Tumblr Memes Episode 173

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in elementary school i hit this kid cause he said i can't punch and i broke his nose and then my stepdad picked me up and the office was like you have to say sorry but then the kid was like but she proved me wrong she doesn't have to say sorry ladies and gentlemen my best friend of many many years this is violently beautiful the axe forgets but the tree remembers this is a huge thing especially with kids to the parent they are lashed out when they were mad and forgot about it expecting the kid to forget to to the kid it was a big moment that defined your relationship with your parents stuff my parents don't remember doing or saying were things that to me spoke very very loudly that i was not safe to be open and honest with my parents the axe forgets but the tree remembers indeed you've heard of elf on a shelf brace yourselves for beach in a swamp if you're bored you can simply close your eyes and rotate a cow in your mind it's free and the cops can't stop you oh wow you're right the void is beautiful and i love him to pet this cat you have to certify that you are not an ish cap or petting it on his behalf a good percentage of my friends and arts's that percentage is zero that's a good percentage of nazi friends to have op change your url this is freaking fantastic [Music] and god said unto abraham abraham and abraham replied what god said to john come forth and receive eternal life but john came fifth and won a toaster and judas approached the rabbis and pharisees saying the one who micas is the one you seek to which they responded gay and thus god made eve and she was bam and slam in bootalicious see you all in hell i went to go pick up my hormones from the chemist today and the guy was quite sweet and very well intentioned but clearly way out of his element when i was leaving i did the standard thanks have a nice night and he responded with you to enjoy your very very quietly obviously realizing what he was saying was highly insane gender and tbh i haven't stopped thinking about being a gender enjoyer since [Music] i just want to let you all know that a 13 year old girl just bought a yoda plush from my bookstore and immediately went run over beach in my 2003 toyota prius i must to her older brother who responded in howling laughter me irl me and my brother reenacting obi-wan and anakin's duel on the stairs but with 500 more swearing if i get shot do i own the bullet can i keep it [Music] i know this is dumb but i think that australia exists like the ocean is largely unexplored there could very well be a fallen empire and we haven't found it yet i meant atlantis you [ __ ] historical range of the use of war elephants throughout history me a simple english pikemen watching a war elephant rampaging through kent what's all this then this beach looked like above ground radish i'm crying omg stock why do people draw the sun with sunglasses how is he supposed to protect his eyes from the soon if he is the sun he has to protect his eyes from your face ouch it never specifies what type of stone medusa turns you into so for all we know medusa could be turning ancient greeks into solid diamond statues which she sells to fuel her opulent lifestyle but diamonds aren't rocks morin i mean they technically are technically water is also a rock so she might just melt freeze people w water isn't a rock at all mineral water bad idea for a romantic comedy the chief of police is married to a mob boss and they have to keep just failing to catch each other when one of them hits the other in a shootout it's followed with oh i'm never going to hear the end of this so how was your day at work you freaking shot me that was my day at work we clearly have different definitions of bad died and came back as a cowboy i call that re-intonation one time as a kid as stingray tried to launch himself out of the touch tank at me while i was petting his friend and now i'm scared to ever love again come on baby open your heart every single sunteen musical could be adapted into warrior cats fan fiction so easily every single musical could be adapted into warrior cats fan fiction so easily hamilton they said could not should [Music] merchants can you send me joker memes we inhabit a village lower inscription what i bring to the relationship psychic attacks and negative entities hey things are going to get better you cannot prevent it yes i'm threatening you with a good time have a good day beach worry be happy the brain is just eight pounds of meat that sits in complete darkness and plays a video game of what it thinks is the most realistic thing ever it's three pounds not eight also it's not really meat it's mostly fat with some water and salt you have a wad of soggy bacon inside your skull and this blob of gross unprocessed jello somehow manages to run a complex biomechanical suit using less electricity than it takes to work a light bulb and people wonder why humans are so freaking weird and have odd experiences that aren't actually real i mean if a bowl of tapioca pudding managed to hallucinate so vividly it invented calculus it also going dude i heard a weird noise and i'm 100 sure it was the ghost of the neighbor's cat which hasn't actually died yet would be just as expected as anything else if you were born blonde and it turned brown you're not a brunette you're still blunt it's just that you're a failure glad to hear there's more of us out there former blonde support group part of my job here at lowe's involves me standing in the you know i had to do it to impose whenever a customer asks me a question me being dramatic at work after i make one mistake i'm going home to reflect on what i've done i'm a work in progress thank you everyone for being patient with me i deserve much less than the kindness you've shown me good night team holy crap this was me when i almost burned down the store two days ago i'll admit the mistake i made was a lot smaller than yours i wish to eat sand give it a good old munch hot new adhd hack can't start a task go start another task wait till it gets too difficult and gratefully bail for the first project update forgot my brain could just decide to give up on both you summon a demon but it comes out wearing cat ears and one of those belt tails from walmart and it says you woo niya i send the demon back to hell forcefully the cia offered nasa a 3 million bribe if he would join the proposed middle east defense organization nasa took the money but then refused to join trade offer i received 3 million you receive nothing candle what is something you can't go to bed without melatonin bills [Music] safe shreks how not to get shrekully transmitted diseases my health project cover page tell us why you're closed why are you closing your doors why are you locking your doors to the public tell us the reason why you can't remember where you came from you can't remember where you're going you can't remember knowing pov you are cotton knight joe this is the funniest freaking response i've ever gotten on any of my posts ever oc got her brows microbladed girl boss out of broly or vegeta which one would dead name me this is honestly the funniest ask i'm laughing odds vegeta dead names goku all the time got i'm at a social function rn and instead of socializing i'm petting and playing the cat priorities i love birthdays they are so motivational like if i can manage to keep myself alive for another year i'll get money and cake white russell when he is so good at playing an unlikable person that he accidentally gets people to hate him in real life that wasn't part of my plan you ever seen porno hasta stat stick porn i o pon io pon io i meant pon io pon io yeah i have seen pon io wiggles oh it's earthworm okay steps over your correctly company trying to market something to millennials homie consumerism is on fleek bay we should 100 go to our nearest bastion of capitalism and get hurt with your bff someone are you okay me someone is that a yes me me my wife just gave birth someone from melbourne i'm from melbourne i'm majoring in making my life a living hell at idiot university crazy to think that i'm just a series of posts in someone's phone screen aha let me out shampoo and conditioner aka the salt and pepper of being in the shower one red block equals one agree cheers being a worm must be awesome it's like man that dirt was great i wish there was more and there always is feeding my pig slop in my new tesla milf alert voice training be like talk in your nose you'll feel it talk more up do up sounds give me your best you will try holding the a button try holding the a button now slowly move your consciousness to inside your lover the voice is the stupidest instrument it's invisible like a them in and made of meat impatient remorseful emails that will have your professor saying okay frick annie mayman on sale at the grocery store rn boss says here you're proficient at fighting ghosts me yeah boss but this place isn't haunted me you're welcome boss mouthing holy crap i wish none of you were sad i wish there was peace and justice and wealth and happiness and good people around all of the planet try and one-up me again beach other girls floral print airline skirts fuzzy sweaters high heels me crispy tortillas topped with shredded beef mince diced tomatoes and cheddar cheese served with sausage how close are you to losing your crab lgbtq let's guillotine the bourgeoisie tonight comrades my body is a temple but it's one of those temples in thailand where they let monk is crap all over the place i'm thinking you need a new name for your company thank you for watching pet peepee is the best name for my company friend what's up you look sad what's wrong me oh nothing my mind little foot more edward cullen when bella walks into the classroom in front of the fan me after stealing a flat screen out of best buy wait what in the gosh dan frick saw this earlier when i was on mushrooms and legit thought i died nice to know this actually exists t.i.l that actor errol flynn had such massive genital warts upon his death that vancouver's chief pathologist removed them and soaked them in formaldehyde to allow medical students to research them when the city's coroner heard this he immediately scotch taped flynn's warts back onto his penis it's that time of year where people on tumblr are shouting if you donate to ao3 and not my personal gofundme you are evil and they are right i just need everyone to know that there is currently discussion on how religion operates in the omega verse on tick tock including such gems as what happens if you go into heat during ramadan and catholic guilt in a megaverse my vaccine lady held out the little madonna vial to me like a sommelier would show you a wine bottle and i sort of panicked and said yes perfect thank you like a freaking idiot [Music] til rabbits can smell their dead relatives and the faces of predators why tell us this please for the love of god be calm and gentle around my pet hellfire missile if you get him too anxious he will launch in a random horizontal direction and detonate howdy folks i hope that you all enjoyed episode 173 of top tumblr memes if you did feel free to drop a like comment and subscribe to the channel i'd greatly appreciate it and if you're able to go the extra mile feel free to click the join button right next to the subscribe button become channel members and if you are currently channel members make sure to check your subscription status because it's coming up on a month and if you would like to renew it feel free to do so if not that's fine as well um so one time i dreamt that'll be coming out sometime this week i will keep you updated as to when exactly it will be that was one of the more viewed tumblr user videos and so i'm going to bring it back for a second installment i will also be bringing back the top our meme stolen from tumblr so i keep mixing meme stolen from tumblr for another episode because you all really seem to enjoy it i am working on the generation of the second channel where i'll be doing the minecraft play-throughs as well as the raiding minecraft mobs and probably cooking streams and different things like that um and i will be start putting the link in the description when that channel is up um for you all to see and i'll probably put it in one of the outros too so that those of you who are interested in uh joining the channel will be able to and uh oh your question of the day uh let me know in when you watch these videos so do you watch when you're eating dinner do you watch them while you're going to sleep do you just watch them whenever you see them is there no real time plays let me know the manner in which you watch the videos i'm really interested to hear about it um and yeah i hope that you'll have a wonderful morning evening afternoon night whatever time it is for you and i will see you all tomorrow with episode 174 peace out guys
Channel: Tumblr Central
Views: 15,773
Rating: 4.9801784 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, r/tumblr, top tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, best tumblr posts, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, cowbelly, tumblr awards, tumblr central, text posts, tumblr text posts, hot memes, best memes, top memes, cowbelly memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, best of tumblr, funniest tumblr posts, tumblr compilation, tumblr posts
Id: sGpy0NPqbaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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