Trying The WEIRDEST Amazon Products

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this next one is really important to me because I've been keeping a secret from you guys and um he's here and I just I really want to introduce him to you guys so here he is oh hey that's so weird that you're here because I'm listening to the song that reminds me of you here give it a listen yeah beautiful yeah beautiful yeah you're beautiful hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris you can call me Chris and I'm gonna call you beautiful because you are did you like that serenading believe it or not that was my voice did you know that it's interesting I ordered a bunch of random disturbing maybe useful probably not products on Amazon so you don't have to let's go check them out all right so first off I'm just gonna start grabbing packages and we're gonna open them and see what's in there first one I picked up is this one I don't remember what I ordered no instructions in there but I think this is a lit exerciser or mouth exerciser if you Quail guess we're gonna try it out I've always been interested in these like I see a lot of people in Asian countries using like mouth exercising things I should probably rinse this do I want to am I too lazy Kevin what do you think okay fine I will you know I put my mouth on dirtier stuff probably but you just gotta be more safe than sorry rinse it off before you put your mouth on it all right I guess I just put it in my mouth I got a really small mouth [Applause] oh my God teeth look great oh wow are you just real shocked I was gonna close your eyes you only drink Kurt when I do this oh it really is hard to talk with this I did carry laughs a [ __ ] hand I guess that this is this is how you do it oh this is really hard all right well I don't know what this does I think it like like a facial features oh God I'm drooling I think it's supposed to snatch your facial features I don't know if that actually works but my mouth hurts more than uh usual and not because of that you're nasty all right yeah I could think of a few uses for this that it might come in handy like eating hot dogs maybe for me because my mouth is small just to keep it open so nothing else comes to mind at all so let's move on next we have another milk one it's just a tongue it's a rubber tongue I got it I thought it would be cool also something I need to put in my mouth which we know we I just like putting stuff in my mouth at this point it looks disgusting ew oh see how the stretch nice good recoil that's good oh it smells so bad I'm just imagining that's what it's like to have a Ding-A-Ling down there is that what you guys do with it you just go can you stretch it um wow this is fun it smells very chemically I don't know why you would use this or where you would use this maybe at a party all right all in all not worth it it's disgusting it kind of smells and it has a lot of hair on it now kind of like your mom's tongue sorry next up we have one that I totally forgot I ordered and it's lightsaber Chopsticks everybody needs lightsabers Chopsticks in their life because you know when Sushi's so boring and and you're just too good at eating it why not flare it up with the force it comes in a very nice velvet bag I'm very hopeful for these I'm so excited to see what they look like does it work please work please work please God if there is one up there please let this work without me needing batteries because I definitely do not have the batteries for this thing it's like a mini lightsaber it is a mini lightsaber that's what it is but it's Chopsticks oh I need two oh wait it's different color quite a second oh my God I'm so excited I'm terrible at using Chopsticks anyway these probably are much easier tell me in the comments how you're supposed to use chopsticks I think this is good right I feel like if I ate with these I would just talk like Yoda the whole time I'd be like good sushi is oh with these ones I'd be eating like Darth Vader like shimi is strong with this water I'm gonna do this for all you Star Wars fans out there hello there General Kenobi you get it because play the scene Jay hello there I'm gonna start needing to make friends because I need to have people over to eat sushi with me with these Chopsticks oh I love it so much oh these are worth it these are worth it I don't know how much these were probably not that much worth it all right next we got something that I'm very excited about because I'm too terrified to get any sort of lip plumper Botox any needles on my face because I just don't want that I don't think I need them necessarily am I right with my paper thin lips but you know we're gonna have fun here we got a lip plumper it's electric and it also looks very suspicious also this is what it sounds like apparently just you put your lips in there and you just sucks it they're different levels didn't come with instructions by the way remind you of anything gotcha so I guess I'm just gonna insert this into my mouth [Applause] [Music] it was sucking a spit out of my mouth are my lips bigger my lips are bigger they hurt though oh yeah who am I Jennifer Coolidge my lips are hurt oh YouTube shut up this is fine all right it's just a lip sucker thing I'm fine but seriously I think that did work though tell me the comments did that work I'm gonna try it a little bit more [Music] do anymore oh the sex appeal is on Connie what's it like to be the sexiest woman in the world stuff out here are my lips real course babe cut one second what were you saying I do not recommend doing this I know these products are not really good for you even though I look snatched right now I'm in another pain all right and screw the person that says beauty is pain okay beauty doesn't need to be pain you're already beautiful and you don't need these BS products to make you look beautiful right you are beautiful Just the Way You Are all right next we have something I'm very excited about because I travel a lot and I don't like people it's just a pillow you can disappear in which who doesn't want that I love this pose by the way it's fantastic it's called the the original napping pillow immersive pillow for absolute coziness the ostrich pillow if you will it definitely makes you feel like an ostrich because you put your head in it like ostriches put their head in the ground oh and it's got armholes this is nice it's very soft it's like little Beanie Baby things so I guess you just you can just like put your head down on something that's nice I mean this position is [ __ ] but this is nice could you imagine just walking around the airport with this thing I'm always carrying too many things so I'd be walking around the airport like is this my gate no hey let's go no don't worry about this I'm just ready for a nap at any moment all right I feel like one of those like um thumbs from Spy Kids that's what I look like right now this was absurdly expensive though I think it was over a hundred dollars or like 80 or something I don't think it's worth that I think you could just carry around a pillow to be honest so not worth it but if you want to splurge on something and you travel a lot I guess get it this next one that I ordered I thought I got it as like a huge big pillow and I was so excited about it and this is what I got is so little I love it look he's a little sea lion oh look at these little boys I love him I shall call him Lloyd I feel like he looks like a Lloyd if you think of a different name tell me down in the comments below alright but for now he's Lloyd and he shall sit beside Kermit I love him so much all right next I'm very excited about this we got uh some meat claws all right because who doesn't need meat claws I didn't get them to eat meat because I'm not making roasts anytime soon I got them purely because it kind of makes you look like Wolverine that's all I want in my life oh my God these are legit dude I'm gonna put these in my purse don't [ __ ] with me yo they even got little protectors on them as if we needed those never use protection except we know okay rewind now always use protection look I feel like a bear I feel like a bear look at this oh yeah look how badass this is oh we gotta test these out all right so I had a box on on a tripod with somebody I absolutely despise nobody in particular does it remind you of anybody anyway so let's test these puppies out even though this is not what they're for at all but I need to live my Wolverine dreams did I put a hole in it oh I did [Music] oh I spilled my coffee everywhere ah [ __ ] balls [ __ ] anyway I did some damage to this box all right just like your mums these are dope I don't know if they work on me I'm assuming so the sharpest freak you want some meat slicers or just want to look like Wolverine highly recommend okay next up we got the stuff for nightmares all right it's a face this feels very serial killery but you know I've just always wondered what it's like to have a full face of hair and somebody else's face on mine you know so let's do it oh he's so handsome why did his eyebrows look like a mustache oh God oh God oh something happened at his mask wait let's see what Kevin thinks give it do you like it am I pretty I feel pretty you look pretty too pretty scrumptious that's what this guy looks like he looks like he would make Craigslist ads I can't breathe in this thing oh my God this is the [ __ ] of nightmares though let's get this full visual feel like a man yeah I'm pretty sexy I don't know what to tell you I'm a sexy woman and I'm a sexy sexy man that was terrifying and it's very hot in there and smells like the inside of a permanent marker so I don't recommend but if you want to have fun next we have something that might help with your neck pain it's a neck holder yeah I don't know what this is called it looks suspicious though that's all I'm saying because I'm looking at this and I'm thinking a lot of things and the last thing I'm thinking of is it's a neck holder can you picking up what I'm laying down I hope not this looks like an alien tongue to me which I'm kind of into but I think you just lie back on it it's supposed to release some some tension that's dusted out so we got our alien tongue right here and I guess we just oh hold up this is the solution to all my problems this is where I shall lie every night and be happy for what all the tension in my body is fading away slowly I think I see Jesus this is wild it's hitting that part of your neck like when you get a massage like that right under your skull but like at the base of your neck it's just taking all the tension off love oh this is great I feel like this would be so nice when I have a migraine which is like always so next up we got something fun I've always wanted to try one of these and it's called The Lazy reader read at 90 degree angle not that I can read anyway ow my nose oh I just see my crotch right now I can see my boobs shut up hey shut up I gotta do the video like this though now I can see myself can you guys see me I feel like I have a superpower right now you know what I feel like I feel like jar jar bakes that's what I look like right now I'm getting really dizzy though oh God I feel like I'm gonna throw I'll read something else that I bought I bought this sign it says do what I want wait no I can't even I do what I want did I get it right oh look at him raccoon smoking and drinking beer there ain't nothing better than a raccoon smoking or drinking beer but yeah if you're lying in bed I could see this being good if you just want to like look in your phone and your neck hurts while lying on your alien tongue pillow I recommend this next one is really important to me because I've been keeping a secret from you guys and um he's here and I just I really want to introduce him to you guys so here he is come on um start no stop let me introduce you this this is pillow um he's Spanish and we've been together for how long when did you come in the mail two days ago yeah two days ago but I think this is it I think this is like forever he doesn't he doesn't like talk a lot and he's a really good listener and um really good cuddler obviously and it's it's nice it's like my dream boyfriend basically just like not talking and shutting the [ __ ] up and um listening to me for once so it's cool yeah I got myself a man pillow that's how lonely I am totally just for the video though not for myself because that would be sad oh [ __ ] I'm not gonna lie this is really nice like the way it's caressing you here and this I don't need anybody anymore hello hello has got my back and stop stop not in front of him stop don't don't stop no stop so next is a product that I totally just got for you guys for scientific purposes and not at all for me to test out what it would be like to actually have tatas so here it is the before of what we're dealing with this is what we're dealing with you know there's something there shut the [ __ ] up but not a whole lot let's put these on and uh we'll get right back to it I don't think you guys are ready for this oh God I'm so sexy you can't even understand oh my God totally natural right did I get my boobs done no not at all why are my tattoos a different color of the rest of my body just cause guys I don't think I could hint I love how they just stick right out like if I went to war I don't taunt us first wait this is what this is like oh gosh the internet's getting this all for free too I'm sorry but this is wild I feel like more protected at the club you know I just like if a guy comes up to me like hey what's up baby I just come out in full force like can help me away so I don't think these suit me that much this is so disturbing I can't immediately want to talk like like Jennifer Coolidge because she's got a wreck on her you know I feel like you have to have a sexy voice with these and I just sound like uh like a 13 year old boy that went through puberty so I don't feel like I deserve these you know but I think I've learned a lot about myself I've learned a lot I don't think I want these do I think that they're a great for somebody else yeah probably have I scarred the minds of everyone probably will this end up on Reddit most likely was it worth it yeah okay everybody if you really enjoyed the video please like the video that would be really helpful also subscribe if you haven't subscribed this was obviously best social Channel 11 and I highly recommend you get some of these products you know what if you don't want to I hope you enjoyed me trying them all right let me know what else you guys want to see in the comments down below and also grab some of my new clothing line it's still there it's still bumping I really enjoy it there's new drops coming soon and I will see your beautiful face in the next video bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 5,555,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: be9at1fbeOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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