Tuning a Stock K series engine with a 55mm Restrictor. Challenge accepted

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alright guys this is a little SCCA touring class car they brought down for me to throw a tune-up in this car runs the t4 class which is basically Pat the car astora main stock you're allowed to pull the interior out and make things safer you can add the roll cage see you know just safety stuff is pretty much it this one has a bone stock k20a - I'm probably gonna run through the valve lash real quick just to make sure that's all perfect it also has a 55 millimeter restrictor right here and I was just on SCCA comm and I was looking through the rules make it seen what all we could do and the road race class is it's coming up Hey look at there there's the same car so this is a 2 in class car t4 class you're like I said you're just allowed to modify safety equipment and that's it and we'll be able to put a tune-up on it and see if we can't find you know every little pout every little bit of power that it has might be able to give it some low end or you know find something small or try to get the cam angles but with a 55 millimeter restrictor it'll definitely be a challenge so they located that between the throttle body and intake manifold right here just a 55 millimeter plate reduces the amount of air that can get into the plenum and all we can do is run a stock air filter so that's it play with some plug gaps and some new plugs and that's about it try to find some power so let's get to work let's check these plugs out looks pretty good so I'll probably just check the gaps on everything let me do the lash and then just run through the gaps and make sure everything's good [Music] all right so we can see there's just bone-stock cans in here and to take full advantage of the lash wallet scarf take full advantage of the cam while it's cold I'm gonna go ahead and adjust all the lash now and just get everything straight I'm ready for the race you know it's been probably revved countless times pretty high RPM and things get beat and moved around so let's just double check it make sure it's legit we'll start at cylinder one they'll do cylinder three cylinder four and then cylinder two just right off the firing order well just turn 90 90 90 latch the valves and then get into the computer and see if there's any power to be found okay and I'm also going to take all the intake valves to ten thousandths clearance and all the exhaust side till 11 and the reason I'm doing it on the looser side of stuff is because as the car runs and runs and runs throughout the day things will get hot swollen and tighter so let's just start on the loose side so we can take full advantage of the cam throughout the day so that's my theory on that and that's what I'm sticking to and that's what I'm gonna get done right now okay we have our 19 millimeter socket right down there on the crank pulley through the access hole we have our cam gears at TDC so that means we're doing cylinder number one take our feeler gauge and then go right under this between the top of the valve and the lash cap and that tenth all slides in there pretty good and has a little drag on it so we know that's what we want so that one's done I'm gonna run through them all like I said and go ten thousands on the intake and eleven on the exhaust and as we get heat in there things will expand and change and tighten up a little bit if if my feeler gauge wouldn't slide under I would adjust this nut right here until it slides under it has a little drag on it and that's it you can see the cam lobes are all away at the top and away from pushing the spring down and that's all you're trying to do just be on that side of the cam so let's go ahead and do them all real quick and move on to tuning so when I've lashed the valves I use this cool little tool this one I think I got from the Cornwell guy but there's a tons of different brands in styles but you can see as a ten millimeter hole there and then this is a straight screwdriver that comes down from here so I can hold the top of it in place and then adjust the lash out it's just I've made one before but having the right tool for it just I mean it makes it so fast kind of silly not to get one so all right let's get it done this one right here I got just loosing a little bit and then move on little drag good to go okay it's kind of hard to see here but there's an arrow right here this arrow is gonna face right here and then that's gonna be sullen or three I'm gonna do that real quick so let's give that round of cylinders to ready remember the final or is one three four - so we're gonna do all the timing in that order and if you see now the cylinder three lobes are both pointing towards each other if this was a B series they'd be point away from each other but that means we're on the little part of the cam so we can adjust that cylinder out and then we'll move to cylinder four and then - so - the arrow will be pointing towards the firewall and our cam lobes will be right there there we go all right so we got that all back together and everything wrapped up I move the ground from this point here to this point here something on data recommends to everybody keep noise down and better ground I guess so we did that as well so let's see what kind of power this help lift and after adjusting the lash the only thing we hear are the injectors cooked themselves so it's pretty good getting the fuel out putting some 100 octane in it which is the limit Porter than what they can run and then we're ready make some polls I've got a pretty good base the other day and the only thing we've done now is lash the valves and and switch the field to 100 octane and we're gonna yeah make it another test rip see what change is that it and then start applying work to the map [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] controller 191 yeah I was watching the white band looks like you need a little love yeah and I might have to put something else in there because I don't know if this is yeah bouncing around yeah all right so I got the log up you see her why fans just to get it all over it won't fit don't really trust this wideband at all needs change and maybe jamming those need some love you know she'd be able to find some mid-range the top ends pretty paying close it definitely picked up some top end so alright let's go to work fine I want to because we got a 5,000 rpm is where it is right now but to bring it in lower I need to add some cam angle which could pick up that whole bottom in and then change where VTEC comes in so wanna check out what we got for angles in this bad boy which they just basically highlighted everything looks like and put it 3030 which works and all but we're trying to optimize all the power throughout the band and then that may require some more angle to get us where we need to go and then bring it back I do like 30 on this cam and is a good place to be so the whole point is to bring in the cam angle and then taper it out to have top in having a tall one number like this you're just kind of fixing it one spot it's similar to having a cam gear which is cool that works but we'd like to try to take full advantage of everything so to do that we need to add some angle and maybe we can get some pick up some bottom and you get a good idea of what this stuff does these first settings may not be right but it's a start and we'll see what kind of changes it makes witness changes reading everything trying to find a good spot Berto and interpolate just to give me a nice linear curve so the cam does nothing to work real hard and everything can be you just have your door make power and sing and be happy they had a pretty good read on the spot so I'll see changing the X to the power turbines off unless we can pick it up which is the goal I may need a ton of the wideband in it as well because I don't have that I might put a torque pickup on it to test that on the new dyno software and see where stuff is letting off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 187 yeah yeah the torque was noisy there oh it's on time on the bottom oh there we go that looks better so you did smooth out this sum yeah you see all right I put a little timing before I go messing with anymore cam angles and iMovie tech down so I'm gonna test that real quick and let er rip [Music] there you go 189 starting to pick up that a lot the middle there green ones the new one yeah so you picked up there at the man that green ones hard to see from here you picked up on the front for sure can't find an inch that's pretty car like this you're just trying to find every little bit and you're gonna fudge up you know two or three horse so in splitting those hairs you just trying to finesse it and fine-tune as good as you can because there's always gonna be some little variable so you can keep it in some kind of window and just keep it ripping that's all we can do okay a little bit another tuning you saw we lost a little marginal power right up here we'll get to that but what's really cool is seeing what we gained back in here okay you can see where VTEC hit before and we were out this much power right so the green ones the one I just did the red one was the first one we did today with the new fuel and some changes valve lash and stuff but you can see right here is where I got VTEC kicking in so I'm gonna try a little bit sooner I could lose but it's worth the knowledge to know so if we can increase this power through here right because the cars gonna live in here a lot while you make changes in gears you know and just trying to drag the car out of a corner etc and then we'll try to increase this up here and hopefully we can make a little bit there I mean when I first looked at it looked like it looked like there was some left on the table but it's it's hard to say now that we're going you know cuz it's well I got a little heat in I mean this was cold but if I can make all of this low-end smoother that's just gonna help road racing all together because you know you switched down and you end up lugging it sometimes and you just need that thing to kind of pick up and go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 193 there you go 193 that's working it yeah we picked up the top end and I believe the top end came I did change the cam angle of that little bit then I actually dropped something timing it took some out it liked it a lot of top yeah well we took probably to half the breeze out of the top and the cam angle my pasted it in a little different and I have more angles so up top is happy and yeah middle is like back well the middle the middle it picked up a lot until this same spot where it dips every time but it was back into it harder maybe if I got an RPM on there no I did the big one with the loop yeah yeah that's what I think too there's give me some low-end grunt you know it's a bogging out of a corner or something or being stuck behind someone so getting it to pick up and do may just keep it wrapped out you know I don't know let's take a second and assess this and then come back so we have the first graph and the last graph of where I got where I am so vtec maybe just a little too low we got a little old that we lost some power so we'll move that back into here and try 4400 but you can see in here we gained a bunch of power we're gained power is more minimal this is the cam angle area we just changed so we're gonna see what that does but we picked up here and we carried more out the back so we'll keep finessing that until we can get really every inch of power out of it actually aspirated you got to fight for it yeah that's it right in there that's pretty decent gain what that is there so I picked up six or six horsepower there and then something back in there 17:25 this was a six-horse game and that's a not bad all right so this could be your little right here you can see this little tip right in here on my cam angle does this little number so I'm gonna try to follow this up and just make it a solid curve and see if that will pick it up or not this is all testing so I don't know exactly I saved the previous file so I don't have to go back and forth so if this doesn't work I can just put the other file right back in it there's no all right still getting used to all these new dyno controls are pretty cool it's working out so we tried to get fixed a little lull in the cam angle area in that 6500 area and then we move V tick up another hundred rpm so we're gonna test this out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 93 we killed some on the front you did pick that up a little bit but you killed some on the front so how far did you move VTech from 4 to 44 there's not 43 when it might just want to be 43 yeah is when I look [Music] so the green one is the new one right right here yeah no now it looks like he I don't know it might uh No so VTEC should be alright maybe it's just that cam angle right there it's article yeah yeah after your horse back there 193 so we match one 93.9 compared to one ninety three point five okay it's not a lot but like right there you know oh maybe it is a lot 167 to 170 that's but three or yeah I'll save this and then I'll make the changes [Music] any cell phone wideband number is not correct I mean already needs to feel this but really be sweet to touch 195 that's why I'm saving after every poll just so I can put back back it right back to something that we know works [Music] [Music] [Music] orange man give him more on that cam angle like yeah it's like inch-by-inch maybe go a couple degrees on that yeah let's just make a big change see if it tanks or not so one 93.7 but it picked up in some good spots you know your dip here came back out of it some and we're still gaining right there and that 63 last couple okay original okay all right guys we're getting in deep on this thing we're trying super hard to make every little bit of power we can having a blast this is cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] No Oh God yep well now we know one thing what's your last thing you're trying here it's not like you got something up that little sleeve all playing with those tables huh there it is breaks off run the screens on boys I hope you're ready we're working hard for every little bit of horsepower I'm hoping this change gets us over the top it meets our goal [Applause] [Music] spin around they put a different [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh all right hahaha save that that's what speaking in this thing man that's what it wanted 195 all right hahaha yeah that's what speaking in this thing man yeah see that was 95 man that was my goal now we're getting somewhere yeah but what in your head we talked about that he's dead to eat [Music] no way man and look how much it like flattened out right here right there okay see it fresh let's go the last run in the 1st one in the very 4-0 yep oh man what a deal what a deal were rockin here you know I still could probably put the to you to 126 and then ten horsepower in the middle jeez yes seven bn7 at the tip that's great dude that's a wicked ride that's it you could probably go back another hundred on the beach at home boys well I don't know I think because I think I'm actually worried that's why I'm losing well that could be why I'm losing this because I could have VTEC stew soon yeah well I'm not worried about that so much this is this is what's wonderful home man there's not a single thing like that's the closest fun yeah that's the closest spot what's the matter horsepower different like and it doesn't matter no man I love her k-series so to me this is a pretty big deal pretty cool that we can be involved with these guys that really take their time they really do it right and man it is just paying off right now this is uh really I mean it's so simple you basically buy a car get all the safety stuff in it some suspension the motor clutch all that stock and then you're allowed to put an ECU in to tune that and then that that's it that's all you get that's it that's all and that is how we're making Acura great again folks just like this this is awesome this is an honor and a privilege and just way rad to be able to tune this car that's what's about this is awesome this is like third generation in this family yeah in Honda's yeah that's sick I think we got to put a PFI sticker on the door like I said k-series parts Chris died over there he hooked it up with these guys he works with them a lot and said hey I know a guy that can tune it for you and they brought it up and here we are so big shout out to k-series parts its k-series parts comm go ahead and check him out get some parts and let them know we're grateful he brought it down because this is a rad video this is rad trip this is a rad tune you guys are learning a little bit of kaypro we're going over cam angles we're messing around with it all that's what we're doing so Jamie and I had a kick-ass time tuning on this stop k20a - in the this RSX little SCC a touring car finding every little bit of power playing with cam angles playing with ignition timing fueling kind of just going over everything and just trying to dial it in the best we can and having a good time doing it I think adjusting the valves out recapping the plugs all of that just all came together and made a better product in the end so we appreciate you guys hanging out I hope you learned something give us a like subscribe and I'll see you guys all tomorrow thanks for watching
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 98,683
Rating: 4.9461374 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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