Tumblr Memes Episode 148

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i remember the first time i tried drying catnip in the food dehydrator and accidentally invented a cat vape station came home to all three of them only had three at the time literally laying on around the dehydrator stoned out of their little kitty minds i think we have a business plan here folks one of my co-workers got a call i work in a call center tech support from a customer that was really scared because supposedly the mafia was hacking her computer and they were stalking her when finally my coworker took remote control of the computer he couldn't stop laughing because so apparently there's a sound that is 36 octaves also below middle c that is so low that it kills you the sound waves literally kill you and this sound is only found in dark matter for what we know this is so cool i love science the death note ah yes the phantom of the opera the musical about the french man who's deformed and tries to find true love not to be confused with beauty and the beast the musical about the french man who's deformed and tries to find true love or the hunchback of notre dame the musical about the french man who's deformed and tries to find true luck hey wait a minute what is this tp holder bisiphus freaking murdered me why is it referred to as coming out of the closet it could be coming out of anything what wasted potential coming out of my cage and i've been doing just guys i thought hp lovecraft was a minecraft youtuber this is humiliating he's racist enough he could have been underrated tag no hp lovecraft don't do it omg i took the covered vaccine and now my dick looks bigger anybody else experience this i'm a healthcare worker and getting the vaccine gave me teacups my ass is huge after the second dose more horror movies need to understand that i want to be on the side of the ghost why is the ghost haunting the house well why are you in her house maybe you should leave her house more horror movers need to understand that i want shark infested waters they live there exactly exactly do you have that one picture of a fat ginger cat on two legs that kind of looks like it's walking away or dancing i sure do gorgeous what adulthood did to my friends math moth with nine to five job what adulthood did to me cute crap crab needs therapy there are so many cat girls in anime i don't get it where are all the dog girls i just remembered an annie mae with a dog girl and i immediately regret this post wait what annie may has a dog girl full metal alchemist [Music] gonna read so many skittles and give myself a tummy ache just to feel something brb i'm going to be the most freakable person in dollar general you're doing amazing sweetie [Music] boy wear me gosh darn body washes you have problems with writing and world building for stories just remember [ __ ] see does it have creatures oh does it offend the church c is it completely unhinged k does it kick ass every time i listen to you're a mean one mr grinch i can't help but sit there and think what did the grinch do to hurt you because you just stands there for two minutes and 58 seconds and drags the grinch into the dirt he stole christmas kayla stop with your nod or grinch's propaganda you know what if someone told me i was a three deca sour kraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce i'd probably be better enough to steal christmas too [Music] so i did a thing have fun with it please though give credit i can't believe it's not canon 4chan tumblr tan ily tumblr no frick date of origin 17th of march 2011 ellen musk and grimes happy anniversary to ellen musk and grimes if we all just start spelling wednesday like that they'll have to change it eventually they can't do anything about it if we all just start doing that eventually they'll die and we just gotta keep spelling it like that and then it will be spelled like that pain relief pills overrated pain giver pills on the other hand poison oh yeah poison ladies before you do anything ask yourself is it wow w will this have me hung in the 17th century for female insanity and or witchcraft oh oftentimes is it queer in either sense of the word w wubble bubble bubble ball if the answer to at least two-thirds of these questions is yes go for it nobody gives me butterflies anymore you'll just give me brain damage running up the hill to make a deal with god again anyone need anything a few brain cells please the fool will rage face guy is actually the funniest joke says saint peter as he casts you out of heaven's pearly gates you clasp your sweaty palms together you mocked it he said you thought it was crap playfully reminds you that a key is a fruit that exists women hate me and fish attack me on site i'm surrounded by beautiful fish and women and they are telling me they don't know you why does the entire rest of the internet think tumblr is dying or dead well i have seen absolutely no drop in activity level on here ever would you rather twitter andre did people move back here i think it's good people think we're dead read it tumblr twitter i can't talk rn i'm doing hot girl crap reanimates a corpse to be or not to be i think it's supposed to be to be or not to be shut up i like bees folds arms and grully i'm a girl boss i'm a war criminal i'm a lunatic i'm clinically insane and the next virgin mary and i'm never going to die me repeating this in the mirror to prepare myself mentally for a trip to the mailbox i just hugged a mirror so it's safe to say i've gone insane during quarantine [Music] the adhd mood when you should be doing tasks but you can't force yourself to do any of them did you make these while procrastinating on a task op yes me frick my freaking piece of freaking piece of crap frick freaking frick crap ass boujee but boyfriend kabuto touched jeff judge of the bible [Music] metal workers are wizards because they cast metal wrong it's not magic dumbass i cast molten lead down your throat how do you think of the funny things you say i kidnap the writing cast for big bang theory and whip them in a cage until their screams resembles a sentence big bang isn't funny their screams are aliens wow you guys sure are completely normal and not at all indescribably horny nasa beating the alien freakers with a broom yet just a completely normal species no inappropriate listing for extraterrestrial booty here no sir sad that running away to sea isn't really a career choice anymore field study marine biology exists you guys have a train of thought like it's on rails and cram going straight ahead into a predestined destination i've got a rumor of thought it can move straight ahead but as soon as it bumps into something it'll turn around and start moving into a brand new completely random direction it's a cold and it's a broken mamma mia hallelujah here i go again jonas brothers on the radio people watching fruits basket it's really 2009 again huh now for the swine flu hey guys i'm so sorry mary kondo advises overthrowing governments that no longer bring you joy tidying up with merry condo [Music] pirating move is by seeing them in tumblr gifts and basing my own story around them that's how medieval peasants were supposed to use the stained glass windows to teach themselves bible stories when church was exclusively in latin this exchange forced me to sit and contemplate some things for a while my six-year-old brother has been crying for the past 20 minutes because my parents didn't invite him to their wedding 19 years ago woke up feeling like prince philip [Music] one time i dreamt a girl i liked convinced me to stab a man so i did felt guilty for a bit then promptly forgot about it and walked around with the murder weapon for a couple of hours going about my business walking my dog eventually i was cornered by a plainclothes police officer who asked me why i had a bloody knife i told him i was looking after it for my bogan cousin he said you're under arrest and i was like no i'm not watch this and then i woke up that's a gosh don power move i wish all fanfic readers writers are very italicized oh cinematic parallels tumblr somehow becoming one of the most bearable social media platforms in 2020 2021 and that speed skater who made it to the olympics because everyone else fell over tumblr doing the bare minimum of keeping posts chronological and not forcing targeted ads down our throats 24-7 italian courageous close helmet circa 1620 from hermann historica i love how freaking crappy this helmet's expression is oh my god can you even imagine that face being the last thing you see with a sword through your chest this was absolutely just designed to piss people off where's a little armored helmet that pisses you off it's to show off the moustache when i hear police sirens getting closer me a homebody who never does anything illegal they found me cashier do you want the receipt me yes beach tell me everything til neither of the wright brothers married wilbur wright once quipped i do not have time for both a wife and an airplane wilbur frick in his planes me when i try to drive west with no sunglasses at 6 45 pm if you use the female filter on front you will get a 60 year old taylor swift [Music] 15 year old boys in anime 15 year old girls in anime am i the only one who is self-conscious about my windshield wiper speed when it's raining like i gotta watch other cars to make sure i'm not being too dramatic rare blog if you're the worst i will kill you one day thanks son post eden's kiss when water splashes up from the toilet onto your butt from your poop dropping into the water so that's what it's called [Music] when you make a personal post and a mutual replies me hey man your body does a really good job of regulating and maintaining itself no homie reblog if you're dead wanna see how many people are dead the real powerball was the friends we made along the way porrigan is an awesome duck made out of shapes browsing tumbler while on post limit is like a recovering alcoholic staring into the window of a bar you've exceeded your daily post limit the irony pains me ra a very polite way to tell someone that you'd like to bang the frick out of them someone explain this please 2006 0709 i just found out that what i thought was my pet bug is really a roasted peanut hey handsome of that money to me [Music] me about me is she okay here's the highest quality version of the pick it's transparent so you can add whatever you want inside of nick's phone go wild you lunatics and pls tag me in these because i want to see all of them look at this photograph swirls chocolate milk in a wine glass why introverts are so attractive 7 reasons why introverts are so attractive maybe i'm a extrovert [Music] clearly you don't own an air fryer [Music] howdy folks i hope that you all enjoyed episode 148 if you did feel free to drop a like comment and subscribe to the channel if and if you can feel free to click the join button and become a channel member i really appreciate the extra support it would mean a lot to me so if you're able to do that feel free to go ahead so yesterday i enjoyed reading all of your your comments about why you subscribed that was a good question by me good job and today i would i thought it would be a good thing to ask what your phobia is some claustrophobia arachnophobia things like that the hashtag in phobia it can't just be a vibe of a fear of something has to be a phobia so if you don't know what you're what it is and like the phobia ending you have to look it up or find a funny phobia it's kind of random a big thing to drop in the comments too so go ahead and do that i hope that you all have a wonderful morning evening afternoon night whatever time of day it is for you and i will see you guys all tomorrow episode 149 peace out guys [Music] you
Channel: Tumblr Central
Views: 11,662
Rating: 4.953434 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, r/tumblr, top tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, best tumblr posts, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, cowbelly, tumblr awards, tumblr central, text posts, tumblr text posts, hot memes, best memes, top memes, cowbelly memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, best of tumblr, funniest tumblr posts, tumblr compilation, tumblr posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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