Testing VIRAL Amazon Products

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okay I am tired I'm so tired and I look tired and I just want to apologize I slept about 2 hours last night don't know why my body and brain hate me which is fun but I might look tired and disheveled but at least you look absolutely fabulous thank you for blessing me with your gorgeous little face today that's what I needed to see I just want to hold it for a minute that's nice you look great okay okay I'm awake now let's get to it hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris you can call me Chris and today we are doing one of my favorite things to do and that is reviewing products products in which come from Amazon The Great vast Universe of things we probably don't need but I'm going to test out just in case you want them you know but these are also things that I've seen go viral on Tik Tok and I want to test it out I want to see if they're actually worth the virality the virality the viral I don't know how to talk that's why I'm a YouTuber that doesn't make sense I'm tired anyway yeah let's do [Music] that first up I want to do this product because I look so tired and my face is Puffy and I feel like this will help wake me up so we're going to test out the L me L me let me let me I don't know ice roller for face eyes women gifts face massage roller puffiness migraine pain Rel and minor injury in bracket screen and it is $ 13.95 Canadian which is not crazy terrible all of my problems I have puffiness I have a headache not a migraine and I need relief from pain on the inside but I don't think that's going to help with that but let's see if it does but first let's read some reviews Audrey give it four star saying feels good it feels good on the skin and it's very nice in the morning it helps waking me up and is easy to use I don't have my glasses where's my glass okay well we're bringing out the old old glasses I guess these ones don't even work gather around because now is Chris reads screens anyway the only thing is that it unfroze fast but I'm pretty sure that's normal all right well we'll see how fast it unfreezes I guess next one luir rev dope name says amazing little tool amazing little tool that feels great on the skin first thing in the morning it feels like a nice cold bath for your face but without the running water stays cold a good amount of time and is wonderful for a mild headache or after a long day will definitely recommend okay well I'm sold not yet I got to test it first let's test it okay I'm looking tired as hell so we're going to try to use the roller for face saying but anyway I put the roller thing in the freezer you had to put it in the bag that they give you and then you have this thing which is very cold which is nice oh oh feel like this is going to mess up my makeup but I don't give a I feel like the best way to use this probably would be on a clean face but I'm uh I'm not clean I'm a filthy filthy girl ew ew you have this and this and this is the roller thing that it comes with it's just like a little handle I guess and then you just click it on I guess oh oh look at that oh that's quite nice I like that okay well let's see under my eyes is really bad right now so going oh yeah oh that's quite lovely oh that's nice oh I get this this is nice oh I could see doing this in the morning this is really nice I'm digging this my face getting red getting a little shiny now I feel like I'm already more awake oh Roll It Out roll your face out like pizza know because at the end of the day you are what you eat and I love eating pizza what this is really nice I'm a big fan of this I would do this every morning honestly just throw this in the freezer oh and I like that it's a roller I just feel like I'm painting my face this is good I wish I could apply makeup like this oh my gosh I feel re rejuven revital revitalized revitalized revitalized that's not a word I really like this though I feel really great I would purchase this this is cheap too I think it's worth the money five star review from Chris let's do the next one all right next is something for health and wellness as well which I love is this in Focus God damn it was it in Focus I don't know I hope it was in Focus I can't see I don't know why I keep making videos without putting my glasses on and they're downstairs anyway I got an acupressure mat which kind of scares me because it's like really spiky and I don't see how it would feel good but it's supposed to help with a bunch of things this is what it is it's the shoe acupressure set acupressure mat and pillow with two-piece massage balls okay pain relief therapy muscle back neck with travel bag for men and women no children love that child is no longer a child and it was also $42 Canadian which I think is pretty pretty okay for a mat for like an acupressure mat and some balls not too steep these are some of the claims they are claiming um acup pressure is an ancient Chinese Therapy that is prct practiced by health professionals around the world now you can tap into this healing power at home with your own acupressure set fabulous with more than 7,800 piece plastic tips Tom Sho acup pressure mat distributes your weight across the points evenly and safely and look forward to a warm sensation that replaces tensions and discomfort with pain relief and relaxation here's some reviews Jessica an salbach says what a name what a difference I was skeptical at first but this man is amazing I don't know why she sounds like this I don't know why everybody's sounding like this today I just like doing this voice I have been using it almost daily and feel so much better after each use I use it on my back my and my crack what just kidding Jessica didn't say that I use it on my back and I stand on as well when my feet are sore I did not notice that it came with a spiky ball when I first purchased it so me so Chris core Jessica not noticing it and Laura West said gave it four stars and said very relaxing experience I like this mat and makes me feel relaxed and fall asleep fast I don't feel an acup pressure pain after a few minutes the back pain relief is not very noticeable though let's see if she's right acupressure mat let's do this and yes I saw most of the pictures people were wearing like tank tops or sports bras to feel the spikes in their skin so I'm blessing you with this today oh looking like Jack especially tatted don't with me boy and excuse I can get to flex let's open this [Music] that's ironic isn't it I don't need a man I don't need a man I need a kff do I have something sharp if your muscles don't work a knif will oh here's the little balls the little spiky balls look at those oh I don't like how spiky they are I don't like spiky things that was so gross I'm so sorry I just ate a quesadilla I know that's not what this is for but oh maybe this is nice okay well or just kidding although it would help anyway just kidding be confident in your breasts matte ooh and it's green I love how everything I got today is green oh oh not the pillow this is sharp this is sharper than the scissors I just used to open its packaging my God I thought it was longer than this that's what she said I'm a child no I'm a prep peent boy uh anyway I'm just kidding all right well let's throw this on the ground and see what it does and the pillow and welcome to my zen acup pressure M session first thing we're going to do is lie down on the mat skin first Kevin get out please I love you oh God it is so sharp I don't know how oh oh oh wait oh wait this is like it stings a little bit but it's not like terrible ow no it hurts this hurts it kind of feels good on my head though do I like this it hurts it's hurting but I get how it's relaxing I kind of like pain it hurts so good it does feel nice I understand this I get like it lie here for a minute give me a minute all right give me a minute riveting content I know trying to give it a real shot okay after the initial pain they're still pain um but I guess it feels good be interested to know what my back looks like after this it is weirdly relaxing I don't know you know what I kind of dig it this is nice I'll give it 3.5 Stars oh getting up is terrible oh God what does my back look like is it bad oh ow ow it's all right next up it's cold in Canada baby and uh you need tokes or beanies if you're from America or from anywhere else I think we only say t in Canada to be honest but if you don't know what that is it's a beanie it's a thing it's a thing on your I'll I'll get it it's this and you put it on your head but it's got a light on it yeah I'm excited I often like to walk Kevin either early in the morning or morning what early in the morning or late at night and it's very dark cuz I live in the middle of the forest so if I could have a little Spotlight on my head I think that would be very handy so here's what it is it is the I'm and Lock's unisex beanie hat with light winter handsfree USB rechargeable LED headlamp knitted cap gifts for father men and women no children again and it is $9.99 which I think for a toque with a light on it and it's pretty thick it's good material that's pretty good let's see what the people said Joel sigfreed sick name gave it five stars and said comfortable warm and unique Woolen knitted cat has built-in light this guy looks like the most friendliest man oh my gosh he's so adorable he looks so cute oh he looks so toasty and warm I trust Joel with my life he says one of the most useful articles of clothing is the unique imen loocks unisex rechargeable LED beanie hat with its own integrated light oh my God he's so well spoken he's just reading off the description of it I enjoy wearing this warm cap because it is lightwe comfortable fits perfectly since it's easily oh my gosh I just clicked on to read more and it is aing it's a novel okay well we know he likes it so that's all we need to know I trust droll let's test it out okay I know we're on the beanie right now but I would just like to say this is still cold and it's been a while it's been like at least 20 30 minutes I don't even know but it's still like cold as hell get this beanie or toque whatever the you want to call it it's this it's pretty simple I charged it up I haven't turned it on yet cuz I want to do that with you guys but I guess I should turn off the lights to really test this out hello oh oh yeah I'm blind okay let's turn off all the lights and really test this out all right we still need to be able to see a little bit oh night vision took activated oh wa I can't really tell I got to turn off more lights oh oh yeah I'm acking Lighthouse man look at that holy wait if I cover this I don't know if you guys can tell but it like lights up the whole room this is great I think there's like more settings on this oh it goes even brighter wa Kevin we're going to be lighting up the roads we're going to be stopping traffic mate oh and it goes dimmer that's cool oh it's a party in the house it's a party in the house c c dance with me play some dope music oh you're really heavy I feel like you give somebody a seizure with this toque man this is dope I'm excited to use this and it's nice it's comfy it's very warm oh God it looks like I'm in theing Blair Witch Project right now if they had this in the Blair Witch they might have not have had so many issues did you hear that [Music] jay make that into something some mus and stuff I don't know I like this I give it a 10 out of 10 baby five stars next all right next up we have another Beauty project because I need to work on this no but I I I like testing out beauty products and seeing what works for me and I've always loved red light therapy I used to use beds uh like proper beds to go in and I did notice a difference but the bulbs are really strong in those beds so I was I'm a little skeptical about these uh face masks that they have so this one that's been trending is the red light for face near infrared face light red face lamp with 660nm and 850nm wavelengths for home use number one bestseller 4 and 1/2 stars but it is a whopping $135 so I didn't want to uh just try it out for one day and let you guys know I've actually had this product for over a month now I'll show it to you first and then give my findings but first here's what it's supposed to do so essentially it's supposed to improve bound healing reduce stretch marks reduce wrinkles and Fine Lines improve facial texture help with psoriasis scars sun damage so basically everything it's supposed to be really good for you and it is but yeah I wanted to test it out properly so here's some reviews as well I es give it four stars and says I think it's working update I noticed best results happen when I use this before my moisturizer directly on Cleanse skin or after a light waterbased serum I've been using for a few months now and my skin is definitely better although it's nothing dramatic Mo gave it five stars and says works well I've only used this for 4 days and I'm going to keep using it even if I don't have results in my skin I'm finding it really good for mood and energy I might see a little bit of skin Improvement already though I'm not sure I don't think any of these people sound like this but let's try it out this looks terrifying this looks like the mask we all wear masks metaphorically speaking but like I said I have been using this for a little over a month now and I usually just use it at night before I go to bed because I like having like baths or having like warm showers or having like warmth before I go to bed because it tends to make me sleep better and calm me down so I've been using it every night before I go to bed for the past month I'll show you before I give you my final thought so basically you just have to like unhook this ow how the did I do that I literally got myself with my own fingernail how only I could do that what in the ass anyway you put it on your face you put the eye hole thingies in there so it separates from your face oh God and then you look like a Halloween C or borderline cancelable but it just kind of sits just off of your face like this it looks so good and then you have this little uh this little timer thingy where you could set it up and I've just been doing it on Max because you just got to live it up you just got to go full full force full full time you know it gives you like a time of 5 to 20 minutes so I'm just like 20 and then you turn it on and you can reap the rewards oh my God this looks terrifying I look like a super villain you shall not pass that's not a villain that's Gandalf Gandalf awesome we love Gandalf this looks terrifying but what I do like about this I'm going to start with what I do like about this and is that it makes like when I have no makeup on my face and I'm like lying on the couch watching a movie it does make my face just feel a lot tighter and and warm and it's honestly just really comforting so just for that fact alone I've been using it but I don't know if I've actually noticed noticed a whole lot of a difference maybe a little bit it's it's I've noticed but I feel like the bulbs can only be so strong in these masks that for like $150 with tax or whatever I don't think it's worth it to be honest I think I'd rather get like a full-on bed or like go to a salon where they have the beds but for comfort and if you know you want to blow 150 bucks on something that makes you feel good which who hasn't done that you know I feel like it's all right but I look likeing Optimus Prime do I not this is terrifying I'll give it like a a 2.5 out of 10 because I could go with it or go without it looks pretty dope on the inside look at that that looks like from a sci-fi movie that looks pretty sick all right next up I'm a hairdresser all right I like to use hair tools and try everyone out and people have been raving on the internet about this Revlon blow dryer brush I've seen a lot of ones on the internet but a lot of them are like $200 $300 I'll put some of them up here but this one is only $50 Canadian so I think that's a steal if this works so I'm excited to try it I just did my hair this morning so I'm going to use one of my siblings to help test this out Deborah Klein says five stars excellent wish I would have bought this item long before now easy to hold drrive and style at the same time less stress on hair very good finished results with little effort lightweight item okay I like where Deborah's coming from I like this all the reviews I'm seeing are five stars so I'm excited to try this out let's do it so I found this rat on the street this wet rat as my model anyway we're here to test the Revlon brush I have tried the amama one mom you've tried what Conair or something yeah that's it but this has been trending on Tik Tok and everybody says that this is so great and if it's good I mean you can have it regardless but you can have this after cuz I don't I don't really need it thanks all right so let's test it out also this is Alyssa not her wet rat from the street and I actually just did her hair so now we're going to get a hair reveal and a testing here we go oh is it hot oh oh yeah it's h oh it smells like burn smells suspicious maybe it's just warming up I didn't read the instructions I'm a hairdresser I know what I'm doing it's actually working really well her hair is pretty dry already the one dry strip that's pretty nice also her color looks fantastic I'm so good at my job this actually was really nice her hair doesn't actually curl that well either and it's got like a nice um well it doesn't oh okay her hair is trash and it works on her by it I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm going to do the rest of it and we'll see how long it takes oh my the again I feel like a reporter talking in a storm thanks Tom we're standing here in Orlando Florida where I don't know why any body lives here because there's aing massive storm every year that worked pretty well I feel like that took like what like 10 minutes maybe not long her head was soing wet too I didn't even towel dry it it was like soing yeah it was wet so I'd probably suggest towel drying at first and getting all that moisture out and she's got a lot she got a she got a head of hair on her so I'd say it's worth the money it's not even that expensive so it's a yes for me you can have it next next up we got a blender because i' I've been actually having a lot of more smoothies lately and I am sometimes running errands and on the go and I don't know I don't think I would need to blend a smoothie on my run to go or something I don't really know when you would use this but it's got good reviews and I just wanted to test it out and I like to destroy stuff so watching stuff get splended up in a blender is exciting and I like things that are smaller than they're supposed to be we know this right and this is adorable so enough said and it is the pop baby smoothie blender portable blender and single serve personal blender blender to go updated version apple green how many times dides that say blender Jesus if I was taking shots every time it said blender I'd be fing plastered and the price of it is $31.99 Canadian which for a little blender that's that's that's all right some of the reviews say there's actually Lil Debbie gave it one star saying terrible first hard to get frozen fruit in it with not crush the fruit or ice only lasts one blend don't waste your money on this ad they won't refund you quite disappointed first Little Debbie it's called grandma and you're missing a couple words but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt I'll keep that noted let's see if there's any good ones Yasmin gave it five stars saying excellent a yes when that was beautifully said and for those of you who are wondering what that said that don't know Spanish it basically just means uh it's very practical to wash cuz all the pieces can be separate seated and that it Blends uh excellently if you use small pieces of fruit so I'm going to take that advice yasine and take it right to the bank let's try it out okay so we have this think we just open it on the bottom oh it just all comes apart okay that's cool okay cool doesn't smell good anyway so it came with like a little mini ice tray which I love because we know I love everything that's smaller than it's supposed to be look how cute that is then we just got to break it it's like little silicone ice cubes oh they're so cute I'm just going to take like just plop them out now these are kind of hard to get out oh look at that they're so cute okay put these in all right maybe a few more and then everybody was saying berries work the best so I'm going to try berries spoon out some berries like oops like blackberries and blueberries and raspberries I don't do like too much I guess okay I feel like that's probably pretty good I don't know I guess I'll put some liquid in it you got to have liqu liquid in your smoothie otherwise it's not going to blend very well cashew milk in here oh that might have been a little too much all right we're going to put the lid on and we're going to go back upstairs where the camera is better and the sound is better let's go okay I have assembled the pop baby smoothie thing and now I guess I'll just turn it on I don't really know I'm scared oh oh it's glowing hello ma'am work you piece of where are the instructions God damn it one button operation that's easy to clean shut the when red and blue like flickering alternative or red like flash and blender cannot start please check the following points guys guys turns out I'm just stupid these lines weren't lined up and it literally says right there that the two lines need to be lined up super observant anyway I think it'll work now so let's try God my heart just fell out of my okay let's try that again do I have to hold it [Music] hello this thing is really struggling I didn't even use like big berries or anything really got to help it out I feel like I'm really having to work for my smoothie and I feel like this thing's going to explode any second okay to be fair it probably needs more liquid this seems like a lot of work try it anyway though feel like this is more of a spoon Ina delicious it's very darkart I feel like if I added more liquid it might blend better let's see if that helped round two that was the sound of my last Brain Cell dying I'm not a huge fan of that I feel like it might work a little bit I feel like it's a big hassle like just put it in a regular blender I guess I don't know why you would need a portable blender like this maybe if your camping or something but yeah it's all right two out of five stars I don't know it's all right little underwhelming just like myself okay everybody I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please like the video it really helps out the channel and also subscribe if you haven't subscribed this is obviously bestest YouTube channel ever and I will see you beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 2,313,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: byV-SD0S_2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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