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[Music] lord we love you we love you we thank you for your presence honestly let me tell you something we're not ready for what god has in store for us this year we think we are but i don't think we're ready because god is going to move this year in most dramatic proportions you will see ordinary men turn into things that will make you wonder and this is not some spiritual things physically we'll see men that will walk like gods in this city across this nation all god is asking us do you believe [Music] do you believe it's a blessing is she that believes blessed is she that believes for unto her there shall be a performance of those things that have been spoken unto her lord we believe let the rain fall without restriction we empty ourselves on the empty our vessels hallelujah we ask you to help us tonight [Music] spirit of the living god will submit to you unveil the mysteries of the kingdom teach us truths that are older than us teach us what made the ancient powerful open us up to ancient vistas in the spirit show us realities that predate our dispensation [Music] grant us access to abilities and dimensions in the spirit us the ancient parts oh that we will step into the sabbath grant us grace for there is a longing in our spirit there is a longing upon our generation to experience a fresh dimension of the reality of the spirit and we trust you to bring us into this reality in the name of jesus christ praise the lord god bless you please be seated you're welcome just sit quietly pick up your writing materials there is a lot to do tonight please no let no seat be vacant there's so many people who can get some of the people to occupy the seats some of them are the extreme overflows if they can come and at least stand inside there are people under the anointing oshas i know that you it's a season of the rain [Music] we will step into realities this year we will step into strange dimensions of grace and the lord will grant it so in the name of jesus christ you will step into levels of realities that will change your physical form your physical form that will alter you when moses stood in the glory he did not know that he was being changed after 40 days he stepped out and his skin his flesh his physical flesh it's not just about using cream and all of that there is a level of glory i'm telling you i want you to believe this god is not playing games with us if we mean business with him he says who has believed our reports you will see mountains melt as if they never existed that's what happens when the glory of the lord comes you will see god turn around situations he said turn again our captivity like the streams of the i want every meeting that we come for all through this year you must be very intentional about it you must be very definite about it hallelujah you can create and play around after the service but the moment you step into this building before the meeting starts i want you to know that you are standing upon mount zion and anything just anything can happen hallelujah that's what god wants to do let it cover the earth oh that's our prayer let it come let it come i wrote this song years ago from my spirit let the weight of your glory fall let the weight of your glory fall lord cover us with your glory even tonight and bless our hearts in the name of jesus christ hallelujah praise the lord the reality of spiritual laws the reality of spiritual laws the reality of spiritual laws what will be learning tonight will be so powerful so powerful my goal for us this year is that we will become so powerful men and women of extreme spiritual power and it will happen as we are shown the keys of the kingdom the mysteries of the people listen let me tell you something for years for years there has been a cry in my spirit [Music] somehow there is a testimony in my spirit that our generation has lost touch with ancient realities you hear me use that word again and again people move forward but something in my spirit keeps drawing me back and it says if you can go back enough you will find something we lost hallelujah i've been intrigued every time i read things in scripture and it talks about ancient things there is something that the ancients knew it's not supposed to be so difficult we have lost touch with the dimension of reality canality flesh intercourse with babylon caught shot a flow of spiritual reality and the lord told me something last year he said mantles do not lead the earth to heaven that means every dimension of grace that has ever been displaced in the earth there are archived in certain dimensions here in the earth realm and if we can trust the minister of the holy spirit he will navigate us to those parts and we will collide with these ancient mantles and we will do strange things upon the surface of this earth you believe that and this is our journey [Music] show us great things oh god the reality of spiritual laws aside from revealing the person and the minister of the holy spirit to the body of christ one of the cardinal areas of my call is to teach the body of christ the principles of the kingdom to unveil to the body of christ that dominion is a resultant effect of the knowledge and the comprehension of the mysteries of the kingdom a mystery is a hidden truth that requires the agency of the spirit or another spirit that is not of this realm to open an individual to the reality it's called a mystery mysteries the occultic realm operate on the strength of mysteries coded operations that are shrouded in mysteries science cannot explain it it takes your fraternity with another spirit to open you up to those dimensions so he said it has been given unto you to know the word know there is the word a man a man knowing his wife it has been given to you to come into a union with the mysteries of the kingdom hallelujah if we ever will attend to that stature of spiritual authority where we can legislate on behalf of the kingdom then i want you to know that it will never just be by impartation it will never just be by stories it will stand upon the strength of something that we know what did job know that turned his financial predicament in a moment the bible did not tell us what business he did the bible just said joe prayed for his friends mysteriously people started coming from everywhere brothers and sisters at their portals we have lost in the spirit have we not lost touch with certain dimensions of spiritual reality hallelujah the prophet said bring me a mistrial who taught him who lectured him how did he know he said i will reveal my dark sayings upon the heart my heart is indicting a good matter it's a year i speak of excellent things my tongue is the pen of a ready writer who taught this man who taught the sadness that praise was a garment that a man can wear he called it a comment not an attitude of praise a garment of praise every time they praise god in the place of war i notice they use a coded language all they said was for he is good and his mercy endures it was not any kind of praise there was a time it was like a spiritual cold every time they began to say for he is good and his mercy and just he rose as a man of war meaning not every word invokes every dimension there is a kind of language that makes god to operate in a certain way are you learning something help us oh god look let me tell you brothers and sisters part of my resolutions this year is that i will open us up to deep things some of us will be afraid of some of the things we'll be learning i've been praying and say lord prepare your people because it will not to the the foundation of what you know to be christianity and you will know that many preachers have lied to us [Music] hallelujah so let's prepare our hearts because this thing is not the exclusive reserve of one man it has nothing to do with the boosting of a preacher let me tell you something the hallmark of an apostolic ministry i will keep saying it we understand it's not just miracles and signs and wonders and manifestations of the holy ghost there is a dimension of that right but the hallmark of the true apostolic ministry is the ability to receive the revelation that is meant for a dispensation to understand it and communicate it accurately to the people of god because the apostolic ministry is dispensational are you following me now and the knowledge of god is also dispensational meaning there is a curriculum there is a scope of understanding that god expects a dispensation to know are you following me now so that what we call eternity means the summation of infinite dispensations every dispensation coming with the revelation of god and adding that revelation to another dispensation i follow me now and that means that our dispensation has certain dimensions of god that we must know and we must touch but it takes the apostolic and the prophetic ministry not just to do signs and wonders and to lay hands and heal the sick that is important but to be able to sustain a posture in the spirit such that we can receive these spiritual realities understand them and interpret them to god's people and then they will be able to walk in this part and you will see certain possibilities in our lives hallelujah and this is what we aim to do in this place the lord will help us in the name of jesus the reality of spiritual laws science has taught us that there are laws that govern this earth realm they teach us in physics and and chemistry and other aspects of science that they are lost and scientists have been able to come into the recognition of certain physical laws and they have been able to account for the explanation of certain tragedies that have happened to men hallelujah over time scientists began to inquire as to why men will encounter certain inexplainable tragedies and they later discovered that there were laws that were being violated unconsciously that you do not recognize that there is a law does not mean it's not there are you following me now praise the lord if your child does not know there is gravity and he jumps on a an altitude like this the child will fall gravity will not say i excuse you is that true there are many other laws now i want you to know that the same way spiritual laws govern this physical physical law sorry govern this realm there are spiritual laws that govern the operation of the spirit hallelujah you are able to work very well when you can master the laws physically none of us will find ourselves walking against gravity for instance and if by any means you are to walk against gravity you know what to do to be able to remedy the the imbalance that you are creating and so you do not find yourself fighting the laws of nature gravity for instance friction for instance all of these are laws i want you to know that there are spiritual laws say spiritual laws many people have been able to find these laws and walk with these principles and they have been able to do mind-boggling things in the earth realm and as we explore this reality my goal tonight is not so much to share what the laws are as it is to bring us into a recognition that as scattered as spiritual things look as scattered as the earth is there is a rhythm are you getting my point there is an exact synergy there is a sequence there is an equation of the happening of things they are not as haphazard as we think there is a level of order and accuracy god designed the earth it is our inaccurate understanding or total ignorance to his principles that has resulted to certain levels of setbacks and limitations in our lives and in this year of the reign god wants to open us up to a recognition of certain principles and you will find out that what has grounded you for years you will walk cheaply you will now find out that the the enemy that many of us has been have been talking about they are not necessarily the demons out there our ignorance our lack of understanding the laws of god say amen [Music] the key to kingdom dominion please write this down [Music] the key to dominion the key to influence the key to power the key to wealth is hidden in our discovery of the ancient spiritual laws of the kingdom i'll repeat it again please make sure you are writing something or at least jotting something on your notepad or someone on the phone also the key to kingdom dominion the key to influence influences the capacity to alter people's mindsets the key to power the key to wealth is hidden in our discovery of the ancient spiritual laws of the kingdom there are ancient laws encapsulated in this bible there are laws that are older than us there are laws that predate our dispensation they have been responsible for the rise and the fall of kings they have been responsible for the rise and fall of champions and when we find peace with these laws we will do big things for the kingdom [Music] we have come with open hearts oh let the ancient words [Music] ancient words we personalize it say i have come with an open heart [Music] daniel chapter 19. let's begin our journey so that we [Music] we have come [Music] we have [Music] daniel chapter 2 from verse 19 to 22. [Music] the story of a cruel king who slept and had a dream forgot the dream and forgot the interpretation and was mounting pressure upon all his wise men and cabinets and daniel said give us time and the bible says he asked for wisdom and in the night can we read together verse 19 one to read then was the secret revealed unto daniel in a night vision then daniel bless the god of heaven verse 20. [Music] blessed be the name of the lord forever and ever for wisdom and might are his 21 he changed the times and seasons he removed kings and set up kings he giveth wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to them that no understanding he revealed the deep and secret things he knowed what is in the darkness and the light dwell everything he said then was the secret revealed brothers and sisters secrets can be revealed not everything is known by every christian are you hearing me the bible says the secret things of the lord are not just with christians they are with them that fear him and he will reveal his covenants he will show them his covenants there are mysteries in our world there are secrets that have been archived in the boils of the spirit and it takes men who can press to say lord open my eyes show me the secrets that's why all things are not possible for everybody is that true kentucky fried chicken one of the great eateries around they have a secret recipe that till today has not been revealed is that true that secret recipe is what makes them unique coca-cola till today they have not revealed the exact formula and combination great men dwell upon the strength of secrets in ancient time it was a taboo to reveal the deepest of secrets they were known only by the king and his envoys those we call knights or apostles they were the highest representatives of the king they knew where treasures were hidden in castles they knew secret places of escape in chambers when when they came to defeat a nation they knew how to to invoke the powers of those territories to fight on their behalf it was an access that was given to them and so as this ambassador does god wants to show us he doesn't want to hide anything from us he said come let us reason together i want to show you how i operate the heavens so that you can draw from this and do wonders in the earth if you believe that amen [Music] so spiritual laws are real the spirit realm is a real realm of existence just like a physical realm it is only a lot more superior to this realm this ram is bounded by many things there are limitations for instance this ram is purely three-dimensional but in the realm of the spirit there are many dimensions a lot of people are preached that there are four dimensions five i don't believe that i believe that there are infinite dimensions in the realm of the spirit because the possibilities in the spirit are defined by what dimension you can function hallelujah praise the lord and so i want us to know that the spirit realm is real the spirit realm is real and there is a constant interaction between the spirit realm and israel every single one of us under the sound of my voice and those following us online every single one under the sound of my voice interacts with the spirit realm every time whether you recognize it or not the condition to interact with the spirit realm is just to be alive remember i began the teaching last week showing us the five elements right the elements of creation we drink water is that true we breathe air why don't we breathe dust we breathe air to live air that seems to be immaterial but we breathe it in our material body to keep us alive so our biological composition is is a is a an intertwining of both this realm and the realm of the spirit prosperity is an intertwining of the spirit realm and this realm success in life is an intertwining of the realm of the spirit and this realm the anointing the ability and the agency of the spirit when a man stands and you look at somebody with cancer and stretch your physical hand you may not even make contact with the person and the person starts shaking or the person falls it tells you that there is something more than what your eyes see there is an interaction is that true watch this i'm speaking to you there is no there is no digital connection between my mouth and your heart but what i am saying is passing through your ears and it has the ability to influence your paradigm because they are spirit and life hallelujah so we must we must rise to this reality that all we see in our world brothers and sisters is not all there is praise the lord all we see is not all there is there is more say there is more in this building right now inside and outside there are more angels than this crowd gathered here and many of them are doing many things as i teach right now some are imparting graces and all of these things right walking in partnership with the spirit and they are not only angels there are also the spirits of just men made perfect testifying like the weaknesses that stood with jesus at the mount of transfiguration elijah and moses representing the law and the prophet they are not the only witnesses there are many others enoch for instance right many other people so the bible says ye are come on to mount zion and he begins to tell us all the things that happen in that place listen the earlier you realize that life is entirely spiritual that the physical manifestation is only a little portion hallelujah occultists understand this politicians understand this is that true i was i was studying the world religion i'll give you a few statistics as we progress very shocking i didn't know there was that much religion in the whole world i thought they were just maybe hundred or one thousand i will tell you the figure shortly and all these religions have followers are dead committed die hard followers meaning the spirit of man is searching for something searching for a connection with its souls somehow mankind knows that until you interact with this the spirit realm there is no stability to your person there is a longing so we pray to a deity we call different names for many religions and we hope that somebody out there of a higher consciousness is listening to us there are spiritual laws the same way i can violate gravity and violate other laws and reap the consequences of my disobedience or ignorance that is the same way i can stumble into a spiritual law i do not know and activate its operation unconsciously and suddenly begin to see certain things manifest physically are you hearing what i'm saying and then on the other hand i can deactivate the operation of a spiritual law without knowing and begin to receive a ripple effect in the physical are you following me now so it seems to me like the journey of many christians is is is a blind dashing into spiritual laws we are not exactly sure sometimes we touch something that activates prosperity and has that happened to you for weeks you find out that favor is coming everything is happening and then it's like something happens and it's short there are times that you find out that everything you say in prayer comes to pass and then other times you pray and it's as if you are talking to yourself hallelujah there are times you suddenly step into a dimensional seasons and you are having dreams every night and everything you see is coming to pass and then certain times what is responsible for this opening and closing of the gigs of the spirit this is what i want to teach you the reality of spiritual news even for preachers there are times you stand to preach and you sense an unusual open heavens you are just ministering and my goodness scriptures that you you read years ago that you cannot even quote normally suddenly come to your mind and you are quoting them verbatim and other times it looks like you stand and you are wondering i hope i'm not messing up listen if you get what i'm teaching you you will keep certain portals of the spirit open perpetually hallelujah certain people have touched this realm in different forms hallelujah now watch this the fundamental principle i want us to understand as we explore this very sensitive teaching because what i'm going to be saying will wrap to many of us hallelujah some of the things that i'm going to be saying will challenge us but i want you to follow me the fundamental principle i want you to have at the back of your mind is that everything created belongs to god you will see the advantage of this statement as we progress everything created belongs to god secondly all power belongs to god hallelujah all power psalm 62 verse 11 please quickly psalm 62 verse 11 he says once have i spoken and twice have you heard that all power everybody shout all power all power you went to school what is your understanding of all power meaning if there is any performance that ever occurs any manifestation of the supernatural in the earth to any degree was either a release or a corruption of power that came from god please follow me [Music] god has spoken once twice i have heard this that power belongs to god look up please when a magician takes a white handkerchief please follow me tonight and waves it and brings out a dove out of it what happened what happened hallelujah when a magician slices himself into half and holds the remaining half of him and is walking and bastardizes your knowledge of physics and biology what exactly is happening listen to me he said once have i spoken twice in other words i emphasize it as a weakness that all power belongs to god that means the central force in the realm of the spirit is not astrology it's not the constellation the seat of power in the spirit is god himself just follow me every religion is the hybrid of a man's pursuit to uncover and look for this mystery entity that we call god and over time what has happened is listen falling angels you know i spoke to you about the pre-adamite dispensation we spoke a bit about that right reality is that predate genesis 1 you find that in job 38 right the creation we spoke a bit now last year this year the creation of angels and all of these things right now watch this let me show you a few mysteries in the bible have you read in your bible that stars fought for a woman called the border question was she a non-believer have you had that thing that stars fought for the border have you had people mention statements like you were born with 10 stars whether you believe it or not just follow me i'm not teaching you scientology i'm provoking you to be mature just listen to me are you following me now many of us come from different cultural backgrounds where at one point or the other they have brought somebody to your house hello baba mama whatever the shop brought somebody to your house and he was able to do certain things whether he used cola not whether he used whatever and he began to unveil certain things either revealed the person that stole is that true stole money or meat or light is that true and then he began to reveal some things how many of you have seen people who are not born again they have never given their life to christ yet they have functioning what you know to be word of knowledge is that true in certain tribes they call them those whose head has opened is that true people who can see beyond certain things listen god has spoken once let it be known to you that when it comes to the realm of the spirit there are not many forces there is one force everything revolves around him his name is god almighty whether we accept to call him god almighty or not are you getting my point now so how come satan can manipulate power how come traditional rulers can manipulate power please follow me how come a man can look at this lady and say look [Music] you will not give birth case close he didn't ask her whether she had faith or not he just spoke on the strength of something he has been taught is that true how come people read magical books all kinds of books they tell them recite this and the moment they reside things start happening brothers and sisters am i telling a lie oh [Music] pastors have been afraid of confronting this issue because if we don't many of us will not know when we have entered witchcraft if all power belongs to god then whose power are which is using follow me if all power belongs to god then the religions that can turn the there's the video of a young guy that walked up on water physically he walked upon it huh he walked up on a building sideways and came down no pastor has done that at least i only know one bold pastor who decided he was prophet daniel the one that lions told him into business individual that's the closest thing that i know but the bible says once have i spoken twice that all so is it that god gave it to these demons no think about it go to zarya city and meet somebody and say i want a husband what's that thing that they carry love portion wealth portion all kinds of of things they give you and one young man is just moving and they blow something towards him he becomes absolutely confused right and starts pushing a lady helplessly until she does whatever she wants to do with it now think about that if the bible is telling the truth that all power belongs to god i have a question by the way to interest you to know that there are four thousand two hundred religions as of today in the world how many four thousand two hundred [Music] all the 4 200 religions where did they get their power from satan does not create anything is that clear do we all agree question was god sleeping did they steal some of the power without his seed what is the mystery behind the seeming strengthening of wicked forces some of you have dreams and you see all kinds of spirits appear to you you are trying to call jesus they shut your mouth with all your knowing of jesus jesus understand and they love question who empowered them if satan was created are you prepared for this year of the reign we're going to talk we're going as deep as god will help us go because we must answer some questions let me tell you when you answer these questions you will start laughing at what is to make you cry because when you see it you know that ah this is the one plus one this is what made it happen and i told you that every time you catch a light what happens in the spirit grace is given to you to walk in that reality so you can see five people struggling over a demon go out go out and you will only pass no prayer light the spirits know what they are seeing you see that because the strength of evil is darkness the bible calls them rulers of darkness not rulers of light whenever there is darkness they are authorized to rule all religions of the world claim to connect people to wealth to joy to happiness to life to peace and to god or some kind of higher cosmic power for assistance that's the whole behind every world religion is that not true if somebody comes to take you now and says maryann i want you to be part of the confucius religion you think you will just come won't i promise you something i'll promise you wealth and happiness i'll promise you that whatever you want speak certain things and it will happen right if marianne speaks it and it happens should we invite sheikh and say sheikh it's easier than that or nothing you are doing firstly i don't believe it when life presses her to the wall she will adopt it the strength of this religion is that the suffering of mankind is endless and so eventually people will search for solution anyhow are you getting me by the way many of these religions have their branches in africa you would think that our suffering or our our backwardness in technology will make us say what is all this find out how many africans they are not christians they are not muslims they are not hindus right they are something else and they have followers [Music] there is an acclaimed personality in this nation i i told you that i've repented from mentioning names acclaimed personality who i think for 48 years or dare about i don't know if it was him or or his brother or somebody who never came out never came out for about 48 years look even if you are sitting down for 48 years however somehow the devil must come upon you he must land upon your life and interact with you sacrifices that men have made now the question is brothers and sisters if god is good and god is great and he does not assume evil what would be the explanation to the seeming empowerment preachers have thought that the power you have the power satan has is your power or he connected did he collect it collected back the question how did he collect it you know we generalize things that we all people demon is working with something that is solely unprovable hallelujah you prayed about something the answer did not come your brother said come let's go and visit somebody they visited the person in two days the answer came is that true it's true you gave thanksgiving in church but we really know where that answer came from is that true a woman cries to god comes we preach us and we prophesy in the name of jesus i command that cancer to go nothing went is that true they just respect us and don't publish anything on the newspaper and they quietly go and meet another person and they invoke things and they have the baby and women of god come and claim the glory it's better let's sit down and ask ourselves the truth and answer these questions or keep telling lies there are many people telling lies in church many of the miracles people claim to get in church i am telling you they got it outside the church they consulted a lot of powers there are families today who will never give their children a marriage until they want a certain people and they confirm is that true whether whether you're a pastor whatever you believe keep your westernization they will go and consult even if it means them buying goat ram sheep human being they will consult [Music] is that true what then is this mystery there are five religions major religions out of the 4200 the first is hinduism the second is buddhism the third is islam the fourth is christianity and the fifth is new age there's no time and it's not within the scope of the teaching to tell you what this individual sect if i would call them belief there are others who believe like the hindus for instance hindus believe there is one great god but he expresses himself in many ways meaning there are many ways to approach him right so they can have many kinds of deities or envoys that help you communicate to this god and they believe in several doctrines of reincarnation buddhism many people think buddhism worship buddha no they just feel that buddha is the person who has been able to attain that highest level of consciousness as they call it and so they model after his life same with all the other religions new age is the recent teachings that was perpetrated by the kingdom of darkness under new age you are god he said it's a little stealing away from the bible all these religions there's no time i would have proven to you that they all have their origin from the bible that's why they can't prove to any christians that's why christians are the most vulnerable is that true they take bible and show you what supports their belief and you say wow this thing is in the bible meaning god must support it there comes that theory that all roads still lead to the same god have you had those those devilish teachings and some people tell you don't worry when you go to the habalis you say look don't be scared with all this color and what i'm doing is still the same things just different ways of invoking the same god and then he invokes the color note and he says psalms one verse three has ah sam saba i know psalms go ahead right to now justify that because psalms 1 was mentioned god is in it is that true what deceit what this is all power belongs to god now watch this i want you to know this the fallen angels hallelujah those we call the fallen angels have taught us but i'll repeat it again just for the sake of establishing a few things the falling angels when they came to the earth please listen to me they interacted with men and part of that interaction was responsible for supplying certain deep information don't forget that they were all in heaven right certain laws are god's own laws and they are made to happen how many of you go to the farm and pray and fast for crops to grow please tell the truth after you sow you go back and say oh god no once you sow it to the earth you go back a man can kill another man and steal his land and sow and still leave a bumper harvest because of the existence of physical laws so it is god has put spiritual laws are you getting my point now for spiritual laws to walk please come i'm establishing something concerned for spiritual laws to walk in the spirit a spirit must assist you in activating its operation are you getting the rules for any spiritual law at all to walk there must be a spirit entity that will assist you it is in partnership with a spirit before any spiritual law can be activated so if i am a magician and i'm doing a lot of abracadabra for instance there must have been a spirit that was invoked appeased or a demand displaced upon him is that true now let's explain our traditional festivals what happened what is the whole goal of many traditional festivals the first are peace certain spirits either with people who must die or sacrifices and when those spirits are at peace the mediums that interface between the realm of the spirit and the physical realm let the people know that ah this goat the spirit has eaten it although you are seeing a physical good the priest ends up eating the flesh physically the honorary everything goes to the priest but i'm saying that the whole goal is that the sacrifice has been received is that true that's what happens no man by his strength can activate spiritual laws are you getting my point there must be the assistance of a spirit watch this i want to shock you now the holy spirit is not the only spirit that can activate spiritual laws [Music] just follow me the holy spirit is not the only spirit that can activate spiritual laws the spirits of dead men can activate spiritual laws ancestral spirits can activate spiritual laws demons and spiritual wickedness that operate in the heavenlies on the strength of the fact that they are spiritual entities they can guide men to activate spiritual laws watch this so there is a universal law in the spirit for anything to be of god and to carry to carry god's signature there is only one spirit that validates are you getting my point the holy spirit is the only spirit authorized the most holy spirit of god the only one authorized to activate any spiritual law such that god becomes involved and the glory goes to god are you getting my point that means watch this it is possible that i can use magic power and look at some and do a miracle a real miracle it happens but it did not happen by the spirit of god but because it is a manipulation of a spiritual law it will happen accurately are you getting what i'm saying that means i can give a woman a child but not by the spirit of god is that true i can use the advantage of my partnership with another spirit and remove cancer from her stomach and put back another spirit that means i can receive word of knowledge from a spirit accurate word of knowledge but not from god are you getting what i'm saying [Music] when you understand this listen to me you will hold the holy spirit as a matter of life and death are you getting my point now the problem with many men of god is when they started their journey they started with the holy spirit but they allowed their passion to make them leave the holy spirit so when the holy ghost said wait i'm schooling you in this area they said i've been there already i must enter prophecy i must enter this holy ghost you can go and another holy spirit another spirit really not holy another spirit continue the journey are you getting the point and because they seem to have been progressing in spiritual things that spirit of deception made them feel that is the continuation of the ministry of the holy spirit so although in them they feel something is wrong there is there is a mixing many men of god in this country around that we call fake are not fake even those who do magic most of what has happened is a pervasion are you getting me they went under certain people certain hands were laid in them and certain demonic forces were invoked to begin to walk with them and it activated certain possibilities and they started gaining knowledge on certain laws is god helping us or are you afraid of this teaching you will be changed his glory will be revealed when the spirit takes over your song [Music] you will be changed his glory will be revealed when the spirit takes over i know you will be changed his glory will be revealed when the spirit takes over your soul for you are being changed his glory has been revealed when the spirit is overdosed listen when you hear us talk a lot about the holy spirit and emphasize him it is because there are other spirits already and if you do not embrace the spirit of god you will meet with another one eventually the day you need a job you will meet with one hear me look up you never go to a herbalist and return the same way you came did you hear what i said you never impossible every man communicates to you out of the strength of the spirit that assists him if you come to me for help and i'm a magician and you are watching me do the magic you finish and say nice man you think you just left but you did not leave alone automatically that's why you return again someone makes you return the people inside and outside both those who wanted to come or did not come the spirit of the living god drew you is that true [Music] when you understand these brothers and sisters you will not be impressed just by everything that happens physically you will seek to know what is the motivation and the spirit behind the operation many of us are are very once you see supernatural things you are happy it doesn't matter whether i came from the pit of hell or wherever you are just happy right and right now we live in a generation where many people want to enter prophecy young people want to enter prophecy and and and they want to enter word of knowledge they want to enter dimensions now nothing is wrong with that it's because of the revival that is coming but satan is already preparing a major deception because he has seen it that's one of the reasons why i'm teaching this there is a major arsenal of deception that the devil wants to release to the nigerian church where there will be an outburst of a sinning outpouring but it's not the occurring of the holy ghost and you will see men move in charismatic dimensions you will see people do things like angels right almost no limits to their impossibilities and even they themselves would not know that they have been deceived are you seeing why the book of revelations and the rest prays that even the elect can be deceived i have prayed for many people in meetings anointed people ministers of the gospel and as i minister to them i may never get to tell them but they may think what they are receiving in that meeting was impartation what they were receiving was first deliverance from a strange spirit acts chapter 16 don't turn there remember a lady who had the spirit of divination is that true did she give people word of knowledge please answer me and the bible says when some businessmen found her they said you are exactly what you are looking for and they started using how you pay money to prophesy you think if the people were not getting resolved they will come back they were getting results she would say this will happen and it will happen and when paul had like paul so two spirits paul had a word of knowledge how to she had her own word of knowledge two spirits right and paul looks at her and she begins to say this a great man of god you know what she was looking for she was looking for partnership because human beings cannot descend the difference so that she knew that paul was only visiting the city so let's be friends so that when you leave the city they will say ah if paul is not here i am here pastors hear me you must be careful in this day and age the kinds of meeting and ministerial associations you join yourself with there are many of us they invite you everywhere to preach with everybody and your answer is yes sir you think you are saving sinners you will enter the midst of devils without knowing and they will corrupt the authenticity of the grace of god upon your life are you guessing what i'm saying it will be a three-day meeting you'll be the one to start first you will start and there will be mighty signs and wonders when you finish devils who come and hug you and you will snap together and then the next day people will come and they'll say just like the servant of god ministered yesterday we are continuing and people will catch strange spirit there are meetings people have gone to the moment they left the meeting lost came upon their lives and they started looking for ladies uncontrollably they fell under the anointing they rolled around and prayed in tongues and the brother got up with miracle power and love for girls confusion how can i be moving so much in the anointing right or somebody gets up and just begins to steal the reality of spiritual laws we constantly interact with this law watch this spiritual laws are very powerful because they are not only creative they can change realities in this physical realm i follow my teaching now that is the reason why a magician can hold a handkerchief and say sam hold it they say roll it and some will roll it and some will bring out a foul how those handkerchiefs change to a fire right what they simply did was to take advantage of the loss of creation and manipulate it are you getting my point and what is the goal the goal is to convince you to come into partnership with the spirit that is assisting them the spirit that is assisting them is not assisting them for nothing i hope you know that when jesus was on the earth he was not the only one doing miracles i hope you know remember there was a certain time the disciples were angry and they were complaining that there are some people that are doing miraculous somewhere jesus you are the happening man where did this and we are your older people so if it's not you it should be us where are these strangers coming from again and jesus made a very controversial statement he said whoever is not what against us is for us [Music] spiritual laws so the border could look at the stars and say stars i understand what you represent to the inhabitants of the earth align yourself in a way that the powers that the men use for war will not work and the bible says the stars fought for the borough with the permission of god joshua my name's sake in the bible what happened to him he looked at the sun and said if this sun goes down they are going to kill our people because of that sun stand still right daniel went to bed and the secret was revealed and he said oh king i know what you saw you saw a bean an image stand with the head of gold the breastplate of silver and you saw clay mixed with metal at his feet and he began to describe the fall of different empires the christian empire the babylonian empire and down to the new age that attempts to communicate towards virtual reality that's the last empire the feet that is a mixture of clay and iron one side the government is soft on another side the government is hard it's a mystery he saw it described [Music] brothers and sisters listen to me the the proof that god is in a thing is not just in the result but the spirit that initiates and sustains that process this is where i'm driving at the proof that a thing is of god the holy ghost must be both the initiator and the sustainer of that spiritual process otherwise it is fetish it is demonic it is from darkness even if it produces a real result i'm giving you the reason now is producing a real result because it was the manipulation of a physical law or a spiritual law and because of the advantage of the superiority of the realm of the spirit over the physical realm it will produce results watch this every spirit that initiates a process leaves a signature of itself upon that process are you hearing what i'm saying when julius burger builds what do they leave they build their their logo is that true if pw builds they leave everything meaning if satan gives a child he will leave his signature right if satan heals the sick he will leave his signature when you notice you will know the reason why many people do not experience complete deliverance or complete healing or many there are many reasons but the major reason is because satan comes to steal kill and to destroy so although he uses spiritual law there must be darkness in his operation so satan will give you a miracle that will create another problem right one miracle that creates another problem and you come to him he gives your family money and then gives another person the spirit of drunkenness where you come as drunkenness is being solved barriness follows right there is a signature one law being activated and causes another one that's why it is the blessing of the lord that can make rich and there will be no sorrow there is always a signature of darkness that signs upon whatever comes from satan please hear me tonight not every open door is anointed the fact if you force a door in the spirit it will open and to jesus christ [Music] there are secular musicians that sin and for those of us who used to listen to their songs or those who listen around us we pass by when you hear their voices you know that this voice is it has a glory that is not physical are you getting me spiritual laws manipulated but they must pledge allegiance to the spirit that assisted them that's why you listen to the music and physically you receive the glory that looks like from heaven but it does something to your spirit man because those laws help satan to continue his agenda in the earth is god speaking to us tonight so number one realize that there are spiritual laws number two realize that no man can activate the operation of spiritual laws until assisted by a spirit entity number three there are many spirits that can activate spiritual laws spirits of the dead all kinds of fallen spirits but god has only one spirit that is permitted authorized to search his heart and activate these laws according to his counsel for man and the name of that spirit is the spirit of the living god he's the holy ghost spirit of the leader [Music] he's the host is number one we have not allowed the spirit of god to teach us these operations of the spirit so that we can align ourselves with these laws of the spirit i mean just touch on one of the law maybe two of the laws really we'll just touch on two of those spiritual laws and then we just end because i want us to pray hallelujah praise the lord laws of the spirit watch this this guy is playing this did you know that he's activating a law a spiritual law what he's playing is a language your senses don't understand what your spirit understands it that's why you want to sit down and keep listening to it are you hearing what i'm saying the melodies you know why many people are addicted to secular music honestly it's not just that they are bad people is that those melodies are languages they draw your spirit but because those who sing them are fraternized with certain spirits they draw you and they induce the operation of certain strange spirits so you hear him play what is played he's playing the strings and this is doing something to your spirit man if he heavily sits down and you will keep enjoying and you will fall down but not under the anointing of the holy ghost you will fall down and stand up and something will land on you are you getting that now so it matters what spirit you sit it matters what spirit produces the result that you celebrate [Music] it matters not just that results are being produced brothers and sisters hear me if we do not rise to understand the loss of the spirit we who are the sons of light i want you to know that many people will run to the devil and he will give them the result they want by operating spiritual laws and take their souls in exchange if we do not rise to content for the power and the grace that will cause fruitfulness in the life of women they will go to babala was every day we can be grumbling and be calling everybody shake and calling everybody we have to be careful because some of us are the ones who are fake not just because we are going to have a list but we have refused to hold on to that which is real see that praise the lord the holy spirit must be the initiator and the sustainer of every spiritual knowledge we receive this becomes our only guarantee to escape our version the holy spirit is the only guarantee that will escape pervasion please let me surprise you and understand me you can take just this bible verbatim without the presence of the holy spirit you can still hold get into error are you getting me you can still hold the bible blindly and you will still get into error there are many people who go to herbalist i counsel a lot of people and some people come and meet me and they or their children or wives have gone to herbalist and they say they go to the harvard list and they see many books and they see holy bible holy bible was produced by a publishing company some of the people who produce this thing are not even born again is that true they are just doing business zonda van or whatever publishing company but it is the presence of the spirit of the living god meaning a demon spirit can still come upon this and give it another interpretation that's why every sect of the christian faith uses this but they got another interpretation by the interaction of strange spirits genesis 11 that's what happened to nimrod kush the origin of witchcraft nimrod pushed these fallen angels appeared to him in fact before genesis 11 the days of noah the bible says strange aliens started coming upon the earth is that true and they started sleeping with the daughters of men brothers and sisters our ladies are smart people do you think a ninja will just come with wings and horn and say um marianne i'm in love with you wouldn't you run if you see a beast with tale with horn says before he says i'm in love you will run away these beings were not daft they came and walked like men i told you angels don't have wings and there is no record of angels with wings in the bible those who have wings are shadow beings in fact angels appeared with they act with people in the bible is it not true angels act with people in the bible when the angel appeared to mary she didn't say i'm afraid she wondered what the salutation not the angel meaning they have been seeing them when the angel appeared to zachariah and all of these kinds of people it is the seraphs that cover cartoon themes have have created these things based on their interpretation and now we're not criticizing them but they have not helped us to understand the reality of spiritual things hallelujah are we following now shiva kapoor i sense the presence of god there are so many spiritual laws i want you to know that if i ask you what are the physical laws you will name them sir isaac newton in his study of mechanics came up with several laws right there they are fundamental laws first second third law there are all kinds of laws loss of turbo dynamics conservation of matter physics and chemistry has all kinds of love newton's law of universal gravitation there are all kinds of law chemistry lectured layers principle of equilibrium all kinds the scrolling guide question all of these things are men and women coming together in an attempt to explain laws there are laws that guide our understanding into quantum physics right when we do chemistry qualitative analysis and all of that we try to use the colors or or the things that emanate from solutions to be able to help us know what um i don't know whatever it is that is there all of these are physical laws in the same way there are spiritual laws spiritual laws spiritual loss bless you sound sorry [Music] hallelujah let's touch on two of these laws can we [Music] i read an article [Music] there is a powerful series on finance when we are teaching that one will share it but let me give you the preview the anchor scripture to that that series is thou anointes my head with oil and my run it over there was a relationship between the anointing on his head and the running over of the cup thou anointed my head with oil and my running over hallelujah now a wealthy man was once asked what the secret of his wealth was and i got to find out that all he said was he found an ancient manual right emmanuel that dates 2 300 years ago written by a greek philosopher that manual they seemed they said consumed to contain some magic powers that even if you read just the title alone fortune to begin to come to you i know some of you with all these messages say where is that manual i can ask god for forgiveness where is that manual repair this is the year of the raid many of you guys have suffered it doesn't matter what where is that some of you got browsing after this this meeting is there an online version let me cook my read it and come for miracle service hallelujah that means you know what this illuminati and secret societies and all these occultic organizations do they are men and women who interacted with the spirit beings and they revealed to them a lot of these spiritual laws they revealed to them that this universe is not your son they reveal to them that air is not just air water is not just water and they have excellently archived this principle through centuries right let me tell you these were the very principles that kings used did you hear that in ancient times king had kings had scrolls and certain things were written in fact part of the writings were magic formulas that would open certain doors you see them in some of the films that you watch all these things where an aberration of spiritual laws what does that tell you that means truly all things are available for life and godliness if we can allow the holy spirit take the word of god and guide us all things are really possible hallelujah one of the most prominent business law among many business people is what they call the law of attraction i i don't believe it in that sense and that lord teaches that it is a is an extension of of newton's law of universal gravitation that the earth is a living thing right and it begins to say all kinds of things and it credits the power to modern nature it makes it look like modern nature is supervising our activities as that's demonic from the pit of hell the devil will never give credit to god and they have used it and made children brilliant in school they have used those laws how many of you have have have seen all these things they spoke about they speak about hypnotism and all of this so i know i'm stretching you tonight some of you are wondering who am i now am i a christian listen i'm training you because one day many of you who want to go abroad you will go abroad and you will look for living faith and dynamics and redeem you will not find anywhere the only one you'll find is a temple a temple you must greet the priest to resume your work and once you go there they will look at you and when you will not bow they will ask you questions and you're saying i was taught abc and they loved is it really you know lack of exposure is what is making some of us comfortable with this our christianity because we think the whole world is like zarya when you go out of this place and see the way people hate god you will know you need more to stand [Music] is that true that's why god refuses from going abroad because you would have given up you would have converted two days that you'd have left god by the time they bamboos your mind and then they tell you okay just read this portion and you read this portion and you go out and people start calling you from nigeria and sending you money so what is going on ah say let me read the other parts that i didn't read again you think you wouldn't do it hallelujah and the holy spirit has guided me through these spiritual laws a lot of them have been preached in the body of christ but even those who have preached them have not preached them with the level of revelation and gravity they just preached them because one person had another man of god preaching hallelujah number one my goodness pray in tongues for one minute say lord open my eyes something is about to change in your life now i've had several encounters through the word of god i'm about to share with you i've read it in books over the years but when god began to open me up to it it changed my life forever [Music] proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 let's see how far god will help us we have to stop somewhere to pray what you are about to learn must change you i'm telling you you will be so changed you will be surprised many of you will carry the presence of god you will carry the glory of god you will see breakthroughs happen in your life in ways that will surprise you everybody read please want to read [Music] just the first portion the first clause one to read [Music] listen the bible says as a man think it in his heart this is so he will become so he already is as a man thinketh in his heart i learned and i have seen it i taught the heads of department during a retreat a bit of it and the lord has permitted me to share this now that your life listen to me your environment and the quality of your life is a reflection of both your mindset and the sum total of your belief system listen to me your life the quality of your life today the quality of your life the quality of your environment the quality of the works of your hands and the things that you do is a direct reflection of your ideologies a direct reflection of your perceptions about god about life about wealth above whatever it is the bible says as a man thing get in his heart that means your life will eventually open up and reveal to the physical what is in your heart a powerful spiritual law that your life and your environment will eventually become a reflection of your reality my goodness my goodness that means heaven is a revelation of god's mindset heaven is a reflection of the excellency of his thoughts earth is a reflection of the mindset of mankind selfishness watch this i don't know if it was last week or so that that i said it i think i shared it during the retreat take a security man is that true take him to the office assuming you have a a corporation with three story buildings the last story building belongs to the ceo take the security man to that story building leave him there for two weeks that office will start reflecting his mindset right immediately because when the man sits on that chair his mindset will refuse that reality first he will feel he does not qualify for it and then second he will be afraid because he would think that after a while they will come and take it so you say let me steal and loot the first thing is you will remove whether what did i say that day stabilizer he would steal the stabilizer and run away and sell it i said how can you put it the big stabilizer ten thousand is it i mean the light is regulated from nepal on oh oh what what they call them power holding company praise god so he will steal it the next time he will see a beautiful artwork and you say how much will they sell this one please you say twenty thousand i say one sell it there are two sell one and leave one right you give him a glass cup he says no package them together let's sell it buy me a rubber cop please i'm contented his mindset is already playing out he will step into the place dirty and won't clean it right he will eat food and leave it there he will lead that document he will take any piece of paper and clean water with it not knowing what the document is at the end of two weeks that office has reflected his ideology that's why those who get who wants to be a millionaire none of them ends up being a two millionaire after five years because what the what they have gotten does not subscribe to the truth the principles that brought it you never become wealthy by receiving dash money i'm telling you this there are people who receive hundred thousand every month maybe from parents or well-wishers but the revelation they have about prosperity about god about money drives wealth away from them is that true are you getting me there are men of god whose churches you will never see miracles happen because there is a mindset about miracles they have that will never allow the holy spirit to bless people is that true they don't want to see anybody fall under the anointing they don't disturb us with noise we want order in this church and because of that although they are god-fearing the holy spirit wants to do great things but their ideology so listen to me the only way to change your life is to change your mindset and your perception listen to me i was teaching the leaders and i taught them this i told them do you know why some ministries have the best of everything have you wondered why you see certain ministries the best key bodies the best computer people the best sound people let me tell you why because the the the mindset of that man right will bring to that ministry people who are consistent with this ideology there goes the same births of the same faith as the what so the bible says this in proverbs chapter four now right 4 23 it says guard your heart you see that with all diligence this is the bible it says keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it and what the issues the quality of your life is locked up within your mindset i believe god for anything i believe god can take this ministry to any height hallelujah i do not ever believe that there can be limitations in the work of god that's my mindset right that's why you see members of living faith for instance they are men of faith because they are a reflection of the conviction of the founder being a man of rugged faith a living faith you hear that a man died and they carried him and robbed oil from his head to his toe till he came back and they come to testify do you have the gods to do that kind of thing he's a living faith you hear that a man died for three days his wife was up with the man on the bed and said you are still my husband you are alive and after three days he comes back to life he did not need to necessarily change them he first changed himself listen if you are not changed your words will not carry power your words only reflect the authority based on the change that has occurred in you that's why see let me tell you if creflo dollar or any of these people who are really wealthy come right now and teach you on prosperity some of you will be crying and you hate poverty forever not necessarily because what they are sharing is deep they are communicating their reality if some comes and holds the might and begins to worship what he is reflecting to you is an overflow of his reality the deposit of the anointing within him are you hearing what i'm saying that's why you can listen to another musician and nod your head and frank edwards for instance can sit on this keyboard and play the same song and you are crying brothers and sisters leaders influence people by becoming the change they want the people to be right that means when i become convicted by my ideologies it will influence your perception and it will be easy to change you that's why the more successful a man becomes the easier it becomes to influence others because his life now has sufficient testimonies are we getting blessed many of us want to see changes in our lives in 2015. hear me change will never come if you are still blaming people you and god in partnership with his word are the only requirements for that change to come if you do not allow the word of god to renew your mindset i promise you you will never get anything in your life that has not first become a reality and a deposit in your spirit is somebody hearing what i'm saying that's where it is out of this that all kinds of religions bring a lot of metaphysics and what they call um astral meditation right so they tell you put a picture of the jeep and you look at it and say ah they say now see yourself in the jeep you say i'm driving you see that is madness but i'm only trying to tell you that they stole those laws they are an aberration a corruption of spiritual laws that's why whenever god wants to bless a man god convinces you and makes sure you agree with him if you don't agree with him it will never happen in your life for a long time god kept telling abraham i want to change you abraham could not get it because of his idol worship mentality and god said come out i don't know what to do to come out he says start counting the stats abraham was counted and he was seeing a counter means god said just continue and his mind was acclimatizing and abraham said wow and the bible says finally abraham believed and it was counted unto him for righteousness when the angel appeared to give you obedience ah don't deceive me the angel took time he didn't quarrel gideon because he knew that if gideon did not agree with him nothing will happen and gideon said i need to let the cloth be wet let the ground be dry he said no problem if that's what it takes to adjust your mindset to authorize us go ahead and gideon said now don't be offended let the cloth be dry i want to convince myself when mary said how shall these things be gabriel owned iron explanation and it took time to explain and she said i believe although i've never seen how a woman gives back without a man what i believe and he said beat unto me according to your word instantly she got pregnant zechariah had seen a lot of spiritual laws that's why when he doubted gabriel said let's shut them out of this man he's going to use the next spiritual law i'm about to teach you to change what we want to do is somebody learning something hear me this is what makes ministry easy i never spend time just wondering how do we publicize to get crowd coinonia will be a reflection of the quality of both the spiritual the intellectual and the physical ideologies of the leaders you change the system by changing the leaders as you can what i'm saying many of our fathers did not change themselves they took one bottle of buddha and slapped you when you took one cup did you change you see that because they have become a reality for you and they're saying if i catch you drinking that's the guy i'll kill you one buy me a buddha job they just finished talking to you and they said one bite please hear me if you want to see changes in your life you are going to have to find out what ideologies have kept me where i am there are some of you who never believe god can bless you right as you are looking at me right now if god even says he will give you a hundred thousand you say amen you know that kind of unbelieving amen listen let's not make god look like a liar this is the year of the rain there are some of you who god wants you to walk in levels of anointing you have never seen there are some of you who want to god wants you to walk in certain depths but do you believe him there is nothing god has told me that have not believed i don't announce things till i'm sure i've believed it when i believe it i don't care who believes it again so be it the word of the lord will come to pass when god told noah he said reign is coming you that act do you think noah just said yes sir no no i would have said god my name is noah your name is yahweh you are almighty we are not the same convince me convince me when noah was convinced after 120 years based on x timing he still didn't give up we talked about abraham who waited 25 years what of noah noah waited 120 years i'm sure people say look when we were 50 years when i gave back to three children this stupid man was busy building this act he has been searching for golfer wood around the whole world to build searching for gum searching for a lot of things and then when he finished we now saw him going to the jungle looking for every kind of bed imagine what they would have told his wife say madam did you have to marry this man but listen one day one day his confidence in god surely listen you may be tightened now you are seeing what god is doing in your life you are seeing the anointing of the spirit upon your life it may not show the bible says why we look not at the things that are what sin but the things that are unseen i'm giving you a scripture approved is that for the things that are seen award temporal that means there is a level of confidence and renewal that can change anything you see before you [Music] brothers and sisters do you believe this pastor jacks is here he will testify right from when the ministry this used to be all of us will form an erroneous here we form a circle and all just sit down on the floor i made certain statements like you should right for today and listen this is not even it yet you wait and see what god will do with us oh i believe him i believe him absolutely carve upon my heart this truth that sets me free according to you do you know your academic situation can change please i'm speaking to somebody do you know your destiny can change if you keep thinking we are the helpless nigerians i guarantee you after 50 years you will celebrate golden jubilee suffering but i will feed nations ah i may be robbing cannot oilers as vaseline but if they will come why we look not brothers and sisters as i look at you i don't see the weak you that's why i say as i look at you i see nations nations sister who told you you will not be the mother of nations i'm 30 years so what so what about 30 years would you stand and say i saw when i was 23 i know that the lord told me i'm giving birth to a prophet and it's going to arise that vision is still there i am convinced yeah the things that we see are subject to change one day you are taking your butt and you see growth and tumors all around your body you just say hey this is how i'm going to die cancer and the devil said not just cancer 5 brother fibroid notice do you know that many sick people may carry certain sicknesses for years and never fall sick because doctor has not told them now dr zombie don't be sad i'm just saying because you you did not know it was not your reality many men were carrying prostate cancer carrying all kinds of things many ladies carrying fibers carrying a lot of things and nothing happened to them but the day they looked and said do you know do you really know the implication of ss are you aware that the way that this has been happening you won't get a child in fact the way we are looking cut is your womb self it's not looking like the woman [Music] and you now start saying that means no marriage a godly brother comes and say my brother i'm beating you you i don't want you to suffer in this life reality i hope you are laughing and you are see i'm telling you the secret to some of these results that you see these are my contemplations those who know me know that my reality is defined i never surround myself with nonsense you don't come around me gossiping and gossiping and speaking because i know that i am absolutely in control this has become the mirror to my world this is how i see things i only see things consistent when i'm going for a meeting i know there will be an outpouring of the spirit i don't care whether they have faith or not i don't care whether they can believe or not whether they are instrumental is to charge the atmosphere or not is irrelevant when i step there i know that i bring an atmosphere i carry my own spiritual climate me and the holy spirit a team [Music] the workers in this ministry have received of this spirit that's why in the afternoon the arrangers and the dress who guarantee them that you are coming did you sign a form we have in the same spirit of faith as it is going on you are hearing tonight we are only 23 or 24 days into january you can sit down with this your belief system and you will celebrate christmas in this condition or you can rise up ah but i know people who love god they have died i know people who love god things have happened brothers and sisters we are talking about you here not your neighbor the just shall live by his faith hallelujah do you believe this i read the story of somebody 109 years still alive in fact three women they were even putting makeup 109 years alive and strong in the midst of this wicked world they don't expect what do you expect in your life see these are powerful spiritual laws [Music] the second law give me five minutes genesis chapter one verse three quickly please the creative power of words i know that we have been taught that words are powerful but i want to show you the spiritual dimension of words there is a reason why god called himself the word you know why god named himself the word it says and god did what and god not and god wished not and god expected not and god complained he said the earth was dark and void and formless and god the talking spirit said the word said there doesn't mean and god declared what it meant was god commanded it to be so the word said there does not just mean and god recited no god didn't recite anything say i'm healed i'm healed that's recitation you are not talking what many people have been talking in the body of christ that they are calling confession is recitation i'm telling you this the word confess comes from the greek word homologio is not just repeat what you say is you are giving an empowerment to say it i prophesied as i was commanded he said and god said let there be light and there was light and you read the verses down the line it says and god said and he saw and god said and he saw and god said and he saw listen to me words are powerful because when you speak a word it activates spiritual laws and activates other laws listen to me there are many laws that make realities to walk the key to activating their operation is in words have you heard what i'm saying so when you speak whether you realize it or not something is loose and something is time it depends on what is loose and what is that please follow me the bible says how did he put it now whatsoever you buy right do you bind just by tying a rope jesus looked at a victory and he didn't need to say the law of fruitfulness cease operation from this tree the law of regeneration stop i command the fertilizer don't enter the root again you just use words and activate all the laws that needed to be activated for that tree to shrink are you hearing what i'm saying so instead of lending all the laws god gives you the keys that activates them are you getting what i'm saying so when i declare and i say i am healed i release a lot of spiritual laws are you hearing what i'm saying if we stand now and i declare say in the name of jesus the power of god will start moving in this place suddenly you hear people falling and shouting why didn't it happen now listen the words that i'm speaking are activating both the operation of angels the manifestation of the holy spirit our words activate the dimension of god that is revealed in the meeting that's why we're during miracle service the worship people sing songs that invoke that dimension are you getting what you're saying if you know this you will know that from morning till night some of you have activated wars and tragedies in your life are you hearing what i'm saying listen let's let me show you a few scriptures our time i've been fighting i'm sorry we've been closing so late we'll see what we can do about it it's just the passion in my heart psalm 141 verse 3 media please help us let's rush so that we get up and round up [Music] psalms 141 verse 3 it says set a watch oh lord before where and do what keep it though knowing that every time i speak my mouth didn't just open a door open in the spirit the opening of my mouth is the opening of a door in the spirit it says set a watch oh god this my mouth can leave me in trouble so set a watch set a watch over my mouth number chapter 14 verse 28. [Music] very quickly everyone read want to read 28 28 say unto them as truly as i live sayeth the lord as ye have spoken in my ears so i will do what as i hear you say not wish he said let the redeemed of the lord he already called you with him but he said saith let the shield of the lord says so let the prosperous of the lord say so let the anointing of the anointed of the lord say so they are not reminding themselves they are activating that reality everybody say when i speak i activate realities say it again when i speak i activate spiritual laws that's right it depends on what law you activate but something must be activated when you understand this you will know that words are expensive let's look at just two more verses proverbs 18 verse 21 if you can look at that proverbs 18 you can write it down father you reign great are you lord you are greatly to be praised listen death and life are where did he say that and life are on top of your head did he say that and life are it says death and life are in the power the proceeds of the tongue and like a seed take that love it shall eat the fruit that grows from that seed the bible says the seed is the word in the parable of the sower what is the seed meaning every time you speak you sow the seed is that true he said the seed is the word [Music] so when i begin to speak even in tongues i'm sowing i'm activating loss in the spirit when i begin to pray my day is blessed in the name of the lord jesus i am lifted i'm activating spiritual laws and i authorize the spirit of god to begin to schedule opportunities to schedule certain things and you find out that after prayer you activate loss of favor as you are stepping out you bump into your destiny helper you call it coincidence the bible calls it life that your tongue released that's why job said what i have feared most has come upon me proverbs 13 verse 3 proverbs 13 verse 3 [Music] please let's read it together he that at his mouth stop how do you keep your life insurance answer me i'm not against insurance do life assurance life insurance but the bible the written word of god the leading logos he that keep how do you keep your life in the spirit by keeping your mouth papa hagin said this kenneth copeland said this those guys said these things so many people i speak life i speak life [Music] i speak like he said i said before you life i'm dead i said before you blessing and cursing but i can only advise you choose he said he that keeping his mouth keep it what he said but he that opened it wide his lips speaking nonsense any day anytime and saying it does not matter it says that he shall have what as a fruit brothers and sisters listen ladies when we are awake when we are about to pray in the midst of your prayer you will lay your hands on your womb and pray and say no devil no devil are you hearing what i'm saying some of you are afraid right now the rate at which ladies are scared of fibroids is alarming you are just eating too much you look at your stomach i say this this thing this is how it starts i have the power to create and i have the power to destroy the power of words is in its ability to activate spiritual laws that's what i want you to know many of us have been taught that what are powerful but what makes it powerful words are keys in the spirit they activate laws so now it's not just blind confession oh i'm rich i'm rich i'm rich i'm rich i see you are reciting a magic formula no that's madness you speak out of the abundance of knowledge that when i declare that i am blessed i am activating something you wait until we have the other series that we have there are so many things that you will learn this year two laws you have learned tonight the first one is that there are spiritual laws and that one of the laws listen is that to change your outside you change what is inside stop wasting your time whatever you don't like outside get the renewal the mind component of what you want outside bill johnson got it right when he wrote the book the supernatural power of a transformed mind i don't expect this ministry to ever go down who keeps speaking it will keep rising i expect every one of you in this year to break on every side and whenever i pray for you that's what i pray i don't pray blindly and say lord your will be done i know what his will is his will is not fake his spirit has revealed his will in his word i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in hell even as thy soul prosper so i know the thoughts that i think to what you said the lord they are thoughts of good and not of evil to bring you a future an unexpected end hallelujah rise up on your feet we're going to pray we'll pray for just five minutes but i want us to take this serious because as we are praying something will be happening to you lift your voice and thank him for the word the reality of spiritual laws bless him bless him for the word don't realize what you have received it has changed kings it has made champions you only arise and shine when your light comes and then the glory of the lord rises upon you suplex [Music] three quick prayer points prayer point number one you are going to say lord let the ministry of the holy ghost be strong in my life so that you will open me up to these deep mysteries lift your voice and pray [Music] pray [Music] no matter your spiritual level even if you are just visiting for the first time pray from the depths of your heart [Music] lift your voice and pray it's [Music] holy spirit overshadow me in a new dimension open me up through the mysteries and the depths and the dimensions [Music] hallelujah hallelujah prayer point number two you are going to pray and say lord whatever needs to change in my life for my the quality of my life to change let the word of god change it change my inner reality change my mindset lift your voice and cry passionately your life is at the mercy of this prayer lord i desire new level of excellence a new level of grace a new level of possibility in my life go ahead and pray help me to believe in you help me to believe in you help me to believe in you as a healer help me to believe you are able help me to believe you are mighty change my mindset change my perception change my perception about prosperity change my perception about protection change my perception about spiritual power change my perception about my academics change my perception about my marriage changed my perception about my ministry about my business about my job about my hospital about my wife about my organization lift your voice and pray your life is a reflection an eventual reflection of your convictions of your perceptions oh it's a powerful spiritual law i pray you believe it i pray you believe hallelujah last prayer point father imprinting my spirit the revelation that my words are powerful go ahead and pray imprinting me lord i cancel every negative word that i've spoken in my life i cancel it by the blood of jesus confessions i made when i was angry i cancelled it by the blood of jesus dangerous loss i activated that killed favor in my life [Music] confessions that killed my prayer life professions that killed my my integrity lift your voice and pray koinonia outside make sure you are praying no matter how far you are no matter how far you are connect with us in prayer hallelujah hallelujah now find a neighbor and for the next one minute i'd like you to activate laws over that person's life activate favor activate grace activate hunger for spirituality close every thought of witchcraft close every door of failure find a serious neighbour that came to calinonia to pray leave your voice and pray i bless this house in the name of jesus i command favor upon your people i command favor i command long life i saw seeds of greatness i saw seeds of power i released the operation of the holy ghost upon lies upon families i command supernatural dreams i command visions i release encounters with the holy ghost encounters with the spirit of might encounters of feather encounters of power i command no dead no accident no terrorism no bomb blast no witchcraft in the name of jesus the son of the living god i command every law that has been activated that is being manipulated by darkness over your life to bring failure to bring walls i cancel it by the blood of the eternal covenant bless your neighbor i bless you i bless you i bless you let the fountain of the heavens be opened for you let men look for you may they bless you may you become the subject of discussion i bless your academics i change your results i change your genotype i command promotion to your job increasing your ministry increasing your business increasing your anointing hallelujah lift your hands listen what i'm teaching you now is the true spirit of prophecy many people speak but the problem is we we have not been taught what happens in the spirit when you speak in one minute i want to release words of your life listen now you know what happens listen demonic spirits enchantments and spells all they do is to activate laws against you that's all that happens when they enchant things the bible says in job chapter 5 that you will be delivered from the scorching tongues of men men use their tongues to tie your destiny men use their tongues to tie your womb but i come tonight with the rod of a higher priesthood lift your hands and receive this prophecy in the name that is above all means i command opportunities i command opportunities i command favor in the name of the son of the living god i command favor i activate favor from the realm of the spirit the reign of favor the reign of goodness the reign of favor the land of goodness in the name of jesus christ i speak against every infirmity that has challenged your body the power that spoken into pain i caused that power and i command that that infirmity leaves your body now these ants that are lifted may men bring finances to that hand i prophesied in the name of the lord jesus that this week that is coming these hands that are lifted i tell you many of you will return with testimonies in the name of jesus christ whatever manipulates your intelligence so that you don't understand what is taught whatever tears the devil sowed among the wheat in the name that is above all names i release you from that power now hear heavy anyone here who has been caused by your parents they did not know they were angry but they didn't know they activated a law that has made things work against you i stand under this apostolic office tonight i reverse that law in the name of jesus i reverse that law in the name of jesus for everyone that cause you i bless you i bless you some of us everything works for everybody until it gets to your tongue things are so hard a little thing you have to suffer in the name of jesus in this year of the reign i prophesy upon your life let supernatural peace come to your life whoever must call you and help you and open the door for your next level wherever they are in the name of jesus the same way wise men saw the star and they went to jesus with gifts i call them wherever they are may they come to you in the name of jesus i release upon you grace beginning from today whatever you do will prosper every enchantment that killed your prayer life so you stop speaking you stop waking up in the night to pray and orchestrate things powers were involved to make you sleep and not wake up and pray right now i stretch my hands to the heavens and in the name of the god of heaven i command your spells broken may your prayer life resurrect in the name of jesus give me the grace to wake up in the night and speak into the womb of the morning i release that grace upon you ladies whoever has called you weak and whoever said you will not amount to anything in the name of the lord jesus i cancelled that statement now in the name of jesus hear me whatever your life has been associated with before now sickness failure lack of spiritual fire my captain in the name of jesus i changed that situation now i changed that situation now i changed that situation now hear me any human agent responsible for where you are except i am not called of god in the name of jesus we release a sword of judgment we release a sword of judgment i say it again that if there is any human agent that has participated in the downfall of your life your finances and your family i command judgment now i command judgment now look at the brother that shared the testimony whatever wants to tie you that when others are moving you will not move forward in the name of jesus i release you today in the name of jesus hallelujah [Applause] john 14 verse 21 john 14 21 the clearest proof don't just say i fear god no there are exact parameters to measure i love the kingdom it doesn't lead you to confusion you can know here and now right now i don't care whether you've been a preacher for 20 years i don't care whether you cry if any song is being raised the bible says she that had my what so is one thing to have it is that true and does what and keep it them it is that loves me that has respect and reverence for me and as a result he that loves me shall be loved of my father and i will love him and will manifest myself to him is that in your scripture that means god is saying i will come i will reveal dimensions to him he that obeys me is he that loves me it's not enough to just say i love you i share you there are so many believers talk is cheap first john 5 3 the bible gives us another very clear test first john 5 3. oh shibaka talaba somebody is changing in the name of jesus first john 5 verse 3 can we read together one to read for this is the word love of god that we keep his commandments and the bible says his commandments are not burdensome the word grievous there's the word burdensome hallelujah he said my yoke is easy and my body is light his commands are not burdensome please don't let anybody fool you there are laws in the kingdom i've said it these things are it's not the law of old testament it they are the laws that give structure to the kingdom the laws of the kingdom are like the skeleton in a man's body that's what gives form and structure in the kingdom [Music] hallelujah you must have the fear of the lord you must have the spirit of reverence so i can look at your life and know whether you fear god or not hallelujah don't say ah i fear god by faith even he knows there are exact parameters you're not walking in his ways you're not living by his principles and his value system don't tell me you fear god when you can you don't know the difference between church and a disco hall between well believers don't in this side of god's kingdom are not so involved in all those things again but there are all kinds of things we do and we believe listen please and please and i don't i don't mean this i don't mean this to um to discredit ministers and ministries in the body of christ but i've said it again and again that the message of grace is only an accurate message if it is accepted as part of the full gospel are you getting my point the whole gospel must be preached there is a level to which the grace message is taught and just tells you oh don't concentrate on your love for god concentrate on his love for you and concentrate on all of that and you know anything will happen everything has been done wonderful what then is the reward of obedience why then is there hell fire if everything is like that god must apologize to ananias and safaree don't you think so was it not in the new testament they fell down and they died why couldn't he have at least given them a chance maybe they would repent later on how could a loving god make the lake of fire [Music] hallelujah seven churches in in the book of revelation when god began to talk to them he was focused on their works i know your works i know your works is that in your bible brothers and sisters be careful hallelujah honor the body of christ but you must realize that if the gospel is not taught holistically it can lead people into errol there are a lot of people missing it and dancing around in ignorance believing are you getting my point let me share with you something that will surprise you dl moody many of you have read about him right d.l moody was a mighty evangelist of god and he came and preached for decades when the al moody died sir after 10 years they decided to do a like a little census to follow up the converts of dl modi please listen this is this is not an exaggerated statement hallelujah and they found out that only one out of 10 converts of dl modi were still standing in the faith are you getting what i'm saying i respect him i honor him hallelujah it was look at such a great man after laboring they found out that most of the people who are coming out in his meetings only one out of ten remain safe and we're still in the faith we're not talking of people who built ministries those who were still eligible to make heaven according to the standards of the word of god what happened to all the emotionalism that happened in those meetings and then they took the same sentence for a man called charles g finney hallelujah and they found out most of the great men you see most of the great men they were products of that man's survival when you got born again in his meeting you hear everything that keeps you in the faithful life something is wrong with our gospel it's not incorrect but it's not complete either there are missing sides that we must couple together brothers and sisters listen to me god is a loving god but god is also a just god [Music] [Applause] hallelujah what i have just told you now is called the gospel of the kingdom it switches dimension and lets you know that jesus is not only a savior but he is a king hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord we have allowed people to do all kinds of things there are believers today who have all kinds pornography on their phones their laptops they watch it and the moment the holy spirit wants to convict them they say i'll never feel guilty i'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus tomorrow they go back and do it again somebody goes come on now let's let you know you trust me i love you too much not to tell you the truth people sleep around and do all kinds of things and yes god is a forgiving god there is a difference between a challenge in your life and the spirit of rebellion at work in your life rebellion is a perpetual willful continual state of violating god's principles and the consequence is hellfire i don't care whether you're a pastor or whether you are whatever please take what i'm saying seriously hallelujah paul the one who brought what we know as the pauline epistles if his gospel was so pleasant i have a question why did they stone him have you ever wondered why did they stone him what did he say that got the people angry that they stoned him hallelujah why did they behead james it wasn't just because they were angry at them there was a content that we are missing today and that's the reason i'm telling you this is why many believers are not powerful anything comes and just throws us down because there is a content of the gospel that needs to be re-examined now don't carry on zeal and go and listen to every message a man of god is preaching and you get up and say i know better that's foolishness i hope you understand that god is granting us maturity but i am just telling you that as much as the grace message is good it only makes sense when it is incorporated as the whole truth there are many other components of the kingdom what's the formula for water the chemical formula for water is what h2o is that true just add one more um what now of oxygen it becomes h2o2 what is that are you seeing that same thing that can be water now for adding something wrong it can become poison at once and kill you everything in the kingdom must be taught within the dimensions that jesus kept them hallelujah i'm saying this because there are people who will be listening to these teachings all across and some of you god is going to trust you with ministries you will have your churches please don't be afraid of being criticized you must stand and teach the truth are you getting me i remember somebody who sent me a text one day and said please um i have a problem with you praying for people how do believers just manifest and you say you are casting out demons out of them is that really true and i just sent the person my text i said i love you we see from different perspectives in the kingdom and god will help us we operate from the perspectives that we see and that's all i said praise the lord time is a revealer i hope you know that time time there are some things you should never talk about time just allow time to pass time that's why sometimes you say something and god keeps quiet people just say you will never make it and god never responds and you are saying god god has already spoken time is a language in this realm it can speak so loud brothers and sisters when we started this thing you are seeing i cannot tell you how many people criticize the things we're doing they say it won't last i i i saw many silliest pastors those of you who were around those times you know that it was madness in this side of god's kingdom everybody was doing everything people carrying briefcases and ladies all around them i am this i am that people scrounging to go for radio programs and all of that and some of us look like fools but he has chosen the foolish things weed everything [Music] weed everything we will shout for your glory with everything weed everything we will shout for your praise [Music] listen if i mislead you and i teach you errol the god of heaven is going to judge me even if i don't love you i love my destiny are you getting what i'm saying the bible says ask for the ancient parts and walk in it i'll never forget one minister i've shared with you the story that guy's ministry was grounded things were tight there were all kinds of demonic things but that guy would never accept that there was a demonic problem no no there's nothing wrong nothing was happening and one day is someone courage to come for counselling so as soon as he entered i saw a spirit enter with him and he just came just sat down and then he was telling me all kinds of things things are not exactly walking this and that i said my brother i need to pray for you ah guy felt embarrassed he stick his ego you know and you know we get deceived because you touch somebody and the person falls you just believe that it means god has finished working on you is that true and i was going to pray for the person the last thing you could remember was that he got down his knees right scattered the place cut out the room and i i i said look at this is the same person who will argue and maybe insult me and write articles and write all kinds of things this guy got up went back to his ministry and boom goodness how a man can sit down with ignorance for years whereas in two minutes of humility your destiny can open up how how believers in the body have sat down with ignorance their salvation is closer to them that they can never see but it takes meekness to receive the world you can be dying there are families that can be dying in situations whereas the arm of the lord is not short that it can say what is keeping you from entering the next level of your life could it be that that brokenness there is nothing wrong to accept that oh this is what i used to believe but i've seen clearer now [Music] lord help your body in the name of jesus christ let's hurry up we're still talking about how to secure favor with god we have to rush number two you must have faith in god you want to secure the favor of the the favor of god in your life remember we're talking about favor with god [Music] you must have faith in god it's very important james 5 verse 4 tells us this is the victory that overcomes and it says even our faith you know what it means to have faith in god i'm going to explain it to you the first revelation of having faith in god is to trust him it's as simple as that trust him don't complicate your faith experience it means trust him proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 it says trust in the lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but success in all your ways not some in all your ways recognize him acknowledge him and his reward for your acknowledging him is that he will make straight your parts and then verse 7 says is a warning it says be not wise in your own understanding fear the lord and turn away from evil be not wise in your own understanding that means you can feel you are wise in your own understanding but it says fear the lord and that fear of the lord will make you turn away from evil hallelujah hebrews 11 6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please him for he that comment unto god must believe that he is in other words that he exists and then number two that he is the rewarder of them that diligently seek him it takes faith hallelujah it takes faith in god it takes faith in god very important you must trust in the lord psalms 125 verse 1 he said that trust in the lord shall be like mount zion that cannot be shaken hallelujah very important day that trust in the lord when you have faith in god it gives you stability through all of the boisterous winds that blow around our lives where are we okay they that trust in the lord shall be as mount zion which shall not be removed or shaken but abides forever do you trust in the lord what is faith first and foremost let me tell you faith is never faith until it can be seen or heard let me show you right now faith is never faith until it can be seen or heard faith comes from the greek word pistes hallelujah what that means is your faith is your persuasion or conviction plus the corresponding action you take based on that conviction are you getting my point now if you have not acted on faith is god belief it's not called faith are you getting me belief is just your persuasion when you act based on that belief it becomes faith so the bible says have faith in god become persuaded so much in the character of god that you take steps based on that conviction so the equation of faith is revelation plus conviction or persuasion then plus corresponding action write it and never forget because faith comes when you hear the word of god so it starts with revelation then that revelation brings conviction or persuasion you are convinced about this reality you just heard about convinced enough to take steps then the bible calls that without the action component is called belief what many people are doing that they call faith is belief that means not acting on the word of god is the clearest proof that you don't trust god not acting on the word of god is the clearest proof biblically that you do not trust god so many people hear the word of god and we claim to be convinced let me tell you in this life the moment you are convinced about a thing action is almost automatic hallelujah a guy sees a lady and thinks he likes her and he keeps noticing that persuasion until he pushes him to say sister please after colonial be at this door will you mind passing there that's action three guys saw the lady i said wow nice lady i saw the way you know he's fine and she likes god praying it's nice when he finally displayed that's all he stopped and they all moved but he was convinced and he said look i'm going to take a step further right and he meets the lady and then they get married what is that action whereas there is another brother who kept saying me giving me god knows from the depths of my heart this is my wife and you watch somebody complete the equation and carry your wife [Music] i just spoke about marriage some of you are woken up now ah [Music] brothers you need this message before you carry any man's daughter to the altar that statement you make at the altar is so implicating it will take a long time for you to see the significance of that vow don't let your type deceive you you're standing there just talking will you do this everybody are just telling everybody i'm getting married after the marriage the robber will hit the road your eye will clear my friend jimmy says love is blind but married you open your eyes praise god so let's hurry up number three i'm going to shock you now you want to secure favor with god the third principle is the tithe t-i-t-h-e how many of us have been taught in our churches and our different groups that time helps you to secure favor with god even those who have thought about tithe just preach about it because there are bills that need to be paid and you say you need to pay your tithe if you don't pay or tight you don't pay your title and see whether god will bless you and you see the anger with which the man is preaching and god tells you please please every church every ministry their prosperity is dependent on their own obedience to the principles of the kingdom my prosperity as a minister of the gospel is not dependent on koinonia people that would have been a terrible way to live i would have been frowning at you for every week what did you drop last week [Music] there are many men of god who are burdens to their congregations because they do not realize that their prosperity is tied to their own personal obedience can i be sincere with you many men of god don't tithe hallelujah many men of god don't tithe they teach tithing do you know how long it took me as a man of god to be consistent in time i want to be sincere with you you know i fear god and i honor god when i saw how difficult it was to tight with all the fear that i had for god i said man that means many people somebody is lying somewhere in this equation it takes the giving grace to come upon your life one two it takes you designing a system to make your typing deficient are you getting my point you don't just no no no no the first thing i want you to understand about tithing is that tithing is not a debt you are paying many people come before god retired help me with one one of these envelopes and they they bring the thank you don't worry they bring the titan they just stand frowning okay god please so you know harassment take and once they pray they say is blessed where you just drop this in the offering basket your tithe secures favor with god you want to be on god's side brothers and sisters not being on god's side is disastrous it's not just about finances there is a spirit called the devorah it is a life and active in the earth hallelujah i must talk about this your tithe is not the payment of a death because everything we owe belongs to god your tithe is an acknowledgement it's a documentation of your gratitude you're saying lord in obedience to you and for your faithfulness i bring ten percent brothers and sisters hear me let me kneel down look at me i'm kneeling down snap me so that you see it on on the i'm dummy with your phone i'm pleading with you in the name of the lord god if you love god i beg you in the name of jesus christ be consistent in your time see i'm getting down my knees and i'm begging you ah you've been snapping no joke okay let me just hands up so that you know be faithful don't think tithing is a gimmick by a preacher i can tell you this ask the financial department by the grace of god as a ministry we do not owe god one night i don't care what collection is made for what the tithe of god before anything happens you really think we're running this ministry from the look you know what you are dropping in your offering basket at least you don't know your neighbors you know your own you can't run ministry with things people are trying no there is a mystery of divine supply hallelujah praise the lord you must believe this i was sharing some of the testimonies with pastor williams benefits of tithing i remember one time we were just praying and trusting god there were things here and there to to to get and all of that and we were just saying oh lord we thank you because we are tight as we are faithful till today i was sharing with you pastor till today we do not know the person we just got an alert 1.5 million by an unknown person we do not know into the ministry accounts whereas that's somebody's label somebody who is collecting 50 000 how much is a salary that calculated for more than one year for being faithful entitled i think i was talking to the protocol department they went to purchase something in abuja and then i was talking to them the mixer he just got a better mix a very good one and then i was talking to them i think it was someone on my birthday pastor someone just right yes and the person just said ah they just paid some money for their family that they were hoping you know 3.4 million error and the person just said oh well thank god for all the work you are speaking the things you are teaching us and was just sending the tithe and all of that let me tell you when you see what we are doing because i know many of you sit and wonder how do these people really get one yes god is faithful god what is the one plus one of it let me tell you the one plus one of it is what i'm teaching you here the tithe if you are not a faithful title god is not authorized to bless you stop wasting your time in praying and fasting for wealth if you are not a titan i want you to know that devorah will stand and stare at your face if you like put a bible on your head prayer is not the seed for financial breakthrough prayer is the seed for fellowship with the spirit and spiritual awakening and the presence of god and activating the anointing not prosperity your tithe your giving are the seeds for increase many people who want to be blessed will argue this thing and you ask the person how much do you have how much has entered your hand that you are arguing you are saying it's not it's a terrible thing when you don't have results and you are still arguing [Music] blessed is he who comes in the name of our god blessed is he who comes in the name of our lord when you pay your tithe you are securing favor with god please and please and please teach this to anyone you love and make up your mind from today your time is a 10th portion 110. of your income that secures open heavens favor with god [Music] tithe because it guarantees god's continuous favor in your life oh i don't want to be outside of the favor of god it's dangerous it's a risky position it's like being face to face with a lion imagine how many devils of darkness will want on their own to destroy my life i found a place of refuge i found a way of walking under an open heavens do you know the wickedness the arrows that fly by day the noise on pestilence do you know how many people want to see your downfall if there is no spiritual way of keeping yourself standing you will fall like a leaf are you getting what i'm saying how many people use all their monies for sickness all their money is for no no open heavens say after me in the name of jesus i make up my mind to be faithful in tithing say it again in the name of jesus see the truth is many of us are not consistent our titan life is up down up down that's why today it looks like some dots of favor open up and then tomorrow it's not god's fault jesse penny many of you have heard about him jc penny one of the multi billionaires who loved god he was typing and at a point something happened and he said he wanted to experiment with god he stopped typing that was how his business just knows dive like that to a point that he was almost crashing and he said wow and he started typing and that was how he got himself back you better believe what i'm telling you many of our parents do not type from their salaries they are collecting 150 000 yet they cannot afford 5 000. you ask them for 5 000 they will almost kill you because a divorce has eaten everything in one day two tires just patched and all the money has gone just when you are coming something happens arrows that fly by day and they now look and they say sorry you need you need this and that you will be spent and all the money goes then the moment the money goes the person gets well by himself the default and you are praying and fasting and conducting night vigils and running around your parlor in the night rather than obedience that is better than sacrifice many of us can prefer to run marathon prayers from 11 to 6 to try to solve something that faithfulness entitled many of our fathers have brought predicaments upon the family because they are not faithful in typing a solid building a solid structure small rain just comes and washes everything just when they wanted to finish using it back to square one there are even those that physical money disappears have you had that story somebody keeps one million he comes back and finds 780 000. someone came for counseling i've never heard that thing the woman said rats eat her money no serious i'm not joking i'm not joking at all rats you come in the morning and you see pieces of what sort of devil title i think it was either polynesia or a bishop david hillary could have shared something that some armed brothers came and they were going to i think um destroy a woman or capture one family and the woman shouted she took a tight booklet lifted it up and dropped it on the ground and said god watch the people match this booklet and come and touch me at once confusion came on the people they were afraid and that was how they left brothers and sisters what you do not believe will not work for you oh i believe the word of god i'm that minister of the gospel that believes every word of jesus are you getting blessed leviticus 27 were started let's finish up on the issue of tithe very quickly leviticus 27 verse 30 let me show you how the devil has been many of us [Music] tithe heals you from greed everyone let's read one to read [Music] is the lord's and it is holy unto god so when i take my tithe i say lord i'm documenting my gratitude i honor you i thank you how many of our parents receive some money maybe one money that is spending it just comes in seven million and they just calculate use calculator several hundred thousand me go and give the man of god i'm not stupid about seven hundred thousand and you see the person arguing and within three weeks he has spent over one million nara on his health and brothers who come and put a gun and say we saw through the jazz that we use that there's seven million in this i say no it's only four so now slap you say truly is it's evil where is it say that's it yeah take it take it and preserve my life whereas the tight of it have you seen how many of our family members put us in trouble i say this many of us keep wondering why is my father walking why is my mother walking the truth is that they are all walking they've never been driven from job but not even a house to build the mysteries of the kingdom there is no favor the heavens are closed so many believers operating on that cross there are many ministries they are so tight no supplies they beg for everything squeeze people put people workers and all of that under every kind of pressure because the man of god is not hiding the people are not typing the ministry is not tithing dr mike murdoch was sharing and he said there was a time the finance of his ministry was going down it was going down so bad and he checked and then he called the finance department he said something is wrong we are not doing something right what is wrong hallelujah and the financial secretary said well sir um for about three months now we've not been paying tight because the bills are enormous and honestly if we pay tight you may we may shut you down from tv and all of that and my mother said because of that you stop paying the tithe that means we are going to crash to zero the day we stop paying tight as a ministry i give you one to two months it will never happen that's why i have the confidence to say it maybe one day you will come and you just see no foreign for generation or no cheers ah no as soon as the god of heaven lives we have created a system that does not depend on our personal emotions again if someone learning something is your heavens open pastor is your heaven open over your family there are many people who do not tie they pay school fees 250 naira the child brilliant boy is coming back with one dull result zero zero zero zero 39 41 that's the average what is happening all kinds of witchcraft activities flying freely because the heavens are closed are you getting blessed with what i'm saying you want to secure favor with god you must be faithful we've not talked about favor with men and that's really where i want to dwell tonight that's why i'm rushing i'm not teaching on finances so i'll stop here for [Music] we're going to pray just in one minute before we continue many of us need to repent because the financial stress in our family is not because of the job it's not it's not because they didn't promote your father i'm telling you the truth if we don't take responsibility we will keep it's easy to blame people for our financial predicament are you getting my point it's so easy if that they promoted me i would have been collecting 200 000 now instead of 150 my life would have been better so wrong so wrong you collect one million under a closed heaven and you will see the way the devil will make a caricature of your life lift up your voice in one minute and say lord i repent be sincere with yourself some of us need to pray on behalf of our families please be sincere lord have not been faithful tithing i don't know what it is oh god but i find out that it's so hard i've not had the revelation i'm not yet convinced i think he's a gimmick by a man of god or a ministry i think he's just a gimmick koinonia is trying to squeeze out money from me no go ahead and pray because there are many of us no matter how many miracle services you come i'm telling you the heavens are closed the heavens are closed there is no favor with god that's why the doors that were open before they are not even open again be sincere with yourself there were strange manifestations of favor from god they are not even there again your shops are used to sell nothing is selling again because you think you don't page for your business now the heavens are closed look at many of our parents you buy a new gadget you bring the machine everything breaks now this is the divora brothers and sisters let's take responsibility tonight and say lord we cry for help the finance of families are finished because of paying for drugs and sicknesses paying for damaged cars paying for all kinds of things [Music] pray and say lord i want your favor from tonight i repent i received the giving grace to be a delightsome title i realized that this is the key i don't care who you are i don't care what you read i don't care what your level of anointing is i don't care how hard in your heart is if you want to experience favor with god i'm telling you one of the keys is you must be a consistent title [Music] you must design a system around your life [Applause] if there are needs in your life that's the most that's that's the more reason to die don't say the needs are too much man of god is because you don't know i have so much need i must do this and that that's your way out of that trouble tied your way out of that trouble eating your tights will only get you deeper i promise you you can apply every business principle you know fail too tight and watch the devorah scatter your life and your family but you'll be faithful towards tithing and watch god turn any situation around it doesn't take time commit god into your life anything god is involved in must succeed many of us god is not committed in the affairs of our lives i don't want to know what you are going through now [Music] fight your way out of it secure the favor of the almighty hallelujah [Applause] praise the lord please let me challenge you create a system if you do internet banking you can have the account details of the ministry or whatever or if it is here you type the the ministry's account details are available to if you do internet banking transfer it immediately otherwise buy envelopes buy envelopes i always have this touch of envelopes praise god the treasurer is here we created a system i don't even see the tithe as it is counted we take it and and and and so we to the appropriate ministry brothers and sisters please listen to me are you not tired of what you have seen your loved ones go through didn't they go to school didn't they get all the degrees look at everything see how helpless people are because they know not neither will they understand and the bible says they grew up in darkness and the earth is out of course [Music] let's finish the last part how do you activate and secure favor with men i must talk about this spoke about three things right now to secure favor with god that number one you must have the fear of god the fear of the lord number two you must have faith in god you must trust him number three you must be a consistent titan but when it comes to finding favor with men the rule is different if you have been sleeping this is the time to wake up i believe with all my heart that your destiny depends on this revelation i'm sharing tonight daniel chapter 1 [Music] open our eyes oh god daniel chapter 1 help us grant us grace someone is walking in undeniable realms of favor after today in the name of jesus christ i want to share with you something very powerful how do you secure favor with men in the third year of the reign of jehoiakim king of judah came nebuchadnezzar king of babylon unto jerusalem and besieged it verse 2 and the lord gave jehoiakim king of judah into his hands with part of the vessels of the house of god which he carried into the land of china to the house of his god and he brought the vessels into the treasure of his god verse 3 and the king listen now speak unto ash penas the master of the eunuchs that he should bring certain of the children of israel so the king is inviting some people to stand before the king hallelujah and the kings and of the king seed and of the princes verse everyone read one to read children in whom was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and calling in knowledge and understanding science and such as ability take note in them to stand in the king's palace it takes an ability are you seeing that he said those who have what ability to stand in the king's palace and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the childians let's stop there look up there is a mystery to securing favor with men and i want you to get this very straight there were many people who were captured but notice what nebuchadnezzar said he said there are a kind of people i want the king that we captured now i want all the people that walked in this palace because they have been trained according to the life of royalty bring them i want certain choice guys that came from israel there were certain things that the eunuchs were looking at brothers and sisters there is a price to secure favor with men can i tell you something favor is the currency to get money [Music] think about what i said very carefully favor is the currency to get money write this down please the ultimate key to entering the realm of favor with men [Music] never forget this for as long as you live if you pay attention to this we will celebrate together as the great ones in the future but you neglect this you will be part of those quarreling those who will be the great ones listen the ultimate key to entering the realm of favor with men is to possess the ability to provide solutions and solve their problems write it down the ultimate key i'll say it again to entering the realm of favor with men is to possess the ability to solve their problems and provide solutions oh [Music] write this down solve problems then write three ellipses provide solutions let's discuss this briefly when i solve this would tie it up by showing you how god announces man in the kingdom the ultimate key brothers and sisters hear me every man in scripture who became great became great because he was favored he found favor with men and every man who found favor with men had something to exchange for that favor is someone getting what i'm saying joseph would have died in the prison if he never had the ability to interpret dreams daniel would never rise to reign in a strange land through the dispensation of three kings if he had no ability to solve problems i say this all the time and some of us neglect it write that word down ability ability this is your key to finding favor with men and entering the realm of greatness gender notwithstanding background notwithstanding edge notwithstanding nationality notwithstanding hallelujah until you solve a problem you remain insignificant and unnoticed if you are not providing solution brothers and sisters nobody needs you the world is so desperate for solutions they will only run towards the direction of those who are solving problems the greater problems you solve the greater you become magnetic please understand this if you think you will people will invite you into their presence just because they like you or because you are a christian you are dreaming wake up hello you know many of us have this funny understanding that because i'm serving god one day great man will call me start reading your bible very carefully and you will find out that no great man appeared before the king just like that there was an ability that qualified him to stand before the king i have a question what will qualify you to stand before men who can honor you and bring you into greatness [Music] are you getting my point the reason why you may be insignificant as you think is because your ability has not brought you to a position of notoriety please hear what i'm saying all men are equal but their graces and abilities separate them and make certain things possible for others [Music] your ability that anointing that skill that grace that gift is what you will use to access favor with men there are people today by the grace of god who have come to see me and i know that if not for the grace of god there is nothing i will have in exchange for the level of the honor of those people not at this level of my life are you getting what i'm saying there are offices and places that i access today and bump into those people and i know the level of great men in themselves who cannot access those offices the gift of a man can make room for him and bring him before great man your gift can add to your age your gift can qualify you where you do not qualify and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon we must understand this then i will show you how god lives people in the kingdom say in the name of jesus i have an ability that will bring me before great man say one more time in the name of jesus i have an anointing i have grace i have an ability that will bring me before great men i have entered places today that my father may never enter perhaps i have entered places today that with all humility my contemporaries maybe may never enter their lifetime because of the gift of god look when you possess this ability they told jesus they said all men seek for thee all men they will pay you for it they will pay you in millions and think it's a privilege that they are honoring you and you will be surprised you're wondering my goodness but there is an ability and because they need it they will look for you there are seven billion people in the earth but more than 90 percent of those people are looking for solutions as big business brother if you can become a solution provider you become magnetic see the darkness in nigeria look let me tell you if you have a ministry that spits saliva on people's face and they get healed spit it on 20 people and let them get healed and you will see the level of intelligent people who come and stand for days waiting to be healed many of us do not know the level of darkness that is upon the earth please listen the spirit of god is moving in this place right now because i want to share something very powerful there is an anointing you have that can bill you forever there is an anointing the ability that makes you to stand before kings you will not be the one looking for them the gentiles will come not to you to your light that's what they want not you if you think people come because they like you there are many people who come for koinonia not because they like neo you will be amazed to see how many people came to jesus king of the jews you are this and that when it looked like jesus ministry was divine they said i beg crucify him let his blood even be upon our head please listen let me just advise you if you think you have a crowd or people love you because of you there are very few people in your lifetime who will love you because of your personality many people will love you because of what you carry are you getting my point [Music] see there is this treasure in eating vessels so that you will end some things in your life i will never be a failure in this life forever i know it i know it rich men have problems that i can solve ah yes yes great men have problems that i can solve i cannot solve every problem but brothers and sisters there are problems i can solve now watch this let me explain to you the equation what i call the equation of greatness you will be so blessed just give me a few minutes and we'll pray now ecclesiastes 9 verse 1 media project it i love the lord when i did this study my heart dropped i said oh god i'm sorry for all the times that i kept blaming you for so many things ecclesiastes 9 [Music] 11 11 did i say 1 11 please verse 11. everybody please read i returned and saw under the that the race is not to the sweep not the battle to the strong neither yet bread to the wives nor yet riches to men of understanding nor yet favor to men of skill this is the mystery we're about to discuss now everybody read it for time and chance i want to show you the mystery of greatness listen repeat this last class again one to go time [Applause] one more time but time and chance happens to who how many everybody now replace the word chance where are we now okay but time and chance replace the word chance with opportunity are you ready now one to read i want you to replace the word time with the word seasons are you ready now one to read but seasons and opportunities happen to them all but seasons like the hand of a clock it has been designed by the sovereign art of god that for every man upon the surface of the earth there is the turning of the end of the clock and that one day time and opportunity will always happen to them ah holy spirit [Applause] time and chance did the bible say it happens to some happens to everybody that means there is a guarantee please listen somebody's deliverance is coming there is a guarantee based on the word of god that a day must come if god is god where time and chance you know how they do co-operative society five or four is bring 20-20 000. it's now your own tone it's now your turn and i start smiling although it's not my turn because i know that my tone is coming for sure and the bible says time and chance so in the equation of greatness we are bringing the constant factors and then work on the variables we are doing a little mathematics here are you getting my point it says time and chance this one no devil can stop it no herbalist from your village you don't need to pray about it is that time if you are under the sun time and chance happened to them ah i show you a mystery ah [Music] so time that means a time will come in my life whether i'm prepared or not whether i pray for it or not whether i fast for it or not a time will come where the hand of god will navigate opportunities whether i see it or not is irrelevant god's justice must be done therefore the bible forewarns us is a redeeming time now that you know that a day will come this is where a lot of people miss it we keep focusing on looking at the day the bible says it will come remove that in the equation of your preparation for greatness and begin to focus on taking advantage of that day it will come the equation of greatness let's look at um okay greatness therefore in the kingdom comes by number one god imagine seasons and opportunities together and then number two you finding favor by securing that opportunity i'm going to explain myself [Music] let me have somebody please okay everyone come hallelujah watch this let's assume this is spiritual timing and according to god's justice system okay stand here listen that this time is going to keep moving are you seeing it now and that a day will come it may take a long time but that a day is going to come when it will come to iran and if aaron misses on that opportunity it will keep moving again are you getting what i'm saying that's why if god wants to help you in life he restores yes not what you lost yes he tries to bring back the time so that the mistake you made you can remedy it he never said i will restore the goods because they are not necessary once there is time and those seasons is somebody understanding what i'm saying now the problem with the body of christ is that we all sit down being distracted at looking at the clock and waiting for the day it gets to our turn rather than getting busy to sharpen that ability so that the day the time comes you will enter the presence of greatness once and never come out again forever every man in the scripture that became great waited for that kairos moment joseph was in the prison but he knew there is an ability to interpret dreams it's only a matter of time the brother sold him he said no problem pharaoh's wife lied i wanted to rape her no problem they threw him in the prison but when the season comes that part of the equation is god that starts moving that's favor with god are you seeing that now god made it in such a way that the one presser had to do something wrong to go to the prison so while he was in the prison the divine transaction started happening and the one pressure came out although the one pressure forgot about him but a day came let me tell you it does not take two days for you to enter greatness read the bible it always happens in one day there is always a day called one day is that john remain in the wilderness until his season of appearing very john was sharpening himself in the wilderness when the season came he came out and he completed his assignment one time jesus for 30 years was preparing for a season of three years 30 years read all the books knew all the law did everything and there was flawless victory within three and a half years so there are many of us sitting down looking at people's cars and say man i like this jeep goodness ah bmw this and that ford explorer 2014 limited edition look at that foolishness we are there claiming i claim it time and chance your turn is soon coming create an urgency sharpen the night sharpen the anointing sharpen the healing anointing one day see let me tell you you may say there are many people the bible says in israel there were many widows but to none was the prophet sent god will send people specifically to you [Music] and when you take advantage of that season that is it you are open to a dimension of grace i have studied almost every great ministry i admire and i found out that in the history of that ministry something always happened something happened at the cairo season and the men launched into it with revelation and boom never to return again are you getting what i'm sharing with you i feel the anointing of the spirit if you sit down and you are wondering kai this house one day we are coming when will this come no no no you never see me bother you insult yourself when you do that many young people here our dream is car right car let me buy car and you are trying to save how much can you save for the car you want i'm teaching you a higher law get out of all those those those ways of frustration and misery that's why many people cannot give god glory they suffer for everything in their life come and adopt the kingdom's way there is a higher dimension there is a higher way believe me look let me tell you i'm a businessman i've read many business books so don't you think i'm just talking nonsense i know what i'm saying hallelujah when that kairos moment comes in your life when it comes in your ministry some people are snoring through the night the time will pass they wake up and an opportunity that took ten years has just passed before to come back again the first son is graduating from the university he has not learned his lesson after 25 years it comes again prophecy comes in the name of jesus let restoration happen and by the mercy of god the time is reversed it comes again the same lack of preparation keeps bringing people down are you seeing why it takes more than receive it to walk in this realm you would thank me in the future for what i'm teaching you i'm teaching you the way to a superior life so that you stop blaming your parents and say if my father only accepted this job stupid man would have been out of this leave your father alone god is bringing you to a point i don't care what degree you graduated with i don't care there is a problem listen if you solve a millennial's problem you have access to his millions it's as simple as that i'll never be a failure in this life never so every time i spend in prayer i'm sharpening my giftings for that day a day will come when that season comes god will send a great man who can sow a seed of hundred million naira to calinonia the person will be dying of tuberculosis or something it's like that that's how it works there is always something you can exchange for and god will make it in such a way that on the day he's coming somebody will be bringing coin on your messages that one is god's part of the equation while that is happening i'm praying in the secret place greater wisdom oh god you can sleep in the night and not know that that is the last time you will sleep in that room hi if joseph knew if joseph knew all the people in the prison would have cleaned his shoe and said oh god it is within your build me imagine the guy that bob joseph when he was shaving joseph little did he know he would have earned himself a position forever imagine those who were with the priest in the prison with obasanjo the night he would come out if they had known that he will just come out never to return they would have said augusta let's pray father bless this man so that at least he will remember them beware of people that you keep mocking and say you are not this you can't speak english very well you can't do this and that and that beware let me tell you you know why because if you are not if you don't take time please look at me let's just focus god is just doing this thing if if you are if you don't pay attention can i tell you the truth a day will come you will find out that the same person you saw today you looked at i said mary what is there you will open an office that you feel from for two weeks there are people today who are angry with me they are angry with me because there were times when we could access one another and at those times they could say a lot of things call me when they wanted but i was doing something they were not doing we were all laughing and joking and today because of the difficulty in reaching me they pick offense it's not my fault i refuse to remain at that level i intend to grow be nice to people today let me tell you brothers and sisters for those of you who look at people in calinonia and when we say greet one another you just turn you don't know who you are time and chance he may come from a poor family he may have one ton sanders but let me tell you time the word you are sharing is sharpening you for that time a day will come there is something god has put in you this is the justice of god this is why every man can be great time and chance happens to them all the day it happened to our parents they were not prepared they were there talking about others criticizing others and the clock passed and it went to one drunkard who just got born again and saw the time took advantage of it and they said is this not the boy on campus that was drinking he was drinking but he did something with his opportunity now he's a billionaire he's a pastor he's advancing the kingdom [Music] let me tell you something that happened in 2008 i believe i was in accra for a retreat and something happened hallelujah no i think 2007 or so i was in accra for a retreat praying and seeking the face of god for the things that was going to do and while i was praying my money had finished i had nothing not even to eat not even to pay for the hotel where i was having the retreat for that night i finished praying i was reading a book within the gates it's a divine revelation book when i read the spirit of god just told me stroll around and i came out i started strolling i was walking like a full time and chance i want to share with you testimonies now the holy ghost just said just keep walking i was walking like a fool i didn't know where i was going up to 25 minutes i was just walking the next thing i saw a signboard welcome to accra city campus and the holy ghost said enter immediately i entered the first person i'll meet is the src president and the guy listen the guy looked at me and the moment he looked at me and said how are you sir when he shook me he just took his hand he said jesus he said can you come to my office miracle number one listen listen true story i want to tell you i know what i'm saying i'm not just making noise when this guy brought me to the office we didn't speak more than five minutes he started shaking time and chance and they ordered a meal i first had the meal and then we attended their fellowship i sat down quietly after they attended they have just like the campus has friday fellowship when they finished i went to his office watch this the moment i started talking i started talking at about 2-4 we rounded up that meeting past nine when we started talking the university esco started coming to the office one by one they would come this one would fall under the anointing i remember it was in that place i inaugurated the prayer group that prayed for the campus in akra in that accra city campus on that day i'm still in touch with that gentleman again his life changed there was they have their prophets like they are maybe what you would call an fcs president yes after the the president would finish he invited me again to akron i went to minister in a program and it was a powerful and explosive program i was even on radio the radio and they did an interview i think that was when we traveled with bala alex and a team of other people listen that's not the whole story when i finished that night the people came together past night they raised an offering of maybe equivalent in naira now or maybe 30 000 and they gave me i didn't even know how to find my way back they directed me i found my way paid for that night and i ate a very good meal i said it works i remember in the room i was screaming i said come on not it has equal value in any land you don't need to know nobody all this godfather nonsense let me tell you get out of it right now if god is on your side there is nothing nothing you cannot get [Music] listen the night i was supposed to leave those guys started crying because they would come and visit me in my hotel it was within three or four days their lives changed they said what sort of person i taught them on the kingdom it was an unusual open heavens so the last day they invited me again i prayed with them strengthened all the people you know blessed them they had impartations and all of that and they raised me money again an equivalent of maybe says 50 000 and then i return back who would have helped me i don't have any uncle for the gift of a man the time and chance is god's own equation leave it for him god is speaking to someone tonight you have been crying and saying lord when will it come god said forget about the issue of when are you prepared are you saying that god delaying seasons is an act of his love that thing you have been calling delay you are not prepared if it had come before this message you would have blown it only for it to come back 10 years you opened a shop nobody is coming god is saying i don't want you to miss be careful what you call delay some things may be the hand of god your job you didn't get the job god said i don't want you to struggle there is something you can know you go for a job in four months you have become one of the executives it does not take time if you can solve the problem you will rise to the top all the days of my appointed time i will wait but while i wait i will sharpen the knife i will pray in tongues while i wait i will keep studying the word i know i'm going to stand before kings i must have content to give them i won't talk like i'm talking before weak man i will stand before president and there will come it will be a privilege to air coinonia a day will come we will not just have one or two tv stations there will be many one billionaire can sponsor it for years but while that time comes we will pray we will fast we will travel let them call you a fool because there is no car what is car see a man came to mike murdock because of something that he did he was begging mike moodle to buy a car for him my mother said i don't need it he said i entered a covenant with god that every year till you die i'll be buying you the latest ben's car one day i was passing around abuja and i saw all the mighty houses they were building around my tama and the holy ghost told me do you know how many of your houses are here no i'm serious god told me he said you will only build in life just for the formality the gift of a man the owner of that building will need me one day darkness is a mystery that announces life the world will be too dark one day they will need the anointing they will need it i'm telling you many of you have not been respecting what you carry i know what i carry wreck-it telecata i know what i carry is an anointing of the spirit the nations can never never never they can never deny the effect they may not like me but there is an anointing so i reckon that the sufferings of this present time i'm fasting i may believe i may so curry but there is an anointing my father could not enter but there is an anointing there is wisdom there is the gift of god [Music] and i will increase your greatness and comfort you on every side there is a price to pay i don't blame anybody left now is to sharpen my ability i may not speak the kind of english you want but when i say it an anointing will leave you can deny my english but you cannot deny the anointing there is something see this is what i'm training you to become there is a sharpening you may not see it now the world will need you [Music] you will collect a salary of maybe a hundred thousand but your boss will sow a seed of five million to get out of trouble protocol [Music] your ability listen wasn't going to pray your ability to maximize the moment opens you up to untold realms of greatness look at me aaron is here let me share with you his testimony permit me aaron a bit for years many of you know how skilled aaron is for years the kind of job he was trusting god for would not come i know times when things will get a bit painful for him [Music] and we kept encouraging he will be listening to the word of god but time and chance a season just came brothers and sisters supernaturally he got a job two he got connected with the deputy governor of cardona state within how many months iran that within two months they moved him to go ahead a unit in jos now he heads a unit in just and we're only counting see i think there's one of our ladies here two of our ladies that i know the moment they graduated they have not even stopped they just called them to get jobs you may not value what you are receiving don't let anybody fool you and make you think you are wasting your time a day will come the price you are paying now is what your colleagues will be paying in the future you are already paying it now you may look like a fool some of you as you are going back home now they will insult you and say we are not seeing the fruit it does not yet appear but time and chance will reveal that i'm not praying in tongues for nothing hallelujah [Music] this year let me give you the last story and then we'll pray this year [Music] i was in ibadan we we all went to ibadah and when we went they launched us in one of the best hotels there and it was the erima victor and um sam they sent me a text in the afternoon they said we are swimming and we're enjoying and then i looked through my window they were plain table tennis they were swimming you know they were enjoying themselves all snapping and enjoying and i looked and then i remember the story that same hotel listen in 2007 i went to that same hotel for something but i could not pay for any room because it was very expensive listen to me i still had the anointing but time and season had not come i went there i still saw the arrangement i sat down there there's the reception there brothers and sisters i was looking for a place around that vicinity where they were doing night vigil it was a friday night so i will attend the night video because i had no money if i taught anything i would not have my transport back are you getting what i'm saying that same hotel somebody would have looked at me and said oh what failure mistake big mistake you don't need to respond to those who think you are failures because you went to the board and you saw five carryovers and the devil says see tell him no you see just keep watching time time time yes you may have an extra year write it and move and thank god because in that extra year you are still moving ahead see if a plane is moving forward even if you go back to the restroom you are still moving forward because the plane carrying you is moving forward [Music] i stayed that night till morning no battery no nothing and a few years later there is a protocol of people together with the wife of the police commissioner of the state we came and we sat with this woman we're still going back i think some sometime towards the year was still going back to our place again this woman was astonished the things that god did in elijah was amazing the woman followed us to our hotel room and we kept talking to almost i think to 12 or past 12 and she brought she said she must show her husband my husband is one of the top police people praise god and she they recorded everything me prophesying and praying for her and she said she must meet her husband and she just brought out a check i did a check of 30 000 or something she said sorry you man of god this is small but can you take this i said oh lord time and chance it's not like i prayed more i just kept doing what i was doing it when when your season comes the same thing you did that did not produce results will now produce amazing results there are miracles that happen in koinonia here that if we were on air people who already start traveling but time and chance don't worry a day will come stop trying to announce yourself there are many people on air getting millions of nara they don't have up to half of sam's anointing continue what you are doing time and chance a day will come god will arrange your destiny help us in front then they will give you 10 minutes to lead prayers that's the day god will announce you in 10 minutes what the spirit of god will do you will have more than 20 invitations come to our conference come for this you are reading business books you are preparing yourself it looks like you're a fool there's nothing working no office only knowledge people even call you big head don't worry a day will come unto none of the widows [Music] how did he put it now was the prophet sent except that widow of sarafa but the question god is asking you tonight before we pray when the season comes when the season comes are you sharpened enough to make that your last season in that realm will you make the words of your critics become a self-fulfilling prophecy or will you contend they may be seeing the brother and sister praying and they say you who know what you are doing don't worry you don't need to answer anybody just keep praying seasons a day came we're doing this same thing but it was at the back of chapel [Music] no facebook to capture the picture and show the world that there is the hand of god upon these people but a day will come so i stopped focusing about cars nonsense house no leave all those things from today i'm teaching you when you sit with friends and they say oh boy where now where will our level change just know that they are wasting your time time and chance it never announces to you that the day is coming you will just sleep in the prison one night and by the second night you are in a palace you cannot account for what brought me here oh i believe it for somebody i believe it for somebody let me bring a word for somebody you may be going through certain things you are killing the lion in the secret nobody knows you are killing the bear nobody knows a day will come god will put you in front of goliath and it will be in the presence of all israel on that day saul will know that there is a david some of you have anointings today that it is to be revealed the world will run away don't look for premature manifestation let me tell you service is the best way to train yourself and sharpen yourself you see all these things people say i won't play keyboard till they pay me you are being foolish you can serve now and they give you prayers and you make blunders at least the mistake was made in jerusalem before you now get to judea and samaria and make blunders there make the mistake here sing and go off key here we will laugh at you alone and we'll tap your back there are mistakes that great men don't make in the open no make it here make it here sharpen that knife who is god speaking to tonight because i sense in my spirit that we are at the edge i cannot tell you trust me i'm not speaking nonsense i know it in my spirit i've been telling you this for days i have been fasting and preparing for these seasons i have i have picked the signal that believe us in this side of god's kingdom there is a dimension of there is a shuffle that will blow in this season and let me tell you warriors will arise this i call it the zarya experience we will reproduce this thing in this country many people do not know what god is doing in this side of the kingdom you just finish your school wear your convocation gown or sit back a day will come god will say your season in zarya is over it's time to move like arrows like arrows in a man's quiver he will send you you will wreck havoc across the seven mountains that day will come pay the price now forget the name you don't need to be called an apostle or pastor or prophet is irrelevant [Music] settle down [Music] hallelujah that's why see listen let me tell you one secret about my life i shared it with the school of ministry students you never see me in broad daylight just roaming around foolishly no if you see me around there was something to do you never that you are walking on the street you just see me jumping around and say they're gone or miss which one is odd no i'm preparing for such an extra ordinary life i want my life to match the visions that i've seen in the spirit call me apostle thank god for the healings i won't be deceived i want to carry the word of the lord with such a resource-sharp accuracy so i will stay in the presence i will fast i will pray let me be lean today no problem it doesn't kill it doesn't kill prayer doesn't kill don't be a fool the suffering of the future is what kills the price today doesn't kill there's no job instead of praying and lamenting be preparing and say i know a job will come the day they do that interview they won't just give a job they will promote me at once because they will say where have you been [Music] rise up on your feet my spirit is fired up please jump up on your feet i'd like you to begin to blast in tongues instrumentalists come up everybody come on from the depths of your spirit [Music] do it for your future time and chance happens to you a day will come your season of appearing your season of appearing don't be tired don't be tired man of god don't be tired woman of god don't be tired prophet of god don't be tired apostle of god don't be tired keep pressing sharpen the anointing sharpen the skill sharpen the gift [Music] this [Music] music my season of appearing is coming they may victimize me today for time and challenge time and time time and chance [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the next prayer point [Applause] i'd like you to pray and say lord i receive the capacity to view listen if you can't just pair yourselves into two find a brother or sister that is ready to pray and say lord in the name of jesus [Music] i receive grace to pew to sharpen that ability as i wait for that day come on pray coinonion the day will come the day will come oh foreign oh foreign prepare for the opportunities they will come they will come they will come for it hallelujah [Music] the third prayer point you're going to attack every spirit listen of premature manifestation and destruction many of us want to be known it's not fair i'm anointed give me prayers to pray i'm anointed put me on the stage nonsense stephen remember serving tables but the anointing was too much for tables you are going to pray listen there are many of us you cannot delay gratification you want to buy the shoe now you want to buy everything now you see people standing and you say i must buy this kind of shoe i must buy this kind of watch oh glory the world is walking you better keep quiet and pray prepare for the season read the books read books on fatherhood read books on leadership read books of ministry sharpen yourself when you are tired and it's 12 o'clock or one o'clock time to pray when you are tired remember your destiny drag yourself up i'm tired it's through that fire record for the sake of life [Music] foreign [Music] listen anytime you see a nice jeep go and get a book and read that's how to that's how to claim it after you speak and say in the name of jesus but prepare knowing that there is something you can have that will bring it to you a day will come when god permits us and we start translating coinonia messages to books i tell you some of them will be bestsellers but until that time comes let's keep preaching the cutting-edge messages [Music] hallelujah two more prayer points and we're done listen [Music] immediately we pray these two prayer points there are people here who need to surrender totally to jesus the moment we pray those two prayer points as we round up the last one i just want you to come out here quickly because this is serious business i don't need to control you you need to surrender your heart that you want to say lord fully everything so make sure when that time comes we're going to pray we're going to pray this prayer point hallelujah and you're going to say lord all the resources all the materials all the components i need to expose myself to in preparation for that season bring them to me in the name of jesus lift your voice [Music] [Music] all the businesses [Music] [Music] there's no husband why don't you sharpen yourself and say the man that talks to me will know he's booked with treasure [Music] when you are going around doing all kinds of nonsense there is no man coming this corner brother said they are not seen [Music] why don't you sharpen yourself brothers rather than sitting now all these ladies don't like me are you serious what are you doing for your future show me the investment you are making to be an extraordinary man last prayer point lord jesus hold my hands in this destiny and take me until i become great all right hold my hand through the rain through the storm oh foreign [Music] [Music] when the job is foreign [Music] hallelujah you can choose to remain at the level you are forever by giving excuses or you can take the hand of god and say lord i'm on your side i don't care what men say let them criticize me i'll still be moving i don't care where they may misunderstand me why are you always praying in tongues like a fool no problem is it only books you will keep reading don't you visit friends no problem when the season of appearing comes the brothers of joseph that looked down on him they were the ones who now came joseph said i saw the sun i saw the moon i saw 11 stars bowing to me those who criticize you they will bow it's only a matter of time [Music] hallelujah i bring a word of hope to somebody [Music] the issue in your life right now does not come to kill you it is the making of great men there is no money in your pocket some of you have been preached to think that is because you don't have faith is because you have faith every time you pray for the throne a goliath comes when you say goliath don't cry start smiling that's a sign that a new season is before you the presence of an enemy always ends your current season and opens up a new season for you if there are no enemies in your life i'm afraid of you may your life not be so ordinary that your enemies ignore you [Music] you will remember this day a day will come when you look at these pictures today tears will roll from your eyes because you will see that in a short time god has glorified himself in your life and you will be wondering was it this easy and i was almost missing it [Music] the songwriter says i was right at the edge of a breakthrough can i tell you something i sense in my spirit that the clock is getting close to someone's life i mean it from the depths of my heart as a house i know that we're about entering a season i've been announcing this for months god will not do anything in this house and not reveal it to me i'm like a pregnant woman that's why i stay in the secret like the wise men looking at the stars trying to understand what are you saying [Music] because a season will be better and we will only see and wonder and say lord was it this fast hallelujah we'll take one more prayer point but let's allow those who are saying lord i'm not going to lie to myself tonight i need you in my life please i want you to rush out here quickly do it from the depths of your heart whether you are outside or inside please welcome you are welcome this is for the sake of your destiny minutes from the depths of your heart enough is enough run to jesus there's nothing to be ashamed of nobody is closing his eyes you don't close your eyes when they are giving you a gift there are still people outside jesus is talking to you and saying this is why i brought you for this meeting you wanted to come but the devil kept stopping you but tonight is your night you can go back nobody will talk to you but you are the one who knows that your destiny needs to change don't let the proclamations of your enemies be a self-fulfilling prophecy run to jesus young and old [Music] those of us standing stretch your hands towards them and begin to pray those in front talk to the lord talk to the lord some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears say lord i mean business with you i'm not being emotional because of a message i have seen that my destinies in my hands i make up my mind [Music] i congratulate those of you in front no man condemns you condemnation does not come from god he convicts you like he has done i don't care what you have done i don't care where you are jesus is about to give you a new beginning we believe in you and we believe in your destiny every one of us have to make this decision there's nothing to be ashamed of make it a genuine decision now lift your right hand and say after me from the depth of your heart say after me lord jesus [Music] i believe in you i confess that you are my savior and you are my lord today i receive eternal life into my spirit i declare that i'm a child of god satan stay out of my life jesus i acknowledge you as the lord of my life let the peace of god flood into my heart right now i denounced sin i denounced satan from today my life begins to move upward only in the name of jesus christ now let me pray for you jesus these ones have come because they love you we salute their courage and as a family of faith we receive them with gladness and lord i know that among these ones there are apostles and prophets and businessmen and leaders and world changers lord i pray that in this season you begin to lead them through dealings begin to bring them to the knowledge of the principles of the kingdom holy spirit you are our master mentor we commend these ones to your life let them experience it truly that's the way life that god life in the name of jesus christ we bless you with the blessings of heaven everything that you came here with that is not of god drops here tonight and never returns with you in the name of jesus you will be transformed and changed for real and you will never i break associations that are ungodly that keep you in sin and iniquity i pray in the name of jesus that your change and transformation will be genuine in the name of the lord jesus [Music] you
Channel: KelFusion TV
Views: 4,909
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 244min 12sec (14652 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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