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please go to Brazil where is young [ __ ] please send suit pics show bobs and vagi please excuse the boats hey lies Johnny piss hands naan pizza left beef MLP g5 is out that do you have a skeleton that you're not using lol that answer his question this will never not be funny I used my skills as a baker to seamlessly blend into my surroundings full phase of PvP enable Darius just saw a lady pour chilli onto her pizza enchanting her weapon I hope you're all Wiggly today writhing as we speak Canada looks really broken you ok Canada we are slowly trying to distance ourselves from the u.s. piece by piece I want to explore old abandoned homes with creaky floors and broken windows with you you will gonna die stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen what will happen is fire but what if something else happened just this one time each three raspberries I can feel myself multiplying my blood is cleaner safer my strip less dry I'm well I'm nourished if you put a picture of yourself in a locket you could say you are independent I'm ashamed at 20 seconds I took to understand the plan I hate when you're like well nothing is exciting anymore and someone pipes up like it's called growing up actually Debora it's called major depressive disorder but thanks for your input no more discourse everybody shut the [ __ ] up and eat some bread Jesus at the Last Supper are Medusa's leg hairs tiny snakes now we're asking the real questions how do you compare to an eel so you can jot that down B thinks about cuddling for two minutes me at myself shut the hell up you aren't in a John Green novel grow up and move on me hey kids you want a tarot card reading kids these are pokemon cards me you get a bit if it means [ __ ] you what's the cheapest meet their balls because they're under a balk why insult someone when you can say something nice in a very sarcastic tone how can lawyers argue without crying I'm a lawyer and let me tell you it gets like super close dude while I got a laptop and this thin sure is on my lap [ __ ] me I think there are a few steps in this relationship that you skipped hey I'm Stephen the Avengers how about the International Justice League of super acquaintances sex is near you just need to take it this is the single most ominous title that a porn blog could possibly have sex is near take it the kid is fending them off with a [ __ ] hockey stick I love this one because there's no way to possibly interpret this as flash news hole there's a snake in my boot and a cap in your ass call us and we will personally [ __ ] your toilet I took his chair and he's been staring at me for more than 10 minutes for a hot second there I thought he was that Barry Dolphin perched on the stairs and ngl I nearly pissed myself imagine if you could screenshot real life camera that thing you're talking about is a camera the most disturbing image of the Christ child that I have ever come across I feel like he's going to try and sell me a youth car is it just me or is the Sun giving this guy's shoulder up you got this just like you rehearsed I've the tiger where can i buy some fire hike rocks hell lady is that cheesecake employee actually it's vegan cheesecake because instead of milk we used pureed Akon's and the hairs of an exotic dragonflies leg lady pulls out done this is the FBI you're under arrest reasons not to spoil your kids I don't know what this is from but the haircut makes it all true even without context me logically it's never gonna happen the tiny hopeful Goblin in my brain but what if it did cute bread Ling goes for a swim I love tiny versions of normally regular-sized things well you are gonna just adore my penis naked fruit I feel like I wasn't supposed to see this this man next to me is on the phone and he went are you [ __ ] kidding me right now are you serious then he got up and stood next to a cactus and went and buy my favorite cactus right now and you're disrespecting me like this at a party me over the music do you have a recycling bin I just died laughing ass muscle randomly jiggles me gasps is that you daddy my gender is bees that's it just these that's all there is to it what's in your pants there I want you to look me in the eyes and take a wild [ __ ] guess takes off my leather jacket to reveal a second secret leather jacket underneath you mean skin what an absolutely terrifying addition to my post thank you my brother tried to pick up a banana to make it look like he was talking on the phone but all the bananas in the bunch came with it and he just looked at me and went I guess it's a conference call a plus recovery don't encourage him in Russia they don't say I love you they say which means my life was purposeless without you and I think that's just beautiful do you want to buy some illegal memes only in Canada do the bus's apologize for the accident attack on titan I don't even watch this show and I fell out of my chair you'll are awfully communists for a bunch of people who hate group projects maybe so while kissing is such a dumb word face battle sounds way cooler may I challenge you to a face battle my good lady you may face battle the bride face battle me in the rain this isn't some project you can do in one night not until I shift into Maximum Overdrive the waiter at Olive Garden has been grating my cheese for six hours now waiting for me to say where customers are screaming three people have died I will not heal me I should study maybe even be productive my brain approximately sixteen seconds later if I illegally bought the Mona Lisa would anyone be able to stop me from eating it human hahaha animals are so dumb goes to war with its own species uses all of its resources destroys its own environment pollutes its own air and water animal licks its own [ __ ] humour licks someone else's [ __ ] and calls it sex are there any benefits to turning 17:16 was thriving 18 is adulthood there is none it's the null year you become a dancing queen young and sweet only seventeen also you can legally perform magic outside of Hogwarts what if instead of text posts I just kee smashed and let my phone autocorrected duck see semi-circle tuna tuna tuna tuna yay yes foxy longboarding sounds like a Nicki Minaj song imagine if butterflies breathe fire but only a little bit of fire I pet butterfly would you light this candle for me puff puff thanks little buddy yo butterfly light my joint thanks little [ __ ] one day wheel Happy's okay so I was watching The Suite Life of Zack & Cody episode where they make a commercial and I decided to call the Tipton's number and it's a [ __ ] sex chat line how great would it be if Obama's middle name was Lee hello it is i Barrack Lee my favorite thing about history is how everyone tries to invade Russia but are somehow caught off guard by the Russian winter in Soviet Russia country fight for you when your friend is going through a tough time and you just want to help them out can I offer you a nice a get this trying time my brother just ran into my room with shaving cream muttonchops and three razors between his fingers on each hand and shouted waldir cury you think this is a joke knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad that was deep philosophy is wondering it that means ketchup is a smoothie that was deeper common sense is knowing that ketchup isn't a damn smoothie okay I know no one cares but seriously I can't stand green jelly beans and I love red jelly beans but I'm red green colorblind do you see my problem I can see your problem but you can't hospitals are so weird like on one floor a woman is bringing a new human life into the world while the father of her child Luck's on and on the floor below her a frat boys getting a wiimote removed from his butthole what's the most random thing you thinking of right now we're tf2 hamsters live outside of pet stores my grandma would always x-out people in her yearbook can't write deceased when one of her high school classmates died we often found it morbid grandma wanted to be the last one living she wanted to win that's not a yearbook that's a hit list the year is 150 1441 humanity is on its last string of life food is scarce the last bottle of maple syrup has expired hope is dying fast the Canadians have fallen teacher who haven't liked call bong yet me this hole came into my house this morning and made a complete fool of himself that face says don't look at me a man walks into a zoo the only animal in the entire zoo is a dog it's a shih tzu this is literally my favorite joke ever an infinite number of $1 bills and an infinite number of $20 bills would be worth the same dating me is like biting into an oatmeal raisin cookie and realizing it's chocolate chip and then realizing 2 hours later it was also an edible my anxiety has a loophole that if somebody else is equally or more uncomfortable I developed the sudden ability to do the thing I can't go and ask for more ketchup for myself but if my friend wants more ketchup I'm out of my seat in a second the mom friend override once you start sleeping with no pants there is no going back you know how there's a theory that no two people see a color the exact same way does that mean color is like a figment of your imagination you [ __ ] didn't calimary all offense intended but some of yours ideas for making a better Star Wars film are hot garbage 49 minute you foxy you are the exception I love cutthroat kitchen but binge watching makes it really stand out how often Alton Brown refers to himself as daddy and makes contestants wear spreader bars I'm sorry what joint is the opposite of elite but it's just as fast the Lord Lita found the Lord join cast away me 21 years old still kind looking around for pool sticks are not looking rocks that might reveal latent magical powers me 35 years old finds that will stick on my walk to work I'm Gandalf I did that adult thing you can do where you buy an entire cake and just eat it I'm eating an entire cake update there is more cake than I imagined I see now why my parents didn't let me do this anytime I hear someone use the term mancave I feel my body Sagas it craves death it's not any better than boy [ __ ] tbh may or may not be misinformed on what a mancave is finally worked up the courage to tell the Starbucks girl she was beautiful and I only puked twice did you puke on her that's not important what's important is that she knows how I feel now someone in my city is currently having sex giving birth and I that person needs to slow the [ __ ] down life is short do it all at once how many toes you got you mean in my mouth or blocked have a horrible day [ __ ] an email that's called gente my FBI agent watching me perform entire musical soundtracks while acting out every scene this has to be the worst picture ever taken of a football player I'm sorry you were saying NSFW not safe for worms childish gambino concert was cancelled there goes my weekend plans you could bath you know [ __ ] what I could a bullet going through playdough blue doesn't even know what's coming I guess you could say blue doesn't have a clue did you just ah see draws a penis so large it can be seen from space alien one we can't land on this planet humans have already set up a colony here alien 2 we haven't even turned on the scanners yet how can you tell alien 1 look out the viewscreen in Sector 6g alien - is that a alien 1 yeah alien 2 across the entire desert alien 1 yep this is my linen closet shows you some towels and this is my linen closet shows you communist propaganda bed bath and Bolsheviks communism works on paper but not on Tyrell marble have you considered iron curtains for your bathrooms women I only date tall hot and cute guys other women me too girl LMAO guys I guess maybe I prefer slim girls over fat girls literally the entire [ __ ] world oh no rap a littles in hospitalized after eating too many hot cheetos excuse me show some respect for the fallen you [Music] cow belly let's go pay the monetization is dropping aurita to start the migration of top innovation and content creation and others rise all new states and got inspiration to drop an UK on top of your faces amok in the face of the clock is still raising there's impatient long stories later not just escape news drop like a cake you to be praying told you would make a toast all the creator who want to get paid for their awesome three inches so take the advice of a gardener make oh my god - says calvetti TV gets more traffic than a metropolis yes [ __ ] that
Channel: Cowbelly Studios
Views: 764,742
Rating: 4.925909 out of 5
Keywords: comment, awards, memes, tumblr, tumblr awards, cowbelly, textposts, funny textposts
Id: Fv0baOiHTPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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