Tucker vs Dem who called him Trump 'smokescreen salesman'

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welcome back first both Democrats and Republicans seem eager to ridicule presidents Trump claimed president Trump's claim rather he was spied on by the Obama administration suddenly that is no longer the case today senators John Cornyn Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul Republicans all all of whom have had feuds with Trump called for a congressional investigation of Susan Rice's behavior when she was in the Obama White House as part of what they said I believe Susan Rice abused this system and she did it for political purposes she needs to be brought in and questioned under well I believe she should be called as a witness by the Senate Intelligence Committee is something Congress should look into if she was involved in unmasking Trump transition figures what was the reason and was there a political motive I'd like to know that and we'll get to the bottom of she of course if the surveillance story suddenly is bringing Republicans to Trump's defense that it must not be worthy of coverage any more this morning Democratic strategist and former White House aide David good friend said this on Fox News Watch yesterday my friend Tucker Carlson and I want you noticed I like Tucker I've been on a show but I'm sorry he's turning into a high-paid smokescreen salesman for the Trump White House he's trying to obfuscate and distract you from the real news yesterday Oh fighting words why don't you come say that to my face David good friend oh wait here he is David good friend going to the on the set so David why am i a civil libertarian here is the lifelong conservative why am i the one worried about the privacy rights of Americans I thought that was supposed to be a liberal obsession I don't know any liberals you care anymore actually if we talk about Edward Snowden and the revelations that he made about NSA spying on individuals that brought together people on the far left and the far right is saying that was too much invasion by the state and I for one I'd love to see you support this as well I'd like to see no reauthorization of the Patriot Act and any of its surveillance methods that now you're getting abstract let's get that sighs okay oh that a political appointee Susan Rice one of the former presidents closest political advisors right requested the names of Americans and monitored men years of trumps entourage in effect for months many months going back to the Republican primaries and it's not really clear why but we know that her behavior was unusual it doesn't make you uncomfortable at all so I assume this is why you want me to explain why I called you a smokescreen salesman for the trouble I think I basically had the same good conversation on yesterday but I'm not I don't take it personally your personal your previous guest came on before me max boot lifelong Republican somebody who said he opposed whatever I'm not even talk about politics what I mean I worry about as in an American that doesn't bother him at food I'm really saying I don't care what is political affiliate what I'm sitting as an American you're not bothered sure I'm bothered I'm bothered by our country being compromised by a number one foreign adversary in collusion with our president that bothers me and what max would say let me finish your Tucker the reason I took a hit at you this morning on Fox News and said you're putting up a smokescreen is because yesterday a rather April 2nd right when the Washington Post was going to come out with its story about the meeting between trunkpeople and Russians that was when we decided to hear all about Susan Rice and the character assassination started you seem to think that if you can distract your audience and you've got an intelligent audience you can distract the very most Susan like I want a time no not a little all about Kate always go down our house I'm not on you are you upset by that slow down I'm not a political consultant I don't take orders to the White House I am received a single piece of information from the White House I get my information from people at lunch and the Washington Post this story came out I'm sure it was leaked by people with political interest in leaking it doesn't change the facts of the story and the facts of the story remain exactly what they don't shows me no not the Trump these are two separate strands oh I think why do you not recognize the other here you have a political actor in a White House surveilling her political opponents wrong that it's not wrong it was admitted to by Susan Rice on television today so I can't bother you at all no because it's not no I thought I somehow something anything that we ought to get rid of the Patriot Act of course that so patriotic i'ma talk about the Patriot Act absolutely stood stems from the same statute now let me talk worried about you guys you made it no hunting at all wasn't acting to worry about the big story here here's the ghost story all right here's the big story as you described is what you said this morning to shannon bream on yes i saw the clip you said no here's another one you said we now know that representative from the Trump camp met a representative of the Russian government yes Aryan is Seychelles Erik Prince exactly right the brother I got anywhere in sight sir you said as of yesterday the connection between the Russians and the Trump campaign has now been proven yes that was long after Trump already won so your basic claim that Trump colluded with the Russian government to win the presidency remains not only unproven but lacking any evidence but also maybe you know down before making that call Tucker now listen we have an ongoing criminal investigation yeah we have an on do you have any evidence or I'm not makes the items are like this and as a matter of fact yes when you have the head of where's the evidence it's a hit okay this is I've seen you do this on the show before it's no interpretation that's why talk to you just you just berated a Republican guest you said we've got 17 national security here what's your political affiliation is you're going to say things without any evidence at all no treasure you Tucker you can actually ask and bring on the show Senator Mark Warner once you bring on the show James Comey oh yeah I've radiated paraded in editors and not one person can answer that question and look we may find out in a year's time the Trump and Putin were taking saunas every afternoon or counting on their cell phone that's a truth as of now we've know nothing to that effect and you got making allegation cancer or you're telling they say yourself you're contradicting I am NOT you have spent the entire day berating Susan Rice who are you guys it's yourself Abidin is on television today that she was involved in Velen where the trachea ball look suppose she got a transmission but that's a hell now because it's anti-trump I'm gonna told I have messed up two sides I'm out there's only one side David I'm cutting off because we're out of time I'm being told thank you for joining us
Channel: Fox News
Views: 319,243
Rating: 4.8386841 out of 5
Keywords: Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Executive Branch, National Security, White House, Apple News, Scandals, On Air, Opinion, Personality, Politics, Primary Politics, Special, Fox News, News
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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