Belonger Weekend: EMERGE 2021 Sunday LIVE

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so for you and for you to remember that god did not forget there's gonna be one word that activates everything in your womb listen to me and i want you matter of fact just put your hands on your belly right now i believe that god is god enough that wherever you are in the world today that one word is about to activate everything in your womb the things that you have cried about the things that you've been misunderstood about the things that you could not explain the things that mama and daddy could not give you the things that the job did not fulfill there's about to be one word that brings to life the silent prayers and tears that no one else could interpret yes he is god enough to meet you right where you are and he's god enough to remember you in the time of your greatest pain and to remind you that one word is about to change the trajectory not just of your life but about everything you prayed for up to this moment eli tells hannah by this time that now listen there was one word and the word was give god one ear and watch what happens a year from now to paralyze her and to make her think something less of herself than what she actually was one of the greatest plots of hell is to make you think whatever is happening now is the totality of what's going to be in your life and the truth is there will be moments no matter how great you are no matter how anointed you are no matter how cold you are no matter how holy or no matter how well you can dance no matter how well you can book no matter how many scriptures you know that god allows a short-term situation to come into your life unexpectedly they very often happen outside of your scheduling but the beauty of the way that god does it is even when he allows you to get thrust into it if you will stay stable and anchored and don't let your emotions take you to a place that god is not in you will find that even though this is happening to me it's also happening for me in the emptiness the same way he's in the fullness when your schedule is packed he's in it and when nobody is calling you at all and your phone is like the sahara desert god is still in the midst of it when you're booked and got money he's in the middle of it and when you're broke a king rubbed two nickels together he's still god in the midst of he is not just the god of your full days he's also the god of your empty ones and i ever watched god do more in empty seasons than he ever did before as a matter of fact i came to learn that the empty moments were my preparation for my full days god watched how i started when i didn't have anything so that he could prepare me for what he was about to do next so right now if you're in a season called empty i want you to put this in the chat i'm just in preparation god is watching how i steward nothing so he can see what he can really trust me with and i believe that many of you are going to give rise to world-changing ideas world-changing children all because you knew how to steward a season called empty and a womb that seemed barren because you're going to encounter your brother who you have not seen in a long time aaron he's waiting on you i've already started him on a journey and he don't even know why y'all are going to run into each other on the way and it's gonna be your proof that i'm with you i'm i'm gonna send somebody who who loves you and i'm gonna give it as proof your brother is coming and i'm gonna anoint your brother to be my spokesman too just because of what it is i put in you i'm going to prove to you you are not by yourself when you leave this burning mountain i'm not going to send you back to jethro and talk your father-in-law into coming on the journey i'm going to send some of your own blood to reveal to you that i'm the one who's with you god was faithful enough in that moment to say moses you don't have to believe it but here's your proof your brother's gonna meet you on the journey some of you all have siblings you have family members that are just waiting for you to give god your whole yes they're waiting for you to say god no matter what it looks like i will give you this yes no matter what version of me i don't want to become i'll give you this yes and your proof is going to be the moment you start on the journey you're going to find them coming along the way there are errands that are assigned to you for some of these there are blood brothers there are cousins there are nieces and nephews that need to see you in this updated version of who god's making you to be and today we declare that you are gonna start on a beautiful journey of god's vision for your life [Music] [Applause] how y'all doing this morning sarah you look good thank you you're good so good morning y'all my name is justin foster and i'm sarah busby and we are so excited that you all came to worship with us listen are y'all ready for church today no no no are y'all ready for church today [Applause] sarah this weekend has been lit i've been checking on social media and y'all have been giving us so much much love y'all been showing out so we want to we want to see where you are where y'all come from because we've been looking yep on our social media we saw some people from cali we saw some people from texas so tennessee i'm gonna do you do west coast i'm gonna do east coast okay okay you you you what cali where the cali at is there any if you don't know if you're from the west coast make some noise in here here's the noise if you're from the west coast that was a long flight it's okay if you from the east coast make some noise in here [Music] [Applause] and for all of you all tuning in virtually make sure that you let us know in the comments where you're tuning in from i think the good thing about balon what i love about it is that during the pandemic we've seen people from not not even just the united states guys but we've had people from all over the world who've made a decision to kind of join and be a part of it with us yeah it's crazy it's crazy but look everybody has a phone all right i need you to pull out your phone y'all know how we do it we're going to take a selfie keep your mask on okay and tape keep your mask on keep it on keep it on okay you know keep it on okay okay keep it on but tag belong atl and belong emerge belonging come on until take out your phone tag us on instagram tag us on facebook share okay we want to you know put you on our story oh i see it okay we got the map there it is i see peace out they don't be playing by these pictures she's she sticks to her whole she get she got some she's putting her curls back in right here y'all know it kind of loses you know over time okay so sarah this weekend a bit crazy friday night let's start with friday friday night justin i you saw me sarah you were over there lost it okay i said that's there it was nuts between worship and pastor's servant uh and worship just was incredible from the beginning did you all enjoy worship friday night worship if you was in here friday night y'all enjoy worship make some noise make some noise they came out with it immediately they came back the gate swing came out the gate swinging and then saturday [Music] it got messy it got real unexpected messy who was there who was there yesterday they got it oh no no no no no no no no no no no they're too quiet the way they cut up yesterday if you want to saturday make some noise yes saturday was on fun day fun day and we had a belong community tournament they had a little tournament sarah it got real they had they had a little tournament and we want to announce the winner so all right so so the overall winner of the tournament was the orange group the family was gross that's what i'm talking about but you know what you know it was another little game that they wanted to play i think pastor jeffrey came up with the game it was another game they want to play called color wars that's a whole we're going to really lay it out right now we're going to let them know what happened yesterday it was another little game that had sarah called color wars justin you was real flustered yesterday so let's wait let's go ahead and give them let's tell them who won so then we can go into the yeah yeah so the winner of the color wars group was the blue group y'all make some noise blue girl make some noise okay now stay our brother now let's break it down let's break it down real quick now we have sunday to redeem ourselves we're not gonna say that he cheated we're not gonna use that word today we're not gonna be ugly we're not going to be ugly we're not going to be ugly we're not going to say you cheated pastor i'm really confused i'm confused we're covered we're a wild card i mean what is it like [Music] making me says justin sarah he said he didn't cheat it but we ain't he proud about it we got evidence y'all make some noise if y'all had a good time so y'all we are currently at 450 people that have signed up to be a part of our belong group yes that's amazing and so belong groups are literally the way we do church it's the it's the future of the church it's gonna be the way we do community it's gonna be a place that you can connect with like-minded people where you can get prayer impartation so we want you to be a part can you all help us meet our 500 goals today 500. we need 50 more people to sign up yes we want more we want to meet that guy we want to we want to go out this weekend with 500 people locked into our belong groups can y'all help us make it happen yeah so afterwards those booths that were in the lobby make sure you stop by one if you're not a part of a belong group make sure that you get locked in because i'm telling you guys it's literally going to be the way that we're going to be doing community in church as we move forward together all right all right well justin let's do something you're going to do some giveaways do a little giveaway about the weekend okay we can do some giveaways so if you were uh what's the first one you want to do if you were with us the entire weekend if you were at every event every stand up stand up oh we even got the baby standing up come on we want to get this giveaway pick three sets we're gonna pick three we're gonna pick three okay this is tough this is tough y'all really was right here with the uh orange right here polka dot and orange you can just come over here to the side come to the side uh right here with the flower blue pink yes ma'am with the leopard yeah all right let's do one more let's do it one more one we got a quick pick on this side let's do her right here with the hat on the left all the way in the corner yep you okay all right let's do one more if you had a birthday this weekend stand up all right well happy birthday come on down all right come on down [Music] people love give away a little pride surprise they don't even know what it is they just be like give it to me so guys we are a little bit rowdy over here even in our virtual world god we won't just let y'all know that if at any time during service we we say this as a joke but it's a real deal though if you find yourself on the floor and you wake up and like what part of service we in and you just so happen to misgive it we want to make sure that you have the opportunity it can get real messy cause i i looked up friday the stains were laid out but yeah i think they had a whole this whole front was just laid out jesse you were down on your knees i did i almost couldn't get up but i had to come to the front you said you had to pray god for strength but if you want to give you can do so by testing belong atl to 77977 again that's belong atl to 779-7777 also guys we have some people to kind of email us just make sure that when you're giving and you pull up that push pay make sure that it says belong church atlanta we want to make sure that you are given to where you want to give to so make sure that you see baloney church atlanta when you pull up your push pay okay yeah and if you want to partner with us you need prayer or you know you want to be part of our games next time definitely um text to 94 000. absolutely you ready for it i'm ready for worship i came with expectation seriously i literally came with it we've been through too much you've been through too much there you've been yearning for this experience we gotta lay it out are y'all ready for worship come on y'all let me be ready for worship [Applause] has god been good to us more than good to us are we ready are you ready for worship make some noise if you're ready to worship so we're gonna pray in y'all y'all know how we do this we're gonna pray in don't just look at us don't just watch us don't try to capture your moment but we want you to actively engage the presence of god god is too good for us to just be looking crazy can i get an amen the scripture says that this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it the thing about it is that word will means that i make myself yeah i may not feel like it all the time but i have no other choice i have to bless them no matter what i'm going through no matter what it looks like when i stepped on the parking lot i had a conscious decision in my mind that i'm going to bless him i'm going to give him what he's doing he's been too good to me so if he's been good to you i need you to open up your mouth the bible says that we overcame the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of the test of our testimony so give your testimony some language in this room open up your mouth and actively engage the presence of god come on what did he do for you what did he bring you out of what did he keep you from what did he protect you from how did he keep your family how did he keep your mind how did he keep your heart y'all ready let's pray father i thank you for this day i thank you for this moment you are a good god and god before we go any further we acknowledge you for who you are you are great you are mighty you are strong you are our defense you are our protector and we come to give you glory we come to give you honor for is do you we thank you god that you are in the midst of us god your word declares in zephaniah that you are mighty among us in the midst of your people and you will sing over us god so we called for we prophesied to this atmosphere come on y'all help me pray we prophesy this atmosphere that the song of the lord that the strength of the lord that the power of the lord that the glory of the lord be in this place i thank you that no partner no person that entered those doors will leave the same way that they came let god arise come on y'all let god arrive come on let god arrive come on let god arrive let god arise and every enemy be scattered let god around and every mountain come down let god arrive and every low flesh be exalted let god arrive and every disease be cast out let god arise and every mind be regulated let god arise and let healing break forth we thank you god [Music] we thank you god for your presence and we give your name all the glory and all the honors in jesus name that we pray amen the scripture says in matthew 28 that all authority in heaven and earth belongs to who to jesus and so we're gonna lift his name together y'all ready we're gonna move to this side come on y'all ready let's go let's go this way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he has overcome and we won't be moving [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] come on safe carrying our words [Music] hallelujah jesus christ [Applause] [Music] quack [Music] darkness lighting up the kingdom that cannot be shaken in the name of jesus and we will shout it out shout it out everybody says [Music] [Music] the resurrection we shall not die but live to declare the works of the lord say and die in jesus name you're the resurrection god is [Music] and we will shout it out [Music] [Music] authority in the name of jesus [Music] peace is over every power every principality over every name that's name king jesus you reign say now with every power [Music] [Music] you are caught in this place [Music] one more [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign who are not the lord of lords [Music] jesus king jesus [Music] king jesus king jesus [Music] god of the heavens easy king king candy jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want you to clap like your neighbor's struggle is in the middle of your hands [Applause] [Music] clap like the destiny of your city is in your hands clap with the authority of heaven [Applause] clap with the victories of jehovah does it matter how you feel let's go wherever he is here [Music] right here he is the man [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you have no place here every spirit that's not like god you've got to get out get out get out get out [Music] jesus reigns here [Music] [Music] i searched the world [Applause] but it couldn't fill me [Music] man's empty praise and treasures that fade i never know then you came along and put me back together now every desire is now satisfied here in your love and oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you lord there's nothing nothing is better than you is that your testimony today there's nothing better than you say i'm not afraid to show [Music] god [Music] and there's not a place [Music] you there's love there's nothing more there's love i tried so many things is [Music] [Music] i tried so many other things and i have found out there's nothing better you turn crazy [Music] you turn bones into army you turn season to highways you're the only one who can you turn into dancing to dance [Music] you're the only one who cares foreign [Music] [Music] the only oh there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you lord there's nothing yeah nothing is better than you can we sing that out to the top of our lungs as a family [Music] just think of his goodness and his mercy and his love sing it again oh there's love [Music] i should sing it one more time to the top of my lungs oh there's nothing [Music] jesus [Music] just one more time oh there's nothing [Music] [Music] there's absolutely nothing you turn graves into gardens you turn bones into army you turn seas into highways you're the only one who cares you turn morning to dancing you give beauty thrashes [Music] you've turned shame into glory you're the only one who can you turn graves into god [Music] you're the only [Music] you turn shame into glory [Music] you turn shame [Music] [Music] you turn shame [Music] the [Music] it's good place to worship him right there how many of you know we serve the god of the turnaround come on we serve the god of the turnaround and i thank god this morning it's so good to see you all won't you just look to the person to your left or look to the person to your right and say it's so good to see you it's so good to see you it's so good to see you it's so good to see you it's so good to see you you're looking at a miracle i don't know if you know it or not but when you look to your left and you look to your right you're actually looking at a miracle come on did anybody know that it's a testimony that you're even here oh y'all don't wanna y'all didn't come to have church today i said it's a testimony that we're even here today so i bless god amen amen amen amen amen good morning belong church i say i like the sound of that pass let me say that again cause we've been saying that to a camera for the last six months so let me say this one more time good morning belong now i could run around this stage because of the testimony that we're standing in right now but i have an assignment so i'm going to do that but i just want to welcome each of you to our first sunday morning in person worship experience and i'm just grateful to be here i'm pastor brittany and i'm honored honored honored to stand before you um i'm church y'all so i gotta honor our leaders i'm here to do giving but i just gotta honor the best leaders on this side of heaven will y'all do me come on y'all we can do better than that pastor lebriane and pastor fenika we honor you we stand today because of you all's yes and it has been an honor and a privilege for me not only for the last decade but for the last year um to be here in atlanta to serve them and to walk alongside of them so thank you so much i'm here this morning i just wanted to encourage you all as we're continuing in our worship experience as we were preparing this morning holy spirit put on my heart that there was a certain group of people that were going to be in the room and i said god you always do that where i am you send people for what i've experienced as well and so we're preparing our hearts to worship through giving but there's a specific thing i wanted to share with you all do y'all remember where y'all were this time last year anybody have a flashback at the beginning i'm trying to pace myself jack but but i just need you because i know it don't take mute for some of us it doesn't take an organ or it doesn't take drums y'all just remember where y'all were about this time last year so let me tell you where i was um last year and so at the beginning of last year holy spirit started dealing with me about transition anybody else in the room there's been some changes all right so he started dealing me with me about transition but i didn't want to hear about transition because i was good right where i was amen and so i was comfortable i was doing my thing god was moving i was doing good things and holy spirit said that you were i was getting ready to transition now i didn't know what that transition looked like and i kind of rejected it at first anybody ever holy spirit god deals with you and you're not trying to hear it for real so that's where i was and so he started dealing with me with transition and so um i said okay god once i finally got to the place where my heart was open i said well what we doing where we're going and he didn't share that part with me i believe he was preparing my heart so whenever he did release the instruction i was going to be willing to go and so july of last year um i went on a fast because holy spirit kept saying transition transition transition but i did not know what exactly that meant so i said okay i'm not going to really tell a lot of people all of july i'm gonna go and just consecrate myself and just be before god so i can really hear what i'm supposed to be doing and where i'm supposed to be going and so um i was two weeks into the fast and i got a facetime from pastor lebryant and i didn't answer because i was busy amen and so he faced time again i said okay he wants something i hadn't heard from in a couple of weeks and so um i was leaving some friends and i called him i'm in a parking lot i said hey what's going on pastor and he didn't know that i was in a fast did y'all know that's how god a move right he'll be moving in your situation and dealing with somebody else about you in a whole nother part of the world and so he he reached out and he said brittany aren't you ready to leave and i'm like wait a minute i haven't even talked to pastor he doesn't even know where i am he doesn't know what i've been dealing with and he said aren't you ready to leave and he began to talk about what was going on here in atlanta and how i mean they put it on their hearts asked me to come and i just kind of laughed and you know i gave him the church he and so y'all know how we do it let me pray about it but many times we're praying about things god has already given us the answer to amen and so i had already knew before the man of god had even asked because god had already prepared me for what he was going to do and so what he was going to say and so i text them back real quick and said whatever you need me to do i'll do it and i gave god a yes but how many of you know that sometimes when you give god a yes what's on the other side of that act of obedience you don't really realize what's on the other side of that cost and i'm saying this because many of you in this season you have had to give god some yeses that you didn't want to really give sometimes he'll let you do it and sometimes he'll force you out the boat anybody else in a room ever been forced out of a place and so in two weeks i had to make a decision to come to atlanta but it wasn't just an easy decision because i had to leave everything that i knew i had to leave my team and leave my house and leave my office and leave everything and when i first got here i said really god has anybody had a really god type of moment i followed you and i didn't know it was going to cost me all of this i i did what you told me to do and i didn't know that i was going to lose so much i came this morning as we're preparing to give because i want to talk to a group of people that feel like you've lost a lot in these last 18 months some of you have lost relationships you've lost friends can anybody can i just get one amen i've lost something some people who i thought were gonna be with me i even lost who i thought i was and what my life was supposed to look like i've lost some resources and i've lost some finances i've lost my mind at times but god steals me has me here i've lost some stuff so i came on a yes but i didn't realize how much i thought i lost and so i got to this place and i'm here and we're moving and we're doing all these things but my heart is grieving i'm here in a place of promise but i'm still experiencing grief y'all and so i'm coming to church and i'm serving and i'm here for the people of god but i'm crying myself home at night because i'm coming home and everything that i knew my support of all i knew it was back for where i live and i felt like god brought me to a place where i felt by myself even though i had people all around me am i talking to anybody in the room because sometimes when we're serving and when we're leading and when we say we love god but our emotions contradict what we say we believe we really don't know where we really are so here i was having to serve and having to leave but my heart is broken because i feel like god unlike really god and so month after month happens and i get to this place and god y'all that i had never been before because things began to transpire in our church and our transition that i didn't even realize and i said god you could have told me you could have you could have warned me i was signing up for all of this and i felt betrayed by god has anybody ever been there i felt betrayed by god and i'm still having to serve y'all and still having to leave but i feel like okay i ain't gonna talk to you for real for real i know you there but i'm feeling some type of way so month after month goes and you know how you do you're not in the best place but you know you got to keep going and so i'm going and i'm going i'm like please lord don't ask don't don't touch it on pastor hard for me to preach because i don't even know where i am right now and i'm going and i'm going and i'm going but as i kept going you all i started to get stronger i started my strengths started to come back i started praying a little bit more i started worshiping a little bit more because sometimes we're waiting for it to happen but sometimes you gotta go and as you go what you need is going to come as you go i sense some of you in this room you've stopped you've you put a pause and said i just gotta wait until god does another thing but sometimes you gotta activate your faith to start walking as he's doing it for you and so i find myself y'all having to put one foot in front of the other and i'm looking back at the stuff i walked away from it felt like everything was falling apart y'all i'm not going i'm not gonna lie to you felt like everything was falling apart and so about two months ago um i've been here almost a year about two months ago and i'm gonna make this real quick i'm promised she was attached to this to this seed that we're getting ready to sow i was out with one of my friends and i told her i said i don't want to rent another year in atlanta because i don't want to rent another year i said i don't want to rent another year i own a house in huntsville i don't even think i'm able to get something else but i just don't want to rent another year she said well brittany i just need you to try i just need you to try i said but i don't think i'm quite how many times do we think we're not qualified for something because we're looking at our reality and it doesn't matter no there's no way that i can do that i told her i said i don't think i can do it that night i text chanel that's over there and i said chanel um i really want to try to buy something here but i ain't been here long i don't know what that's going to look like my finances a little i'm not sure what so she said brittany let's make it happen by the next day she had gave all my information and i was pre-approved y'all i don't even know really how that happened but i was free to prove i just want to build your faith real quick before we sow okay because it pays to be faithful even in your wilderness seasons i told y'all everything i was experiencing in my transition but i still kept sewing with my time i still kept sewing with my tithe even though i felt like god had betrayed me so i got pre-approved right i don't know how i don't know where but i got pre-approved i'm in full-time ministry and i got pre-approved right and so and so i told her i said okay so we go out looking we go out looking for property right it ain't much but hey i'll make it do what it do so we go out looking and i put an offer in right we're getting ready now we're getting ready to put an offer in they send me all the papers and tell me how much i'm gonna need to close and i call chanel says chanel i can't do it i'm not gonna have the money i said let me give me some more time i'm not gonna have the money so just let's just you know let's not do it i put it down y'all i put it down i was getting ready to put it off i had already gotten pre-approved but i put it down two weeks later holy spirit walked me up out of my sleep and he said try again and i said god i don't have that much money i'm not trying to get these people off i didn't even plan for this i didn't ask to be here he said i told you to try again i didn't check your finances i didn't check what your situation was he said brittany all i'm looking for is your faith and if you'll put your faith where you think your finances should be i'm getting ready to do something in your life i don't know who i'm talking to in this room your finances may not add up your health may not add up what it looks like around you may not [Music] shut your face [Music] y'all he says i didn't ask you for your finances i'm looking for your faith i said this don't make no sense but nothing about this season is amazing so i text chanel she can check her texes and i said i told her in faith i got it even when i didn't have it because that's what faith would tell you to do i don't know who you're doing you at right now but i need you to put your hand on your chest and say i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it [Music] i got it come on i got it i said chanel i got it i said so we can keep looking baby because god said [Music] i said because god said i said god said fast forward the story on this wednesday i close on my townhouse [Applause] who in here believe in god for property who in here believe in god for your business come on i need you to put a praise right there because if he can do it for me he'll so this morning we gonna sow hallelujah where i have to tell you that i have to tell you that this morning to build your faith because if it wasn't for holy spirit thank god for the holy spirit that says brittany i got what you don't have y'all i don't know how it's added up but it has supernaturally but all i can know is i can tell you that even in a season of drought and even in season of transitions and even in seasons where it felt like god forgot about you if you'll remain faithful if you'll remain faithful men and women of god you'll see the hand of god let me give you the scripture y'all go ahead and prepare your seed now you're going to get this scripture so i can go ahead and do my instruction but i pray that that encourages you this morning to continue to believe god here goes first peter 5 and 10 says in the god of all grace [Music] who called you to his eternal glory in christ get this he says after you have suffered [Music] after after after after you have suffered but get this he didn't stop right there he says after you have suffered a little while [Music] himself will restore he will make you strong he will make you firm and he's going to make you steadfast to him be the power and the glory forever and ever amen that's the word of the lord over your life come on put your hands right there that's the word of the lord over your life after you suffered a little while yeah you cried in this season yes you sacrificed in this season but the word of god says that after you suffered a little while i'm coming to restore i'm coming to strengthen i'm coming to establish you hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus come on hallelujah hallelujah god we thank you god we bless you so father as we prepare come on stay in that place [Music] come on father as we prepare to sow our seeds today hi and i oh god this is a sowing of a seed from a bearing place yeah we're sowing this morning from desolate places we're sowing this morning from wilderness places but god we thank you for your word it raised true this morning that after we suffered a little while after we've gone through the storm after we go through the chaos after we've gone through calamity after we've gone through depression after we've gone through suicidal thoughts you said god that you will restore you said god that you will bring to harvest so today we believe you hold up my shepherd oh god we believe you we believe that you're not a man that you shall lie you said that you'll give seed to the sower you'll give seed to the flower you'll get seed to the fore in jesus name so god we thank you that you're not done yet we thank you that you're not finished yet there's more i hear the lord saying there's more daughter there's more daughter take up your bed and walk there's more that i have for you there's more dreams in you there's more books in you there's more business ideas in you there's more so today this is just not offering as usual this is your opportunity to allow your faith come on y'all to allow your faith don't look at your circumstance whatever the holy spirit tells you to sow before you even think about it disobey because when you obey god if i would not have followed the lord who said get up and try again i wouldn't be here y'all let that be your testimony he's not finished yet so if you want to sew not if you want to sew everybody in the room who's sewing this morning let me give your instructions it's very very simple you text belong atl to 779 777 belong atl make sure it's atl at the end the long atl 77977 and when you do that the prompt is going to come back and you click on it make sure it says belong church and you see our logo and that's how you sow your seed this morning i'm so excited for you all i'm so excited i'm so excited about what this particular seed is gonna activate for your future amen amen i bless you all forward and i'm so excited about what god is gonna do for the remain another day amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] see let the fruit of your lips just [Music] [Music] you [Music] jesus [Music] the atmosphere is changing now [Music] for the spirit of the lord is here the evidence is all around that the spirit of the lord is here can't you feel me the atmosphere is changing now for the spirit of the lord is here the evidence is all around for the spirit of overflow in this place fill our hearts with your love your love surround us you're the reason we came to encounter your love your love surrey us the atmosphere is changing behind the spheres [Music] and the evidence is all around us the atmosphere is changing [Music] [Applause] the evidence is all around that the spirit of the lord is here [Applause] [Music] we came for an encounter [Applause] you're the reason for the reason yes surround us with your love god surround [Music] spirit of god fall fresh on us we need your presence your kingdom come your will [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god we need a fresh anointing in this place [Music] [Applause] the spirit of god [Applause] [Music] with your peace with your strength with your power with your glory forever [Music] a miracle came out for now a miracle can happen now [Music] a miracle has happened now [Music] cause the spirit of the lord is here he's here he's here so whatever you're asking god for in your heart give it back to him and trust him with it father god we bless your name in this moment you're so good you're more than enough for us god you're consistent you love us unconditionally and for that god we will serve you with the rest of our life god [Music] overflowing this place get out fill our hearts with your love [Music] you're the reason we came [Music] your love sing overflow in this place [Music] fill a heart [Music] to encounter a love to sing your love surround us your love surround your love surrounds surrounds us your peace surrounds us [Music] your joy surrounds us you're healing surrounds us so overflow in this place fill my heart with your love for your people god let it surround me you're the reason i'm here to encounter your love your love surrounds [Music] it keeps me steady it keeps me a steady god there's nothing like your love there's nothing like your peace it keeps me steady it keeps me steady [Music] surrounds me thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you god i think hallelujah just one more moment in the space if you would just lift your hands the spirit of god is in this room so strongly and i believe because he's here he's gonna give you a reminder that what you're in you're not in by yourself he's the god who has covered you in the front he has covered your history and he's covering everything on every side he's the god of your yesterday your today and your forevermore and this sunday morning he's reminding you that you're simply surrounded by a love you cannot outrun i want you for a moment to open up your mouth and thank god yet just your words of worship that he's surrounding you yep he did not leave you alone he did not leave you barren he did not leave you in a storm that he did not see he's the god who's gone before you and he's the god that's covering every moment of your life i know it felt like you were abandoned and i know it felt like you were dropped and i know it felt like everybody forgot about you but he's the god that sees all and he knows all and he's the god that is gonna remind you this sunday morning he's the lord that comes to your rescue yes he is he's the rescuer yes he is he's the rescuer lift it he's the rescuer he's surrounding you and he's gonna rescue yes yes yes yes yes yes yes before you dash your foot against the stone the lord is gonna rescue and i hear it so strongly that they that wait upon the lord he's gonna renew your strength there's some renewed strength in the room i want you to pull on the strength of comics the strength that's coming the strength that's coming the strength that's [Music] you subscribe it was almost you thought you entered rich off but heaven is reminding you i am the lord who is your strength your strength just come [Music] [Music] in this room in these next few moments everything that you want to do we're submitted and we're open to however you decide to orchestrate these next few moments and we love you we thank you and we believe we haven't even touched the tip of what you're going to do in our lives [Music] i need somebody with a little bit of anticipation you ain't even touch the tip of it baby you ain't you ain't even i told y'all friday nights that despise not the days of small beginnings for the lord rejoices that the work got started you ain't even touched the tip of the iceberg of what heaven is going to do in and over your life and i'm believing it to be so in jesus name if you believe that can you give our god the greatest shout of praise you can find oh come on below [Music] can we take the roof off this place for a moment [Applause] i'm trying to restrain myself but can we praise him like we've been in a pandemic and he's still preserving our lives i'm trying to keep it together i'm trying to be cool but can we praise him like [Music] i don't know if y'all hear them come on come on stand again god's not finishing god's non-fiction they're prophesying over your tomorrow that god's not finished yet god's not this yet they're declaring over your 2022 that god's not finished [Music] yet not finished yet [Music] god's not finished i feel faith rising in this room he's not finished there is more there is more there is more there is more exceeding and abundance above all that you could ask or think he's not finished yet can you praise him that he's still working for you all right i'm gonna i know y'all ain't supposed to touch nobody you ain't supposed to breathe on nobody i know you messed up i know your mask is soaking wet right now but i want you to give yourself about six feet from somebody and just look at him real quick and say he ain't done with you just yet no no you might have had the wrong neighbor turn in the other direction real quick and i want you to prophesy to him he ain't done with you yet this is as low as we ever gonna see you again he is not finished with you [Applause] he ain't finished yet [Applause] hallelujah all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please pull your neighbor down with you please y'all y'all sit down so i can preach y'all please take us please take a seat please take us please i know we ain't been together in 19 months but please take it [Applause] [Music] i've been waiting for this you don't silence me [Music] there is more there is more there is more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] still got some dreams he's working on god's not finished yet you still got some doors that he's building for you god's not god's not finished yet you still got some opportunities you ain't received yet god's not god's not finished god's not finished yet [Music] god's not finished yet god's not finished yet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god's yet finished [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] now one more time with everything you get come unto god with the voice of triumph because he's still a worship in your favor he's still working in your favor he's still watching in your favor he's still the word king in your favor he's still working he's still working he's still working [Music] there's so much faith in this room [Applause] oh there's so much faith [Applause] i'm not going to month with you yet there's so much faith in this room some of y'all been waiting the whole pandemic for a moment like this i'm not gonna muzzle it yet there's so much faith in the truth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the lord [Applause] the battle's not yours it's the laws the battle's not yours [Music] is [Music] [Applause] i'm just standing in faith for the forgotten standing in faith for those that came in on broken pieces [Applause] standing in faith for those that have been trying to find a way to find a way to find a way to simply say god is not done with you yet he that has begun a good work [Applause] he's going to perform it until the day of jesus christ you're too good of a work for him to give up on you today you're too good of a work for him to forget about you and leave you with dead you're too good of a work for you to think that he forgot where he placed you you're too good of work to feel like this is it and it's over no here's your word of faith god's not finished you're surrounded by a love that is without compare and the god of all grace to god who loves you without measure this sunday is pouring that love out towards you if you believe anything that i just said and anything that we have sang over this last hour and a half can you just one more time give our god the greatest hand flap for phrase man thank y'all oh man y'all please take your seats um i am in complete awe number one that we're back together just just just tell somebody we back y'all we back we're back we're back we're back and um i am grateful for us to uh to be together in one space um i love y'all virtually but i i like filling a room um let me not get ahead of myself can i fool around and say let's do this every week and um i'm gonna i'm gonna cause a problem so i'm not gonna cause no problems this week ain't gonna cause no problems but what i do wanna say i wanna say a couple things number one i would not be here [Music] exempt from the grace of god and able to stand before you as i am today without god giving me such an amazing gift in the person of fanica friend i would not [Applause] and you don't realize how good and how well god staffs you until you're sinking and when someone sees you when you're blind to it today i'm grateful to be seen by a woman when i don't see myself and for someone in my lowest moments to speak to the destiny that lies on the inside of me it goes without fail to say i love her and i'll love her for the rest of my life for the rest of my life i love her um hallelujah um i'm gonna jump into the word but i want it because i feel like this may get away from us by the time i get to the end of it so before this completely gets away from us i want every one of our volunteers to stand up real quick everybody that volunteered this weekend there's more in the back and on the side can y'all help me honor these men and women we are building what what we're we're really calling a a true culture of honor and i'm telling you this weekend from friday till today has went off without a hitch because we've had amazing men and women giving their time a lot of them met each other for the first time friday night you know we have zoomed in everything else but they came in friday hey y'all and went to work and um it is a just a high privilege to lead people that want to serve together and that are looking to build what it is god is calling us to do um so for all of our volunteers thank you so much hallelujah um for our belong group leaders and our community leads i want to thank you all as well um we're gonna hit 500 people in our community groups before this weekend is over i believe it i believe for the day it ends it's going to hit 500 and i'm grateful for all of you that are already connected to community i want to thank god for an amazing staff real quick [Music] can can y'all help me thank god for stella hall our [Music] executive admin who makes it happen to to jeffrey golden who is our pastor of communities [Applause] and to brittany morton who is our chief of staff and she's the runner of all things belong i i i thank god for her um i thank god for the whole team the whole team makes it all happen this this week is actually britney's one year anniversary on staff with us [Applause] if anika will attest to this um we have rebuilt and restructured and made it through a pandemic because god first sent us to brittany morton and then we were able to start building everything else out and so i'm grateful for her beyond what she knows i wait let me thank the god can can we thank god for the ban trent trent's still with me y'all trent has been the goat i'm just gonna say it now and i'm just going to leave it there trent has been been the goat and i'll leave it there all right um but uh when britney uh came to us a year ago a year ago this week actually um god knew what he was doing even though we didn't and what i'm grateful brittany for is that even when you didn't understand what god was doing god was always doing the thing so i've got a gift for you but i don't have it in hand uh i got a gift for you but we don't we don't have it in hand um i couldn't bring it in the room um technically um but it will be at the closing table [Applause] so what you thought you were gonna have to go into your account to write [Applause] holy spirit gonna write the check for you to close [Music] [Applause] so god meant it when he said your closing was on him [Music] so just know when's they leave your savings alone [Applause] god's been saving something else for you and you just did not know him [Applause] i believe everybody should rejoice just a little bit because what he does for one he has the ability to do for all i believe the bible when it says rejoice with them with that rejoice [Applause] i'm sorry y'all i feel a lot of faith in this room today i believe the word when it says rejoice with them that rejoice and um yeah i'm i'm grateful man i'm grateful all right all right let's let's do just a little bit of work y'all give y'all give me 25 minutes i got 28 minutes on this block and i want you to go to acts 27 real quick acts 27 and i'm gonna do my best not to skip around they put me in a suit to restrict me but nika told me i could not wear ripped jeans to our first real servant she said not today you can wear it friday you are not wearing no ripped jeans on those stage today but everything after this acts 27 i'm gonna read verses 21-26 then i'm going to jump down to verse 39 and uh read through verse 44 and i've got a couple of things i think holy spirit wants to share with us may not be a ton of revelation but i think it's going to be a ton of impartation to your heart god is going to give you what i think will be healing for your next steps and the courage to keep going i want you to put your hand on your heart real quick and i want you to tell yourself keep going this is for the parts of you that have been ready to quit because it did not look like you were gonna make it there in one piece because you were afraid of what you were about to lose you found yourself saying staying on the shores of safety today i believe heaven's about to give you a push to jump back out there verse verse 21 it says and i'll and i'm gonna make it all make sense to you but verse 21 it says this is paul he's on a ship that's on set for sale for him to go meet caesar with other prisoners it says after they're gone a long time without food because of sea sickness and stress paul paul stood up before them and said men you should have followed my advice and should not have set sail for crete and brought on this damage and loss but even now i urge you to keep up your courage and be in good spirits because there will be no loss of life among you but only loss of the ship for this very night an angel of god to whom i belong and whom i serve stood before me and said stop being afraid paul you must stand before caesar and behold god has given you the lives of all those who are sailing with you so keep your courage man for i believe god and i have complete confidence in him that it will turn out exactly as i have been told y'all i am really trying just to read this and not run simultaneously but it's going to turn out exactly how he said i want you to tell yourself it's going to turn out just how he said i know what they said about you i came to tell you it's going to turn out what he said about you all right but we must run the ship aground on some island go to verse 39 real quick and when they came they did not recognize the land but they noticed the bay with the beach they decided to run the ship ashore there if they could so they cut the cables and set up the anchors and left them in the sea while at the same time unlashing the ropes of the rudders and after hoisting the foresail to the wind they headed steadily for the beach but striking a reef with waves breaking in on either side they ran the ship aground the prowl stuck fast and remained immovable while the stern began to break up under the violent force of the waves the soldier's plan was to kill the prisoners so that none would die so that none would dive overboard and swim to land and escape but the centurion wanting to save paul kept them from carrying out their plan he commanded those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to the shore and he commanded the rest to follow some on floating planks and others on various things from the ship king james said some on broken pieces and so it was that all them were brought safely to the land for just a few moments i want to talk to you from a thought i'm just simply calling broken pieces and if i were to just kind of put a subtitle on it would almost be the same the beauty of broken pieces in a day in age where we strive for everybody to see us at our best if we're very honest with ourselves there are many moments when we don't feel like what we show the rest of the world and though they see our highlights and our smiles and all of our amazing witty captions that we place on social media many of us if we're honest these last 18 19 months have been pure hell on our hearts and what we've discovered is we've learned how to survive it but we feel like we've lost a lot of us in the process how many how many y'all feel like you've lost a lot of you over the last year and a half you know you you you still love people but you get around people you got a little ptsd now and as soon as you you dapp them up you're looking for your germ x like let me be sure my hands are clean let me be sure everything around me isn't all you know just a little ptsd you've lost part of yourself in the process what i want to bring to our understanding today is that god is not just the god of your wholeness he's the god of your brokenness and from the beginning god has always used broken men and broken women to fulfill his call and because god is the god of your broken seasons he's gonna allow you to get glory out of this one too and even though you felt like you lost a lot in your last season god is going to show you that it may have broken but i'm going to use it all for your good and for my glory y'all ready to work it by the time we get to acts the 27th chapter y'all paul didn't been through a lot then they tried to stone him and kill him he got the right community around him and he came back to life paul had been in jail had a a midnight musical in the middle of jail and prayer service jail shakes open and everybody come out free men and free women paul has led several missionary journeys but what we don't hear about a lot in the missionary journeys is while he's going to preach around the world he's also having ships to wreck because it's very possible to be doing a good thing and still get shipwrecked it's very possible to be doing the thing god called you to do and it doesn't look like what you thought it would look like how many of you all are embracing a moment right now where you're saying god i did everything you told me and nothing looks like what it's supposed to look like by the way i'm tired of crying over what ain't adding up i'm tired of being frustrated about what doesn't seem like it's making any sense i'm doing this for you i didn't ask for this that's been my thing all weekend god i didn't ask to be here i didn't ask for this call i didn't ask for this job i didn't ask for this promotion i didn't ask for this responsibility i didn't ask for this family i didn't ask for anything that i'm in yet you trust me to be the one to keep it all together and and there's a point in a place where even the strong ones need support i know that you don't like to talk about it a whole lot and i know that you like to keep the superman s on your cape and on your chest so everyone feels like you're the strongest one in the room but there are places where even supermen need to be supported so what god does is in the life of paul is he allows him to experience levels of hardship difficult moments things he would have bypassed if he could have you ever asked god why did you put me in this have you ever asked god the question god how did i end how did my name get in that how did i end up in this city i didn't want to be here anyway i was fine where i started you told me to up and move everything and then when i up and move everything seems like it breaks loose i didn't ask for for any of it but god has a way of beautifully orchestrating it to make it work for good but what we find in acts 27 if you read too fast you'll miss that paul is not going on a ship to preach he's going he's on a ship because he's in prison he's in prison and he is enroute to go see caesar the beautiful part of him being in around to go caesar is that god gave him a promise in acts 19 and acts 23 that he would stand before caesar he just didn't tell him how he was going to get there sometimes you think you're going to get there on your feet but you end up there in chains sometimes you think you'll get there free but you end up there bound what happens when you don't get to show up at your best self how does it look when you thought you were gonna show up one way and god had a change of plans you thought you were gonna arrive with all of this together and then god circumvented what you thought you needed and took you another way so paul is on a ship with other prisoners now listen here's where it gets good for me i'm going to bring you several attentions in this text paul is on a ship chained up with men that did wrong and he ain't done nothing have you ever felt like you were the innocent party but could do nothing about it you couldn't even open your mouth to defend yourself because nobody would listen you ever felt like you were on the wrong ship you ever said god you're sending me in the wrong direction have you ever told god god is there another way that this actually could happen because i don't like this way how many all in the last 18 months i've told god i don't like the way this is going right now you know there's got to be another way don't put me in a group project called pandemic and force me to have to work with people that don't like to listen god there's got to be another way that this can happen all right so when acts 27 opens the the men selling the ship they're in a difficult position the position is they can stay where they are but if they stay they're gonna have to stay for an extended period of time they're gonna lose money by being steel but if they go they put themselves in danger of a storm happening unlikely in the middle of the season they decide to go and paul says i don't think this is a good idea and he said shut up and it went anyway you ever offered a suggestion from your heart and had your wisdom downplayed you ever been told you ain't been through enough to know what you're talking about you ever been told you ain't never been in these shoes so you don't know what these shoes really feel like look here's what i've learned god can give you wisdom through stuff you ain't lived through yet i don't i don't know i don't know if i'm talking to anybody in this room yet but god is not gonna make you have to feel everything to get the wisdom out of it there is a spirit of wisdom that can crown you with intellect that will give you instruction and insight through stuff you never had to live through yourself i'm asking god for you to give you wisdom for seasons you have not seen to give you insight for days and moments that you have not lived through yet but he's going to show you once you get there how you're actually supposed to navigate through it because there is a wisdom that is born a matter of fact god will surround you with people that are smarter than you lord have mercy i'm asking god to change your surroundings and your company that god would put people beside you that got a little bit more wisdom than you do i don't want to be the smartest one in the circle i want god to give me people that will staff my life for my future listen i don't want to be talking about making thousands all my life god give me millionaire friends give me billionaire friends put me in circles and in tables and in rooms where people that are thinking bigger than me so i can understand the full weight of what you called me too i don't know who i'm talking to i'm not even in my text anymore but god is about to eradicate your small thinking and he's about to remove you from circles that move too small i cannot be if i survived a pandemic i can't be in another small circle i can't be in another small room i got more to do than the gospel about what they doing i'm trying to build something so my children's children's children will have a legacy to live in [Applause] all this is important because they decide that they decide to take take flight anyway and when they take flight everything starts out smooth because some of y'all have ever discovered that very often even when you're going the wrong way it starts out real smooth it feels good at the inception feels good in the moment and then all of a sudden everything changes some of y'all have woke up in the middle of the night and everything had just changed you know in in a moment sometimes god don't even give you a head so it just changed you wake up you blink like wait wait this ain't what it was yesterday i thought we were going here and now we all the way over here you know you can wake up and everything change in the middle of the night a storm came called the northeaster and it was a typhoon of sorts it was such a violent storm that it would make the sky be black both at day in and night and for sailors they need the sun to navigate but what happens when decisions have forced you to have to navigate in the dark what happens when your season demands dark navigation what happens when you think you've got it all figured out and then darkness hits and god doesn't give you the answer or the solution he just trusts you to stay in the ship i need everybody to shout and stay in the ship because some of y'all have already said i might as well drown in the sea heaven is saying stay in the ship if you stay in the ship and ride this one out god's going to prove to you i got a couple points god god's gonna prove to you that you're gonna get exactly where you need to go let me pull a couple things out of this text verse 21 um i i don't think we really know verse 24 when when paul begins to talk to the shippers now the first thing he says is y'all should have listened to me to begin with y'all ever had and i told you so deep in your belly yeah i know every man every wife in this room like oh i have sat on so many i told you so everybody that's got at least one good friend like i have sat on so many i told you so paul went ahead and gave it to him i told y'all not to leave i tried to tell you before you got in it we shouldn't have done it i tried to told you this wasn't the way to go and he says but an angel of the lord came to see about me in the middle of the night and when he came to see about me here's what he said stop being afraid paul the very first sentence that grabs you the very first tension in this in this part of the text is that you've got a man full of faith also living in fear because it's very possible for both to be a reality at the same time it's very possible to trust god with all my heart yet be afraid of what tomorrow looks like it's very possible for me to love god with all my heart yet still not understand what's going to happen next week next month or next year it is very possible for me to say that earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof and me to still have fear about where provision is coming from it is very impossible to say that the lord is married to the backslider and at the same time ask god why do i keep sliding back into this it is very possible to live in two realities simultaneously your faith is not black and white very often it's smeared in gray and though we like to compartmentalize it and say it's either this or that it's either or more often it's both and that i'm full of faith but god i'm afraid of what's happening and the angel says don't fear god told you you got to see caesar yo i'm trying not i can't dance i'm trying not to jump in place here is why you can't fear there's still a promise god has not fulfilled the reason why you have not breathed your last breath it's because god is a promise keeper and because he keeps his promises there are things that got to come into reality before you all said and done i need some people in here that are holding on to one promise and say i haven't seen it yet but i know i can't die yet because i still got a few he gonna do god has told me too much for me to think that this is where it's gonna end up he he said you know paul don't be afraid let me look back up for a second so i'm gonna talk to those real quick that are living in fear of tomorrow you you won't make decisions out of fear of making the wrong one you you won't open up your heart to new people out of fear of being hurt you won't open up your self to date out of fear of being dropped you won't open up yourself to new opportunities because you still remember how the last one didn't work and fear has paralyzed you in the middle of a pandemic and where god has given you opportunities in your hand the fear of what could go wrong has made you stop how many of you all have counted the wrong turns and not the right word counted what could go in a different direction and not the god who orchestrates your direction this morning i want you to say i've got fear but i got more faith i'm afraid to do it but i got faith to know that the god that told me to do y'all can we talk transparently for a moment you know and i'm gonna get back to the word y'all doing this and bringing you all in this room there was so much fear over even having an open moment where we would come together in worship can't be honest gotta be transparent my fear was who gonna show up my fear was do they really believe enough to even come my fear was it's safer for me to stay behind a camera and not have to see an expectation hit the ground [Music] it's easier for me to minister in a monitor than it is to walk in a room and not know what you're gonna get and in a moment fenik has been pushing me to do this since march i saw no no no i got every reason not to until i didn't have any more reasons not to what happens when you get to the end of yourself and there's a moment where you've got to have divine confrontation with everything you've been fearing are you ready to lean away from what scares you and trust the god who's already seen it if i would have lived in my fear we wouldn't all be in this room right now but thanks be unto god that at some place we told fear to shut up now real quick because i want to make this very applicable and practical for you i want you to get that one thing in your hand that has been holding you back and making you fearful of making the next step some of it's relationally some of it is emotionally some of it is occupationally i want you to get the one thing in your head real quick and i'm gonna ask you to do something i won't ever ask you to do this again hopefully um i want you y'all got it raise your hand if you got one thing one thing you one thing you're afraid of one thing you're afraid to do before this year ends you got any hit all right you fear all right on the count of three i just want you to holler shut up one two three you've got to silence the parts of you that speak to your inadequacies without seeing the god that makes up the difference i'm grateful that every time in my inadequacies he's the god that makes up the difference look he says i gotta stand before caesar he said y'all can't wreck this ship i got somewhere to go i still got to meet season watch and he says and god has given me your lives what some people have not realized was the only reason their ship did not sink was because you were on it they they did not know that the only reason the business did not crumble was because you were on it they did not know the only reason the family did not break up was because you were in it they had no clue that you were the factor that made it all stick together you were the one just just just throw it to the idea that just gonna put it i did that yes okay yeah i got god used me as the vehicle to keep it all together they won't they may never come back and say thank you but god will let you know i did it because you were there the business couldn't crumble because you were there the doors could not close because you were there the divorce could not happen because you were there i use you as my one so he says now god already told me ain't none of y'all gonna die everybody gonna live now i i need you all to see this we ain't talking about one or two people on a ship we're talking about hundreds of people prisoners and sailors on a ship together and paul says ain't no one y'all gonna die he says god told me he gonna keep everybody but for him to keep everybody here's the fair trade you're gonna lose everything can we take a moment and talk about what it really means to lose it all i i i i want to take a moment and dig and what it really means to lose it all because for many of us we have been afraid to make the next step because the next step means i lost everything that was in my last one but what god is saying over you is that if you trust me you may lose it but you're going to find yourself it's a fair trade y'all i am trying my best to keep it together on this stage you may lose everything you thought you needed but you'll find out that what you needed really you did not need it needed you it's a fair trade you may lose what you thought god was going to use as a vehicle to get you to your next i may lose some cargo but i'm going to keep my mind [Applause] i may lose a little bit of wheat but i'm going to find myself i don't know about anybody else i would rather lose at all and find me it says you you gonna lose it all and many of us shout about god taking it all until he takes it all we say god you can have all of me until he takes all of you you say god none of this means anything to me until everything you say didn't mean anything it's no longer there it's easy to profess it when it's still in your hands but what happens when heaven strips you of everything what happens when god takes it all from you and he does not ask your permission when he does it what happens when you find yourself stripped all of a sudden of everything you thought you needed the things you thought god was going to use the the stuff that you worked for the time you invested in it surely god is not going to let me lose this surely this will survive the waves of life surely the storm won't shake this and then you lose it all paul gives the word to the sailors that we're going to make it out of this but you're going to lose everything you started with the ship was not just for prisoners it was also a marketing opportunity they had stuff they were about to sail when they got to the next place but as they get two weeks into a typhoon they find themselves having to unload what they thought was going to be their their uh profit in the next season you ever found yourself losing money unloading friends unloading stuff that started the journey with you but could not survive the storm that suddenly came you ever found yourself having to unload and throw stuff overboard that you loved you ever found yourself having to heave stuff off of lifeshift that you thought would be with you forever you ever had a betrayal by day one you you had a moment where what you thought would be forever suddenly became right now and ended abruptly 14 days they ain't ate nothing because everybody's seasick everybody's stressed out you ever been so stressed food wasn't even comfortable anymore you ever been so sick over a season that you drunk enough just so you wouldn't die give me some water i don't want nothing you know i justin has lived through several of those seasons he knows that firsthand you know you you ever been you ever you ever been just so sick of life like just give me some water i don't want anything else because nothing is settling in this season here's where it gets interesting paul tells them unload everything unload everything and as you unload it here's what i want you to do we're going this ship ain't gonna make it you know i'm gonna apparently y'all the the ship ain't gonna make it this time i know y'all didn't see it a few times it should this i'm telling you i ain't gonna make it and for many of us the sound of the broken pieces is traumatized because we've had to listen too often to the pieces of our lives crumbling apart it's too familiar hearing the waves beating against the vehicle we thought was about to carry us into our next my ship has crashed before and i know i made it but i didn't want to lose another vehicle to get there i know i know that you promised me i would make it but i wanted the ship to make it to how do you all have ever had to weep over something you wanted to make that god didn't [Music] have to cry over what god destroyed because you saw it ending up differently you've had to weep over the waves you've had to cry in the middle of an ocean and you've got all these people depending on you to get them to their next in all your goddess pieces you've got a ship full of men that are trusting you to get them from next from this point to the next one and all you've got are fractures all you've got are pieces of your dream you lost the big piece a long time ago you got pieces of your passion they drained it out of your seasons you've got pieces of yourself because you lost you trying to keep them and what happens when all you got left is pieces i can't do much with this i would much rather have nothing than a form of what was how'd you mean to tell me after all my life has been through and all that i have given you a yes for this is my result [Music] after all that i gave up to serve you when serving you didn't make sense you mean to tell me this is what you leave me with have to after everything i said no to that i really wanted to say yes to and all i got left is this you gonna leave me in the ocean with pieces you gonna leave me on the outskirts with fragments and i know you said i would make it but i didn't want to make it like this i know you said i wouldn't die but i wanted something to still stay together i know i did not picture my life ending up in pieces i did not envision that in my late 30s and early 40s i would still be by myself this wasn't my ship i did not envision that at this juncture of my life i would still be working for somebody else this wasn't the pieces i saw this is not what you showed me i did not think that i would still be dealing with suicidal tendencies at this juncture i thought i got over it i didn't think that at this place in my life i would still have anxiety over tomorrow i didn't want these pieces these were the pieces that i did not want i showed the world a whole ship and now you only giving me pieces [Applause] i showed social media that everything was together and now all i got is fractures i told the world that my life was coming together and now all i can show them is pieces this wasn't the dream this wasn't this wasn't a plan god why didn't you tell me this when i started you gave me warning i would have loved you but i would have told you no what why didn't you give me more details about the wreck why didn't you tell me that storms would come and that waves would crash what i thought i needed would no longer be available why why did you leave me in a sea with people that don't want me and trust me to be the vehicle to get them to they next why would you put me in a place with people that don't even like me but need me to get to their next and all i got is broken pieces they don't want me they don't listen to me they don't understand me they don't know anything that's going on and you leave me with fragments but what if i told you your life fragments were gonna be life-saving for somebody else that people were going to survive because what was carrying you could be broken what if i told you god was gonna use the brokenness of your heart for someone unexpectedly to grab a hold and use it to get to the mix because god never breaks you just to break you god always breaks you to heal you and help somebody else god has never arbitrarily let anything happen in your life but you all want to know where most of us find our complex chase come here real quick quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly chase is fragments here but it was once a ship can you rebuild it just rebuild it rebuild it rebuild it quickly please just rebuild it rebuild it rebuilt it come on come on we got to get to our next and your ship is going to be the one that's going to get us there please rebuild it we need you to be who you've always been to us please rebuild it [Applause] we can't afford for you to grow a change please rebuild it just like it was give me the same ship that i had five years ago with you rebuilt it can i tell you that your greatest challenge right now is trying to reconstruct a version of you that the lord allowed to break [Applause] you're trying to put it back together to please them you're trying to be who you've always been trying to figure out how fractures go back together you're trying to do it to make them happy what happens when god wanted it to wreck because the world needed to see a part of you it had not seen and you wasted all this time trying to put something back together that's never going to fit again [Applause] guys once god closes the door and once god breaks your ship don't be frustrated over what you no longer have trust the god that knows all i need is for you to have what's in your hand because the power was not in the ship the power was in the one that was on the ship [Applause] when the widow came to jesus asking for healing for her child and the lord said it is not meat to give food to the dogs she said even dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the master's table it was never in the whole thing all you need is a piece i want you to start distributing yourself chase i called you because you were young and i thought you're going to be quicker than this now i ask him to start giving parts of him away and he automatically takes the focus to one piece and trying to make it even smaller this is what happens when you over analyze your own flaws [Applause] and you begin to try to break down even lower what you already felt wasn't together this is why i don't qualify because not only am i broke but my credit score is in the 400s my savings account has come and we completely try to deconstruct what's already been broken but what if god just wants you to take the peace and put it in the hands of somebody that didn't know they needed you before this moment just take it put it in somebody's hands no no no no you because you're helping me because y'all know what we do we give enough of ourselves away to say that we gave something away we give just enough to meet the moment well god i did what you told me to do well god i called them when you told me to call them well god i sent the text when you told me to send the text god i cashed out them five dollars i gave them what i had and we try to relegate what god is calling us to give away listen to me they're pieces you don't need them anyway you are the peace that's why you'll never have to mourn how god used or what god used as a vehicle to get you from one place to the next that didn't make it you're the one that carries what god is going to use and you may get there with a broken heart you may get there with the broken spirit you may get there with a broken mentality let me tell you something all that matters is that you get there all that matters is that you make it all that matters is that you don't let the sea drown you you don't let the anxiety of a season make you run away from what god is actually about to do in you you don't have to have it all together to get there you just gotta get there it's gonna be a moment thank you chase this could be a moment where you show up and you want to be your full self but you're only a portion of it there'll be tables that you'll sit at that you'll say i'm completely inadequate for there'll be promotions that you receive that people will hate you because you were under qualified for it pieces give you pieces you all have said i'm not relationship ready yet because i ain't got myself together need a little bit more time to pour me together if god needed you to pull you together he would have left you in your own hands a long time ago what god really needs you to do is to be able to say my life has been in pieces but i know the pottery i know the one who can take my brokenness matter of fact he requires it and a broken spirit and a contrite heart i'll never despise it matter of fact he says he's near to my brokenness he's not waiting to break me he's waiting for me to get the revelation that that i ain't gathered all together broken pieces but broken pieces in the master's hand will change the world and many of you have used your brokenness as the disqualifier but the brokenness is why you're even in the room you have looked at your deficiencies you have talked yourself out of opportunities you should have started stuff a long time ago that you said i just ain't got it they do it better than me what if i told you there were a people that needed the way that you do it who are called to the way you're called to build it that will have such an affinity for your brokenness to say this is exactly where i need to be because guys even standing on the stage september the 5th 2021 don't let the suit fool you there's still fragments and fractures i'm asking god what do i do with this there's no pieces in my heart that i'm asking god how do we reconcile this can i take it be real transparent with you there's still pieces in me that say god i've got an anger point said what you took me through because it don't make no sense but i can be broken and i can be vulnerable and i can be in your hands if you promise me you're going to keep me in your hands i'll do it again if you promise me that the hands that brought me this far not going to drop me i'm a broken mess but if you promise me that your hands are going to keep me together i will give you every fragment i will give you every part of me that i didn't think was worthy of you and i will surrender my brokenness to the one who pieces it all together today if anything i've said in this last 45 minutes has resonated with your heart i just want you to stand to your feet for a moment i promise you we're gonna do this quick i know you can't reach out and touch anybody and i know you can't look any one eyeball to eyeball but right there next to you there's a beating heart that's broken too there next to you someone stood up and they came to the epicenter today because this was literally their last hope someone stood up they may smell good they mask may be a little musty we've been you know worshipping but they stood up in faith because they're in a room full of people that just get it i don't feel like a masterpiece i feel like broken pieces we used to sing a song back in my baptist church the potter wants to put you back together again you who are broken [Music] [Music] [Music] then it said this he will heal the fragments of your broken life my my friend my friend my friends [Music] he wants to put you [Music] back together again and i know we're in a room together thank you trey keep it up keep it up i know we're in a room together but we're on the potter's wheel at the same time and i want you i want you to take these next 30 seconds and nobody knows your story they don't know how you got here they don't know what you've been suffering with but the partner knows lord the lord knows the broken places he knows the confused places i want you in a room that's full of faith to give god your broken pieces come on just just for a moment give it to him because that's amending about to happen in this room [Music] yeah i know it's broken and you feel like it's beyond repair but the mender is in the room [Music] i'm crazy enough to believe that whatever it is he's the one [Music] that puts it together lift your hands one more time father i thank you [Music] for the faith in this rule to simply be able to say lord i am broken my heart has been broken my dreams have been fractured my heart is confused and i don't know what the next step in my life looks like but i know i'm in a room filled with the community that feels the same way we ain't gathered all together but we know you're the god of our brokenness this is a god that refrains our lives and our future today lord i'm asking you the fragments that seemed irreparable do it again for the ones that were afraid to give it another try father in this room now build their faith to do it again for those that discounted themselves and said they would never be qualified to go through another opportunity lord do it again for those that hung up and threw in the towel on an opportunity for tomorrow lord do it again [Music] you're the lord that puts us back together and we may not look how we started we may lose some stuff in the process you may be the one that cuts and trims but we trust you to put us back together again in jesus name lift it [Music] my [Music] and you who need mending [Music] [Music] life [Music] oh [Music] together again real quick i'm gonna do this we're gonna go maybe someone in this very room right now that simply says you have preached and sang y'all have sang my whole life today and i came here on a whim i came here as a last resort but i know that what god has done in this room was exactly what i needed if that's you today matter of fact i'm going gonna do it by faith if that's you i just want you to lift your hand i love y'all see these hands waving around you y'all see these hands up around you father i thank you that you're the god of our desperation and when we've lost every other option you're the god that meets us right there father in this in this room this room is so full of faith for those that came in on a last wind the waves of life has crashed against them to such a degree that it's made them question everything about their tomorrow today father do something in their hearts that only you can show them that you are the god of their broken people for that we love you we trust you we believe you in jesus name now listen we're going to give god a great big round of applause in one moment what i need you to do real quick if you're in this room you've never accepted jesus you need a community of believers to be connected with or simply you know i've been in church but what i felt today is what i feel like my future needs look what i love about jesus is he's not checking your resume as much as he's looking for your heart and the bible makes it clear that if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead you have already met every prerequisite for heaven it's it's not about how good you've lived it's about how honest you confess to god i need you and this is where and how i need you if today you've confessed jesus as lord and savior for the first time if you need a community of believers to live and to grow in or if you're just looking to reconnect recommit to god i want you to text belong atl right now pull out your phone text belong atl to 94 000. hold on you've got you've got writing responsibility too pull out your phone text belong atl to 94 000. when you do that you're going to see probably three or four different prompts come up there's going to be a prompt for prayer there's going to be a an opportunity for you to commit your life or your future to christ it's going to be an opportunity for you to become a part of this community whichever one fits your heart i want you to say yes to it today amen can we give god one great big hand clap of praise oh we can do better than i know some of y'all texting but if god did anything for you in this first gathering of us together you wanna mike justin bring your mic bring from bringing my god bless you um how many y'all will come back if we did this again i ain't gonna get ahead of myself i ain't gonna get ahead of myself but i i am just so honored we're about to let you all go i just i you you have to say something well praise the lord praise the lord everybody listen i i between friday saturday and then today i don't think i've slept that much we just been up just doing dumb stuff just just with the anticipation of what the lord was going to do as i was watching him minister i'm telling you i literally saw you going into a new dimension and i don't say that i know people you know say that lightly but i had to keep kind of shaking myself because i saw you on the stage and then i saw you on another stage and so i kept as as you were preaching i kept doing this and i was like lord what is that and as you came in floating on what you thought was your broken piece as you kept kicking as you kept kicking as you kept kicking holding on we were holding on with you off of your word we trusted you we believe in you and i thank god for you because i'm telling you i i i'm the you version that is just the beginning the bible that is just i look and it and i said lord is it because he in a suit and i'm just happy he in a suit what is it but the stages i saw you on i saw you in suits but it was much bigger than this don't do that now [Applause] [Music] come on it's your turn [Music] build your church from the ground [Music] from gonna [Music] from the ground up [Music] from the ground so bill builder bill builder come on straight your hands and say bill builder bill builder bill builder come on bill builder come on peel well bill well peel pilder bill pilder pill pilder pill pilda pill filter peel [Music] help you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] build up [Music] build up [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever he called you to feel [Music] can we do something weird cause why are you building my brother my sister i'm gonna say this i got your back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i need a husband to look at a wife and say look at the person next to you and say i got your ipad so i'm not gonna let you build alone here [Music] [Applause] i got [Music] [Applause] [Music] god's gotcha [Applause] in this next season you gotta know gotta know god's got your [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] would anybody else enjoy the presence of god today no i ain't i ain't saying i didn't ask you did you enjoy the singing or did you enjoy the people i said did you enjoy the presence of god in this place today yes yes we're always privileged that god visits us he doesn't have to but we're just so grateful that he came to visit us so we thank you guys sarah i'm i'm really shook there's a lot to take it's a lot to take in it really is so guys we want to just thank you guys for being with us this weekend pastor um friend and pastor fenik are going to be out in the lobby area greeting and hugging people um so just if you want to go out and mingle you know social distance of course but go out and mingle and meet somebody that you didn't know when you first came here um and we just want to thank you guys for coming to worship you got anything evangelist um we just um we are just so appreciative we love you guys and definitely we want to see your faces out there and also get some merch before you leave get some merch take some pictures at the little photo booth and we're just going to pray a blessing over you god a lot of you guys travel so we're just go okay so the ushers are telling me make sure you that go up the aisles and go up the elevator and come down to go back into the lobby guys okay and so a lot of you guys travel from out of town so we're just going to speak a blessing over you as you all leave so god i thank you for these people that have chosen to come and gather in this room and god i even cover their bodies now in the name of jesus i plead the blood no disease no disease no covet 19 no respiratory issues nothing asthma all of that is null and boiling this atmosphere and we speak god that even as they travel some have driven some have flown that no disease no foul thing no uncling thing will enter their bodies i thank you god that the grace that is in this room will follow them to their various destinations god i thank you for the strength that we feel in this room i thank you that after these people who leave this room their lives will never be the same come on say that to yourself my life will never be the same and god i thank you for these people we thank you for this day we thank you for being god for us we thank you for being god in this place and doing god things that we could not do for ourselves and we give your name all of the glory and all the praises in jesus name that we do pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dude [Music] [Music] [Music] daddy you oh foreign message yes thank you uh okay okay okay you oh okay okay you so okay you you um uh uh you this one um is um
Channel: Belong ATL
Views: 5,114
Rating: 4.978261 out of 5
Id: Q_crJ-5UELw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 37sec (11677 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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