Tucker vs lawmaker who called feds 'Nazis'

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[Music] well good evening at welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight just days ago a hideous crime was allegedly committed in the Washington DC suburb of Rockville Maryland a 14 year old girl a ninth grader at Rockville High School reportedly was dragged into a bathroom and violently raped the two alleged assailants Jose Montano and Henry Sanchez million both arrived in this country just a few months ago Sanchez is 18 years old and in this country illegally but instead of being deported back to his country of origin he was instead placed in the ninth grade and educated at taxpayer expense this is insanity of course it's a sign of a sick civilization at war with itself a strong country enforces its laws and protects its citizens that's job one in the u.s. too often we ignore our own laws and instead allow Rouen to be visited on our own people well some people in Rockville are fed up with all this it was a meeting today at Rockville High School with protests outside by angry residents we had a reporter there will tell you more about what happened in just a minute apparently their outrage does not extend to Rockville's leaders though the town won't call itself a sanctuary city but it is an effect one it follows sanctuary policies and top officials there don't want to think about the connection illegal immigration might have to this crime or others like it Montgomery County School Superintendent Jack Smith for instance said this we're not going to paint all students who speak another language all students of a skin color all students of a religion with a broad-brush because of a really terrible incident so I'm saying no tonight we're going to take care of our students we're going to take care of this student who experienced this trauma but what we are not going to accept is people who say that 25,000 of our students shouldn't get to go to school because they speak another language in other words diversity is our strength move along you're racist shut up thanks jack well thankfully Maryland governor Larry Hogan does not suffer from the same mental block here's what he said we're my biggest concern lies is with the Montgomery county school system and their lack of cooperation and the lack of information they've been providing not only have they refused to provide any information to us but they've refused to provide it to the State Board of Education who specifically requested more information well it came up the White House briefing today and press secretary Sean Spicer had this to say I think part of the reason that the president has made illegal immigration and crackdown such a big deal is because of tragedies like this Zeke Cohen is a Democrat on the City Council the city of Baltimore a place that ineffective sanctuary city policies and he joins us now seeing thanks for coming on so yesterday as it happens you sponsored a resolution which passed on the Baltimore City Council which demanded that federal immigration authorities stop enforcing federal immigration law in the city of Baltimore why given what just happened is that a wise idea of these guys had been picked up in in suburban Washington in Rockville this never would have happened so why would you encourage that policy in your city so Tucker I am incredibly proud to serve the citizens of Baltimore Baltimore is a welcoming City and the reason I introduced this resolution was not to tell ice not to operate but to only target violent criminals such as the young people who allegedly perpetrated this crime there is no place in our country for this sort of sexual violence I condemn it full heartedly but the vast majority of immigrant immigrants in our community are peaceful they pay taxes and they contribute okay but we only knew that they were violent criminals after they had raped a ninth grader the fact is that at least one of them possibly both but at least one was in violation of the law already and because a lot of your state refuses to enforce federal immigration law he was able to commit that rape wouldn't have been better to get him out of that school and out of this country before he raped this girl so if he had committed a crime it absolutely would have been better but Tucker let me say this what concerns me in addition to this type of crime is also what I've seen ice do in Southeast ball where I represent we're just recently a father was arrested after dropping off his son at school he has no criminal history his only history is violating his status and returning to this country he escaped violence in Honduras just the same way that my great-grandmother escaped violence and persecution in Austria and we welcome him here immigrants built the fabric of this country and Baltimore is a place that will continue to welcome them you know it's pretty unbelievable that you would compare ice federal immigration authorities to the Nazis which he just infected and you did explicitly yesterday when they're enforcing laws it would have prevented this heinous crime would you say that to the parents the girl who is raped these are Nazis these Americans were enforcing immigration laws why would you say something like that so I extend my full sympathy to these parents what they've been through is horrific and to trot their crime out publicly is really kind of shameful Tucker and I think that the politics you're engaging in is this sort of Willie Horton style race baiting dog whistle where you know we don't blame entire groups of people for that the heinous acts of a few for example we're not after done really hold on murdered nine people in a church in South Carolina I mean I give you the whole white people are terrorists way down I'm not saying that all Hispanics are terrorists I'm not saying anything like that you're the one who explicitly compared federal immigration authorities to Nazis who's using the dog whistle here who's making demagogic statements they're Nazis you're calling fellow American citizens Nazis for enforcing federal law passed by Congress are you really an officer why would you say something like that so what I'm doing Tucker is comparing the plight of my great-grandmother who came here from Austria to escape Hitler's gas chambers to the same fate as my Honda Rene burs who've come here escaping violence from their country and just want to build a better life we also had nobody actually not what she it's not what you're saying in fact let me read you a quote this is from yesterday from the city paper in Baltimore it's a Cohen likin the recent raids to what Nazi Germany did before the Holocaust so you're again for the fifth time you're accusing Americans your fellow American citizens who are law enforcement officials of behaving like Nazis don't you think that's a little over the top speaking again of dog whistles Tucker again what I'm saying is that when the Statue of Liberty proclaims give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to be free that she is calling both to my great grandmother as well as to my Honduran neighbors I'm not comparing I said the Nazis what I'm doing is to say these are people who've been persecuted back in their home country and if they want to come here and build a better life in Baltimore we welcome them okay but you are first of all comparing them to Nazis but the truth is Baltimore has a lot of problems a lot of problems got with the highest crime rates in the United States some of those crimes are committed by people who are here illegally illegal aliens as you know three years ago one of them raped a nine-year-old girl right after you became a sanctuary city again as you know you've had something like ten murders in the last week and you're spending your time telling law enforcement not to enforce the law how does that help the immigrants you claim to care for so Tucker here's the real story about Baltimore is that we are a city rebuilding and the resilience in my city is incredible and just because people like you go on TV and bash us doesn't mean that Baltimore has to take it I'm proud to represent my ship you remember setting your crime statistics do you know what they are really do you have any sense of what the murder rate what's what's the murder rate in your city do you know so last year we had over 300 homicides each one is tragic I completely agree with you I was a teacher in West Baltimore before I became a city council person and I will say that our school system is struggling our law enforcement is struggling but it is not the fault of immigrants and in fact Tucker what we faced for a very long time is depopulation and the immigrant community particularly the Central American community which you continuously bash on your show has actually come here continually bill bashing the central american community by the way that's completely false my only concern is for the people who are already here does it make a school better when people move in who don't speak English is it good for the kids who already in the school do you think does it improve the education is it fair the taxpayers have you thought about that I think the greatest asset in our city is our diversity and I was joined by an amazing group of immigrant youth yesterday what isn't one so slow down that doesn't that doesn't mean anything I have to a sincere question does it improve a school when a lot of people move in they don't speak English does the school get better absolutely so if you're talking about a city that used to be a million people and is now down to six hundred and thirty thousand having folks come here and participate and pay taxes sending their kids to our school is a blessing and we welcome those children and like I was saying we had a great group come to City Hall yesterday to advocate for their community to speak out against intolerance and to help us pass this resolution and that's why I'm so proud to represent my city on this so sad I mean maybe your city's depopulating because you had 316 murders last year because you don't take it seriously and you spend your time with frivolous nonsense like this which doesn't make the city better it's just sad it's it's depressing to a formerly great city like that languish under leadership like yours I'm sorry Tucker it's only frivolous when it's not really not your system this is a bird this is you know what it's it's sad and you're not providing a serious answer unfortunately
Channel: Fox News
Views: 955,264
Rating: 4.8546648 out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Immigration, Crime, Border Security, Deportation, Homicide, Illegal Immigrants, Northeast, Sex Crimes, US Regions, National Interest, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Primary US, US, Fox News, News
Id: bWH6fS3jZFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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