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I can't believe this... That's  8k RAW, that's over two hours.   Oh my... Who needs overheating? How about this?  Unlimited recording on the Canon R5 in 4KHQ   and, you got it, let's throw in 8k, too, while we're  at it. Let's go ahead and take a little bit of   time to figure out how we can do this  and what it means for you and your R5. Okay, so about a week or so ago I did a video  about my real world experiences of dealing with   the Canon R5 and overheating after about eight  months of continuous use and I'll be honest   I got an incredible incredible amount of response  and interest in that video. You kind of blew me   away and the thing that really surprised me was  how many of you had so many different questions   about 4KHQ and overheating on the Canon R5. Now  if you want to see my results of the first test   I'll put a link up here in case you're interested  in it and I will say this just in case you want   to know my verdict on recording in 4k 24 frames  a second on the Canon R5. If you want unlimited   reliable consistent 4k recording in the  Canon R5, standard 4k will get that for you   can record forever in it it will not overheat  it will not give you any problems whatsoever   and while standard 4k on the R5 is not as crisp  and sharp I think as 4KHQ I'll be honest once   you add motion blur, color correction maybe  add a little sharpening in post it, still   looks really great. I've never had a client  be able to complain or tell a difference in it   and so I think it's a very good viable option  if you want good 4k footage from the Canon R5   now that being said you're here about 4KHQ and  I discovered something today that blew my mind   as far as what I think the culprit is of  overheating in the Canon R5 and I can't wait to   show you these results. Now one note before I get  started it's just a kind of a nice note. Now guys,   please be aware that I'm doing this I am a tiny  little minuscule YouTube channel. I'm not even   able to monetize my channel yet because  I don't even have a thousand subscribers   so if you want to subscribe and help me that would  be awesome but please remember don't send me nasty   comments. I'm really not trying to do this to make  any of you mad, I promise, this is literally me   I am a full-time professional filmmaker who  is doing these tests and I thought it would   be cool to share this with you in the world so  don't take it personally when I'm talking about   overheating in the Canon R5 I really want to  do this to share with you because I think a lot   of you would benefit and I think some of you are  going to find this really cool some of the things   that I discovered. Okay now one of the first  things people did ask me questions about   was about the Canon R5 and they told me hey Bryan  you're crazy, all your camera tests the back LCD   was closed that makes all the difference in the  world if you just open the back LCD and move it   away from the camera you'll get huge differences  well that's never occurred to me in real life but   I decided to do some tests just to show you the  difference so if you look here what I have is   a test and it's the exact same thing except  that you can see on the left the LCD is closed   and on the right it is open and if you look  here the recording times was almost identical   I got overheating times at 43:21 and 44:10. that  is less than a minute of difference between these   two tests that for me tells me if you're out there  shooting in the field and if you think opening   your LCD screen is going to make any difference  in overheating on the Canon R5 especially in 4KHQ   uh these tests in my opinion show me what I've  already known it doesn't really make any bit of   difference now that being said I did want to look  at one more test and show you one more test that I   got before I get into the mind-blowing things  and that was this a lot of people said Bryan   what about dummy batteries right maybe there's all  this heat coming from the internal battery in the   Canon R5 what happens if you use a dummy battery  we'll see what happened I use v-mounts quite often   when I'm doing interviews with a dummy battery  so let's take a look at the Canon R5 and see   what happens if we do a dummy battery okay and so  here it is with a dummy battery and as you can see   yes we did get extended time here with the  dummy battery so I got up to 53 minutes and   eight seconds with this dummy battery and you  know that was good I was I was happier with that   but I'll be honest one of the things about this  is that's only on average about nine minutes or so   more than I was getting with the battery in  place and this just wasn't working for me I mean   why would I go through all this trouble of putting  up these dummy batteries if it's only getting me   nine more minutes when I'm out in the field nine  minutes is not a practical difference that's going   to make any dramatic effect I need these things  on for well over an hour I need an hour and a   half to two hours of this thing being on that  I can rely on and right now nothing I was doing   with the Canon R5 was getting me what I reliably  need in 4KHQ to rely on then I had a revelation   to do these tests I was relying on the  fact that I shoot with the LCD screens on   throughout my shooting period and I would keep  these LCD screens on because I use the LCD screens   for information on auto focus just general  information about my camera in general I   like having that information on but I noticed  something I was getting slightly better times   when my screens would cut off and have a minute  off while I was still recording out the HDMI out   so what I did is I decided to do a  test where I cut all the screens off of   my camera now I want you to take a look at  this because this is what I would consider   very very interesting if you are 4KHQ shooter take  a look at this in the computer okay so here I am   exact same thing same dummy battery remember last  time I did the dummy battery it cut down after 53   minutes but this time I made a big difference  I allowed my EVF and the LCD on the back of my   computer to shut down after three minutes and  five minutes respectively and what I noticed   was an incredible difference here you go we have  the same test we're getting up to about 40 some   minutes which is where the failures usually happen  but look at this I'm coming up on 53 minutes   I'm good to go I'm breaking the hour mark  at this point I was really really excited   breaking the hour mark and what is incredible  is I just let it run and to my amazement I actually outlasted the time-lapse camera that  I was recording this with I actually you'll see   it here in a minute there you go I had to switch I  ran my time-lapse camera I had to switch the card   there it's still going I'm running out of battery  on my stopper two hours two hours of record time   absolutely incredible I just kept let it going it  was cranking it was cranking two and a half hours   4KHQ all recording externally here to my Atomos  Ninja V and then essentially I got to three   hours and decided that that proved everything I  needed to go three hours of continuous recording   in 4KHQ and you can see right here it did not  overheat it never shut down it kept running nonstop this was just so unexpected I  was completely blown away I thought the   overheating from this camera was coming from the  CFexpress card maybe the battery but you can see   here clearly it's actually coming from the LCD and  the EVF in there now as amazing as I found this I   decided to do one other set of tests because  I know I could get this with a dummy battery   but what would happen if I decided to do the same  test cutting off the EVF and the LCD but I used   the internal battery let's go take a look and see  what happened there okay so here we are internal   battery same thing I cut the EVF off after three  minutes the back screen the LCD out for five   minutes and once again I got an incredible amount  of record time to be honest if you look at this   I couldn't overheat the camera again I have  the new LP-E6 batteries for the Canon R5   and if you look here hour and a half still  going strong I actually outlasted the battery   of my Canon R5 if you look here at an  hour and 56 minutes and eight seconds   just shy of two hours of time I wore out the  battery of the Canon R5 I didn't overheat the   Canon R5 I literally wore the battery out this is  with an internal battery two hours of recording   straight recording 4KHQ in the Canon R5 all  right I decided to do one more test to see huh   maybe the CFexpress card in there I've had times  of that with having a CF card with that it would   overheat well let's see what happened when I did  that so here we go we have the Canon R5 I have a   CFexpress card in the camera which I had thought  having that CFexpress card even if you're not   recording was a source of the heat problems and  once again we blew right past the recording limits   and this is a second instance where I literally  recorded for well over an hour and a half and basically outlived the lifespan of the  battery look at that an hour and a half   an hour and 40 minutes and look at that and there  you go at an hour and 49 minutes once again we   ran out the battery of the camera now what's  incredible all these things even the three hour   tests that I did the reason why I cut my camera  test off at three hours is I kind of figured   if you need to record more than three hours of  anything straight with the Canon R5 and 4KHQ   you probably should get a different camera because  that's really not even what it's made for but also   I was using a brick v-mount battery and almost  worn out my brick v-mount in three hours of time   and then I did two tests with internal batteries  and in both times I couldn't overheat the Canon R5   I actually went through the battery before  the camera on Canon R5 overheated so this is   absolutely an incredible incredible piece of news  that lets you know if you are someone that's just   adamant on shooting with a 4KHQ you can have a  way to shoot with that in an unlimited capacity   as long as you follow this these techniques of  cutting off the screen as you shoot so it looks   like the overheat culprit in the Canon R5 in case  those of you are wondering it's not the battery   it's not the CF cards it is actually a combination  of the EVF and the LCD screen that are what will   cause you to have overeating and heating issues  in the Canon R5 if you cut off the LCD and you cut   off the EVF you can essentially record unlimited  times with the Canon R5 and this is an absolutely   incredible discovery it's something that I find  really useful and nice to know now there's one   other thing that I would like to point out with  this and I'm gonna go back to my three-hour   test I tested three hours the camera just kept on  going but let me point out one quick thing for you   and that is this what happens after three hours  if I put the LCD back on and as you can see here   I got exactly three minutes of recording after  that three hour period so what that shows me is   the second you cut on that EVF and that LCD  your camera's on the verge to overheating so if   you're going to record like this keep the EVF  and the LCD off as you shoot okay so now that   we've done all that stuff with the 4KHQ which was  absolutely completely mind-blowing in my opinion   I know the inevitable question is going to follow  up from all of you out there Bryan what about 8k?   can this prove true to 8k on the Canon R5  the same rate does for the over sampled 4KHQ?   So I decided to put this thing to a test now let's  go ahead and just crank this all the way up to 11.   We're gonna do 8k raw out the HDMI and let's see  how fast this puppy overheats let's go check it   out okay so here we are and once again this is  the exact same test as what we did with the 4KHQ   I have the LCD and the EVF set to tune out right  pretty much within three to five minutes as I   start and as you can see this puppy just cranks  along and cranks along now I have a Ninja Atomos   V on top of my R5 and I cannot record 8k with this  that being said if you are someone that gets an R5   and gets a Ninja Atomos V pro that has just  been announced you can record 8k and this   is spectacular because look at this guys  you can get up to three hours of recording   if you have an Atomos Ninja Pro V or five on a  Canon R5 and this is really amazing because I   think this really unlocks this camera in a lot of  ways just knowing that you do have an ability to   go ahead and get 8k footage for over three hours  I am just completely blown away I never thought   there'd be any test ever that would let me record  for over three hours of 8k footage from a Canon R5   and we just did it and I am bam oh just so  excited it's really really awesome to see   I have done lots and lots of camera tests over the  years as a cinematographer I got to be honest this   is probably one of the most surprising results  I've ever gotten from a camera test I have done   the dummy batteries I've done pulling the LCDs out  none of those ever made a difference in the Canon   R5 and I was just shocked to see three hours  of continuous record time with the Canon R5 in   4KHQ I did not think that was honestly possible  on my camera just with my experience and I was   just really blown away that now there are some  caveats to this that you need to know first off   this is a really interesting way to go about this  now you don't have to mod your camera to do this   but you can't use that back screen or the  EVF on your camera and that really limits   where you can do this unlimited record time you  can't be doing b-roll on set and doing this this   is really a situation that I see if you are using  say interviews right you can set up your interview   get your composition done start the recording and  just let the interview cut let the screens cut off   during the interview use your Atomos to monitor  and then you know you're getting the best quality   4KHQ on your camera which will makes it the Canon  R5 a great B cam for something like the C300   or something like that but just remember  even though you can get this unlimited   roll time it is very very select in how you  do it you can get it in certain situations   and not others so just word to the wise to know  about that but this is really really useful   for interviews and maybe certain situations  where you can just allow the camera to just be   and breathe but if you're a person that's  interacting with the camera and doing this a lot   it's not very useful the other thing is you  know when you have this on there you lose   all that information that's on the camera that you  can't see through an external monitor namely the   autofocus now the autofocus on the R5 is good  enough you can kind of rely on it but that is   something to know you need to be aware about that  anything with Canon is when you get down to it   there are always caveats, right? But I wanted  to make this video to let you all know that this   information existed that there is a way to shoot  unlimited 4KHQ and you can do it if you're willing   to make these kind of sacrifices and you're in  a situation that this works for you there's also   one other note that I did notice about this I did  have a couple of photographers tell me that they   have had overheat warnings come on on them as  wedding photographers on long days if you are   a photographer I think your overheat warning may  be coming on from the camera's LCD being on the   back through these long shoot days so that may be  something to go you can do a button to basically   disable that LCD while you're shooting that could  help you out if you are a photographer as well   anyway guys I hope that helped please leave me  any comments please be nice don't say anything   too mean to me but you know this is just one of  those things I think if you can get this in your   toolkit it's a tool that helps you maximize this  R5 even more than it already is, and I really hope   that was helpful. So, yeah, guys go out there keep  on shooting, yeah, and I'll talk to you soon you.
Channel: Deaf Director
Views: 22,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bryan Redding, Indie Film, Film Production, Indie Filmmaker, DIY Filmmaking, Film Tutorials, Deaf Director, Deaf Film, HoH Creatives, Film Gear Reviews, Cuban American Filmmaker, Latino Filmmakers, Latino Directors, Canon R5, Canon R5 Overheating, Canon R5 Overheating fixes, Canon R5 Atomos Ninja V, Overheating Canon R5, Canon R5 4K HQ unlimited Recording, Canon R5 8k Unlimited Recording, Canon R5 Overheating Hacks, Canon Overheating hack NO MODS
Id: IM3ulAK5f8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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