Trying Girly LIFE HACKS to see if they work

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some really weird five-minute crafts hacks curls with a bottle and a hairdryer what is this voodoo magic no way she went from your ex-boyfriends limp-dick hair to luscious AF look no way that does anything but make a mess I ain't buying it only oh geez we'll remember where I am also today I'm using a ring light I feel like I'm the only person on this planet that looks pretty dank with a ring light anyways I just came back from a night out literally all this preparation weeks to pick out an outfit an hour to do my hair and makeup to be at a social event for half an hour and I didn't even get a good picture out of it but anyways hair as you can see looking a little dang so we're gonna curl it though it's supposed to be very simple just take a bottle and then make a hole in it I want the hole to be about the size of the dryer I don't have the fancy attachment or anything this is all I have it looks like an inhaler of the future insert anxiety exhales Zen or whatever you vegans believe in alright so insert hair just strand this pretty limp as y'all can see we're gonna put it in I hope this isn't like I don't know somehow burn my hair follicles off we're gonna do it on low not the plastic where's the swirl why isn't it swirling hello okay hair go in yes ma'am [Applause] something [Music] Carolyn take the muffins out of the oven oh you see that that's a pearl that's a kernel yes daddy kind of work kind of worked pretty well a little too well I don't know how safe this is for your hair probably ain't bpa-free something's burning okay that one didn't really spin so I don't know what the secret trick is I'm pretty sure it's you have to have the attachment regulate the flow of the air in a more accurate manner Oh mom it's getting hot there ain't room for the both of us in here with no AC on but I mean if you really wanted to perfect this expensive time and get water bottle blow out that you probably could like like it kind of worked I'm a believer she's just cut her hair off excuse me Brittany are you okay she took her hair put it on a pencil are we making a makeup brush oh no honey you could go to the dollar store and get yourself a brush help make cheap AF right now and they'll leave it work good sorry only organic fibers no synthetic fibers were hurt in the making of this video do your bangs look like a blind child cut them say Nomar dip a bobby pin and hot water that really gonna fix this mess it's like straightening them yeah it's better this for real it's like straightening them but when you don't have a straight in there I don't think this would work this seems very unlikely we may get some hair dye some conditioner and marker juice and you can dye your hair I believe this only works with blondes like the kool-aid hat when I was in school all the blonde girls are doing it they would make cool like that I'm put it in their hair and then with dye your hair my foolish 9 year old self tried it I was like wait don't work then my mom was like you have to be blond that blonde privilege pork and glue to make freckles oh I love doing fake freckles oh it looks troll me you know if you're gonna have them in like fours oh I mean sorry mother we're ruining a fork I can't wait to try this freckle hack I got the ugliest fork in my cabinet I stole this one from the Old Country Buffet in 2013 and somehow still have it it's just heavier than my other fork and I don't like eating with it so sorry your time has comes I'm gonna take my glue gun and just put a speck on each torque of the spork each pointy part no the first one came out perfect and the rest of everyone look at it I tried I really tried I've have to do this again cuz I kind of failed it it was supposed to be like a perfect circle on each one if I can hold it oh no they all just came off just like that okay I try this again getting it the perfect look at that precision German engineering I called this the frontal meister 5000 I hope it lives up to its name alright pretty dry where's my eyeshadow we've got my little palette oh you guys can see yourself right I scoop do poop yes gently caress it pick up the brown pigment oh no it's not touching all of them destroying my palette but anyway it's freckle time boy you guys probably want to see me do it oh boo I love getting in the face at 1:00 in the morning oh yes do you guys see this hold on I put some on my nose I like to do it on my nose because I don't like to contour my nose but I like to like freckle contour so it's like you create the illusion kind of I would have probably used a lighter shade to make it look more natural but this is all I had here the fork is like delicious finally some good human flesh it's so overexposed how do you use a ring white and not have the lighting overexposed I don't know no I mean do you stir for like seven years I suck camera work I barely know how to use a camera and I barely know how to like set up lighting okay boomer this is like the lowest is this lowest setting this is oh wow did have it please shut off the light okay that's the lowest so I thought we were working with before okay now it suddenly looks better now that you have been some flash bang I'm so cute my ears don't book could never but you see the freckles right there they're pretty cute I like them I looked in the man and it was all right till we do the Instagram test yes wow this actually makes me look cute on an iPhone camera 1/8 plus camp the worst camera I've ever seen in my life and it made me look cute why does she have to do it so seductively like I guess I don't have bad breath but if you do you lick something and then you smell it and then you'll know this she just spray air freshener Oh hair spray even even worse hairspray on your lid so she's taking it like a champ I wanna be like and a hair dryer for bigger lips why did you make me sit through that if it doesn't work this is a huge plot twist how you gonna throw me but this huge plot twist y'all supposed to be 5-minute crap y'all supposed to be master of the hats I'm so relieved that I don't have to spray my lips with some hairspray what's the point of it gotta dry your hair fast with a plastic bag it's like forever 21 head oh it fills it up looks dangerous it dried really fast I wouldn't like the plastic melts something might happen I don't know it does sound like risky bidness oh so I've seen this on tick-tock baby Oakley you take eyelash glue and then make your lips bigger like you glue your lips bigger congratulations you look like a fool but no this might actually work I'm surprised it actually like sticks up and stays the good thing I saw this cuz this is this is nail blue we need eyelash glue this is illegal and I have this little thing so we're gonna have to probably wait for this to dry so if you just go like okay you don't mean you mustache this is really good I like glue I did not think this is gonna work I'm gonna use my for wait let me get rid of my freckle juice and I'm gonna use my foot how big would you like your lips yes no it didn't work this glue is also really old I might need a stronger glue no it's not gluing how long do you hold this for then this stop tire does hat where's the tape back when I need it get all this crust off I feel like my lip does look bigger though do you have blackhead Wow imagine your skin being so perfect you literally had to draw black dots on your nose for it to look like blackheads get some glue and charcoal whoo this actually sounds like a good idea this might work it's like making slime but for your filthy pores put that bad boy all over your face and it's supposed to pull it out so it's like one of those satisfying masks I don't know if it's strong enough to pull out blackheads pants too big take your earring pop that bad boy in and then use it as a second button see I think that's genius until you had your midday burrito and then you sit down and it pops off and stab somebody in the esophagus and then you're going to show was it worth it you learned some dusty crusty musty lips pull out some tape oh this does not sound like a good idea of all the things you can do yeah it's like a lint roller for crust it's a crust roller I don't think that's gonna work why can't you just make like a sugar scrub like sugar honey William BM yes ma'am we're like a rug with a wet towel that's what I do but you told me hey what about the pieces that don't want to like come off oh girl you got some stank breath you've been drinking some toilet water flavored kombucha we'll say no more take some charcoal and brush the stain out of your mouth ooh delicious so I actually have charcoal toothpaste is it like different from regular toothpaste probably not they guide teeth are you order probably not but I mean I've never tried to straight up charcoal and water looking like you ate and drank The Grudge and absorbs its powers next up we got some charcoal I only had charcoal from a fit like a face mask charcoal charcoal powder so like matter risk at all for you guys okay so else Lia before and after here our eye teeth just like the dentist do it from an apple teeth I guess [Music] [Applause] I've I've copy I record drag your linkage feelig ah I'll go go Roche who might sleep with wider be honest I mean just use charcoal toothpaste you probably should not use the one that's that charcoal mask deep pore cleansing this ain't for teeth and now we got some beef did you really burn plastic on to your hair no thank you and okay if I'm gonna have the blingiest Scout at Coachella are you trying to burn plastic to my hair follicles you look foolish Vanessa do you suck at working out do you struggle at doing a sit-up say no more we just got a contour no way this could possibly look real no I'll try again cheating jab straight from the camp with no toast do you suck it i shadow fear no more take a bottle cap put it on your eyeball socket and trace the eyeshadow over it oh no I feel horrible because I don't know if it's your eyes but like it looks off did she do it wrong oh my god I feels horrible cuz I don't know four eyes or like that no the eye shadow may even look like one eye is bigger than the other I'm confused let's just try it tokidoki this one's a hack for me take a bottle cap we only have Aquafina blue and insert it into your eyeball socket can't see okay and then you pick your eyeshadow of choice we're going to do a purple you see I suck at eyeshadow so I'm gonna pick a pigment I mean you should be able to do this with your eyes closed so that's the point and then we're gonna we own okay okay is gonna be a perfect art right we just put it around the eyeball socket bring around the Rosie okay ready to see it does it look good I guess um you clean it up I heard this sucks I'm gonna try it again with the other eye not going where I wanted to go this is unacceptable you see this unacceptable with my eyes closed I could have just taken the day I shadow and just like without it without like looking at a mirror like free-handed this bad boy and it would have came out better than with a bottle cap what's the point of the bottle cap this is so much I shadow I'm freaking out get off my eyelid you're hideous I'm gonna wash my face after this so might as well just do the whole black eye look yes add some red in there for extra trauma my eyes hurt that bottle cap was not very nice I've got a highlight I feel like a twelve-year-old playing with makeup I know that's really gonna clog my pores I should stop I stopped do my outro good liggett empanadas that made no sense anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if sorry I look so foolish every day make sure that that like button and subscribe my channel Iko below let me know what I should do next and did I do any of these good or are they all BAE yeah let me know and make sure you turn on notifications so you know why not upload click click I love you guys so much since watching bye guys
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 8,020,117
Rating: 4.9007158 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, little lia, hacks, life hacks, dyi, lifehacks, useful things, beauty hacks, do it yourself
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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