TikToks Only Girls Understand

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Hello friends it's me and today we are checking out some Tik toks that are just for the girls when he doesn't instantly pay attention to me oh my God babe look at this working on something important sorry babe let me see no like it was probably a Tik Tok I've already scrolled past it closed the page opened up Instagram you missed your chance I don't even want to show you anymore how do you expect me to find it on a never changing for you page I like how it says working on something important when he's just scrolling through Twitter literally no one girls hands like uh we are so talented you know we've really evolved after years of having the world's smallest Pockets we are able to hold many things in our hands a camera what is this called the Apple Visor Vision Pro completely forgot phone lip gloss and a water me walking past a group of guys literally walking past any group of people going into an elevator with another person I'm texting back all the 78 people that I know right this moment can't talk to you I'm so busy me actually getting the password wrong till my phone locks it's not the lighting it's you oh man I can relate to this it's like you look fine when the lighting is even and then when it's like overhead lighting or just like weird different angles I feel like every time I shoot a Dar manand video the lighting is like so unflattering or maybe I'm just ugly or both but it's really not you it's the lighting and then when people see you in this lighting they'll be like what's wrong with you are you okay you look tired tired of you when you sit down and your pants do the thing no when I was in school this used to make me so self-conscious like I would always wear jeans and they would always just like be there in all its girthy presence I don't know I would just always like adjust it pull up my pants sit differently so it didn't look like I had a wiener no nails are broken wait a second this is actually genius so instead of tucking your bed sheets in with your nails and risking a casualty just do it with a spatula these ain't just for flipping burgers actually genius I'll learn more on Tik Tok than I did at school POV you have bangs Okay I finally figured out why bangs don't stay in the front of your head some people's hair follicles want to go a certain direction mine want to go so when I have B I have to wear a hat or put a headband on so it holds it and presses it down in this position otherwise they' be floating around like the particles you see on the side of your eye also all your favorite K-pop Idols they have a bang secret they all get their bangs permed to go forward yeah it's a thing a lot of bangs They don't like being bangs They have so much self-hatred they do not want to cooperate and be bangs so they'd be doing like this and this and that and that you know anything but this so it's like if you try to put the bangs in the front of your face and they look like this you can get it permed and it looks like this also if your bangs naturally go forward congratulations you're God's favorite this girl found a bang hack for the bangs you want to know what I just figured out it puts them perfectly is if you tap the top of your bangs it puts them back to where they perfectly go right so say they get all willy-nilly in the wind and you get finally get inside right just adjust it with your fingers a little bit give that a tap babe and it's perfect again it's perfect no I look like Justin Bieber this ain't perfect why is this what have you done to me I think this only works if they're just like cut straight across nobody told me this not a single person I've had bangs for the past year and a half well congratulations I'm glad it works for you but I'm going to still be here struggling because it does not work for me when it's finally time to eat the emergency snack at the bottom of your bag it's been here for who knows how long a couple months almost 2 years but it's time I'm at the airport I'm hungry there's nothing to eat pull it out it's probably 3 months expired crusty and dusty but you have no choice I don't care it's still going to hit long nail problems this gives me so much anxiety this is actually part of the reason why I don't do my nails super long anymore I be getting gas sometimes they don't got Apple pay so I have to actually put the card in and then when you take it out it's like a whole predicament sometimes you have to go like this and try to pull it out sometimes with the thumbs and if you know you know it's just a struggle and one time time I had to pay for parking and I couldn't get it out my sister also has long nails she couldn't get it out we had to trust this dude and be like bro can you please just take the card out don't steal it I'm ready to fight I might not be able to pull the card out but I can stab you I how about one of these in your eye no but he was nice he he just gave the card back but I don't like asking for help I don't like talking to strangers either these are long enough to be able to like flip tortillas flip my chicken fingers in the oven over but also short enough to take the card out of the slot so this is the way I be living now that one friend you can't take too expensive restaurants I finally found somebody she worse than me you know I thought I was bad because I eat with my nails and my hands and like that's why I don't like eating in front of people that I don't know that well I like to put my legs up or sit crisscross applesauce I eat in my hand but like this this is foul but also this is how most people probably see me eating I don't be stabbing the potatoes like that though that's a violation it's like those weird nail videos where they can make nails out of anything this time it's actually edible I can't believe she actually eating those off her nails when you have long hair and it gets stuck in literally anything I did not know this is a problem you guys have to deal with the door knobs are also an OP I thought it was the door handles you know they grab you by the shirt but even the knob I thought the knobs were harmless that's the last thing I'd be afraid of if my hair was that long all it takes is just one person that doesn't like you just come up to and just cut it off or just some random person who happened to be walking behind you on the street that has scissors like what if they let the intrusive thoughts win one day I don't know is that a crime cutting somebody's hair it's got to be some kind of assault I don't know I am afraid I saw a Tik Tok of some girl who was just walking and got punched in the face and look look at the bump I can't even imagine how much that hurt my friends told me I walk very fast look I wasn't looking I was looking at a fluffy hat in the window I walked into a steel beam it's like a metal pole but like rectangular it's been like 2 weeks and my head still hurts y'all need find the dude who did this I don't know how people get away with this like you're in New York City there's like so many people everywhere at all times like some random dude is going to punch some random girl like you know if something like this happens you got to like scream for help so other people in the vicinity are alerted of what happened you know unfortunately when I walked into the steel beam I couldn't scream I didn't say nothing I waited until I got into my car I started crying you can't scream at a pole but you can scream at a man she tied her hair into a knot pulled and it just comes apart wait a second let me tie my hair in a notot see what happens it's going to stay because I have dry brittle hair oh wait what okay tying a knot I tied it pretty tight I'm pulling you're telling me it doesn't stay in just unravels unbelievable why you do that it's like those Maybelline commercials is this what they meant by bouncy hair course it from the front course it from the side I thought it was going to be from the back and you can see your back girl smooshed in between the lacing but yeah also valid it's like it takes all the boob you have and then just puts it over the spillage of thy breast it will be like that when your bestie needs to make a boy jealous she's going to become a boy the banana too what are you going to do with that was the banana necessary I'm pretty sure it just fell down to our ankles I don't know I wish I scrolled to the end of this video before watching the process cuz I see her and I'm just like she's a little too pretty to be a manad how to soft launch your new boyfriend yeah but you probably haven't blocked so how is he going to see this y you got a little something there did you just put sharpie on me there's a hole I fixed it the one legitimate 5 minute crafts hack that actually works you got a hole in your leggings you Sharpie that bit nobody will know till you take it off and you have a massive regular mole when I wear an outfit that isn't a Leisure or jeans oh God scared okay I'm about to do it I'm doing it I'm going out the way shut up you're literally being so brave yeah I'll do this walk around my bathroom for 2 minutes be uncomfortable and then go put my leggings back on I can never go wrong with that Leisure I already told you to go like get it get it don't don't well clearly she is not me I'm not the girls who get it why would you flush ice cubes and then put a spoon under your pillow is it to stop that the poo stink from stink thinking the spoon under the pillow like who do you think you are thumbalina no that's the princess on the pee but she slept with a pee under many many mattresses spoon under pillow it's a snow day ritual that's very wholesome so if you're hoping for a snow day tomorrow you flush ice cubes down the toilet and put a spoot under your pillow and then wear your pajamas Inside Out does it work I have no idea I live in the desert modern day witchcraft for the girls who get it I was just trying to take a cute bit of my [Music] outfit I would totally look hot pregnant when you walk past the mirror after eating dinner and you start posing with your little food belly and give it a good rub yeah about that um for $1 19.99 you two can look like me I was not expecting that girl same y'all see that ponytail maybe she's born with it maybe it's inh hair POV you're on your period and got a cramp the pain the boys will never know I got one of these today I felt like I was going to die I was driving I was on my way to get matcha I like stumbled out of my car it's like being downed for a minute there's nothing you can do give me a moment to suffer when you try to take aesthetic Instagram pictures okay that's a lot of pictures of a shoe oh she brought out the Alex or a light you know I have one of these little handheld lights for taking pictures and they're honestly so good for taking pictures it is literally my boyfriend's hell to be seen in public with me holding one of these lights he's very anti- influencer he is just so embarrassed by this light but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe Jo the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 1,287,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, girls, tiktoks only girls will understand
Id: kLI8llhwlL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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