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[Music] father tonight i stand on behalf of your precious people and together we declare that we are grateful indeed you are a good god you have shown us your mercy you have shown us your faithfulness you have shown us your grace we are recipients of your kindness and lord we are not careful to say thank you tonight for the many things you have done in and through our lives we owe you our lives we owe you thanks so father we pray from grateful hearts that you accept this gratitude let creation know that you are the god behind every result let the nations know that these are not the doings of men only god can do these things so we return thanks great on times and lord we pray that it please you to continue doing wonders in this place indeed you are the god that do it wonders continue to open our eyes continue to embrace us with levels and dimensions of the spirit that will confound principalities and powers we thank you even for tonight thank you for encounters thank you for transformation thank you for light thank you for empowerment thank you for results in the name of jesus christ amen and amen god bless you please be seated [Music] hallelujah good evening everyone um i really want to appreciate everyone particularly um those who are coming here for the first time and the many who are following us online it's always a joy to converge like this it's a time of learning it's a time of growing i made a vow and i made a covenant with my life and my destiny that i will never stop learning never stop learning for as long as i am alive and for as long as there's breath in my nostril i will never stop learning i acknowledge that there are many things i do not know and so while we celebrate the ones we know we continue to contend for the ones we do not know when you become satisfied with where you are then you have placed a peg on your growth that means that you are telling god there is no need to take me higher than this and because god gave man a will he will honor you praise the lord there has to be a hunger a hunger that while it is being sealed another one is created and you continue to rise from glory to glory from glory to glory let me encourage us again to continue to be very open and receptive to the word of god [Music] no man can be helped listen to me no man can be helped who hates or ignores the word of god the moment you ignore the word of god you have ignored the creative dimension of god and that means nothing will ever be made in your life praise the lord it is the word that makes men i commend you to the word of his grace that is able to build you up and then to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified when we gather like this week in week out it is always an encounter with the word of god which contains a revelation of the ways of god micah chapter four when you read from verse two and three the bible says that when the mountain of the lord has been exalted all the nations shall flow to it they shall say come let us go to the mountain of the lord to the house of jacob give us my catch of the fall please he says and he will teach us his ways we are not there just for entertainment he will teach us his ways and then when we know his ways we will walk in his pants he will teach us his ways so one of the primary tool for transforming the saints is the teaching ministry what does it mean to teach to bring to comprehension to open your mind to understand the dynamics of an operation not just the awareness that it exists but how it works the greatest blessing you can have um maybe second to your salvation experience is the opportunity to belong to a spiritual family where there is an accurate communication of the ways of god that means that if you continue to submit to the truths that you hear you are not the one who will lift yourself the truths were designed to lift you when you receive them and they become life let me tell you it may take time but inevitably your life will be turned into a sign and a wonder hallelujah praise the lord so my excitement every time we come here it's not just because um we're coming to fellowship as important as that is but that every time we come under this grace there will be an unfolding of a dimension let me tell you this you will be in great deception to believe that there is nothing else to learn and there is nothing else to study it's a joke compared to the dimensions we need to get to we are only a step out of the cave there are so many things that we need to learn that make for victory and then there are many things that we have known but have not become spirit and life and so there has to be a system of reiteration and emphasis right so that if you did not get it before you can get it now honestly god sees my heart that my prayer all the time is that you understand these things that i teach and you pay attention to them and watch the lifting power of light forget about darkness just focus on that light it says that was the two light that lighted every man there is a false light religion there is a false light the doctrine of men there is a false light the perspective of men that comes from their pride but there is the two light and that light can light every man not man of god the light lightens every man and he says you cannot light a candle and put it under emotion if the candle is not lit you can hide it somewhere but the moment there is light upon that candle you cannot hide it [Music] and he will teach us his ways every week the lord continues to clear confusion from our lives and our destinies he continues to bring color to your life he continues to buy his word give you a chance to life so that what i could not the privileges that i could not walk in either by reason of yesterday or by reason of my background or the limitations of my territory it is remedied when we feast upon the revelation of god's word we begin to learn his ways you are not growing if what made you afraid yesterday still makes you afraid today it means you are not growing there is no light the lord is my light and salvation of whom shall i fear hallelujah many times you will almost be pressured to doubt what you believe and doubt what you receive why because sometimes many times in fact most times it takes a while before the word of god um would manifest physically into the results that we desire and that gap satan is a master at taking advantage of that gap to make you think that the word of god is unfruitful are we together and so you have to trust the integrity of god first that whether or not you have any physical evidence that shows that what you hold is true trust the integrity of god the word of god has been proven again and again and has been found to be faithful when you find yourself doubting the word of god it's an attack [Music] forever oh lord thy word is settled hallelujah praise god and so i came tonight to really really first encourage us i'm afraid for any believer that does not have an intentional value for the word of god that believer is not only a dangerous person to himself he is going to be dangerous to others your security in this kingdom is your understanding of the word of god your security in this kingdom your immunity in this kingdom is the fortification that knowledge provides we must continually be passionate to know and to see not just to be aware of the realities that exist in the kingdom but to see to understand the dynamics of their operation with time i can know what you have believed by the results that show let me tell you this results in the long run do not lie results may not be a good basis for gauging your progress in the short term why because certain things will take time to prevail but in the long run when life gives you an appreciable period of time and the requisite level of results are not produced then you do not have any excuse are we together just because jesus did not come back to life day one you would be too fast on him to feel that he was not the resurrection and the life so be patient if jesus had not resurrected after one week we'll be in trouble because or we know that something is wrong destroy this temple and i'll build it in three days one week maybe too long one day maybe two shots so somehow find consolation in the fact that even if my life is not producing certain results i will be patient patient patient but then if after a long period of time my life also refuses to produce that result go back and check what could be wrong hallelujah if at all i have any fear in my life it is this i never want to hold on to something that after many years i will find out i was holding on to a lie if at all i have any fear it is this one thing to hold on to something that i think is light and then after so many years discover that i've held on to shadows rubbish and nonsense the bible says to be careful lest what you call light be darkness why because there is a way that cement right onto a man and the end thereof are the ways of death it's like students writing an exam everybody is boldly writing something on that paper but the lecturer is the one who is going to mark and he knows exactly what he's looking for there are few people who come out of an example and start crying and say i feel usually people come out and with boldness and confidence someone said it's a piece of cake and so we all wait not for the students not for their pride not even for their fear we wait for the lecturer when the results are tasted sometimes you will see someone who was quiet didn't see anything you think he was afraid and then you will come and see that that person cleared everything then you will find a loud noise maker shouting around making all kinds of claims and not only will its results be written there they will rise to me that means your your issue [Music] yes [Music] are we together continue to vet your revelation listen there is no revelation in the body of christ today that is too big to be crucified no revelation i don't care from who and for how long every revelation if it is of god there should be no fear inventing it because it should be consistent find out what you believe to know whether this is true or is a lie don't run with lies and after many years you find out that you have wasted your time build a church on nonsense build a ministry or nonsense build your own life on nonsense it is because of this he gave unto some apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and teachers for their equipping not discussing equipping of the saints what does it mean to equip to bring to your life the tools needed for the work equip comes from the word equipment is that true you equip me when you supply the tools needed for the work if i'm in the farm and you bring me syringe are we together and you bring me bandage you did not equip me you brought equipment but not for the work what will i do with a syringe in a farm what will i do with a bandage in the farm so to be to be equipped does not mean to coordinate any information to me no no no i must see where you are going first and then by the intelligence of the spirit to know what will be needed for this journey hallelujah [Music] when we get to the farm and if everybody bring out your tools some will bring seeds some will bring their home and then someone will bring a hammer he will bring a syringe both of them are not equipped for that good work so the bible says to equip the saints so that the saints now being equipped will do them work of the ministry it's one of the things we continue to do here that you are equipped by the spirit of god he grants us access to the blueprint what are we becoming what is the demand that will be placed on us and when you know it he begins to supply the various equipment you will need favor here keep it you will need the mercy of god here keep it you will need speed here keep it you will need to know how to engage warfare add it here you will need to understand your identity in christ keep it here are you seeing the tools now yes you will need to understand men keep it here you will need to understand the realm of the spirit and how it operates keep it here when you have those things like a toolbox it says go you will continue to receive other tools so when you stand and there is a door the holy spirit who is guiding you you say where is that hammer that i gave you before bring it out he has broken the gates of brass and caught the bass of iron inside you get to a place and there is a door where is that cheese that i gave you you pick it and you open that door are we together yes when you do not excel it is because you probably do not have the tools or you do not know how to use the tools effectively praise the lord our military people continue to write that the federal government supplies more equipment they have the know-how but the equipment the equipment the equipment we need to be equipped with the tools that will make for practical victory and for as long as you continue to remain interested god is never wary to supply these things please listen to me do not stop learning do not stop passionately pursuing the knowledge of the ways of god this is your victory that knowledge that light that understanding hallelujah praise the lord [Music] what i want to share with us tonight is very powerful will be very fast and um the lord himself will open our eyes and grant us understanding teach us to pray part one [Music] teach us to pray we'll be examining a bit about the prayer ministry of the saints and the spiritual dynamics that make for effective prayer we are exploring by the spirit of god why the prayer life of many people continues to be full of activities but with very little spiritual impact and it is very very important one of the dominion systems allocated for the saints is the capacity to legislate through prayer and you will think that many disciples um and many who submit themselves to different platforms understand prayer but at the end of this series you will find out that very few people truly understand prayer may god grant us understanding two scriptures psalm 65 and verse 2 please let's hurry up media psalm 65 and verse 2 all thou does yes prayer unto thee shall all flesh come this is a very powerful revelation that means not everyone can hear prayer this man got this scripture by research i'm sure that he experimented praying to different deities and worked carefully for the feedback and he noted that there was one who seemed to always have the power to answer and he says oh thou that hearst prayer unto thee this is my recommendation all flesh that means that i have arrayed a sample of various people who have the capacity to hear prayers and out of my research this is my conclusion all flesh be directed to this one deity because to experience we have seen that he sustains the ability to answer prayer luke chapter 11 the ministry of jesus is one of the the earthly ministry now i every time i study scripture i like to study the gospels a lot [Music] not just because it's the interface between the old and the new but because the gospel is primarily the earthly ministry of jesus and the bible says to look up to jesus that means model your life and your convictions after that pattern when jesus walked upon the earth notice that jesus had extensive times of mentorship and the teaching of those who would later become his apostles are we together and the disciples continue to observe jesus they saw the kind of results that he got and they noticed that every time before the results would come he would communicate with the father in a certain way performing whatever he would have to do they continue to note that progression that jesus did not just blindly do things sometimes he would retreat and tell them he was communicating with heaven and then he would return and they would see the results so the disciples continued to take note of that remember that they were walking with jesus and they really wanted to be like him so they were studying everything that he was doing and in luke chapter 11 [Music] when this was after the lecture that happened in the house of miriam mata remember mata was running around this is luke's gospel now mata was running around and mary was sitting and you know he said mata mata you are worried and upset about many things this is one thing is needful to sit at the feet of the master so after all of that um we go to verse 11 and the bible says jesus now is beginning to preach on prayer so jesus taught on prayer pay attention to anything jesus thought on because that meant that it was either it had a a major role in the believer's work and in breathing victory jesus luke chapter 11 and verse one are we there 11 verse 1 media not 11 11 verse 1 and it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place so what was he doing in a certain place so we see that he was praying and we see that there was a location the bible says when he sees that means when he finished brought it to one end one of his disciples said to him lord teach us to pray that means men can be taught to pray prayer as a ministry must be taught to be effective now many believers do not know that it is the teaching on prayer that makes prayer effective not praying the understanding that sponsors your your actions is where the victory is our our our world today is full of people who believe that the only way to pray is just to talk and begin to shout and you will soon learn in this series that many people continue to shadow books there is no accuracy the disciple did not say we cannot pray no the problem here was not prayerlessness i hope you understand what you are saying the bible says the bible did not say the disciples later came ah they were there listen he finished praying and one of his disciples said to him he was within range so we are not discussing prayerlessness here this is not a bad sliding person saying lord restore my prayer life this is not an issue of restoration this is an issue of praying i miss there is no result and he said lord we give up we've been trying to copy you but it's very clear we are not getting something so teach us to pray so prayer should be taught not just conducted okay everybody oh yeah open your mouth and pray prayer should be taught if all we continue to do is to say pray pray pray everybody pray very soon we'll be tired like many believers are prayer meetings in many churches have the least um attendance do you know why it's a testimony it's a report card it's a track record thank god that's not the case with this ministry do you know why because prayer works when prayer walks people will prove to you by their commitment many churches and many assemblies today are frustrated prayer meetings are in respectfully speaking some of the most boring and pointless and people come and you know they don't expect an answer and while they are praying different people are just conjuring versions of ways that they they come up with to try to communicate some are not serious some are even typing because they feel is more profitable they are aware that it will not be answered so the disciples said teach us to pray someone said teach us to pray i thought jesus would turn and say no you don't teach prayer pray my friend jesus is about to answer that prayer now he chose to pray please go back verse one let's finish up verse one as john taught his disciples are you saying that john was a very very very good mentor john taught the disciples [Music] the disciples of john were not just great people for nothing john did not just pray in the wilderness you produce prayer warriors not just by praying by the accurate teaching of the prayer ministry in many churches they just say if you want to join prayer but that means if you have passion for prayer now understand this i'm not trying to be sarcastic uh if you want to join prayer band and then you know everybody who believes that they have some kind of thing for spiritual things they now join the prayer ban and they were now going to pray and everybody is waiting for the prayer point we are going to ask the lord to move anywhere the manner that even i don't even know just open your mouth and you know everybody is just praying and and honestly listen i know people are dissipating energy and i don't mean to be sarcastic but stand from god's standpoint and you are watching people praying and you see someone praying and just just tell everybody stop stop where you are what were you doing and what do you mean what i was they asked us to pray i know but what did you expect what were you saying [Music] you will be amazed to know how many people who did not have any idea of what they were doing it was just an honor to a ritual an energetic ritual [Music] are we together verse 2 and he said unto them jesus now i love jesus ah i love jesus i really love jesus the way he mentors is powerful the confidence teach us to pray of course you don't know how to pray sit down let me teach you and jesus is teaching now when he prayed so they were already praying so she is not restoring their prayer life she's rearranging the pattern to make sure it works are you following me this night jesus did not say you guys don't even pray he said i know what you are asking for you have been praying and praying and this thing is not working and now you are saying teach us to pray even as john touched the people so jesus is now saying when he pray say say this should be the content of your prayer you want to understand this properly you have to go to matthew's account um we'll delve here i brought you here to see the teachers to pray let's go to matthew's account chapter six um and then we'll see what jesus christ [Music] matthew chapter six go to verse 4 all right fight now and when thou prayers so we're continuing now another person's account down shall not be as the hypocrites what is the relationship between prayer and hypocrisy jesus is talking about prayer and he's now talking about hypocrisy that when you pray you can pray like hypocrites so how do hypocrites behave they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen not that the prayer should be answered so this hypocrisy there is the motif behind that that is possible a man can be praying and what you are doing in the spirit is hypocrisy you are more concerned about the testament of those seeing you than you are about the contact you make and the inside produces the bible says whoever has used that state is a hypocrite are we together now they love to do it so hypocrites love to pray but the bible says that the the motif behind their prayer is to receive some kind of self-respect from men they are not interested in the prayer being answered they are just concerned about having a testimony before men that my prayer life is not down and believe me there are so many people who are victims of this they are more concerned about your hearing them pray they are more concerned about the respect and the honor that you give them by reason of your weakness in their prayer life they are not concerned about the efficiency of the prayer their real reward and their real attraction is not answer it's not fellowship it is the fact that they want men to know and to attest to the fact that you are prayerful hallelujah verily i say unto you they have their reward what is their reward the uploads that they get from men so when you see me pray all the time for instance and if somebody says does joshua sermon praise ah the other day you know that voice you were hearing it was actually he was a tractor that was cutting that that was him for that is my reward what is the reward the respect that i receive whether perceived or real you have gotten your reward next verse but when or thou that means since you taught me you want to use my own formula now it says you when you pray enter into your closet now the idea is not secrecy please understand what jesus is saying here i will explain to you it looks like he's just talking secrecy because he said your father who sees you in secret but i'll explain something very powerful it says enter into that closet the idea is not hiding from people the idea is the purity of your motif that your focus should not be centered on jaws the visualizations of men in your prayer but that your father who sees what is the purpose of this secrecy so that you will not be seen to purify the sincerity of that activity so it is not so much about hiding away from people that it is the purity of the motif the intent that is back of your prayer do you get the idea now so that you don't think that jesus is just saying just go and hide somewhere how do you now pray as a prayer back how do you now pray at the church the idea is not just secrecy the spirit and the incense of what jesus was saying here was that the secret place helps you because there is no point to prove there's no human there now to be able to corrupt the purity of your desire so in that similitude so the secret place is not really just a place it is a mindset it is an understanding you can carry the secret place to a public place of prayer and that while you are praying your concern is not really the accreditation of men but the purity of that fellowship are we following tonight teach us to pray and when thou has shot the door pray to your father in secret and your father who is in secret will reward you openly you now understand what i what i explained here next verse but seven but when you pray now watch this use not vain repetitions as the heathen do now hold on jesus is not saying don't repeat prayer he's saying there is a way that he didn't do you have to study this contextually in ancient times there was a way that the hidden pray they prayed doing a lot of enchantments to idols are you guess what i'm saying now [Music] jesus is not saying repetition in prayer is wrong he's qualifying what he's saying he's saying there is a repetition that is in the similitude of how the children operate because in those days those who prayed to idols and the rest they used magic books and they used all kinds of books that had um activities of sorcery and all of that so the they did not understand what they were saying the miracle was not in the understanding the miracle was in the ritual of the enchantment there are many cultures that still do it today there are many um occultic groups today that still do it i watched a video where a place in asia i would not mention the name i watched a video not that they told me someone had i think it was it was cancer cancer of something you could see the swelling i mean they were showing it the visuals was there and these guys are doctors but they are also healers they have their lab coats but they also you know they they have their way of using energy and all of the rest to heal i watch it's not like they told me the person to go through the surgery was lying down there and they did not perform any surgery in terms of any um opening of the body and all of that they started chanting something they were chanting it and the second thing is fast you know repeating it for a very long time until they themselves were almost possessed by it and while they were talking right in the the uh um video you would see the cancer just melting going down like that it was over and they all clapped for themselves hugged themselves jesus is saying there is a way the hidden when you are praying to an idol an idol does not need your understanding your idol just needs your emotion and your alliance or allegiance to a ritual are you getting the point now the hidden do not expect their god to speak they don't expect all of those things so they chant a lot of things and he said when you pray i have noticed that you have borrowed a prayer life from other hedonistic nations so when you pray to god you don't pray like you are praying to someone alive and you are victims of enchantments that are akin to magic books are we together now you notice in the book of acts one of the exploits of the apostles there were books that were brought out they were born some of those books were used for prayer till today they still use it there are many pseudo-christian sects and there are many other occultic groups that make use of certain books where there are enchantments they can tell you chant these 90 times chant these five times chances and the person is just doing it so i'm trying to balance this because many people have erroneously said this to mean that um the bible jesus was teaching here that don't repeat any prayer that means if you say lord i bless you that's all right if you repeat it again or father grant me this and you say it again it is unbelief that's not what the bible is saying jesus himself if that is the thought he broke the rule because when jesus was in gethsemane he prayed using the same word three times so he certainly was not teaching here about fame repetition are you getting this now remember god is teaching us how to pray so he's giving us the rules of engagement to understand the boundaries of effective prayer [Music] do not use vain repetition in the similitude of the hidden are we together and there is a reason why he says that oh there matthew let me turn there quickly so that we make progress is god already helping someone [Music] when thou prayers use not vain repetition so notice what jesus is saying now jesus has spoken about three things teach us to pray and jesus says sit down when you pray number one do not be like the hypocrites that's the first thing he's addressing in teaching you to pray and then he describes his concept of hypocrisy are we together now we have to observe the things that jesus said to observe because in in matthew 28 he said teaching them to observe everything that i have shown you teach them pay attention all the things i stress stress it when you are teaching them all the things that were minors let it remain minors as you're teaching them teaching them to observe don't just bypass these things and go to our father who art in heaven that is mystic once you don't have the revelation that prayer becomes a powerless ritual are we together yes don't jump the steps number one the first blockage he says is the propensity to be a hypocrite and what is the hypocrisy that your motive has not yet been purified your you are more concerned about the weakness of men the accreditation that men have and ensue because in the world that we live in it's a wonderful thing to have a good report a good report before men is a noble thing however with respect to your dealings with god sometimes it is better to not have a good report before men and then have a good report before god but because of the way our civilization has been so programmed it looks more profitable to have a good report before men so jesus is saying that is the first thing you have to correct the first challenge to prayer life is not attack he has not mentioned a demon here he has not even mentioned satan here can you imagine that he's already showing you the things that can waste your time that when you pray under this condition you were not praying so as i approach effective prayer the first revelation is to be able to ward up the propensity for hypocrisy by ensuring that whether or not people look at me i trust by the help of the holy spirit we will learn that in in the latter part of the series by the help of the spirit to be able to look past the deception oh i'm praying now and wow someone will be there and say wow look at this guy i mean just look at the way this guy is praying this is two hours and he's still going he's saying be careful while that is commendable because it can inspire that person to rise you can be a victim of your own action because the time will come when you will reduce yourself from the real contact with his presence to you are just you want people to see the scribes and the pharisees that's the first thing we're correcting the desire to be seen and to be accredited as a prayerful person for the sake of personal atlas of men the bible says you have your reward there then the second thing that god is dealing with now is the to entire closet you see the idea still fortressing on that point i told you that the idea is not just to be enclosed in a place although listen although to be honest with you if all of your prayer is public you don't know much about prayer are we together because the real encounters that will happen to you literally will happen in the secret when you are alone with god everybody say alone with god yes when it has to do with prayer ministry there are dimensions of prayer where it is not husband or wife it is not father and children it is not pastor and members are we still together it is not colleagues it is not even prayer group members or church members or department members there are dimensions in prayer like jacob where you have to be alone there are certain things god cannot come in to reveal when you are corporate you have to be alone but whether you are alone or you are outside you must carry the idea of a secret life that means that when we are praying here as a congregation we lift up our voices and we begin to pray in your mind you must be able to pray with the assumption that you are alone with god not just that we are corporately together because there is a level of self-consciousness that will rob you from receiving from god are we together there are people for instance the awareness that someone is looking at them you just remember that ah maybe this person likes me or let me not waste my chance now while i'm praying you see that this is what jesus is trying to stop when you assume you are in the closet you are not concerned whether your trouser is going down or whether your shoe is coming out that the focus is that i am communicating with the god of all flesh to him that answers prayer [Music] this simple reason is why many people have not received the baptism of the holy spirit because they carry their beauty into the experience they carry their masculinity into the experience how do i now start praying in tongues high school in uk and now when i start doing this will i look fine will i not look fine am i going to disgrace my countenance jesus said if you don't carry that mindset of secrecy while you pray you will be too self-conscious to make spiritual contact and then the third thing he's addressing is vain repetition in the similitude of the hidden now look at this the bible is not a magic book the name of jesus is not a magic um a journey you see that there is power in the name because of the person whose name it is not because of the name itself there is an owner to that name and that owner is alive bmw is not a car bmw is a company they produce cars so that signature there you can trace a real person who is the owner of that company jesus is not just an enchanted name that has power in it no at the back of that name is a real person are we together now and if you just focus on the name as a magic ritual and do not focus on the passing you are behaving like the hidden this is why let me listen to me i'm teaching you this it is wise for many years i i shared with you my experience in jesus name in jesus name and this weekend demons did not leave me because the revelation of the person behind the name i wasn't really interested i just know that in jesus name as the sons of skiva [Music] ask the sons of skiva we are drawing you by jesus whom paul preaches and the demon said nonsense that's not how it works jesus we know paul we know who are you and the demon pounced on them the bible says strip them naked and beat them and drove them out imagine a prayer team going into a room to minister to someone all right let's go a delegation and they enter and you hear silence for a long time and you are wondering you are seeing lots of things going on motion and you think my god you can imagine what the devil is going through and the next thing you see a dog open forcefully and you see adults running naked all beaten by one person do you know what reproach that testimony is to the name of the lord let me tell you if it happened in the days of this of the sons of evil it can still happen today because those demons have not left they are yet what if the demons that beat that guy are the ones oppressing your family [Music] use not vain repetitions as the hidden do for they think so with the mindset here the vein repetition is a mindset issue for they think that they shall be heard not for the power and the potency but for their much speaking their mindset is pegged at the volume of the speech and not the power that is back of what they are saying not the truthfulness of the communication but the volume so he's addressing hypocrisy he's addressing um that that life that makes you self-conscious that you are not able to focus and then number three is addressing the issue of vain repetition that the power in prayer is not in the enchantments the power in prayer is in well let me not go ahead of myself eight be not ye therefore like them why this is the revelation that exempts you from that kind of life for your heavenly father know it what he what things he have need of before you ask him wait keep this scripture it's a very dangerous scripture that means your heavenly father is aware so why will he allow you to still pray don't just drop this talk if my heavenly father knows that i need rent oh god why frustrate me to pray before you send rent why frustrate me to do these things are you saying that now your heavenly father knows what you have need of before you ask him um this can mean many things number one this can mean that prayer then is not limited to petitions alone your heavenly father knows the needs you have but he's more interested in fellowship so he will still allow you to come are we together he can grant you the answer without you coming but that will rob him an opportunity for fellowship so he will allow you to come in prayer so that prayer will do many things it automatically tells you that the purpose of prayer is not just a system for needs to be met your heavenly father knows that you have this need before you ask him but number two it also validates the pattern of god what is the pattern of god the pattern of god is that he gave man 2 million are we together now and he gave man a will and the moment god gave man a will it became scripturally incorrect for god to veto the will of man and supply anything even at the expense of your eternal salvation he allows you to choose him at the expense of your eternal doom he will still not force salvation on you are we together now yes nine after this manner the mentor jesus it is a prayer like this no he would have brought a lot of error he said after this manner what is manner the pattern are we together now it is not copying the recitation but that in this thing we call the lord's prayer like a ladder there is a pattern descend by the spirit the pattern and use it in your prayer and it will make your prayer as effective as my own he did not say copy the words our father our father who art in heaven who art in heaven no that's not what jesus was saying of course i believe there is an advantage just putting it like that the way it is but the idea was not for you to recite you become like the hypocrite again he's saying after this manner so let's study it now that means in this this description is a hidden code are we together a code of operation that reveals the sequence of effective prayer are you ready [Music] let me pause there a bit and just share a few things as a background [Music] i wrote a few things here that i don't want us to miss number one i wrote here that prayer is part of the priestly ministry of all saints all believers prayer is part of the priestly ministry please if you're writing you may want to write it down that prayer is part of the priestly ministry so when the bible says we have been made unto our god revelation 5 and verse 10 kings and priests there is the priesthood ministry of the church and that part of the priesthood ministry of the church is to offer that incense of prayer so all believers are called to pray there might be individual people who by reason of their call and the election have been graced to function in certain dimensions of the prayer ministry however all believers are called and mandated as a priestly ministry to pray matthew chapter 21 and verse 13 jesus himself after flogging people from the temple remember when jesus made a whip and flood all the people when he drove all of them out and turned the exchanges and turn everything release all the doves and the castle to go away he said my house [Music] shall be called the house of prayer so god wants his house to be called the house of prayer the house where there is access to commune with the father my house shall be a place where communication with heaven should not be difficult are we together now a house of prayer but you have made it a den of peace or robbers so god himself wants his house to be called the house of prayer why pray write it down i want to give you six reasons i think i we have to do this before we go into the dynamics of the patterns of prayer even if we can't finish it today we'll take it off next week it's important for us to understand [Music] why do we have to pray number one in this kingdom we pray first because it is a command believers are commanded to pray this is a little bible study now luke chapter 18 and verse one please write it down and then first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 remember we are taught to pray so there is we're receiving the teaching now so that our prayer will be effective prayer is a command for believers luke 18 and verse 1 and he speak a parable unto them unto this end that men not some men men once you are a man you are mandated in this kingdom to pray he speaks a parable that men of always to pray and not to faint first thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 17 he says free without season that does not mean pray from morning till night you will live an ineffective life it means be consistent in your prayer life pray without seizing pray without seizing don't go on break and resume after five months are we together be consistent be consistent in your prayer life the second reason why we need to pray is that it is one of the strategies for fellowship with the father it is not the only platform but it is one of the the platforms many people think that prayer is the only way to fellowship with the father no no but it is one of the major strategies for fellowship first corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 paul is teaching here and he's teaching the church in college about prayer and he said please give it to us first corinthians chapter 14 and now he's saying it of course with respect to praying in tongues but he said for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue look up please speaketh not unto man not unto men not unto men this is not the gift of of tongues are we together like a a ministry one of the nineties no he's saying he speak it not unto men but unto god for no man understand that how be it in the spirit you he speaketh mysteries so it's very important it is one of the strategies for fellowship for communion it was paul that was was praying and he said the grace of our lord jesus christ remember he said the love of god and then he said the communion that's where we get the word coinonia from the communion of the holy spirit be with you always be with you always the communion it means the sharing together it means intimacy it means intercourse it means the participation of the spirit the oneness that comes through fellowship is praying that it remains with the saints why because it is only with god that all things are possible and so whatever makes you to lose your connection and to rob you of an opportunity for intimacy has also destroyed your potential for efficiency it is one of the strategies for fellowship number three why do we pray please never forget this god is making our prayer lives fruitful why do we pray number three it is a platform for growth and transformation the growth process of the believer was so designed that prayer will play a major part in your growth that means believers that don't pray cannot grow effectively in fact cannot even grow it is a platform for growth and transformation three scriptures luke chapter nine please give it to us luke chapter 9 from verse 28 to 29 luke chapter 9 from verse 28 to 29 and it came to pass about an eight days after the sayings he took peter and john and james and went up the mountain to do what not to rest to pray next verse and as he prayed what happened the fashion of his countenance was altered and his remnants became white and glittery that glory and that transformation came as a result of prayer so when you pray it is a system allocated for your growth and for your transformation first corinthians chapter 14 and verse 4 that's the second verse you will write under that point first corinthians 14 and verse 4. after that we'll go to the book of jude he that speaketh in an unknown tongue had defied himself the word edified there is an architectural term it means that he builds up he builds up himself are we together that means that you build up yourself attend to an exercise imagine someone who is walking out every day and just making sure that he's fit and healthy this is what he's saying that he that prays in an unknown tongue he that prays now it defies himself so it's a system for growth jude jude has only one chapter and we read verse 20 he says what he beloved if you are not beloved that scripture is not for you but but ye beloved building up yourselves up yourselves building up yourself on your most holy faith by praying by praying you build up yourself on your most holy what does it mean that you are growing and increasing in discernment you are growing and in your your faculties of interacting with the realm of the spirit are being heightened and fine-tuned in the place of prayer one of the classic signs of prayerlessness is lack of discernment you know immediately that a man's prayer life is dead when your discernment is dead what is discernment the faculty of perception the faculty of spiritual perception the ability to be able to perceive the impulses of the realm of the spirit to perceive danger to perceive joy to perceive the activity of angels are we together now all of these things remember look up please i've thought you shared that man can i use you please come doctor come on jake stand here watch this man is spirit everybody is a spirit that man lives in a body man is not spirit like what a separate entity soul like a separate entity then body like a separate entity that teaching is not very accurate are we together man is a spirit primarily that means his fear of reality is the realm of the spirit this spirit cannot interact with the earth realm because based on the law of territory it must have a material body that is consistent with that ecosystem to be able to walk are we together now so this spirit if it finds its way to the earth it will move the same way demons are moving and so god made this spirit a legal occupant in the earth by giving it a material body are we together but there was a challenge and god needed to solve it why because the earth realm and the realm of the spirit they are all part of god's kingdom but the dimensional nature of your operation makes it impossible for spirit to operate and body to come there you cannot reach them so there is a there is an issue now the spirit cannot relate with the body because there is a disparity in the realms and so god decided to create a breach the faculty that connects the spirit and the body he called it a mind are we together now that that mind consists of will emotions and intellect those faculties were put as the bridge that the spirit will use to interact with the body and the bridge that the body will use to execute the impulses of the spirit now what is when you call man a soul what you mean is the spirit in partnership with this faculty of consciousness that's what is called the soul [Music] are we together now if a man dies you don't see three people coming out or two people in the air going to either heaven or hell and then you see a body lying down there no there is no record of that in scripture jesus gave up a ghost not many ghosts only one spirit left that body and only one spirit returned are you are we together now yes the realm of the spirit watch this controls the physical realm the bible tells us that that the things that appear paraphrasing came from the things which do not appear remember i never said the things that are not real they just are unreal from this dimension that means that man in spirit and dwelling in a body has an advantage of the duality of realms are we together now that dual nature is what makes the body to receive impulses that you cannot explain so when you stand and suddenly there is a heaviness in your heart you don't even know why there's no joy again it if the spirit man is perceiving something from the realm of the spirit and then because it is connected to the mind to the body it's trying to transmute that but because please help this lady but because your prayer life is down look at please the the fortitude to receive that perception so that the body can execute what the spirit is saying is not there i'll give you an instance the spirit of death can be roaming around the family are we together and now because in the realm of the spirit there are no secrets i hope you know um there are secrets but what i mean is that nothing is hidden really there are secrets even in the spirit but nothing is hidden are we together now watch this when the spirit of death is roaming around your spirit is perceiving it your spirit knows the spirit of death knows if you came out of your body in the realm of the spirit you will no longer be in a vision i have death what are you doing here i've been here you see that i'm not just coming i've been there but because the body was unfruitful excuse me are we together the body was unsuffered so when you begin to pray what happens is that there is a rearranging because the way the flesh works it attempts to subjugate the spirit to a point where it cannot gain that acceptance this is where the advantage of things like fasting and so on and so forth can come in are we together now all of this we're going to discuss but generally this man the spirit of death is loitering around his vicinity and he's moving around because he's burdened in the flesh his organs of perceiving imagining the critical that you cannot hear hello you cannot um smell you cannot see you cannot sense are you alive are we together now yes you are not alive because i can be killing you and you are not aware the only thing you just know that you are fainting and then you're going to come and die because the ability is not there i can be talking to you supplying an information you cannot hear the same way there are physical senses there are also spiritual senses and that this spiritual sense is the same way you have blindness you can have spiritual blindness deafness you can have spiritual deafness are we together yes the same way your body i don't know the name of what the sickness is where people don't feel when you touch them you can have that same thing between the realm of the spirit so even if the holy spirit is saying mr man you are not you are not there at all and the bible says i'm explaining to you that when you begin to pray what is happening is that there is a fine-tuning the spirit your spirit man begins to gain ascendance and you can stand and just sense and know and because your organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit is heightened you it the holy spirit is at liberty based on the strength of your spirit man to use whatever faculty he pleases to reveal to you what to do so he can use your hearing and you hear he can use your sin you will see a vision he can use the knowing in your heart and you come with perception he can even move you into his will the more you pray you are giving the holy spirit the versatility of options to be able to communicate the will of god to you are you getting what the scripture is saying now that means that people who don't pray imagine that this guy is blind spiritually death on one ear spiritually are we together cannot sense anything look at the little allowance the holy ghost has to communicate destiny things to him so you can have a dream but because you are spiritually blind you will see nonsense you will get up from that dream and write things that was not really what was revealed why because the problem is blindness remember paul was blind but he was still seen he was high he was in a vision [Music] he said when you understand this prayer is no longer about giving me give me bread you are saying holy spirit you are at the mercy of my faculties of interaction your your possibilities are limited by the stress i give you could it be that if you were prayerful and you became sensitive you would have been able not just something dangerous you would have been able to know let me tell you this when you become very sensitive the holy spirit depending on the gravity of what is communicating he can use multiple channels to strengthen your conviction very powerful what i'm sharing with you we pray because it is a platform for growth and transformation i will never forget how cornonia started we were already you know doing ministry and doing a lot of things but i just knew that for some reason the season was about to come to a close and another season would start everybody say perception that's right that's what happens and it's not enough to perceive you can perceive and what you perceive is untruthful to you because you don't know what it is and you don't know what to do about it are we together [Music] and i remember that time i just got up one morning happy blessing the lord for the day and suddenly the lord just summoned me go for a retreat immediately i just passed my things people you are not seeing me again the lord is calling me now what if i got young guys i don't know why you are here who has me [Music] see i pray for you sincerely may god have many options on how to communicate his intent to you may look at me i'm going to be ah i wish all dear holy spirit grant us grace let's see what we can do i will be showing you from this teaching that if you are blind spiritually and suddenly without growth and renewal satan can give you an aberration of vision and show you something see a faculty that god is not used to leaving you with he will never use it on sensitive matters of your life this is one way you know you are under attack already let me give you an example watch this do you know that i will be showing you as we continue that every believer based on your personalized work with god god has studied you and for every season there is a primary channel of spiritual communication the most accurate that god has found based on your renewal when you change seasons and you grow you will readjust you so there are people who god has found out that based on his work with them dreams are the most powerful way of releasing the fullness of his will and then they believe because it's one thing for god to release an impulse through a channel but if your reception is wrong you will corrupt the purposes of god it's hard work what the holy ghost does in men so he has to keep trying that's why there are many times it's like you heard something but you are not clear god is testing those faculties and seeing your response are we together now it's as if i had something and you are not serious about it and god says enough if we walk with these guys here something is going to be wrong let's go back to the dream house it's better to fight the warfare they are fighting the dream are you now seeing why a dream was used for joseph now watch this many believers have not been used to god speaking in a certain way and then when it now comes to major decisions in their life the devil will now use a method the way you kill the bear the way you kill the lion is how you will also kill goliath when saul gave him another arsenal david said i'm not used to this i was not trained with this how you were trained is how you will fight the battle so when god trains you listen please this series is very powerful listen god trains you and finds out that the way you are the environment you came from the unbelief there is too great the strongest point until you marry and leave that environment a dream remains the most valid way of his communication your sharing will always be an arrow because the environment cannot allow you to grow that way god will limit himself to that thing you will find out that 90 percent of your hearing will be nonsense so when we have a responsibility as believers to study the various channels of spiritual communication versus our believing them and the results over time if you study this you can know that when god says release your best personal to hear me you know what to release there are people who did that yes it's like a magnet that is if god speaks even if god speaks from pandula they will hear they have happened their ears but if god shows them anything they will not see so god will limit his walking to their ears there are others look at prophets in the bible there were others who were ears there were others who were not just sharing alone please help them go sunday anointing they were not just sharing listen look up please and they were not just seeing but these were people who god will make them act what he wants to do physical acting so that they cannot doubt it a prophet was asked to lie down on one side of the bed for one year a prophet was made to marry a prostitute called gomer to act out the harloty of the nation of israel you cannot doubt that one now [Applause] by with some oh god heaven's gates open up with understanding arranging those [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] listen part of what prayer does to you we've not started dealing with the patterns of prayer we're just examining why we should pray you have to the way god will tell you where this is today he cannot use the same thing to say relocates to the u.s the gravity of if if i don't wear the shed that god wants me to wear today the consequence will not be as grave as god saying my destinies in the u.s and i'm in nigeria so she will not use the same channel he needs to use the channel that sends the strongest signal so you can receive look at this one of the hardest things for the saints is to know when seasons end let me tell you the proof of real stamina in prayer and in the spirit is the ability to discern when seasons end is a very difficult thing that's why many ministries cannot grow because to know when you need to shift to know when you need to relocate to know when you need to start the tv ministry your spiritual maturity is not tested in word of knowledge and prophecy the ability to know that you have gotten to a crossroad in the spirit i tell you you can start another journey for 10 years you can be accurate in life and a ministry and you just get off that's how you see someone who say i'm a prophet today tomorrow and then he's confused [Music] our channels listen this this duality of realms is where the confusion is because the way the realm of the spirit works sit down for a few minutes we're going to pray the way the realm of the spirit walks listen to me and the way the physical realm works is not correct or it does not work at the same frequency watch this there are times if your spirit is healthy and it's in partnership with the holy spirit there are times that satan who is the master of the flesh realm will create emergency in the abraham but when you check in the realm of the spirit your spirit man is at peace and you say forget it nothing is really going on if you don't know this you will panic over everything so when your spirit is strong even when there are all kinds of things you could check once the spirit is not betting anything no matter what is happening here you ignore it [Music] this is why many people are stable satan knows that this this faculty that connects you has a serious issue there so she will play with water in the physical realm and all of a sudden when that is happening you are just seeing everything shaking hey and then the spirit of here is trying to manipulate you but when your spirit is strong you know how to cross check when there is an emergency in the realm of the spirit sometimes there can be absolute peace in the earth and so you find out that god is telling you start running and you say good but there is here he said run run there is trouble and suddenly the cloud of darkness just comes to cover people see i tell you why many people do not pray it is not your fault it is the ritual this is what i'm trying to correct i have watched this for many years many believers pray and they do not achieve much in prayer because they do not understand the scope the boundaries not the importance of effective prayer there are people today who have gone to the grave simply because they did not strengthen the capacity to function in these dual dimensions that which is spiritual that which is spirit is of the spirit is spirit and that which is of the earth is x way before your boss starts to threaten you the realm of the spirit has speak the signal why because he's already seen the formation of evil spirits it is the manifestation of the patterns that kept your father down and six months before your boss starts acting out the holy ghost is already sending the sick now but because you had the dream what you didn't understand what i know that i wrote an exam but i did not finish the exam what did it mean you don't know and because your faculty of interaction is not there you just sit down it's not about an exam these are ways they are speakings of the spirit let me tell you this one of the hardest assignment of the holy spirit is to transfer the will of god from the heart of the father to the mind of the saints it is difficult that's why when god finds one man who is aligned you better stay out of the life and the way of that man he will clear you for because he knows how hard it is [Music] jesus jesus your jesus is looking at the disciples and they are wondering why he is looking at them and he sees satan looking for a particular disciple to enter jesus is asking them a question who do men say that i am and they are all laughing no discernment and yet satan just came quietly and hijacked peter's faculty and jesus is still watching and the peter himself is happy oh you will not go to the cross and jesus looks and says get deep behind me say that and peter looks at me satan he said peter let me tell you the drama that has been happening that you are not even aware of all the while i was looking at you something was happening in the realm of the spirit satan continued to desire to sift you like with he said it is my prayer that saved you i have prayed for you that you faint not he said and when thou has converted strengthen your presence there are many believers that pray but they are not transformed because they don't know what happens you have yes in the spirit you have eyes in the spirit you have faculties of interaction the only thing is that now respectfully speaking people like kenneth e hagin taught of course knowledge revelation is progressive our fathers like kennedy hagen thought that we have five spiritual senses just like we have five physical senses well that may be to us at the time the revelation came but there are no five is not five spiritual senses we have there are many spiritual senses that that um do not easily have physical expressions that's why all of them will be grouped and would just manifest as the same thing you will think you are having the same experience when i was praying yesterday my hands were hot when i was praying today my hands were hot your body interpreted it as but there were two different things it's just because your body is now limited it cannot it cannot express every impulse of the spirit hallelujah is that business it is raining we can't we can do what we did last week please if we can walk people in um the season is almost gone so please let them come in let's make whatever sacrifice please sit down pray in tongues for one minute and then i continue to find somewhere this is a very serious series especially in the days that we live in [Music] you can satisfy my souls [Applause] [Music] that's what the bible says let him that has an ear that means it is possible that you don't have that ear son of man he said what yes now he said an almond tree he said you have seen correctly you can see wrongly please pay attention we're going to pray [Music] a platform for growth thank you all of you who are standing thank you so much for your sacrifice let's go to number four why do we pray why do we pray according to scripture number four prayer is a platform for warfare and intercession write it down please prayer is a platform for warfare and intercession don't worry wherever you can stand just find someone stand a platform for warfare and intercession give us acts chapter 12 let's study the early church act chapter 12 please it's a long reading but um the verse of emphasis will be verse five and then we continue now please look up that prayer is a platform for warfare now um when i say warfare especially in africa warfare means many things to many people there are people who believe that warfare is some carnal confrontation of spirits in the flesh that is an ever continuous process without victory i don't believe that and then others also believe that the concept of warfare is just some kind of christian talk that does not exist i also don't believe that there is a healthy balance concerning the subject of warfare that must be communicated acts chapter 12 look up please now about the time herald the king stretch fought his hand to vex saturn of the church so we're talking about a man here under the influence of wicked spirits to persecute the church please don't lose your focus don't lose your attention two and he killed james the brother of john with the sword so james is dead now number three and because he saw that it pleased the jews look at this wicked man he proceeded further to take peter also then where the days of unleavened bread okay during the feast for and when he had apprehended him he put him in prison and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him impending after easter to bring him forth to the people so he's about to destroy someone the killers of the church next verse peter look at this peter therefore was kept in prison for prayer was made without season of the church unto god for him [Music] prayer was made without ceasing and when herod would have brought him forth carla that same night peter was sleeping between two soldiers can you imagine this aside from the fact that he's in prison the two soldiers held him his side with chains and they're also sleeping close to him so that if he moves and they wake up they can say where are you going to he was bound with two chains but they and the keepers before the door kept the prison next verse and behold the angel of the lord with you next week when i will show you the ministry of prayer and the angels the angelic ministry that excelling strength if you do not understand the means of angels in prayer and the warfare dimension of prayer you will get into trouble the bible is full of the ministry of angels in prayer [Music] the angel of the lord came upon him and a light shined in prison and he smote peter on the side and raised him up saying i rise up quickly and the chains fell off from his hand they are praying and praying correctly because jesus had taught them how to pray remember before now they were not getting results now jesus had mentored them and these the apostles now were mentoring the early church so there was no confusion as to whether the prayer would be answered or not and while they prayed something was happening in the realm of the spirit we'll find out next week because the bible says that let it be done in the earth as it is in heaven and so an angel came from heaven to make sure what is in heaven happens in the earth [Music] he came to that prison and he said god thyself angels can speak and bind on thy standards and so he did and he said unto him cast thy garment about thee and follow me this is the angel next verse and he went out and followed him and wished not that it was true which was done by the angel but thought he was inefficient look at this he was already so used to vision he didn't know whether it was real or it was a visionary experience when they were past the first the second world they came to the iron gate which leaded to the city which opened of his own accord and they went out and passed through the street and fought with the angels departed and said you can go now my brothers and my sisters look at this these are not parables can these things happen again why are they not happening if this is true and scripture cannot be broken that men prayed and physical angels let me give you let me give you a story i like teaching on these kinds of things listen i have many many stories on this let me give you one of my okay that would be the second or the third encounters with angels in the body now not in visuals i was in abuja um one year i can't remember and then i got into a boss and i highlighted i was at mararaba you know and my wallet fell and everything fell and the boss had gone i was with one of my friends and you know it was so frustrating for me um i think if i'm not mistaken i hope it will it would be when we're trying to prepare for one of our crusades or so and then everything had gone and that time it was busy you would not even know which of the bosses or who someone would have carried it and i pleaded with my friend i said please you have to just get a bike and then go to maybe where the park is and then they'll begin to check i stood there and i was just praying in the spirit and i remember the scriptures that jostled you shall put his angels sahaja your body and all of that now i tell the truth and i lie not i fear god i was standing there and the next thing a man is limping remember the story a man is linking with my wallet and brings to me and says stick and just taunts and goes away and i'm standing here and i'm looking at this man what is your name who are you at least let me say thank you and after a while i cannot remember seeing the money the first time we're going to hold our crusade in jos we were there and quite honestly we were confused and we did not know what to do suddenly a stranger walks up to me and says get a boss and get a loud megaphone he said go around the city remember and do publicity i never saw that man 18. angels are real our canality has reduced us to a point where we don't even have the eyes and the perception you will be you will be joking to think everyone standing here he's a human being do you know i i tell you the truth and i lie not there are many times i shared it i started sharing it during the early days of coin on about you notice i stopped i stopped saying it for a reason there are times that i would be ministering like this and suddenly you know many things happen as a man of god when you are ministering you cannot say everything there are times that i'm standing here already and i'm having multiple visionary experiences while i'm ministering is training with time your spirit is you you understand it so you are not distracted and there are many times when god opens my eyes now i see people now not from the body i now see the spirit man of people and suddenly you know in the realm of the spirit you'll know that he's an angel now because they excel in light and suddenly you will check and you will find out that uh this person sitting down is not a human being the moment they see me and we make contact they will just stand up gradually and walk out i've seen this thing many times when connor started i used to say it but eventually i kept quiet because i don't want people to build their monuments you know people start to make all these idolatry and the rest so i understand what the scripture is saying listen let me tell you warfare is real and it is important to be able to bet victory james chapter 5 and verse 13 we pray because it is an instrument of warfare what is warfare establishing the will of god in spite of the contentions of darkness that's warfare engaging scripture engaging the mysteries of the kingdom in prayer to establish the will of god satan will never let your destiny go not without a battle just because god said all things are yours does not mean all things will come to you just because um god said oh you'll be a great man you'll be he will attach you he will attack your children he will attack everything that can be attacked i believe in warfare when it is biblically engaged i believe that any believer who sits down and allows his destiny to move by default he's in trouble he will never win in life [Music] are we together warfare and intercession what is intercession standing in the gap for someone else standing in the gap for a territory making petitions to heaven on behalf of an individual on behalf of eternity listen do you know why god allowed for intercession because of this explanation i'm giving because assuming for instance the spirit of death is attempting to take my life this night and i do not have the faculty to discern i can become a victim of it and that means my destiny and all who are connected to me will be in trouble so god see this how it is is a is a revelation of god's mercy the mercy of god starts moving around that territory to find who has the discernment and the will to obey god do you understand so it's like a cloud the holy ghost will come upon somebody in his room he will shake up and say god forbid i need to sleep the holy ghost will live quietly find another house but somehow he will just come to someone who just gets up and says something is wrong he now say pray pray in the spirit and while you are praying he does not know why he's praying and i do not even know him but because he's in the body his prayer life will now save me that's why when we get to heaven many people receive thank you for things he said what is that he said in 1999 remember one three days first you did that you don't even know what it was for that first was what secured the man who would later become the president but you will never know that it was your prayer if another prophetess did not imperceive for jesus they would have killed him believe me if jesus could not die the angel would not say wrong he was in the flesh the only thing is that the body will not decay are we together another prophetess was free imagine this kind of intercessor she sacrificed her life since her husband died see i'm teaching you many things in this series because if another prophetess were in our generation and you saw another prophetess and so apostle joshua salman another prophetess will bow to me and say you are the great man of god and we are the quiet people whereas you do not know that the way things happen in the realm of the spirit those that may be making the greatest impact may not be the joshua sermons and all of these people as visible as we look there will be one quiet mama somewhere that is the backbone behind our success that we may never know god gives this mama a mandate and say mama you have 30 more years to live and your assignment every day is to pray for someone called joshua sermon where is he in the world you don't need to know him i may never know that the health of this ministry the health of my life primarily may be founded upon that deep intercessory ministry if you really find an intercessor somewhere not just a a a a lazy person who just says i'm an intercessor but a real intercessor respect them see if i bless you you see me i prophesy to you you will package uh help those on the anointing you package offering and come and give me is that true if i speak over your life they can carry that message all around the world people will watch the videos and see me speaking they will open doors for me but if i intercede for you there is no man who will see me to say thank you these are the people who are greatly prized in the spirit some of them are here they don't even believe that their ministry i just have the graceful intercession do you know there are times that i'm sleeping and it's as if they are soaking me inside hot water i know somebody somewhere shouting on heaven on me i character was it allow me to sleep small now there are times i know his prayer burn that fire is coming from prayer ban tuesday there are times i know that individuals are just praying they pray for jesus [Music] the bible never said another prophet has stopped praying after the dedication she just said my eyes are seeing the consolation of israel intercession is powerful listen to me don't sit back and allow the devil destroy your loved ones i shared with you the story about my mum one time that i saw what i saw you must learn to pray some of you are not only lazy spiritually you are responsible for the pain of many people this is why sometimes when god is quarreling people you think you are innocent he will come and say you are part of the reasons why these people are not doing well oh god why i put a burden on you to pray one time and you just cheerlessly said it's not my business there are selfish believers until god that's why god will use the face of someone you love it's not that something is wrong with that person that's the only way it's not always demons it is the only way to wake you up to pray because if you saw another person your selfishness would not allow you to stand up so you see the face of the person wait for me to marry you and say no god this cannot happen i've waited long and god said that's it you'll be rewarded for praying but that was the only skill to be able to lift you hallelujah [Music] warfare and intercession james 5 13 is any man afflicted he says let him do what is any man afflicted the biblical approach to affliction is any man challenged by a situation you cannot understand before you sit down start using your brain because you see in the flesh you will calculate wrongly what is going on my children suddenly are falling sick in a way that i cannot explain suddenly money is disappearing in this family suddenly my wife my husband my children is like there is no peace suddenly my grandmother is hating me i came out in the morning three accidents before returning back home already if you are sensitive that is affliction the bible says don't sit down and start discussing scientifically he says that praying because when you pray among the many things that happen is that you begin to perceive you are allowing your spirit man in partnership with the holy spirit to draw forth what the real issue is and communicate to you hallelujah how many of you have ever been confident about a decision you were so bold until you prayed somewhere in that prayer you stood and said god thank you this i would have died you felt like ghana is the place god is sending it in fact everything in you was just spelling ghana until you went to pray when that prayer was done you were embarrassed you just stood there and said so this how would i have been on my way are we together you know powerful believers by this one thing they will tell you i want to do this this and that and then two weeks later they just keep quiet they say you won't do it again i know what has happened to them they have they have gone to fine-tune that thing [Music] a brother just looks at a sister and can almost be confident as i know about i know based on what i'm feeling this is my wife until you go to pray the flesh and the feelings are giving way to destiny and when you rise up then you will know that you would have made no sense of your life you now come back and say thank you jesus are we together someone can come to you and say i'm a real estate mugu i'm this and that and that and you are sitting down you want to carry all your land papers and everything and give the blessing and you just say okay let me just sleep over itself would you come tomorrow morning don't find no problem until you are sleeping in the night and you wake up and begin to pray and you find out that your entire destiny would have gone down because of lack of discernment [Music] when believers don't pray you will know a believer who does not pray by their repetition of trouble that he always gets into see when you are getting into trouble again and again every bad thing waits if you come then it happens something is wrong with your prayer life i'm telling you this and sorry or give us two and then we'll end is this series already blessing you number what now why do we pray can you imagine where johnson why we pray why do we pray number five prayer according to scripture is a strategy to keep your faith alive [Music] he says strategy to keep your faith alive luke chapter 22 media please give us quickly luke chapter 22 from verse 30 to 32 luke chapter 22 please that he may eat and drink at my table and all of that and all of that one [Music] and the lord said simon simon satan had desire to have you like a possession right and that he may sift you like wheat he says but i have prayed for thee that thy fate failed not so how does satan shift man he does something to your faith what is faith conviction conviction listen when satan wants to sift you like we remember the bible says a double-minded man let him not think he will receive anything from the lord so when satan wants to make sure you don't receive anything he will begin to make you doubt your convictions he will manipulate the flesh realm and make sure that what you believe god but didn't you tell me this by january and now you are thinking is it god is it not god satan is attempting to seize you is he really extraordinary fruitfulness god this is september did apostle really hear god well because it looks like you would have been the year where your stamina is built because this is my thing it's been i've not seen any fruitfulness satan is hitting you like which let me tell you and he says when you pray you stop your faith from feeling your conviction there are many things that believing that may be difficult for you but stop praying stop praying a word has been spoken concerning you ah by november by december this would have happened those would have opened you will say amen but you do you know you don't believe it your pain has overwhelmed you are used to prophecy it's not coming to pass so you don't believe it but when you begin to pray something begins to happen in your spirit man it's like a date it's like a compression that is broken suddenly you can believe god yes this is real lord i know you are able to do it prayer is a way that we keep our faith alive let me give us one more number six why do we pray [Music] the sixth reason why we pray is that it is a platform to make requests and petitions prayer is the authorized biblical platform to table your requests and to make petitions you don't make petitions in this kingdom by complaining the bible says do everything without complaining or arguing let me tell you this most believers do not pray most of what we think is prayer is just blind fleshly carnal argument what is this is this how life will treat me and god you are watching like that are you praying no you are not praying you are lamenting lamentation does not have the harvest of answered prayer no [Music] unto him that answers prayer hears prayer not complaints yes prayer not grumbling [Music] mark 11 24 please quickly our time is gone mark 11 24 and then philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 mark 11 24. look at this jesus is teaching now therefore i say unto you what things so ever ye desire everybody say desire one more time say desire when you pray believe that ye receive them and ye shall what three things one your desire number two reception number three manifestation you first receive before you have you cannot have what you have not received you don't receive things physically you receive them in the realm of the spirit you have them physically so it says what things so ever you desire prayer is the channel that makes your desire to be received and then to manifest when you pray so you can have desires and leave them there and you find out that nothing ever changes in your life desires philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 philippians 4 and verse 6. look up please let's read together our time is gone but please read with me one to read be careful for nothing hold on the word there careful um is not it's not trying to say you should live a challenged life are we together the word careful there um what was the expression now huh the word there is anxiety are we together now other persons who correct it and say the answers for nothing right so be unsure let's use for nothing then he says but in everything that means there is no matter that you should not pray for in everything the bible does not isolate certain things and say don't pray for them are we together there is no issue that cannot be prayed for this is where we must put a little correction to our teaching on finance a lot of people say prayer has nothing to do with finance there are keys are we together anytime prayer is not the key prayer is the hand that holds the key in any case you will steal me prayer either as the key or the hand that will hold the key to open the door a key does not open itself so prayer is important the bible says in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god this is a very interesting scripture because in one of the scriptures we read the bible says for your heavenly father already knows the things that you need and now he say make your request known to god god wants the saints to make their request known because he answers prayers [Music] you have many requests oh god my house rent or got the issue of my stubborn child oh god the issue of my destiny i'm tired of escorting men in life not knowing where i stand or got the issue of my finances oh god the issue of fruitfulness oh god the issue of this and that the issue of my job it's been 10 years 20 years now no job the bible says don't be ashamed to make your request known unto god that means it is not out of scripture when you pray in understanding you can make your request known in god to god are you seeing why sometimes we come with our requests you have miracle service we're making it known to god it is scriptural god wants to know bring before him your request because you will answer james chapter four [Music] verse two and three james chapter four now look up look up god is speaking now requests are very important in as much as prayer is not is not just for only asking things there is a major part of prayer that was designed to allow your petitions reach heaven the bible says you lost and have not that means you desire so strongly and yet you don't have it ye kill and desire to have and cannot obtain you fight that means look at the alternatives you have introduced whereas prayer would have still given it to you the inability to have prayed will make you to desire in an ungodly way that thing whether money or whatever and to kill even because of it and then to fight because of it he says he have not simply because you ask not that means if you can ask there will be no reason to kill no jealousy none of these things because the same lord is rich unto all he said if you don't know how to ask you will continue to admire people and to hate people's breakthroughs and to hate their testimonies as though god isolated them and bless them alone if you know how to as the bible says you have not and you ask not that he says you ask and receive not because you ask a niece what we started correcting okay that he may consume it upon your lust we deal with it the patterns of prayer what does it mean to consume it upon your love that means the ultimate scope of your desire is just to satisfy yourself there is nothing kingdom in it you will now understand the prayer of jesus thy kingdom come it is within the scope of the kingdom that he says give us our daily bread give us our daily bread so that will be strong enough to continue making your kingdom come once you detach the kingdom you also detach the possibility for your daily bread your daily bread is connected to your desire and your participation in making his kingdom come this is what he's saying listen to my teaching for your glory where i teach that in this kingdom god is not obliged to stand and partner with you on any matter that does not have a provision to give him glory our selfish world has mastered how to use the realm of the spirit to draw realities for our own personal desires why do you want a child why do you want the marriage why do you want the prosperity of course i'm tired people have been looking down me i'm i want them to know that i'm not a nobody and god says that is a kind of nonsense prayer that will not be answered why won't it be answered because there is no provision for kingdom in it are we together now oh god i want all my children to excel why so that everybody will know that i'm not a small woman and god says this is a joke not in my kingdom it's not done lord i want money to buy new rapper why so that every woman in that church will know that me too i'm not a i'm not you're just an and god looks at all these things i said what do you think i am an atm uh machine he is the lord of all but let him find your heart plugged towards his kingdom father i'm trusting you to give me twins so that i can hurry up and have children and have the grace to serve because before you finish twins on their way coming you roast every devil on the way between the second heavens and that womb and make sure those twins come let me tell you this i have learned something about god you want to see the seed of god in your life die to yourself and say lord this is about you it's all about you jesus and all this is for you [Music] it's for your glory and your flame it's not about me i think you should do things [Applause] [Music] one more time [Applause] is [Applause] is one big secret in my life i submit to you you will see the hand of god in fearful ways when everything about your life becomes about you what name are you looking for for yourself if the name it is is just so that he will find expression then he will shake the heavens and the earth and give you that name wealth and prosperity there are many gullible people who love money oh god give me money why they mocked at me that day and lord this shame must live my life and god says this is not how i walk everything in my world is constant with my purposes and if your life cannot find a bearing in my purposes you see let me tell you this that most of our prayer in church are lost grieving prayers let's tell ourselves the truth what do i mean by loss-driven prayer it is either the kind of prayer that was sponsored by a competitive spirit i want to have these two lord i want this anointing the other day i saw this guy prophesying as if i was not called into ministry god are you going to put this grace of me or just let me just look for a job and god says you hear what you are saying [Music] requests you ask and you have not because you ask a miss what is vietnamese so that you will satisfy yourself i have cried this secret to the body of christ again and again and i pray that this time around believers will get it there is excellency in stepping out of the way and let god have his way when you let god have his way you will not be in the dark can god be in a place and his life not be on you this mundane pursuit for fame this mundane pursuit for recognition this one then puts you for this and that is why many people pray at me someone sent me a text one day the apostles you are enjoying no i said you see the kind of talk this i know what he meant to say because they see all these photos and see all these things and and that statement is not a commendation it's a derivative of loss did god send you to ministry just to enjoy is ministry a platform is it because of the clothes they had oh no all those things are there because of you and his purposes listen if this is all you share in the next two minutes to pray if you leave this place tonight with this purified motif that everything about me is for him [Music] get to that point in your life and watch god arrive for you that is the point where anybody who touches you touches the apple of his eyes he will shake kingdoms for yourself the kind of prayer that produces power why am i praying for more anointing father greater anointing greater revelation why why so that i will be a very senior man of god that people can see and acknowledge and god says not in my world in my dealings in my economy with men i will not walk that way are we together we're going to pray the prayer ministry is an advantage is one of the dominion systems of the saints god has helped us to look at a few things part one next week we'll continue and now begin to deal with the dynamics of effective prayer as intended by god not as intended by culture not as intended by religion hold on one hand and let's pray in the spirit for just 2-3 minutes [Music] my foreign hey [Music] dead is [Applause] hallelujah just two prayer points number one father purify my motive in prayer let the refiner fire tonight purify my motive to refine my feet that i be not as a hypocrite to revive my mission may i be more interested in the concept of fellowship in the tribulation and truth that comes to prayer [Music] than the desire to be seen and to be known as purify [Applause] [Music] foreign hallelujah hallelujah we are on a prayer series and that means any attack on your prayer life this is a series that should bring it under judgment will not wait till we finish right now are we together you cannot be listen every time god introduces a series the grace to make the truth communicated and to make it effectual in your life is also present with the series you are going to pray one prayer listen be honest with yourself if you know your prayer life has gone down now is the time to cry to god and say lord my life cannot continue like this and if you have been praying at a level and you have refused to go for many years now is the time to shake off yourself and say lord this time to write higher very deep dimensions of prayer meet your voice and pray lord i contact the grace in and through the grace of prayer the newing is bible place every spiritual laziness the inertia to pray i challenge it in this spirit and for my prayer life to wake up my commitment to great prayer personal prayer please pray one moment [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord please let me just give us some instructions and then we'll pray between today and next friday when we'll be meeting please find a day just one day a personal day wait upon the lord personally please listen to the instruction one day complete you are waiting upon the lord six to six if he's our children maybe six to two is okay i don't expect any adults to wait upon the lord six to twelve you are lazy this is a series that is aimed at shaking or find a day i know that there are people individuals that fast groups that fast but find you at liberty between tomorrow up until friday find a day when you are least distracted you can have some time are we together and then pray pray take out time to really pray in the streets take out time i don't expect you to pray at least in that day for anything less than a total combined at least three hours at least you are dedicated otherwise your fast is useless what were you fasting for you are praying take out time you will pray for other things but you are just staying to pray for stamina in the spirit you are praying to activate listen now you are not praying for things leave the issue of things this prayer is not for tea and bread leave all those ones the purpose of this prayer is oh god whatever is blocking my organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit deadening my capacity to perceive that in this prayer this time of prayer take it seriously you if you you know you can pray even as friends and this provided you have time alone and seriously pray get worship saturate yourself take some time please do it don't forget our family online try to find time i know many of us are working you have things to do but discipline yourself you will not die maximize night prayer i've taught you this thing i've shouted it again maximize night prayer wake up in the night suspend movies for this week you will not die so spend excessive browsing of internet um you know i'm not abusing your you can always watch whatever you have for just dedicate this time and get something that is serious are we together if you are watching maybe you are watching a message or something that's all right but where you are now praying and then one drama one play there just suspend it and give your destiny some serious attention take out time and pray and while you are praying be sensitive to the things the holy ghost is going to be saying be sensitive to the kinds of dreams you're going to be having be sensitive to the illumination that will come this is destiny you are praying and say lord i've lost too many things in my life because i could not hear i've lost too many things because i could not see i don't want this to continue i'm using this series to pray so that i know when good things are coming and know how to position myself to know when evil things are coming and to know when to drive them back you take out time and pray like that and then you prepare yourself for friday i'll be sharing with you please invite anybody you know on friday many people don't understand prayer i will be sharing with you god's pattern the dynamics of prayer and what really happens in the realm of the spirit when the saints pray what really happens father we thank you thank you because you are teaching us how to pray we want to stop shadow boxing we want to stop assumptions we want to pray the kind of prayer that produces results and lord our hearts are opened in the name of jesus that even in this series you will fire up our prayer lives i'm praying for everyone under the sound of my voice whose prayer life has gone down in the name of jesus fresh fire upon your prayer altar every excuse that justifies prayerlessness i cancel it in this series in the name of jesus christ whatever needs to be done in your life to give you room to pray some of you you will need a room a space for yourself some of you you need god to just favor you so that you can have a place where you pray whatever needs to be done so that your prayer life will come back to life i release my faith with you in the name of jesus may it happen for you for some of you we need to cast out of your life the spirit of slumber you have a problem with sleep it doesn't matter whether you sleep early or you sleep late the devil will take away precious moments in your life to pray i command the spirit of slumber to live your life in the name of jesus and there are many of you who have precious dreams visions and prophetic experiences in prayer but it has been hijacked by the spirit of error so that you don't even know you are not getting clarity again you don't know when it is god you don't know when it's an evil spirit and sometimes god will show you precious things in dreams and visions but you wake up and forget everything there are instructions in those things in the name of jesus i'm praying for you now let there be a revival of retention the grace that makes for spiritual retention that when instructions come from heaven you will wake up remembering them you will not be like the king who forgot his dream in the name of jesus christ father we thank you for tonight in the name of jesus now while standing our time is gone we are discussing prayer and matters of the spirit now there are people here who are saying apostle i really want to make things right with jesus christ you're outside you're in here you came from far and you're saying my life has not been the way it is i really want to hand over my life to jesus and receive his life or you are here you are saying i need to just make things right with god please if you belong to any of this category whether you are inside or outside we just have two minutes for you i want you to leave your seat very boldly and come and stand right here let's celebrate them as they come very quickly koinonia is a place for encounter koinonia is the place for revival don't come here and go back the way you came it's a place where you can come as you are because god is the maker of men i believe there are still more people if you are coming from outside please hurry up and call [Music] [Applause] new dimension a new season in my life hallelujah don't sit back and say my friend will be ashamed of me or whatever it is no no you must take your spiritual life very seriously the bible say he must be born again not he may be born again hallelujah praise the lord just help this gentleman now for all of you who are here i salute you i know that many of you are making this decision for the very first time and a number of you are rededicating your hearts very genuinely um please keep coming i want you to lift your hands your right hand and say this sincerely say this truthfully jesus is in this place and i want you to mean every word that you are saying say lord jesus say it again say lord jesus i believe in you that you are the son of god tonight i have heard your word i desire relationship a rich relationship therefore according to scripture i confess that jesus is my savior is my lord and my king and i declare that i receive eternal life into my spirit i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign in life from today i'm a child of god i move forward ever and backward never amen i pray for you in the name of jesus may the lord preserve you there is a supply of grace for you you will go from glory to glory you will go from grace to grace the hand of god is mighty upon your life the lions have fallen for you in pleasant places and i declare that you have a good heritage i plant in you an appetite for spiritual things a hunger for the word a hunger for the things of the spirit in the name of jesus christ amen and amen i appreciate and congratulate every one of you [Music] a word of worship in one or two minutes just express your depth of gratitude to the kingdom of kings even the lord of lords [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hello please pray one minute ask the lord to give you a visitation tonight [Applause] [Music] majesty we bless you very briefly just to charge our hearts and then go straight to the ministry of the world i say listen let your heart bless [Music] ancient king of israel i don't know how tonight there is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Music] [Music] joyful king of israel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but we are strong when we sing oh now oh [Music] luke chapter 11 and verse 1. and it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place when he sees one of his disciples said to him lord teach us to pray as john also taught his disciples one of his disciples said lord teach us to pray we want to explore the power that is in prayer teach us to pray father we pray like the disciples pray teach us to pray we know there is power in prayer but i pray that you help us understand the ordinances and the patterns of the ministry of his sexual prayer the prayer that works the prayer that produces may we o god by this series be a people who can command power in the place of prayer tonight oh god i pray that the grace be supplied in the name of jesus christ please do see that if you can just be very sensitive teach us to pray part two is anyone under the anointing close to you whether inside outside just guide them so that i believe tonight that god is going to be depositing that grace for effectual prayer the the prayer ministry of many believers is full of activities religion and emotion but with very little power so god wants to grant us grace to be able to be men and women who can pray effectually are we together psalm 65 verse 2 oh doubt that hearst prayer he says today shall all flesh come so there is a god that can answer prayer idols cannot answer prayer the bible records that when the angel of death struck the nation please listen to them when the angel of death struck the first-born sons in egypt that ramesses carried his son and dropped that son to an idol and began to call upon that idol and he learned once again that idols are only the walks of the hands of men but the bible says o doubt that crest prayer whoever can change our life and whoever can hear can also answer hallelujah please make sure you get last week's teaching we may not have the time to go into it again but just maybe one or two things to just tie it up i started last week by challenging us that the bible calls believers many things the bible calls us joint airs the bible calls us light the bible calls us salt it's important that the believer not only know who who he is in christ but the the various names that represent your dimensions the bible calls us ambassadors in revelation chapter 5 the bible calls us kings and priests that means there is the priestly ministry of the believer are we together it is not a ministry to man of god it is not a ministry to serious christians it is a ministry to everyone who has come under the lordship of the christ and that the major assignment of the priestly ministry is offering that incense the incense of prayer the prayer ministry of the saints is the priestly ministry of the saints any believer that does not pray is neglecting his or her priestly ministry jesus said in matthew chapter 21 and verse 13 that his house would be called a house of prayer so not only are believers people of prayer even the house of god is mandated to be called the house of prayer we took out time to explain last week why believers should pray i think that's where we stopped please listen again and again for the various reasons why the bible mandates that believers pray hallelujah [Music] part two here we'll just go straight to matthew chapter six please join with me was studying scripture now matthew chapter six [Music] if you do not love the word of god your spiritual life is under attack i repeat if you do not love the word of god your spiritual life is under attack praise the lord [Music] a car that hits well will not move is that correct yes fish that hits water will die the bible says man shall not leave so this is not just the issue of prosperity or success this is about living man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds so if that word that proceeds from the mouth of god captured in scripture um does not attract your spirit is a sign that you are dying praise the lord matthew chapter 6 this is the teaching ministry of jesus and let me say it again that one of the major ways that jesus builds the disciples was through the ministry of the teaching of the world and he set for us a template that means believers are built primarily by the teaching of the world are we together not just to preach understand the difference between preaching and teaching preaching means to declare to bring you into an awareness of a reality to teach means to explain to show you the operation the dynamics of that spiritual reality so i can tell you in god's economy there is favor that's preaching when i now open it and begin to show you if i say in the economy of god there is salvation that's preaching but now when i begin to teach you i show you the methodologies and then i show you how to activate it believers are primarily abused please listen carefully believers are not just viewed by religion please listen believers are not just viewed by praying believers abuse when the word of god that contains many things the promises of god the ways of god the systems the modus operandi of god is taught accurately listening to it and understanding it will now supply the grace to walk in the truth hearing are we together the protocol for really receiving the power of god is that you must get the light that necessitates that power the power of god comes in your life to defend and to validate never forget this the purpose of the power of god in your life um is to defend defend something you believe and then to validate it in your life and in the life of others that means if there is no light there is no need for the power of god to come in defense every time jesus made a statement the power of god was released to back that statement and to validate that what he said was true so to just begin to randomly search for power without a passion for knowing the ways of god is what will delve people into witchcraft are we together will delve people into all kinds of error remember that the first thing they did was that the wine was fresh water before it became wine are we together it was fresh water in the jar then from water it started changing to wine if your own stats whine directly it's not god that is doing that miracle if it's that miracle it will start from the word of god that water then it will now be turned to wine praise the lord so believers must be taught the teaching ministry you see it is because of this that you're logically speaking there is still argument in the body of christ whether the five-fold ministry should be called five-fold or four-fold because the teaching ministry um it is true that that there is the office of a teacher as it were but then teaching is not so much an office it is the authorized methodology for communicating spiritual truth so it doesn't matter whether you are operating in the apostolic in the prophetic pastoral evangelic in any case you will need a teaching ministry are we together yes when there are no teaching priests that congregation and that territory is already in trouble a teaching priest not just a praying priest a teaching priest praise god so matthew chapter 6 jesus is teaching now [Music] and we began to explore some things last week remember we spoke about um certain foundational mindsets that we must have when approaching the prime minister number one he dealt with the issue of hypocrisy verse five number two he also spoke about the issue of entering into your closet i took our time to explain that and then he said to not use vain repetition i explained that very thoroughly um we're going to go to the prayer proper now and then to exploit praise the lord are we still together right so the prayer starts from verse 9 matthew chapter 6 please from verse 9. look up jesus is about to teach now on prayer and he said after this manner now notice that jesus never said by this recitation the idea was not the recitation the idea was not the chanting the idea was that i am putting for you a system a manner an approach are we together that when you want to approach remember what necessitated this lecture was their lack of results it was very clear that their prayer was not producing results it was not prayerlessness it was lack of effectual prayer that necessitated this lecture the disciples were already praying this is not about lack of prayer this is about prayer that produces results they were already praying and they noticed that jesus prayed in a certain way and got results and every time they prayed they didn't have results and they said look let's stop shadow boxing teach us to pray even as john taught his disciples so effectual prayer must be taught you don't just pray you are taught how to pray are we together we'll run it down and then i will take it one by one verse nine let's read together one to read after this manner therefore pray ye our father which is in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread 12 and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors 13 and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen jesus is teaching now so let's look at what jesus was saying after this manner that means use this approach not use these words use this approach are we together so jesus is telling us that something about this prayer construction please go back to verse nine holds the key to getting results in prayer are you ready number one our father he says when you begin to pray pray in this manner our father everybody say our father jesus is teaching here that the kind of prayer that produces results must first start with an understanding of who you are praying to are we together now the word father is the word abba awba it means source it means sustainer it means preserver he is not saying call on god he is saying have a revelation of the fatherhood of god as you approach prayer there are certain informations about fatherhood that will sponsor your faith and your confidence while praying are we together jesus said a number of things about fathers number one romans chapter 8 and verse 15 the bible tells us that as believers we have been given the right and the access to cry abba father media please walk with me romans 8 15 for ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear notice now notice that the moment you are introducing fatherhood two spirits must exit one bondage two fear so that when you approach the prayer ministry that produces results if it is the fatherhood of god then it cannot coexist with fear and a sense of bondage are you following me now he says that he has given us the spirit of adoption and by that spirit we cry our father matthew chapter 7 and verse 11. i want us to hurry up matthew 7 and verse 11 matthew not amos matthew 7 and verse 11. now look at this jesus is teaching here now and he said if you being evil that means enshrined in your nature is evil you are evil but that even in your evil you know how to give good gifts is that true yes terrorists have wives two of us terrorists have children two or four many of them are very responsible fathers is that true jezebel was a very wicked woman but was an outstanding wife the king never complained about jezebel she comes and she sees her husband having a a four countenance because of that she takes the initiative to punish elijah for making her husband's mood change now that's a very good wife forget that she's a witch i'm not talking about her ministry in terms of the demonic operation i mean her family are we together so i'm just trying to focus on this the bible says men are evil but that even in our evil the moment our fatherhood is involved there is a sense of compassion and that we can still live provision to be good not to everybody to our children so if you been evil know how to give good gifts everybody say give good gifts not gifts good gifts that means you have to select no this is not profitable for my child this is not profitable for my child this is profitable good gift means there is a process of cheerfully selecting it meaning you can trust anything that comes from that father because it was selected it was not randomly picked if you know how to give good gifts to your children then how much more will your heavenly father give good things shout good things that means that jesus came to correct a perception about the father because until then they did not believe they believed that both good and bad and everything came from the father they credited the prophets of old although they were used by god they really did not know god i hope you know that so they credited all kinds of things and jesus came as the image of the invisible god to correct our perception about god and he's saying that god in his character gives good things to them that ask him that means when i ask god for something what do i expect [Music] two things notice the bible never says that he just gives you your desire alone he gives you good things that means you must travel to his realm to interpret good from his standpoint i need to correct this up front because the idea what may be good for you may not because idea of good the same way a child will come and slap his father and say give me the catchy that is the child's interpretation of good things but the father knows that giving that child that chi will end that child's life so it is part of his fatherhood to deny that child and give him something else prayer that works now are we together our father that when you come to god number one you must come to god understanding that he is the source of all things don't come to god as an option the moment you approach god as an option you are not approaching our father if a mindset is not just to say our father in terms of the linguistic pronunciation that come with this mindset that the man you are approaching it's not somebody who was employed by another person to hear you he's the owner [Music] that means whatever god cannot give me no man can give me that is a revelation that should drive me in prayer lord i come to you and i'm asking you for this if god says no and anybody tells you yes that person is going to kill you because the owner you come to my teaching and you see yam plantain and you say give me i say no and you ask my security man and the security man says yes are you wise to believe that that man will come to my kitchen and it is my house i employ him he is now taking my place illegally that's a thief and a robber they are the ones who enter through the window you see that when you approach god approach him as touching his goodness when you approach god approach him as touching his fatherhood understand that his heart of compassion is ever before you that will take away the sense of bondage and the sense of fear many believers continue to approach god in fear continue to approach god with a sense of bondage and sometimes we men of god in a bid to help people to be serious with god we think that the only way to make people serious with god is to threaten them and to reveal god as an angry god who can strike you the moment is angry it is true that these dimensions are in god but he has chosen that the dimension that he should approach in prayer is his fatherhood our father we cry our father has already [Music] i am [Music] i have seen i've watched the number of children approach their fathers and it's amazing that every father is also something else i hope you know the father is also a manager he's a ceo he's a doctor but when the child comes while we are queuing to see the doctor the child is coming to see his father so if you tell the father the child to join a q he says no i'll join the queue if i want to see a doctor but now i'm coming to see my father and you can just run and come and embrace the father watch this watch this you can run and embrace the man like that because he's not your father you see that he's the one who gives injection and prescribed a drug but the child is coming to his father now watch this it doesn't matter whether he steps on the father's toes remember the father has an eternal commitment towards the child that does not mean the child will be lawless but there is a consolation that at his worst he's still loved by his father he's a revelation listen believers let me teach you this this is the balanced perspective of god great revelation and all of that there are people who can never approach god properly do you know why because we have been given a mindset that all god is a warrior that the bible knows that there is a time for peace and there is a time once it is under the earth god is not always fighting he fights don't make that mistake he's only he's a ride down a white horse but he's not always on a horse he can sit on the throne [Applause] jesus was demonstrating the fatherhood of god when remember this busy protocol guys who wanted to drive the people from seeing him and they don't interrupt jesus he's preparing for a meeting and jesus said no no i'm not only a savior i'm a father i remember i'm revealing the fatherhood of god let the little children not let strangers let their children they are entitled to my attention let the little children come to me he didn't let the little children prepare and come to me he said let them come to me he said do not forbid them the children are acting out something about the father and his children rather than driving their land land for for such is the kingdom of heaven that means you must approach me this way when we pray pray in this manner i am coming to my father it doesn't matter what dream you said you saw and what god told you about me it's all right i've heard you my father abba father it doesn't matter what you said god revealed to you what happened to me tomorrow because of whatever you think thank god for your wonderful vision but i have i know a way of sorting myself his abba my source my sustainer my preserver my defender listen in this ministry come if i see this gentleman outside even if i'm passing and he calls me and says i'm a member of this ministry he has called on my fatherhood if i see that he cannot pay his bike even if he was wrong i will not draw his ears outside he will be stupid of his father this is a this is a home affair so i will correct that thing for my name sake lest it be told that i mentored him wrongly it has nothing to do with whether i love him or not my reputation is at stake so i will correct it forever say meet me at home when he comes home and say next time get your bike money before you go so the awareness that i will correct him but the awareness that my love overrides everything gives him confidence that even when he's wrong he does not run away he runs towards please understand it listen i don't know where we got this jonah type resolution that every time we feel unworthy we run away then when we think we are okay we run towards that is devilish theology our father my life changed when the understanding of god as my father he's not only the king of glory he's not only the maker of the heavens and the earth you see that i can call them different things and they are wonderful dimensions but it says for effective prayer know this is the final bus stop for judgment the final bus stop for mercy the final bus stop for everything abba father when you pray say our father he's not your father alone our not your father alone he's the father of all believers too that means you don't act as if god yes god has personal covenants with people but sometimes you know especially with men of god we can make it look as if i have a business with god that i can manipulate god into frustrating you abba god his father for our father not my father i go to my god and your god my father and your father he was first the only begotten son but when he resurrected he became the first begotten he had now brought us many sons into glory [Applause] listen this is very powerful because our approach many times in prayer we don't know oh god um well if you don't hear me you can go to joshua salman yes there are dimensions where you can tap into a man's covenant and restore that but the idea is not to reduce you to feel less he is our father you see my precious children here after coinonia i am their father so there's none of their business what you think about them sometimes they may not dress well sometimes they may not look well once i am happy honestly what you think makes no difference is none of their business when you pray pray in this manner he didn't say just say our father you can say our father not have the mindset it's not an enchantment it's a revelation the person i am approaching is about is the source of all things i don't approach god like an option you see why many believers don't don't they have a stone at the back of your house that stone was anointed and given to them by some kind of devilish covenant are we together they have another idol i know that most if you don't have the joystick quiet it doesn't mean other people don't have it it's amazing what africans bring together they put that stone they put all of those things then they add gods to it and pray to everything and wait for whichever answers them and god says no you don't get that about me our father i was not molded they didn't breathe into me no the encouragement that was made by language and make an idol and make it strong using cement and pray to it see how stupid we are and yet god says no when you come to me up touch me in this way my father look at jesus jesus is standing by the grave of lazarus and for a few seconds he forgets about the issue of death and resurrection i thank him my father because you always hear me he said i'm even i'm perhaps to look like i'm trying to push you i'm only doing it so that they will understand what is going on [Music] the love of god is a revelation that the saints must carry the love and the fatherhood of god listen to me god is not listen i will say it again there are many ways to know god and one of it is to jesus jesus manifested as the image of the invisible god his primary ministry before his death and resurrection was to correct our perspective about god that means whatever we thought god was we look at jesus for verification and we never see one person destroyed in the ministry of jesus it was only the religious people that suffered he only whipped them once and he whipped them out of compassion the bible said the zeal of the lord consumed him not wickedness the seal of the house of god he said you are turning my house to a den of robbers and it has necessitated this kind of action abba father he comes to the woman by the well and he starts a conversation with her he looks at zacchaeus look at the love of god zacchaeus is climbing a tree as a tax collector do you know the kind of humility that is and he says that he has changed the crusade you are what might go into your house only you come down if you were in jesus ministry you will hate him because how can you counsel a crusade just once a tax connection one man you're on your way going somewhere and a man climbs up and you see his compassion and you say i cancel my program to attend to only you oh jesus you are showing favoritism you say no i'm honoring someone here who thinks he is far from me i want to bring him there jesus every time they called upon the fatherhood of god look at the compassion look at the way he approached them take away fear when you approach god listen let me tell you this he is the one who can forgive you running away is still in trouble and if you are right he's the one who can bless you you see that everybody say our father sit down please let's continue we have to rush so the revelation of god as father is very powerful the source of all things the sustainer and the bible says the major characteristics of fathers is that they are jesus is in the bible that means if you are not a giver you are not a father even if you have children he never said if you who can give birth god's idea of fatherhood is not procreation god's idea of fatherhood is the ability to select and ensure that there is an advantage to the one you are given to he measures fatherhood first not by the power and the ability to procreate that means based on god's idea there are many men that have children but are not fathers they do not give a good destiny they do not give a good life a true father is a giver powerful every time i approach him whether i ask him for something or not did you know let me tell you this ministry has taught me a lot of fatherhood every time i see my people sincerely whether our children here or the workers here in the ministry the moment i see them i'm not even as concerned whether they are crying or they are laughing whether they've seen against me or done something wrong in all honesty my primary concern when i see them i want to know they are doing well by the time i can look at your face and know you have not eaten i suspect whatever discussion we are having have you eaten of course you may not have the courage to say no and i should have the fatherhood enough to insist you will not just say well i'm not sure and there's okay no problem it's all right he looks like you hit him you are not a father you are like a father you are a hypocrite you are like a worry rely on how satan goes about he's not a lion [Music] true fathers are givers gentlemen this is a message for you already we are doing prayer to check your fatherhood is not by biological maturity it is by the aptness the ease to release the ease to give the ease to give you watch children crying in front of bones you don't even have the fatherhood to say let me just drop hundred naira you just laugh and say yeah boy you like it yes sir and and it will be like a joke till you leave that child and go you are not about no you are not a father you are a grown-up adult but you are not a father is god helping us so he's saying even evil fathers are givers so whether you are a good father or you are an evil father at least be a giver powerful you know i have met god by something that is in my hand while i leave him whether i go there to intercede whether i go there to make requests the fatherhood of god will not allow me to go out of his presence every hundred nobody comes to my house and lives empty-handed it's true why would somebody come to my house and live empty-handed no i will insist there must be a signature that is my house you came to my house is not a graveyard you come to my house you should live with something you claim to have been meeting god but you are living with your hands empty about the giver about the giver of good things good things i approached god and i said lord this is my year of extraordinary fruitfulness and i approach him with your understanding that if god the father gave freely his son jesus what else will he not give me [Music] are we together number two thank you so he says our father number two who art in heaven matthew chapter six open our eyes oh god see i truly pray for you from the depths of my heart that the spirit of revelation in a mighty way will come upon your life [Music] you see let me tell you how to know the spirit of revelation is upon you it is not in the scarceness of the information you are producing but the ability to draw the mysteries of the kingdom out of stories the ability to draw the methodologies of god out of anything you know the spirit of revelation is upon you when the ways of god can come out of any scripture not just the ones you know any scripture he shows you his ways he shows you christ revealed through any scripture what in heaven let's discuss now look up please it's a very powerful prayer he said when you approach god number one approaching based on his fatherhood have we gotten that then number two he says what in heaven that means that who is in a realm that is not here listen carefully he is here by his spirit but bodily speaking if i use that word he is dominant in a realm that is not earth that immediately means approach god through fate your faith will have to come alive because he is not seen in this realm are we together and that anything you cannot see you do not need faithful again hebrews chapter 6 and verse 6 our father who art in heaven who are in a realm that is not earthly who are in a dimension that may not be easily seen with my optical eyes but you are real i must approach you with that understanding hebrews chapter 6 please and verse 6 he says where is that 11 sorry hebrews 11 6 i meant to say sorry eleven and verse six watch this it says but without faith it is impossible to please him god for he that comment to god so he's still talking about prayer must believe that he is meaning he exists i cannot see him but i know he's real and then to his father because he also gives and he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek him my father who was in heaven i believe you although i cannot see you so that i don't feel stupid for praying you are standing alone and you believe you are not alone you need faith to believe that you are writing your prayer requests and coming and throwing it before an altar from a sociology standpoint he knows you are not fine while you are writing oh god be watching i'm writing i drop it before you and you are happy he's seen it doesn't make sense until you engage to faith what is faith conviction about the reality of god and the integrity of this person and the action that you take based on that conviction is called faith are we together that the foundation of true faith is your conviction the bible says you must believe he is not everybody i believe will have the privilege and the opportunity to have visionary experiences to see god glorified are we together you do not need to seek god either in the spirit or in a vision to believe him no he made faith available hebrews chapter 11 verse one now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen if therefore by it that faith is a connector so i know if i tell you from my dear if i tell you i want to give you 1000 naira if you say where is it you are not operating by faith you cannot see the money but you have to trust that i'm not lying to you are we together and the bible says this scripture was inside by the holy ghost the one who started the mind of the father to ensure that everything revealed his truth so when god says he's going to lift you you don't say where is it where is the house show me oh god and i will believe you have become like thomas he said until i put my hand there he said thomas you have robbed yourself of the excellency of faith now since this is what you want you say blessed is he there is a level of empowerment that comes when you have not seen and yet believe believers are people who must learn to trust god even when they don't see him i have a thousand error to give you well um i don't i don't know if there is that money but i believe you the first question is you have to look at me to find out whether i can afford a thousand error you see that and then number two if i can afford a thousand nara whether or not i am a giver enough to give you if you believe me and i lie to you then it means i don't have integrity but at least you did the believing listen if you do not believe god how are you going to pray for the sick you're going to stand before someone on a wheelchair and he tells you there are angels there that there's a bomb in gilead no hospital gave you that man you will stand in front of everybody and say some you are going to stand up on this wheelchair because god said so you don't have to hear a voice like prophet he says tell him to stand up no the most powerful state of the believer is when you act without sin without fearing for believing not just when you are seen not just when you are hearing the man who has seen if i if god opens my eyes and i'm seeing an angel now with respect to that sight i'm not standing by faith again i'm seeing his death i know my conviction is tied to god but strengthened by the presence of that angel but i do not see what i believe that the word of god says are we together that there are angels please listen and so with that one now as i minister to this person this is faith [Music] i can now tell some stand up from that wheelchair now i'm telling him to stand up remember that there is nothing physical everything there is physical but the bible is saying that all that we see is not all that there is that there is a lot happening in the realm of the spirit and he says that the person who is doing it is not in this realm he has operations happening in this realm but heaven is his throne and the earth is his footstool so you have to believe many believers are scientific let me tell you this if you cannot believe god for things on sin you will never go far in life there is no guarantee anywhere apostle now that i came to zarya i thought god said i should come to zarya even if you don't hear any voice if you are convicted by the suit of scripture that that location is a place that leaves you you will stay here god will back you and you will honor you it's not about dreams and visions it's about faith on the integrity of god's word visions and prophecies are inferior to the truth of scripture who are in heaven who are not in this realm when you pray to me i'm not in heaven of course i'm in heaven seated with christ what i mean bodily speaking i am here so you can meet me if i'm stretching my hand you are seeing it so you can collect but where you cannot see and yet you still stretch your hand lord i know you are a giver so i stretch my hands in advance faith and the angels are watching jesus listen this is what surprises the angels because the angels don't walk by faith are you saying that so when they see believers in the earth who do not have the advantage of those openings and yet they trust god imagine how the angels felt when these guys entered the fire they said you believe god that fire fire is about to roast you and he said no i know who my happily listen our faithless generation is why god cannot use mighty people someone wants to start a ministry and is waiting for an uncle who vow to be responsible um i will i will give you i will give you 2 million to watch your album in the economy of god you will die and not move forward there are times you have to stand the signs don't go before they follow you believe that that's why the bible says when jesus comes to the earth we live fine change faith what in heaven the fact that he's in heaven does not mean he's dead so when you approach him not only is he a giver he resides in a realm that is not optical he resides in a realm that cannot be felt easily with your sensory perceptions that means he is giving you an added information because the devil is the master of the same realm so when you begin to pray he says are you feeling like god is moving because i'm feeling dry god never told you to believe answering prayer because you are feeling anything this is the confidence that we have this is scripture i'm teaching you all these feelings have destroyed people you may be at your most powerful state in the spirit but because you didn't feel anything you just say i don't feel like praying for the sick if if that thing comes i have a wealth you walk that way the devil will destroy you there there is nothing on you you will feel as if you're on top of the world see your results show nothing is on you be careful with feelings feelings have destroyed people's lives the word of god must become your new eyes your new sensory perceptions how do i know god is going to lift me i had a dream yesterday no sir no sir my confidence is in the world all other experiences only support they are not the babies why do i think i'll excel in ministry people have been telling me here and they are very good you will fail so willfully [Music] your basis of confidence in this kingdom is the word of god anything that is not founded on the integrity of scripture you are already at the risk it will not look like it until life destroys you there are many people moving around your destiny with all kinds of dreams and visions dreams and visions are wonderful but no vision and no dream sustains the power to bring itself to life he upholds all things by the word of his power i'm teaching you sound effective prayer strategies not this shadow boxing believers continue to do that's why there's no result our god will touch people here and it's like superstition and you are waiting god will move the power of god will move now are those stupid things that believers do no god is not an idiot he has taught us a good way of manifesting so that people will know we are blessing the reality of god god is not a magician we believe in oil nothing wrong with it we believe in warfare and wine are we together because these are physical things we see we believe in water we believe in handkerchief those things are only extensions it is faith in the son of god [Music] this simple thing what in heaven is what many ministers cannot rise that's why they harass people oh sam you're a millionaire can you wait behind in my office pacify me can he promise you all millennials wait can god use you is that what he told you is that what he told you did he tell you those are your finances hey boy you see apostle ministry wisdom is profitable no no no no no no no no that's fear what in heaven so as i approach god you may see me moving around alone and praying outside make no mistakes i'm not alone i may be moving around now there's a mistake that many people make they say why are you moving around and shouting god is an intelligent god see that if you are talking to him no no no no no just moving around and praying and shouting does not mean god is not hearing you usually those things are licensed for laziness when people find out that they do not have the grace and the energy they look for intelligent ways to justify their cold and lukewarm prayer life at about the ninth hour jesus cried with a loud voice not a quiet voice a loy a loy la mag prabhatana jesus praying to his father with a loud voice so he was not disbelieving his father he was praying when you pray loud it's not unbelief jesus himself prayed with a loud voice it's not every time he went to the crib and said father thank you because you gave me there were times that he prayed even the these years were like drops of blood yet he was praying to the father is god helping us are in heaven please sit down let's hurry up we must have part three for this series because material teach you now the dynamics these ones were just observing the rules of engagement so that you don't just challenge the approach prayer and say god why are you not answering me you see the way we pray believers many believers pray and their prayers are full of wise sayings they just say all kinds of things many of those things believers say are not scriptural [Music] teach us to pray number three hallowed be thy name what does it mean to hollow his name the word hollow there talks of reverence the word hallelujah talks of honor that means do not be confused god is father it is true but then be careful wholeness is not pride and dishonor you must still maintain that fortitude that although he is your father he is god hallowed be your name hallowed be your name i honor your office i honor your position i do not take you for granted it was not by my righteousness and by my qualification that i have access to you now that you have given me access i will not abuse it hallowed be your name first time well chapter 2 and verse 30 very powerful scripture let's hurry up first samuel chapter 2 and verse 13. wherefore the lord god of israel said i said indeed that my house and the house of thy father should walk before me forever but now the lord said be far from me listen is that for them that honor me i will honor and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed this is god speaking so god is saying just because i am father there should be a place of preserving honor at the back of your mind boldness is not foolishness here what the bible says and this is where many believers get it wrong please give us hebrews chapter 4 and verse 16. we are studying scripture the bible says to come before him with boldness are we together let us therefore come boldly not arrogantly [Music] boldness is not arrogance boldness is not pride boldness is not dishonored are we together yes boldness i recognize oh god that you are my father you have stooped so low but i will never take you for granted you are father but you are god charismatics and pentecostals have messed up in this area just because we have an understanding of the fatherhood of god you see the way people talk to god and act [Music] and you are wondering you say you see this this variety of dishonor hallowed be your name notice that every time you would see once and again jesus would remind them look at how jesus hallowed the name of his father i cannot myself do nothing after being so famous and doing great things now jesus paid attention to the father he always made people know that he was under authority he continued to project the fatherhood of god [Applause] hallowed be your name this is the principle that you have to learn because you see let me tell you this in a true father-son relationship come my friend watch this the proof of genuine love between a father and a son is that when you see two of them you should not know who his father and who his son [Music] yes a wise son now every once and again has the responsibility to intentionally make men see the difference are you seeing that now this is what jesus did in his network [Music] my earthly father is alive and i love please help that lady now watch this please look up my earthly father is alive and honestly it's possible they are even listening now my early father has profound respect for me profound respect for me my father will not pick his call on his phone and call me until he sends a text and say are you free sir my father that gave that to me now if i'm a stupid son one day i will look at him and say [Music] this this cheerless thing that these young people in our generation do don't know the difference between father and son foxy how are you you see those those kinds of indiscipline attitudes no matter what happens my father remains my father i can change the future but i cannot change history father are we together there are times that when you see me and god you think we drink tea together this guy can judge joke and god will honor him this man and holy spirit they are joking oh dear you ask him there are times i know the difference my knees tell the difference my clothes on the ground tell the difference yes [Music] everybody who recognized the difference between god as father and god as god that revelation that hallow is very powerful they commanded dimensions of his attention are we together although jesus being god when he got to heaven this shift let me sit down he waited until he was coronated the lord said to my lord sit down until then he was standing yet co equal sit down are we together i remember a few years ago one very foolish boy came around to see me and he said i possibly say you are so nice you are so humble and he was misbehaving i told him i said please walk out of my house humility is not stupidity you don't you are not you are not a wise one then wisdom see no matter how free you become with god no matter how free you become with greatness never forget who you are talking to never forget who you are relating with that's why every once and again when men forget god will do something that will remind them i am god from the kingdom there's no place [Music] believers need to be told this listen that's why if he loves you he will not descend on you he would descend on an enemy in a weird manner that just makes you say ah this is the one i'm relating with and you come back you say no you are still my i see it happening with me there are times when miracle service is done people are or maybe people are on the queue and the other person is hoping to jump and ugly and depending before him as soon as i touch that person the person is flying over now you see the person just the next person on the queue now behaves and says good afternoon oh we were to hug now what suddenly [Music] let me teach you something every time you humble yourself and reach out to people define whether there are no changes if it drops as they come close stop there never give people access beyond their level of communicating honor is dangerous they will destroy you destroy your system destroy everything my children here can do things for me that many of you cannot do they can command me to bring my ears drink your ears again now just bend quietly and they will now say i want for i want something and i would have looked and said can you imagine this do you know who is standing before you while you are standing oh god finally i'm going to see the apostles apostles i need chinchilla for i just okay quietly meet the welfare sod to socialize that's father but i can guarantee you as the children grow one day if they do something that is not nice even if it's with two fingers you can stand them one two i'm still father are we together notice people who don't spam children a bit when they cry they get used to it because they know i can cry my way out one day you tell me i'm your father but i'm a leader the god of heaven respect him hallowed be your name you know when you see a man of god moving strongly under the anointing he looks like he's commanding god all the power of god will touch this and this one is flying the power of god to do this i decree and declare by the anointing of the holy spirit and it looks like this man has pushed god from the throne oh god where are you this man is the one sitting on the throne based on every a wise man while you are enjoying the wow factor remember you are moving it's like you're moving at the edge of your seat a white person will quickly just say ladies and gentlemen let me just remind you again that there is one who is my other life the moment you just balance the equation you frustrate the devil i was on my way hoping you will continue like that now just acknowledge god because in all your ways when you acknowledge him you will direct you that means there is always progress let me tell you this fame looks sweet it is very very powerful to let men know you are the final bus stop of everything the god of apostles joshua fellman the god of koinonia you enjoy it when people i'm sitting there and people are kneeling down daddy you know those things those things look powerful until you forget god god does not punish you he steps out just like your will wanted and you will see what it means to be without god have you seen a dog wanting to get a bone but someone is standing there he can wait for two hours hoping that guy will move that's how the devil is your immunity is not in any strength of yours it is in your partnership with god [Music] never forget that hallowed be your name [Music] number four are we making progress let's see where we can stop [Music] thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven jesus is teaching pray in this manner watch this that you approach prayer that a believer who wants to approach prayer in a weird manner that you will get answers must be one who the entire scope of his prayer is hinged on seeing the will and the purposes of god coming to pass get my teaching for your glory please get it everyone get it write it and you can collect it from the media it's free after service for your glory very powerful teaching it is one big secret to my life you know i told you that the lord told me years ago that son if you will let men see me there is nothing i will not give you remember you already know that your father is a giver so you don't act as if she does not want to give thy kingdom i prioritize what you want it is not just what i want i'm not using you just to get me i'm here to promote your interests regardless what i want find out in scripture those who put themselves under every kind of inconvenience to advance his kingdom to see that his interest was promoted notice their lies she made a wonder out of their lives esther was not just in the palace to enjoy when she was there she would have remained there they would kill the jews and eventually kill her but she remembered i'm here to promote something i'm the only woman who has that kind of access to the king i will use my accent for his glory eventually esther is listed mordecai is listed her man dies the law changes christ is glorified hearing lies the destruction that comes with our selfish prayer this is how an average believer praise look how please when it's as if we're entering a room we pray two or five minutes songs very quickly to just warm the atmosphere lord i thank you you are the lion of the tribal you have uh i see we are rapping you are the rose of sharon you are he's not you that he's lifting me and the holy ghost is watching you and angels are watching you you're seeing the selfishness that was the entire into his gates with thanksgiving if you are just passing the gates passing the court moving around and then um welcome that are finished oh god yeah you are this is not the first time i'm saying this thing to you it's not like you have forgotten what i'm i'm here again you think you are praying no that's a lamentation that's not prayer jesus you see remember the disciples tried this thing this method it didn't work that's why they say teach us to pray we are tired of wasting our time see god is moved by the feelings of your pain he is touched but only his word compels action just because god is touched does not mean he will move he does not move by emotions he moves at the impulse of his word i have learnt in my life the power of putting the kingdom above you above your knees ladies and gentlemen i show you the way of true power in the kingdom i show you the way to receive things you did not prefer [Music] it's been my life you can ask god i'm telling you sincerely and it's not because of what god has done in my life today less than 25 percent of my prayer is for me [Music] ah possible you have food on your table no it's not something i started today it's been there like that this need driven prayer you will see a believer spending six hours praying and at the end of it you say cry for a prayer warrior ask him what were you doing for the six hours if he tells you he was praying in tongues clap for him because he has done well but most times he will tell you that six hours president worship took 10 minutes or so are we together maybe listening to a tape for 25 minutes that you off in anger because it was not saying what you wanted to hear are we together and the remaining part of that prayer is just a pouring out of lost and selfishness lord the other day look at this girl my genius she's now married i'm saying god the only one i can talk to like yes he's abba but he's not stupid remember we say hallow's his name he says how many of us pray so don't just say i pray that things are not working what did you do the disciples said teach us to pray all my younger ones are watching god what is this [Music] look at the person i taught in primary school i can't believe that i was this guy that didn't transform ten thousand now how do you expect god to answer that prayer be god yourself and imagine a prayer warrior called you praying to god mark that street but imagine a believer with so much burden and pain and yet he comes and says lord i know that i have my needs but i want you to know that your interest is before me how you mean it you know anything you say heaven looks at your heart before they mark the script you can talk grammar with your mouth and they look like this guy is a liar he's just talking stories it's just because he's in a prayer group and there are many people that's not the truth and it's not [Music] your kingdom reigns your kingdom reigns above [Music] [Applause] your kings are red in my life in my life lord your kingdom reigns your kingdom reigns in my life in my life [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] my brothers are my sisters a powerful strategy that you approach god lord i am praying for coinonia i have needs but i suspended to pray lord bring souls lord change lives people are on their way traveling to come now pray and the devil will be saying keep praying there is god in a hurry does god have opening hours and closing hours what is the rush for it is too fair to leave your need and stand let me tell you how to get a rich man's attention find where his eyes is looking and go there if a rich man is tasty you get his attention by going where water is to bring water you don't stand and say oh god thank you that approach is not a bad analogy but i'm telling you this you want to get god's attention look for where his eyes and his heart is who am this i'm listing people in this ministry lord let me be part of those who pray this into i'm praying and the devil is saying are you aware that your mother is in the hospital are you aware that she's about to die and while you are praying lord i am praying let lives change thank you oh god they have been saved i declare and declare friday's meeting is another encounter lord as your people sit under this atmosphere their lives are changing and while the angels are wondering this man has an option this is what solomon did that touched god he said solomon i give you a free check and solomon said lord forget about my needs i know that you want your people led i am young give me an understanding heart so that i can lead your people and god says you got it the pattern was honored because you did not ask for the life of your enemy or for money and all of this i will give you wisdom and an understanding heart like no other king i said but with it i will give you riches i will give you wealth i will give you honor [Music] you remind god about yourself when you forget about yourself selfish driven prayer i'm not saying you don't bring petitions don't get me wrong you can take out time but many of us i can tell the truth sincerely between you and god this whole year i'm not sure you are preaching any other person apart from yourself it's always me it tells even when you come to stand for your family for prayer what i'm not putting you under pressure uh apostle forget my mother how is she my leg i started improving just liver but this thing now is me when it is all about you you would not command the attention of god thy kingdom come thy will your be enforced i show you the secret of very great men [Music] they decrease and his purpose is increased through them and while that is happening request you are not raising god is answering listen the tsunamis woman forgot about the issue of habitness and started paying attention to the prophet every time prophet elijah will be passing and they said with this man this is the holy man of god in other words he's always passing to execute the will of god i know i'm boring but forget about my bodiness let us find a way and build him a room let us put books let us put light and when the prophet came and enjoyed the prophet by himself he started telling gehavi he said what can we do for this woman in other words it is not consistent with god's character to go all the way and then he forgets about you you cannot forgive god so when you forget about yourself you make god to remember you and he said god don't leave me he told the woman listen the the woman told the prophet he said well i dwell among he said the prophet should i talk to the governor for you he said i dwell among my young people and he just said this woman is barry that's it imagine if every time she was passing and they put a chariot to stop elijah and say you are a prophet are you not can't you see that your neighbor here is married the prophet will cause her and say you better claim you have an interruption to my assignment this i have learned about god my heart is only concerned about what brings in glory [Music] komina kane [Music] yes you [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] in terms of requests the priority is the heart and the intent of the father not your knees not the unbread your heavenly father knows you have need of these things listen let me tell you try this thing and do it with revelation and you will wander at the hand of god [Music] god give me god give me god give me god give me god give me and heaven is then you are not profitable your prayer is not profiting the kingdom at all participating energy for hours lord give me give me power give me bread give me see give me give me fame let me outshine while you are praying that all god is seeing his flesh self so it is not just that you are praying is god's heart a priority in your prayer apostle i'm not an intercessor you see it it's not for intercessors it's a pattern in this manner pray that you don't come thy kingdom come thy kingdom come you think god does not know you have needs there are times you can dedicate honestly to pray for yourself read the bible and find out how many times jesus prayed for himself read your bible from matt chapter 4 when he started praying in the wilderness read it up until the time he went to heaven how many times did he pray look at the prayer of jesus in john 17 father the hour has come glory find out thy son that thy son will glorify him this is eternal life that there may not be the one and two god i pray for them not that they will leave or that you will keep them all that you have given me i have kept and none is lost except the son of petition that scripture may be fulfilled that they may know that he is praying for them and if they say let me tell you this i don't mean i'm not trying to speak bad but if you're a man of god here or you have any kind of spiritual responsibility and you don't cry before god over your congregation over your people you will never have testimonies in that church keep prophesying in the open and don't pray in the secret you will be surprised to see is the reason why many churches have only one two three people testified because the truth is the man of god don't pray for the people the through up the part of the apostolic ministry of paul for discuss i paul i bow my knees to the father of our lord jesus christ that we may grant unto you not to me thy kingdom come please reorder your life this night reorder your plan this night hear what i'm telling you i show you the way that makes you successful reorder your life lord you have put me free happy in this family things are not going well in my family i know that i have needs but for now oh god i'm dedicating these two days and i'm not mentioning anything about myself it is about my father's salvation it's about my mother's healing it's about my sister's body-ness issue that is a priesthood ministry [Applause] oh i know why you are spending three hours you see not because you are praying for yourself when you are praying for all that five minutes it's all right lord bless them just give them what money can buy what money cannot buy in jesus name is that prayer hallowed be your name hallowed be your name fridays like this my mind is just thinking i'm just thinking my my entire my mood everything is as if i'm not feeling fine the few times that i travel and i'm not here on friday you ask the people that travel with me once it's friday or sunday whenever point is holding and i'm not around once it's 5 32 or 6 it's as if my mood just changes i'm not i don't think they quietly leave me alone they have their way everybody just leave me alone and just leave me and my god there to just not ourselves i can't even lie down to sleep that's the most painful part i remember the time i missed miraculous here they brought me the video and i think it was very glad i was praying also when i had it i said off that thing please quickly take it away from me i sat down i felt bad that night i didn't know i was asleep i was going to die that's the heart of a shepherd some of you think i said ah who knows maybe somebody's face foods now what's going to agree to give me line up and give me fast food after service and god is saying look at the kind of shepherd he wants increase look at the kind of shepherd who wants extraordinary fruitfulness you are not thinking whether the people are blessed you are already thinking this person's french fruit his salary when god does not bring increase ask questions what is the motivation behind it [Music] god sees my heart i have told god many times if it means me failing so that you will succeed he's still a good bargain with god i prayed and cried to him that much [Music] there is almost nothing in my life sincerely speaking that i seek for myself if i ever seek anything for myself i can show you how it connects to god and his glory i want you to check your desires check the content of your prayer huh how does your prayer route to betting the purposes of god lord give me a husband give me a wife no problem why how what do you mean why am i small child are you blind and god says you see what you are saying now thy kingdom come thy will be done oh god give me from divine give me a child why so that you will have a prophet i have been sensing in the spirit and i read that there are prophets who will move in lord i donate my womb and god says you are talking to me now you are talking to me now i see your pregnancy can now become a ministry see if it will break the purposes of god see a ministry is not just standing on the public it is whatever comes out of you that can bet his purposes lord give me anointing why why do you want the anointing i've gone through failure in my life oh god you're not my background and god says that's not enough reason lord i'm watching people i saw the other day this family they were believers they became non-believers simply because the power of god could not be demonstrated in that family lord can you make me a bridge between someone's going to hell and this compassion i donate to myself and god says you are talking to me now you are ready for real fire from heaven after this manner most people do not pray correctly they pray for luminously they pray extensively for the content of your prayer reduces from the eyes of god's will very small very small portion of it let me tell you if everything god gives you he sees that his kingdom will be represented there i tell you sincerely you will get more things without praying all this job that many of you want you see telling god if you give me a job i will give you the festivus that's that's nonsense that's not that's not god is not looking for first fruit what would you do with the other foods god is looking for everything not all your money that's what i'm saying your life lord in this office you need an ambassador i'm available lord that you are searching for ambassadors i'm available and god says are you fine and you will see your city that you submitted since 2014. someone will wake up in the night one day this i know about god align your heart to god's purposes and what's the wonder walking power of answered prayer god will shake his head and make sure that he comes to you it is why covenants are powerful because you have now bound yourself god knows that human beings facilitate so when they come under covenant is an oath that means they are aware of the consequence and yet they bound themselves is a token of seriousness so god almost hallelujah let me touch one more let's pray the spirit one minute just one minute [Music] i will [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah listen now let's continue verse 11 verse 11 please let's read together one to read give us this day our daily bread notice the progression now that my life and all about me is for you as a subset of the provisions that will allow me to focus on your kingdom coming it will be difficult for me to focus on the matters of your kingdom oh god when certain constraints are there so on account of my desire and my insistence to see your kingdom come give me this day my daily bread are you seeing it now you don't demand daily bread in isolation it is part of the entire program that can allow his kingdom come high this is powerful [Music] powerful notice that when it comes to god's kingdom he doesn't want to even give you monthly he wants to give you daily remember you are asking for monthly and god is saying i am dispassionate about making you comfortable to serve my purposes i decide to make my benevolence daily so that there is no excuse give us this day not our bread give us this day according to your ordinance you say that every 24 hours there is an allocation what is today's annotation give it to me and god is saying you on legal right you can please help those outside you completely demand and say lord i am here give me this admission because i have made up my mind to do this give me this give me that send me prosperity open up doors for me lord i am unable i have a heart for your people but i cannot jesus the reason why i cannot give is because the means is not there and god says i will not even do monthly with you let's go daily i know many people never believe that there is something called daily bread notice not daily flour bread is processed flour already please understand what i'm teaching you there are times that god gives you seed there are times god gives you flour but there are times because the king's business requires haste he will make the bread and jesus is called prepared blessings so don't be angry when god gives you an intelligence to attract business people and gives another person a house daily bread that's bread already a house that is built because god calculator says if this guy started building projects for the next three years he may distract him and is at a strategic point bread was he not in heaven that bread that was made already from the oven of heaven this is not a parable real bread came to the end it's not a parable in the parable the bible said it was a certain day real bread came the bible causes angels bread manna from heaven and they acted prepared blessings when god says is the year of extraordinary fulfillment don't just expect flower or expect him to bless what you plant you can step into prepared blessings see prepared blessings you always hear me say it is a time redemption system it is not everything you must build by yourself god can build certain things and give you is the lord speaking to us tonight as someone can come and say man of god this is what i will be doing you don't have any business you don't have any investment but the lord spoke to me that every month for the rest of your life one million is coming from me to you until i die until jesus comes now it's not enlightened to be lazy but that's prepared blessings deliberately so when you say god give us our daily bread he said what did you do that you are saying i should give you delivery daily bread is for those who will stand to see that his will be done if you are not ready go and look for oven one look for the farm one look for the seed one look for the baker look for the yeast make your bread but when you say oh god more than just these things you see my heart kind of god you see god see this is why you share the testimonies of some people and it will annoy you you'll be like what is all this one someone is saving hundred hundred thousand every month and i'm not saying that is wrong you want to buy a car how much five point two thank god you are 700 thousand every month but another person says lord whether is the car or is me everything belongs to you you know this someone will just come and say i'm leaving this country i bought this car six million what do you have this is did you buy the car how much is the duty of that car prepared blessings if you ever desire prosperity in isolation to god's purposes you are already in error completely the value of good things it is that they give us the allowance to serve him see this is the foundation and i'm glad tomorrow is the workers meeting our workers retreat and all of that will take it from their retreat that started this night is very important listen i continue to teach everybody who belongs to this ministry and connected to this family this is the core of our ideology that everything we ever press for it is to be able to give us the allowance to serve the purposes of the kingdom so when you see us teach on wealth and abundance or the anointing or speed none of these things are taught in isolation they are useless when they are in isolation they are only taught with respect to the role they play when we hate poverty and hate demons and cast them out whether to preaching or deliverance or whatever the reason is because we have discerned how they interrupt god's agenda so if i cause poverty from your life it's not just because poverty is bad it's because i have decided that it has an effect the impedance that it provides in your making spiritual progress is why we cause it i don't care what stands your weight if you do not allow you serve god and not allow you advance he deserves the judgment of god are we together yes why do we minister speed why do we pray for favor none of these things are valuable themselves in isolation but once your heart is paid on breathing his purposes then you can stand with confidence and say give me this day there is an allocation for today there is there is there is an allocation for the day [Music] when jesus finished his crusade three days the people were hungry if he sent them like that something would be wrong about his representing god and he said don't send them that way feed them the people say where are we going to feed them and they brought the young lad andrew brought a young lad with five loaves and two fish jesus blessed it and said let me show you how the economy of heaven works and they distributed it everybody ate why did they eat because they attended the crusade not because they were roaming around the road the only people who received that miracle were those who were around that crusade ground if you were not in that crusade ground go to your bakery see there is a yoke that is given to non-kingdom people that yoke should not be in your life your passion for god should accept you please believe what i'm telling you i will never allow my life whether financially or otherwise to subscribe to the body to be in the simulation of the body of a man who does not carry the program of god our experience should not be the same are we together [Music] our time is gone i want to close early today because we have our retreat let's do one give us our daily bread god is a giver and the bread is daily don't forget daily is not a parable daily is daily if i do not experience favor after 24 hours i will go for a retreat now our lives are in levels but i'm saying this is where you press into it's true there are times if i experience favor maybe once twice a year the name of the lord be praised but as i've grown to know god and have seen the excellency that comes with bearing his name i have seen that there is a provision for my daily bread there is nothing the devil can do about it but the people that do know their god they shall be strong and they shall do exploits next verse let's look at verse 12 maybe we'll stop there ah this is a good one forgive us our sins or death as we forgive our debtors now he's teaching how to pray let me teach you something here that is very powerful number one this has nothing to do with sin or death you see when you study scripture you have to trust the spirit of revelation to open truth for you what is the revelation behind this forgive us our debts or us our sins as we forgive our debtors let me tell you this number one it means all men are human it's a revelation that when you approach god in prayer listen very carefully that in your petition something should happen to you there is a knowledge about god you should know that god knows your prayer is not necessarily answered because of the flawlessness and the accuracy of your compliance that there is a provision in god's dealing with you he knows you are human and that that same revelation is something you must carry as you approach man watch this all men are human all men fail all men grow weary the revelation behind this statement is to maintain an allowance for the humanity of man in your dealing with the subject of prayer i know why i'm saying this because many religious people say ah forgive us our sins that's minus me let me tell you this not i know you are the righteousness of god in christ jesus the idea here is not sin or death the idea is the fact that whoever can come under the influence of this must be human only god is immune from this are you getting the idea and so he's saying that when god is dealing with you he has left provision for your humanity he knows you are frail stamps 100 and verse 3 when god opened my eyes to this scripture it blessed me no small way psalms 100 and verse 3 read with me one to read know ye that the lord he is god it is he that made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pasture the sheep of his pasture he knows oh i'm sorry psalms 103 103 103 that's just a scripture for another psalms 103 13 and 14 who forgive all the iniquities who should let all thy disease are we together verse 13 like as a father pictured his children so the lord pictured them that fear him fought him for he knowed our frame he remembers that we have dust this is god he knows that look by and large man [Music] it says the sun shall not smite you by day nor the moon by night ordinances that came from men and their partnership with the realm of the spirit truth will give you stability truth will take away fear truth will take away uncertainty the bible admonishes us false speaking to the church in ephesus to work circumspectly the word circumspect means accurately that means the more you grow spiritually take away arrow from your life take away mistakes you should be able to master the loss of the spirit listen to me as far as walking in this earth is concerned to a point by the spirit where most of your life is engaged with understanding and accuracy your lifetime is too small for unnecessary experiments you must first go to minimize unnecessary experiments walk with understanding hallelujah praise the lord teach us to pray part three please do well to get part one and two last week we took a little break to just touch on something and we're back we have done a lot and i would not want to go into all that we need as much time as we can get tonight to do justice to this final part of the series we said in part one that every believer is a king and a priest and that the priestly ministry of believers require prayer are we together we spoke about the fact that the house of god according to scripture is also the house of prayer for all nations and we dealt with the reasons why we should pray we said that prayer must be taught you don't just learn how to pray by praying alone you learn how to pray accurately by having the understanding that sponsors accurate prayer part two matthew chapter six the bible um challenged us according to the words of the disciples they said teach us to pray i told you that the disciples were not prayerless people they were people who pray and did not work for them teach us to pray men we have tried but we used a formula that was not producing the result we desired are we together so it was not an issue of prayerlessness it was an issue of accuracy in prayer and we examined matthew chapter 6 our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name to explain what jesus meant is very powerful please get it make sure that you listen to it and now we're at part three and we'll deal with a number of things and pray hallelujah praise the lord there are three things the course curriculum for tonight just three sub-topics and we're done number one we're going to be looking at dimensions of prayer we'll be looking at dimensions that prayer captures number two we're going to be looking at the rules of engagement there are principles in prayer that we must understand and then number three we will wrap up as god grants grace with principles of spiritual legislation we need to know how to decree how to enforce how to create realities the creative dimension of prayer how we use prayer to shape things how we use prayer to influence cities how we use prayers to manipulate outcomes praise the lord so please listen let your heart be open in jesus name psalm 65 verse 2 unto thou that answers prayer shall all flesh come psalm 65 and verse 2 that is a major okay oh thou that serious prayer unto thee shall all flesh come there are not many people that hear prayer we settle that in part one there are many people who are being prayed unto but there is only one who hears prayer please understand you can pray to a stone you can pray to a molten image you can pray to your uncle you can make petitions to all kinds of people but the bible settles the matter of answered prayer or thou is not a team it's not a committee only god can answer prayer apostle but our fathers in the village pray and answers come it is true they really do not pray they only fraternize with spirits who take advantage of the provisions that are allocated in the realm of the spirit and by it they manipulate possibilities in the earth reign are we together now yes you know idols do not answer prayer because you cannot fellowship with them you know stones and rocks and water and all these things the possibility for fellowship is not there that personification that allows for fellowship is not there and there are spirit entities that are at the back of these things that serve as mediums or the priests that mediate between you and the supposed gods but let me tell you the truth there is only one god that can answer prayer and it is unto that god we are mandated that all flesh should come praise the lord dimensions of prayer there are many of them but we're considering three for this series it is important for us to know [Music] the various aspects of our lives that prayer is the key for that captures that prayer captures inasmuch as it is true that prayer is not the only key but prayer is a very major key and it's important for us to understand the dimensions of prayer in the life of a believer that in performing your priesthood as a believer you must understand the dimensions of prayer number one the first dimension of prayer is for fellowship and growth write it down please [Music] prayer attempts to sponsor the life and the power as it relates to fellowship and growth that means when you pray as a believer one dimension of prayer is the prayer that is targeted towards fellowship and growth are we together we grow spiritually primarily by the ministry of prayer and the word primarily there are other auxiliary support systems two of them basically in fact the standard procedure for spiritual growth in scripture is prayer the word fellowship and service these four a believer cannot grow outside of these four provisions maybe you need to write it down so you don't forget believers only grow in this kingdom based on their interaction with these four dimensions generally speaking the ministry of prayer number one the ministry of the word scripture number two the ministry of fellowship whether fellowship with god and fellowship with the brethren corporate fellowship the community lifestyle and then number four service that means you can know as a believer whether you are growing or not by churching whether you are actively engaging in these four dimensions if prayer is not working in your life you are not growing if you are not growing in the understanding of scripture you are not growing number three if you have been around for a long time and there is no part of your christian experience that is dedicated towards service then there is a dimension of growth you are not experiencing and finally fellowship we have fellowship with god and with men if you have fellowship with god alone you are still not growing are we together now i was glad when they said unto me come let us go to the house of the lord [Music] why am i teaching you all of these things because you see as you begin to grow spiritually it's important for you to not just act out of faith alone but your faith must grow into trust that means you have come to a point where you know the workings you should know why you are growing are we together now they shouldn't just say why are you growing and you say well i mean coinonia and they feed me well spiritually that is true but that's not accurate enough you should be able to mentor people that means i should be able to hand over a believer that just got born again and i say sam train this person you shouldn't ask me what should i do it's an insult to your training are we together now if someone is handed over to you now and say please um pastor or prophet or brother or whoever you are mentor this person you should not sit down and then you are just lost and wondering okay what do i do now do you pray no no no you already know the boundaries of growth are prayer the word fellowship and service not this any other thing outside of these four jurisdictions is a total waste of time it will not contribute to your growth are we together yes so we're dealing with the dimension of fellowship and growth we've looked at luke chapter nine please write i'll give you four scriptures luke chapter nine from verse 28 to 29 the bible says as he prayed jesus now the bible says the fashion of his countenance change transformation that comes through prayer remember i've taught you here that prayer is primarily a vehicle that attempts to change you not just change things change you it is the changed you that can now change things are we together now prayer changes the believers it changes you by opening your organs of interaction with the realm of the spirit it changes you by pruning flesh in you it changes you by opening up doors for more of the anointing of the spirit the bible says the fashion of his countenance was altered number one and his remnant was white two things happened the fashion of his countenance and then his remnant was white and glistering that's glory there are we together now [Music] first corinthians chapter 14 from verse 2 and verse 4 first corinthians chapter 14 the bible says for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue now speaking is talking about praying in tongues but then it is still prayer that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god so you can speak to god the bible says that's fellowship you speak to god for no man understanding him how big in the spirit he's praying in his room he's praying in a church but the bible says he's in the spirit and that in that spirit he's speaking mysteries unto god verse four he that speaketh in an unknown tongue does what a desire yet himself as defiant himself growth you grow it's an architectural world edifice that means that you are growing the foundation has been laid which is christ now the superstructure is being listed so that is important for you to understand you neglect prayer you ignore prayer you will not grow you don't grow by inheritance you grow by engaging the forces allocated for the growth of the saints are we together jude 1 jude has only one chapter verse 20 the bible says but ye beloved are we together building up yourselves building what building up yourselves on your most holy see praying so you build yourself when you pray the first dimension of prayer is as a vehicularist tool for fellowship and growth building up yourselves on your most holy that means look at me if what made you afraid yesterday still makes you afraid today is because your prayer life is not growing are we together the mountain of yesterday that made me cry should not make me cry today again listen let me tell you you know that a believer is growing in the spirit when you get to a point where you can say like the psalmist the lord is my light and my salvation of whom shall i be afraid of the same thing cannot continue to profit you no three years ago you were three hours away from paying your rent and you were taught you were you were confused and scattered and disorganized three years later you should have seen god's faithfulness enough and grown spiritually to not allow the same issue make you afraid again are we together [Music] you should not fear the same thing twice once is enough growth should take you out of the realm where that kind of fear should come he said do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil he didn't say there will not be evil it is there but i will not be afraid of it evil does not have to be absent from your life for you to be free of fear i will fear no evil why for thou art with me not for the evil has gone thou art with me thy rod and thy staff two of them are sick but they don't do the same thing thy rod and thy staff they comfort me [Music] praise the lord now first john chapter one we'll read from verse one to five or maybe just one to um yeah let's look at one to five apostle john is remember apostle john is god's beloved that was the man that understood fellowship he was the one who would lean on the chest of jesus to share well what he was saying john was the one person who showed us the he showed us a glimpse of the power and victory over death theologically speaking he was banished to an isle called patmos on account of his testimony for christ and this man was thrown in boiling oil and he would not fry are we together they brought him out and did not know what to do with him and they banished him in that island and that was where he got the revelation of the book of revelation praise the lord so now every time john is teaching us on fellowship it's important to listen because he truly is the apostle of love and one who understood fellowship did you know that in all of the gospel it was the book of john that taught us on the ministry of the holy spirit extensively all other synoptics did not talk a so much in fact it was matthew just spoke once or twice it was even mark that spoke a little about it and look there was accounts of it was very detailed but for some reason these guys keeps the holy ghost but not john from 14 down to 16. john was detailing the minister of the holy spirit are we together that which was from the beginning you notice that john always starts from the beginning unlike john he teaches from the beginning john 1 verse 1 in the beginning first john 1 verse 1 the beginning again that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life that's true we're reading to fight for the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father was manifest unto us three that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that we that ye also may have what fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is you are fellowshipping with us but don't be deceived that we are just flesh our fellowship is with the father this john speaking now and which his son jesus christ so there is a possibility in the priesthood of the believer to use prayer as an instrument of fellowship with the father and fellowship with the son verse 4 and these things right way unto you that your joy may be full the last verse this is then the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that god is light and in him there is no darkness at all [Music] fellowship with the light fellowship with the light fellowship with the light as i engage in the world and as i pray i am in the head realm but the bible says that fellowship is with the living personality not just scripture fellowship with the father and fellowship with the son hallelujah now look up please many believers think fellowship only starts when visions come many believers think you are not in fellowship when you pray until you see something or hear something or a wind pushes you while you are praying so while people approach prayer for fellowship they continue to be superstitious in their desire they are waiting for gold dust they are waiting for silver dots they are waiting to fall under the anointing they are waiting for just now those things can come those things do come but listen the basis of your confidence is the authority of scripture are we together that it does not matter what happens to my flesh in as much as my understanding interprets it that every time i engage in prayer i am fellowshipping with the father and with the son apostle i finished my prayer i did not feel anything scripture cannot be broken see because if you sit down and you are waiting for visions and experiences and prophecy and word of knowledge alone now let me tell you the truth it is almost impossible for you to have a rich prayer life are we together without one or more of these experiences accompanying intense times of prayer usually they will come they are the things that follow his presence but they are not the basis for believing that he came is someone learning now there are people who have a very strong prophetic inclination they can say in jesus name and they are out of their body it doesn't mean they are prayerful no they are not prayerful it's just that the equipping and the wiring within them towards the prophetic are we together and towards prophetic experiences will give allowance for these interactions so you come now and say in jesus name and while you are praying at a point you get frustrated and stop and say lord show me something now encourage me give me a vision give me a dream there is nowhere in the bible where your growth is tied to your seeing things in scripture no your growth is tied to the degree to which you conform to the image and the character of the christ and your growth is tied to the decree listen carefully to which you understand the mysteries of the kingdom that culminates to your walking in dominion are we blessed but then it's important for you to know that one dimension of prayer is a dimension that provides for fellowship and growth many believers do not understand that there is a dimension for fellowship and growth and it is dangerous if you do not know this because that then means that you cannot position your heart by faith to believe and know that i am fellowshipping with the father most times people think that the moment we go to pray it's all about binding it's all about casting are we together and warfare while it is true that these are dimensions captured in prayer they are not the only dimensions if your prayer life is only full of binding and casting then you may be casting demons fully but the richness that comes with that coinnonia the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the fellowship fellowship hallelujah let's hurry up number two the second dimension of prayer is a dimension of prayer that allows for obtaining promises and making requests take note the first dimension of prayer is for fellowship and growth the second dimension of prayer is obtaining promises and making requests that means that there is a dimension that prayer the role that prayer prays as far as obtaining promises and making requests is concerned hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 the bible tells us promises can be obtained it can become your own hallelujah who through faiths of due kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises not just that they were taught it's a popular word many of you who like to play with hebrew and greek words the word obtained is the word catalan it means to not only possess but to make it your own are we together now obtain promises that means it is and it is true from scripture but i make it my experience obtain promises [Music] the bible is full of promises my brothers and my sisters genesis to revelation is full of promises and that in prayer men and women can obtain promises i can take what is written in scripture and make it my experience [Music] that means the fact that it is a promise for you does not mean you have it listen listen listen this is where i want you to pay attention to both the things i'm saying and the ones i'm not saying because many believers think that just because you find it in scripture and maybe quote it is yours no sir promises are obtained obtained to become your own and upon mount zion he says there shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness and the sons of jacob shall possess their possession it is their possession but it's not in their hands yet they are possession are we together now obtain promises mark chapter 11 23 and 24 is god helping someone tonight 23 and 24 that means the dimension of prayer that is allocated for obtaining promises and making requests you can make requests mark chapter 11 jesus is teaching here verily verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which we have saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said so he's talking about having things making them your physical possession next verse never forget the scripture read with me ready one to read therefore i say unto you what things so ever ye desire uh when ye pray believe that thou receive them and thou shalt have them so you receive and have in prayer you receive and have in prayer you make the truths of scripture your experience when you pray notice what things so ever you desire so it is not wrong to have a desire hello look or please it is not wrong to have a desire now sometimes you would have heard me talk as though i was trivializing the place of prayer to see that the promises of god you know comes to pass in our life i'm not trivializing it i'm only showing the excellency are we together of having a passion for the kingdom has been above just me i continue to pray and speak that in and through prayer my needs be met and they are met prayer is very important you can obtain promises and you can grant that requests are granted now let me show you a scripture that will bless you may it bless you in jesus name john 16 and verse 24 jesus is teaching john 16 and 24 ready look up please read one to read hey that's all ye have asked nothing in my name he said ask come on and you shall receive why that your joy may be full your joy may be there but it's not yet full so there is something prayer does to your results which will help to make your joy perfected when we pray it is one of the ways that we cause joy to be overflowing and full of glory why because in hindering our petitions before god if and when they are granted we are at peace and our joy is complete god does not just want us to have joy he wants joy like life eternal to be to the fullest are we together ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full [Music] one last scripture as i study this scripture blessed me in no small way apostle james is talking now james chapter four from verse one to three james chapter four from verse one to three look at what verse one says everybody please look up [Music] these apostles were really brilliant people we think just because they were not educated they were dull the holy ghost really made them brilliant people who are the ones who don't understand what they are saying look at james from whence comment wars and fighting this is crisis management apostle james is saying that in any territory the issue of war and fighting and bitterness are we together and all these evil things against brethren will remain he's facing the root cause why people fight in church why people antagonize one another why did some buy this shoe why did this one buy this you see the only one that can make a hair james is saying there is a root cause to this bitterness this envy are you getting the context now he's saying they come from your lost that war in your members your desires seek desires next verse verse 2 ye lost and have not that means the reason why most people fight and criticize is the absence of that reality in their own lives james is solving a serious problem here that most times when god blesses others and leaves you the side effect is you will be bitter your bitterness will be routed through different channels through advice to backbiting to a supposed correction but james is speaking by the spirit that most times it is empty people that talk bible we're discussing prayer here are we together don't look at anybody look at me god is talking to us together because i know that when i talk like this there are many people who don't sit down to allow the holy spirit to teach them they begin to knock their head in hope that somebody will hear it no no what i say to one i say to all that scripture let's go back to this he said he lost and he have not everybody have not the absence of results and then he says ye kill and desire to have and cannot of pain cannot of pain you do not understand the technology that makes promises become real to you to your life and then it says ye fight well back to his his um introduction now and whoa yes ye have not and he sent the reason why you have not it's not because your neighbor has is because you do not know how to ask keep that scripture there don't rush but street look at this very carefully it's a healing seminar that james is bringing to the church james is saying i have observed you people believers and i found out that the rate of jealousy the rate of bad fighting the rate of talking around is saying the truth is that the foundation for all these things is the absence of the results you talk about in your own life what is there in a crowd what is there in prosperity anointing is not everything of course it is not that when you begin to personalize certain things and create even that around it the bible is saying that is a reflection that you are being paid for the absence of that result come this is my lovely lady you two come gentlemen two of you come and stand here clap for them look up do you know for just asking this lady to come and stand here and asking these guys to stand here if you are not cheerful you are angry already now wait i'm not saying you are wicked look up look up look up yes i'm teaching us something here this is prayer where this is a prayer seminar now watch this i asked her to come and stand here notice you started looking at her from head to toe what is special about her the apostle calls now is not because you are evil is because there is a desire that the highest psychological need of any man is the need to feel loved they need to feel respected they need to feel appreciated so when somebody is now experiencing something you pray for except god helps you that pain will be there james is solving that problem now [Music] come out and stand the lady is happy her thing but notice what she does not know you you don't know her but notice if i say you too come and join her you'll suddenly stop hating her so it was never about hating her is wanting to also participate politicians criticize people and fight them and they sit in a round table and say you know what this thing was going to run an all-inclusive government you also eat from it quietly the whole case is closed i called this lady and i did not call this guy and he's frowning and looking at me now listen she will attack this lady many ways number one don't distract a person he's preaching while what he may say is true it is not about distraction destruction is not the scapegoat to help you bend a pain that has nothing to do with the subject matter notice anything i do to this lady now will offend you if i bring up i have some money i hope you're not angry [Applause] in the house of god watch this how much is this [Music] lost the bible has already warned that he that loves the world the love of the father now look up please you see this lady she was sitting quietly she probably did not have a vision that she received this amount of money and now remember you prayed in your room and say oh god listen i'm teaching you something look up look up [Applause] we're still in a prayer seminar i'm showing you listen you see you shall know the truth it's not the truth that is there that sets free is the truth that is known remember this is not an issue of hatred even you you are surprised that as loving as you are you hate someone else it's not that you hate someone else it's the reaction that happens to all flesh that's why the bible says all flesh you pray pray i say system that helps you to also obtain watch this you prayed in your room oh god let my destiny help her being cranonia today because this i need support and god is acting as if he didn't hear you and someone who is sitting in front now watch this the various ways you can attack this lady is as follows one is it not just because worship team is sitting in front i came earlier and they took me at the back remember it's not the issue of worship the foundation the war is this because you believe that it was you you would have been the person to get it are we together so god gives us and hold this 500 diamonds yeah and god gives this guy holy now watch this they are holding money and this money is your desire this money is your prayer point in fact quite honestly you have a more legitimate need of this money than them it is more painful if they already have money in their pocket i'm using money for a reason are we together now now look at this my darling baby coming to the front some of you can even be hungry with this small girl why is she distracting koinonia it's not so much about her it's about you are we falling now let me ask this lady now he said go and sit down my dear after service simian let me give you one big hug from this night her shoe was not put correctly from this night her watch was supposed to be at the other side of the hand from this knife why did you tie your hand and do it like this why did you do this way left or right now notice those variations of pain is not really about her it is about you're not obtaining now watch this if i say ushers bring the basket and they bring a basket here and they start to share one one thousand naira you are now colleagues in greatness do you have your own yes do you have your own let's praise the lord together and listen james is saying that is one way to have peace thank you god bless you [Applause] [Music] watch this are we are you getting the point now you see a rich man passing in the cat corrupt wicked nigerians corruption is bad in this country you are right but the motivation has nothing you don't even know whether that testing is god that raises a destiny her to bless him all this anointing be careful of young men like this it takes time as fast i know it takes time for the anointing to come and these people are too young to carry this kind of anointing i will not say anything against anybody but just be weird you see those kinds of things are statements they are not about listen when you learn this when people try to talk about you you don't be angry you two you understand that james has given you intelligence that these people are struggling too your result has a side effect on your audience we know there's more that's found in you and we will never settle for we know [Music] [Applause] [Music] we know [Music] now we ask now look look at this all other places in scripture just tell us why we don't have they say we ask but james broke it down that there are times you can ask and you will still not receive so that means there are times you did it correctly and yet you did not get results and he's telling you why that every time you ask and you do not receive it could be because you ask a niche leave all that english you are going to deal with it and he said that the motivation is that you will consume it upon your loss please give us amplified is in you lord it's in you lord we know or you do ask god for them and yet fail to receive because you asked with wrong purpose and evil selfish motifs your intention is when you get what you desire to spend it in sensual pleasures so the bible says answered prayer is not only based on the faith of the believer but based on god's vetting of what that answer will do with respect to his kingdom that it is possible to act correctly but in god's intelligence he sees that granting you that answer will not make your kingdom come you can lose it it's not a faith problem it's a motif problem in the school of prayer is not only faith that is important your motive oh god give me power your faith is correct you are fasting you are praying but heaven will not just come to say give him power they will fetch your motives why did you want the power why do you still decide lord give me wealth lord give me influence give me a child give me a wife give me a husband and god is looking at your desire listen you ask and you have not and the bible says because you ask a miss a myth means that your motif has already been corrupted are you seeing where the dissipation of energy in prayer for many people is not equal to the results they obtain they pray for one year they fast for 40 days and from the first day of that prayer your motive was already wrong lord give me a song you stroll to the bush you take it and shout and sing and you don't hear anything why because you said the last time i went somewhere they laughed at me i need to let them know i'm not an anyhow person that motif already god says no if you want a song so that your songs will be a ladder for nations to hear and to cause the fire of revival to come you will not pray for forty days i gotta see you make reference to my teaching for your glory please part one and two i think the media will give it to you you can go to our our download portal calendardownload.org and then search for it there and get it for your glory one secret in my life and i will not lie to you i stand by the god of heaven is that most of my desires and my requests are never about i am not the final bus stop to everything i ask god everything i ask god to give me or do in my life i am an usher he's the final bus stop lord give me a chance why because i'm a woman no give me a chance why because penina is laughing at me no give me a child why because i've been buried for 10 years no [Music] lord give me a child why an opportunity to be able to bring a priest on the earth god says now you're talking now you are touching [Music] lord increase my prayer group why because my brother's prayer group is expanding and god says nonsense there are more important things to be done lord increase my prayer group why because people think that i'm not anointed lord increase my church why so that i can show people that even from this village the whole world can see jesus no it looks like it's a nice prayer point lord i just want people to see you in and through my life and he says who is this calling me there is a language that god cannot resist [Music] thy kingdom come does not mean to say thy kingdom come thy kingdom comes means your life is like a funnel it channels everything into christ prosperity listen for the sake of thy house i desire thy prosperity lord increase my prayer life increase my wealth increase my influence hallelujah praise the lord are we blessed your intention and your motives so there is prayer [Music] that causes people to not receive because they ask amnesty and from amplified we see that amis means wrong motifs it means prayer that is born out of selfishness it means prayer that has an unrighteous agenda this leads us to a very interesting um would i say some topic that i'll just touch a little and then we'll move to something else the will of god write it down prayer is only answered according to scripture when that prayer is within the boundary of the will of god please listen to me very carefully that just because you are praying and you are making petitions remember we are looking at part two the second dimension of prayer that in obtaining promises and in making your petitions the boundary of your answered prayer is the will of god very important john chapter 9 verse 31 the b part [Music] and then we go to ephesians chapter 5 we'll start from 15 to 17 john chapter 9 god is helping us tonight john chapter nine now look up please the bible says now we know that god here had not seen us but if any man be a worshiper of god and do what his will he share it [Music] he can hear it ephesians chapter 5 and verse 15 to 17 ephesians 5 see then that he works circumspectly the word death accurately not as fools but as wise 16 redeeming the time why because the days are evil next verse let's read together being ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is watch this that means my petitions and my requests are guaranteed to receive an answer when number one they are from a motif that is not fleshly and carnal number two when they are within the coordinates of the word of god and the will of god if i pray a prayer outside of the will of god it will not be answered are we together come again please come thank you watch this let me use my two lovely people let's assume in this example that this is a husband and his dear wife and i'm a prayer warrior what am i and i go to god in prayer and say lord in the name of jesus christ i don't think that this marriage is correct this is my wife and in the mighty name of jesus christ this man something must happen between these two people to give me what belongs to me now the bible says what the lord has joined let no man put us on that is that true and you see that this kind of prayer number one the motif is selfish i'm not thinking about what this man will feel i'm not thinking about what this woman would feel i'm not even thinking about what the children will feel i'm so passionate about my desire to help with whatever happens to them that kind of prayer is a wasted prayer no matter what is added on top fasting praying seat number two i am praying a prayer that is outside of the will of god now it is true that under certain circumstances you know it can be irreconcilable and these people may get married again and move on like it happened to ruth and naomi with boaz are we together now there are conditions that legitimize marriage again but we are talking in this context a healthy marriage and you are coming now to pray that god will make somebody to live and come to you is number one is selfish prayer it will not be answered there is no kingdom come in that prayer are we together and then number two watch this now it is outside of the will of god this is not how god joins people in holy matrimony it is against his character so it's a wasted prayer no matter who supports you in that prayer number two praying a prayer that your father should die so that you will get his inheritance is a stupid prayer it's not only an ungodly prayer are we together yes it is true that if your father passes on to glory of course you know a good man given an inheritance but a man who is alive are we together and you are alive to two of you are alive and you are saying god kill one person and allow one person to be alive so that i will get the money it's a wicked prayer that's why james said you kill not by using a knife that is that is mother that kind of prayer lord this our father let him go now so that will rest because you see we do many things in the body of christ that we call prayer god is purifying this experience of prayer is the reason why our prayer lives are unfruitful and it's the reason why when we mentor so many people in the prayer ministry we find out that their lives are ineffective because most prayer points are a derivative of lust it's amazing the nonsense people pray only god knows how many things i lay hands on here every end of the month [Music] and in as much as i prophesy that whatever is here god will must answer he is going to vacate there are angels who will check yes this is kingdom come this is kingdom come nonsense this is king.com this is kingdom come [Music] god is not god is not a fool you don't write nonsense and drop it here and then you expect that just because an anointing came upon it no not every dead body came back to life when they touched it you kill because you want to satisfy your loss quinone let me teach you something please listen to me one of the things that you must pray for not just in prayer alone is oh god chill self in me i don't know how to kneel down and cry you will miss too many things in destiny when your life is all about you and myself hello thy kingdom [Music] hello [Music] hello [Music] [Music] i will make sure that your christian experience is completely void of self what is selfishness the obsession for a thing a realm a result regardless of the effect on the well-being of others to help with anybody if i want it i don't care who dies i don't care what happens that's the top of key me is a dangerous way to live you will never be a winner that way your door remains open for the of darkness when it is all about you and what i want if it be thy will nevertheless not my wish but i will be done [Music] hallelujah praise the lord it is selfishness that produces peace when you are stealing a man's phone in your mind for instance you are not thinking this person now one of the contacts in his phone could it be that he's waiting for an alert for a job that will help his family could he be the first out of 20 people in the family you don't care all i know is phones look at the people who steal phones for instance not just around here all around the nation they can literally carry maybe a knife or an axe or something harm somebody the kind of injury that 200 000 will not solve and carry a phone of 50 000 and sell it for 6 000 that is the epitome of self worth of people who their loved ones die and then they collect inheritance and uncles and auntie say come and sit down here i am your father's elder brother your mother's younger brother bring all the money and then they take peanuts and give the family and sit on your inheritance self what will make a politician carry scholarship for students students that some of them are the only ones sponsoring themselves and he will carry the entire scholarship and put it at the back of his pocket and live with it self the foundation of wickedness is selfishness the foundation of wickedness is self-centeredness that is why the apex the zenith of love is surrender and sacrifice are you learning this now [Music] so the bible says to know the will of god thank you thank you my dear let's talk a bit about the will of god now i've done a few teachings about the will of god we're still discussing the second point dimension of prayer the concept of the will of god must be understood for your prayer to be accurate and to be rich the will of god means many things for many people i want you to listen very carefully to what i'm about to tell you i've listened to different teachings about the will of god and i've explored i've studied the bible myself and i found out that many things people teach as relating the will of god is wrong it's wrong two scriptures colossians one verse nine please stan anthem here every time we continue for this course we also paul is speaking since the day we heard of it do not cease to do what so he's talking a prayer here pray for you and to desire that he be filled with number one the knowledge of his will and then in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so a man can be filled with the knowledge of god's will romans chapter 12 and verse 2 the last verse and then i teach a bit on the will of god [Music] romans chapter 12 and verse 2 ready and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good acceptable and perfect will of god what is the will of god the answer was clearly stated in matthew chapter 6 and verse 10 what is the will of god matthew chapter 6 and 10 everybody read it one to read thy kingdom come [Music] is not supposed to be a full stop there it's actually supposed to be a comma kingdom come by thy will be done in the earth as it is in the heavens so what is the will of god the will of god represents every action that causes the kingdom to come and causes christ to be glorified that is the will of god please understand this in the simplest term the will of god is not just what is right because the concept of rightness is relative in our world the will of god is any activity and any action let me define it very well number one inspired of the spirit number two consistent with scripture number three that is able to cause the kingdom the influence of christ to come and that christ be glorified whatever activity that revolves within that circumference can be called the will of god please understand this the will of god number one inspired of the spirit number two consistent with the character of scripture number three is able to cause the influence of heaven to be revealed in a life and within a territory and number four it ultimately glorifies christ whatever does not subscribe to these times cannot should never be called the will of god this is a very powerful teaching are we together the will of god this is the answer whatever has the opportunity to cause the kingdom to come and to cause christ to be glorified and i if i be lifted up from the earth i will draw all men [Music] the will of god now watch this most of the main teachings have taught about the good will of god the acceptable the perfect will of god and so on and so forth and those things are there but i i do not think that those are i believe this is my opinion and i i believe it's consistent from scripture that there are only two dimensions to the will of god number one i call it the revealed will of god number two i call it the permissible will of god that's all there is and let me let me define it very quickly i hope you are not confused in this lecture remember we are still on point two are we together the second dimension of prayer but now it has necessitated doing a quick course on understanding the will of god the revealed will of god write this down please the revealed will of god is the will of god as revealed primarily from scripture full stop the will of god asked as known to man primarily from scripture there is a reason why i say that please follow carefully god will give us intelligence now that the revealed will of god represents the dimension of god's will that has been made known to man primarily from scripture notice i didn't say only from scripture but primarily from scripture there are other auxiliary support systems of obtaining the revealed will of god one is prophecy one is visions one dreams are we together but the degree of error and inaccuracy in all these other methods is the reason why they all submit to scripture i have taught this that the prophecy of scripture is the highest the noblest and most accurate of all prophecies [Music] word of knowledge prophecy like the dispensing of that gift or that office and all other spiritual media for obtaining the will of god they walk but they have a very high degree of error and the errors are caused by many things there is the error of perception there is the error of reception there is the error of interpretation are we together now there is the error that comes as a result of the low level of renewal in the interpreter all of these things together are a mix and they corrupt the purity of the voice of god through all those channels you are perfect when you understand and descend the will of god as revealed from scripture i believe strongly that scripture was written so that it would not be changed [Music] if scripture was only recorded in a radio it would have been changed by now scripture was written it is written you hardly change what is written are we together [Music] that means when i want to explore the will of god for his program for my life my first area of starch is not a dream look up please my first area of search is not a person just a sermon to prophesy to you my first area of search is scripture and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture that is able to do what to make you wise unto salvation it is very important let me give you an example oh boy an example of the revealed will of god testimony chapter 2 and verse 4 first timothy chapter 2 and verse 4 [Music] everyone please read ready one to read who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth it is god's desire this is a revealed will of god there is no need asking oh god do you want my father to be saved oh god do you want my mother to be saved your prayer is lord give me the strategy for the salvation not whether he will be saved or not asking god whether someone should be saved is not correct because scripture has already opened his will number two asking whether it is god's desire for the saints to do well is not a will that is hidden are we together now yes jeremiah 29 11 for i know the thoughts that i think to what you say yet the lord thoughts of peace or good and not of evil to bring you an expected end there is the will of god as reviews from scripture this is very important as we prepare to go to the third dimension because you see until you know what the will of god is you will not be able to make certain requests [Music] there are things we do as a ministry there are privileges we give to workers there are privileges we give to leaders are we together now it is it is something that has been put on ground the workers the leaders know and based on that knowledge is not a mystery if they are if the workers are not sure they can go to their heads of department and their executives who help to interpret what has been put down by the ministry as far as their welfare and their provision is concerned are we together now yes for instance in this ministry whatever program we are doing as workers or whatever the moment it is night it is mandatory that under normal circumstances vehicles are around to help alleviate the stress of moving in darkness it's not something that is a special arrangement it is so after this service now there are bosses that will be waiting to pick people are we together now now asking apostle do you think that there will be a boss after the service is unnecessary because that will has been revealed are you guessing what i'm saying now the scripture already has the most accurate dimension of god's will [Music] his will as revealed in scripture and then demonstrated in christ now listen carefully the bible calls jesus the image of the invisible god and i've taught you here that jesus came as a correction of the perceptions we had about god there were many things we did not know about god there were many things we knew but not properly about god so we look at the life of jesus in his at work and we learn god by looking at jesus there's no need asking whether god is a god of love we see it in jesus we see how he treated sinners and publicans we see how he treated children we see how he wept at people's funerals so we know that god is love because jesus is was and continues to be loved are we together now god is a giver how do i know that five notes four laws [Music] little children have you any catch cast your neck to the right side his life was full of giving till he gave his life so i know god is a giver so when the bible says he is the reward of them that diligently seek him i trust god because i see that truth of scripture revealed in jesus i know that god is slow to anger and judgment why because jesus was walking with some disciples and they saw some other people say can we command fire to fall and jesus said do you not know what spirit you are of the lord is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love jesus became a demonstration of that so nobody will come and talk nonsense and tell you how god will kill you tomorrow throw away all that garbage jesus greater than any prophet is a representation of the fact that god is slow to anger let god be true and every man a liar we together now it is the reason why we edit prophecies based on scripture and based on jesus christ looking up to jesus he can be looked up to he is the author and the finisher of our faith that means our journey is with reference to the standards he gave us [Music] there is nowhere in all the 33 and a half years of jesus that i see him intentionally plotting evil against any so god does not think evil because as seen in the christ it was not there it is true that he judges [Music] but god is slow to anger [Music] so away with that theology that makes it look like god is chasing every man just to destroy you it is not supposed to be a license for licentiousness don't get me wrong but that it is concerning to know that we are wrapped up in the love of the father behold what manner of love the father had bestowed when jesus saw people who were who who were crying in funerals he joined them to whip we do not have a high priest who has not been touched with the feelings of our infirmity you know why i teach you this because the days that are coming are coming with too much spirituality and spiritism if you are not grounded on scripture many things will confuse you you will soon not know who god is again because there are pseudo actions that look spiritual but they are not consistent with the christ look up to jesus not apostle joshua sermon look up to jesus not a preacher paul only said follow me as i follow christ before you follow me see who i'm following [Music] are we together let me tell you this the revelation of god's love in my life has done something to me when i say god loves me i really mean it it's not because of the results he loves me i have an understanding with god not only see my father is not about covenant or ministry and god loves me [Music] now i hear the chains falling that's what is happening tonight change from all kinds of teachings well-meaning but destructive the will of god is that all men be saved and all men come into the knowledge of him it is the reason why in this ministry for instance we do not fight our wounded soldiers we stand for them if people do things and go down we are quick to come you see me preach and it looks like i'm always holding a king yes i'm holding a king but remember thyroid and thy stuff i told you they don't do the same thing road is for correction stuff is to draw you you need both if you are a preacher you have only staff you will see the kind of members you produce if you have only a rod you also see the kind of members you produce to totally comfort people you need the and the staff [Music] hallelujah i love people if you are not growing in love you do not know god and the love of christ is not at work in you it doesn't matter what village you come from we have been called out of every tribe and every tongue and every nation are we together we are being grafted into that life of love by this shall all men know that you are my disciples not when you heal the sick not when you preach love i hear the chains falling let's hear live your life i give a chance for me you cannot come god in sheer you stop god in reverence [Music] [Applause] one of the most beautiful times in koinonia here is when we are done with the service and i have to hug my children you see all of them come over me that thing gives me a feeling that i cannot begin to describe no matter how you look at me and no matter what you are holding i talk to my children and give them a big hug they come with their their website from fighting over jews and so i still hope them like that i love them behold what manner of love the father has restored love of god is a very powerful revelation many people have exaggerated it and their lives continue to be shredded into nonsense they allow the devil to just come and people have exaggerated the love of the father to the point that they have covered the issue of hell fire hell is still there listen to my message last week hell is there hell is real lake of fire is even worse than hell then we will talk about hell and live lake of fire hell is the spirit hell itself will be relocated to the lake of fire those wild hell now have not officially started their judgment the judgment would officially start when death held the grave will be relocated into the lake of fire we don't know who is there but one thing we know is that there are spirits who are there bound in everlasting shades what i just told you is also love [Music] use this as a father and see how correct your children will be when i was in secondary school before they flogged you they will tell you what you did wrong you will accept that i did wrong they will pray for you then they will plug you let's start calling on your secondary schools you will see how we train these children i'm not going to bring this secular demonic babylonian training imagine that you shrug your child and he knows what he did wrong just because you pray for him does not mean you should know with him foolishness is bound in the the heart of the child the road of correction not prayer will drive it far from him there is a psychological testimony that your child gives [Music] i'm only studying what the chef prepared this night remember i told you that i'm only a waiter the principal chef is the holy spirit and his meals are always balanced and nourishing say amen so there is the revealed will of god number two there is the permissible will of god let me talk about that very quickly what is the permissible will of god now look up please i will say then i'll repeat it as you write the permissible will of god represents actions that are within the boundary of righteousness god's character and that directly exalt the christ the permissible will of god represents actions that are within the boundary of righteousness command god's character command and directly exalt christ now just because it is permissible does not mean it is necessarily not the will of god permissible there does not mean god is managing it look up please there are things in scripture that are not written verbatim there is nowhere in scripture that is written that you will be in zarya now there is nowhere in scripture that is written that you have five children now please look up there are dimensions of god's will that are not stated directly from scripture at that point we use the tools of righteousness we use the tools of god's character and we use the tools of the exaltation of christ as the compass to help us to be able to walk around that way this three first then in addition prophecies visions and the rest notice the bible says the kingdom of god is in talk to me righteousness peace and joy never envisioned never in prophecy no the kingdom of god is in righteousness that means god's methodology peace joy in the holy ghost now let me tell you this this is the major area where as believers we have suffered a great deal again and again this dimension of understanding the permissible will of god sam has a program in two weeks return to worship now whether or not you had a vision or a dream or god just put it in your heart the truth is that that program if it is done in righteousness are we together if it is done consistent with christ's character and if it will end up glorifying christ it is the will of god that will support the kingdom as powerful as the will revealed in scripture are you getting me now this is where all the other auxiliary things like finding who to marry a job to do there is no way in scripture where it is written that pastor alpha marry annie but within the boundary of righteousness if you marry a non-believer it was not the will of god are we together now but that within the boundary of the will of god you can find a sister that loves god and her life is consistent what is virtue virtue is a reflection of your closeness to the character of christ so i don't need to see a demonic sister or a devilish brother and ask is that god's will no [Music] in koinonia here for instance if you come and meet me and you tell me this girl that you use for example you like her for instance it can be within the boundary of the will of god if you are a well-behaved brother and you are responsible are we together it's my responsibility to fetch you based on the will of god righteousness responsibility love and i can tell you with all the blessings of god and god will stamp it and endorse it are we together there are very few people on earth who because of their life listen carefully and because of the nature of what they do for the kingdom god will meticulously place restrictions around everything in their life because the role that they play someone like me now you see almost everything about my life is meticulously guided do you know why the reason is because i carry a burden of a generation and the implication of everything i do is generational but that is not that cannot be a template for you it is the price i have to pay for carrying this anointing there is a maximum number of cars god has told me i may never have it if at all it comes and it's more than that you see god has touched my life and she has he has optimized the things that must be in my life for me to be effective that functioning at your optimal level will require this there are people who functioning at their optimal level will require that they are millionaires not billionaires some it will require that they are not millionaires at all but it cannot be a template for everybody scripture come this brother now can be trusting god for a job lord should i go to anugu or should i go to lagos it is not written here directly the only thing is that the path of the justice has a shining light that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day so these are foundations i can take out time if this brother is giving a job right now she needs to look at that job does this job compromise on my work with god are we together will this help me to be responsible if it does then within that this gentleman can safely go on that job now if for any reason that decision he has taken is against destiny god will go out of his way god does not only lead by saying start he leaves by saying stop there are times you don't wait for him to say start you move if he sits quiet he's endorsing you if he says stop you'll return i'm showing you certain things about the will of god oh god should i build a house god is a god of portions it's never his will for me to be a tenant for life so if some money comes wisdom that is prophesied [Music] wisdom that is profitable to direct should tell me buy land and start building if it is not the will of god god will show me are we together our precious men here have married good and lovely sisters not all of them saw visions some of them just directly in the name of honesty they saw a sister who loved god they came to me and i said god bless you [Music] [Applause] you may be waiting forever [Music] for a dream [Music] a vision some occult type encounter now listen i'm telling i'm using this as a point of contact listen my brother let me tell you i'm saying it it's not it you can sit down and trust god look at a godly sister god already gave you what virtue is virtue is not just the ability to cook virtue is your closeness to the character of christ find a godly sister that looks like that [Music] when a job 29 man married a proverb that's one woman that would give that to a psalm 112 hope [Applause] are we together [Music] there are people today who god already answered them and gave them good jobs but not understanding the concept of the will of god they are waiting for a vision nmpc gave you a job you rejected it because god called you into ministry i'm not saying it's wrong good good things came to you and you truly when god said i've tried for you and you are there now wallowing around and being punished for not discerning the will of god [Music] say in the name of jesus i obtain grace to see to share and to descend the will of god [Music] you are with a man who is smoking and drinking and ungodly and you said i will change him you are not in the will of god let me just tell you straight up this night the ministry of transformation is exclusively the minister of the holy ghost any man that does not change before marrying you will seldom change he will remain that way and any man who changes just because he wants to marry you has not changed whatever a man does to only you he's not really is not a virtue with him if he's kind to only you he's not kind if he's truly kind he will be kind to everybody kindness will so implicate him even if he tries for life to come out [Music] a lady who washes only your place is not neat the virtue of foreigners and excellence must fill out in every area [Music] i hear the change falling days [Music] when god brings a destiny helper that is blessed you don't fight him because you have been taught that all blessings come from god through men to men and if the men don't have what you are looking for you will not have it so it does not make you to look down on others but you pay attention when joseph of arimathea is coming you pay attention when pharaoh is coming all joe said pay attention when powers is coming ruth pay attention when an azeroth is calling for women esther pay attention is how god lives man god leaves man by bringing those greater than you to lift you it's a technology it's not hidden how does god increase their ministry by anointing them and putting the world so that they minister to people and the people that are built by that world will communicate benevolence the offering you give is not going to heaven the offering you gave is what will pay boss tomorrow five thousand so it's not a mystery the more i continue to be anointed and i bless you and discuss spiritual value the more this ministry will continue to increase and i will also increase there's no gimmick about it so if you are poor and your fields are empty the problem is the value not just demons the knowledge of god's will will help us to stop talking a lot of nonsense bishop politico says every man's calling is a high calling nobody has a low calling everybody's calling is a high calling so if you are failing in your life take responsibility don't say god made me to be small sit down and say why is my life not moving forward this cannot be the will of god for me to keep begging every day as a man moving from pillar to port i am a prayer warrior but in addition i should be blessed to be a blessing genesis 12 verse 2 and indeed shall all the families of the earth be blessed hallelujah are we together if you get married four months five months your wife refuses to get pregnant don't sit down asking nonsense and say whether that is god's will be fruitful genesis 1 26 be fruitful is his written will the priests that bless you on behalf of god prophesied to you immediately you know something is wrong [Music] listen obey scripture if you are wrong let god take responsibility [Music] are we together [Music] a job that makes you compromise on your spiritual life a job that takes down your prayer life a job that cuts you away from the community of believers that can kill you you don't need a vision get out of that job immediately i don't care how much you are being paid what shall he profit a man he's talking profit if he gains the whole world and loses his soul i repeat get out of that job get out of that job don't sit down asking should i go pat your lord and leave [Music] are we together yes you are in a church for instance that is full of manipulation and full of all kinds of things and you see that the character of what is done is not in accordance with scripture there is no integrity there is no godliness there is no feeding of the word of god there is a responsibility of a shepherd as designed by scripture any man who is not doing it is not a shepherd's period i will give you pastors after my heart [Music] you sit down and you every week everything from you is going you pack your load and get out of that place there is no need praying and say lord should i stay there no [Music] are we together the will of god so when i'm praying back to what we're teaching when i'm praying my awareness of the will of god so he's praying father apostle used this lady for example and i just found out that i like her what is wrong with it i'm not saying i'm not saying your wife but if god joins two of you we're happy we join you what what that does i mean [Applause] listen god never told whose boss is her husband but hunger to ruth and naomi they knew they were about to die she went to a field to clean her thing boar saw her a benevolent man no strings attached all marital processes start with a purified motif that is an expression of who you truly are [Music] he said i don't know who this young girl is but leave something for her let her be able to take it back to her mother and god said that's right remember god is looking for those who create the lineage that jesus will be part of so he would not handle anything with luxity because jesus is about to come to that tribe [Music] are we together if you come and meet me as a brother and say apostle god is showing me a particular lady i'll say let me stand representing what the parents will tell you straight up i'm not even going to waste your time do you love jesus yes congratulations are you a responsible gentleman yes prove it there are two kinds of responsibility there's psychological responsibility where you are getting the mindset that will help you to be serious two there is structural responsibility where now you are beginning to produce fruits even if you don't have structural responsibility and you have a mindset that wins based on the word of god we can stand to say no the way you are going what is in your mind will eventually come are you saying that but you are not responsible you are not under authority you are a challenged person you live your life your relationship is like oh cause nobody is going to give you any daughter at least not not any of my ladies here and you ladies we have created a template to help you if you like don't follow a path that god has created for your redemption and and follow corningly device fables until he lands you in trouble see the the house of god is supposed to be a place of guidance [Music] i don't need to go to the bible to find out whether it's the will of god for me to go back home this night as soon as service is done and i'm done i go back home why going back home subscribes to the law of responsibility that every good man should have a home and should go back home and sleep at home are we together even the madman tried to stay in the place is the demons that made him restless he tried so men who don't stay at home they are not responsible say revelation i hear the change falling [Music] let's tie up this thing so the permissible will of god please look up this the permissible will of god actions that are within the boundary of righteousness if you have to cheat your brother to increase you cannot say the will of god you cannot call that favor if you have to bring people down to rise that is not favor if you have to kill to rise that is not favor if you have to bring 250 000 before you get a job hello that is not faithful let me tell you the truth no sir it is not favor [Music] knowing what the will of god is so the first dimension of prayer is fellowship and growth the second dimension is obtaining promises and making requests all of this that we have been discussing are still under that thank you thank you so much [Music] the revealed will of god the permissible will of god the third dimension of prayer that we discuss very quickly at time is gone is the dimension that makes for decrees and spiritual legislation decrees and spiritual legislation i've taught you three dimensions of prayer number one the dimension for fellowship and growth number two obtaining promises obtaining promises and i told you that to obtain promises you must number one have a heart that is selfless number two you must ensure that your request is within the boundary of the will of god then you can ask confidently this is the confidence that we have that when we ask anything in his name he insured us are we together and then number three the dimension of decrees and spiritual legislation now please pay attention this is a dimension of prayer that does not so much deal with talking to god this is a dimension of prayer that deals with rearranging realities based on the word of god please understand this is the dimension of prayer that is concerned with not only talking to god but talking to things talking to circumstances talking to time talking to demons talking to elements of creation to line up with the will of god that's why i took out time to talk to you about the will of god because if you do not know the will of god and the provisions of scripture decree and spiritual legislation will not be possible with you what then do we say to these things i know what god has made for me i know what god says should be in my life this is also the realm of prayer where words listen now become like arrows in a man's quiver words are instruments of creation [Music] the following scripture [Music] ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 4 please write down the scriptures these are the scriptures that we must have in our minds when we want to engage prayer as a system for making decrees and legislating spiritual realities ecclesiastes chapter eight and verse four the eighth part says where the word of a king is talk to me there is power where the word of a king is and then revelation chapter 5 verse 10 just write it don't give us media just write it down the bible says we have been made unto our god kings and priests or a kingdom of priests and we shall reign not in heaven in the earth so i know under god that in christ my words are not ordinary my words are powerful please listen everybody overflow one two three online listen carefully this part of this teaching concerns you seriously number two proverbs chapter 18 and verse 21 i'm giving you a few scriptures that guide you when making decrees and establishing realities in the spirit proverbs chapter 18 and verse 21 death and life help us media we have to rush i in the power of the tongue death and life are not in the nozzle of a gun death and life are not in the stone of a catapult death and lies are not in the edge of the sword the bible says they are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruits thereof i use words to program life i use words to program death i can program life over territories i can program death over territories [Music] number three job chapter 22 and 28 popular scripture write it down please job 22 28 thou shall also decree everybody say decree to decree means to pass at law thou shalt be created and it shall be established not unto everybody unto the one that decreed it [Music] thou shalt be creating thou shalt decree life thou shalt decree increase thou shalt decree victory let the redeemed of the lord say so god has already brought them as redeemed let them say so are we together the word of a king thou shalt be creating and it shall be established and the light shall shine upon your ways number three isaiah 43 and verse 26 [Music] isaiah 43 and verse 26 really please ready one two three put me in remembrance let us please together declare now that thou might test be in other words bend yourself out of that situation [Music] bend yourself [Music] declare yourself a quickest come out of that situation by making decrees in prayer this family nobody rises in the name of jesus i decree i declare that the horns that keep men down i am accepted the bible says you are you are already breaking the chains you are you are exempting yourself listen let me tell you if you do not declare to be justified then whatever you see you take it like that [Music] scripture declare thou declare what declared thou health declare doubt long life declared that prosperity declare thou increase this is not just from namely claiming thing is it is an ordinance of the kingdom it is how we function in this kingdom god is called in genesis 1 2 3 the talking spirit the spirit that moves by talking [Music] listen please do not ever get to a point in your life where making decrees with understanding looks like a basic spiritual thing you are silenced your destiny is silent you are silent every door remains closed declare thou that thou my test be justified [Music] i declare over my life sometimes i stand in front of the mirror and i speak joshua sermon you will never go down you go up and up and up the light of god is upon you the favor of god is upon you it's not every time that i pray that i'm praying for you there are times i'm praying for myself too there are times i'm praying for my own destiny [Music] even when i pray for you i pray with intelligence i know what the word of god says father this is a year of extraordinary fruitfulness i declare your people are prospering they are understanding their minds are enlarged listen it's not every time you talk to god no there are times that you stand like ezekiel and speak to the bones can these bones leave only downloads and it says prophesy prophesy he spoke to the bones and there was his town and he came and all the bones came together but there was no life and he says son of man he says prophesy to the four wings and said thou we preached upon this lane and the breath entered them and they became an exceeding great army [Music] isaiah 41 21 the lord showed me the scripture in 2004 and it changed my life one two please read produce your cause say at the lord bring forth your strong reasons said the king of jacob this is like a law caught and you are bringing the basis for why such and such and such should happen to you why should i lift your family why should i promote you bring forth your strong reasons see let me tell you this many people are prayerful but they are worthless is why the prayer is not effective we pray in tongues important we pray to god and we ask prayers but most of our prayers are outside of the jurisdiction and the methodologies of the world it is important see this is the missing link this is where the disciples missed it they were praying amidst you can be prayerful and not get results because you are praying a mess fortified by the word the first dimension of jesus growth as revealed in scripture is getting the word first then we see him praying we did not have the opportunity to hear what he was saying in his 40 days prayer but at least we heard what he said in gethsemane so we know that his prayer was consistent with scripture if he beat thy wisdom [Music] produce your strong reasons listen believe us your prayer life is going to be reaching this end time to the degree to which you understand these dimensions as i approach the throne of grace to pray i know that my prayer life is not all about petitions there is a dimension of it that is tailored for fellowship let me tell you this many times the determinant of what dimension you switch to is often the holy ghost there are times you go with your heart heavy but there are times that he chooses what dimension to be expressed in prayer there are times you go to prayer i want you to declare bind and cast and god wants crinonia solution are we together don't resist it i'm saying this because many prayer warriors have missed it here there are times you go to god and he does he just wants you to be still in his presence and you are just praying in tongues and his power is just upon you and you feel that you are not praying because you are not dissipating energy to be heard by another person whereas there is communion the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the coinnormia the fellowship the sharing the participation and under those kinds of most times when god switches to that dimension what is happening to this impartation most importations happen to that time of fellowship it is not the finding and casting in that stillness you are about to go for administration and you are praying and you are just soaking and for hours all you are doing is lying down there like a dead man [Music] 30 minutes one hour and that annoys on you waves and waves and waves of the glory you stand up from that encounter and go for your administration and you will see the demonstration of the power and the spirit you will see great grace you will operate in the fullness of the grace that god allocated you ask those who know me when you see me praying i'm preparing for calling you especially for miracle service you can be in the living room and you will not hear me sometimes when i'm alone just like that i can be walking around for a long time just walking around next thing i carry people i'm writing god is speaking to me i'm walking sometimes god is opening my eyes and i'm seeing the things that he's going to be doing i'm writing and god is revealing things see let me tell you something i'm not saying in the bible but it's something that has helped my prayer life try praying in the night minimize light many times when you pray in the night you need darkness to see light it's a mystery that only prayerful people understand help that person running household i have prayed most effective in an atmosphere where my eyes can see very few things you see a god the distractions are minimal you are not looking and checking and then seeing your phone beep and say ah maybe is there a lot that has come these things are distracting god is speaking their skinny things to you you need your attention i love praying in the night of the light you may not have red light here flashing green light is enough for your eyes to see use your your phone that's why you know some of us who just gave our lives to christ now thank god for you but you see we had the privilege of praying well because many times we prayed outside and we prayed in the night when god gives you money and you build a good house build a beautiful garden so not for visitors for meeting with god go back to the garden of eden a beautiful place [Music] fellowship son you have done well it's time to move to the next level do it this way do it this way change this change that yes you are praying sometimes it is god that introduces your petitions not you okay you are talking to me about the issue of finance for the ministry um let me tell you what you will do i am going to inspire you and a book is going to come the name of the book is maybe whatever it is and as you write this book my hand will come upon it and it will go to the end of the earth yes lord you have received the blueprint you will write a book that does not make sense and it will bring results that don't make sense because you discuss with god in the secret place look at how god came to abraham study god study abraham's prayer life it was full of fellowship [Music] and then there are times that you carry a body and you go to god sincerely lord we need to talk there are things we need to talk about see let me tell you this do not be afraid to come to god with your knees do not feel less spiritual the truth is that god wants your joy to be full bring the squishiest issue bring the your brother he should bring the salvation issue bring it before him lord why am i still going back to my village in my dreams i thought i was free come before him he's your father this attack that i thought left me this thing that i thought had breaking had broken free from one year two years ago why is it coming back to my life you can come to god in prayer lord why is it that when i'm blessed i'm only blessed for three weeks one week i go back to look like my person he is wrong you can pray you can go to the god who answers prayers and then there are times my brothers and my sisters where you obtain grace from god but you need to stand can i tell you this most of the victory of a believer listen carefully welcome to dimension one and dimension three when you do one and three effectively you will have little of petitions to bring [Music] spammy two three minutes we'll wrap up with rules of engagement i will show you some of the do's and don'ts in prayers decrees are powerful [Music] my day i speak to you i command my morning i command my afternoon i command my evening hear the word of the lord line up according to god's word the bible says this is the day that the lord has made it's not the devil that made it if god made my day let it look good because anything god makes it is good this is how you pray everything god made it is good i remove accidents from my day i remove trouble from my i day and declare it swell with me i declare and declare faithful comes to me you get into yourself you don't sit down start calling and say i'm now here no you lock your door i declare and declare even if it's in two minutes i declare that favor comes today by the power of the holy spirit my prototype delights to many they are coming by the spirit of god hallelujah recently god introduced a very great friend to my life wonderful man extremely wealthy man very very extremely wealthy i'll not mention the name but then we're having a meeting with the man and then he spoke to me and he said apostle let me tell you before my workers start seven is a billionaire seven a.m in the morning we all pray we have fasting sessions and we pray we declare to god that we have no wisdom on our own i say are you not blessed now away with that nonsense that when you pray your business you involve god you are not being social go to dubai go to the golf nations and see how these people take their idols and take they pitch it as part of the ways to succeed they teach you to do your yoga they teach you to do your transcendental meditation they believe that if not for anything it relaxes the mind only believers who are ashamed and afraid of god i'm not saying to one be praying during office hours that's not what i'm saying but i'm saying that you need to involve god in your life unashamedly [Music] listen if you are here and you are in business i'm teaching you this as god grants you grace even if your business partner is an unbeliever you may not just shout and pray but even if it's under your breath lord this is the day i bless the bread i make him i bless my soul i bless this i decree and declare and you will see how your day will look like lord every troublemaker is far from all that i do for the bible declares that the road of the weekend will not rest upon the lord of the righteous hallelujah praise the lord recently i had i had the story of a gentle man this is true a gentleman who was just sitting down and he got an alert of over eight zeros and [Music] two days later a prominent institution in this country just called him and they said they are going to come and carry you to the court we are associating you to a fraud case and he said what is all this did you receive so so so alert yes sir remain silent until you come there too sorry a lot came to my dc do you know what the account the money was to be transferred to i don't know how that happened it eventually found its way to his account most evil you think that is great too that guy is in trouble because of that thing he may not get jesus to travel again it is not breakthrough you want to transfer money corrupt money quickly to somebody's account then it's my own account no the road of the wicked will not rest upon the lord of the righteous when i had that thing i prayed for myself because people bless me all the time i pray for myself lord let nobody carry stolen money in this country so that they will now put on newspaper exposed apostle joshua sermon is involved with somebody's money shout no way listen i'm telling you that if you do not decree and you live your life buried you can receive hundred million in your church one year later you are in prison [Music] everything that is evil i will destroy you may god keep it far from your life but it will not just happen just by talking listen you are the priest of your destiny you are the prophet of your destiny i will continue speaking over your life but you must learn to speak speak as believers we approach life from the standpoint of victory remember that our decree is to establish [Music] hallelujah [Music] let me just give you two rules of engagement i've said it but our time is up number one rules of engagement prayer must be approached from the standpoint of the love of god and the victory of christ jesus rules of engagement in the prayer ministry number one prayer must be approached from the standpoint of the love of god and the victory of christ jesus prayer must be approached from two standpoints number one the love of god the awareness of the love of god the fatherhood of god that once i am within the will of god god is not withholding anything so it gives me the confidence to approach him and then number two the victory please this is important listen to me believers whether it is warfare or spiritual decrees and legislation you are already a victim a victim if you do not realize that you are standing upon the victory and the liberty of christ that is the basis from which we approach prayer we do not approach prayer to win we approach prayer to establish realities that have already been wrought in the christ the bible says in ephesians 1 and when you read from verse 3 that god has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places listen to me so whether we pray and say i command that cross to live you are not necessarily listen to me you are taking advantage of the victory that christ has lost and you are now super imposing it upon the rebellion of darkness [Music] rules of engagement david already won before he met goliath but he still fought david already won before his covenant already killed goliath but he stood before goliath to establish it that's why he said goliath i'm i'm here to bring down your head give it to the birds he's finished hallelujah from the foundations of the earth the lamb was slain but your sins was not atoned for by casting it out jesus came and died his dying was not negating what he did in prophecy his dying was giving it expression so i believe in warfare i believe in casting out demons but my approach is from the standpoint of victory are we together now please take it down let me sing one song we are preparing to to wrap up um what's that diligence every high thing must come down every stronghold shall be broken you wear the victor's crown [Music] every high thing must come down every strong wall shall be broken you wear the biggest cow you overcome one more time every night [Music] listen to me listen coinonia you must approach life like one who has won you must approach life like life owes you because you are victorious now thanks be to god who always causes us he's already doing thanksgiving thanks be to god i never approached life to win i approached life to establish victory i never cast out devils um as as as the basis of victory i cast them out because the bible tells me i already have authority this is very important it looks like it's a little issue but it's a big deal in the realm of the spirit listen you are already blessed that's why you prosper you prosper to give evidence to the blessing prosperity is manifesting the blessing on you [Music] you are blessed with wisdom you are blessed with relationships you are blessed with favor you are blessed with divine direction these are two riches when you engage them and they produce prosperity it is not when money comes to you that you are blessed money comes as a receipt that it is true you are blessed [Music] are we together the awareness you owe the universe you own this every on earth you all not my father the universe [Music] listen do you know why i approach prayer this way i don't approach prayer hoping that god will answer me no i don't approach if it is not the will of god i don't even pray if i'm confused i inquire in prayer and the spirit of revelation will come and open up scripture and bring the voice of god i only pray when i'm sure of the will of god if i am not sure i pray to know the will of god then knowing the will of god i pray to establish it listen when you know this your prayer becomes rich because every time i catch you praying you should be doing one or more all of the following fellowship or obtaining promises in the spirit or establishing reality whether you are interceding for souls whether you are speaking over territories it comes under spiritual legislation that way you are walking in dominion this is what prayer was designed for we are doing many things today that prayer was not designed for it is the reason why we do not get resolved your prayer life cannot go down when you see the necessity of prayer you know that without prayer my fellowship will be bankrupt without prayer i cannot obtain promises and without prayer i cannot create a climate of the word of god in my life [Music] when do we pray all the time anytime anytime is right for prayer anytime is right for prayer you can be perfect and making decrease my day is blessed in the name of jesus any time may not be conducive for the study of the world because you need the bible you need materials you need time but any time is conducive for prayer i may excuse you for not reading your bible today but i will not excuse you for praying you will need time to settle down and really read and meditate but you don't need any time including when you turn to the other side on your bed circles you can train your spirit man listen if you are not filled with the holy ghost here with evidence of speaking in tongues it doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe about it there is a dimension of the priesthood of the saints that you may never come into please hear what i tell you this is not some debate it is truth from scripture that there is a dimension of prayer tonight we are going to borrow five minutes from our time and we are going to pray we are going to obtain promises and we are going to make decrees if someone ready to change things in your life please rise up on your feet so listen the bible says you have not because you ask not if my little children here come and ask me and say that they are one sweet i will buy them sweets for two reasons one i love them and two i am able now onto him the shin loves you and the heel is able to do the two conditions for making sure your knees reach you have been solved as far as god's side is concerned he loves you and he is able [Music] please listen to me god loves you and god is able god loves me and god is able therefore there is no restraint from him giving me the anointing there's no restraint to lifting me god loves me and he's able god loves me and he's able if i do not obtain then it means my heart is selfish don't get in rebellion and i am praying outside of his will can you open your mouth and in the next two minutes just pray in the spirit praise the spirit [Music] so ever you desire when you pray when you pray when you pray koinonia [Applause] [Music] you are praying to the god of the universe the mighty god [Music] [Applause] [Music] please play coinonia [Music] the world is the [Music] universe everyone on earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] the universe [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah obtained promises obtained promises [Music] obtained promises what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that don't receive it and thou shalt have it listen in the next two minutes i'd like you to receive things in the spirit the things that the bible said please don't take casual this opportunity while praying under an anointing i'd like you to declare [Music] receive by faith in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] receive christ receive open doors receive favors receive the blessing receive gracie in the name of jesus ease [Music] up that you may receive that your joy may be fulfilled [Music] [Applause] [Music] there are sounds of joy so [Music] joy [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] by faith in prayer [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord we're wrapping up now please i'd like you to take this remaining two minutes seriously you are going to make decrees you are not talking to god you are talking to your destiny you are talking to your life are you ready to pray open your mouth and make decree lift up your head holy cake is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bless your [Music] is [Music] rising from florida [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus no failure in my life name of [Music] jesus christ [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah listen my brothers and my sisters listen to me please listen to me your prayer life must come back alive i'm telling you this you are here in this place and you know your prayer life is down you are doing yourself a disservice you are doing your destiny a disservice if you are a man here and you don't pray you will be a bad priest in your home in destiny he speak a parable that men are always to pray there is nobody under this grace who should not be a man of prayer where did you get that one from now i've given you a revelation that sponsors your prayer life listen you have an assignment to find conducive places for prayer find this god will help you pray make decrees speak over things you buy a new phone or just plug it and start using it in the name of jesus i declare that within the time this phone is with me it will serve me i will not answer evil i will not listen to evil reports like to pray you buy a new car don't just enter and drive yourself to your grave i decree and declare the hand of the lord is upon this [Music] you pay for a new house or you buy a new house in the name of jesus this is the habitation of the lord you enter a new shop i speak peace a new semester as a student or a new session i declare i give this session a name i call it ease i call it excellence i call it recovery pray as a couple pray with your children pray as business people pray as a man of god pray all the time pray these dimensions of prayer and watch your life continue to rise death will come and look for you it will turn back failure will come and look for you it will turn back everything that does not have the signature of the christ will come and look for you and go back your life only becomes an unending epistle of wonders see let me tell you this i stopped being afraid of my success when i found out it was god and me that we're controlling it if you do not know that is you and god in partnership controlling your results you will see this blessing that has come today will it ever stay yes how dare you ask me whether my tomorrow will be better than my today of course of course no man's opinion is involved god alone and i agree with you that tomorrow will always to us today it's a covenant of growth that coinnonius tomorrow will always god will give us peace by all news [Music] honestly and may god forgive me this sounds like pride but you see i love people i admire people i respect and honor people but i submit to you in the name of the lord i have never ever desired in my life to replace myself with someone else when i found out god's love for me is a blessing to be me it's a privilege to be me i'm honored to be myself it's a revelation god has invested his love in my life and protected jealousy like a hen watching her young even the egg that has not hatched she still watches it with the same jealousy please let prayer change you most people prayer is not changing them because it's not derived from knowledge if i pray for you rejoice i really bless you because when i praise his yes it's not a song it's an experience he does not hear me as a man of god he hears me as his son he hears me as his bride he's yes now his heavens he must hear one if he does not hear me as his son he will hear me as his fellowship in the place of intercourse as his bride if he does not here he has his bride he will hear me by reason of my office so if i tell you i pray for you believe that i really pray for you i have a privilege as a son i have a privilege as his bride and have the privilege as a servant i have been indoctrinated about the responsibility of god over my life i'm proposing this to you so that it becomes your mindset today i never consider myself to be a second class person not anywhere in the earth and it's not by these vocals i'm not a scheduled conviction thank you lord for what you have done when god spoke to us and told us the nations will acknowledge what he is doing i believed him many did not believe but today we see what the hand of the lord continues to do through our lives and through this ministry i've shared with you that god spoke to me that i will lose the loins of kings for your sake is that kings will entreat your favor i believe yes i believe do you know a day will come it will be a privilege for men to know you it's not it's not from a sarcastic standpoint please find a way of believing what i'm telling you i know your past is not allowing you believe this i know you're present it's not me ugly me me uneducated me do you know what it means for a man to receive the investment of the spirit upon him yeshua the next time anybody looks at you and makes it look as if you're a failure don't fight him just pray for him the next time someone looks at you you put your hand in your pocket and you come out with an empty pocket it's not enough reason to look down on yourself run away from people who demean you and look down on you they are sincere people but they are not good people this is what he has chosen to make us episodes of wonder there is nothing anybody can do about it see let me tell you this is just a step out of the cave keep watching you will watch episodes in your lifetime of what god can do he will make us specimens it doesn't matter what message it doesn't matter what is nonsense when you find the key a door will always open it's not pride it's the truth a day will come we will stand and as those flags float and you watch the nations crown for an opportunity to touch you he says you belong to this family can i have the privilege you will stand and say my god [Music] there are bodies correct here and there are bodies celestia even among the stars one different from another in glory my father owns the world is not some childish struggle i believe it it is true no body no body no body has the power to intimidate you god will cause you to triumph and see don't be little yourself if god wants to use you tell him yes i'm using them if god wants to lift you say yes god says i will prosper you don't sit down and say god i'm too small god you mean me i will be a man of god a woman of god's husband a man of god's wife me i will be don't let no devil talk you down we come from cultures that always like to show we are not important based on famed parameters never call cost what god has not called cost people kill and eat and he said no no no no he said do not call on clean they may call your tribe unclean they may call your results unclean but when god seats upon it to produce something that will mentor nations a day will come we will mentor kings a day will come we will make the word of god alive again like the days of seth and adam knew his wife and she bosses and men began again to call upon the name of the lord all hands together listen [Music] to [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father please use koinonia as a specimen to show the nations what you can do with men who are yielding lord use coinonia let it please you oh god of all flesh to use the men and women in this ministry and connected to this spiritual family as a specimen lifts people out of nothing oh god and may they become trophies that flaunts your glory around the earth place something upon our lives oh god that will cause us to mentor kings and speak your purposes to nations place something upon our destinies oh god that will cause kings to lose their laws for us grant us the grace for seeking the grace for territories the grace for nations that we will speak your word and reveal your glory even to kings lord i pray in the name of jesus cause us to be your workmanship that is recreated in christ jesus even unto good works let our priesthood be seen all across the earth let that kingly dimension be seen all over the earth cause our words to be like the word of god let us speak o god and by our speech let us shift things in the spirit in the name of jesus i pray for everyone under the sound of my voice life to your prayer life in the name of jesus christ i declare and declare life to your prayer life i shift you to a new level of fellowship in the name of jesus let there be mighty fire upon your life i decree and declare that you will begin to command strange results in prayer change things in prayer rewrite things in prayer keep darkness at bay through prayer command miracles signs and wonderful prayers open gate for greater glory through prayer in the name of jesus christ i pray for you like solomon prayed over jerusalem that every time you pray may the covenant of this ministry back your prayer in the name of jesus christ the integrity that god has vested upon us and upon this work let it also speak while you pray in the mighty name of jesus christ i speak to you tonight command results command strange results results that will confound principality in the name of jesus christ thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus listen make it a point of duty to pray every day as much as possible pray every day [Music] i will advise that at least once at least the laziest person in koinonia should be able to fast at least once every month the laziest person the one who is not serious with his destiny should at least be able to fast once every month fasting should not be strange to you not as a rich one but as a way of opening the gates of faith to rise then shall your light break forth and your health will come speedily at the morning pray often pray as a couple pray get teachings on prayer get worship songs please let your prayer fire go higher and higher coin on your me please you belong to a family that prays pray pray like a priest that you are have personal times of retreat everyone here should at least in a quarter of a year in every three or four months i expect you to have at least a day where you should spend time praying just spend time dedicate that day to pray you have some money you can travel and go somewhere to a hotel just lock yourself or beg a friend to give you access to a place just pray be intentional about your spiritual life and no power in hell will bring you down in the name of jesus christ [Music]
Channel: KelFusion TV
Views: 8,299
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: HyoE53d0FHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 405min 45sec (24345 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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