Will I Be a Teacher Forever? | Answering YOUR Questions!

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you see yourself being a teacher forever and I honestly don't feel like I had an overwhelming first year I'm having an overwhelming second year though so yeah my work and life balance is not great right now hi guys it's in my mouth welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to be answering some of your questions that you asked over on Instagram I apologize if there's an echo in here actually no there is an echo in here but I do apologize for it I'm currently going in my home office it is kind of furnished like I have a rug a desk couch plant but it's still echo waiting here so definitely be working on that over break yeah I'm gonna go ahead and answer your questions that you asked over her Instagram okay so first question comes from Christina okay and she asks how / why do you think you got subscribers so quickly when you started your channel and I feel like a lot of people that are subscribed to me don't know that I've actually been on YouTube for like five years now so I didn't necessarily grow my channel like overnight I used to make Beauty fashion lifestyle kind of videos on my channel for the first two years two to three years and that got me up to I believe 19 thousand subscribers and in May of 2017 that's when I made the decision to switch over my content to more like a vlog education style type content then I also put up my previous videos that have to do with makeup fashion lifestyle all the private so I do have about a hundred videos that are on private as far as why people subscribe to me I really don't know I think it might be because when I started posting teacher vlogs and stuff like that there wasn't that many people out there doing it it's almost as if I got into this teacher youtuber thing just in time and then also at the time I uploaded it very consistently like I uploaded once or twice a week without fail now it's harder and I'll talk about that later and another question so next question comes from underscore and pons once a sorry I butcher usernames usernames are so hard to pronounce but this person asked now that you've taught for a few years how is the work / life is worth teaching not good this is only my second year of teaching so I don't have that many years of teaching under my belt and then only that but I feel like if undergone so many changes in such a short amount of time for example I finished my first year teaching I also left my first school I've changed grade levels I went into a new school I got married I we bought a house we got a dog down the list just goes on and on and on so I feel like my work and personal life bonds was so much better last school year because I feel like I had everything in its own little flaw so now being married definitely changed things better at my personal life because I love spending the time with my husband and because of that I don't necessarily want to get home and just work more like I used to when I left by myself so yeah my work and life balance is not great right now but I am hoping that once I have this one year under my belt in a first grade next year will be a lot easier the next question comes from serena jones and she asks you plan on teaching at the same school and grade level next year um I think so the school that I currently teach at is really really small so there's only one teacher break rate level and I don't see myself changing brain levels within that school I also feel like if I change schools that wouldn't necessarily look good on my resume if I ever wanted to go somewhere else in the future because and that would mean that I'd change schools three times in my first three years does that make sense Carly two to one asks you want to have kids and yes I do in toto Salus but not right now obviously we want to enjoy married life for a couple years just on our own princess underscore Kelsie as how do you deal with a overwhelming first year I honestly don't feel like I had an overwhelming first year I'm having an overwhelming second year though my first year was literally amazing I heard the most supportive team the most supportive like school most of super supportive parents and great group of kids literally everything but my first year was amazing this year I'm not saying that it's bad but I am having a hard time because I'm the only first grade teacher and yes I do talk to the grade above me and the grade below me but it's still hard and then also and they talked about this so many times but it's also really hard not having a long time in my classroom but I feel like it's gonna be a lot easier now going into the third quarter because they have a home office now so I have my own space finally so I feel like I make it easier but yeah I didn't have an overwhelming first year I'm having an overwhelming second year and the way I deal with it is just venting about it with friends that are not teachers like my friend Cass she's she's just like my hypeman and she makes me feel a lot better she's very she's very logical but makes me feel better about how I'm feeling it makes me feel like I'm not crazy does that make sense if you're having an overwhelming first year definitely talk about it with other people next question comes from son yeah she asked what's something you would change about your student teaching experience and I don't think it would change anything I think my student teaching experience was pretty positive as well I loved every minute of it I really got along with mica mentor teacher still keep in touch and I had a really good group of students it was a really good school and honestly we didn't change any of it you know an underscore asked you see yourself being a teacher forever and probably not but let me explain so announcement I decided to have kids I don't think I'll be teaching until my kids are in kindergarten the reason for that is because kids are little for such a short amount of time the first few years are so precious but I wouldn't want to miss them and childcare is so expensive that I would basically be working to pay child care and I'm on top of that I feel like I use so much of my patience at school that I feel like it wouldn't be fair for my kids for me to come home and not be as patient as it could be because I use because I used all my patience up in the classroom does that make sense so definitely take a break from teaching and hopefully come back once my kids school-aged no ask us asked if you were not teaching right now what would you be doing and it's funny because Alan tonight we're having this conversation on our way to my in-laws house I think that if I was not a teacher I'd be somewhere in the like psychology field or criminal justice I know it's weird the in the reason that is because I love watching true crime YouTube videos and stuff like that so I feel like that's what I would pursue if I didn't go for teaching Samantha asked to become its kendo teacher to be graduated with a bachelor's degree or something higher um bachelor's degree I graduated with a bachelor's degree but I graduated with a elementary education bachelor's degree and at the time when I graduated you couldn't teach kindergarten unless you were early childhood but then Arizona changed today like shortly after and all in some states you have to get your masters within a certain amount of time upon graduation but not in Arizona so hah Nene asked what they exams if you have to take to become a teacher in California we have to take the CSE T and [Music] so in Arizona you have to take three big tests you have to take the professional knowledge test subset one and substitute so professional just basically what it is just like terms and stuff like that and you sub test or more subject driven so there is like a math part of ela part science part social studies part art PE arts stuff like that so those are pretty much the ones I had to take here in Arizona I also took the early childhood professional knowledge test just so if you've become highly qualified for kindergarten and early childhood if I wanted to on top of that we do have to turn in a digital portfolio for our university which I did but her number password or anything about it so if you don't know then you'll know right now a very shy person once I get to know you it's fine but right off the bat I can be very shy so I get this heavy question a lot like where you shy if so how did you overcome it and I feel like my shyness and not translate to the classroom at all I feel like I'm a completely different person in the classroom as I am out in real life and I don't know why in the classroom I don't care for making a complete fool of myself I don't care when people come in and watch me teach and I think it's because I'm so passionate about it that I just don't care who would I look like when I was doing it because I know that I love it so I don't know if that's a case for everybody out there that's shy but at least that's how it is for me were you nervous about leaving your school to a new one I'm considering moving and yes I really was I feel like my situation is a little bit different because I was already very familiar with a school that I'm at right now I worked at this school for three years during college up until graduation I was actually gonna interview with them for a fourth grade position but I was offered a kindergarten position so I accepted that one instead so like I said I was already familiar with that school but I was still very nervous she also asked how they did time I like just a first-year teacher so last year like I said I lived on my own and I would spend a lot of time at home working on school stuff so it come home won't work on school stuff eat a little bit go to sleep I wasn't money if your frame and so I see Alex Friday night and we've got to eat or I pick or I would hang out with a friend and then Saturdays is when I will see Alex or hang out with him so it's been the whole day with Alex on Saturdays and Sundays would be the time where I would do all my chores so if grocery shopping laundry lesson planning getting ready for the week and honestly that worked so well for me I think it's a smart idea and I should probably do that myself too now um to assign base for certain tasks that way you don't leave it on for last-minute probably take my own advice Eames Louise asked what do you do for classroom management I'm sterling with it Friz your teacher I am gonna film a video all about my classroom management this year because there's a lot of difference than it last year but just to make it short I use a golden ticket system in my classroom there are a few opportunities in the classroom where they are guaranteed to get a golden ticket so for example for being in school on time turning in their homework ela workbooks then they are guaranteed tickets outside of that I give them tickets whenever I see them doing something nice um working hard or just because at the end of the day they have 10 tickets they are able they are able to participate in exploration time which is it just a fancy word for free play time I have about 50 minutes of free play at the end of each day so let's say they had 14 tickets at the end of day they get to keep or for the next day and it just keeps going on like that that is if they have more than 10 tickets they get to get something from the price box um but that is pretty much my system and that works really really great with my first graders like I said I will make a video more in-depth about it so you know look after that lovely MJ a DA asks will you ever dumb a hair tutorial for your curls and yes I will now that I am on would your break I definitely have that plan so yes I listen is a good one teachers love apples ask was buying a house long process also how to do study for your teaching teaching exams buying a house was a long process I think we started like seriously looking at houses back and a March I think so the had fallen in love with this one house and they just didn't go through the owner would just not um lower lower his price at all so we decided to walk and after that we looked at maybe three other houses before we looked at this one when we came to look at this one ounce I actually walked through it already before I did so he had already made up his mind that he wanted this house and then he asked me what I thought about it and I really liked it so we put in an offer and this is also not our forever house either I think anyone would ask that like she'll tell you that in the next he'll tell you that maybe in five over six years we'll probably house and rent this one I don't know yes plans but yeah we toured this house and put it enough for the next day and I think we went back and forth once so we've put in an offer they counter-offered and we put in another offer and they accept it that part was really fast so I think I was in May of this year it might have an ape room in with me I don't remember but then we closed in June but we and we didn't move in until July I wanna say so the process that feel long but only because I really wanted to move in so badly already because my apartment lease had ended in May so I was kind of staying with my in-laws and it was really one of my own space but that's but if you guys what made it feel so long other than that I feel like you were pretty fast and pretty smooth and it was definitely worth it as far as how did I study for my teaching exams I didn't do a lot of studying I don't really know how to study I did it by a study guide on the ad website and then I also bone an Amazon that I fully and I had full intentions of going over it and I didn't I think I went over a little bit the night before and call it a night but I do give that study guide to a friend and she used it and it was very helpful so link it down below misty will asked have you used your cricket in the classroom so far yes I have I haven't used a whole lot like I thought I would but I used it a lot of poor when I was sitting in my classroom for like letters and stuff like that and just like little things like that oh my cricket was great for but other than that I haven't really used it as much I've tried using it in December to try to get ready to try to prep materials for the book that we were making but know it cutting it by hand was gonna be so much easier and so much faster so unfortunately I haven't used it a whole lot there's four locks low a funny I'm going back to school and getting a master's um ideally I would we want to but but teacher pay here in Arizona is not the greatness and you don't get that much of a boost in salary for having your master's so there's not a ton of incentive to get your master's in education here in Arizona at least not where I spend so I don't want to get myself into student debt Jessica Marie mass tourism there's really not a lot of return on my investment so ideally yes maybe old to it like one coulda at the time I don't know but now I know ii dot m dot H dot singing ask what's your husband's career I say this because I think it's amazing that you guys bought a house already and it cut off after that my husband's in finance if he's done with this firm ever since he was in college like somehow he managed to get in there when people usually mean a bachelor's his bosses really like them and he's there now so he's doing really so he's doing really goal for himself and I'm very proud of him for that miss Wimberly asked how did he plan you're good at reading during kindergarten how many groups of you see and he cuts off in kindergarten I had about four or five groups and I would use simply Kinder's site where readers a ton because my district was huge on the site words so that was a great way to incorporate them I did that I also depending on what group it was I did a lot of CBC words I could digraph some plans or I just went back to the basics and day letters and letter sounds and blending it also feels like forever ago so I don't remember a lot of it but I would try to meet with two groups every day at least Tina J asks you do fun Fridays if you do what do you do um yeah I do but I'd pretty much do fun every day like I mentioned earlier I am able to do free play at the end of the day that's one of the benefits of being at this school when I can kind of do what I see fit so I personally think free play is really important in the younger grades so I do it whether that means ten minutes a day or 20 minutes a day it is a pencil art day I let my students pick whatever they want so I have two whiteboards in the back of the room and they can play on and it locks in half and I often have students just pretending to be teachers which is super adorable I have my owl market that is open on Fridays and then I bought this doctor felt play catch from Target I have that I have a marble run set that I bought from home goods I have Legos I have like those little hashtag blocks I have play doh I have this one thing that I bought from Target a lot in during the summer it's like a little bug kicked and that's a super popular thing that might kiss you they pretend that they're finding bugs all over the room and it's super fun to watch and you just have like tangrams I let them play whatever they want with I also let them do just dance like on YouTube I looking draw and color or where they can also pick illiteracy or math station and on Fridays this is my new prize box so Annabelle 16 asks will you show more vids or pics from your wedding and yes I finally got my like wedding footage not really so I had a really small wedding it was a courthouse wedding and we didn't have a photographer there just because we didn't feel like it'd be a good location to take pictures at but my best friend they take tons of pictures and kind of in a little bit of video at the courthouse so it's just waiting for her to send me the footage and she finally did this week so now that I have that now that I have a new computer that can handle editing a lot better I'll definitely show you guys a little bit about that and if you're interested I will also have my like Hawaii honeymoon travel diary like it's not really that great but I have a ton of footage from Hawaii and I just put it together with some cool music in the background so if you want to watch how heavily example though it is an unlisted link so it will not be on my channel if you go there but but if you click the link below it will take you there I'll answer one more question and then I get any more questions after that we'll make you part two but this last question is what is the hardest part about being a teacher I think is that the job just doesn't stop when you get home like for example my husband's in finance so when he gets home he's done he just relaxes and watches TV and then who doesn't have to worry about work usually until the next day for me it's totally different I'm always either answering parrying messages or planning for the next thing or trying to get resources for something or making resources or going out to the store and buying things or just like being concerned about students it just doesn't stop and that can be very very trimming on a person and it can definitely see how teachers get burned out so that it's pretty much what I think is the hardest part about being a teacher but there are so many great things about being a teacher that makes it all worth it so so while the questions do keep coming those are all the ones I'm going to answer for this video because enjoyed it and if you did please give this video a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already like I said the questions to keep coming so I definitely do plan on making a part two to this video hopefully all the questions will be answered thank you so much for asking all these questions I will see you guys in my next video
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 7,276
Rating: 4.9504132 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher, QA, that ona happy classroom, #teacherlife, teacher life, first grade teachers, sight words, kindergarten teacher
Id: uIKFzTtltB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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