More Target Finds & My Library Books! | Teacher Vlog Ep. 5

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[Music] so right now I'm just laminating quarters that I made so I made this template and I printed them off an Asha bytes paper because I like this color scheme a lot better than the one I have currently and this is just a laminator that I use it's just an Amazon laminator and you can laminate five mil and three mil pouches my car is an absolute mess right now I have a ton of books that a friend dropped off for me a few days ago so I figured I would keep it in my car because I'm going to take him to my classroom anyway then right here in the background have like little chairs and a table right there um where I work right now they have two of these and they wanted to get rid of them so I took on and the co-worker took on two honestly though I don't even know if I'm going to be able to keep in my classroom or if I have room for them so I just figured I would get them just in case so today's Saturday July 15 there is 827 8 a.m. and I'm heading to a hair appointment after that I think I'm going to come home pack up my car a little bit more from things I have in my closet and I'm going to go ahead my classroom and cut them off I'm going to try to finish putting the marble on my countertop and then I'm going to also try to replace the border because I maybe once so yeah we'll see how it goes [Music] so I'm ten second break from cutting contest paper um encounters all I need is like the back edge and honestly I'm kind of getting tired of it so I'm going to maybe put that off until tomorrow so I'm touching my hair a lot it's really hot um so I finished putting the blue border actually no you dude I just saw a white spot but I'm almost done putting the blue border around my cabinet so now it's kind of looking more like a once beyond think I'm going to stay much longer one of my friends was supposed to come over and help me and I texted her when I was coming and she told me to text her when I was coming over and I did text her like two hours ago and she just never answered so I guess she's not coming so that's why I'm gonna leave because it's really hot and I'm kind of bored about myself but before I leave I'm going to show you a few things I've picked up from Target and other places so in one of my videos I showed you that I got those green like shall open so I'm going to picking up two more and they are pink like I mentioned in that video I really like using these type of Bin's for the counting cups activities that I like to do but they would also work really nice as like turn in the basket and I love what they're super sturdy as well talking about bands I kind of showed these in my last video but I bought more bins if you saw I don't know if it was my last love or the vlogs before that but the bins I have but the bins that I had spray-painted did not work out the spray paint was just completely peeling off so honestly I just didn't feel like standing them and spray-painting them all over again I didn't want to spend the money on spray paint so I ended up using the money that have used on sandpaper and spray-paint and like the topcoat sealer type thing on these bin so as you can see I have yellow green pink I couldn't find any orange ones I went to like five targets and there was no orange ones I did find blue ones but I didn't really like them after all so I think I might return them and if I can't they don't keep them somewhere in my cabinet closet things because honestly I don't like that blue but yeah I have it and my batteries are dying in that area and then I also I'm going to find more of these blocks because I can I'm going to be a great thing for like indoor recess or from Friday so I bought more to put in different bins that way different kids can use them at the same time and then I also ended up buying these like starry lights from a target because I want to put these like all over my classroom but I haven't been able to find a lot of them so these are the only ones I found and it's supposed to be ten feet way I bought a ton of those like Lego flaw steps because they're only a dollar so I figured why not and then this is something that I didn't need but I really like it it's the stapler look how cool it is it's just completely clear and the hardware is cool so I bought it because I'm a sucker for like cute like modern looking things so this is definitely going to go on my best something else is going to go on my desk are these little drawers so I figured I can pull a paper clips or some tags or tape or something like that in these cube again they're pink these were not from Target those bees were from Dollar Tree and had purple ones and green ones too and then the last thing I bought from Target is this calendar set this is black but it has bright colored numbers I did buy some pocket charts that I haven't brought you I'll show them to you tomorrow if I remember to bring them with me but I did it by pocket charts and I bought one specifically for a calendar so I'm not sure if I'm going to use this actual calendar or just the numbers and then use a pocket chart so we'll see how things end up setting up and cents I bought this it's a rug I'm live you can see and it says hooray you're here I'm going to put that by my door because I think it's such a cute way to welcome your students into your classroom I saw an Instagram a few nights ago and I think it was a teaching account I can't oh man turn em in order anymore but like I was saying I can't remember who posted it but as soon as we posted it in a text target I immediately went online and looked bright and I ordered it for pickup and then I'm going to show you something else that I made last night last night I was thinking about things that I have to make for my classrooms I remembered I need like an alphabet banner poster thing so I made my own so I have a in an Apple B in a balloon C and a cat Deanna's dog he and an elephant this one however I am gonna change I posted these on my Instagram story and someone sent me a message with a really good point for my vowels I have all pictures with the short vowel sounds except for this one so I did change it after print it and so yeah I am going to put these in my TPT store if you guys are interested and I'll link it down below so these are the borders that I ended up making I do have a template on my TPT source or what I do is I just print out the template with color paper and I just laminated however the only thing with this is that they don't line up exactly as you can see so what I do want to use them is I just overlap them so I'll overlap them like this so they're good actually not that fun so I'll overlap them something like this and I'll just staple them together so I have every color and my color scheme and I'm really happy again I'm going to change the bulletin boards that I have right now so like that borders might be changed to be this green step because it's brighter than that fence okay so I think that is it for today because I am hot and I'm just not really feeling it today I was really excited to come in but now I'm like I'm over it so I'll just come tomorrow morning and try to do as much as I can before the day is over also on the toy this month I requested the day off because I am finally gonna tie on my contract because I did it pass my test so I requested the day off from work so I can come inside and contract even though that's only going to take a few minutes in the morning so I'll come here and then spend some time here so well it is so crazy to me that the school year is going to start pretty soon by my new teacher induction on the 27th and then we have and I believe it's like four days long and then after that we have like the regular teacher reporting back meetings I don't know what it called something I am nervous about and I was talking about this with one of my friends that it's also working for the same district as that we haven't really looked at our curriculum we use a different curriculum called beyond textbooks so we need to log in to get into that and we're probably not going to get it until new teacher induction so I am a little bit nervous I do have like the first 10 lessons of our phonics curriculums but guys basically all I have and I feel like I should be planning but I can't because I don't have my curriculums so it's kind of stressful but there's really nothing I can do about it at this point image epoxy wait until we get trained on until we get trained for beyond textbooks something else that I have to see you that I'm going to tell myself here so when I'm editing I remember is I have to make a welcome like bulletin board so what I'm thinking of doing is using my a balloon that I have and putting it on the top of that small bulletin board I have next to my our brightest work bulletin board and I'm going to put a and then I'm going to make a banner I like flutters let's say we are so glad you're here I'm debating whether I should put we are so glad you're here or I am so glad you're here and then I'm going to put like each each of my students names underneath I can't do that yet because I don't know who is going to be my class by at least I can do that yay we're so glad you're here or I'm so glad you're here what do you guys think should make assignments as we are so glad you're here or I'm so glad you're here ultimately me more towards we are so glad you're here because I do have an aide I believe so maybe that's just almost incorporating her and also incorporating the rest of the students like all of us are so glad we're here but I know let me know in the comments below what you think I forgot I do have to move the cabinet because it's blocking event so I don't know if I can do it myself today I think I'll just leave that until tomorrow too and I also want to redo my bathroom time because I kind of want to make it like my spoke as well I did I did make this though so when someone's using the bathroom is going to say this stop the restroom must be the restroom is taking at the moment and if the restroom is free says go ahead the restroom good morning guys so it is Sunday I came to my classroom again because yesterday I didn't get that much done and today I want to get more done and luckily that AC is on so I think I'll be able to stay here a little bit longer because the heat will be more bearable than it was yesterday the same friend I was supposed to come yesterday tell me she might come today but then she texted me this morning and she is in the process of moving so she might or might not come so I don't know but at least I came prepared I brought a water bottle I brought some passion iced tea and I brought some granola bars and snacks in case I get hungry the first thing I want to do today is take back cabinet take everything else and then move it because I'm not supposed to have anything blocking that vent right there so I'm going to go ahead and do that and then I was thinking on the way here I don't know where I'm going to put my alphabet posters I was thinking of putting these by the calendar area but on my way here I remember that that wall is brick so I would not be able to staple it I don't know if like take with fate and I ran out of that like putty blue thing and we'll see how I can get that done today and if I can't get that done today I'll do that on Thursday so let's go ahead and get started with that cabin [Music] about two keys that you saw earlier it's where I brought some of my books so I'm gonna start putting them in the bins I don't know how men organized them yet because there's really like no singing or John Lana I can organize them bar I think sorry anything put them in a bin so I can take this suitcase home and then break the rest of my books or my desk and take the Sookie's home and then I want to go visit and I can put the rest of my pets so for example I have other points that they'll go perfect for like kinder and raishin or their promotion I have this one I bought off of their books a lot of these books I bought off of strip books if you don't electrical sense is basically a website for use books almost all of them are like $3 or under and cool thing about that website is that you get free shipping after $10 so you can basically buy like three books and get free shipping and the shipping was pretty fast too and after every fifty dollars that you buy from there you get a cyber off coupon to use for your next order so when I was doing my methods courses I would buy books like every other week just accessibility of my library but this is one of the books that I bought and it's supposed to be the quiet book and I'm not sure if this is the actual cover but absolutely came other than that it's in great condition and it's a hardcover book so a lot of the books I bought from there are hardcover which is great especially if you were going to let your students use them too and then these books I got from my university my university has his library with just picture books was called allow or the world of courts every year I get around December they go through all the books and if they have like duplicates or books that they don't want anymore they'll put them on sale so I bought these books like either 50 cents or a dollar so I have dragons under the dragon spell like a movie How to Train Your Dragon I love these books I can it's so cute and you're super super easy as well they are pretty simple so I feel like a kindergartner would be able to read this like towards the end of you this monster needs a haircut I read it and it's so cute and I but at the heart of cover budgets low so I just want my spin right there I also have this little tiny bug like pizza cat and this is from like the Happy Meals a while ago when they were giving like PIPA cat books and happy meal so I thanked it and I have this book that I don't think I'll be able to use and kindergarten but I bought it because of my math methods course we had abuse like looking for we had a few for three students coming to our classroom and then those lessons from a teach a lesson on fractions I believe and she use this free blog to go with it so I think it's a really really cool book especially for like second third grade and even upper grade well it's all about math and it has this also some support resource books although short summer this is from that so I told you at the U of A Wow this is like one of my all-time favorite books it's the giving tree' I also get it from trip books and it has writing here or you can easily get rid of those physical markers so you can just like right over an erase it because that anyways it's sharpies computer no that's really cool when I was taking children's literature in college my professor really disliked shel silverstein and for that class we had a project where we had to take a posture and kind of do a report and guess why text I think them I liked his work and I didn't really want to not do a project on him just because my professor didn't like them and I ended up getting a good grade so it was all paint and also love this book this one as the truth or us three little pigs from the wolf's perspective and now it's just books I had gone from scholastics I think I mentioned maybe a few blocks ago for our anniversary my boyfriend got me a ton of books with Scholastic so she I think she ordered me like 30 books because he knew that I needed them so is it for month super super cute story I really like it this is a classic she can't really like crack crack noses like the follow-up this was a really great book - I read it in summer school and my kids loved it which instance my teacher is a monster northwest cats I haven't read this one yet native have to keep the cat we disappear pouring on fiction I really really like this book this is I am Arthur king which is similar to the who was serious but this is for like primary level when I listed in teaching the kids were learning about Martin Luther King and this was the perfect book to go along with it because because the pictures are almost like comics and kind of cutesy so it kind of gets their attention but the content itself is really good - in that in my student teaching classroom there was a special needs kid that really got close to me and he absolutely loved this book he would ask for this book almost every day because he would say that my own routine with this hero and I thought that was super cute these are the books I've gone through with you and you've done more books that I have not I also have a box somewhere over there with more books so I've been trying to organize and so like I don't even know what to do with half of this stuff like I don't know if it belongs to the school or to the teacher before me so I don't know if I can get rid of it or not the thing that I'm not quite sure if I can get rid of or not or the things that I kind of want to keep but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with I'm putting them in Vince and I'm going to put them in the top shelf so most of this stuff right here are just things from like there are some their tow fees hard core curriculum but I know they won't be using anymore but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it and then those blue bins are the ones I bought some target that I end up not liking so so it kind of works out that I have them because I needed bins so I just have like some sign stuff that I might be able to use later on but I don't know what to do with just yet I will be making labels for all that stuff but oh my goodness like I don't know what to do then I also found the path teachers make a teacher paperwork that she would give to parents so that's really good because I didn't know what students so I'm just going to keep organizing and then I don't know what I'm going to do after that I just want to make sure that this is all clean before I keep on decorating because it's kind of getting on my nerves so I've made progress there's not that much of a mess as there was a few hours ago so I'm really really excited I did change my learned sign before wreath and and I put the fairy lights I depart from Target I also put this auto play silikal books that my cooperating teacher gave me when I graduated and I did that because I think this is going to be my reading corner I hope so we'll see how this works out so this table right here is all trash there's a bunch of spin and just like random papers these I'm not going to throw out I'm going to ask a few friends if they want them they kind of dirty but I seem to teacher them Pinterest and Facebook clean them up with like magic sponges I ended up taking the tablecloth off my whiteboard because I decided I was going to leave it like that there's no point in fighting there's no point in trying to keep it up because it's really hard then I just put some of my resources here so I have my linking chains magnetic letters and obviously I need a ton more labels I am going to make a video on how I made these labels because a lot of you were asking how I made them and super easy I ended up putting my learned sign right here since this is going to be my small group area so once it's all cleaned up and right now I wanted to take these signs off so I can try to put my alphabet posters up but I think they're how glued on because I can't take them off slip yeah they're like so they're like stuck there forever yep they're happy [Music] so I can't find where I put my Y or my Z this is what it looks like so far there's an empty space there because I'm going to change that picture to a short I sound picture oh I found my Y and C so this is my classroom so far I'm going to head out now so this is it for today's vlog I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did please give me a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe because I post new videos each week and yes I will see you in my next video bye
Channel: That One Happy Classroom
Views: 20,585
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Teacher Vlog, A Day in the Life of a Teacher, Teaching Vlog, Classroom Vlog, Classroom Set Up, Setting Up my classroom, First Year Teacher, Kindergarten Classroom
Id: NYgv0w3AFow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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