Useful LIFE HACKS that Actually Work

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hello friends it's me and today we are back at it again checking out some more 5-minute crafts to see if they actually work these are supposed to be useful hat it's like so many people watch hack videos I never try them what this whole time you use a plunger for your sink I don't know if that's a good idea or a bad idea I mean the drain will open up but if you put that in your toilet and it's got doodoo all over it and then you put it in your sink a lot of things drop into your sink I wouldn't want something what do to go any - ain't you feel me they made a DIY hair-puller I don't even know what those things are called tags ties plastic ties is that it oh you know what let's go fishing make me one of these you want to pull out making a drain shame you gotta be very careful with this not tell you because I just cut my finger with it so I'm just making cuts into this mine is kind of really small I don't have the long time my eyes are very sure you know we're doing today going fishing for what find out all right let's see what kind of treasure will pull up today this is the dirty one actually it's not that dirty all right Oh oh my god there's so much coming out I thought it was empty it looked empty doc when you look at that disgusting that actually worked very well very impressed Wow Wow are you a clumsy cutsie fool put some plastic wrap over your cut even though you're a grown adult just put some plastic wrap over your sippy cup okay there's something I can actually use though we put the kensho not even on the fries let me put it on the top of my caramel machiatto delicious definitely won't touch the lid oh yeah we'll put a straw that'll definitely separate I don't trust it all it takes is one particle of ketchup to get in there and it's ruined can I give it a latte with a double shot extra foam whipped cream three pumps it doesn't take way too long to brush your teeth well doggone blue two toothbrushes together Oh what is this monstrosity you've created they're really gonna brush your teeth twice as fast hold on you're telling me you could take those silica gel packets put them in a baggie and it'll save your wet foam okay who got a baggie of silica gel packets and doesn't have a bag of rice are there people that don't have rice in their house smells like if you have rice in your household you can throw them at your windshield like just put them on your dashboard and I'll melt snow no that's the offici it's like magic I'm calling vfc I'll press defrost button you know what's funny when I was a kid I used to think this blows up your car I don't know why but I would just look at it and I'm like what could this possibly mean does this mean like if you press this with a car blow up and then one day I was in the car by myself I would lose my brother my parents left us in the car and I'm like you know what I'm gonna press this button and see what happen so that was a bad child I did not give a hat can I press them we just sat there and my brother was terrified I just sat there like counting down the time like what are we gonna die oh we die then nothing happened I was very disappointed I wasn't until I grew up and I learned what that was and I never told my parents I'm like they don't they don't need to know she's gates hat wrap your luggage and plastic you're basically inviting TSA to go through your luggage like oh it's wrapped in plastic wrap I wonder what they're hiding from us let's random check this one they're gonna open it up but I mean you're gonna know if they opened it up or not joke's on you we got a whole rap of plastic wrap we'll just like make it look like it never happened last time I checked my luggage they left a little note inside that they went through my panties just kidding it's how we look through your luggage but you don't know what they really do in did they open up your luggage then they sniff your socks did they like your q-tips maybe their lips are a little crusty borrowed some of your chapstick like you don't know these things anything can happen some nasty people in this world how to curl your hair with toilet paper take some toilet paper roll up your damp hair with it you're trying to tell me I could do this without it ripping okay you gotta have two-ply you know one plate gonna work for this okay she's drying it [Music] Wow it actually looks really cute I'm not gonna lie no way those curls are for wrapping up toilet paper I ain't buying it don't give me that look Karen you can't fool me you got the 5-minute crash behind the scenes crew just as soon as they unfold cut get the professional hair person to finish the job after they Bend straws do you have a bunch of spare straws laying around oh solution them together and then you go to straw sickled recycled flowers all right that's pretty neato your very own IKEA decor okay you see we have a Wendy straw and I had to take these straws out of both my coffees that I had today noé we make do with what we have literally took them out of the trash so we're gonna try to make it seem like we have more straws when we actually do so I'm gonna cut them in half so now I have like a very very very small pot oh they're still caught me in this yeah try to spend them you know here we love DIY row this does not want to bleep wrap around these straws okay how about I make it first it better come out beautiful we're gonna have to tighten it real good Oh what is this pathetic excuse of a recycled the car my teeth it's like Christmas colors like a Christmas ornament it's a non-vegan mistletoe you're trying to kiss me under Fergus Lily's a baby stupid Wow you disgrace Starbucks and Turtles all right we got hot coffee it's too hot what'd you do make some extra holes in it that really gonna cool it down faster you know what I do I take the whole dang lid off and I just hold it without the lid for as long as I can but I mean if you're on the car you want to go have a couple holes in that bad boy I'm supposed to cool down faster oh you know what you could do see me sir what do you think you're doing we pay you minimum wage to copies of an outlet are you gonna frame this in the office this is a prank it appears I'm the fool it's actually pretty genius so you know exactly where the holes go and then you can hang it up you know I've never seen anyone hang up one of those but pretty smart I ain't nobody got time for that let's you work out an office and have access to a scanner so they ain't trying to go all the way to FedEx and do this there ain't enough room in this microwave for the two of us so put a cup and then what soon as the starched fella we're gonna be eating some fries soup do your head folks still have wires just kiddin mind you are you still untangling them oh yeah so apparently there's like a magnetic strip you know that shuts your laptop and holds it in place and you can put your headphones and then just stick them to the laptop and they actually stay like it's wild when you're cooking around your phone put plastic wrap over it huh me as uncivilized as I am has been using my phone while I cook while I fry why make anything and it just gets so nasty and you know every once in a while I take off my case and I just washed my phone with like soap and water I wash my case with soap and water well this whole time I could've just been wrapping it with plastic wrap all right I like these hacks that actually are like low effort I actually use are you still trying to dry your hair the normal way like millions of other people know there's a better way to do it you put the towel over your head wrap up one side and wrap up the other twist them then you got some Princess Leia buttons feel like this wouldn't stain that's what we're here for all right here we go calls playing your mom on tick-tock okay so I have my hair sectioned off and then we're gonna swirl all this away and then do the same with this side okay here we gather than the little Tucker rainy tuck as easy as like fun I think you need a really thin towel for this they do one at a time that might work no I bet they pinned it cuz there's no way this is gonna hold oh my god get back in there the few strands of hair ruining this I mean I wish it would stay like that that would be really cute but it's like oh it's stained that's the power of the force you know oh he does then you go into a public restroom there's nowhere to put your back you know cuz crack has love to rip the hooks off the wall and eat them I know why do you think they go put the handle in your mouth problem solved so they're making this little device out of leather and pushpins and then you have to put a super strong magnet where am I gonna get a super strong magnet from aliexpress and then make it this keychain thing attach it to your back so you can hang it up anywhere not anywhere but anywhere metal did you just attach it to the mini tampon trash well five seconds later you just chill there it's gonna just pee and it's gonna fall I don't trust magnets to hang things up is your dress too inappropriate for the holiday office party say no more get some double-sided tape and then while lift it okay well now you know it's not going anywhere oh okay I would not walk outside my house with that I wouldn't even wear that in my house like you're asking to slip something by me if you tape it okay I don't think Kim K does it but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that's that like fight of the Kalevala which one of these would you actually try and make sure you turn on notifications so you know what not upload click click and make sure you subscribe to my channel I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 9,265,587
Rating: 4.9438019 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, little lia, hacks, life hacks, lifehacks, useful things, beauty hacks, beauty, girly, do it yourself, diy
Id: ffQagfgtFkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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