Tumblr Memes Episode 178

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you will hate to see a gnc beach thriving in a marsh environment when your homie hand you the ox cord there's just an old guy pacing back and forth in this goodwill farting and it scares me because it's like seeing myself in 60 years pidgey escapes poke ball me who do you think you are becomes a v tuber and does nothing but play solitaire on stream for five hours straight without winning a single game what if we pronounced female like tamale tamale isn't even a freaking word you freaking dip craps the singular term is tamal betty ate a freaking tamale pluralist tamales betty and the jose some freaking tamales i swear if i see another person say or use tamale i will implode anyways imagine if we pronounced female like tamale in the end we all die alone literally what has to go wrong in a straight man's life to make him have an active tumblr account stop telling pretty women they are pretty we know tell these ugly men they ugly they the ones that's confused i could make a post on here saying that some stranger has done something horrible and outlandish with no proof at all and people will be like if i don't reblog and spread this i'm evil if england did video games about plumbers mark that is the worst thing i've seen in my life [Music] just truly bonkers how much i love lying down like being horizontal unparalleled well it's paralleled by both the floor and ceiling but i see where you're coming from sad but true it doesn't matter if people die as a result opening a sports themed bar and grill is too important august 11 2018 2020 is the year we find out who the psychics are which apparently includes bots i'm beginning to think hindsight is 20 20 with some kind of message from a future time traveler that we all misunderstood my warrior caddosi smoke weed is much cooler and more stronger than any of your other cats so don't even try it my warrior caddosi is named mountain dew and he's lime green and has a sick mohawk please take everything i own [Music] step one get giant beach balls step two paint eyes on them step three place in tree facing neighbors house step four other people i guess use its magic as a way to not think about it anymore me complete idiot uses its magic as an excuse to come up with excessively convoluted magic systems using stuff i barely understand wizard uses its magic to cast spells and potions frick you you can't cast a potion you idiot amateur mistake this freaking dip crap doesn't know how to cast a potion casting a potion step one i think humanity peaked when we decided that clowns are scary and skeletons are funny the face painted red-nosed caricature meant to cause laughter and bring joy to children has morphed into an uncanny valley harbinger of horror while the dry remains of a human being originally no men of death of utmost sacredness is now instantly funny just looking at it [Music] sometimes i wish i was lowkey so i'd make everyone just kneel interviewer you don't have to be loki to make me kneel tom oh i love how it took him a moment anyone else got problems no you're the only one okay sorry love sleeping in guest bedrooms they're always just a little off blanket is tucked in too tight headboard is too cold fan is a little too loud it's incredible lamp is just out of reach and it's the only light in the room the floor is carpeted but cold it's always 8 p.m good job trope beginning a sentence in a harmless fashion then turning it aggressive and weirdly specific and directed at a generic name because it's freaking funny susan i think the only reason i'm normal is because i refuse to engage with fandoms of any kind you're literally on tumblr get hubba bubba an ice breaker five gum big league chew cotton candy bang energy five hour energy riddle and monster and mix all of it into a plastic health cup you've owned since eight and chug it all in one sitting and you can predict what happens ten minutes into the future have you seen the future i've seen my own death i got a confession to make i once accidentally vacuumed my room at sock and i panicked so i vacuumed the other one to so he doesn't get suspicious i didn't tell him anything what's your opinion of combs and comb users never used them myself but i hear they are very useful if you know how to chain them with special attacks they are a lot of work but rewarding once you get the hang of them wait i read that as combos sleeping with a military guy and then telling him he can't stay over because of the third amendment you're lying cackling hold on i'm not american i gotta search this okay this is freaking [Music] not bad hilarious shout out to ed for identifying as agnostic after god ripped two of his limbs off a total power move itchy run when your legs don't work like they used to before [Music] partake on a scale of nerd vs jock laughing is a more jockish activity than fantasy football larping people going outside and being physically active requires working as a team with people fantasy football poindexters on the computer playing with stats what is playing football if not fantasy football larping gamers will see water and be like i am physically incapable of digesting this you're really stuck up on this gamers don't drink anything idea huh gamers have cold blood and live in the sand disney frozen all of the snowman face paint tutorial i have seen the gates of hell can i touch the fat pig yes you may absolutely [Music] i was dipped in a barrel of toxic slush when i was born achilles baptism joker sludge so true bestie but anyway let me lay my head on your chest and fall asleep to the sound of your breath why did i think of saint john the apostle saying this to jesus because you have serious problems you're locked in a room alone with three adult men but you feel perfectly safe who are they [Laughter] [Music] tumblr flagged a post of a girl eating berries so fruit is four [ __ ] now reblog if you're a fruit eating [ __ ] fruit eating [ __ ] unite people who draw big bear a men for a living honestly are the same people who did all the roman sculptures in ancient times reincarnated the ultimate gay clubbing experience this is actually a real place in belfast no joke i sometimes forget how weird it is to outsiders that northern ireland's biggest gay nightclub is soviet themed and has a huge statue of lenin let's freaking go [Music] hey what's up guys i'm still trapped in this abandoned grain silo [Music] playing minecraft on a cold rainy day french kiss meant chef's kiss love minecraft makes out with you games like golden eye double 007 for the n64 create unrealistic expectations of how much of a big deal gold is because there's a gun made of gold in it that literally kills anything in one shot which is unrealistic actually when i've shot people irl with a golden gun it not only killed my target but also me which makes it 200 effective so please stop spreading misinfo sleep aid not working folks how to sleep insomnia while never thought of this one before what should i do if i can't sleep one go to bed two go to sleep what duh your blog has helped me learn english although i've suddenly become a terrible influence just remember frika means cool in english it's weird but true people who read while listening to music are very talented and are probably going to hell [Music] when you're waiting for someone to open the gift you got them hello friends i'm here [Laughter] person i hate small talk i want to talk about death aliens shreks what life means and why we are here me listen man you gonna buy these shoes or nap cause i gotta close up in about 10 minutes why is he so sad what has been done to him you're really funny but you seem to have a very nasty spirit is there a way i can put this on my resume [Music] me while picking up worms from the sidewalk so i can put them back into the mud a soggy boy is a happy boy [Music] you like the mandalorian yeah i think they are easier to peel than oranges you always remember zayn neither do the charts the selena stands reblogging this i wouldn't selena was an idol may her soul rest in peace andrew they mean selena gomez who once these nails dry beej hey chelsea you ever think about that wild beach from holes who painted her nails with rattlesnake venom and claude and the third friker across the face that was a very special moment for my young lesbian ass thank you for reminding me accidental events to friend great now i can never speak to them again like in among us just got vaccinated it was a little weird when the nurse kissed me on the mouth with tongue but it was a great experience all around how to stop trying to be the girl he wants you to be and become his waking nightmare [Music] incorrect quotes are so crazy no understanding of the characters half of the times the jokes don't make sense blatantly just weird and they are everywhere they are most definitely incorrect quotes i will tell you that they weren't lying those quotes can incorrect snoop mim enemy sound of me sleeping very soundly leaning back in a chair with a big key ring tied to my hip is it weird if the man owns a rabbit yes rabbits are gay animals little women throughout the movie amy boasts about her lovely small feet yet florence poo is a size eight according to wikifeet this post will float in front of my eyes as i die when i was at my first you know appointment and she lifted up the cover and said who's that little monster and i was like and didn't say anything until i realized she meant the moon into two on my leg i got yelled at and it's literally taken me several days to recover emotionally it really wiped me out that's not normal girl frick you so many male characters are held back by the fact that they are not wearing earrings when they so clearly should be wearing earrings [Music] sulfuric acid steel her look sulfuric acid 420 dollars my friends that sweet sweet validation me [Music] need to be put in one of these until i can behave why are there people who legitimately care about queen elizabeth like what has she personally done for them that they care for her ate me out behind hernandez okay what's the rest of yours excuse in the movie american psycho christian bale based the main character on the letterman interview featuring tom cruise in 1999 when asked about the inspiration behind patrick bateman he replied tom cruise on david litterman had this very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes every day of my life i think about this fact every single day i don't remember canon but i have very strong opinions about everything christians about the bible hickeys are beautiful because they are the only time a bruise results from love and affection rather than harm false i have a bruise that resulted from my deep love and affection for spaghettius and my inability to hold on to the can of spaghettius wait if you have social anxiety and i have social anxiety then who's going to order the food the third friend who has the mom friend anxiety override [Music] the council of elder tummies tinker nikki diazila land view dark emails to whom it will concern now that this email has found you i hope this email finds you before i do do you ever eat some disappointing junk food and it's like i'm clogging my arteries for this things on this site are so oddly specific yet accurate howdy folks i hope that you all enjoyed episode 178 of top tumblr memes if you did feel free to drop a like comment and subscribe to the channel i would greatly appreciate that and if you're able to go the extra mile feel free to click the join button right next to the subscribe button because wow become a channel member i would greatly appreciate that i just got my second dose of the vaccine so i'm feeling good i have no negative side effects so far we'll keep you all up to date feel free to go watch the one time i dreamt episode or compilation two um that went up a couple hours ago hours ago if you haven't already done that i really appreciate that new question of the day it's gonna be your quick one what's your favorite fruit i ask as i eat an apple um i may have already asked this one i'm not sure but let me know anyway and let me know if i've already asked it keep an eye out for memes stolen from tumblr version two and yeah i hope that you have a wonderful morning evening afternoon night every time i do this view and i'll see you all tomorrow with episode 179 peace out guys [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Tumblr Central
Views: 16,049
Rating: 4.9656653 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, r/tumblr, top tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, best tumblr posts, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, cowbelly, tumblr awards, tumblr central, text posts, tumblr text posts, hot memes, best memes, top memes, cowbelly memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, best of tumblr, funniest tumblr posts, tumblr compilation, tumblr posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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