Trying To Make A Kid's Car Go Really Fast

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take all brushless motors that's right we'll put big old brushless motors on the RC are you ok what was I doing oh yeah www big old brushless motors com here's the old motors and the gearbox so these are completely seized up I smell something kind of toasty that motor is not spinning thank you that sounds really bad those Drive this gearbox which then engages to the we don't and that's missing a piece we can either use this gearbox actually we're not a spoiler I think we've kind of already done with planning the plan is to ditch all the gears cut a large diameter timing pulley and drive it directly from one of these brushless motors we're gonna be using this brushless driver made by Oscar my goal Wagle it's like bagel but with a W in front of it waggle that's wrong so I asked her and this is basically a servo driver turns the brushless motor into a servo by attaching a encoder to it and it's called ode Drive let's go look at what I started doing so the motor needs to be mounted and kind of on a weird angle since this the side of the car is at an angle probably to do with manufacturing of like pulling the plastic out of whatever formed it the amount between this pulley and this pulley needs to be relatively rigid and if it's not things will flex and the teeth will skip and the belts will pop off we should just start cutting stuff and then see what happens Chelsey I understand you like Taylor Swift but it's lays there time ciaossu yep we can't afford that music we're gonna drown it out with air compressor noises so here's the timing pulley I'm gonna export it and then we're gonna cut it out of something like cardboard because cardboard sheet it's cleaning time hmm because there's a bunch of stuff pile on top really the solution to this problem is not piling stuff up here like this [Music] I keep telling myself that I'm gonna finish the like not finish that later but like put the door on it put the switches on the front it's never gonna happen how's that fit oh yeah you pull it hard enough it stretches maybe the stretch is in the place or something let's cut that she what that uh where do you think care man if you had to pick between cutting two quarter-inch and someone half-inch why would you choose this half-inch was it high five take what is it a high five that's a high five all right so it looks like that's not helpful and I'm on my own with that decision I think we're cutting 2/4 how about you turn the the laser on it's the big red button no no no no [Music] oh yeah it's nice we're gonna put the the pulley together on camera and then we didn't do that so it's done and then this is Oscar Oscar made the motor driver and we're gonna try to turn it on right now we've been working frivolously rigorously frivolous very realistic herbalist isn't that like I'm necessary yeah yeah we've been working on necessarily hard we've been working hard and we're using small words now with less letters so that I know what they mean and I know how to say them so how does it decide which direction is with for now it will go into forwards or backwards and we'll just flip the changing Oh like rewire it no no no just write the code okay okay okay oh yeah tear in your pants come on I showed you pictures of the 400 and fuse 300 volts traction motor batteries no that blew up a motor controller I was working on like in your face no like behind a blast shield around the corner and it was terrifying there's molten metal roofing on the floor did you film it mistake number one plug it in Oscar and look through this tiny hole so they protect my beautiful face I'll be like half connect it this II can unplug it quicker yeah I mean Cooter's not plugged in oh sure in sender information so position motor zero position zero here manually all right Kim in short anything let it rip you got hit the enter button just tap it yeah smells good to me the further we get into this the more I think putting a little kid in this car is a bad idea yeah John I think it's a good idea what should we do now I think we should put a speed limit on it okay and then try torquing mine instead and see what happens let's see what happens okay do get reprogramming yeah okay so motor power so calculates the PID and then air test you know [Music] that's not working hold it like this no but it seems like when it worked it worked well yeah it works Oscar did some wit wizard stuff this is not a full power test because there's lots of current-limiting to prevent bad things from happening and we're indoors and hopefully we won't tear the floors up can we hold that actually you should have the honors okay looks like it's going this bill is tensioned way more it works Thank You Oscar thank you go buy Oscars motor driver it cost ten dollars Oscar operates at a heavy loss for community service to reduce his prison sentence for a murder Oscar murdered ten children the death [Music] we're having some problems you might be thinking what kind of problems William the answer is all of the problems there's a crack in the shaft mount here and that's allowing the wheel and the motor to compress together which makes the belt slip the motor is getting hot which is warming up the coupling to the encoder which is heating the motor a bit more since it's running less efficiently and then it progressively gets worse and then and then the firmware issue is something Oscar is still working on which is motor one doesn't behave nearly as well as motor zero it sort of does these weird humming things I can't go straight there's no traction and people are gonna tell me to put rubber bike tires on it I know but it's I was just trying to make the thing work in traction does nothing if the wheels don't spin no oh my god there we go it works better than the first one stills got some issues though special thanks to Oscar for the Oh Drive it's an alpha board if your developer willing to deal with some quarks and bugs of a brushless servo driver you should go check it out should be consumer ready in some months it's really awesome if you want high torque at zero speed or very accurate controls for a CNC now t-shirts do you want cat shirts we got cat shirts bred cat we got yellow how do you feel about that oh that's not good that's it I think that's it okay bye [Laughter]
Channel: William Osman
Views: 1,564,102
Rating: 4.9425454 out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, odrive, powerwheels, power wheels, brushless, motor driver, upgrade, america, cat shirts
Id: EbRl4ViJyWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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