Goodbye SONY? Canon EOS R5 Real World Review | TIME TO SWITCH?!

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[Music] it all starts with a blank canvas whether you create with a brush your voice your eyes your mind we all start at the same place with an idea ideas can be played out in your mind from start to finish you can poke holes in them you can change them but at some point you need to take those ideas no matter how raw they actually are and put pen to paper because once you start to create the world around you fades away and all that matters right here right now is your art so what are you waiting for jared polin and this is the real world review of the canon eos r5 now the whole point of doing a real world review is to get out into the real world to do an actual real world photo shoot in this case i hooked up and connected with my friend jeremy ville who is an illustrator an artist out of new york philadelphia australia the entire world to go into the studio to capture him doing his art now my focus was to do high iso tests low iso tests could we do some close focusing could we adapt some lenses how does the camera work in this real world situation can it handle it can it not handle it well that's what we're about to find out jeremy's studio is really cool on one side of it you have a bunch of windows letting in natural light and while you're in that area closer to the windows he has his painting set up it's a long table with his art right there with him ready with everything that he needs to paint to draw to illustrate he has that there but then in the back of the studio there is not a lot of natural light so that gave us a great opportunity to capture some low light candid images to start off the photo shoot with jeremy i decided to choose the 28 to 70 f2 now there's no rhyme or reason why i chose to do that but i think it comes down to it gave me a little bit of the ability to get wide it allowed me to zoom in if i wanted but also that f2 it allows me to isolate germy even if there's out of focus things in the foreground the camera uses a newly designed 45 megapixel cmos sensor now is 45 too much is it too little we know that sony has a 61 megapixel sensor in their a7 r4 is 45 good i think 45 is a pretty good sweet spot because as you'll see later on in this real world review you're going to get a lot of frames per second which means you're moving a ton of data off of a 45 megapixel sensor and it doesn't slow down but there is something that some people may not be happy with is you can't dumb down the raw file canon doesn't have in there the ability to do raw small or raw medium it's just raw am i upset about that no because if you're going to shoot raw just shoot the highest raw quality possible i quickly realized that i wanted to go wider and 15 to 35 isn't wide enough that's a cool lens and all as part of the hebrew trinity though i prefer to have 11 to 24 24 to 70 and 70 to 200 i decided to go with the 11 to 24 to get a environmental portrait that showcased the entire table and jeremy working see when i'm doing environmental portraits i like to go wide i like to show the subject working as well as show their entire environment and in this case i was able to use an adapted lens with the adapter no problems with auto focus at all to get the shot that i was looking for which is this ultra wide shot now the question is do you go with the color to go with the black and white in this case i thought the black and white was best [Music] the processor that you will find inside of this camera is borrowed from the 1dx mark iii it's the digik x processor even though canon tells us not to call it the digit 10 every digit processor has been called a number so this one is going to be the digit 10 at least for this real world review what that means is you have the same processor from a more expensive camera inside of this camera which is going to help move all of that data around much quicker and help you get better quality images now let's talk about the rf mount this is one thing that canon got right before they ever got the bodies right they had great rf lenses out first aka 51.2 85 1.2 70 to 200 15 to 35 a 28 to 70 f2 a 24 to 70 2.8 the whole hebrew trinity they got out a lot of great glass and then they even got out some interesting stuff like a 600 f-11 that i thought would be weird an 800 f-11 that i also thought would be weird but check out my review of those they actually turned out to be pretty fun to use but there are still some holes in their lineup i had to use an 11 to 24 that was adapted for this real world review to get the ultra wide 15 is wide but 11 is a lot wider and i need that wideness when i want to shoot i also would like to have something like a 35 1 2 because i have a sigma 35 1 2 on my sony's when i'm shooting sony and to mention sony again they have a 12 to 24 2.8 so it's going to be interesting to see if canon has something that's going to best that like a 12 to 24 f2 or an 11 to 24 2.8 we'll have to see what they come out with but the last thing about the lens mount is will they open it up to third-party manufacturers will you see tamron lenses will you see sigma lenses if they can figure that out there might be some really good sigma glass coming or some really good tamron glass that you can save money on and still get quality images so what lenses did i bring for this real world review well i brought the entire new hebrew trinity which is the 15 to 35 2.8 the 24 to 72.8 the 70 to 200 2.8 i brought the 50 1.2 the 85 1.2 not the ds version just a regular 85 1.2 and also two lenses that required an adapter that's the 100 millimeter macro as well as the 11 to 24 to give me an ultra wide angle shot even though that is an f4 lens [Music] i think one of the biggest questions that i got asked time and time again with the new eos r5 is how does it adapt ef lenses with the adapter not how does it physically do it but does it work does autofocus work with those ef lenses well i took it out to shoot football players aka quarterbacks throwing the ball and running around and i used a third-party lens a 70-200 2.8 sigma as well as a canon 400 2.8 version two because there's no 400 2.8 rf or 300 2.8 rf just yet so i adapted those lenses to the r5 and they worked really well with lock-on tracking for face detection as well as iaf now i didn't feel like i was missing out on any images because i was waiting for the focus to catch up it's fast it's active it works really well the only problem is when you want to switch from ef lenses to rf lenses you kind of forget to take the adapter off or you're trying to adapt this it's kind of a pain in the ass i i think a recommendation for me is if you have a lot of ef glass and you don't want to switch off to rf lenses just yet but you want an rf mirrorless body maybe think about investing in a 99 adapter for your main go-to lenses so you don't try to take an ef lens like i did and shove it into an rf mount and almost ruin the camera one issue that i encountered pretty quick during the photo shoot had nothing to do with the camera at all it was the fact that i was wearing a mask and when i breathed it fogged up my electronic viewfinder so how did i get around that i just held the camera just a smidgen further away from my eye than i normally did and by the end of the shoot i didn't even realize that i was doing it because i was no longer fogging up the evf this is the new reality at least right now wear a mask when you're out there shooting i wear it to protect the other people and they wear them to help protect me [Music] after getting the wider environmental portrait i decided to switch to the 15 to 35 just to move over to the side because we have the window light to my back lighting up jeremy as he's got this profile shot going and that had some awesome contrast so having the 15 to 35 i could start off wider and then zoom in and reach out and grab more of a tighter shot that's where the 15 to 35 range comes into play generally speaking you would need to have a 24 to 70 on if you wanted to do that or you would have an 11 to 24 and be done at 24. now in this specific situation the 15 to 35 helped me get some really cool shots of jeremy painting how many frames per second do you think you can shoot at 45 megapixels well you can get 12 frames per second with the mechanical shutter and 20 frames per second with the electronic shutter now you can get 180 raw files when you are shooting to the cf express card without filling up the buffer and you can only get 87 when using the sd card alone but keep in mind i like to shoot redundant so i want to save the raw files to both of those cards which means you're going to dumb it down to only getting 87 to the cf express card as well as to the sd card if you're using them for redundancy at the same time the truth of the matter is even when shooting football at 20 frames per second i did not outrun the buffer having two cards in the camera so i don't think this is a major deal but keep in mind if you want to get those 12 frames per second and those 20 frames per second you need to use the latest battery that canon offers in order to get that frame rate whatever canon has done with their shutter technology is pretty impressive because even when you're shooting with the shutter mode and not electronic shutter the camera is pretty damn quiet that shutter is almost silent it's almost like they have a pillow inside of this thing where the shutter hits and it's like oh i'm so soft and i'm so quiet and it's like you could sleep with me but it's so quiet good on you canon for putting a quiet shutter in there let me jump in here real quick because i want to show you something in lightroom with this photo that was taken from the canon r5 now this isn't edited at all but i want to show you it working with 10 of our presets from fro pack 2 starting with ac dc one click look what it did then i go down to apollo with no white balance bob ross for people burnt sienna one of my favorites charlie brown then charmin cinnamon toast crunch actually all of the cinnamon toast crunches that we include here high contrast and high contrast too all work as well double stuffed oreos for a really cool black and white then we go down to golden grahams which i really love how golden grahams works on this one and then we've got matte black there's three different versions that we include here in matte black that one works high contrast works and so does low contrast the whole point of me showing you this is that these presets that we created give you a great starting point and also save you a lot of time when you are editing your raw files if you want to go ahead and check them out head on over to fro pack2 while you're over there you can play with the sliders to see the befores and the afters and if you decide to pick them up right now they are currently on sale or if you pick up fro pack one and pro pack 2 as the fro pack bundle you can save even more now let's get back to the video since i already had the 15 to 35 on and i already used the 11 to 24 to get that close wide environmental portrait i wanted to step back and show more of the studio so when i stepped back i had more of the tables and more of the art in the image and after i got this one back into the computer i was having trouble between black and white in color and the reason i chose to go with color is because you could see some of his other artwork on the table that's up close on the right hand side there's awesome colors in that you've got the colors of his little statue thing that he built off to the right hand side and i just felt that color was the right choice for that image one of the biggest issues with the canon eos r when you were shooting multiple frames in a row was it seemed that it was herky-jerky because the preview of the last image stayed up in the viewfinder now with most cameras you get some blackout you take a picture the shutter comes down you see that blackout and you can kind of see through it and it's not herky-jerky but the eos-r was so a lot of people asked does the r5 have that same issue as the eos r and the answer is no when i'm shooting 12 frames a second seven frames a second you can see a quick preview of the image before but there is no noticeable blackout and no noticeable issue that is herky jerky now you can see this on the screen where we put the eos r5 up against the a7r4 as well as the z7 and you can determine which one you think is the best or which one is the worst in my opinion i think they're all fine and the eos r5 is the one that doesn't have the blackout and it doesn't have any herky-jerky feel so you're going to be fine shooting with this you're not going to miss anything and you'll be able to track your subject no matter how many frames a second you're shooting the max shutter speed is 1 8 000 of a second now that comes in handy when you're using one of those one two lenses outside and want to shoot a shallow depth of field at 1.2 at say 100 iso but what you can't do is go past 1 8 000 of a second even when you're using the electronic shutter now the sony a9 and a92 allow you to go well beyond the 1 8 000 of a second i was at 1 32 000 of a second at some point using the electronic shutter that's something i would like to see canon add to the eos r5 or future cameras is the ability to get faster shutter speeds so i can utilize the 1.2 lenses even outside in bright daylight and maybe shoot at 1 32 000 or 140 000 of a second since we've had this camera for a couple of months we've done a lot of different tests and throughout this review you're going to see us call back to those tests and one of them that we did was the eos r5 versus the a7r4 in a portrait setting with the same exact subject in the same spot with the same settings with very similar angles where we used 8512 on the canon and the 8514 sigma on the sony and with the sony you can see you have more megapixels so when you zoom in you can go further and it's super duper clear but even with the 45 megapixels of the r5 it still allows you to go in really far you have a lot of resolution and it is super duper sharp with that rf lens so is there a major difference that i can just see looking at them side by side no not really it's just a matter of which skin tone do you like but at the end of the day when you get the raw file you can get basically the same color with both of these cameras as i always say i want to get the wides the mediums the tights and the details so i switched off to the 85 1.2 because i saw jeremy's sketchbook was open on the desk in front of him when he was painting and i wanted to get just the sketchbook and that's why i used the 85 to shoot down on that one since i already got some wides and some medium shots as well some details i wanted to move to the side with that 85 on there to get jeremy really focused as he got up and close and personal with the details in the artwork [Music] one of the things you'll notice about jeremy is that he pretty much always has on his sunglasses now they are prescription sunglasses but this is integral to his look it's part of his persona so was i going to have issues with iaf because he was wearing the glasses i thought that i might but i didn't have any issues because everything was nice and tack sharp the focus still went to where the eye was going to be or where the eye actually is behind those glasses and i still got some really nice images when he wants to get in close to those details he takes his glasses off and i'm really happy that i had iaf still on because it just found his eye and i was able to get the composition just right with the paintbrush out of focus in the foreground and the focus right on jeremy focusing on his art [Music] this camera utilizes dual pixel af2 canon has done a fantastic job with dual pixel over the years since they introduced it now in the eos r5 you have 100 viewfinder coverage which means your thousand plus auto focusing points stretch all the way to the ends of the frame the top the bottom the left and the right even when i was shooting sports if a subject was all the way off to the left hand side at the furthest reaches the auto focusing points went out there now is the dual pixel af as good as sony's auto focusing system with their lock on tracking and their iaf what i will say is i didn't expect cannons to be as good as it actually is it is pretty darn close to being as good as sony's if not on par now i say that because i've used the sony's for a lot longer than i've used the canon but in my real world usage for the last couple months using the eos r5 it's done very well here's an example showing you how the iaf of the r5 compares to the a7 r4 as well as the nikon z7 you can see that the canon and the sony are fantastic the nikon is lagging a little behind but has done much better than where it started out and what's interesting is to see that it's hard to determine which is better between the sony and the canon so you have the footage to look at which one do you think is better in one of my first auto focusing tests i took little dan out into the garden to try and photograph him either running so i could get lock on tracking or using the 85 at 1.2 to try and get a nice portrait now this kid runs around he eats a lot of donuts okay he drinks a lot of juice so he has a lot of energy but also he's a kid and it's difficult to be able to move focusing points quickly yourself manually to the eye get the picture before the kid runs away in this shot you can see how he's out of the frame he comes into the frame it finds the eye i lop off one or two or three shots and bam i ended up getting the shot that i would have otherwise not have been able to get if i had to rely on manually moving the focusing points i love photographing with animal iaf but after i went to the zoo and then decided to go test out iaf for football players to try and get some action i didn't realize until after that shoot was over that the iaf was still on animal detect iaf i thought i was on the right mode to track people and i had issues trying to track them when shooting football because it was just looking for a smaller portion of the eye and it wasn't overriding to face detect when it couldn't find the eye the truth is those pictures actually turned out pretty good but it didn't give me what i wanted and when i realized that i made the mistake i had to go back and shoot it again the reason i made the mistake is i didn't realize that the iaf for animals was still active in the camera there was no icon that popped up on the back of the screen or in my electronic viewfinder to let me know that animal mode is still on and there's no quick button to press that turns it off and deactivates it and puts it back into human iaf so my recommendation to you is if you photograph more people and for one time you photograph animals make sure you get in the habit of turning it back to people iaf so you don't make the same mistake that i did i'm a big fan of using out of focus areas in a frame to draw you in to the subject for example there's the black cup on jeremy's desk that's out of focus but we're drawn in to the image or he's got the black cup he's got his book open and he's just framed by the paints and all of these things that draw you in to him as the subject so when you're out there photographing in a 3d world knowing that a camera captures things in two dimensions if you can add dimension to an image by using out-of-focus things that are either closer or further away from the frame to draw you in then you're gonna get some winning images now my thinking on deciding which camera systems to go with does start with which cameras give me the better autofocus can i rely fully and solely on the dual pixel af or the lock-on tracking of the sony to give me the shots that i need where i can rely on the camera to get shots that i otherwise would have missed if i didn't have that technology and i think i can tell you that canon is at that point in my shooting of sports i used face detect i used eye detect and the camera performed flawlessly when tracking football players running down the field the iaf for animals at the zoo did a fantastic job finding the eyes of the animals even though they weren't moving very fast or very far that's why i photographed sports to show you that this camera is capable of doing that and when it comes to portraits being able to shoot at 85 1.2 or any lens at 1.2 and get tac sharp images on the eye reliably without me having to move the focusing points tells me that this dual pixel af2 system is fantastic and i can fully rely on it to get the shots that i otherwise would have missed let me jump in here and let you know that this video is brought to you by squarespace if you're looking to build your very own online portfolio use what i use for and get your 14 day free trial over at froknowsphoto now if you decide that it's for you use the code fro knows photo at checkout to get 10 off your first order now let's get back to the video [Music] so let's talk about the r5's body now it's very similar to what you would have seen with the eos r but they did make some tweaks they got rid of that stupid touch bar that nobody actually liked i actually hated it and said why do you have a touch bar so they got rid of it they must have listened to me they added back the scroll wheel which a lot of people love and has been on a ton of canon cameras as well as adding back the joystick so you have a joystick for moving your focusing points but why doesn't it have the smart controller of the 1dx mark iii and i think to answer that i will just say because you can activate the touch panel lcd screen to be the joystick your thumb can work on it and just move the focusing points accurately and quickly to exactly where you want them to be i would have liked to have seen them give me the option for the touch sensitive button but that it's not there is not that big of a deal i don't think you need the joystick because you have the ability to do touch and drag af and you can even change the speed at which the focusing points move so i find myself from time to time needing to move them quickly because there's so many focusing points and the joystick just isn't as fast as me just putting my thumb on the back of the screen while i'm shooting and moving the focusing point and tweaking it to exactly where i want it to be so i love having that feature in this camera if you're like me and you find that your massive hands have trouble holding the camera well you can always get a vertical grip now canon offers two vertical grips one is an extra battery pack that allows you to put two batteries in it but also has a joystick and all the buttons to shoot unlike nikon who doesn't have a grip that does anything functionality and you thought i wasn't gonna rip on nikon in a canon video now didn't you well i just did now there is a second grip but it is only available for the r5 what it does is it allows extra connectivity for those sport shooters who need to transfer via ethernet or something along those lines but it will run you a thousand bucks i recommend the vertical grip because you get two extra batteries it's bigger it's easier to handhold and if you get an r6 to go along with your r5 that grip will work on both systems oh yeah as a bonus when you go vertical even without the grip the viewfinder the evf actually moves where the data is so that your shutter speed aperture and iso or whatever is now down at the bottom of the viewfinder so that when you rotate back this way it rotates unlike other systems that you have to look through and then try to read everything vertically this puts it right there so the body feels great in the hands it feels substantial it's built really well and it's just a nice upgrade or an update from the eos r with the features that a lot of people love in older canon cameras next up i switched over to the 70 to 200 rf i personally hate the fact that it extends out the way that it extends out but it is super small in the bag and doesn't take up a lot of space but this lens can help me zoom in and reach out and grab those details that i can do for more of a distance without having to get up close to bother the subject so i focused in on jeremy's hands look at the ink on his hands it's cool that you pick that up they're not clean hands they're working hands of an artist but also look at the pen see that's where i chose to focus in right there on the pen i switched over to the single point continuous af because i didn't need lock on tracking or face detect because there were no faces to detect but i wanted one single point to put it exactly where i wanted so i could get the focus on the pen and capture a unique image [Music] this is the first canon camera to offer you ibis or in-body image stabilization now when you pair it with one of the isr lenses you're getting eight stops of image stabilization now this is some of the best ibis that we've seen across the board in any camera that offers image stabilization and all of the video that you see throughout this shoot is shot handheld with ibis on [Music] it's so good that it's almost gimbal [Music] like so remember the black mug on the table well taking just a close-up of that mug with nothing else in the frame it could be interesting in a photo story but maybe not to stand on its own but if i go vertical and put that off in the bottom corner and have that in focus but you can tell that jeremy is painting in the background and he's out of focus that makes for an interesting image so i was able to do that with the 70 to 200. focus on the mug and then jeremy in the background painting he's still there you know it's him so it created some interesting dynamic in the final image let me jump in here real quick and say would you like me to send you this free guide to capturing motion in low light situations well if you said yes just look for this orange box over on the website put your name email address in it hit send it and i will send you that guide for free the native iso is 100 to 51 200. now i'm not going to get into the expanded iso because you should never really need to go into that mode because if you're going that high higher than 51 200 you're probably shooting in pitch black the canon r5 utilizes a 5.76 million dot electronic viewfinder with 120 frames per second refresh rate now it is one of the best evfs that i've ever used and the best that i've ever used i think is the panasonic s1 which is also 5.76 million dots that one's super clear and super clean but i do like the canons in comparison to any of the sony ones on the market including the nine point however million dot evf that they put in the a7 s3 i just feel that the canon is super clear super sharp it is a really nice evf that it's almost like you're not looking at an evf but you're looking into the real world it's kind of like a window which is the marketing that sony used with the a7 s3 now the only issue that i found that nikon gets pretty right is there's an auto brightness feature that if it's super bright outside it may brighten up the viewfinder or if it's dark it may lighten up the viewfinder so you can compensate and get a better exposure because sometimes i find that the way that it just stays right in the middle if it's super bright outside my eye gets thrown off or if it's super dark my eyes getting thrown off and i'm trying to overcompensate and i find that i may be off by a half a stop to a full stop and i like being much closer with my exposure [Music] is it a deal breaker no it's just something that i need to get used to doing so that i can get my exposures more spot on [Music] i'm really happy where jeremy was set up to paint because we had the light coming in from the side to light up his profile so that created some nice contrast and dimension because if i was shooting from the other side shooting into the window light you might get more of that hazy look now i know some people like that when it comes to shooting weddings but i personally hate it even when it comes to shooting weddings because i don't like lens flare in my images and i don't like the lack of contrast but on this side with the light at my back and jeremy at a 90 degree angle the contrast of these images just pop off the screen there's a 3.2 inch vary angle touch screen which is very bright very vibrant great colors great saturation nice sharpness and it employs that very angle which i personally don't give a about when it comes to shooting stills in fact i don't care about it when it comes to video because you're not vlogging with this camera for the most part sure it may come into play if you're standing behind it and you want to have it off to the side for whatever reason or try it at a different angle when you're shooting video but when you're shooting stills i actually found that it's much harder to get straighter angles if you hold it above your head because what happens is the screen doesn't open to like 180 degrees it's actually a little short of that so when you're holding it up over your head and it's tilted your angles are totally off i rather have it go back to the one that is flush to the back of the camera that you can just tilt down and then you can see that your lines are straight you hold it up you have to hold it down you tilt the screen this way you tilt the screen this way and i feel that is much better that's of course not a deal breaker a lot of people want that rotatable screen but i could do without it we all know that i love shooting redundant aka having multiple card slots inside of a camera and this camera is no exception because it has two slots one cf express and one sd which is a uh s2 card slot now personally i rather have two of the same two cf express card slots inside of a camera so that when i'm shooting redundant it doesn't dumb down the speed to the slowest card now speaking of redundancy it will do redundant recording for photos but it doesn't do redundant recording for video there's other cameras out in the world that will do dual recording for video same thing to card one same thing to card two now could they put a cf express type b card in as well as a type a card in even though a is slightly slower but still faster than sd maybe that's something they do in the future but i prefer having two of the same card slots in any camera that i'm shooting with so i could keep shooting for hours and hours but if i keep doing that i'll get the same picture over and over so i had jeremy go to this big mural that he had painted on paper against the back wall now he was still at a 90 degree angle from the light coming in so i set up to do those portraits now setting up is me just walking over picking the lens that i wanted and you know focusing and composing him but what was interesting is that the iaf found the eye in the painting behind him so i just had to use my thumb on the screen to move it back to him and then it found him and locked in on him for each one of those portraits [Music] to switch it up after getting some of those portraits i wanted to focus in on jeremy's pen you know that's his tool as an artist so i had him hold it out to me i had the 51.2 on there and i was trying to get the tip of the pen and i ran into issues because i was still on face detect i detect and it was looking all around and all i wanted to focus in on was just the tip i wanted just the tip in focus so i switched over to the single auto focusing point in continuous focus locked in on the tip took the picture got that shot but what's also cool is you can see the details of the paint on the hand as well so the 50 worked pretty good but i remembered i have a 100 millimeter macro in the bag that's really an ef lens that i have to adapt with an adapter to the rf camera so i switched over to that to get macro shots so i did run into a slight issue with the 100 macro it was hunting quite a bit now is that because it's an older lens and it's an ef adapted lens it eventually did exactly what i wanted it to do but this tells me that canon needs to come out with an rf 105 macro or a 100 macro or an 85 macro then and by the way we actually do have a 35 1.8 macro i just totally forgot that we left that at the studio because i didn't even remember that we had it now jeremy held up the paint brush because that's something he uses as well and i was able to isolate just the paint brush vertically with jeremy in the background out of focus but also horizontally so i could get different type of images now when i'm shooting these photo stories i'm thinking about the photo book that i could make after the fact sometimes i want a two-page spread that's horizontal other times i want a picture for the back of the book or maybe the front of the book and that's why i would go with a vertical let me jump in here to remind you that the super huger mega camera giveaway is still going on right now where i'm giving one of you a chance to win a camera and lenses valued up to 4999 and it's absolutely free to enter head on over to bitly slash megafro 2020 right now but if you would like to pick up fro pack one pro pack 2 or the fro pack bundle or any of my video guides you can score extra entries towards winning this contest now keep in mind you do not need to make a purchase to win the grand prize [Music] the standard video recording mode for this camera is 4k at 30 frames per second but if you want to get the best of the best with honors sir you can shoot the 4k hq mode which is down sampled from 8k to give you really sharp 4k right now we're shooting with the canon eos r5 in the highest quality 4k which is 4k hq in c log which gives us 10 bit 422 however if you're looking for high frame rate 4k you can shoot at 120 frames per second but it does come with a caveat that it does introduce some line skipping now canon chose not to give users a one to one pixel readout due to that high frame rate the footage may not be as sharp but as you saw from our footage earlier it is perfectly acceptable although you can get 120p in 4k you can't get 1080 at 120p yet though canon does promise at some point they will have a firmware which gives you that option why that wasn't in the box at launch i don't know now all of these recording modes are available in 10bit 422 as long as you are using canon log aka c log or hdrpq or if you stick with the standard picture styles it will dumb it down to 8bit 420 which looks to be perfectly fine unless you're gonna do some heavy grading the r5 shoots 12 bit 8k raw video with the full width of the sensor now there is a caveat you must use a cf express card because it is moving a ton of data a lot of people think that 8k is stupid to have in a camera now it's not about delivering 8k footage so that you post it in 8k it's about having the ability to punch in closer to me but to keep going further and further and further and still have it be super sharp and super clear it also comes in handy if you're shooting a video and you have one angle for two people you could crop into the person on the left crop into the person on the right you could pan across with the 8k that's where 8k comes in handy this clip was shot in 8k raw now one thing we wish the camera had was 4k raw video internal now if you can do 8k internal i don't know why they don't have the option for 4k but maybe that's something they can unlock in the future with a firmware update because 4k raw would be a much smaller file size in comparison to 8k raw to put 8k raw file sizes into perspective on a 128 gigabyte card do you know how much time you get anybody bueller anybody else watching out there just a little bit over five minutes and if you add a one terabyte card you're chewing up one terabytes of data in roughly 50 minutes of shooting 8k raw that's a lot of data now we all know canon took a bunch of heat no pun intended for the fact that this camera overheats quite a bit now i do blame canon's marketing of this camera for bringing a lot of that heat to them the reason is they market it as oh my god we're gonna do amazing cinematic things we're gonna shoot 8k when the fact of the matter is the 5d mark iv line or the 5d line has always been a hybrid line that it does stills but it also offers you the ability to shoot some really cool video so i think the marketing fail is they didn't focus on the quality we shoot at 45 megapixels 12 frames a second 20 frames per second silent dual pixel af that goes all the way to the edges do card slots all of this stuff and oh yeah by the way we can do 4k up to 120 we can do 4k down sampled from 8k and as a bonus we can do 8k raw video internally but as a caveat we're gonna limit that to five to seven minutes because we don't want the camera to overheat but the fact that we squeezed 8k into this camera that is a primarily stills camera that does some cool video well that is a major win now that's how i would have marketed it i wouldn't have come out with oh my god it does all of this and then you find out that it overheats and has more issues i think people would have been more forgiving of canon if they didn't market it the way that they did i wanted to get a portrait of jeremy so i moved him over to the corner of the window but remember he wears those prescription sunglasses that's part of his persona so he has those on the whole time but you can still kind of see his eyes behind there now that's not the greatest test in the world to see how the 85 1.2 works somebody without glasses on would make for a better test subject but we also have those type of images i do have sample images of our model friend nina with the 85 1.2 at 1.2 in the studio environment so you can download those raw files at 100 iso to see how you like that camera and combination of that lens for portraits whoa was that an elephant yeah now it's time to talk about overheating we know there was a lot of talk and a lot of videos and a lot of back and forth and a lot of press releases about the overheating in the r5 when it comes to video but a lot of people kept asking does that affect your still shooting will it overheat when you're shooting stills and the answer is no it did not overheat at all whether i was shooting football in 96 degrees with like 100 humidity it didn't overheat now what i did notice and this was with firmware 1.0 before 1.1 was out is that when i was doing stills i could see that the clock for time for video if i chose to shoot video was ticking down so the camera was getting hotter and then canon released an updated firmware which did extend the time of video recording before it overheated for indoor environments so you were able to get right around 30 to 32 minutes in 8k raw without it overheating now that is a big improvement over the original firmware where it overheated in like half that time or a little less than half that time so this is a big improvement and i do expect that they will continue to improve it time and time again meanwhile the 4k hq mode which we're shooting in right now now will give us 45 minutes of continuous record time where before it topped out around 26 minutes now keep in mind those times are based on shooting indoors in about 74 degree temperature now when you do go outside you are going to run into some issues when it comes to overheating if it's hot out and you're gonna get around 20-ish minutes of record time in 4k hq so is this an issue well in a lot of situations the answer for video is yes and as i mentioned earlier canon brought this on themselves with the way they marketed this camera and they already knew there might be issues with record time yet they still went ahead and focused on this as a major marketing point now to put this into perspective we are recording with the camera right now in the 4k hq mode and it did overheat right around 43 minutes of record time the camera has been on for over an hour at that point so it it could be an issue if you have to let it cool down in order to keep going so this is something that we're aware of generally speaking we're not going to have the cameras on for hours at a time where we need to be recording but for something as long as this video for it to stop around 43 minutes in the 4k hq mode could pose an issue you just have to determine is that okay for your shooting environment and remember that this to me is a stills camera first that does offer you some really good video features but again you need to figure it out for yourself and hopefully canon will put out more firmware that fixes these issues if you're hoping to shoot for hours and hours and hours of time besides the overheating which you wouldn't be able to do anyway there is a record limit of 29.59 now i don't know why canon still has this limit when this is a viable video shooting camera you shouldn't have any limits anymore now this one's not a big deal when it comes to still shooters but if you're a video shooter canon switched over to micro hdmi from mini hdmi now we would prefer to see a full hdmi for video recording because it's just a much beefier cable and i've found that i've bent plenty of micro hdmi cables when using this camera and trying to record my evf however you can record just about everything internally to the cards so you really don't need to rely too heavily on that micro hdmi port let me cut in here real quick and say would you like to take better pictures in only 11 days well i created a free mini video course that you can sign up for right now at 11days [Music] so as jeremy continued to work on his illustration this was another good opportunity for me to focus on some details so with the 50 1.2 on i got pictures of his hands on the rulers and this is where i'm okay to say jeremy hold that so not everything is perfectly candid all the time but it's like hold that for a second get my focus take the picture and then have him continue on so i got about three shots that were pretty detailed in this situation and i really like those [Music] but also when he was painting that thick black on that illustration of the person's hair i wanted to focus in on just that so don't forget to get those extra detail shots especially if you have these 1.2 1.4 1.8 lenses they can help add and tell a better photo story so just like where i focused on the paintbrush or the smaller pen from earlier jeremy broke out this really big black marker and i'm like i need to get a picture of just the tip of the black marker with jeremy out of focus so that's exactly what i did [Music] for those video shooters out there who might find themselves vlogging with this camera or just want a different way to hit record you no longer have to reach on top of the camera which is this side to hit the record button because there's a nice red button on the lcd screen unlike its predecessors when you were shooting in high frame rate modes this camera now lets you use auto focus the entire time in all of those modes including 4k 60 and 120 it's about time if you're looking for a little extra reach you can punch into super 35 with no pixel binning or if you throw on one of their crop sensor lenses it will punch through that vignette and allow you to use that lens okay so we did a good amount of damage in the front of the studio but i wanted to move to the back of the studio away from the daylight and the window light coming in to try some lower light environmental portraits so jeremy walked around to the back sat in his eems lounge chair with ottoman by the way it's very important to have the ottoman for those eems chairs that is a classic classic chair that a lot of artists have but it was in a great position for getting jeremy working as well as getting the art and his portraits up on the wall that he's painted so i started off with the 11 to 24 and then realized oh snap it's an f4 i really need to bump my iso up so i went to 16 000 iso and this is what it looks like now i left it in color so that you could see how the color noise looks now i don't see any color noise like i used to see in the older canon cameras and canon sensors now the noise that you see in the image looks like grain it looks like what i would see when shooting film and i'm used to noise from when i shot film noise to me is perfectly fine as long as you get the shot because it's all about getting the shot i'd rather see you get a shot at 16 000 iso and see a little bit of grain then get a shot at a lower iso but have motion blur because your shutter speed was too slow and you didn't capture the moment now if you're wondering where my noise reduction is set well we're looking at the raw file so there's no noise reduction there but i leave noise reduction totally off in all of my cameras now with that being said if i had something as simple as an 11 to 24 or a 12 to 24 2.8 i could take my iso from 16 000 cut it in half one stop to 8 000 and now i have much less noise that it would introduce but i was really surprised to see how well this camera handled for having 45 megapixels and shooting at a higher iso since i already did the 16 000 iso image i wanted to go the other direction so i lowered it to 800 iso it went to one tenth of a second to hand hold and let the ibis do its job now that's the ibis in the camera because this lens the 11 to 24 does not have image stabilization and it's perfectly fine at one tenth of a second because jeremy didn't move now one of the things you need to be careful with is if you're shooting a subject who's moving it doesn't matter how good the ibis is the subject is still going to blur if you're shooting at a slow shutter speed but if you're shooting inanimate objects you should be able to hand hold at really slow shutter speeds and the ibis in combination with the is in the lenses will allow you to hand hold at places that you could have never handheld before with other canon cameras [Applause] [Music] so as you know i chose to show you the 16 000 iso image in color but in this situation i feel that black and white was much better because the color didn't add very much to the scene jeremy does a lot of paintings and drawing and illustrating in black ink so black and white just felt right for a lot of these wider shots especially when i switched over to the 28 to 70 f2 and got a really awesome vertical shot of him sitting on the eam's chair while working and having all of those portraits out of focus in the background but still there the lines are super straight and that's a testament to the 28 to 70 but also i'm shooting at f2 which means i can lower my iso a little bit and still have a really nice fast shutter speed one of the questions i ask myself when deciding on what camera i'm going to use for a specific shoot is do i want to have more megapixels or be able to shoot at higher isos but the truth of the matter is in today's day and age it kind of doesn't matter as much because high megapixel cameras are capable of going to higher isos that are still super clean so honestly i prefer having a higher megapixel camera at this point because i want more of that resolution and more of that sharpness and clarity and that better dynamic range and better color and all of the things that come with having that higher megapixel sensor so the trade-off for me is i may not be able to bump it up super high and i may see some extra little bit of grain but i rather have that than not have as much resolution [Music] so to help make a more well-rounded photo story i went behind jeremy but higher up because he's sitting down and i'm standing up and i shot over his shoulder now you'll notice i did the wide angle then i moved in a little closer with the zoom and then i zoomed in all the way see it's about the wides the mediums the details but also not cropping after the fact i don't crop after the fact we all know this but this isn't a video about not cropping it's just a recommendation that if you have the time and the ability then you're better off shooting the wide zooming in or stepping closer getting the medium going in even further and getting the detail and utilizing all of those 45 megapixels especially when you're shooting at higher isos the more you crop at higher isos the bigger the grain is going to look which means the crappier your photo will turn out so after doing the tests at the high iso as well as the low iso to give me the slow shutter speed i stuck around 3 200 to 4 000. i'm generally living in that area when i'm doing these types of candids where whether i'm on the road or i'm with a band or with a politician in a low light area 3200 to 4000 is perfectly acceptable and it's really acceptable in this 45 megapixel r5 now there is a new battery that comes with this camera that finally allows you to do usbc charging while the camera is working its name is right here on the screen because i can't remember it to say it perfectly but this is the battery name in terms of how many photos you can get on a battery charge well i had a battery grip on with two batteries in the camera shot about a thousand photos during the real world review and each battery actually trickles at the same time in that battery grip so i was down about 30 percent in each battery on the other hand steven used two new batteries to shoot video and over a four hour period he only went through a battery and a half so after getting the over the shoulder i saw the newspaper there that said germyville raw and so i came to the front to get the focus with the 28 to 70 f2 right on the raw or on his name shooting vertical now my goal here is to get his name or to get that raw in focus but have jeremy out of focus you know it's him you see the hat you see the glasses you see the headphones you see the pen you see his sketchbook you know exactly who it is but that image tells an incredible story [Music] then i wanted to go a step further and switched over to the 15 to 35 because i wanted to get wider shots but closer i had jeremy hold the book out with both hands and this black and white looks really good the sharpness on the book is perfect the out of focus nature even at 15 millimeters at 2.8 is great because again you know that it's jeremy [Music] after getting him holding out the book horizontally i switched over to a vertical image where he's holding the book and i focused on the book and again you can see that jeremy is in the background the pen is off to the side you have the eames chair there and this was another dilemma between color and black and white but i loved how the color felt i liked seeing the ink in the book of the sketchbook i like seeing the blue of his denim jacket and i like seeing the cream color on the eems chair i just felt that the color was the much better option now i love the q menu on the back of this camera it allows me to quickly from outside of the camera without having to go through the menu system change certain features and functions that i need to do quickly but there's a problem i cannot customize the q menu i can't put what i want inside of those boxes nikon lets me do that sony lets me do that so why can't i do that on the canon i don't know why canon why would you like to spice up your wardrobe and show the world that you shoot raw be like me i wear i shoot raw shirts every day if you'd like to pick up some ice shoe raw shirts head on over to for those of you people and by you people i mean you people watching who have more than one r5 guess what you can't do you can't set up one camera then save your settings to the card to then put it in a new camera and then upload those settings from the card to that camera there is no save load setting function that must be there and canon should make an update one of the first things i noticed when the eos r came out is that when the power was off and the lens was off that the shutter came down to protect the sensor now some people complain that they don't want that happening because what if something happens to their shutter will this hurt the life of their shutter or not well in the r5 you have the option to turn that on or off [Music] one thing i didn't notice until we were in the back of the studio is that jeremy had his name and studio on the back of his denim jacket so we went back to the front of the studio and i wanted to get some detail shots from the back to help tell the story and you can still tell that it's jeremy working whether it's a wide-angle shot where you get the whole table with him working and you can either see the paintbrush or the pen or you can't or also to go a little tighter and get a vertical shot so you can see his shoes and you can see just the isolation of him in his chair but also taking another step in closer and getting a horizontal of jeremy working [Music] another cool shot i wanted to attempt to get was shooting from higher up straight down on jeremy now one thing that we could do is bring a super clamp and attach it to one of the the rafters up above and line it up and get the shot and do it with a remote app but we didn't have that and we didn't do that so i set the step stool up stepped up then i flipped the screen out to realize that the screen doesn't get like fully open it's on an angle and being that it's off to the side and i'm trying to hold it like this and angled the screen i couldn't get my lines straight it was actually much easier for me to flip the screen back flat on the back of the camera hold the camera up and out while looking i was able to get straighter lines and get this cool shot of jeremy but also i thought it would be fun when steven was getting video of me taking photos of jeremy to get him in there as well as my feet in there on the step stool ideally in the future it would be good if i could put the camera all the way up straight above him and then remotely trigger it to get a shot straight down now you video shooters will like that cannon put in zebra lines in to this camera now when steven was shooting the real world review and he was trying to use the evf because he was wearing a mask his evf fogged up so he had to rely on the lcd screen to get his exposure right and because he had zebra lines he was able to do just that canon is included five gigahertz wi-fi which means you can now shoot wirelessly tethered to your computer you can send raw foss you can take raw files and they go right to the computer you take raw files it goes right to the computer that is pretty cool and that's where the future of photography might be going but the last thing that i want to have happen is somebody get in the way of those zeros and ones and i lose raw files [Music] one of my concerns going into the real world review is how well would the autofocus work could i rely on the iaf and the face tracking and the lock on tracking to get images that i otherwise would have missed without now in the past i would have been hesitant to use this full on auto mode to help me do my shoots but now in the r5 it was pretty spectacular it found his face it found his eye it went exactly where i needed it to be and if it didn't go where i needed to be i could quickly put my finger on the back of the lcd screen and move the focusing point to tell the camera where i wanted it to be so i'm in continuous focus the entire time and because of iaf and lock-on tracking i can focus on composition as well as exposure which helps me get even better shots it's almost like there's no need to switch off into one shot or single shot or you know where you lock in and recompose you don't really need to do that anymore so for the majority of this shoot i relied on the dual pixel af version 2. now in certain situations i switched off the focusing mode to single point continuous autofocus now i did that because jeremy was holding out a pen or holding up a paint brush or holding up a paint pen and i wanted to focus in a specific place and that's why i moved into that mode the price of the camera is 38.99 now is that too high is it too low i was hoping for about 34.99 i thought it would be between 34.99 and 36.99 38.99 it it's up there but this is a packed camera for still shooters and for video shooters and look if you're a pro you're gonna make plenty of money off of a camera like this that it's worth it and it will pay for itself time and time again as long as it doesn't overheat while you're shooting video and you lose out on some jobs let me cut in here and say if you're looking to purchase an eos r5 or any gear for that matter just look for the links down below so that you can use our affiliate link to make a purchase now when you do that it helps us to continue to make these types of videos to change it up we took jeremy out in front of his studio where there's some really cool steps as well as steel doors now you may remember those steps from a music video so happens to be that it's my music video where i shoot raw don't crop it criminals know cops that's right same exact steps now i sat jeremy down and unfortunately a car had parked up pretty much well over the sidewalk so i didn't have much space but i used the 11 to 24 and what's pretty cool is that it doesn't bow too much around the edges and i like shooting this wide even for this type of portraits because it shows his studio it shows where he gets his work done and the stairs are cool and the leading lines of the railings as well as he's being framed by the doorway [Music] and to wrap up the entire shoot with jeremy i switched back into the 28 to 70 f2 because it's an f2 that's pretty darn cool for portraits plus i was at base iso of 100 and i just went around and got some shots from the left shots from the right shots from a little low shots from straight on and just got an extra couple of portraits to finish out the entire shoot [Music] so this was a fun shoot to do with the eos r5 i love doing photo stories but the only way to tell if these images are good or not is to take them back to the studio where i'm standing right now aka to my desk which is right over there to look closer and to give you my final thoughts [Music] guess where i am i'm at the studio i'm at my desk i switch shirts on the long walk that's about 22 feet from over there to here and i do want to let you know that we are now recording an 8k all i with the canon eos r5 also before we get into the images you can download sample raw files over on the website the link is on the screen right now so that you can pixel peep them do whatever you would like with them just don't sell them and don't call them your own all right let's jump into this let's start with some action photos remember when i said that i used the r5 with an adapted 402.8 version 2 this is the result this was with iaf tracking so i locked in on his eye it tracked him really well running across the field to catch this ball and i love that the focus stayed right on his eyes even with the ball right where it is so this camera as we know is maybe not meant for sports but you can totally use it for sports and i would have no problem using it for sports because the tracking is the same that you find in the eos r-6 and very similar to what you get in the 1dx mark iii next we switched over here went horizontally super nice contrast super nice tones love the way that the file looks again you can download it to see for yourself but really happy with how the files come out of the camera i think these are some of the best canon files that i've seen since using any of the past canon cameras that i've done the 45 megapixel sensor is super duper sweet now here is a 100 iso sample image for you in the studio base iso shooting at 1.2 with the 85 1.2 at 1 125th of a second now some people always say well jared why are you shooting a portrait at one two you don't always need to do that or you shouldn't do that well in this case i wanted to make sure that the eye focus stayed in focus because sometimes you have a tendency to get eyebrow focus or it misses or as you get closer and i ran into this with the a7r iv if i got too close that the iaf just started to miss so in this case it nailed it look at the reflection in the eye look how nice and sharp it is that's just one to one let's go in three to one and here is three to one you can see the edge of her contact lens right there on her eye now you'd see that with other cameras as well if you zoomed in but i just love the tones the colors the contrast the raw file that i got out of this i'm perfectly happy with the results right here now moving on to going to the zoo and getting a portrait of the silverback gorilla right here this is with the 800 millimeter f11 and and i was worried about that f11 lens i thought it was kind of weird when they announced it i was like how's this gonna work is the background gonna be in complete focus no it's a pretty inexpensive lens and it's actually pretty good in bright daylight uh so really happy with the portrait ooh we're still three to one wow still in focus three to one but really happy with what i was able to do with this in combination with the r5 now you can see that i bumped it up to 1600 iso because well it's f11 and i'm only at 1 500th of a second oh he's got some got some grass on your forehead right there buddy you should just brush that off now the next image of the eagle is taken at 1 320th of a second f 22 4000 iso with a 2x converter on the 800 millimeter lens making it 1600 millimeters the fact that i'm able to hand hold this and break all of the rules because you're not supposed to really hand hold it one three twentieth of a second if you're at sixteen hundred millimeters generally speaking you wanna be if you're at sixteen hundred you wanna be around one sixteen hundredth of a second or one two thousandth of a second to counteract any movement or motion but in this case we have is in the lens and we have image stabilization in the body and we can zoom in actually let me go here and use skittles the preset because boom one click skittles does this and i actually want to warm it up just a little bit if if you want to check out the presets again you can go to fro pack 2 check out the bundle you can get throw pack 1 and 2. but zooming in here is it perfectly sharp i mean it's pretty darn close right here and remember we're at sixteen hundred millimeters and i'm hand holding it one three twentieth of a second we are filling the frame immensely and i think it did a great job now if you're new here and you didn't see the videos that i did prior this is not an issue with the camera these lines in the background this is the fence that's in the back that keeps the eagle from flying over to my hair and thinking that it's a nest but really happy with what i was able to do at 1 600 millimeters handheld oh and steven asked me this question he's like what did it look like through the viewfinder it was still it was as still as could be i mean it's not easy to get 1600 millimeters especially when you're breathing but it was really stable and you just lock those elbows in hold it out like this eye up to the evf and you're good don't be one of those people that tries to hand hold the camera like this while using the lcd screen it's not gonna work at all moving on we've got little daniel here outside at 1.2 so as you can see i did a lot of testing with this camera in a lot of different situations and scenarios from the action to the portraits to the candids to the photojournalistic type of things so we did quite a lot with it but little daniel outside uh i want to use ac dc in here just to pump him up right off the bat with one click that's from fro pac2 but really look at this 1.2 it found his eye locked onto him and he runs around quite a bit but look at this the color looks really good once we we tweaked it right out of the camera this is what it looks like it's a little it was overcast but tweaking it boom 100 iso base iso at 1.2 1 800 of a second 85 1.2 is a masterful lens i love those rf lenses and i really like this image moving on to the next one of little daniel i wish that i was centered a little more but he doesn't stand still very well because he's a little kid but i just wanted to show you that i was able to get the eye nice and perfect again at 1.2 now sometimes in situations like this i want to get say the he calls them balls but they're actually tomatoes i would want him to hold one out and focus on that that's where i would switch off of the eye detect and the face detect because i wouldn't be able to focus in on something being held out that's where i quickly change to single point af but in continuous autofocus so i pick that point move my thumb quickly on the back of the screen right to what i want to have in focus and take the picture that's just like what i did with jeremy when he was holding out the paintbrush that's what you need to do because you basically have to turn off the face detect in order to get that type of shot but happy with those results and now we move in to the last batch which is uh jeremy in his studio i love this with the 11 to 24. i hope they replace the 1124 soon but this one i just loved in black and white i felt it shows you his entire table look how you know yes he's pretty small behind the table but it's a massive table you can see art over here to the right you can see that he's working on a new piece of art you have the studio in the background i think that it worked because the ceilings are black the poles are white the the the refinished wood looks very good and i just think it's one of those artistic images that works but also without doing any lens correction the lines are pretty damn straight uh straight out of the camera you could always try lens correction if you so wanted this was one of those where we talk about having the out of focus area and look we're at 15 millimeters with that 15 to 35 2.8 people sometimes feel like oh you can't get out of focus things at 15. well you totally can iaf right to jeremy's eye he took off his glasses so that he could focus in on painting right down here on this painting but being that he he always wears his glasses except for when he's getting close to this you could see that the glasses are still part of it because he's holding them so i love the out-of-focus book the out-of-focus uh coffee mug all of those things that draw you into the image and we're only at 400 iso and it looks perfectly fine if you're watching this video it's probably because you have some camera gear well have you downloaded my app called my gear vault it's the best way to input organize and protect your gear and it's absolutely free for ios as well as android so head on over to to give it a download all right this is where we moved to the back where we're at 16 000 iso at 1 160th of a second is there noise absolutely this is noise that's what you're going to get at 16 000 iso is it usable the answer stephen yeah yeah the answer is yes because if you were to print this in a book or a magazine or put it on the web nobody's going to be like oh my god you shot this at 16 000 iso the uh the the grains oh my god the structure it's just so bad stop overthinking it would i normally shoot at 16 000 no i did it for this review and as i said when we talked about this picture earlier if i had a 2.8 or an f2 i would already be at only 8 000. i generally don't go much further past 8 000 because i don't have a need to but if you needed to with this camera this is showing you that you could get it done and still have great results and be happy with what you get one of my most favorite images is this one of jeremy working in his book you have the nice pictures in the background that he painted it's even funny because it's like this one is looking right at him while he's looking there drawing you have the eems lounge and the ottoman which is important to getting both of them in there there's actually a picture that i took before actually a bunch of them i took before where i cut off the edge of the ottoman and i realized it while i was shooting i'm like nah nah nah you can't cut off the edge of that ottoman you need to put a little separation from the ottoman to the edge of the frame and that's why i got this shot and i just i i loved that i was able to do that because that's a cool one really enjoy this image again with the six the 15 to 35 the image before this was the 28 to 70 straight gorgeous lines super sharp lens but i like this one in color versus black and white because we see the drawing you have the subtle color of the hands the cream of the the eems lounge and jeremy in color in the background i think just i think just makes it pop really well and then to round out the sample images right here i wanted to be able to get that shot from up above but without putting a super clamp up in the ceiling or rigging it up somehow and using the remote app i used the step stool and decided to take a picture of my feet in it because i'm like well steven's here shooting me shooting photos of jeremy and i actually think it helps tell the story inside of the story because honestly we are part of the story because we're reviewing this gear jeremy's the story because he's the artist that we're photographing and steven is helping get all of this done for the real world review so he's using the r5 i'm using the r5 i didn't flip the screen out for this one and that's why the lines are well they're lined up with the table i'll give myself that they're lined up with the table but down here you can see that it's not perfect with the floor it is super darn close but again you can download the sample raw files so that you can see them for yourselves i i'm really happy with the results that we got from the stills i love the stills the quality of the video is really good as well so who is this camera for this is a jack of all trades type of camera if you're a wedding photographer if you do portraits if you like to do action and photo journalism you could do everything with this camera personally at 89 it's a little more expensive than where the 5d mark iv was at around 3 400 3500 when it first came out but i do suspect that there will be rebates at some point to drop the price to 300 to make the purchase when they can actually have actual stock in stock and and get them out into the world this is a well-rounded camera if you just do stills it's going to be fantastic if you want to do video it's going to be fantastic with a caveat right now the overheating can be an issue when we were recording the real world review the stand-up portion over there we had two times where it overheated and we had to stop now we did have the camera on continuously in live view in 4k hq for about an hour and 20 minutes and steven was starting and stopping as we went over different parts so we got 43 minutes of actual record time before it overheated and the on time even without recording and recording the total was roughly an hour and 20 minutes is that good enough well i mean if you're shooting weddings if you're doing long form types of video it's possible that it's not in those in those types of environments hopefully canon gets firmware out to fix it and go even further to allow us to use it for much further without having it shut down and hit double zeros luckily for us we had extra cameras waiting for us in the refrigerator so that we could just pull them out and shoot with them whenever we needed to 43 minutes of record time is good but that doesn't negate the fact that there is an overheating issue and if you need it for longer it might be an issue right now shorter types of recording the quality is fantastic the autofocus is fantastic just about everything about this camera is fantastic and again we are doing 8k on this not raw and we're about 16 minutes into recording and it hasn't overheated just yet so that's who the camera is for but the other question is will i switch from using the sony a7 r4 and the sony a92 to come to something like the r5 and the r6 and the answer is no not right now i don't think i want to be in this ecosystem at this point if you already own canon gear and you've been waiting for something like this there's no reason to switch to the sony because canon has done a masterful job for the stills and of course for the video to give you something that has tremendous auto focus great quality with 45 megapixels tons of speed just a really well put together camera but i'm not at the point where i would want to switch i switched from nikon to go to the sony about a year ago and i'm sticking with the sony right now for me when it comes to stills because i think it's the right tool for what i'm doing the lenses are lighter even though i never used to complain about weight of cameras and weight of lenses i just really like for run and gunning having the lighter lenses the lighter body a little bit more customizable and i think the autofocus still has an edge over the canon g if i only had a eos r5 and all these great rf lenses could i do it the answer is absolutely i could take this camera into the real world like i've already shown you here and get really good results and not feel like that the technology is holding me back that i'm missing things but when it comes to video we are actually considering switching from the z6's that we used or have been using in the studio here to switching over to the r5 for many different reasons the the concern is the overheating but we don't generally shoot super duper long videos when we're here we don't do super long takes where we have to really worry about it except when we're doing these real world reviews we love the autofocus we love all the things that we talked about so we are considering getting rid of the z6's from nikon and using in the studio the r5 for our video needs so at the end of the day canon did a fantastic job getting out what they got out with the r5 especially being super late to the game and having to reinvent their entire system and their entire world good job canon on doing the still side of it good job on the quality of the video not such a good job when it came to marketing but at the end of the day this is a solid solid i think masterful camera so let me know what you guys think down below don't forget to like share comment and subscribe and that's where i'm going to leave it jared polin see ya you
Channel: Jared Polin
Views: 343,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FroKnowsPhoto, Jared Polin, I SHOOT RAW, Canon EOS R5 Review, Camera, Canon EOS R5, Canon EOS R6, Canon EOS R, Canon RF, Camera Review, Canon Rumors, Nikon Z6, Nikon Z6 II, Nikon Z7, Nikon Z7 II, Sony a7R IV, Sony a7 III, sony a7 IV, Sony a9, canon rf 85mm f2, Canon 1DX Mark III, photography, best camera, 4k video, canon overheating, 8k video, canon 8k, video review, canon video review, canon 90d, canon mirrorless, dslr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 48sec (4968 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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