the scenes or b-roll for commercial and as a matter of fact when we shot this artist portrait in italy we shot everything in 4k50 to have the option to slow everything down and post and the 4k50 out of this camera also looks amazing it's line skip though so it's not oversampling from the entire 8k sensor like the 4k 25 in the hq mode and i would go as far that it's not as sharp as my c300 mark iii and maybe even attack softer than the one on the euros r6 and sometimes you do see a little bit more introduced into your footage but it's really hardly noticeable and overall i really do like the 4k50 coming out of the ears r5 next up is the 4k 100 or 120 frames and i rarely use that on the ears r5 because my c300 mark iii also shoots up to 180 frames and it shoots in raw so i usually use that but when shooting with the ears r5 it really does look good and as a matter of fact we used it the other day when bell was shooting on the ice with the c300 mark iii so i was using the r5 and shot a little bit of behind the scenes and i also used it in 4k 100 and you could actually see the comparison between this and the c300 mark iii and the ears r5 can definitely hold its own compared to the c300 mark iii i want to say it's a little less sharp but it's definitely really smooth and i could totally see me using this a majority of the times if i really want to slow down my footage a lot and the last thing that i'm shooting in is the 8k mode i never really shoot in 1080 on the ears r5 i think i never have and i don't really see the point in it because i shoot everything in 4k or higher so let's talk about the 8k for a second and i rarely shoot an 8k just because of the massive file sizes and my computer can't handle the 8k files but i will talk about all that in a second but when shooting in 8k the image looks absolutely amazing and it's raw so i have more dynamic range so i can actually use c log 2 in cinema gamut and as a matter of fact i actually shot for adp from canada the other day and we actually settled on shooting everything in 8k 24 frames and he wanted me to do a complete one take basically walking for three to four kilometers and not turning off the camera i obviously had to turn off the camera after about 30 minutes for a second and then re-recording and the image quality coming out of the 8k footage is absolutely amazing for me personally i don't really see that it's enough value for me to deal with they're really hard to edit files as well as the big file size but it's really nice for it to be there to have the option to actually shoot 8k that actually looks like a really good 8k so next up on our list is the colors and yes everybody loves talking about the canon color science and i do love the colors coming out of my c300 mark iii or any other canon camera that i have owned and the euros r5 is no different there's one thing to note though i shoot everything in c-log and i found that it does make sense for me at least to switch from eos original to the neutral mode when it comes to the c-log settings because i found that the ear's original mode kind of messes up my colors i used the r5 as a became to my c300 mark iii and when shooting in ears original it messes up your colors so for example the teal in the background wasn't teal anymore and it turned to blue and some of the blues return to purple so when you want to match cameras or if you really want to have a natural look then definitely switch to the neutral mode i did find that the ears original does a little bit better on the skin tones but again it's not natural colors so you always have to switch around some use if you really want to have a fair representation of what you were shooting so speaking of matching cameras i used the ears r5 with my c300 mark iii a lot of the times for interview setups and commercial works or even as a gimbal cam and in the beginning i had a really hard time of matching these two cameras the cameras on the ears r5 looked totally different most of the times and it was really hard to match and i found out that this is due to how the gears r5 handles white balance and it does that differently than on my c300 mark iii for example if you set both cameras to 5600 kelvin you get totally different results so what i use is a gray card on every shoe that i use both of these cameras at the same time and i set my custom white balance to each of these cameras after doing so they match very well and it's really easy to get the same image out of both cameras and that is a great addition for my c300 mark iii when i'm shooting multi-cam interviews to have the eos r5 or use it as a dedicated gimbal cam and not really have to worry about matching colors in post one thing i do have to mention though is that setting the custom white balance on the r5 is an absolute pain in the butt on my c300 mark iii i just point it at the gray card hit the white balance button and it does all the rest on the euros r5 i have to switch into photography mode i have to take a picture of the white balance card then go back into video mode and import my settings into my picture profile and that is really annoying when we were shooting that commercial that i mentioned earlier we shot all the talking head parts on the gimbal on the euros r5 and then we switched over to the c300 shooting handheld for all the b-roll parts and we were shooting in different locations outdoors indoors and we had to set the custom white balance every time we just switched rooms and with that kind of workaround on the ears r5 that becomes really annoying pretty quickly and speaking of colors let's talk a little bit about color grading and i always found it very easy to grade c-log footage and i actually made a dedicated video about that where you can actually grade this footage within 30 seconds so i will link it up here so you can check it out and usually my process is i shoot everything in c log i just bring it back to rec 709 and that's just by adding a little bit of contrast and saturation to it and all of a sudden it already looks good the next step i do is i just take one of our canon lots and put it on top just level the intensity and that's it and that's how easy you can get really good looking footage out of the ears r5 and all of our luts are on our website to purchase i put a link in the description below and if you use the code ers r5 you get 10 off just for watching this video so yeah overall i really like using the canon ears r5 and color grading it because it's so easy especially when using it as a behind-the-scenes camera i can easily get the results that i'm looking for and i don't really need to fiddle with skin tones and i do have a lot of latitude in the footage as well as i was mentioning earlier when it comes to the dynamic range because yes you do have a lot of wiggle room to play with and you can really use the footage before it starts to break another thing unfortunately i have to mention when talking about the image quality of the ears r5 is the dynamic range and unfortunately it's not great as a matter of fact technically it's the same as on the original eurosr and that already wasn't great in reality it is a little bit better though with a 4k 10 bit 422 codec you have a lot more wiggle room it's also better in low light and i will talk about this in a second but with that you can actually expose for the highlights more and then bring up the shadows and the blacks a little bit more and where the original ears are completely fell apart every time i did that the aeros r5 actually holds its own very well so with this trick you can actually get a little bit more dynamic range out of it but when shooting with it side by side with the c300 mark iii you immediately see a really big difference of dynamic range for us lately within the last three months that really wasn't that big of an issue though because the weather isn't really great and we shot a lot of stuff indoors and there you really don't see that big of a difference and the dynamic range on the r5 is totally fine if you were to shoot a lot of stuff outdoors with backlit situations and a really blue sky then you would immediately see a huge difference between the r5 and the c300 mark iii for examples there are a lot of rumors out there that they will implement clock 3 or maybe even c log 2 and i don't think that this is true later and you might get a half a stop maybe an entire stop more out of the clock 3 on the euros r5 and i'm really hoping for that but as of it is right now the dynamic range really isn't that great last thing on the image quality list is the low light capabilities and inside it's not as great as on a sony a7 s3 and subjectively it's not even as good as on an era's r6 and i talked about this in my r6 review that yes subjectively if you put both of these cameras side by side crank up the iso a lot then the r6 does look a lot better straight out of camera unfortunately the r6 applies a lot of noise reduction to the footage afterwards and i don't like that i don't have any control over it in some situations that looked actually great out of camera and in other situations it completely destroyed all the detail in the shot so in general i think that i do prefer the euros r5 when it comes to these high iso values and it also holds the colors a little bit better than the ears r6 for example and i do have full control over my noise reduction and with a tool like neat video that is doing an amazing magical job when using it on really noisy footage i do like having the ears r5 that it has more detail in it and better colors when using a tool like neat video if you're really running and gunning and you don't want to do anything to your footage afterwards especially neat video because that takes forever to render then the r6 might be a better option in low light but overall it really held its own another thing i really like talking about when talking about the us r5 is the autofocus and i would hands-down say that the ears r5 along with the euros r6 has the best autofocus in the industry right now i did a really brief unscientific comparison to the a7 s3 ones where i was just seeing which camera focuses on my subject's eye a little bit faster and the r5 was about half a second to a second faster every time which really isn't that big of a deal but overall i think that the r5 has the best autofocus of any camera right now and yes there were times where i had to choose between the c300 mark iii as well as the r5 and i chose the r5 just because of the autofocus i usually don't use autofocus when shooting handheld or basically anything else than on a gimbal but when shooting on a gimbal in certain situations you do need that autofocus if you don't have a dedicated focus bowler which quite frankly we never have so when shooting on the ice for example when there's people really crossing the frame going around jumping the c300 really did a poor job of keeping bell's subjects in focus the ears r5 on the other hand had absolutely no problems and with its deep algorithm artificial intelligence it's really great so even when your subject is turning around it still keeps focus on the back of the head it finds its eye where the c300 didn't even find the face and overall the autofocus is absolutely amazing and a lot of the times i chose the r5 over the c300 for that reason you also have so many different kind of cool things to choose between the autofocus settings and i put them all to my thumb wheel so i can quickly change between my tracking mode my auto focus as well as just my selectable focus fields and that feature is absolutely amazing and a game changer for me and if you do need autofocus the r5 is the way to go another thing that i want to address that i also dressed in the r6 video is the ibis wobble and that looks horrible when using the r5 with the 15 to 35 you get a lot of situations where the outer sides of your image are completely jellowy wobbly and you can really not use that footage in a professional setting in my opinion yes you can turn off the image stabilization on the lens and then it's going away but that also turns off the image stabilization of the camera itself so you don't have any image stabilization at all but when using it with the 16 to 35 and an adapter on the ears r5 you don't have any stabilization in your lens but you still have the image stabilization in your camera and with that i had no problems of that wobbling image stabilization so for me that is really a bummer because the 15 to 35 is a really great lens in theory but for me when shooting on the r5 i'm choosing the 16 35 over it because i feel like i get more benefits of the image stabilization and not have to worry about this wobble so now let's address the elephant in the room and that is overheating because obviously a lot of people are worried about the overheating of the r5 and for me i can honestly say i had absolutely no issues with it whatsoever i only got the overheating warning once in the last four months and that is when i shot a talking head here in the studio in 8k for about 35 minutes and after about 35 minutes i got the warning the camera never overheated because i turned it off but other than that i shot with it as it became for the c300 for two hours in 4k regular 25 mode i also used it for a yoga session where we also shot for about 70 minutes in 4k 25 absolutely no problems when shooting in 4k 50 mixed with 4k 120 also never even had the sign pop up so overall for the shoots that we do there's absolutely no problems and i mentioned briefly in the beginning that i worked for a canadian director the other day and we were choosing the ears r5 and that is because of its waterproof and lightweight because he basically wanted me to do a one take so i was actually filming in 8k for 30 minutes turning it off filmed for another 30 minutes i shot 1.1 terabyte in basically one go and the overheating warning didn't even turn on once granted this was outdoors and it was barely snowing so it was really cold outside but that goes to show that when you're actually in a setting that is cool you really don't have any problems with overheating that might be different if you're shooting in the vegas desert and then shooting 8k but i heard of people actually shooting entire weddings in 8k in vegas in the summer and not having any problems at all so overall unless you need to record for long times in 4k hq or you need to shoot a lot of 4k 100 120 i really wouldn't worry about the overheating yes when using this in a professional setting and this is your only camera there's always this little bit of doubt in the back of your mind and you do look at the remaining time most of the times and it does add a little bit of a stress level so overall i really don't like that it is there but for me in all the settings that i have used it with i had absolutely no problems would i use the euros r5 as my absolute main only camera in all of the shoots that i do without worrying probably not but it still wouldn't be enough to persuade me to go with sony cameras or any other brand instead of the ears r5 because of the overheating because as i've already said i had absolutely no problems with overheating whatsoever so last i want to talk about the files and codecs and this was something that i already complained about way before i even had the camera in my hand and well i was right editing these files is an absolute nightmare even on my really expensive 2020 imac i can playback those files and have to transcode either into proxies or prores every time rich is annoying it's not that big of a deal because if you're just shooting for yourself you can just transcode them or just use proxies whatever floats your boat and works in your workflow but when shooting for external people like we shot for a director and we shot in a documentary setting and we wanted to use the r5 as our b cam but the way this works is we usually just offload the footage after the shoot and give it to the director directly and i can't really justify giving him h265 files that you can't open or edit or even transcode in most of the nles or dedicated programs for it so this is definitely not a workaround another scenario we were recently in where this actually became a problem is when we were in italy and bell had a job to film some figure skaters on the eyes while they were doing the test runs and there were some really high level international judges there that wanted to go through the footage afterwards and just give them tips and tricks and usually we would just offload it to the computer and they could look at the computer screen directly scroll through the footage and you know just make their notes but since none of our macbooks could actually playback these files we had to transcode them first and that took forever so everybody was sitting there waiting for us we could have lowered the quality go 8bit 420 but that's always not the best solution if you buy a camera for its 4k 10bit 422 and it's great quality and then you have to go down in quality and not even be able to use c-log so yeah there is scenarios where the none being able to edit these files becomes really problematic but overall if you do find your workflow it's not that big of a deal plus with the new m1 chips in the future this problem is completely gone so if you think of purchasing a new mech within the next year this problem is not existing for you and the next thing i also complained about is the file sizes and they are enormous as i've already said i shot for this director in 8k i shot over a terabyte and that is just not sustainable even the 4k 120 is 1.7 gigabits and that is more than three times of the data rate that my c300 mark iii shoots in when i shoot in 4k 120 and on the c300 mark iii i'm shooting raw so i can't really justify using that much space for this camera when i get so many better codecs and options with similar less or the same file sizes again it's a trade-off that i'm willing to make because i just like the camera the ecosystem and i have a lot of hard drive space but yeah if you shoot a lot then these file sizes on the euros r5 are huge and that might actually become a problem for you all right now i've been talking for an hour at least that's what my recorder says so let's wrap this up and let me give you my overall verdict of the r5 as a dedicated video camera yes i would totally recommend using the r5 as a dedicated video camera if you're a hybrid shooter even better because i think the r5 is the best hybrid camera out there right now the a7 s3 might have some better video features here and there but overall when it comes to the mixture between photography as well as video then the r5 is king but when it comes to only videography it's still an amazing camera there is something that i really don't like and i wish for the overheating to not be an issue at all for me in my line of work it really hasn't been but it's always a little bit of a stress factor that you know it's there and maybe that changes in a really hot summer in the future but overall i really like having this camera as a dedicated video camera the one thing that bugs me the most is the missing dynamic range so that is one thing that i hope they will fix in a future firmware update but as it is right now it's really not the best camera as a dedicated video camera when all you're looking for is a really great dynamic range so overall i really like shooting on the euros r5 rigged up with an external monitor kg top handle it's a really great camera to be used as a dedicated video camera it also has an amazing battery life that i didn't even talk about before because i really don't think that i have to that 8k one shot that i did for an hour i only used one battery so battery life on the camera is absolutely amazing overall me personally i still prefer shooting on my canon c300 mark iii for some various reasons but overall the r5 is an amazing camera when rigged up as a dedicated video shooter so this video was very long but i hope it was also informative and if it was please give this video a thumbs up because it really helps the channel grow and if you haven't already make sure to be subscribed because i will put out more content about the euros r5 in the very near future including the breakdown of the commercial we just shot where i will be talking about how much budget we had and i will be talking about money and while you're at it make sure to also follow me on instagram because why not and i hope to see you on the next one
Channel: Monkeypixels
Views: 59,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canon eos r5, canon r5, canon r5 review, eos r5, canon eos r5 review, canon r5 footage, canon r5 overheating, canon eos r5 footage, 8k video, canon eos r5 overheating, canon eos r6, canon r5 firmware update, canon 8k, 8k raw, canon r5 video, canon r5 8k, r5 review, canon eos r5 vs r6, canon mirrorless camera 2020, canon eos r5 for video, canon r5 official video, canon r5 low light, real world review, canon r5 video test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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