Tumblr Memes Episode 156

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t.i.l that millennial dads are spending three times as much time with their kids and their father spent with them back in 1982 43 of fathers admitted they'd never changed a diaper today that number is down to about three percent millennials are killing the deadbeat dad industry i'm trying to conduct global maritime trade but i'm dummy thick and the clap of my hull plates keeps blocking the sews canal why do i gotta learn about global news like this the spread of covered 19 is based on two factors one how dense the population is two how dense the population is got to love language blue glitter smoke glitter sunset fish aesthetics those are lures i've been fooled i'm as dumb as a fish [Music] human it must be a dreary existence unable to love to eat to sleep to laugh i feel sorry for you robot i can laugh i have a sense of humor you know human really i've never heard you laugh before robot i've never heard you say anything funny hello 911 i'd like to report a violation of the first law of robotics this robot just straight up murdered a human siren hey come over here for a good time me i'm a shrek shell siren oh siren that you wouldn't fight a siren me immediately turning my ship to crash into the rocky cliffs who the frick said that fun fact this is how this is canal incident occurred i know guac is extra i begin typing on an old typewriter a werewolf is steering a submarine but then stop i conch up the paper and throw it in the fire the world isn't ready yet for captain harry mchales the submarine pilot who is secretly a werewolf hiding from the moon yes it is the world would be so much better if people would just unironically write stuff like this i'm tired of books that take themselves seriously i feel like knowing the word yarnick the vagina equivalent of phallic really changes a person because after that point basically any shape or objective can be classified as genital shaped eyes yarnick symbolism fingers phallic symbolism that's all there is poking yourself in the eye a cunning symbol of shrek shall intercourse exactly my tayat yanik the hedgehog you might not have and yet you did entirely cognizant my uni students asked me if they had homework for the holidays and i felt so bad for the man they're tired dead eyes that i told them to just mail me pics of their favorite pokemons three students sent me digimons i can't freaking trust them with anything i give up my therapist is selling her house so i'm gonna find the listing online and make her living room my zoom background before our next session you wanna get in my head okay well i'm in your home babe i'm in charge now yeah i see why they are in therapy are yet still freaking stuck someone probably already made this post but i'm a fool with hubris and also procreate why is a big freaking ship getting stuck in the sews canal and just completely freaking paralyzing one of the world's most important trade routes so freaking funny to me what if you had a global system of trade but a freaking fat ass gosh don boat just blocked all of it oh frick y'all are you freaking kidding me you're the bad guy in somebody's story paul i'm the bad guy in my story what if your eyes change color depending on your mood a teacher looking up from a lecture and being annoyed that all the students eyes are grey with boredom until they notice with sinking horror that one student in the back who is deeply aroused that tree ain't high enough stupid he's so sleepy he doesn't even care me as a bat i'm in love with this bat frickit good enough i present the formula for creating excellent slash strange insults adjective plus curse word plus noun no one asked for your opinion you abominable crap goblin i failed to understand how you've become such a reprehensible frick waffle get out of my way you sorry excuse for an intolerable ass pastry i cannot believe that such an illiterate [ __ ] truck could ever be remotely polite maybe if you weren't such a troublesome gosh done elbow we could get some things done around here i see no one has reblogged my post is it because you undeserving freak llamas are afraid of the truth i want one of those scenes in a dubrow film where tomboy chick has to wear a dress to go undercover or whatever but instead of the guys drooling as she walks down the stairs they are like k you need to stop go put the cargo pants back on you look super uncomfortable and awkward in that brutus you go be the fake prostitute i'm just imagining this super ripped guy called brutus being like yes i've always wanted to be the fake prostitute now is my time to shine football stadiums look like giant eyes when viewed from above i don't like knowing this evil like collecting and focusing powerful forces of enormous hatred this is why aliens won't visit shipping companies are in well i guess we'll have to find another way [Music] shipment officers gently nudging ever given with their eight tug boats ever give and move out of the way please so you don't block the entire global trade ever given her lamp lights enormous you shove ever given you shove the hull like the big boulder oh oh no commerce for human no commerce for human for 1 000 years i'm so freaking sick of the insensitive ass questions cis people ask is there blood on your clothes why do your eyes glow in the dark are those fangs like shut up [Music] i'm so sorry for having a fat ass and huge [ __ ] i'm so sorry i'm so sorry wow you guys are really into this freaking boat huh it has a fat ass and a huge [ __ ] how could you not be into it haking just a reminder that this is a freaking boat and someone draw at a human sonar now no tonic i'm going to pull your spine out of your ass if you say that again i wanna wake up to crap like this imagine being the captain of the first ship to pass through the soos after it gets unblocked and knowing that you have the potential to do the funniest thing that anyone has ever done ever i'm going to do what's called a pro gamer move is when jesus was born and easter is when he died in between is when he did various baby crimes bad enough to warrant capital punishment at three months old very bad baby blasphemy cw you would get bullied on twitter i'm on twitter dumb dumb and i'm the bully snakes never visit a restaurant because they don't have any fingers to point at the words they can't pronounce on the menu and so it begins drawing hamill himself terribly every day until he responds you can stop now one time i love him main arm is jane and when i dig i find some rocks both small and big i put my tongue upon the stone for science yes i lick the bone [Music] tarman behind the scenes of return of the living dead prince philip looking in good health here how do you even get home stuck just open the door lmao this is a message for everyone who is 22. if you're 22 please stop worrying take a deep breath eat a bagel maybe everything that feels impossible is going to work itself out have a great day do you have a message for 25 year olds are two bagels music is a genre full of diss tracks for satan this made me imagine evangelical hip-hop and no i'm not googling it i know better than that jesus is king folks is fake woke say every pony like a real feminist pukey the sis canal lol just push it its dick is stuck in the wall world news has never interested me more who was the first person to write tongues battling for dominance and have they issued a public apology yet i freaking knew it would be dreary tongues battling for dominance harry potter and the unexpected pregnancy chapter 1 december 7th 2002 you would get bullied on roblox i believe you 100 quizzes are like who is your favorite celebrity and my options are eight people i don't recognize at all and one who i actively hate i'm the adult supervision looks it's encounter is that bro a brazilian store accidentally tried to sell one of those trauma core hello kitty edits as a coloring page help look what y'all did i want to say something but it might be too controversial lesbian liquors and whiskey gay cocktails and vodka fish rectal wines and champagnes you know i really wanted to like this post but there's just one little thing that's being overlooked heard one of my friends say the gargoyle is a freaking eboy so now i present you the quote with no context you're welcome three things jesus is love will never do three things the grace and love of god will never do will never leave you brokenhearted psalm 147 3 will never reject you john 6 37 will never leave you nor forsake you hebrews 13 5 so basically jesus is never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you i'm obsessed with the fact that yooka's was originally intended to be used by business professionals and now it's gay people asking each other to pick song lyrics the kid effect [Music] see you all at the next climate strike human penises are shrinking because of pollution warn scientists i would like to congratulate greta thundberg on being the only funny person on twitter i'm seeing so very very many stuck boat memes on the internet this week and it is most amusing uses your ashes as eye shadow i'm but a simple farmer tending to my memes memes if i come off as thirsty to you it's because i literally am the thirstiest person ever i have this condition where i can never take in enough fluids so i'm constantly dehydrated and i have to drink every 15 minutes what you thought i was talking about something else shocked i'm shocked offended today my dad dropped a candle up while unlocking the door and it rolled away and my entire family is now currently outside looking for it like how do you lose an entire melon when you thought your post was fire come back around later and don't have no likes thing happens me literally do not free wi-fi i'm tired of lies i'm actually doing my homework can i get an r man yeah but you can't get a man cause you're a nerd my first attempt at a breakfast pizza looks gay when you sit down to pee and then you feel a poop coming i didn't know i was pregnant this is miranda cosgrove before and after she got addicted to mary joanna learn a lesson from this icarly actress and stay away from heavy addictive drugs when someone calls me attractive free eye tests every saturday contact us to arrange yours today there's someone downstairs i hope it's a murderer someone please sum up what i need to know for chemistry and algebra 2 and french one and world history h2o a2 plus b2 equals c2 we we back at e4 tower obama did you click on my blog expecting jokes fool i'm the joke petty said go me straight out of the womb i can teach you t teach me what [Music] howdy folks i hope that you all enjoyed episode 156 of top tumblr memes if you did feel free to drop a like comment and subscribe to the channel i would really appreciate it and if you can go the extra mile feel free to click the join button right next to the subscribe button and become a channel member again i would really really appreciate that keep an eye out tomorrow the q a will be coming out and just a heads up and to give you guys some idea or some time to think of ideas the top comment on the q a video for another vid for like a i would like on tomorrow's q a for you all to comment video ideas for the next in-person video and the top comment or the one of the most likes is the one that i'll do so you all can start brainstorming in advance if you'd like but the top comment whatever it may be will be the next in person video i'm committing to that so i leave it to you all in the hands of the people to decide what that may be i'm going to use that as the question of the day and argus question of the video because there'll be two videos tomorrow and tomorrow's q a so i'll think up at the beginning of the beginning of the video so that more of you see it in case some of you lose interest throughout the video because it's a longer video but for today's question of the day is going to be what your favorite favorite singular seasoning is if you could use a singular seasoning on all your food what would it be i want to hear about it tell me all about it so that's your question for today and then your homework for tonight that's what it'll be is to think of a good in person video and uh i will let the people decide on tomorrow's q a what the next in person video will be based off all of your uh based on all of your suggestions so it'll be a democratic process in order to determine the next in-person video i hope that you all have a wonderful morning evening afternoon night whatever time of day it is for you and i will see you guys all tomorrow with the q a which will be out around 3 p.m eastern as well as top tumblr posts sorry top tumblr memes episode 157 peace out guys [Music] you
Channel: Tumblr Central
Views: 12,950
Rating: 4.9563317 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, r/tumblr, top tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, best tumblr posts, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, cowbelly, tumblr awards, tumblr central, text posts, tumblr text posts, hot memes, best memes, top memes, cowbelly memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, best of tumblr, funniest tumblr posts, tumblr compilation, tumblr posts
Id: UMjciJqCBjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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