Tucker to Dem who wants Trump impeached: This sounds crazy

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leaving before the announcement of the new special council a bunch of Democrats were declaring it was time to talk impeachment for president Trump watch I rise today mr. speaker to call for the impeachment of the President of the United States of America I think this is going to put us a little bit further on our way to what I've been calling for for so long and that is impeachment thank you of course the left has been demanding Trump's impeachment since before he became the president it was the week he announced they started calling for it but now they think he really deserves it crystal ball is a former Democratic congressional candidate and works at the new leaders council progressive organization she says it's time to impeach Trump mr. ball joins us tonight Christian you still think it's time even after the appointment of this special counsel yeah absolutely which I welcome I think it's a great move I think it will help bring some clarity and give us a sense that we were actually going to get to the truth of what happened between Russia and our democracy and the president's campaign but it doesn't change the things that the president has already done and look a couple things you can absolutely think Dems have been hysterical from the beginning you can think that you think that okay that's fine I knew that you did yes you can think that this president has good intentions and still look at the facts here and say he is unfit for this office and is incapable of faithfully executing on those are fairly subjective judgments so subjective and you can make a case for them sure but they're so subjective we don't typically take away the office of an elected leader on the basis of things that's subjective that would be known I think is it coo well right so don't we wait for the evidence of a crime or as the Constitution puts it a high crime and misdemeanor before we convict someone isn't that what justice is well let's the rush in a separate category in terms of the investigation that's going on there we already know that this president kept Michael Flynn in office even after he knew he had been compromised by the Russians we already know that he tried to obstruct justice and put pressure on coalition's in what would well in the way that Sally Yates talked about that that we've been crying about the conversations that he had with the Russian ambassador but how was he compromised I do I mean I think that's a black I feel good Justice Department the I didn't the FBI I think Comey said this looked into the substance of his conversations with his lyac and decided it was you know not such a big deal it was the lying to Mike Pence it would mean the lost man well it's the lying that compromised him because they could use that as blackmail that's the whole idea there so that's one piece another piece of what were they going to blackmail him to do exactly because he was lying they could hold that over his head get him to do but moving forward from that one if he's missing oh you're making the allegation I don't know what you're talking about well he was really think that he could be compromised if he's a cold war spyer's I think because they know that he's they've caught him in a lie so that's something you can hold over their head we can assure them to do whatever he was a top national security adviser he had access to our most sensitive information so that's an example where I don't think that you can say the president was faithfully do you think that Mike Flynn whatever his faults would have funneled national security information American secrets to the Russian government I have no idea I've never moved in he's like a blazer but I think it's a bad situation ran a judgment agency advisor up obama lying about what he said and did with the russians so that's one example another example is what's come out reportedly about the president's conversations with the Russians in this in the Oval Office and the fact that we just be clear you think that because Mike Flynn lied to the vice president Trump should be impeached I think that's one example that he kept him in office another example is requiring Jim Comey just a little bit anybody well catch someone lying in your office and you don't fire him immediately though he did actually fire him like if that person is compromised by our address but he did fire him in the end so wouldn't that violate him after it came to the public light he left him in office for quite a while so in addition to that there's really no fan aware I'm a fan of yours this is this is a little crazy you got it I mean a little bit I mean you're sure you're mad because he lied and Trump didn't fire but Trump actually did fire him but Trump needs to be impeached because even front office I'm going to trying to go through I know I'm just trying to look people throwing stuff around I just want to get specific about because I don't know what some of it means but now I know what you're okay so also he revealed sensitive information to the Russians in the Oval Office now you can think that he again was good intention that he didn't really have sensitive information about the laptop plot and the city and compromised our intelligence sharing with a very important ally we know that you know the nature of the information well we know some nature of that information because people with every mission in the reveal is shitty that could have been an important clue for Russia okay again you don't have to believe this as part of a sinister plot no no I'm not even I'm not believe look I'm not even suggesting a sinister plot because I'm not a Democrat I'm just trying to get to the bottom of what the allegation is so nobody who was actually in the room who has spoken has said that Trump however in politic he can be and he can be for sure but gave actual classified information to the Russians no one who was actually physically present has said that so why do we think this happened well we think that happened because we have multiple news organizations reporting that he gave up an important piece of information about the city where this intelligence came from and now you have Israel you have other allies saying we're not so sure that we want to share intelligence with you which makes our people like Israel has said that other allies have said that really which one's European allies they weren't specific so that is the news report okay so I just look all of this may be true and I wouldn't put it past the president for sure to say something he shouldn't say does that a lot but you're talking about impeaching a do a democratically elected president removing him from our in a trial convicting him right climb on the basis of no actual evidence like you have a Washington Post piece which may be true mm-hmm but if this is we don't have that evidence you want to pick him anyway and then you have the latest memos regarding James Comey and the pressure that was put on him and in terms of the investigation with Michael Flynn and look Tucker let's keep in mind better about how serious this impeachment would be and you're absolutely right we should also talk about how serious off the presidency is this is not some VP of Marketing that we got to give them a shot I'm not a I'm not a make you famous person and I'm gonna make a little bit for the men you don't have to wait at all because we have things called elections where the voters get to decide not the Center for American Progress well you know what I know we grow impatient in this internet age but the truth is unless you want to undo the democracy you claim to defend no now you got to slow down with this stuff okay we're going to look pull your leader out of office my wife is family this is ultimately a political question right Republicans control everything but I should say it's not only Democrats who are talking in peace impeachment Justin mosh also came out and said that I see the salary night on this show just because some Republicans man or a bunch of Republicans or every Republican in the US I don't care I don't care what your party ideas I want to know what the facts are I worry what's reasonable and true mm-hmm and I just think it's pretty over the lap today frumpy trip with no actual evidence in crime that's all I say that everything that's been reported is true that he really did try to pressure comité would then you think that it was an impeachable of fun if he brought lies yes it could be shown that this or any other president tried to commit obstruction of justice that is without question and P chable offense in a lot of you that ought to be pursued do you think waited about pressure on Comey with regards to Michael Flynn do you think that that constitutes obstruction of job well I'm efficient doesn't Emily because it was that to the top law enforcement officer at the FBI and so presumably if he thought it constituted obstruction of justice he reported it to the Justice Department as required by law and he didn't so like I'm just saying you can criticize Trump but to call for his removal from office is a really big deal and I throwing around Odle cavalierly think you don't know you don't think that would be obstruction of justice or heartbreak loyalty I'm I'm afraid we're totally out of time but you can watch tomorrow I'll tell you more what I think Mistel thank you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 1,266,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Executive Branch, White House, Scandals, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Politics, Primary Politics, Fox News, News
Id: Ef392mgw9_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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