Tucker Carlson vs. New York Times' public editor

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I have to give her props for at least admitting there is an issue. You can tell she's exhausted by it.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 16 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 16 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight the show that is the sworn enemy of lying pomposity smugness and groupthink speaking of those themes the new york times the papers were under particularly intense fire over the past year and a half for its coverage of the 2016 presidential race this isn't the usual gee the new york times has gotten kind of liberal talk you've heard from conservatives for about four decades this is full throated outrage for many readers who believe the paper abandoned in journalism and became an advocacy organization for Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump the criticism became so relentless that just two weeks ago The Times his public editor Liz Spade wrote a really nice piece with this headline one thing voters agree on better campaign coverage was needed has anything changed since she wrote that Leesburg joins us now this nice offer come on I thought it was a really honest and fair piece good for you good thank I want to give our viewers who maybe don't read your paper a sense of what some of your readers we're talking about in expressing their outrage to you so here is Thursday November 10th Wall Street Journal this was the first print edition after the election you can see the headline a new political order and they're a bunch of kind of analysis pieces what does this mean here's the time shares your papers first print edition after Trump's election Democrats students and foreign allies face the reality of a trump presidency now if you substituted Trump presidency with I don't know terminal cancer diagnosis it would not change the meaning of this I mean that's advocacy isn't it I think that that kind of a headline is exactly what concerns me which is that I don't I don't consider it advocacy but I consider it almost an unrecognized point of view that that the times has that comes from being in New York being in a you know in a certain circle and seeing the world a certain way not being in touch with with people who don't live like them or don't live in cities and who are the ones that elected Donald Trump for the presidency they're just out of touch with that and what I found when I when I got so many emails into my office about five times the normal amount that I typically would get in a week I started taking to the phones and just calling a lot of those those people to hear what they thought and what I was most surprised by is how many liberal readers who I called who were angry at yes and they are as it was unfair so your piece came out and I was heartened as a lifetime reader of the New York Times I thought boy someone's being kind of honest about this there's no ideological diversity so they're off the rails and and they should know and you pointed it out here's today's lineup on The Times website has a 4:30 p.m. there are six top headlines here and five of them are pretty aggressively anti Trump Trump stuff trade talk danger American factories opinion really you're blaming transgender people for Trump Trump's breezy calls to world leaders leave diplomats aghast and then this rigged or not election positions Trump to shape rules on how you vote in other words it's Trump who's calling the election rigged one of course it's liberals it's Hillary and Jill Stein who are actually challenging the election results this seems like more of the same to me I'm probably not in the same space in terms of how how liberal you see the New York Times and how liberal I see it I see the vast majority of journalists who walk in that door every day who who work hard to have high journalistic standards the kind that that I agree with but I do I do agree with you that that especially when it comes to political coverage that that the guns can get pointed too much in one direction right I mean in fairness to the to the times I would say I get as many letters on Hillary Clinton's emails and why does the New York Times cover that so much why are they so relentless about it and you know so I do think that they're know the Upper West Side is upset about that there's no question yeah now when you say that the journalists who walk in the front door The Times building are doing their best to be fair I wouldn't believe you except I know for a fact that's not true because I read their Twitter feeds and I want to give you some examples now these are not opinion columnist Gale Collins's Twitter feeds these are Michael barbero for example is straightforward news report here's one this is November 15th pardon me for asking but what qualifies Jared Kushner to have a seat at the presidential table huh there's Eric Lipton another reporter White House is QVC it has started here's Peter Baker for a new president from reality television a cabinet selection that resembles a pageant Liam stack and I'm quoting now the Electoral College was meant to stop men like Trump from taking office are you kidding these are news reporters saying stuff yeah I think it's outrageous I think that that should not be they shouldn't be tweeted and they shouldn't and it it and it does concern me that that would be but that'd be I mean everybody's going to have their personal political views we all do but they they ought to be personal and if you sign up to the adjourn Allah then then that's what you ought to be so you know when I say that I think the majority do walk in the door there's there's hundreds and hundreds of reporters at the New York these are them these are the ones who are covering politics are the famous ones and here ones it particularly bothered me because they suggest not just the personal politics on the part of the reporter but what they believe the mission of the times is this is Michael Barbara November 9th is election day quote we had fearless journalism throughout 2016 voters wanted what they want in other words we tried to keep this guy from getting elected but he did anyway Peter Baker same sentiment this is recently real scandal isn't what the media didn't report its what it did and readers didn't care in other words we tried to stop Trump from getting elected but he got like somewhat don't blame us that suggests they don't understand the mission of a newspaper which is to bring you the news not to affect the outcome of a political race yeah I think there's a lot of I think there's a lot of angst and concern at big media organizations about whether we're going to get blamed by the left by by you know the half of America that did not vote for Trump for putting Trump in office and so I do think that you see a lot of that sentiment out there yes but is there concern is much concern about non left readers like me now I don't think there is here's like honest and you're not responsible this I don't mean to barking yeah but where the editors here I mean if my you know if I was the New York Times and my editors for tweeting tweeting crap like that I would say you stop that right now I'm firing you why don't they do that I I don't know I don't know that any of those people should be fired but I do think that when people go over the line like that and I think some of those are over the line that that there ought to be some kind of a consequence for that there ought to at least be a clear strict conversation that that's ad so that everybody else understands it's not okay I know that they have rules they periodically put them out you may have seen them when they they'll issue a statement and saying there's not okay but I'm not sure what happens so they're a bunch of consequences of this and they're all bad in my opinion one it undermines the business model of the New York Times I think which is based on its credibility as an impartial and accurate news source it destroys that but it also empowers the alternative media that everyone in your world is so upset about they say well people are getting their news from these non legitimate sites and there's some truth in that by the way why is that happening because legitimate so-called sites like the New York Times or NBC News or The Washington Post have soda based themselves that people feel like I'm going somewhere else do you see that phenomenon not as much as you do I think Fox News is the base itself more so in the opposite way they're not you know I don't think that Fox News like holds holds the middle ground of sort of your honor here's the difference on this show which is the one thing I can speak for I'm totally upfront about my I never pretend I mean I think anything I think our news is kind of above or probably not right well I'm not look I'm not in the position of defending a company I can only defend my show I think Fox News is fair but this show I'm totally up front so if Michael my vera comes and says you know I'm kind of a left-wing political activist fine I'm no problem that I'm happy to react but when he lies to me and says I'm a straight news reporter why should maybe a femme Dan well I don't I I am NOT defending those kind of tweets and I and I do agree with you that I just don't agree with some of the terms that they're debasing journalist and I don't agree with that but I do agree that it makes no sense to me in terms of what the New York Times claims it is and wants to be and as you say their business model they have a business model that is based less on advertising and more on getting right reference for people and why would you cut off half of America and make them feel like this is not their New York Times but also there's a high handedness when they start lecturing me about fake news you guys have been on this obsessive jihad against fake news I'm thinking well I kind of believe that a rock had massive stockpiles weapons of mass destruction cuz I read in the New York Times and of course that wasn't true I thought maybe Tawana Brawley was telling the truth because I read it in the New York Times so to lecture me or the rest of the country about fake news not really in a position to do that fair I don't I think that there's a category of fake news that goes out and you know this that is intentional it's intentionally trying to trick you index right I don't think that's the same as weapons of mass destruction we're we're journalists were not up to their highest standards and you know I'm among those I was I was you know at the Washington Post at that time too so I'm not blaming anybody else but the intention was not to put out fake news that's different than but I think swept up into the category of fake news is not just Ukrainian bloggers trying to undermine American democracy it's also cite The Times doesn't agree with it like let's just fake cuz I disagree that's my impression yeah let's paid well thank you I appreciate it thank you see you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 723,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Executive Branch, Transition, Media, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Politics, Primary Opinion, Fox News, News
Id: A6nRfwZ0BQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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