4 Legendary Overdrives | GREAT TONE!

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I've never been in this position before and it's killing me first world problems yeah I know so I just have these four amazing OverDrive's and I really don't know which one I need to put on my board as a daily driver get it no not funny but anyway here are the contenders so here I've got the clown KTR so this is a fun story I found this pedal in a shop in New Jersey when I was traveling through America because in Europe these pedals are hard to find for a decent price so the shop had like three pedals these I think and this one was extra special let me read the letter I got with it so this clunky TR pedal was one of several selected by the maker bill Finnegan from a large batch of Katie ours delivered to him personally for final inspection as being the best of the batch he personally told me this and offered for to my store with the provision that they go to professional guitarists I have stamped my Burt logo inside and initialed it as there are no serial numbers on the Katie ours so hmm this is a receipt so I paid 319 without tax which is okay price but the thing is he charged $50 more for the best of the batch and I really hadn't the time to properly a be the pedals because there was a normal one as well but since they are way cheaper than over here anyways I fell for it I paid the 50 bucks for the better one so what do you think is it true did I pay $50 for just a bunch of random words but anyways the KTR is a more mass-produced version of the legendary klom Santa art battle of which the prices just keep getting higher and higher just check out this page on reverb calm that's insane but this is how it sounds [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that's a great tone talking about tone next up list is the king of town the waiting list for this pedal pretty much says it all the demand is quite huge so huge said the waiting list at this point is over two years oh and I already know you all love the sound of this pedal judging by the comments of my Hendrix double stop video from last week or two weeks ago I mean here is just a few of them this one or this one or this or this the king of Turner overdrive was designed to make the amp sound like if it were naturally driven into pure smooth tube distortion which is everything we're looking for in an overdrive pedal isn't it this is a dual overdrive pedal with basically two of the same pedals in one box but you can use the dip switches inside the pedal to turn it into a clean mode an overdrive mode or a distortion mode for each side - set as it comes out of chop so the first one is overdrive and the second one is set as a clean boost for solos for example and this is how it sounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up just released this year but already quite legendary is there a revival drive-by origin effects this pedal made quite the impression and its versatility is a really next level and quite the revolution to be honest it's designed to work with any amp but also to emulate the overdrive tones of any amp because according to the folks from origin effects but for us and for many others the ultimate over driven sound comes from plugging straight into a vintage non master valve amp that's turned up loud and another cool feature of this pedal is that you can plug it straight into the power amp a recording interface a mixer the front-of-house or whatever you want to plug it into so you can use this without any amp a little side note you need to use a cap same for this so IRS on your computer or the pedal cap simulations for example so let's give this beast Alice [Music] [Music] [Music] so last up but definitely not least the femoral Jan ray described as a natural sounding overdrive pedal that intentionally doesn't change the relationship between the guitar and the amp it doesn't compress or color the sound but it pushes the front end of the tube hard enough to give you sweet sustain and breakup so basically the same as the king of tone I guess but the four knobs give you a lot of tonal control and a small pop meter in the body even controls the range of the gain this pedal provides but also damn this pedal looks and feels really really classy but does it sound classy too let's go for a test drive get it [Music] okay [Music] you [Music] so now we heard the four petals and how I like them best selling wise and I think we can all agree they sound brilliant it's all about subtleties now so let's compare them back-to-back so we can really hear the differences let's try them out in two different settings a low gain and maybe clean boost type style and a medium to high gain settings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and now let's give him a try with the LES ball and see how they handle a little more beef [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so hmm I thought the process of making and editing this video would leave me to a solid conclusion but man I still can't decide I like the classic character of the revival Drive and the super smooth overdrive of the king of town the chunky beefy tone of the clown KTR the punchy clear tones from the ephemeral gen ray you know what would be fun yeah I'll be making a poll that everyone can fill in and I'll share the results 20 have enough entries on my Instagram which is at bull David's guitar the link to the poll will be in the description and I think in any case the top two results will make it on my board so happy voting everyone I can't wait to see the results coming in please subscribe to my channel and hit a notification bell and of course like share comment if you're up for that much appreciated thank you for watching at wonderful day Cheers [Music]
Channel: Paul Davids
Views: 311,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overdrive, tone, klon, KTR, vemuram, jan ray, klon ktr, revival drive, origin effects, king of tone, analogman, tone king, pedal, overdrives, best overdrives, legendary, pedals, effect, guitar, sound, paul davids, gain, klon demo, jan ray demo, revival drive demo, king of tone demo, best OD pedal, OD pedal, drive pedal, transparant overdrive, fender strat, gibson les paul, overdrive pedal, great tone
Id: C6rrsNVvtXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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