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hello friends today I am here with and today we are gonna be testing out some hair hacks for you guys dirty hair check haven't washed us in weeks kidding it's been five days so she says you guys so she says oh no no no no no she didn't no she made a ponytail without vacuum like imagine all that anxiety that your whole scalp your whole entire being your medulla oblongata will get sucked into a vacuum for a ponytail y'all could have had just one like this is this too difficult for some people to do the good old stuff easy breezy yeah let me just pull out my vacuum plug it in and give myself a ponytail ready to suck my hair up give me I know how to work a vacuum me too here we go you're gonna put my hair band like this I'm the hair stylist okay I tell you what we're doing okay what are we doing today I have no idea ma'am [Music] anywhere I mean I know I kind of cheated I just put it on you myself Wow okay the Thomas Jefferson well sorry let's pretend it worked my turn okay try it on my hair fine welcome to my vacuum salon I'm red carpet-ready I was a refund no man no horse rated salon right here she's burning our hair with a candle oh it's supposed to destroy all the dead ends that's smart though I'm just gonna do this booth on my whole head setting on fire my whole house and then your whole head oh you're doing it on my head no we're doing at my head okay yeah we're gonna get my set my head on fire and my house on fire whole city on fire Wow that looks great Oh what I shadow is that I want that I should I know look how pigmented pigmented morphe could never never a good day now that's the Halloween store I shadow that's the most pigmented underrated eyeshadow the Reds yeah but you never getting that out of your skin never gonna got stain it will stain your eyelids and your hair follicles I mean unless you want that I mean imagine if you went out like this look at like a whole entire circuit just capture let me day look sorry in my other video I tried this but that video got coffee strike we're gonna try this again but with seafoam green eye shadow and see if it works I really hope this is pigmented enough to give my life oh I see the pig oh my god I destroyed it it's done Lily's the hole I said I know I owned it but you do have green here now really yeah it looks good oh my god it worked that's what I envision looking like in high school or something that's how I do look in high school when I wasn't allowed to dye my hair so I just got like clip-on extensions from Hot Topic and like pink and I got the the raccoon tail and oh I guess I have blue hair now wow I hate my hair it sucks regretting my life decision of dyeing it pink and purple she's had enough of it take some hair gel and some glitter three hair dipping sauce mmm delicious can't wait to eat these oh wait we're not eating them we're putting them on our hair can't wait to wash that out later oh man I feel like I'll be worth it what it yes okay you know what let's go glitter ourselves I went to a Walgreens we did not have glitter they did have a Halloween sale which had some litter gel which is basically what we were going to make it with glitter and hair gel they just put it together in little tubes for me in different colors so it makes it much easier for me do you see how pigmented this blue is like I'm freaking out but actually worked okay so I want to do a rainbow so we're gonna do red which is kind of like an orange and just whoa that feels very cold and weird on my scalp you know I don't like it and it doesn't look that glittery it's like more gel than glitter I feel like you have to glitter over this this sucks you I feel very dirty I feel like I'm dying my hair isn't that funny how the eye shadow is more pigmented than the glitter maybe we sprinkled eyeshadow or the glitter Oh what that's a good idea where is my morphe palette when I need it that's not true yeah it's a shadows amazing it is NYX coming in clutch is it really a shadow where's the hair dye this is a mess and it smells like cold produce um I don't know if you look cute anymore it looks pretty dank if you ask me I feel like my highlight is popping so that automatically makes me look cute that is true okay so she brought two strands of hair to her chin she's making a chin braid okay there's no way I'll be able to do something this elaborate on my first hair hack Wow I'll help you okay time to spice up my hair I'm so confused how this works so she took a strand and then a strand and then tied them together we have invisible rubber bands today so it's just gonna look flawless I feel very constricted all right got one do another three just take more hair from each side we're going to surgically attached these two pieces together I'm gonna put two pieces on this one piece this is very confusing okay and then there's going to be a whole vortex through here that we're gonna put this through we gotta keep doing this from my whole head of hair Mar you've got time for this I'm just mesmerized by your heads as well do you like my new beard mm-hmm they call me Borowski I'm into one more cuz all the patience I have today through this hair tutorial do I create another hair vortex here to suck the other strands in is that how it works this all goes through running out of hair bands here no I don't want any more you know what this is this is the part that everybody cares about ready for this oh wait that's actually cute thank you yeah honestly I did not have a lot of faith in you but you're pulling this off it's all about my hair flip okay how do I get rid of it you don't yeah you just don't you wash your hair you come out alright I'm trying to get all of these hair strings out oh no these don't come out how do you get these out you cut them off you just cut your hair off you don't no no no you do be gone just have to get another weave about the damage has really been done I'm gonna scoop this look at all that I got I think I got all of them do you have dandruff I'm gonna mix an egg and beer I really hope y'all are making some batter for some fried chicken no no he is the fried chicken when you know y'all gonna just use some Head & Shoulders shampoo but no y'all had to beat a whole entire breakfast for your crusty scalp you made a half a ponytail put a clip on it then is gonna tie the rest then put it down cuz I'll she was going for that oh yeah so it's longer oh so it's like you have a long quote oh my god this is the hack I need your your multiplies yes what is that before she went to Bellamy free Bellamy there you go here isn't my boring regular ponytail not very much length basically touch my hair in half time upgrade so I'm gonna put like half of it up and then I'm going to put rest oh my god is like you nobody did it wrong this part has to come out of it it goes over so it covers it just looks like it's like a cascade of hair man this hair salon she the cutest puppy in the stall baby powder was like dry shampoo she that's the original dry shampoo is y'all really pay $14.99 for a can of dry shampoo yeah that's me I just did that why I could have been using baby powder this whole time no but here's the trick you use loose powder it just blends and yes it's all made of towel pro beauty guru over here she knows the stuff who is she doing a hairstyle with that hairband oh I like this I like this look at like Mother Teresa oh that's sleeping in it oh I thought she was gonna go out like that I don't like that Wow is she gonna wake up with the most luscious curls isn't she yes okay they look horrible that looks like me when I try to curl my hair no yeah she's always cute I hate those those don't actually work those don't work those pull out my hair they probably work here oh she put in some hot water and it's back to normal size so I got stretched I wonder if it works with these it has the work is the same as old plastic it has to work cuz like these these get like a hella stretched out you want to choke you though okay I want it to choke the whole point of a choker the choker how to create an amazing hairstyle with a pencil there's a lot of things you could do with a pencil okay we do our loop de loop over the or to she's doing like a very complicated braid over a pencil okay now I'm just putting up my hair today I won't call it a day oh is it really or this is just the beginning oh she's putting it up on my scalp hurts looking at this I found grandma's secret box oh these are the pearls that she hid from me no you fool you destroyed the one thing you had left of Grandma oh you absolute fool crying ain't gonna help you please don't tell me she's gonna make a hairpin out of grandmas and super glue oh no you did it grandma super rare pearl necklace first of all you broke now ho date night with grandma's pearls on my head bun-bun to forever 21 no you gotta take some real pearls from the 1940s and fashion that disrespectful says she's watching her hair in the shower oh no and folium it wasn't such a fool that I was gonna spray my face and ruin my makeup wait that's happened to me before though that I forgot I was wearing makeup but why don't you just like go like hmm like I've taken so many showers in my lifetime without getting my hair wet no but you washed your hair and you forget you're wearing makeup I'm different can't relate so she made a face shield what about your scallops especially this part the greasiest part of your head is not gonna get washed to salvage your eyeshadow you got a war goggles oh my god I'm stressed out after this I take this one personally I feel like it might be useful no take an old sock roll it up into a tube oh it's a scrunchie whoo it's for the bun Oh okay got your bum look at extra-thick all right ladies and gentlemen here you have it a regular buns it's what you get no adjustment oh no push oh just all-natural bun with no lies you know like that we don't have to step this up a bit well actually if you ask me I am a fan of the natural fun me too it's what I rock at least 350 days out of the year I'm just gonna take a scrunchie because I ain't got any socks I want a sacrifice and basically just like rolling our hair like on the bun oh look thicker yeah I need a hair clip I'm not oh I have a toothpick that looks really good I see my reflection in your line it looks like a hot dog he always looked beautiful to me does it look extra thick yes it looks right you know I could smuggle the iPhone in here yep definitely you could mummy who needs a scrunchie well you could just like wrap your phone around this and OH contraband that was whoa that's how you do it that's how you sneak it in jail wham bam yes ma'am now I lost so much hair doing this video anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one of these would you actually try out and if you guys enjoyed mixing it that like vanilla we did another hacks video on Mars channel so check out the link in the description below and make sure you turn on notifications so you know when I upload clink-clink I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: Little Lia
Views: 17,681,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: little lia, sssniperwolf, do it yourself, useful things, diy activities, hair, lifehacks, life hacks, diy, amazing, hair hacks
Id: _0uaC9wnQz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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