Honda K series in a Miata ! This will be fun!

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welcome back to PFI speed it is actually a super gorgeous day here in March in Colorado normally around my birthday it's like deep snow and I mean literally in the 44 years I've been alive there's I've had like three birthdays without snowing or deep snow so this is pretty awesome pretty stoked and blessed so it was about a year ago maybe a year in a few months we got out to Florida and we helped Cletus put Ruby together and the same week we put Ruby together adam LZ had his open house and that is open house I got to meet Tommy Athiya and he had a little cameo that was just awesome I got to rip it and I kind of fell in love with that car it was really sweet and I think I don't know if he sold her he gave it away I probably double check but anyway the car was ripping and awesome to drive well today we have one that just arrived here and it is looking super clean this guy he is put the time in built something pretty awesome so this one's gonna be on K tuner that's a caterer very cool K Miata makes all the stuff for the swap the adapter plate and all the stuff to put them in and man it is awesome they've reached out to me before to build one and one day I wouldn't mind doing it you know these things for road racing are just incredible and I feel like this engine would get F initely give it a balance he did go with a K 24 a - which way big rump stoked to start tuning on this thing and trying to work it out we've already got her strapped down and I think I'm ready to just pull the trigger and get into the ECU and figure out how this is gonna go down [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right listen to that baby purr that sounds good we need one of these hers yeah matches your sweater - yeah TSS never felt looking fresh oh yeah need to see us in a turbo and it means like holy crap we gotta control down put some heat in it now you're only like 118 [Music] frickin sweet though sounds so good I already ran through it off with some cam angles in it so see if we get some fuel and play with a little timing and see if we can make a couple hundred or so I'll be sweet all right we're gonna go ahead and pick up a spool and [Music] not only a pretty good base [Music] or holy crap thank you guys stay back man you pick some good you pick some good chemical numbers there yeah I just put my usual thing then I start there and then so I did a screen capture to you this isn't my laptop so meant asking it was really fat on the top to you so we should bail find some power that's sweet man so it's still a little rich up top right now so now I can start trimming it and oh yeah yeah it's way sweet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right temperature back in this thing again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 9 two or nine bit though I still got some everywhere in Vitek picked up that's awesome [Music] [Music] and [Music] 2:10 and it looks like just the very like last 500 thousand horsepower it don't [Music] it's like it it gained a lot oh I got it they gained some up there and then it just lost that one well what it blew by my limiters okay late okay [Music] that dump-off for this okay alright so we made some fuel changes have kind of left the timing alone I feel like we almost got this thing so go ahead make another ring [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he is a please 11 yeah - 1111 [Music] [Music] yeah to 12 I gotta be right at the limit yeah I think you are excellent yeah awesome [Music] it is awesome which dirtiest thing um I got the kid in last November the engine I found guy and Greeley was selling it he just had it on my watch for I bought it for Jeff explored a good one they made some to jam I was so worried the whole time like man I'm gonna hit the starter on this thing's gonna start up and go is always scary use motors also but but you definitely got a good one so small it is not even very banging like I have to have the top down when I raised another helmet [Music] yeah I've been so I can lean back yeah and be like no plug in the steering [Music] oh yeah the next year is just like it was just there the other stuff doesn't stop pulling either animator redline I don't even Jamm invent it was like the sifter ended up in position swap so it's kind of like yeah find in the first video yeah just take some driving it used to be yeah some of yours TVs be awesome high plains you'll be like holy crap it'll be just jamming out there and tap to stay real good like really good and got it Ryan [Music] the second one I've driven the other one acted was Tommy F years and it uh it was came with the ITP is on it oh you're a pretty good right Sivas the same ballpark but if the engines build right like I mean my buddy aspirated rings yeah singing the caliper just jammed [Music] it's missing a ball my thing [Music] all right so all them back on the ebrake okay I won't use those foot brakes at all well better know now yeah even wonder if I left that loose yeah I just lost a nun I think we got this break I'm never far away yeah just start getting loud there yeah it's all good those things like you said you started November and like your yard there's so much to tackle you know little details get forgotten breaking ball I had won the whole wheel it was a big truck it was a big caliber but she James tries I know I wish I were to click third at the right time it just been like this seamless yeah you know stuff he came down how'd you hear from materials do you guys used to do Dino days and I was an eye someone they're fun man you get those big crowds near me yeah it's awesome you guys had when your drag cars there it's like a thing it was like a CRX put-down like 800 horsepower oh Jesus yeah I remember those days that's that's my old bully CX oh yeah yeah school and honestly on these like a live record on tuning one of these with it was a guy that did not care if I flew it up or not you know I made over $700 and each other like a year if it wasn't our I've done some that make you know like my baby in the chakras he brings me I might have a bolt at the shop be great thank you yak imagine going home around the highway [Music] yeah I've had so many cars with floor breaks or no brakes yeah we figure how to drive them [Music] you guys were gone for a while I don't know if you're having fun or we had fun and we lost they're accountable so that one chopper flipped up returned out which one front or rear we're gonna Jack it up and put a bolt in this thing kind of gouge the wheel it sounded yeah yeah that's definitely not a sound you like to hear no so we need a jack real quick and we'll check this out [Music] so the boat would go right here it's gone that's gonna be similar on the road right there [Music] it's definitely just like a Honda bolt for sure nah what's up y'all man on the deal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah a time man what see you guys so this weekend we finished welding some of the stuff underneath it and he got the pedals all in all the rear stuffs in so now he just needs to build the drive shaft you got the axe of all in now so this thing's super coming together the timing belt stuffs all fixed up that's right run super looking forward to all that Shane's buttoning up Derek's hot rod let's check it out real quick yeah man it is looking sweet so he's gonna make the race and then Todd is over here with angels Supra those wheels are just looking so good on the stink but you're just finishing up the wiring in the dashboard stuff so they got the dash back in and it's really looking good there's that own flashlight yeah that looks great man good work brother yeah but that's what's going on here at PFI that Cape Miata was just a blast attuned and I think you made really good power for really good power for a stock Cade 2482 pretty impressed honestly but that'll do it for that will do it for this episode PFI speed appreciate guys hanging out and watching with us we've got the freakin 500 coming up soon and we're gonna be out in florida for quite a while so i'll be vlogging all that and doing all that but we appreciate you guys watching and joining us every day so give us a like subscribe I'll see you guys all tomorrow and share all this share this video go to the merch store all that jazz too so thanks for watching
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 95,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: itmpE504dV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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