Trying the Best DIY Halloween Hacks

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hey hey I needed to finish you yeah hello friends it's me your favorite not so spooky youtuber today we're gonna be di wiring some Halloween hacks in the core that I found on the glorious Internet to see if they work so I saw this tutorial how to make a light-up silhouette oh it's caught the packing tape ghost it doesn't look like when I saw it I was like these are scary creepy AF this is like actually certified bonafide spooky but you basically wrap yourself in saran wrap and then have somebody tape your entire body and then basically cut yourself out of the mold and there you have it an empty shell of what you used to be okay this one you're gonna need tape very comfy outfit and LED lights and I got solar-powered ones just so I wouldn't have to bother with the wires and stuff where's the plastic wrap change my my legs yeah you're lower to the ground Oh No fallings dunzo [Music] now how about have to sound like this we're gonna make this extra spooky eyes not do arms worry she's like what are you people information my mommy [Music] thanks for styling me so we do it's called leftover key cuz if you like a roommate a plastic mermaid this is what happens to the mermaids when you use plastic straws I can do that [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't like mine evil you learn something new every day it crashed because it's called duct tape [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you're doing great wow that looks really cool I told you that's what your body looks like yeah it really made the boob in [Applause] [Music] so for the head and nobody wanted to volunteer as tribute so we used a ceramic ghost that I have it's gonna be like a coconut head who's got a little thing on its head but here's the body oh my god terrifying but also dummy thinks so like okay the neck came out kind of think even got some of my hairs in there for added realness this is the head shape brushes my head shapes are gonna have to make it a little bigger my head is much bigger than the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh okay we're trying to hang this bad boy up oh that's scary oh my god so we're taking a piece of tape that we char feed and then put it over the lights and now we have red lights and then we got the this thing hanging in my tree Miz dummy not so scary thickness oh I love the lights that's super cool I just don't like how the things came out like these like how they're just so bunched up together so I should have like spiraled it throughout the whole thing through the whole shitty way I think it looks pretty this one's a classic the throwing of pumpkin you know it's absolutely sickening for these pumpkins to watch their brother and become pumpkin spice lattes disgusting they can't handle that anymore oh my god somebody made one with chips and guac that's so cute if I had a Halloween party oh I'm doing this that's the best kind of throw-up the one that costs extra and is delicious that's not a real pumpkin it's a vegan pumpkin and orange bell pepper the rarest bell peppers and it's spewing spaghetti there's vomit on his sweater already mom's spaghetti booth you're gonna need one big boy could you just assume the pumpkins gender you see this one mmm that's a mighty fine melon this one's pretty easy we're just gonna draw on some eyes I don't have a thick marker so we're gonna have to use this one maybe I'll paint it on later I could give it some kawaii eyes and then one big exact Mouse does that look pretty even don't ask for my paintbrush she's so large but we're gonna paint eyes make them pop a bit for a good ol cat eye brush is very awkward okay you can even go with some eyebrows make him look worried did I eat something gross or maybe I'm pregnant eyebrows are sisters not twins man these ain't even my friends okay time to say ahh this is the hardest part of pumpkin carving good thing we only have a mouth to do this is a whole entire workout oh I don't feel so good oh you're gonna stick our hand in there ruffle things up a bit hey I needed to finish you yeah got him outside I don't think this is gonna last a long time I feel like it's gonna get pretty girl and also the animals around the block might come to your doorstep and eat all of the seeds I guess we'll find out yeah disgusting you're such a messy girl I had one too many pumpkins place lattes and then I really they were me too pumpkin you would disgrace your whole lineage with that oh yeah I got most of it Wow first such a big pumpkin I feel like that one did it have very much stuffing in it maybe I just I don't know like fully carved a pumpkin in a long time this is the finished product I think it looks pretty good now anybody who's gonna come to my doorstep is gonna be like oh they must put some good parties no it's Halloween night Oh No you scared the ice-cream right off my cone literally becomes an ice cream cone herself now you look like an ice cream demon I like those horns what if they break though what if someone gets hungry and you just um I should do that with my gluten free cone and then go to McDonald's and ask them to put their soft-serve in it but the machines probably be broke by the time I get there that's a really cute costume I've never seen anything like that it's all sorbet games until your comb breaks only oh geez will remember Yessica much like a bo g it's 2:00 in the morning and i'm gonna turn myself into an ice cream cone okay here we go drip drip drip bigger drip trippy drip the drip is going to drip down my eyeballs drip drip does a lot of drip they do one big one here okay that is one drippy drip don't forget the neck perfect not really but it works I was trying to figure out what color I wanted to do because I thought I had a blue wig but apparently not rest in peace my dreams of wanting to be caught in candy ice cream along with my sleep schedule I think we're gonna do like these two mixed together we're gonna do a purple we want it all to match I've never faced painted myself before Oh gonna use this entire thing on just my neck that's not very pigmented you guys can barely even see it target your face paint sucks yeah that's wrong we mix it with eye shadow okay that's a little dark but okay it's it's picking up some color at least we got some color up in here I'm lead Barney y'all remember Barney the Dinosaur now he's inside me I'm becoming him whoo that's too dark we're starting to look melted I'm hurrying cuz I want to do the hair you can barely see it I don't know me I'm not showing up on my neck as well maybe I should have melted more in my face sorry I it's over for you next you're gonna need some sprinkles mmm we notice sprinkles don't have a smell you they just like plastic dominate sprinkles or you'll get sprinkles gonna take some glue put it on the ice-cream part y'all really think I'm gonna put these on one by one you clearly don't know me so I'm just gonna do this and hope they stay okay they'll just fall off throughout the night okay I'm gonna separate these a little cuz it seems like they're really scattered okay now I look like a disease now to take our gluten cones Wow they come in uh protective casing and everything to ensure that none of them are broken Wayne young y'all really care about your cones so how I think we're gonna do this is just put a cone and then wrap some hair around it will this even work it better I saw it on the internet it better work or I'm suing I have daddy on speed dial and I'm suing my Halloween costume will be ruined oh my god it's working I like this do the other one I'm just casually dripping sprinkles as we go along I hate this okay well here it is the completed look oh wait Oh delicious finally some good hacking food so this whole look was supposed to be blue that's why I got blue ice cream but yes the ice cream monster strikes again away I need lipstick this look is not complete actually brought my mixer lip cake I think we're gonna do this magenta this is literally like two years old I got it when it came out how do you look at this pigment I never want anything this crazy not even crazy would this is what over lining the heck out of your lips looks like oh girl who is she just painting my face with this was literal lipstick okay that's not even as pigmented but I am very happy with this I'm surprised it came out so cute mmm-hmm there should be a whole entire filter imagine 2020 wendy was gonna have Halloween costumes anymore they don't have filters that will put you in Halloween costumes combo I don't know what you guys think of this look Oh another one I thought was really cool was grandma in a jar so I didn't have a big jar they had a big jar basically you put a scary mass in a jar and it just looks very unsettling okay your mother will not like it there's next one you're gonna need a mask scarier the better I got this off Amazon it's just the grandma mask your friendly neighborhood Barbara and a jar this is really here I had preferably you're gonna want a bigger one but I think this should work just fine so basically we're gonna roll up the meais and shove Barbara's big ol noggin in it oh no it didn't go as I planned it didn't go as planned I think I may need a bigger jar because it's like you don't even see her face really come out Barger come on back out don't try this again okay that's pretty creepy oh my god that's terrifying yeah haha and it's got hair I feel like I could have done a better job like pushing it in maybe if I cut like the back of the way I'm trying to roll it up into a cylinder me I guess for this you gotta like keep trying it like trial and error oh my god that's scary you could even put lights in it just maybe water if you want it to you why I think I'm just gonna keep it like this spooky I feel like she's missing some eyeballs we need some our balls in this lend me your balls but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like my other comment below let me know which one was your favorite would you actually try any of these and make sure you turn on notifications so you know what not upload click click Add subscribed you're the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 6,860,962
Rating: 4.9161472 out of 5
Keywords: little lia, sssniperwolf, halloween, halloween costumes, diy halloween costumes, life hacks, halloween ideas, diy, do it yourself, lifehacks, diy halloween, halloween hacks, trick or treat
Id: UOottfbGfWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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