Tumblr Memes Episode 181

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to people who use as an aesthetic p think again getting thorny in the linguistics fandom thorny that also goes for using as an aesthetic b on my old server there was a character named billy baddis this never failed to make me laugh because that letter is not pronounced like b it is a sharp s that guy named himself silly saddus [Music] also to people who ue has an aestheticky that's an s2 so maybe check next time oh boy as an aesthetic a don't be a dumbass as an aesthetic m don't be silly as another aesthetic n stun it as another aesthetic why too bad or as an aesthetic w no it's s and s h c h as an aesthetic r surprise it's siachen a build diaries ah yes that classic horror films near the apoval diaries language tumblr teach me more just learned that raskin's grandchildren were alive in 1978. imagine hearing a song on the radio about how severely your granddad freaks boney end turned the ussr in 1978 his grandchildren could have heard about how severely their granddad fritz lived [Music] who would you prefer patrolling your neighborhood [Music] crime frankenstein without a doubt next question in very rare circumstances it is possible to see a full 360 degree rainbow from an airplane target locked firing lesbian ray random field in nebraska on 24th april 2021 at 12 p.m josh josh josh josh josh josh josh josh josh no josh fight here private property please go to bowling lake park for josh versus josh versus josh may the best josh win ladies and gentlemen the location for the josh fight has changed spread the word terrain switch theme aquatic prep disco girl goth e-boy ego jock bimbo geek insole time is a flat circle what if a garden gnome is just the larval stage of a wizard annoyed i had to read this but strangely intrigued i hate the fact that the sentence manners are rare because we ate them as factual i'm sorry what i am so happy to be the one to introduce you to the horrible few hundred years where europeans regularly consumed ground egyptian mummies [Music] when you get shampoo in your eye and wonder what the name of your guide dog will be [Music] she went after my [ __ ] like she was migo and i was that gay little ring when you the black panther and king of wakanda and everyone in the avengers is super respectful to you but then you come home and get roasted by your general your mom and your 16 year old sister [Music] if being hard on yourself worked it would have worked by now it's demiro's [ __ ] pop in platforms monday what the frick did you just say mr dino it's an honor to have you here those aren't my tits those are my poison storage sacks and i want to get poisson let this be a warning to you can we all please collectively agree to make time your jacket around your waist fashionably acceptable again i don't wanna carry my jacket anymore when i get hot obama she's beautiful bill who is obama the girl reading this hits you with car sorry gets hit by a car sorry emo problem number 826 when the wind blows your side bangs back and you see everyone you hate with both eyes ball pit but it's just these i dive in head first cutting through like butter i'm never seen again liam neeson apparently was in danger on set because the jedi had like four basic moves but he was trained for sword fighting for rob roy so he would wave his plastic sword in new and interesting ways that would not be choreographed but were traditional actual ways to fight with a sword to be fair that does sound like something qui-gon would do between liam actually knowing what he was doing and not being able to stop himself from making lightsaber noises it's a wonder the phantom menace got made at all [Music] you've always been able to teleport since the day you were born with one exception all eyes have to be turned away from you for you to do it one day as you laying bed in the privacy of your own home you try to teleport but discover that you cannot you cannot fast travel when there are enemies nearby his arrival was foretold in the ancient murals [Music] my sister thought bdsm was a myers-briggs personality type and i haven't stopped thinking about it since she told me imagine roughly a million people realizing yeah we could storm a government facility and they literally would not be able to stop us all and not using that knowledge to overthrow the government posts that put me on a list oh you have ribs invert them this is indecipherable thank you 227 we are inverted i repeat we are inverted you know what i'm not a simple person with simple tastes i'm exceedingly complicated and my tastes are extremely convoluted never mind i was just thirsty why won't body tell me that it needs water in a direct way oh you were parched i thought you were horny i'm a shrek shell and i crave moisture i'm getting i'm a shrek shell and i crave moisture printed on a t-shirt just watched shape of water on the plane and like damn she really flooded her whole apartment for that fish stick frankly it's just like that sometimes it literally isn't and i'm concerned coward fish fricker power lines are crushed with the weight of accumulated freezing rain in bajaville near montreal canada january 9 1998 mood does magic but in a dead seaway like a real himbo hal's moving castle 2004 the adventure zone 2014 to 2017 people leaving after the porn bang was so funny because it was like all of a sudden if one of your favorite little funny blogs was just gone and it was like they really were only here to be horny yay and now they all have 100 followers on twitter my god i just realized the people who left tumblr for twitter were essentially like i want my social media experience to be like the old tumblr and where they meant tumblr before the porn bad the finger on the monkeys poor curled and it took them instead back to tumblr circa 2015 drinking juice with my custom crazy straw that says beach while wearing comically large sunglasses and i think i'm finding my true self rntbh [Music] how long must you suck in order for you to finally get the juice not gonna lie it takes a few seconds but what's the point of being a beach if i'm not gonna be over the top you're a killer dumping your latest victim into the river just as you're about to be done you spot another person doing exactly the same thing and they've just spotted you too same crime same crime just found out that stoats hunt twice the size of them like rabbits by aggressively and eccentrically dancing around it with their little slinky rigatoni body so it can confuse the absolute frick out of its prey until it can get close enough to jump on its back like some shadow of the colossus crap and take it down oh my god it's called the weasel war dance and they just go off the craps ate crap little animals why do people say hating popular things doesn't make you interesting every time someone doesn't like something whoever said anything about being interesting i'm just hating for fun and malice something bad happens to someone crappy you're caught dismissed bring in the dancing crabs when i was little i remember being mesmerized by all the trinkets and angels that my grandmother had in her cabinets my kids are gonna have the same thing except it'll be anime figures this is my grandmother's most prized possession she said it's called super pachacho i have the window open and just saw a cat run by followed by a lady shrieking rasputin he strikes once again mobsters are part of a mod and so you'd think lobsters would be part of a log but offer hahaha life just isn't so simple [Music] driving in my smart car google glass show me the nearest e6 shop beeping sound ugh no only show ones that accept bitcoin this was considered an outlandish joke in 2014 oh crap i'm sorry man my schedule for the week is all booked sunday yeah monday pine tuesday long wednesday egg thursday sai friday lament saturday crave can't relate here is my schedule go beast mode i have a little switch in my head it's two settings i'd do everything immediately and do nothing at all i do not control what the switch is set to and there is no third setting i love tumblr because someone can just say here i made this thing it's kirby with teeth and like five people will respond with oh i hate it and i hope your entire family dies and they just take it as a compliment holy crap yes someone draw a kirby with teeth [Music] here's your beach venomous kirby north please like this image on facebook i present to you nicholas minaj tears are actually streaming my face right now anyone else feel like god is just toying with you however he pleases he thinks he's so funny well i'm about to be hilarious me about to commit blasphemy you never realize how pointless this website is until you try to describe it to someone i wish i didn't look like a foot i heard something the other day that i had never really thought about before someone mentioned to me that whenever you catch yourself missing someone who left your life you should remind yourself that them not being part of your present is a choice they make every day they wake up and decide to maintain the silence they are indifferent as to whether the space between you gets larger and that in itself is pretty powerful closure [Music] this isn't the place this must be the place [Music] i always see take your meds reminders but i've never seen one for medical equipment so here friendly reminder to charge up change out clean reapply adjust refill or wear your medical device or equipment if you have any love and spoons [Music] if you don't believe that slow continuous progress can take you far from where you started you've never taken a turtle out of the tank to walk a bit and forgotten to keep an eye on it for 30 minutes humans aren't opposed to or distinct from nature we are just like deer except when we get anxiety we can write books about it our ensemble is thinking up a poem about how scary sudden noises can be but she can't write it down because she has who's not fingers i wanna hear the doterra so bad doterra [Music] giving a bj to a goth is just gets on these unbuckles his belt unbuckles his belt unbuckles his belt unbuckles his b nick jackson list of ancient beings on earth right now tommy whisser eric andre keanu reeves this is jeff goldman erasure eric and jeff are both like young immortals a couple hundred years old kinu is a healthy fully formed immortal a good two to three thousand years old tommy whistle predates modern man and has gone mad with eternity blinking is like clapping for your eyes just remember that your eyelids are always applauding you and cheering you on even if nobody else's this website is so inspirational [Music] the garden admires you louise black from descending figure the garden me laughs at something me okay back to suffering bear in mind [Music] when the teacher says pick a partner but you're nihilistic so you choose death i'm hers i'm he's i'm he's [Music] appreciation post for everyone who's ever talked to me because i'm annoying and dumb me sees a white boy locks my car doors white boy knocks on window what would you be doing if i was in there with you queen of getting her hopes up [Music] cancels plans sorry i can't come i'm ugly howdy folks i hope that you all enjoyed episode 181 of top tumblr memes if you did feel free to drop a like comment and subscribe to the channel and if you're able to go the extra mile feel free to click the join button next to the subscribe button become a channel member i would greatly appreciate that as well any support i can get means the world to me so if you're able to do that feel free to do so i am back in miami i have the camera and microphone set up so hope the the high quality outros are higher quality outros at least have returned no more filming on my webcam don't worry we'll be back to this uh in terms of what to expect in the upcoming week i'm hoping that means someone from tumblr episode 2 should be able to come up i am coming up on my final exam period so uh i will be busy and i think that the tumblr user videos will kind of take a backseat for now but then of course when it's over i'll be able to step on the gas in terms of the creation of those and making sure that you get that content more often because i know you all really enjoy it and i had a good suggestion for wholesome tumblr content on the discord so i have a couple of good tumblr users that i could use and make a video about in terms of your question of the day it is what draws you to tumblr content what is it about tumblr content content that you like so much let me know in the comments i hope that you all have a wonderful morning evening afternoon night whatever time of day it is for you and i'll see you all tomorrow episode 182 of top tumblr memes peace out guys [Music] you
Channel: Tumblr Central
Views: 14,380
Rating: 4.9740262 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, r/tumblr, top tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, best tumblr posts, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, cowbelly, tumblr awards, tumblr central, text posts, tumblr text posts, hot memes, best memes, top memes, cowbelly memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, best of tumblr, funniest tumblr posts, tumblr compilation, tumblr posts
Id: CRsiXGN37_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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