Making Salsa With A Garbage Disposal

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Hola me llamo Guillermo. Yo no hablo Español. Today, in honor of Cinco de Mayo, we are solving an age-old mystery that literally nobody has asked about. And that is, can you make salsa with a garbage disposal? This is how starfish eat. The only problem so far is the garbage disposal's not new. It's very used and I think full of glass. My friend James gave it to me. People have been giving me a lot of junk recently. It's got cracks down the side. James! You said this was like new! Why is this thing white? How does this work? Do I need a hammer? The neighbors hate us. They're going at it with a table saw, and we're hammering an old garbage disposal. I hope I'm not breaking it. It was free, and it is trash. Hmm. Oh man, holy crap. Look at this thing. It's completely corroded. Oh no, that's just going to drain right through to the motor. We could weld those holes up. They're not like... That's really bad. It's a really bad hole. There's no way I'm buying a new garbage disposal Let's get the wire wheel. Let's see if we can glue this up a little bit *whirrrrrrrrrrr* It's all rust. This whole thing is rust Is it bad to breathe rust? I do not know. Don't ask me. Ask me in like six months Hey James, how old is this garbage disposal? I wasn't planning on not eating it What does Craigslist's garbage disposal market look like? For $65 we get a brand new garbage disposal? Do you know how much salsa you could buy for 70 ... 70 dollars? A lot. It's a lot of salsa. Ay, Dios mío [whispering] I have an idea Uh, I think the garbage disposal is leaking [Chelsea] no No, seriously, look. It's like. It's leaking like what kind of looks like poo water out. I got to take it out Are you going to be able to put it back? Yeah, that's fine. We'll just take it out. We'll fix it. We'll ... maybe put it back after making some salsa Clean water don't do that to no stainless steel bowl *clang* This hat just kind of gets in the way My pants keep falling down. A little worried doing what I'm doing right now *keyboard clacking* Do we just buy one? I feel like that's really stupid. I don't wanna spent 60 bucks on a garbage disposal This is really gross. This should be nowhere near food *sick beat* What is the return policy like... [Salesman] 30 days Okay. So even if we run a tiny bit of water through it, it's okay? [Salesman] Yeah Water, salsa, tomato, tomahto Tomato, potato *slam* You sure nobody else has been making salsa in this thing? [mumbling] Eh Chopping the stems off. Two jalapeños. I'm just going to stick my fingers in this lime and get the juice out. Does this make you uncomfortable? 3, 2, 1 Ah! [Chelsea] WILLIAM! Hahaha oh my God It works! [Chelsea] Oh my god what now, are you kidding me? It shot out sideways! [Chelsea] I don't think it's funny. I want to punch you *barfing noises* Dude it looks like someone projectile vomited the freshest salsa you've ever seen. *crunch* Not bad, not bad It's nice and hot. Whoa. Is it offensive for a white man to wear a sombrero? [Siri] For you it's ok, gringo. Give me my tomatoes. Last night, we made like two pounds of salsa with one pound ending up on my floor. Tonight, we're making 15 pounds of salsa, with that salsa ending up in the mouths of my friends. Can you guys, like, at least pretend like you care? I've just realized that the delivery into the garbage disposal is our bottleneck. Let it rip smells like salsa That's pretty good Gah. Get it all out. ¡Arriba! That was fun No, it wasn't. I, uh, wholeheartedly don't recommend anyone try this unless you're a Mexican restaurant. That's the end And then, and then mariachi music plays right now *mariachi music plays*
Channel: William Osman
Views: 3,068,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, garbage, garbage disposal, salsa, margarita, cinco de mayo
Id: -gD8pwa6ozQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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